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Wild plant species develop their own way of living to adapt to the specific environment of their habitats. Their life-history traits strongly affect the genetic structure of the population. The wild species Oryza glumaepatula Steud. growing in the Amazon basin seems to have characteristic life-history traits suited for the flood condition. At the vegetative growth stage, the culms frequently break at internodes. With no roots anchoring on the ground, plant bodies floating in the water move downriver by water current and wind. To examine the association between the life-history traits and genetic population structure of Amazonian O. glumaepatula , we analysed allozyme variability at 29 loci of 16 enzymes using 37 populations from five regions. Allozymes were not so variable (total gene diversity H E = 0.044) compared with Asian wild rice, O. rufipogon Griff. The bottleneck effect and rare opportunity of interspecies gene flow may prevent the development of allozyme variability. Population genotypes tended to be differentiated among geographically isolated regions. Observed heterozygosities were much lower than expected heterozygosities, or gene diversity ( H O = 0.003 for whole population) and F IS over polymorphic loci was 0.931, indicating that O. glumaepatula has developed an inbreeding system. But, the intrapopulation gene diversity ( H S) was higher than interpopulation gene diversity ( D ST), as generally observed in outbreeding populations. The migration ability of O. glumaepatula makes long-distance seed dispersal possible. This might have led to frequent gene flow among populations.  相似文献   

The knowledge of population structure and genetic diversity of wild relatives of rice is needed to investigate their evolutionary history and potential use in breeding programs. Very little is known about the wild rice species ( Oryza spp.), particularly those that are native to South America. A study using isozyme and RAPD markers was conducted to estimate the level of genetic diversity of four South American wild rice populations ( Oryza glumaepatula ) recently collected in the Amazon forest and western Brazil rivers. F -statistics and genetic diversity parameters calculated from isozyme and RAPD markers indicated high values for inbreeding coefficients and differentiation among the four populations. In agreement with this, a pattern of greater variation between than within populations was observed with both types of markers. These findings were corroborated by an AMOVA analysis, which indicated that a large portion of the total genetic variation was attributed to regional divergence. The partition of the AMOVA analysis among populations showed that most of the genetic diversity was due to differences among populations. This distribution pattern of genetic variation of O. glumaepatula populations is in agreement with the expectation for an autogamous species and provides important baseline data for conservation and collection strategies for this species.  相似文献   

Oryza officinalis (CC, 2n=24) and Oryza rhizomatis (CC, 2n=24) belong to the Oryza genus, which contains more than 20 identified wild rice species. Although much has been known about the molecular composition and organization of centromeres in Oryza sativa, relatively little is known of its wild relatives. In the present study, we isolated and characterized a 126-bp centromeric satellite (CentO-C) from three bacterial artificial chromosomes of O. officinalis. In addition to CentO-C, low abundance of CentO satellites is also present in O. officinalis. In order to determine the chromosomal locations and distributions of CentO-C (126-bp), CentO (155 bp) and TrsC (366 bp) satellite within O. officinalis, fluorescence in situ hybridization examination was done on pachytene or metaphase I chromosomes. We found that only ten centromeres (excluding centromere 7 and 2) contain CentO-C arrays in O. officinalis, while centromere 7 comprises CentO satellites, and centromere 2 is devoid of any detectable satellites. For TrsC satellites, it was detected at multiple subtelomeric regions in O. officinalis, however, in O. rhizomatis, TrsC sequences were detected both in the four centromeric regions (CEN 3, 4, 10, 11) and the multiple subtelomeric regions. Therefore, these data reveal the evolutionary diversification pattern of centromere DNA within/or between close related species, and could provide an insight into the dynamic evolutionary processes of rice centromere.  相似文献   

Li C  Zhou A  Sang T 《The New phytologist》2006,170(1):185-194
With a small and sequenced genome, rice provides an excellent system for studying the genetics of cereal domestication. We conducted a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of key domestication traits using an F2 population derived from a cross between the cultivated rice, Oryza sativa, and the annual wild species, O. nivara. We found that the QTL of large phenotypic effects were targeted by domestication selection for effective harvest and planting, including a reduction in seed shattering and seed dormancy and the synchronization of seed maturation. Selection for higher yield was probably responsible for the fixation of mutations at a cluster of QTL on chromosome 7 and a few other chromosomal locations that could have substantially improved plant architecture and panicle structure, resulting in fewer erect tillers and longer and more highly branched panicles in cultivated rice. In comparison with the wild perennial species, O. rufipogon, rice domestication from O. nivara would have involved QTL with a greater degree of chromosomal co-localization and required little genetic change associated with life history or mating system transitions. The genetic analyses of domestication traits with both wild relatives will open opportunities for the improvement of rice cultivars utilizing natural germplasm.  相似文献   

Asian wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) that ranges widely across the eastern and southern part of Asia is recognized as the direct ancestor of cultivated Asian rice (O. sativa). Studies of the geographic structure of O. rufipogon, based on chloroplast and low‐copy nuclear markers, reveal a possible phylogeographic signal of subdivision in O. rufipogon. However, this signal of geographic differentiation is not consistently observed among different markers and studies, with often conflicting results. To more precisely characterize the phylogeography of O. rufipogon populations, a genome‐wide survey of unlinked markers, intensively sampled from across the entire range of O. rufipogon is critical. In this study, we surveyed sequence variation at 42 genome‐wide sequence tagged sites (STS) in 108 O. rufipogon accessions from throughout the native range of the species. Using Bayesian clustering, principal component analysis and amova , we conclude that there are two genetically distinct O. rufipogon groups, Ruf‐I and Ruf‐II. The two groups exhibit a clinal variation pattern generally from north‐east to south‐west. Different from many earlier studies, Ruf‐I, which is found mainly in China and the Indochinese Peninsula, shows genetic similarity with one major cultivated rice variety, O. satvia indica, whereas Ruf‐II, mainly from South Asia and the Indochinese Peninsula, is not found to be closely related to cultivated rice varieties. The other major cultivated rice variety, O. sativa japonica, is not found to be similar to either O. rufipogon groups. Our results support the hypothesis of a single origin of the domesticated O. sativa in China. The possible role of palaeoclimate, introgression and migration–drift balance in creating this clinal variation pattern is also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Using a novel nonaqueous procedure, chloroplast DNA was isolated from 318 individual adult rice plants, representing 247 accessions and the breadth of the diversity in section Oryza of genus Oryza. Among them, 32 different cpDNA restriction patterns were distinguished using the restriction endonucleases EcoRI and AvaI, and they were further characterized by restriction with BamHI, HindIII, SmaI, PstI, and BstEII enzymes. The differences in the electrophoretic band patterns were parsimoniously interpreted as being the result of 110 mutations, including 47 restriction site mutations. The relationships between band patterns were studied by a cladistic analysis based on shared mutations and by the computation of genetic distances based on shared bands. The deduced relationships were compared with earlier taxonomical studies. The maternal parents for BC genome allotetraploids were deduced. Within species, cpDNA diversity was found larger in those species with an evolutionary history of recent introgression and/or allotetraploidization. Occasional paternal inheritance and recombination of cpDNA in rice was suggested.  相似文献   

Asian rice is an important grain, not only in its homeland but in many areas of the world. Identifying rice in the archaeological record is a challenge, especially in the moist tropics, where organic materials preserve only when charred. Phytolith analysis, the identification of opaline silica bodies, provides an alternative method for identifying this important crop. Results of our research suggest thatOryza contributes phytoliths that are genus-specific, that bulliform characteristics alone do not permit separation of wild and domesticatedOryza in regions where species overlap, and that a number of phytolith types, especially silicified glumes, show promise for separating wild from domesticated forms. With further research it should be possible to identify rice through its phytolith assemblage in archaeological soils in the heartland of its domestication and use.  相似文献   

In Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa), distinct mechanisms to survive flooding are activated in two groups of varieties. Submergence-tolerant rice varieties possessing the SUBMERGENCE1A (SUB1A) gene display reduced growth during flash floods at the seedling stage and resume growth after the flood recedes, whereas deepwater rice varieties possessing the SNORKEL1 (SK1) and SNORKEL2 (SK2) genes display enhanced growth based on internodal elongation during prolonged submergence at the mature stage. In this study, we investigated the occurrence of these growth responses to submergence in the wild rice species Oryza grandiglumis, which is native to the Amazon floodplains. When subjected to gradual submergence, adult plants of O. grandiglumis accessions showed enhanced internodal elongation with rising water level and their growth response closely resembled that of deepwater varieties of O. sativa with high floating capacity. On the other hand, when subjected to complete submergence, seedlings of O. grandiglumis accessions displayed reduced shoot growth and resumed normal growth after desubmergence, similar to the response of submergence-tolerant varieties of O. sativa. Neither SUB1A nor the SK genes were detected in the O. grandiglumis accessions. These results indicate that the O. grandiglumis accessions are capable of adapting successfully to flooding by activating two contrasting mechanisms as the situation demands and that each mechanism of adaptation to flooding is not mediated by SUB1A or the SK genes.  相似文献   

Summary Oryza minuta J. S. Presl ex C. B. Presl is a tetraploid wild rice with resistance to several insects and diseases, including blast (caused by Pyricularia grisea) and bacterial blight (caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae). To transfer resistance from the wild species into the genome of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.), backcross progeny (BC1, BC2, and BC3) were produced from interspecific hybrids of O. sativa cv IR31917-45-3-2 (2n=24, AA genome) and O. minuta Acc. 101141 (2n=48, BBCC genomes) by backcrossing to the O. sativa parent followed by embryo rescue. The chromosome numbers ranged from 44 to 47 in the BC1 progeny and from 24 to 37 in the BC2 progeny. All F1 hybrids were resistant to both blast and bacterial blight. One BC1 plant was moderately susceptible to blast while the rest were resistant. Thirteen of the 16 BC2 progeny tested were resistant to blast; 1 blast-resistant BC2, plant 75-1, had 24 chromosomes. A 3 resistant: 1 susceptible segregation ratio, consistent with the action of a major, dominant gene, was observed in the BC2F2 and BC2F3 generations. Five of the BC1 plants tested were resistant to bacterial blight. Ten of the 21 BC2 progeny tested were resistant to Philippine races 2, 3, and 6 of the bacterial blight pathogen. One resistant BC2, plant 78-1, had 24 chromosomes. The segregation of reactions of the BC2F2, BC2F3, and BC2F4 progenies of plant 78-1 suggested that the same or closely linked gene(s) conferred resistance to races 2, 3, 5, and 6 of the bacterial blight pathogen from the Philippines.  相似文献   

Traditional rice varieties are one important component of the biodiversity of Sri Lanka. However, no proper studies have been performed on genetic diversity of the Sri Lankan traditional rice varieties used in our breeding programs. In the present study, the genetic diversity of 46 traditional rice (Oryza sativa) varieties and 5 wild rice species is assesed using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Ten primer combinations generated a total of 784 fragments. Of these, 772 fragments were polymorphic (98.4%). UPGMA analysis based on Jaccard's similarity separated the accessions into four major clusters. A cophenetic correlation with r=0.786 strongly supported the clustering pattern of UPGMA dendrogram. A principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) also confirmed the UPGMA clusters. Accessions referred to the same cluster showed similar morphological characteristics (e.g. height, grain colour etc.) while accessions which are known to be morphologically distinct appeared genetically separated. In addition, the clustering pattern distinctly separated lowland and upland rice varieties. This genetic diversity assessment at the molecular level provides reliable information for selection of germplasm in the development of new rice varieties and in conservation of traditional rice genetic resources.  相似文献   

Such plants have provided the natives since pre-Columbian times not only with food but also with shelter, salt, basketry, ornament, cloth, gums, unguents, poisons, medicines and other useful products.  相似文献   

Wild species are valued as a unique source of genetic variation, but they have rarely been used for the genetic improvement of quantitative traits. To identify trait-improving quantitative trait loci (QTL) alleles from exotic species, an accession of Oryza rufipogon, a relative of cultivated rice, was chosen on the basis of a genetic diversity study. An interspecific BC2 testcross population (V20A/O. rufipogon//V20B///V20B////Ce64) consisting of 300 families was evaluated for 12 agronomically important quantitative traits. The O. rufipogon accession was phenotypically inferior for all 12 traits. However, transgressive segregants that outperformed the original elite hybrid variety, V20A/Ce64, were observed for all traits examined. A set of 122 RFLP and microsatellite markers was used to identify QTL. A total of 68 significant QTL were identified, and of these, 35 (51%) had beneficial alleles derived from the phenotypically inferior O. rufipogon parent. Nineteen (54%) of these beneficial QTL alleles were free of deleterious effects on other characters. O. rufipogon alleles at two QTL on chromosomes 1 and 2 were associated with an 18 and 17% increase in grain yield per plant, respectively, without delaying maturity or increasing plant height. This discovery suggests that the innovative use of molecular maps and markers can alter the way geneticists utilize wild and exotic germplasm.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to construct a comparative RFLP map of an allotetraploid wild rice species, Oryza latifolia, and to study the relationship between the CCDD genome of O. latifolia and the AA genome of O. sativa. A set of RFLP markers, which had been previously mapped to the AA genome of cultivated rice, were used to construct the comparative map. Fifty-eight F2 progeny, which were derived from a single F1 plant, were used for segregation analysis. The comparative RFLP map contains 149 DNA markers, including 145 genomic DNA markers from cultivated rice, 3 cDNA markers from oat, and one known gene (waxy, from maize). Segregation patterns reflected the allotetraploid ancestry of O. latifolia, and the CC and DD genomes were readily distinguished by most probes tested. There is a high degree of conservation between the CCDD genome of O. latifolia and the AA genome of O. sativa based on our data, but some inversions and translocations were noted.  相似文献   

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