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N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in phosphate buffer was rapidly decomposed by Fenton reagent composed of H2O2, and Fe(II) ion. Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies using 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) showed that characteristic four line 1:2:2:1 ESR signals due to the DMPO-OH adduct formed on treatment of DMPO with Fenton reagent disappeared in the presence of NDMA, and N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), suggesting the interaction of the N-nitrosamines with Fenton reagent. Treatment of the N-nitrosamines with Fenton reagent generated nitric oxide (NO) as estimated by ESR technique using cysteine–Fe(II), and N-methyl- -glucaminedithiocarbamate (MGD)–Fe(II) complexes. Characteristic 3, and single line signals due to 2 cysteine–Fe(II)–NO, and 2 cysteine–Fe(II)–2 NO complexes, respectively, and three line signals due to MGD–Fe(II)–NO were observed. Considerable amount of NO were liberated as determined by NO2, the final oxidation product of NO formed by reaction with dissolved oxygen in the aqueous medium. Spontaneous release of a small amount of NO from the N-nitrosamines was observed only on incubation in neutral buffers. Above results indicate that the N-nitrosamines were decomposed accompanying concomitant release of NO on contact with reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

"Naturopathic medicine" is a recent manifestation of the field of naturopathy, a 19th-century health movement espousing "the healing power of nature." "Naturopathic physicians" now claim to be primary care physicians proficient in the practice of both "conventional" and "natural" medicine. Their training, however, amounts to a small fraction of that of medical doctors who practice primary care. An examination of their literature, moreover, reveals that it is replete with pseudoscientific, ineffective, unethical, and potentially dangerous practices. Despite this, naturopaths have achieved legal and political recognition, including licensure in 13 states and appointments to the US Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee. This dichotomy can be explained in part by erroneous representations of naturopathy offered by academic medical centers and popular medical Web sites.  相似文献   

张芙蓉 《生物资源》2018,40(4):361-365
以新型物质D-茶氨酸的酶法制备过程为研究对象,考察了HZ201(Cl~-)强碱型阴离子树脂在不同温度下吸附情况及动态实验的洗脱流速,研究结果表明:在25℃时,以8 mL/min稀HCl洗脱,分离出D,L-N-乙基海因丙酰胺酶转化产物,经结构鉴定为N-氨甲酰-D-茶氨酸,该新物质收率达71%,为D-茶氨酸的生物法制备提供了新途径。  相似文献   

Many compendia at the species, genus and family levels document the fossil record, but these are not standardized, nor usually critical in content, and few are available on the World Wide Web. The sampling of the available record is good for organisms with fossilizable parts, but preservational constraints on the entire morphology, life history and geographical distribution lead to difficulties in recognizing and naming species. We recommend abandoning some of the palaeontological species concepts such as chronospecies and stratospecies, and we advocate species recognition based on unique combinations of characters. The compilation of species lists is extremely time consuming, and given the inherent problems we suggest that compilation of generic lists is a more achievable goal because genera are recognized by definitive morphological characters. In calculating taxon duration, care must be taken to distinguish between mono-, para- and polyphyletic groups, the first being the only reliable unit for use in calculating diversity curves. We support the inclusion of fossils into classifications based on Recent organisms, but we recognize some of the problems this may pose for standard Linnaean classifications. Web-based taxonomy is the way forward, having the advantages of speed and currency of information dissemination, universal access with links to primary literature and increasingly sophisticated imagery. These advantages over conventional outlets will only be realized with careful Web design and a commitment to maintenance.  相似文献   

G R Norman  S I Shannon 《CMAJ》1998,158(2):177-181
OBJECTIVE: To examine the evidence that the teaching of critical appraisal (evidence-based medicine) skills to undergraduate medical students or residents will result in significant gains in knowledge and increased use of the literature in clinical decision-making. DATA SOURCES: Articles published from 1966 to 1995, retrieved through a MEDLINE search supplemented by manual searches; review of bibliographies maintained by individuals involved in teaching critical appraisal skills; and a previous methodological review. STUDY SELECTION: Articles were selected if the study involved some form of control group, although strict randomization was not required, and a measure of performance followed the intervention. Articles were excluded if they simply reported the process of teaching critical appraisal skills or used some form of "happiness index." DATA SYNTHESIS: There were 10 studies of the impact of teaching critical appraisal skills, 6 involving medical students and 4 involving residents. Results from 3 of the studies were nearly uninterpretable and thus were excluded; the remaining 7 were methodologically acceptable. Analysis showed that interventions implemented in undergraduate programs resulted in significant gains in knowledge, as assessed by a written test (mean gain 17.0%; standard deviation [SD] 4.0%). Conversely, studies at the residency level consistently showed a small change in knowledge (mean gain 1.3%; SD 1.7%). Two studies that examined residents'' use of the literature were unable to demonstrate any positive changes. CONCLUSIONS: Studies of the effect of teaching critical appraisal skills on gains in knowledge at the undergraduate level showed consistent improvement. By contrast, changes in knowledge at the residency level were small. Several suggestions from the educational literature are offered to increase effectiveness of critical appraisal interventions.  相似文献   

The rat liver microsome-mediated mutagenecities of a series of N-nitrosodialkylamines and heterocyclic N-nitrosamines were determined in a liquid incubation system using Salmonella typhimurium TA1530. The influence on mutation frequency of the concentration of co-factors for mixed-function oxidase and composition and molarity of the buffer was investigated, using N-nitrosomorpholine as substrate. The mutagenicity of the N-nitros compounds in the liquid incubation system under uptimal reaction conditions at equimolar concentration was compared quantitatively with that obtained in an soft-agar incorporation assay.N-Nitrosoi-n-pentylamine and N-nitrosodi-n-butylamine showed no enzyme-mediated mutagenicity in the liquid incubation system, and metabolically activated N-nitroso-dimethylamine and N-nitroso-diethylamine showed negligible mutagenic activity in the soft-agar assays. In contrast with these results with the N-nitrosodialkylamines, the mutagenic effects of heterocyclic N-nitrosamines were similar in the liquid incubation system and in soft-agar incorporation assays. The heterocylic N-nitrosamines showed rat-liver microsome-mediated mutagenicity in the following descending order: N-nitrosomorpholine > N-nitrosopyrrolidine > N-nitrosopiperidine > N-nitroso-N′-methylpiperazine.  相似文献   

The main theme of this paper is an analysis of the present knowledge and conceptual framework in the field of monitoring for carcinogenic and mutagenic agents. The conclusions of the International Symposium on "Monitoring human exposure to carcinogenic and mutagenic agents" (Helsinki, 1983) were taken as a starting point for a series of considerations; methods suitable for the quantitative treatment of the information were applied to evidence the profile of current research in this area. The analysis indicated that the major underlying paradigms were related to technical considerations, such as chemical specificity, precision, reproducibility or ease of execution, as well as to the concept of mechanism of action of genotoxic agents. On the other hand, the lack of reliable information about the operational relevance of the systems for assessing health effects was dramatically evidenced. As a conclusion, the dangers of relying on a scientific background derived only from the basic research, without a critical re-examination in terms of real, operational performances of the systems, are emphasized.  相似文献   

Partnerships between animals and photosynthesizing microbes have evolved repeatedly, although their history, adaptations, and ecology remain controversial and little understood. In a critical review of 17 fossil and living clades of shell‐bearing molluscs with photosymbionts (two of them newly inferred), adaptive shell modifications and ecological aspects are discussed in the broader context of photosymbioses in other phyla. Fossil candidates have characteristics that are rare or unknown in living photosymbiotic molluscs, including cementation, porous shell microstructure, and epifaunal habits on carbonate muds. Many ancient photosymbioses may have lived in planktonically more productive environments than are typical of living tropical forms. This may be related to the late appearance (Early Eocene) of the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium, which can thrive under highly oligotrophic conditions. Living photosymbiotic molluscs represent a small and atypical sample of all the photosymbiotic clades that have evolved. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 497–511.  相似文献   

Using marine macroalgae for carbon sequestration: a critical appraisal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There has been a good deal of interest in the potential of marine vegetation as a sink for anthropogenic C emissions (“Blue Carbon”). Marine primary producers contribute at least 50% of the world’s carbon fixation and may account for as much as 71% of all carbon storage. In this paper, we analyse the current rate of harvesting of both commercially grown and wild-grown macroalgae, as well as their capacity for photosynthetically driven CO2 assimilation and growth. We suggest that CO2 acquisition by marine macroalgae can represent a considerable sink for anthropogenic CO2 emissions and that harvesting and appropriate use of macroalgal primary production could play a significant role in C sequestration and amelioration of greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic produced by various species of the genus Micromonospora and has received much attention in the recent years as a broad-spectrum antibiotic for treatment of various infections. It exists as a complex of closely related aminoglycoside structures and the clinically significant one is the gentamicin C complex. This review article focuses attention on the present status of knowledge and the main advancements achieved in the last few decades on the subject of gentamicin with regard to its production, biosynthetic pathway, mode of action, and uses. The various nutritional and environmental parameters affecting gentamicin production and the factors affecting the release of bound gentamicin are discussed. Further, strain improvement using UV and/or chemical mutagenesis can be applied to augment the efficiency of the producer strain and a number of case studies are presented. Different detection and quantitative methods for gentamicin estimation and the mode of action of gentamicin are discussed in detail. This antibiotic finds extensive use in combination chemotherapy and as a drug for different delivery agents for treatment of osteomyelitis and other recent applications in gene therapy.  相似文献   

Brazil stood out as the country with the highest number of submissions to the editorial project dedicated to Latin America by the journal Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Therefore, we felt that it was important to critically discuss the state of comparative biochemistry and physiology in this country. Our study is based on data collected from the ISI Web-of-Science. We analyzed publication trends through time, availability of novel approaches and techniques, patterns of collaboration among different geographical regions, patterns of collaboration with researchers abroad, and relative efforts dedicated to the study of biochemical and physiological adaptation of native fauna representing different terrestrial Brazilian biomes. Overall, our data shows that comparative biochemistry and physiology is a lively and productive discipline, but that some biases limit the scope of the field in Brazil. Some important limitations are the very heterogeneous distribution of research nuclei throughout the country and the absence of some important approaches, such as remote sensing and the use of molecular biology techniques in a comparative or evolutionary context. We also noticed that international collaboration far surpasses interregional collaboration, and discuss the possible causes and consequences of this situation. Finally, we found that Brazilian comparative biochemistry and physiology is biome-biased, as the Amazonian fauna has received far more attention than the whole pool of fauna representing other terrestrial biomes. We discuss the possible causes of these biases, and propose some directions that may contribute to invigorate the field in the country.  相似文献   

After intracellular in vitro exposure to the mutagenic and carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MeNU) or N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (EtNU), respectively, the average relative amounts of the premutational lesion O6-alkylguanine represent about 6% and 8% of all alkylation products formed in genomic DNA. At the level of individual DNA molecules gunine-O6 alkylation does nor occur at random; rather, the probability of a substitution reaction at the nucleophilic O6 atom is influenced by nucleotide sequence, DNA conformation, and chromatin structure. In the present study, 5 different double-stranded polydeoxynucleotides and 15 double-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides (24-mers) were reacted with MeNU or EtNU in vitro under standardized conditions. Using a competitive radioimmunoassay in conjunction with an anti-(O6-2′-deoxyguanosine) monoclonal antibody, the frequency of guanine-O6 alkylation was found to be strongly dependent on the nature of the nucleotides flanking guanine on the 5t́ and 3′ sides. Thus, a 5′ neighboring guanine, followed by 5t́ adenine and 5′ cytosine, provided an up to 10-fold more ‘permissive’ condition for O6-alkylation of the central guanine than a 5′ thymine (with a 5-methylcytocine in the 5′ position being only slightly less inhibitory). Thymine and cytosine were more ‘permissive’ when placed 3′ in comparison with their affects in the 5′ flanking position.  相似文献   

The effects of N,N-dicarboxymethyl chitosan (DCMC) on the precipitation of insoluble calcium salts, namely phosphate, sulfate, oxalate, carbonate, bicarbonate and fluoride, and magnesium salts, namely phosphate and carbonate, were studied. Results indicated that the chelating ability of DCMC interfered effectively with the well-known physico-chemical behaviour of magnesium and calcium salts. Dicarboxymethyl chitosan formed self-sustaining gels upon mixing with calcium acetate, as a consequence of calcium chelation. DCMC mixed with calcium acetate and with disodium hydrogen phosphate in appropriate ratios (molar ratio Ca/DCMC close to 2.4) yielded a clear solution, from which, after dialysis and freeze-drying, an amorphous material was isolated containing an inorganic component about one half its weight. This compound was used for the treatment of bone lesions in experimental surgery and in dentistry. Bone tissue regeneration was promoted in sheep, leading to complete healing of otherwise non-healing surgical defects. Radiographic evidence of bone regeneration was observed in human patients undergoing apicectomies and avulsions. The DCMC–CaP chelate favoured osteogenesis while promoting bone mineralization.  相似文献   

Bile acid N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity has been identified in microsomes from human liver and kidney. In both organs the transferases required UDP-N-aeetylglucosamine as sugar donor and were mainly active towards ursodeoxycholic acid. Minor activities were observed towards amidated ursodeoxycholic, hyodeoxycholic and β-muricholic acids. No N-acetylglucosaminidation was detectable with the major primary and secondary bile acids suggesting a specific requirement of the enzymes for bile acids containing 7β- or 6α-hydroxyl groups. Kinetic parameters and other catalytic properties of liver and kidney microsomal N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activities towards ursodeoxycholic acid are described.  相似文献   

Alterations in beta-adrenergic receptors (BAR) of human mononuclear leukocytes (MNL) are considered to reflect changes in central noradrenergic function and have been studied in a number of diseases. This paper critically reviews the results of recent studies on MNL-BAR in depression, with particular emphasis on the biochemical and clinical methodologies used. Despite considerable differences in these methods, a number of laboratories report consistent decreases in MNL-BAR density and significantly reduced functional response in patients as compared to controls. These studies used MNL, isolated from patients who had a greater than 14 day drug washout, and BAR-densities were measured in membrane preparations, using full Scatchard analyses, and 125I-ICYP or 3H-DHA as the ligand. Functional response of MNL-BARs was assessed by the determination of isoproterenol-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation. A comparison of methods used by these groups further indicates that additional biochemical parameters such as lymphocyte preparation and standardized experimental conditions for the binding assays are also important for obtaining consistent results. The clinical methods in rigorous study designs also include clearly stated inclusion/exclusion criteria for patients, and age-, and gender-matched patient-control populations. Whether the reduced MNL-BAR density and function is an inherited abnormality in depressed patients, or results from downregulation by elevated catecholamines is at present not known. Studies are needed to characterize further the changes in MNL-BARs in depression and to evaluate the effects of caetcholamines and hormones on this system. Based on critical assessment of the methods reviewed we propose specific biochemical and clinical guidelines, and recommend, that these be followed in future studies on MNL-BARs in this disease.  相似文献   

The presence of actin in nuclei: a critical appraisal.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
L Goldstein  R Rubin  C Ko 《Cell》1977,12(3):601-608
To assess the significance of actin associations with nuclei, we have examined Amoeba proteus nuclei for the presence of labeled actin under a variety of circumstances without (in most instances) isolating nuclei or breaking up cytoplasms prior to the extraction of proteins.We first established that: the 42,000 dalton proteins (presumed to be actin) present in cytoplasm and non-isolated nuclei are identical electrophoretically; the putative actin of amebas has the same size and almost the same isoelectric point as rat muscle actin; and the peptide “fingerprints” of putative ameba actin and rat actin are very similar after tryptic digestion. We therefore concluded that the 42,000 dalton protein of ameba is actin.We determined that: the concentrations of actin in the cytoplasm and nucleus of amebas are the same; actin is readily lost from nuclei that are released from lysed cells; shortly after a 35S-labeled nucleus is transplanted into unlabeled cytoplasm, or an unlabeled nucleus is transplanted into 35S-labeled cytoplasm, the concentration of 35S-actin in nucleus and cytoplasm is the same; and when cells containing 35S-actin are subjected to long chase periods on unlabeled food, the concentrations of 35S-actin in nucleus and cytoplasm fall in parallel. These observations taken together suggest that actin is not tightly associated with nuclei. Rather, actin may associate with nuclei for the trivial reason that the nuclear envelope is no barrier to free movement of that protein between the two compartments.We conclude that the mere presence of actin in nuclei is insufficient grounds for assuming that it has any role in nuclear functions, such as, for example, chromosome condensation.  相似文献   

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