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This study evaluates the capacity of algal propagules to survive digestion by seven intertidal herbivore molluscs. Thirty individuals of Littorina peruviana, 36 of Siphonaria lessoni, 35 of Collisella ceciliana, and 25 each of C. zebrina, Chiton granosus, Fissurella crassa and F. limbata were collected at different dates between October, 1983 and April, 1984. About half of the individuals of each species were examined for gut contents and the other half was used to provide faecal pellets for culture. Diet of these grazers ranged from 8 macroalgal species in Collisella zebrina to 17 in Fissurella limbata. In total, macroalgal propagules of 56% of the 27 algal species found in these gut contents survive digestion. There was no positive correlation between diet and number of algal taxa growing in the respective faecal cultures. Survival through Littorina peruviana and Chiton granosus was low (20–30% of the algal species consumed) while it was high (75–83%) through the two species of Collisella. No significant correlation was found between frequency of algae in the gut contents and its frequency in the faecal cultures. Algal capacity to survive digestion was almost exclusively restricted to opportunistic species, especially in the Chlorophyta and Phaeophyta. It seems that survival of algal propagules through the digestive tract of generalist grazers is a rather random phenomenon.  相似文献   

The invertebrate community living in algal mats on intertidal boulders was studied for 2 yr. The diversity and abundance of the animals increased between the early and middle stages of algal succession, then remained similar into the later stage. Three possible mechanisms producing this pattern were investigated experimentally by manipulating natural algal mats and plastic algal mimics in the field and laboratory and evaluating the community of colonizing invertebrates. The first, the “ecological time” hypothesis, suggests that there are more species and individuals in later stages because they accumulate slowly with time; this hypothesis was tested experimentally and rejected. A second, “algal toxicity” hypothesis suggests that species richness and abundance are lower in earlier successional stages because the early colonizing green algae are more toxic to animals than are the later red algae. This hypothesis was also tested experimentally and rejected. The third, “habitat complexity” hypothesis suggests that increases in complexity of physical aspects of algal structure (biomass, surface area) cause increases in invertebrate richness and abundance. The fact that this result was found in both living algae and plastic mimics indicates that biological aspects of algal structure apparently have only minor importance. Algal biomass and surface area increase from early to middle successional stages; middle and late successional stages are similar. In general, increases in these physical aspects of algal structure produce concomitant increases in the abundance and diversity of the associated animal community. With higher biomass and surface area, increased numbers of individuals accumulate in algal mats. Because a larger sample of the available pool of individuals is therefore collected, more species are found in a given area of algal mat when the structure is more complex. The successional patterns of increase in species richness of this invertebrate community seem to result from this sampling phenomenon, rather than from increases in numbers of resources (i.e., “niches”).  相似文献   

The respective roles of regular echinoids and scarid fishes in the transformation of turf algae, the main food resource for reef herbivores, were investigated on French Polynesian coral reefs. The role of one species of parrotfish (Scarus sordidus) was compared with that of four species of echinoids. The degree and ways of degradation of the algal matter were determined by the organic matter percentage, the composition of the sugar fraction, and the concentration and composition of chlorophylltype pigments as assayed by HPLC analysis. Chemical analyses were performed on anterior and posterior intestines for scarids, intestinal contents and faeces for echinoids, and on fresh algal turf as a control of initial food quality. A decrease in mean percentage of organic matter in gut content was observed from intestine (9.7%) to faeces (7%) in sea urchins, but not in parrotfishes. The total sugar fraction decreased from fresh algal turf (32% of total organic matter) to echinoid (28%) to scarid (18%) gut contents. The ratio of insoluble to soluble sugars (I/S ratios) was higher in echinoids (2.6) than in scarid gut contents (1.0). A decrease in the total pigment concentration was measured from fresh algal turf to echinoid and it was found to be even lower in scarid gut contents. Chromatograms showed that the composition of chlorophyll-type pigments in scarid intestines was very similar to fresh algal turf, with a dominance of native forms, mainly chlorophyll a and b. On the contrary, degraded pigment forms dominated in echinoids. The main degraded products were pheophorbides in sea urchins, and chlorophyllides in parrotfishes. These results provided evidence for differentiation in digestive processes occurring in the two types of grazers. Echinoids released higher degraded algal material than did scarids. Thus, these two types of grazers play different roles in the recycling of organic matter on coral reefs.  相似文献   

Herbivory and nutrient enrichment are major drivers of the dynamics of algal communities. However, their effects on algal abundance are under the influence of seasons. This study investigated the effects of herbivory and nutrient enrichment on early algal succession patterns using cages (uncaged and fully caged treatments) and two nutrient levels (ambient and enriched concentrations). To determine seasonal influences, experiment plots on dead coral patches were cleared during both dry and rainy season. Of the 17 algal species recruited in the experiment plots, three were dominant: Ulva paradoxa C. Agardh, Padina in the Vaughaniella stage, and Polysiphonia sphaerocarpa Børgesen. In this succession process, U. paradoxa was the earliest colonizer and occupied the cleared plots within the first month after clearing with the highest percentage of 83.33 ± 1.67% to 88.33 ± 9.28%. Then, it was replaced by the late successional algae, Padina in the Vaughaniella stage, and P. sphaerocarpa. The effects of herbivory and nutrient enrichment on algal abundance varied across algal functional groups and seasons. During the dry season, neither herbivory nor nutrient enrichment affected Ulva cover but during the rainy season, Ulva cover was influenced by nutrient enrichment. However, the abundance of algae in this early stage was not apparently affected by either herbivory or nutrient enrichment. Our results indicated that the timing of disturbance strongly influenced the algal abundance and successional patterns in this tropical intertidal community.  相似文献   

The colonization of artificially created gaps was analyzed along an alpine successional gradient from pioneer to early, late, and old successional stages. The presence/absence of species and the abundances of seedlings and adults in the gaps were recorded and compared with those of the surrounding areas. We hypothesized that in the older successional stages, the gaps were likely to be colonized by clonal ingrowth of the surrounding species. In the younger stages, we expected to find a high presence of seedlings and adults recruited by seeds. Micro-succession in the gaps occurred at each successional stage, with all life forms among the colonizers. The abundance of seedlings was significantly higher in the gaps compared with the surrounding area. At the early and late successional stages, the surrounding areas provided safe sites for seedling establishment, with the abundance of adults recruited by seeds higher at the gap edges than in the gap centers. We can confirm the first hypothesis of a higher clonal ingrowth in the old successional stage. Clonal ingrowth also occurred in the younger successional stages. Despite the lower species richness in the gaps, a positive correlation was found between gap and surrounding species frequencies, which were the highest in the pioneer and the lowest in the old successional stage. We conclude that gaps are relevant for seedling recruitment along the entire primary succession gradient. New species invasions from greater distances were not observed in the gaps. The dominant species on each site were identified to be successful gap colonizers.  相似文献   

Opportunistic, fugitive or pioneer species are species that posses life-history characteristics that allow them to respond quickly to disturbances. Their abundance during the early stages of succession is central to ecological models of benthic soft-sediment succession and these species can play important roles in affecting subsequent successional trajectories. Nevertheless, numerous studies have demonstrated seemingly random patterns of opportunistic responses following disturbance, questioning the generality of currently accepted successional models. In this paper we provide examples from two case studies and argue that the spatial scale or magnitude of disturbance is key to the development of opportunistic responses, and that the scale of disturbance may be particularly important in determining (a) the levels of resources made available and (b) the magnitude of release from competitive interactions, which permit opportunists to flourish.  相似文献   

1. Epilithic algae grown on elevated or non-elevated ceramic tiles were exposed (to produce assemblages with different grazing histories) in a heavily grazed, montane stream in New Mexico, U.S.A. to Ameletus nymphs (Ephemeroptera) and Ecclisomyia larvae (Trichoptera) and the algal composition in insect faeces was compared to that on the tiles. Differences in grazing and digestion efficiency between grazers were then assessed and also differences in susceptibility to ingestion and digestibility among common algae. 2. Ordination of tile and faecal samples, using the relative abundance of common algae, revealed that: (i) algal assemblages on elevated vs. non-elevated tiles differed only slightly; (ii) the taxonomic composition of algae in faeces of both caddis and mayflies differed substantially from that on the tiles, indicating low grazing efficiency for some algal taxa; and (iii) the algal composition of faeces produced by caddis larvae and mayflies was similar, indicating little difference in grazing efficiency between them. However, some algal taxa were more susceptible to ingestion by caddisfly larvae when occurring on elevated tiles than on non-elevated tiles, suggesting that previous exposure to caddis grazing influenced assemblage attributes. 3. Although Ameletus and Ecclisomyia differed little in grazing efficiency, the percentage of diatoms that were dead after passage through the gut was greatest in the mayfly treatment, suggesting that mayflies digested diatoms more efficiently than the caddis. Analyses of differences in the condition of chloroplasts within diatoms in tile and faecal samples showed that losses of ’live‘ diatom cells (i.e. those containing full chloroplasts) during gut passage through mayflies equalled the increase, in faeces, of ’dead‘ (empty frustules) cells of all common diatoms. In contrast, some diatoms were digested inefficiently by caddis larvae. 4. Algae on elevated tiles contained a higher proportion of dead diatoms than those on non-elevated tiles, possibly because mayflies visited raised tiles more often and, consequently, ingested and defaecated cells at a higher rate in the absence of caddis larvae. Moreover, diatom taxa differed in the percentage of cells that were dead within tile assemblages, with populations of typically grazer-resistant taxa (e.g. Achnanthidium minutissimum, Planothidium lanceolatum and Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta) containing significantly more dead cells than grazer-susceptible taxa [e.g. small, chain-forming Fragilaria (= Staurosirella)]. This result suggests that a trade-off exists between ingestion vs. digestion resistance of microalgae. Both the ingestion and digestion efficiency of algivorous macroinvertebrates could influence the structure and function of algal assemblages. In heavily grazed systems, where algal cells are probably processed through grazer guts repeatedly, differential resistance to digestion among algae may be particularly important.  相似文献   

At present, information on the effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on structure and diversity of polar, in particular Arctic, benthic communities is scarce. It is unclear whether and to what extent communities of different successional age are susceptible to UVR and whether UVR effects known to be detrimental at the species level can be buffered at the community level. In a subtidal field study on Spitsbergen (Norwegian Arctic), we investigated the potential effect of distinct UVR regimes on macrobenthic communities of different successional ages, grown on ceramic tiles. Total taxon cover, taxon composition, evenness, and richness were assessed after experimental exposure of 4 and 8 weeks. Overall, 17 algal and invertebrate taxa were encountered in the study and diatoms dominated the communities regardless of successional age or radiation treatment. UVR effects were dependent on both exposure time and community age. We did not find overall detrimental UVB effects. In contrast, abundance of several species increased in UVR-exposed communities. Especially, UVA seemed to have a beneficial effect in that several green and brown algal taxa increased in abundance (e.g. Ulothrix flacca, Chlorophyta, and Desmarestia sp., Phaeophyceae). In general, UVR effects depended on species composition and thus on successional age of communities, with later successional communities likely to be able to buffer and alleviate possible negative effects of UVR at species level. Overall, the presented study provides a first insight into the complex role UVR plays in structuring Arctic epibenthic communities.  相似文献   

Summary Macroinvertebrate grazers and temporal variability were found to strongly influence species composition of communities that developed subtidally on plexiglas panels. On panels exposed to the naturally high densities of sea urchins and sea stars, only grazer-resistant algal crusts, a diatom/blue-green algal film and short-lived filamentous algae became abundant. On those panels protected from grazers, however, other algae and sessile invertebrates were also common. Both the effects of grazing and the abundance of individual taxa differed on panels immersed at different times of the year.Resident species also affected subsequent recruitment. Some colonists were found more frequently on panels with established communities than on recently immersed plates. Others became more abundant on younger than on older panels. Considerable small-scale spatial variation in the abundance of species was also found among panels within treatments and appeared to persist throughout the 13 months of the study.I suggest that since the interactions that determine which mechanisms are important in succession occur between individuals (generalized here to species), not between successional stages, factors such as those examined that can determine which species will interact, indirectly determine the mechnaisms that are important in the development of a community. Models that deal with interactions between successional stages may lack the detail neccessary to predict or explain changes in species composition in diverse communities.  相似文献   

Summary The responses of different successional stages of a temperate intertidal algal community to disturbance were investigated with a field experiment. The experiment was conducted in a low intertidal boulder field in southern California. In this habitat, the top surfaces of boulders are covered with algae. The composition of the assemblage on any particular boulder depends on the length of time since it was last overturned by wave action. When a boulder is overturned, the algae on what was formerly the top surface, are killed in whole or part by a combination of sea urchin grazing, anoxia, light levels below compensation intensity, and mechanical damage caused by crushing or abrasion. The length of time that a boulder remains overturned and the local abundance of sea urchins determines the intensity of the disturbance. When the boulder is righted, recolonization begins either by vegetative regrowth of survivors and/or by spores from outside.Using a three-factorial design, this natural form of disturbance was experimentally mimicked and the responses of three different successional stages of the algal community monitored. Boulders in each successional category were overturned for periods of 17, 27 and 54 days in areas with and without sea urchins, then righted. Two aspects of community response to perturbation were evaluated. These were (1) the assemblage's ability to resist change and (2) its ability, if altered, to adjust to some semblance of its original state. The resistance of each assemblage and of its component species to change was measured by the percent decrease in algal cover and by the decline in percent similarity of the community to its original composition. The recovery rate of each assemblage and of the cover lost by each species during the first 35 days following a disturbance was measured by the rate of increase in percent similarity to the original composition and the percent reestablishment of lost cover.The experimental evidence demonstrates that the successional stages of the producer level of an intertidal algal community differ significantly in their responses to disturbance. Early successional communities suffer more damage from a given level of perturbation but recover more quickly than either middle or late successional communities. Damage to any particular assemblage of algae, irrespective of successional age, is more extensive and recovery slower, the longer the boulder is overturned and/or sea urchins are present. Several thresholds in these responses were also identified.Differences in community responses and non-linearities in these responses were attributable to the life history characteristics of the component species rather than emergent properties of the assemblage. These characteristics have evolved in response to a variety of recurrent natural disturbances. This interpretation is in agreement with recent critical reevaluations of the trends and mechanisms of successional change in natural communities.  相似文献   

The composition of herbaceous vegetation was evaluated with the aim of characterizing forests at various ages of stand development. Herb stems were sampled in 250 4‐m² square plots distributed within six habitat types. A total of 36 herb species belonging to 15 families were recorded. Species richness did not significantly differ between habitat types. Most herb species occurred in all habitat types and were therefore generalists. However, a few indicator herb species were detected, and the results roughly suggested that herb species of the families Poaceae and Araceae were indicative of late successional forests; Zingiberaceae are indicative of early successional forests; and Commelinaceae, Costaceae, Cyperaceae and Marantaceae are indicators of flooded habitats. Species diversity and stem density of herbaceous plants did not change with forest succession as a decrease in abundance and frequency of occurrence of pioneer species in late successional forests was counterbalanced by the presence of generalist and late successional species. However, increasing proportions of dwarf stems in late successional forests translated to changes in the vertical structure of herbaceous plant communities. Herbivory pressure by gorillas did not have a notable effect on herbaceous plant community development. This study contributes to the definition of herbaceous ecological indicators of forest succession in different settings.  相似文献   

Primary successions of glacier forelands are unique model systems to investigate community dynamics and assembly processes. However, successional changes of plant and insect communities have been mainly analysed separately. Therefore, changes in plant–insect interactions along successional gradients on glacier forelands remain unknown, despite their relevance to ecosystem functioning. This study assessed how successional changes of the vegetation influenced the composition of the flower-visiting insect assemblages of two plant species, Leucanthemopsis alpina (L.) Heyw. and Saxifraga bryoides L., selected as the only two insect-pollinated species occurring along the whole succession. In addition, we investigated the links between reproductive output of these plants and pollinator abundance through experimental exclusion of pollinators. Plant community structure changed along the succession, affecting the distribution and the abundance of insects via idiosyncratic responses of different insect functional groups. L. alpina interacted with ubiquitously distributed pollinators, while S. bryoides pollinators were positively associated with insect-pollinated plant species density and S. bryoides abundance. With succession proceeding, insect assemblages became more functionally diverse, with the abundance of parasitoids, predators and opportunists positively related to an increase in plant cover and diversity. The reproductive output of both plant species varied among successional stages. Contrary to our expectation, the obligate insect-pollinated L. alpina showed a reproductive output rather independent from pollinator abundance, while the reproductive output of the self-fertile S. bryoides seemed linked to pollinator abundance. Observing ecological interactions and using functional traits, we provided a mechanistic understanding of community assembly processes along a successional gradient. Plant community diversity and cover likely influenced insect community assembly through bottom-up effects. In turn, pollinators regulate plant reproductive output through top-down control. We emphasise that dynamics of alpine plant and insect communities may be structured by biotic interactions and feedback processes, rather than only be influenced by harsh abiotic conditions and stochastic events.  相似文献   

  1. A 2‐year study of litter dwelling beetles was conducted in different mature pine stands and clear‐cuts in Lithuania using the litter sifting method. We hypothesized that clear‐cutting and subsequent ploughing would increase species diversity and the abundance of beetles, and also would encourage the immediate appearance of early‐successional beetle species replacing late successional species in the clear‐cuts.
  2. We did not confirm a hypothesis regarding increase in the number of species and abundance of beetles in clear‐cuts.
  3. Our hypothesis regarding the immediate appearance of early successional species and disappearance of late‐successional species in clear‐cuts was confirmed.
  4. We also revealed that subsequent soil ploughing in clear‐cuts did not accelerate this process, which was linked to the possibility of late successional species surviving in the undisturbed spaces between the strips of ploughed soil.
  5. The present study shows that late‐successional forest litter‐dwelling coleopteran species of old pine forests have a better chance of survival in a ploughed clear‐cut, at least in northern Europe, than has been reported in other studies.

《Aquatic Botany》1987,27(4):299-308
Algal lawn communities within territories of herbivorous threespot damselfish, Stegastes planifrons (Cuvier) were studied in a shallow back-reef environment at La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Caging exclusion experiments, monitoring of non-manipulated lawns and gut content analyses were used to determine the effect of S. planifrons on algal species composition of the lawn. An average of 40 algal species per sampling period were found in naturally occuring lawns, with a total of 53 species being recorded throughout the course of study. Examination of algal species found in damselfish guts and comparison with natural lawns indicate that damselfish feed primarily on their algal lawns and graze the algae present in proportion to abundance. Caged algal lawns showed significant decline in algal species number and abundance over time. Non-selective feeding by Stegastes planifrons within their territorial lawns appears to result in an “intermediate disturbance” which maintains a greater algal species richness than is found in their absence.  相似文献   

This is a study of the effects of successional algal changes on the community of small invertebrate animals living in the algae at a marine intertidal boulder field. At each of 14 sampling times over a 2-yr period, replicate samples were taken from all stages of succession. By sampling all successional stages simultaneously at each date over an extended period, we could analyze spatial and temporal variations within and among stages. Species richness, diversity, and abundance of the whole invertebrate community increased from early to middle successional stages, while remaining similar from middle to late stages. Evenness remained about constant throughout succession. The increases occur primarily through the addition of species to the community. Some taxonomic groups in this study showed different patterns. Unlike patterns seen in birds, insects, and spiders associated with terrestrial plant succession, species replacements are rare, and there are few early and middle successional specialists. Trophic structure changed markedly during succession. Spatial variation did not change with succession but temporal variation declined. Many of these results are different from the predictions of equilibrium-based theory. Succession in this marine animal community is very different from that in terrestrial animal groups, probably because of the higher rate of exchange of matter in this open coast system.  相似文献   

Abstract Many grassland restoration projects on former arable land face problems because early successional grassland species establish vigorously and persistently but late successional grassland species fail to establish. Differences in establishment characteristics of early and late successional species might provide an explanation for the failure of many late successional species to colonize grasslands on ex‐arable land. I examined whether early and late successional species had different establishment rates in the initial years of a grassland succession, whether a specific establishment stage (seedling emergence, mortality or growth) could be identified as the key process controlling establishment, and what management would enhance the establishment of late successional grassland species. Seeds of three early and three late successional species were sown separately in ex‐arable plots with bare soil, 1‐year‐old vegetation, and 2‐year‐old vegetation. Emergence, mortality, and seedling growth were monitored for 1 year. Early successional species established successfully in the bare soil plots but failed to establish in plots with 1‐ and 2‐year‐old vegetation. Late successional species showed either lower establishment rates in the younger succession stages or decreased establishment with succession that nevertheless resulted in significant establishment in the oldest plots. Seedling emergence proved to be the key factor determining the establishment pattern of early and late successional species. In absolute numbers, emergence of late successional species was, however, similar or higher than that of early successional species, even in the earliest succession stage. The poor establishment of late successional species on former arable land could therefore not be explained solely by differences in establishment characteristics between early and late successional grassland species. Competitive processes between early and late successional species later in the life cycle probably play an important role. The results do point out that establishment of late successional species can be promoted by creating vegetative cover from the start of the restoration effort.  相似文献   

Beaumont  K.L.  Plummer  A.J.  Hosie  G.W.  Ritz  D.A. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):55-65
The abundance of small faecal pellets is high in marine waters. Little is known, however, about the processes governing their production and fate in the water column. We investigated faecal pellet production and flux in relation to the phytoplankton and copepod assemblages present in Ellis Fjord, Antarctica. Results show that the phytoplankton community shifted from a dominance of diatoms to that of a cryptomonad species during late January. This coincided with an increase in abundance of the small copepods Paralabidocera antarctica and Oithona similis, although Oncaea curvata was still the dominant species. The mean faecal pellet flux was 9943 pellets m–2 d–1. Only 37% of the faecal pellet flux at 5 m sedimented to 10 m depth, 15% to 20 m, and 12% to 40 m depth. Our results suggest that recycling of faecal pellets by copepods contributes to this decreased flux with increasing depth, which concurs with results from large scale oceanic studies. Additionally, we propose that the summer ice melt changes the physical characteristics of the water column and the phytoplankton species abundance and distribution; both of which potentially impact on the distribution and abundance of copepods, thereby regulating faecal pellet flux.  相似文献   

Summary The stability of a high rocky intertidal community was assessed in a controlled field experiment in which the most common consumers, limpets, were temporarily removed. Compared to the unmanipulated plots, the exclusion plots developed greater algal abundance and altered species composition of both algae and barnacles. The community was not perturbed beyond its capacity to recover, since the community structure of the limpet-removal plots converged on the structure of the unmanipulated plots following limpet reintroduction. Different components of the community recovered at different rates, depending on whether or not the species had a size-related escape from the limpets. Algae had no size-related escape from limpets. The difference in algal abundance between manipulated and unmanipulated plots lasted less than six months after limpet reintroduction. Barnacles, however, had a size-related escape from limpets and therefore recovered more slowly. The difference in barnacle species composition between the perturbed and unperturbed plots lasted for 17 months after limpet reintroduction. The length of the limpet removal period (16 or 28 months) did not appear to affect the rate of community recovery.  相似文献   

N. Greig 《Oecologia》1993,93(3):412-420
Absolute number of seeds lost to predispersal seed predators and proportion of total seeds lost per infructescence were compared among five Costa Rican Piper species of different annual fecundities. Mean seed number and mean seed size in the five species were negatively correlated. The impact of predation on these species was inversely related to the number of seeds they produced. The two early successional species had very high fecundities, a combination of many seeds per infructescence, many infructescences per plant, and, in one species, year-round reproduction. Although seed predators destroyed as many or more seeds of these early successional species than they did of the less fecund, late successional species, this loss accounted for a relatively minor proportion (9 and 12%) of the seeds of the early successional species. In contrast, late successional species produced fewer, larger seeds in a smaller number of infructescences and were not continually in fruit. One of these species, which produced intermediate numbers of intermediately sized seeds, lost 30% of the seeds in each infructescence on average. Seed predators destroyed a larger proportion (65 and 76%) of the seeds per infructescence in the two species with fewest seeds per infructescence. High levels of insect damage in these late successional species caused many of their infructescences to abort prematurely. Taken together these factors resulted in annual fecundities several orders of magnitude smaller in shade-tolerant Piper species than the annual fecundities of shade-intolerant, early successional species. Seedlings of the two early successional species were common in large gaps and other sunny clearings and seedlings of the species with 30% seed loss were occasional, whereas no seedlings were seen of the two species with the highest proportional seed loss, suggesting that seed predation on the latter species may limit seedling recruitment.  相似文献   

Gut content analysis and a new feeding group classification of termites   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. Gut content analysis of termites was undertaken using microscopical techniques. The 46 study species covered the entire range of taxonomic and feeding forms within the Order. 2. Inter‐specific gut contents data were analysed using principal components analysis, placing species along a clear humification gradient based on variations in the amount of silica and plant tissue fragments in the gut. 3. Redundancy analysis was used to find morphological correlates of the observed variation in gut contents. A total of 22 morphological characters (out of 45 candidate characters) were correlated significantly with the gut contents. 4. Three of the 22 significantly correlated characters unambiguously defined feeding groups, which were designated groups I to IV in increasing order of humification of the feeding substrate. Group I contains lower termite dead wood and grass‐feeders; group II contains Termitidae with a range of feeding habits including dead wood, grass, leaf litter, and micro‐epiphytes; group III contains Termitidae feeding in the organic rich upper layers of the soil; group IV contains the true soil‐feeders (again all Termitidae), ingesting apparently mineral soil. These groupings were generally supported statistically in a canonical covariance analysis, although group II apparently represents termite species with a rather wide range of feeding habits. 5. Using existing hypotheses of termite phylogenetic relationships, it seems probable that group I feeders are phylogenetically basal, and that the other groupings have arisen independently on a number of occasions. Soil‐feeding (i.e. group III and group IV feeding) may have evolved due to the co‐option of faecal material as a fungal substrate by Macrotermitinae‐like ancestral forms. As a consequence, these forms would have been constrained to build nest structures from soil and would therefore have passed at least some soil through their guts.  相似文献   

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