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Acceptor sites for the oestrogen receptor in hen oviduct chromatin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Partially purified hen oviduct oestrogen receptors, charged with [3H]oestradiol, were shown to specifically bind in vitro to purified hen oviduct chromatin. Maximal binding occurred within 60min at 0 degrees C in a Tris buffer containing 0.1 M-KCl and 0.5 mM-phenylmethanesulphonyl fluoride. The binding of the [3H]oestradiol-receptor complexes to intact purified chromatin was saturable, whereas the receptor binding to hen DNA remained linear. Saturation was further demonstrated by the minimal acceptor binding of receptor charged with [3H]oestradiol plus 200-fold oestradiol compared with [3H]oestradiol receptors at equal [3H]oestradiol concentrations. Scatchard analysis of [3H]oestradiol-receptor binding to chromatin above DNA levels gave indications of high-affinity binding with a low capacity. Further, the nuclear binding was tissue-specific since the binding to hen spleen chromatin was negligible. To further uncover the specific acceptor sites, proteins were removed from hen oviduct chromatin by increasing concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride (1-7M). Those residual fractions extracted with 3-7 M-guanidine hydrochloride had the highest acceptor activity (above DNA levels) with the peak activity uncovered by 5 M-guanidine hydrochloride. To further characterize the oestrogen-receptor acceptor sites, oviduct chromatin was bound to hydroxyapatite in the presence of 3 M-NaCl and then protein fractions were extracted sequentially with 1-7 M-guanidine hydrochloride. Each fraction was then reconstituted to pure hen DNA by reverse gradient dialysis. [3H]Oestradiol receptors were found to bind to the greatest degree to the fraction reconstituted from the 5 M-guanidine hydrochloride protein extract. Reconstituted nucleoacidic proteins (NAP) from combined 4-7 M-guanidine hydrochloride protein extracts showed saturable binding by [3H]-oestradiol receptors, whereas binding to hen DNA did not saturate. The high affinity, low capacity, and specificity of binding of oestrogen receptors to NAP was similar to that found in intact chromatin. Thus, chromatin acceptor proteins for the oestrogen receptor have been partially isolated and characterized in the hen oviduct and display properties similar to that reported for the acceptor proteins of the progesterone receptor.  相似文献   

When the progesterone receptor was extracted from nuclei of laying hen oviduct with 0.5 M sodium molybdate, a large, 7-8 S, form of the receptor was observed. This receptor form resembled non-activated cytoplasmic receptor not only in displaying the same sedimentation coefficient, but also in rapid dissociation rate of the hormone-receptor complex. This finding suggests that either activation may occur within the nuclear compartment, or that activation may be reversed under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Nuclei from laying hen oviduct were prepared according to Hewish and Burgoyne i.e. in the presence of spermine and spermidine and in the absence of divalent cations and were then moderately digested by micrococcal nuclease. When the resulting chromatin was analysed by ultracentrifugation on a sucrose gradient, a peak of specific estradiol-binding sites was observed, sedimenting slightly faster (13-14 S) than the mononucleosomes (12 S). When the chromatin was centrifuged on a gradient containing heparin (5 microngram/ml) the sedimentation coefficient of the estradiol receptor peak shifted to 7-8 S; it returned to the 13-14 S position in the absence of heparin, when target organ chromatin was also present in the gradient. The preparation of the chromatin is described and the validity of the method to explore receptor localisation is discussed, as is the specificity of the receptor-DNA interaction.  相似文献   

Summary The interaction of estradiol-receptor complexes and isolated human breast tumor chromatin was studied under equilibrium conditions.The estradiol-receptor complexes bound specifically to the chromatin of hormone dependent tumors and showed a single class of binding sites with a Ka of 0.96 × 1010 m –1 and a binding capacity of 1.5 pmoles/mg DNA. The binding was a temperature-dependent process and involved a transformation of the receptor protein.The heat-activated hormone-receptor com-plex was more active than the 8S form in the binding phenomenon. The specific interaction of estradiol-receptor complex with isolated chromatin was saturable and sensitive to conditions of temperature and ionic strength. Furthermore under optimal conditions no acceptor sites were detected in chromatin of hormone independent tumors.Dedicated to ProfessorLuis F. Leloir on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

The stability of sheared chromatin from the magnum portion of hen oviduct has been examined during storage at 0 °C using several parameters. Chemical composition and ultraviolet spectra were unchanged after 1 month while changes in melting profiles were seen after 2 weeks. Gel electrophoretic patterns of histones indicated slight proteolysis after 4 weeks with no apparent degradation occurring at earlier times. Acidic protein gel patterns remained unchanged during the period of study. Rapid changes (within 1 to 3 days) were seen in chromatin size distributions as measured in sucrose gradients and in chromatin template activity. The mean chromatin size decreased with storage, an increasing percentage of the total population sedimenting as a 17S component. This change in chromatin size was accompanied by an increase in the amount of free protein floating on the top of gradients.Several experiments were conducted to investigate the nature of the chromatin changes occurring at early storage times. Changes in chromatin size and template activity could be attributed to neither proteolysis nor DNase activity. Diisopropylfluorophosphate, a known nuclear protease inhibitor, did not inhibit the rate of change in chromatin size with storage. Furthermore, no proteolysis was detectable by gel electrophoresis during storage times at which significant changes in chromatin size and template activity had occurred. When the size of chromatin DNA was examined, no changes were seen with storage nor were there differences in the size of DNA from fast and slow sedimenting chromatin fractions.When template activities of fast and slow sedimenting chromatin fractions were compared, the slow sedimenting fractions were found to be the most template active. The template activity of a slow sedimenting, high template activity fraction was examined with storage and was found to increase with time.  相似文献   

Hen oviduct chromatin was digested with DNase II and separated into two fractions. The MgCl2 insoluble chromatin fraction (43% of the total DNA) was enriched in nucleosome-like particles, which sedimented at 11 S and contained 185 base pairs of DNA. The MgCl2 soluble chromatin fraction (5% of the total DNA) was characterized by 5 S and 14 S peaks in sucrose gradients; Estrogen receptors in the chromatin fractions were labelled with [3H] estradiol using the steroid exchange assay. The concentration of receptors in the MgCl2 soluble chromatin was 4;5 times higher than that in the MgCl2 insoluble chromatinmin sucrose gradient analysis the 11 S particles displayed a negligible specific radioactivity suggesting that estrogen receptors mainly bind to extranucleosomal chromatin.  相似文献   

Binding of 5S estradiol receptor to poly-deoxynucleotides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Calf uterus cytosol was incubated with (3H)estradiol and fractionated on Sephadex G-200. Two (3H)estradiol-binding protein fractions were obtained with sedimentation coefficients of 5.1 S and 3.5 S, respectively. The 5.1 S fraction bound to poly dT, poly dA:dT and poly dG:dC to a higher extent than to calf thymus DNA. The 3.5 S fraction did not bind to DNA.  相似文献   

The progesterone receptor of the hen oviduct is composed of two non-identical hormone-binding polypeptide subunits, A (Mr = 79,000) and B (Mr = 108,000). We used a highly purified preparation of B to immunize mouse spleen cells in vitro. After 5 days in culture, the cells were fused with SP2/0-Ag 14 myeloma cells. The resultant hybridomas were screened using an enzyme linked immunosorbent solid phase assay, and those hybridomas producing antibodies binding to the immunogen were cloned by limiting dilution. One such clone, 9B3-12, secreted an antibody of immunoglobulin class IgM, which binds to B. This was indicated by the ability of the antibody to increase the rate of sedimentation coefficient of the B subunit. Further, when the proteins in the B preparation were separated by electrophoresis and blotted onto nitrocellulose filters the antibody bound to a protein of 108,000 daltons. The antibody produced by 9B3-12 also reacted with subunit A and with the human progesterone receptor but failed to bind to the chick liver glucocorticoid receptor or to progesterone in the absence of its receptor.  相似文献   

We have monitored the differential nuclease sensitivity of defined regions of the chicken genome in different cells using a method which combines restriction enzyme digestion and blotting to diazobenzyloxymethyl (DBM)-paper (see Ref. 11). By using different specific probes and by scanning the bands on the autoradiograms, it is possible to compare on the same blot the digestion patterns of similar-sized fragments from different regions of the genome corresponding to "active" and reference "inactive" genes. We have demonstrated the preferential sensitivity to DNaseI and micrococcal nuclease digestion of the ovalbumin gene region in hen oviduct chromatin. The beta-globin gene region (containing both an adult and an embryonic gene) is also preferentially digested by DNaseI in hen mature erythrocyte nuclei, but at a lower rate than the ovalbumin gene region in oviduct. These observations raise the possibility that there may be several types of preferential nuclease sensitivities, all characterized by increased rates of digestion but to different levels, the highest corresponding to the very actively transcribing genes.  相似文献   

The multiple classes of binding sites for the progesterone-receptor complex in hen oviduct muclei were found to be of chromatin origin. The highest-affinity, and presumably most physiologically important class, is localized in oviduct chromatin and contains approx. 6000-10000 sites per nucleus. None of these sites is detected in spleen chromatin. Two new techniques were used for assaying rapidly the binding of steroid-receptor complexes to soluble deoxyribonucleoproteins in vito. The extent of high-affinity binding by the nucleo-acidic protein fraction from spleen chromatin is as great as that by the nucleo-acidic protein from oviduct chromatin. Consequently the tissue-specific nuclear binding of the progesterone receptor is found not to be a consequence of the absence of the nuclear binding sites (acceptors) from chromatin of non-target tissue (spleen), but rather a result of complete masking of these sites. In the target-tissue (oviduct) chromatin, approx. 70% of the high-affinity acceptor sites are also masked. Acidic proteins, and not histones, appear to be responsible for the masking of these acceptor sites. In addition, acidic proteins represent (or at least are an essential part of) these high-affinity sites in the oviduct nucleus. Pure DNA displays a few high-and many low-affinity binding sites. In support of previous work with immature chicks, the acidic protein fraction of the nucleo-acidic results thus support the hypotheis that protein complexed with DNA, and not DNA alone, represent the high-affinity binding sites for the steroid-receptor complexes in nuclear chromatin. The lower-affinity classes of binding sites may represent DNA and/or other nuclear components.  相似文献   

A study was made to find the optimal conditions for titration of the strong acridine orange binding sites of DNA in situ by an equilibrium staining method. Low concentrations of dye (≈10?6 M) and an equilibration time of about 1 h were found necessary. Chick erythrocyte nuclei were used as a model system to compare results of this equilibrium method with those of conventional staining. Before staining, nuclei were subjected to acid extraction and denaturation or to biological activation via cell hybridization. Qualitatively similar results were obtained with the two staining methods, but the equilibrium method circumvents the problems of dye-to-dye aggregation and differences in diffusion conditions, and thus gives more easily interpretable data and true quantitative information about the properties of chromatin in situ.  相似文献   

The progesterone receptor from hen oviduct is isolated as a complex of two subunits, A and B. The A protein binds one molecule of progesterone and also binds to DNA with high affinity. The native A protein can be labeled with iodine with no loss of DNA binding activity. Limited Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease digestion of the labeled preparation results in a number of DNA-binding and non-DNA-binding fragments of the receptor. The progesterone-binding domain contains iodine label. However, two low-molecular-weight DNA-binding fragments do not contain iodine label, indicating a lack of susceptible tyrosine residues near the DNA-binding site of the native receptor. The labeled receptor and its fragments will facilitate studies of the isolated DNA-binding and progesterone-binding domains of the hen A protein as well as of the activity of the native receptor in the presence and absence of hormone.  相似文献   

Receptor-chromatin complexes were recovered from prostatic chromatin digested with micrococcal nuclease. The fragments of chromatin were separated on linear 7.6 to 76% (v/v) glycerol density gradients. With extensive digestion of DNA, receptor labeled with [1,2-3H]dihydrotestosterone was released from the chromatin. After 5% digestion of DNA to acid-soluble products, only a trace amount of labeled receptor was detected in the unbound form. In the latter instance, most of the labeled receptor was recovered from the gradients in association with five A260 peaks representing oligomeric and monomeric nucleosomes with a repeat length of 182 +/- 14 (mean +/- S.D.) base pairs. The concentration of receptors was highest in the A260 peaks, which contained large oligomers of nucleosomes, and lowest in fractions containing primarily monomer structures. Hence, the extent to which receptors remained bound to chromatin was dependent on the relative amount of intact, linker DNA present.  相似文献   

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