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Lymphocyte membrane fractions from both normal and neoplastic sources exhibit tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity. The molecular weights of the endogenous substrates phosphorylated on tyrosine residues differ in B and T cells. To further characterize membrane tyrosine phosphorylation in the two major classes of lymphocytes, the tryptic phosphopeptides of their endogenous substrates were compared and the sensitivity of the kinases to inhibition by N alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone (TLCK) was determined. The two major B cell substrates (61,000 and 55,000 daltons, p61 and p55) were gel purified after phosphorylation and exhaustively digested with trypsin. Separation by reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography demonstrated that these two substrates had two identical phosphotyrosine containing tryptic phosphopeptides. p61 had an additional phosphotyrosine site. Parallel analysis of the two T cell substrates (64,000 and 58,000 daltons, p64 and p58) showed that they also contained two phosphotyrosine sites that were identical. However, the tryptic phosphopeptides from the B and T cell substrate pairs were clearly distinct suggesting that they arise from different gene products. When B and T cell membrane fractions were preincubated with TLCK (21 degrees C, 30 min) a dose-dependent decrease in p64 and p58 phosphorylation resulted. p61 and p55 phosphorylation was not affected at concentrations up to 10 mM TLCK. Tyrosine-specific kinase activity was also assessed by measuring phosphorylation of a tyrosine containing synthetic peptide. The kinase activity of T cell plasma membrane fractions was inhibited by TLCK; the B cell activity was unaffected. The results suggest that membrane fractions from normal and some neoplastic B and T cells have at least two different tyrosine-specific kinases.  相似文献   

Two src family kinases, lck and fyn, participate in the activation of T lymphocytes. Both of these protein tyrosine kinases are thought to function via their interaction with cell surface receptors. Thus, lck is associated with CD4, CD8, and Thy-1, whereas fyn is associated with the T cell antigen receptor and Thy-1. In this study, the intracellular localization of these two protein tyrosine kinases in T cells was analyzed by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. Lck was present at the plasma membrane, consistent with its proposed role in transmembrane signalling, and was also associated with pericentrosomal vesicles which co-localized with the cation-independent mannose 6- phosphate receptor. Surprisingly, fyn was not detected at the plasma membrane in either Jurkat T cells or T lymphoblasts but was closely associated with the centrosome and to microtubule bundles radiating from the centrosome. In mitotic cells, fyn co-localized with the mitotic spindle and poles. The essentially non-overlapping intracellular distributions of lck and fyn suggest that these kinases may be accessible to distinct regulatory proteins and substrates and, therefore, may regulate different aspects of T cell activation. Anti- phosphotyrosine antibody staining at the plasma membrane increases dramatically after CD3 cross-linking of Jurkat T cells. The localization of lck to the plasma membrane suggests that it may participate in mediating this increase in tyrosine phosphorylation, rather than fyn. Furthermore, the distribution of fyn in mitotic cells raises the possibility that it functions at the M phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Bovine uterine luminal proteins (ULP) collected on Day 17 of pregnancy were tested for inhibition of binding of interleukin-2 (IL-2) to the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) of bovine (CLC) and human (HLC) T lymphocytes and for binding to IL-2. Additional experiments assessed IL-2 binding to the p55 alpha chain (Tac protein) of the IL-2R of HLC. High- and low-molecular weight (Mr) ULP components (H-ULP greater than 248,000 Mr and L-ULP 21,000 Mr, respectively) inhibited (p less than 0.05 and 0.01, respectively) the binding of 125I-IL-2 to the IL-2R of CLC, whereas only H-ULP inhibited (p less than 0.05) binding to the IL-2R (presumably, the p75 beta chain) of HLC. H-ULP failed (p greater than 0.05) to bind to the p55 alpha chain of the IL-2R of HLC. For IL-2 binding, L-ULP failed (p greater than 0.05) to bind 125I-IL-2 in short (2 h)-term and long (45 h)-term experiments, whereas binding was evident (p less than 0.05) for H-ULP at 2 h of incubation. For H-ULP, mean (+/- SEM) percentages for bound and unbound 125I-IL-2 were 70.1 +/- 11.4 and 29.9 +/- 11.4, respectively. Further purification of H-ULP yielded a component (1.76 x 10(6) Mr) that bound 11.7% of 125I-IL-2 and inhibited (p less than 0.01) thymidine uptake and binding of 125I-IL-2 to the IL-2R of CLC. H-ULP-mediated suppression of lymphocyte proliferation may result from blocking IL-2R recognition of IL-2 as well as binding to IL-2, whereas suppression by L-ULP may predominantly result from blocking IL-2R.  相似文献   

The ability of the T lymphocyte growth factor interleukin 2 (IL-2) to activate a tyrosine protein kinase in vivo was assessed by using antibodies to phosphotyrosine in conjunction with immunoblots. Treatment of the murine IL-2-dependent cytotoxic T cell line CTLL-2 with IL-2 resulted in an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins of molecular weights ranging from 38,000 to 120,000. The tyrosine phosphorylation in the various proteins increased in a concomitant fashion and reached a maximum level within 15 min. The concentration of IL-2 required for inducing this phosphorylation was similar to that required for stimulating [3H]thymidine uptake, indicating that the increase in tyrosine phosphorylation correlated with the ability of IL-2 to stimulate the proliferation of the CTLL-2 cells. IL-2 was also found to induce the phosphorylation of proteins on tyrosine residues in short term cultures of human T lymphocytes. These results suggest that IL-2, like other polypeptide growth factors, acts by stimulating the activity of a tyrosine protein kinase.  相似文献   

Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is a requisite factor for growth and proliferation of IL-2-dependent T cells. At present, the mechanism by which the high-affinity IL-2-IL-2 receptor interaction transmits a mitogenic signal to the cellular interior remains unclear. In this report we have used three murine T cell clones to demonstrate that IL-2 stimulates rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins. Two of these clones, CTLL-2 and CT6, exhibit a cytotoxic T cell phenotype, while the third, HT-2, was derived from a helper T cell line. All three T cell clones proliferated in response to IL-2 stimulation, but HT-2 cells also proliferated in response to interleukin-4 (IL-4). We comparatively examined the effects of IL-2 and IL-4 on protein tyrosine phosphorylation in these cells by immunoaffinity purification of phosphotyrosyl substrates with an anti-phosphotyrosine monoclonal antibody. Stimulation with concentrations of IL-2 resulting in maximal (10-30 U/ml) or sub-maximal (1-5 U/ml) proliferation caused the rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of 97 and 57 kDa proteins in all three cell lines. The 97 kDa protein was localized in the cytosol, while the 57 kDa protein was detected in both cytosolic and crude membrane fractions. IL-2-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of an 86 kDa cytosolic protein was observed only in CT6 cells. Tyrosine phosphorylation of 22, 23 and 200 kDa proteins was also observed, but only in the cytotoxic T cell clones. Phosphoamino acid analyses revealed that the 97, 86 and 57 kDa proteins contained phosphotyrosine and phosphoserine residues. Concentrations of IL-2 below the threshold concentration for induction of a proliferative response correspondingly failed to stimulate protein tyrosine phosphorylation. In contrast, growth stimulation of HT-2 cells by IL-4 was not preceded by early changes in protein tyrosine phosphorylation, suggesting that protein tyrosine phosphorylation may not be essential for the induction of IL-4-dependent cell-cycle progression. These results demonstrate that high-affinity IL-2 receptors are coupled to tyrosine kinase activity(s) in T cells. However, the failure of IL-4 to stimulate protein tyrosine phosphorylation in the same cells indicates that enhanced protein tyrosine phosphorylation may not be requisite for growth factor-dependent T cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The cell surface molecule CD2 has a signaling role in the activation of T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Because perturbation of CD2 leads to the appearance of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins, we investigated the possibility that CD2 associates with cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinases. As determined by in vitro kinase assays and phosphoamino acid analysis, protein tyrosine kinase activity coprecipitated with CD2 from rat T lymphocytes, T lymphoblasts, thymocytes, interleukin-2-activated natural killer cells, and RNK-16 cells (a rat natural killer cell line). In each case, both p56lck and p59fyn were identified in the CD2 immunoprecipitate. In the thymus, the association between CD2 and these kinases occurred predominately in a small subset of thymocytes that had the cell surface phenotype of mature T cells, indicating that the association is a regulated event and occurs late in T-cell ontogeny. The finding that CD2 is associated with p56lck and p59fyn in detergent lysates suggests that interactions with these Src-like protein kinases play a critical role in CD2-mediated signal transduction.  相似文献   

We report that cells adhering to contortrostatin show transient increases in activation of Extracellular signal Regulated Kinase 2 (ERK2). The kinetics and degree of activation are similar to cells adhering to fibronectin or vitronectin. We have recently shown that contortrostatin induces tyrosine phosphorylation in tumor cells. Contortrostatin is shown here to stimulate activation of ERK2 in suspended cells, but this activation follows a different dose-response pattern than contortrostatin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation. Since contortrostatin induces tyrosine phosphorylation via alphavbeta3, we explored the effects of an alphavbeta3-blocking antibody, 7E3, on contortrostatin-stimulated ERK2 activation. While 7E3 completely blocks the effect of contortrostatin on tyrosine phosphorylation, this antibody had no effect on activation of ERK2. In cells lacking expression of alphavbeta3, tyrosine phosphorylation was unaffected by contortrostatin treatment, but ERK2 was activated. This is strong evidence that contortrostatin is regulating tyrosine phosphorylation events and ERK2 activation via separate pathways and through different integrin receptors.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of the invariant chains associated with the human TCR has been investigated after the stimulation of T lymphocytes with CD2 mAb T11(2) and T11(3), PHA, or phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate. As described previously, stimulation of T cells with either CD2 mAb or phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate resulted in the phosphorylation of the CD3 gamma-chain. The combination of T11(2) and T11(3) mAb also induced phosphorylation of the TCR zeta-chain. The phosphorylated zeta-polypeptide of CD2-activated cells was immunoprecipitated with antiphosphotyrosine antibodies and migrated to a 21- to 23-kDa position during SDS/PAGE. These results indicate that stimulation of human T cells via the CD2 Ag with the T11(2) and T11(3) mAb activates not only protein kinase C but also tyrosine kinase(s), resulting in the phosphorylation of the CD3 gamma-chain and the tyrosine phosphorylation of the zeta-chain, respectively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fyn and c-Src are two of the most widely expressed Src-family kinases. Both are strongly implicated in the control of cytoskeletal organization and in the generation of integrin-dependent signalling responses in fibroblasts. These proteins are representative of a large family of tyrosine kinases, the activity of which is tightly controlled by inhibitory phosphorylation of a carboxyterminal tyrosine residue (Tyr527 in chicken c-Src); this phosphorylation induces the kinases to form an inactive conformation. Whereas the identity of such inhibitory Tyr527 kinases has been well established, no corresponding phosphatases have been identified that, under physiological conditions, function as positive regulators of c-Src and Fyn in fibroblasts. RESULTS: Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha (RPTPalpha) was inactivated by homologous recombination. Fibroblasts derived from these RPTPalpha-/- mice had impaired tyrosine kinase activity of both c-Src and Fyn, and this was accompanied by a concomitant increase in c-Src Tyr527 phosphorylation. RPTPalpha-/- fibroblasts also showed a reduction in the rate of spreading on fibronectin substrates, a trait that is a phenocopy of the effect of inactivation of the c-src gene. In response to adhesion on a fibronectin substrate, RPTPalpha-/- fibroblasts also exhibited characteristic deficiencies in integrin-mediated signalling responses, such as decreased tyrosine phosphorylation of the c-Src substrates Fak and p 130(cas), and reduced activation of extracellular signal regulated (Erk) MAP kinases. CONCLUSIONS: These observations demonstrate that RPTPalpha functions as a physiological upstream activator of Src-family kinases in fibroblasts and establish this tyrosine phosphatase as a newly identified regulator of integrin signalling.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that peroxynitrite may act as a signaling molecule able to upregulate protein tyrosine phosphorylation is discussed. This article focuses on the mechanisms for activating kinases of the src family, an important class of nonreceptor tyrosine kinases implicated in the regulation of cell communication, proliferation, migration, differentiation, and survival. Recent in vitro findings show that in erythrocytes, synaptosomes, and cerebellar primary culture cells peroxynitrite is able to inhibit phosphatases and to activate different members of the src kinase family through different mechanisms involving cysteine-dependent and -independent processes. The ability of nitrotyrosine-containing peptides with SH2 binding affinity to activate src kinases is also discussed.  相似文献   

p56 lck is a well-characterized tyrosine protein kinase (TPK) which is thought to play a role in mitogenic signal transduction in T lymphocytes. Immunoblot analysis of human lymphocyte proteins using an antiserum cross-reactive with phosphotyrosine resulted in the detection of a 55-60 kDa protein band (presumably p56 lck) as well as several additional phosphotyrosyl proteins in lymphocyte extracts. All of these phosphotyrosyl proteins were down-regulated following mitotic stimulation. Autophosphorylation of lymphocyte microsomal fractions in the presence of [gamma-32P] ATP resulted in the labelling of p56 lck as well as other proteins of different molecular weights. Analysis of these labelled proteins by tryptic digestion resulted in strikingly similar peptide maps. The data suggest that lymphocytes may contain a family of TPKs structurally related to p56 lck. The down-regulation of the putative TPKs following mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes with phytohaemagglutinin suggests that this family of TPKs may participate in mitotic signalling events, followed by their down-regulation.  相似文献   

The protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) are a large and structurally diverse family of enzymes. The conserved catalytic domain held in common by each member of this family is a self-contained 250–300 amino acid unit bearing sixteen highly conserved linear sequence elements, several of which have been shown to be important to the catalytic activity of this domain. The enzymic activity of the PTKs is clearly an evolutionarily successful theme, and at least 10 distinct morphotypes have been described. Many of these resemble cell surface receptors for growth factors, and for a small sub-set of these receptors a ligand has been discovered. The remainder are located intracellularly and presumably sense and respond to appropriate metabolic cues by exerting their physiologically powerful enzymic activity. A detailed examination of the structure/function relationships of the PTKs and their catalytic domains is particularly revealing in trying to establish the roles that these proteins play in signal transduction in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine kinases play key roles in many molecular and cellular processes in diverse living organisms. Their proper functioning is crucial for the normal growth, development, and health in humans, whereas their dysfunction can cause serious diseases, including various cancers. As such, intense studies have been performed to understand the molecular mechanisms by which the activities of protein tyrosine kinases are regulated in mammalian cells. Particularly, small molecules that can modulate the activity of tyrosine kinases are of great importance for discovering therapeutic drug candidates for numerous diseases. Notably, heme cannot only serve as a prosthetic group for hemoglobins and enzymes, but it also is a small signaling molecule that can control the activity of diverse signaling and regulatory proteins. Using a computational search, we found that a group of non-membrane spanning tyrosine kinases contains one or more CP motifs that can potentially bind to heme and mediate heme regulation. We then used experimental approaches to determine whether heme can affect the activity of any of these tyrosine kinases. We found that heme indeed affects the phosphorylation of key tyrosine residues in Jak2 and Src, and is therefore able to modulate Jak2 and Src activity. Further experiments showed that Jak2 and Src bind to heme and that the presence of heme alters the sensitivity of Jak2 and Src to trypsin digestion. These results suggest that heme actively interacts with Jak2 and Src and alters their conformation.  相似文献   

A promoter of the nuclear proto-oncogene fos was activated by cotransfection with the viral src gene. Ability to transactivate the c-fos promoter was dependent on tyrosine kinase activity, because (i) src mutants which have reduced tyrosine kinase activity due to mutation of Tyr-416 to Phe showed lower promoter activation, (ii) pp60c-src mutants which have increased tyrosine kinase activity due to mutation of Tyr-527 to Phe also augmented c-fos promoter induction, and (iii) mutation in the ATP-binding site of pp60v-src strongly suppressed c-fos promoter activation. Tyrosine kinase activity alone, however, was not sufficient for promoter activation, because of pp60v-src mutant which lacked its myristylation site and consequently membrane association showed no increased c-fos promoter activation. Both the tyrosine kinase- and membrane-association-defective mutants were also unable to induce transformation. Therefore, phosphorylation of membrane-associated substrates appears to be required for both gene expression and cellular transformation by the src protein. Two regions of the c-fos promoter located between positions -362 and -324 and positions -323 and -294 were responsive to src stimulation. We believe that protein tyrosine phosphorylation represents an important step of signal transduction from the membrane to the nucleus.  相似文献   

We have analyzed activation of resting human T cells by anti-T cell receptor (TCR) monoclonal antibody (mAb) BMA031, a murine mAb of the G2b isotype. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) respond to anti-TCR mAb by short-term proliferation in vitro and by acquisition of responsiveness to interleukin 2 (rIL-2) in the absence of detectable IL-2 production. Cell depletion and limiting dilution experiments indicate that anti-TCR mAb +/- rIL-2 stimulation covers a substantial portion of human T cells, including CD4+ and CD8+ cells. Enhancement by rIL-2 of anti-TCR mAb-induced proliferation is blocked by anti-IL-2 receptor (IL-2R, p55) mAb, while anti-TCR mAb-induced proliferation is not. In contrast, anti-TCR mAb-induced proliferation is blocked by anti-lymphocyte function antigen 1 (LFA-1, CD11a) mAb and is not demonstrable in PBL from two patients with severe congenital LFA-1 deficiency, not even in the presence of irradiated LFA-1+ PBL. We conclude that stimulation of resting human T cells by anti-TCR mAb BMA031 enables dissociation of distinct steps in T cell activation that specifically require participation of IL-2R (p55) and LFA-1 cell surface molecules in a mutually exclusive way.  相似文献   

p56lck, a member of the src family of cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases, is expressed predominantly in T cells where it associates with the T-cell surface molecules CD4 and CD8. Mutants of CD4 and CD8 that have lost the ability to associate with p56lck no longer enhance antigen-induced T-cell activation. This suggests that p56lck plays an important role during T-cell activation. In an effort to understand the function of p56lck in T cells, a constitutively activated lck gene (F505lck) was introduced into T-helper hybridoma cell lines by retroviral infection. In four T-cell lines we examined, the activated lck protein stimulated interleukin-2 (IL-2) production, a hallmark of T-cell activation, in the absence of antigenic stimulation. In addition, a marked increase in antigen-independent IL-2 production was apparent when T cells infected with a temperature-sensitive F505lck were shifted to the permissive temperature. Only one cell line expressing F505lck exhibited increased sensitivity to antigenic stimulation. The SH3 domain of p56lck was dispensable for the induction of antigen-independent IL-2 production. In contrast, deletion of the majority of the SH2 domain of p56F505lck reduced its ability to induce spontaneous IL-2 production markedly. Activated p60c-src also induced antigen-independent IL-2 production, whereas two other tyrosine kinases, v-abl and the platelet-derived growth factor receptor, did not. Tyrosine phosphorylation of a 70-kDa cellular protein was observed after cross-linking of CD4 in T cells expressing F505lck but not in cells expressing F527src.  相似文献   

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