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Certain drugs exhibit a remarkable correlation between their ability to inhibit synaptosomal uptake of dopamine and the binding of [3H]mazindol to striatal membranes. To investigate the role of mazindol binding sites in the dopamine uptake process and the fate of these sites (labeling dopaminergic neurons) during aging, we have examined the properties of mazindol binding and dopamine uptake in individual young and old rats. There was a 48% decrease (p = 0.0001) in the Bmax of mazindol binding and a 23% decrease (p = 0.0166) in the Vmax of dopamine uptake with no apparent change in their affinities with age. Regression analysis of the relationship between Bmax and Vmax exhibited a significant correlation in old (p = 0.0156) but not young rats (p = 0.1398). These data suggest that the number of mazindol binding sites decreases with age and that the number of sites on the dopamine transporter complex far exceeds the number required to elicit maximal dopamine uptake.  相似文献   

Abstract: RS-42358–197{(S)-N-(1-azabicyclo[2.2.2]oct-3-yl)-2,4,5,6-tetrahydro-1H-benzo[de]isoquinolin-1-one hydrochloride} displaced the prototypic 5-hydroxytryptamine3 (5-HT3) receptor ligand [3H]quipazine in rat cerebral cortical membranes with an affinity (pKi) of 9.8 ± 0.1, while having weak affinity (pKi < 6.0) in 23 other receptor binding assays. [3H]RS-42358–197 was then utilized to label 5-HT3 receptors in a variety of tissues. [3H]RS-42358–197 labelled high-affinity and saturable binding sites in membranes from rat cortex, NG108–15 cells, and rabbit ileal myenteric plexus with affinities (KD) of 0.12 ± 0.01, 0.20 ± 0.01, and 0.10 ± 0.01 nM and densities (Bmax) of 16.0 ± 2.0, 660 ± 74, and 88 ± 12 fmol/mg of protein, respectively. The density of sites labelled in each of these tissues with [3H]RS-42358–197 was similar to that labelled with [3H]GR 65630, but was significantly less than that found with [3H]-quipazine. The binding of [3H]RS-42358–197 had a pharmacological profile similar to that of [3H]quipazine, as indicated by the rank order of displacement potencies: RS-42358–197 > (S)-zacopride > tropisetron > (R)-zacopride > ondansetron > MDL72222 > 5-HT. However, differences in 5-HT3 receptors of different tissues and species were detected on the basis of statistically significant differences in the affinities of phenylbiguanide, and 1-(m-chlorophenyl)biguanide when displacing [3H]RS-42358-197 binding. [3H]RS-42358–197 also labelled a population (Bmax= 91 ± 17 fmol/mg of protein) of binding sites in guinea pig myenteric plexus membranes, with lower affinity (KD= 1.6 ± 0.3 nM) than those in the other preparations. Moreover, the rank order of displacement potencies of 15 5-HT3 receptor ligands in guinea pig ileum was found not to be identical to that in other tissues. Binding studies carried out with [3H]RS-42358–197 have detected differences in 5-HT3 receptor binding sites in tissues of different species and further underscore the unique nature of the guinea pig 5-HT3 receptor.  相似文献   

Abstract: In contrast to striatal membranes of adult rats, where high- ( K D1= 34 n M ) and low- ( K D2= 48,400 n M ) affinity binding sites for [3H]WIN 35,428 are present, in primary cultures of ventral mesencephalon neurons (CVMNs) only low-affinity binding sites were found ( K D= 336,000 n M ). The binding of [3H]WIN 35,428 in CVMNs prepared from rat embryos was reversible, saturable, and located in cytosol. Although dopamine (DA) uptake blockers inhibited [3H]DA uptake at nanomolar concentrations in CVMNs, the displacement of [3H]WIN 35,428 binding in CVMNs by DA uptake inhibitors required 100-8,000 times higher concentrations than were needed to displace [3H]WIN 35,428 binding in striatal membranes. Piperazine derivatives, e.g., GBR-12909, GBR-12935, and rimcazole, inhibited [3H]WIN 35,428 binding in CVMNs more effectively than did cocaine, WIN 35,428, mazindol, nomifensine, or benztropin. A positive correlation ( r = 0.779; p < 0.001) was found between drug affinities for the striatal membrane sites labeled by [3H]WIN 35,428 and their abilities to inhibit DA uptake in CVMNs, whereas no correlation existed between the IC50 values of drugs that inhibited [3H]WIN 35,428 binding and [3H]DA uptake in CVMNs. The cytosolic [3H]WIN 35,428 binding sites may be a piperazine acceptor and may not be involved in the regulation of the DA transporter.  相似文献   

[3H]Dopamine uptake and [3H]cocaine binding sites were studied in primary cultures of ventral mesencephalon from 14-day-old rat embryos. Specific binding sites for [3H]cocaine and [3H]mazindol were detected only in intact cell cultures of ventral mesencephalon, and were absent in sonicated, washed membranes prepared from these cell cultures. [3H]Cocaine was not taken up by the cells through an active transport process because [3H]cocaine binding occurred also at 4 degrees C. Moreover, the possibility of [3H]cocaine entering the cells by passive diffusion and ion trapping was also excluded because extensive washing failed to remove [3H]cocaine from the cells. [3H]Cocaine binding was reduced to 6% of control when cells were permeabilized with streptolysin O (0.2 U/ml, 5 min). Taken together, these results suggest that in cultured mesencephalic neurons, [3H]cocaine may enter the cell by passive diffusion and then be sequestered by a cytosolic compartment that is lost in the process of permeabilization or sonication and washing of membrane preparations. Permeabilization of cultured neurons failed to alter the storage of [3H]dopamine. When cells were permeabilized with streptolysin O (0.2 U/ml; 5 min) after [3H]dopamine was taken up, [3H]dopamine was retained by the cells and did not leak into the incubation medium, indicating that [3H]dopamine was stored in sites that could not pass through the perforated membranes. In contrast, [3H]dopamine uptake into already permeabilized cells was reduced by 33%, suggesting that a cytosolic protein that had leaked out may play a functional role in the uptake process. In contrast to striatal membrane preparations of adult rats, [3H]cocaine binding in intact mesencephalic cell cultures was Na+ independent.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract— The specific binding of [3H]spiperone and [3H]domperidone, as defined by 1 μ m -(+)butaclamol, was compared in homogenates of bovine retina and caudate nucleus. Scatchard analyses of saturation data for [3H]spiperone binding yielded dissociation constants ( K d) of 0.35 n m in the retina and 0.64 n m in the caudate nucleus. Comparison of the maximum number of binding sites (Bmax) present in each tissue indicated that the density of sites in bovine caudate nucleus (270 fmol/mg protein) was approximately three times higher than in bovine retina (92 fmol/mg protein). This difference was even more marked in guinea pig tissues, with a ratio of 7:1 between corpus striatum and retina. The pharmacological analysis of [3H]spiperone binding in both the bovine retina and caudate nucleus indicated an interaction with dopaminergic rather than serotonergic sites. However, inhibition curves obtained to dopaminergic agonists in the bovine retina were significantly steeper than those observed in the bovine caudate nucleus, as reflected in the greater Hill coefficients obtained for these agents in the retina. Furthermore, only a small amount of specific [3H]domperidone binding was observed in either the bovine caudate nucleus or the guinea pig striatum, whilst no specific [3H]domperidone binding was detectable in homogenates of either bovine or guinea pig retina. These data suggest that the retina possesses only a small population of dopaminergic D2 sites and that these binding sites may differ from those present in the caudate nucleus.  相似文献   

When rat brain membranes were incubated with the benzodiazepine agonist [3H]flunitrazepam or the partial inverse benzodiazepine agonist [3H]Ro 15-4513 in the presence of ultraviolet light one protein (P51) was specifically and irreversibly labeled in cerebellum and at least two proteins (P51 and P55) were labeled in hippocampus. After digestion of the membranes with trypsin, protein P51 was degraded into several peptides. When P51 was photolabeled with [3H]Ro 15-4513, four peptides with apparent molecular weights of 39,000, 29,000, 21,000, and 17,000 were observed. When P51 was labeled with [3H]flunitrazepam, only two peptides with apparent molecular weights of 39,000 and 25,000 were obtained. Protein P55 was only partially degraded by trypsin, and whether it was labeled with [3H]flunitrazepam or [3H]Ro 15-4513 it yielded the same two proteolytic peptides with apparent molecular weights of 42,000 and 45,000. These results support the existence of at least two different benzodiazepine receptor subtypes associated with proteins P51 and P55. The different receptors seem to be differentially protected against treatment with trypsin. In addition, these results indicate that in the benzodiazepine receptor subtype associated with P51 benzodiazepine agonists and partial inverse benzodiazepine agonists irreversibly bind to different parts of the molecule.  相似文献   

Abstract: The binding of [3H]dopamine to brain regions of calf, rat, and human was investigated. The calf caudate contained the highest density of [3H]dopamine binding sites, with a Bmax value of 185 fmol/mg protein, whereas rat and human striatum contained one-third this number of sites. The KD values for [3H]dopamine in all tissues were 2–3 nM. Dopaminergic catecholamines (dopamine, apomorphine, 6,7-dihydroxy-2-aminotetralin, and N-propylnorapomorphine) inhibited the binding of [3H]dopamine in all three species, at low concentrations, with IC50 values of 1.5 to 6 nM. Neuroleptics, in contrast, inhibited the binding at high concentrations (with IC50 values of 200 to 40,000 nM). The [3H]dopamine binding sites were saturable, heat-labile, and detectable only in dopamine-rich brain regions; these sites differed from D2 dopamine sites (labeled by [3H]butyrophenone neuroleptics), and from Dl dopamine sites (labeled by [3H]thioxanthene neuroleptics) associated with the dopamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase. We have, therefore, called these high-affinity [3H]dopamine binding sites D3 sites. [3H]Apomorphine and [3H]ADTN also appeared to label D3 sites. These ligands however, were less selective than [3H]dopamine, and labeled sites other than D3 as well. Assay conditions were important in determining the parameters of [3H]dopamine binding. The optimum conditions for selective labeling of the D3 dopaminergic sites, using [3H]dopamine, required the presence of EDTA and ascorbate.  相似文献   

Abstract: The present study addresses the possibility that there are different cocaine-related and mazindol-related binding domains on the dopamine transporter (DAT) that show differential sensitivity to cations. The effects of Zn2+, Mg2+, Hg2+, Li+, K+, and Na+ were assessed on the binding of [3H]mazindol and [3H]WIN 35,428 to the human (h) DAT expressed in C6 glioma cells under identical conditions for intact cell and membrane assays. The latter were performed at both 0 and 21°C. Zn2+ (30–100 µ M ) stimulated binding of both radioligands to membranes, with a relatively smaller effect for [3H]mazindol; Mg2+ (0.1–100 µ M ) had no effect; Hg2+ at ∼3 µ M stimulated binding to membranes, with a relatively smaller effect for [3H]mazindol than [3H]WIN 35,428 at 0°C, and at 30–100 µ M inhibited both intact cell and membrane binding; Li+ and K+ substitution (30–100 m M ) inhibited binding to membranes more severely than to intact cells; and Na+ substitution was strongly stimulatory. With only a few exceptions, the patterns of ion effects were remarkably similar for both radioligands at both 0 and 21°C, suggesting the involvement of common binding domains on the hDAT impacted similarly by cations. Therefore, if there are different binding domains for WIN 35,428 and mazindol, these are not affected differentially by the cations studied in the present experiments, except for the stimulatory effect of Zn2+ at 0 and 21°C and Hg2+ at 0°C.  相似文献   

Following incubation of [3H]dynorphin A (1-8) and [3H]dynorphin A (1-9) with suspensions of guinea pig brain membranes, analysis of the supernatants by HPLC has shown that both peptides are degraded at 25 degrees C and at 0 degrees C. Bestatin and captopril reduce degradation at 0 degrees C but for a similar degree of protection at 25 degrees C arginine-containing dipeptides are also required. The effects of these peptidase inhibitors on the degradation profiles indicate that [3H]dynorphin A (1-8) has three main sites of cleavage: the Tyr1-Gly2, Arg6-Arg7, and Leu5-Arg6 bonds. With [3H]dynorphin A (1-9) as substrate the Arg7-Ile8 and Ile8-Arg9 bonds are also liable to cleavage. In binding assays, in contrast to the effects of peptidase inhibitors on the degradation of unbound [3H]dynorphin A (1-8) and [3H]dynorphin A (1-9), bestatin and captopril have little effect on the binding characteristics of the tritiated dynorphin A fragments at the kappa-site at 0 degrees C. However, at 25 degrees C binding is low in the absence of peptidase inhibitors. When binding at mu- and delta-sites is prevented, the maximal binding capacities of [3H]dynorphin A (1-8), [3H]dynorphin A (1-9), and [3H](-)-bremazocine at the kappa-site are similar; [3H]dynorphin A (1-9) has 5-10 times higher affinity for the kappa-site than [3H]dynorphin A (1-8). Comparison of the effects of peptidase inhibitors on unbound dynorphin A fragments with their effects in binding assays suggests that the bound peptides are protected from the action of peptidases.  相似文献   

Although dopamine-containing cells are known to be present in sympathetic ganglia, the site of action and the role of dopamine in ganglion function remain obscure. In the present work, we evaluated the interaction of dopamine receptor ligands with particulate membrane fractions from bovine chromaffin cells and adrenal medullary homogenates using the D2 dopamine receptor radioligand [3H]N-methylspiperone ([3H]NMSP). Scatchard analysis of [3H]NMSP saturation experiments revealed a Bmax of 24.1 +/- 1.6 fmol/mg of protein and a KD of 0.23 +/- 0.03 nM in the particulate fraction from adrenal medulla homogenates and a Bmax of 26.5 +/- 2.7 fmol/mg of membrane protein and a KD of 0.25 +/- 0.02 nM in the particulate fraction prepared from isolated adrenal chromaffin cells. There were approximately 1,000 receptors/cell. There were no detectable levels of specific [3H]NMSP binding in the particulates prepared from adrenal cortical or capsular homogenates. Competition studies with the nonradioactive D2 receptor antagonists spiperone, chlorpromazine, and (-)-sulpiride revealed KI values of 0.28, 21, and 196 nM, respectively. The (+) isomer of butaclamol displayed a 604-fold higher affinity than the (-) isomer. Competition studies with the dopamine receptor agonists dopamine and apomorphine revealed affinities of 3,960 and 417 nM, respectively. A correlation coefficient of 0.96 was obtained in studies comparing the potencies of drugs in inhibiting specific [3H]NMSP binding in bovine adrenal medullary homogenates and in inhibiting specific [3H]NMSP binding to brain D2 dopamine receptors. In summary, radiolabeling studies using [3H]NMSP have revealed the presence of D2 dopamine receptors on bovine adrenal chromaffin cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]PK 11195 and [3H]Ro 5-4864 to membrane preparations from cerebral cortex and peripheral tissues of various species was studied. [3H]PK 11195 (0.05-10 nM) bound with high affinity to rat and calf cerebral cortical and kidney membranes. [3H]Ro 5-4864 (0.05-30 nM) also successfully labeled rat cerebral cortical and kidney membranes, but in calf cerebral cortical and kidney membranes, its binding capacity was only 3 and 4%, respectively, of that of [3H]PK 11195. Displacement studies showed that unlabeled Ro 5-4864, diazepam, and flunitrazepam were much more potent in displacing [3H]PK 11195 from rat cerebral cortex and kidney membranes than from calf tissues. The potency of unlabeled Ro 5-4864 in displacing [3H]PK 11195 from the cerebral cortex of various other species was also tested, and the rank order of potency was rat = guinea pig greater than cat = dog greater than rabbit greater than calf. Analysis of these displacement curves revealed that Ro 5-4864 bound to two populations of binding sites from rat and calf kidney and from rat, guinea pig, rabbit, and calf cerebral cortex but to a single population of binding sites from cat and dog cerebral cortex. Using [3H]PK 11195 as a ligand, the rank order of binding capacity in cerebral cortex of various species was cat greater than calf greater than guinea pig greater than rabbit greater than dog greater than rat, whereas when [3H]Ro 5-4864 was used, the rank order of binding capacity was cat greater than guinea pig greater than rat greater than rabbit greater than calf greater than dog.  相似文献   

Rat hippocampal formation slices were prelabelled with [3H]inositol and stimulated with carbachol for times between 7 s and 3 min. The [3H]inositol metabolites in an acid extract of the slices were resolved with anion-exchange HPLC. Carbachol dramatically increased the concentration of [3H]inositol monophosphate, [3H]inositol bisphosphate (two isomers), [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate, [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, and [3H]inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate. The levels of [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate rose most rapidly; they were maximally elevated after only 7 s and declined toward control levels in 1 min followed by a more sustained elevation in levels for up to 3 min. When [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate was incubated with hippocampal formation homogenates in an ATP-containing buffer it was very rapidly metabolised. After 5 min [3H]inositol 1,4-bisphosphate, [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate, and [3H]inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate could be detected in the homogenates. Under similar experimental conditions [3H]inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate is metabolised to [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and an inositol bisphosphate isomer that is not [3H]inositol 1,4-bisphosphate. We conclude that like other tissues the primary event in the hippocampus following carbachol stimulation is the activation of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate selective phospholipase C.  相似文献   

Photolabeling of the benzodiazepine receptor, which to date has been done with benzodiazepine agonists such as flunitrazepam, can also be achieved with Ro 15-4513, a partial inverse agonist of the benzodiazepine receptor. [3H]Ro 15-4513 specifically and irreversibly labeled a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 51,000 (P51) in cerebellum and at least two proteins with apparent molecular weights of 51,000 (P51) and 55,000 (P55) in hippocampus. Photolabeling was inhibited by 10 microM diazepam but not by 10 microM Ro 5-4864. The BZ1 receptor-selective ligands CL 218872 and beta-carboline-3-carboxylate ethyl ester preferentially inhibited irreversible binding of [3H]Ro 15-4513 to protein P51. Not only these biochemical results but also the distribution and density of [3H]Ro 15-4513 binding sites in rat brain sections were similar to the findings with [3H]flunitrazepam. Thus, the binding sites for agonists and inverse agonists appear to be located on the same proteins. In contrast, whereas [3H]flunitrazepam is known to label only 25% of the benzodiazepine binding sites in brain membranes, all binding sites are photolabeled by [3H]Ro 15-4513. Thus, all benzodiazepine receptor sites are associated with photolabeled proteins with apparent molecular weights of 51,000 and/or 55,000. In cerebellum, an additional protein (MW 57,000) unrelated to the benzodiazepine receptor was labeled by [3H]Ro 15-4513 but not by [3H]flunitrazepam. In brain sections, this component contributed to higher labeling by [3H]Ro 15-4513 in the granular than the molecular layer.  相似文献   

Abstract: The binding of [3H]spiperone, a neuroleptic/dopamine receptor ligand, to membranes of the ventral tegmental area of the rat was studied in vitro and found to be rapid, saturable, reversible, and of high affinity. Specific binding was displaced by the dopaminergic agonists dopamine, apomorphine, and 2-amino-6,7-dihydroxytetralin, and stereospecifically by the neuroleptic drugs butaclamol and flupenthixol. Bromocryptine and other ergots displaced the binding, as did the D-2 antagonists domperidone, molindone, metoclopramide, and sulpiride. Noradrenergic, histaminergic, and serotonergic components of the binding were not detected in displacement studies with various agonists and antagonists. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that [3H]spiperone labels dopamine receptors in the ventral tegmental area that are not linked to adenylate cyclase and are therefore likely to be of the D-2 type.  相似文献   

Abstract: Specific [3H]strychnine binding was used to identify the glycine receptor macromolecular complex in human spinal cord, substantia nigra, inferior olivary nucleus, and cerebral cortex. In material from control patients a high-affinity K d (3–8 n m ) was observed in the spinal cord and the substantia nigra, both the pars compacta and the pars reticulata. This is very similar to the values observed in the rat and bovine spinal cord (8 and 3 n m , respectively) and rat substantia nigra (12 n m ). In the human brain the distribution of [3H]strychnine binding (at 10 n m ) was: spinal cord – substantia nigra, pars compacta > substantia nigra, pars reticulata = inferior olivary nucleus > cerebral cortex. The binding capacity ( B max) of the rat brain (substantia nigra or spinal cord) was approximately 10-fold that of the human brain. [ 3 H]Strychnine binding was significantly decreased in the substantia nigra from Parkinson's disease patients, both in the pars compacta (67% of control) and the pars reticulata (50% of control), but not in the inferior olivary nucleus. The results were reproduced in a preliminary experiment in rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the medial forebrain bundle. In the substantia nigra from patients who died with Huntington's disease, [3H]strychnine binding tended to be high (150% of control, NS) in both the pars compacta and the reticulata. [3H]Strychnine binding was unaltered in the substantia nigra of patients with senile dementia. Together with previous neurophysiological and neuropharmacological findings, those results support the hypothesis of glycine receptors occurring on dopamine cell bodies and/or dendrites in the substantia nigra.  相似文献   

The binding of lipophilic radioligands to homogenized tissue was investigated with the help of a simple, two-component model: a specific component reflects binding to a single and uniform population of sites; a nonspecific component reflects partitioning into the membrane and the entrapment of some drug present in the aqueous phase prior to separation of the pariculate fraction. The results indicate that the capacity and the affinity of the receptor may be underestimated when the data are analyzed in terms of total rather than free radioligand. Errors in capacity arise when for a significant fraction of the radioligand access to the receptor is blocked by an unlabelled drug and this appears as nonspecific binding. This is most likely to occur when the partition coefficient is such that the free radioligand is located pre-dominantly in the particulate phase. Errors in affinity reflect the tendency of the membrane to reduce the free concentration of a lipophilic drug in the aqueous phase. A further complication arises when a significant fraction of the total radioligand binds to the receptor. [3H]Spiperone binds to dopamine D2 receptors with a dissociation constant of about 50 pM and partitions into the particulate phase of brain homogenates with a membrane/buffer partition coefficient of 410. As expected, both capacity and affinity can appear to depend on the concentration of tissue used in the assay. If the partition coefficient is known, corrected estimates of both parameters can be obtained knowing only the total concentration of radioligand; if the partition coefficient is not known, the free concentration of radioligand in the aqueous phase must be measured independently. The former procedure requires that the aqueous and particulate components of the system be separated by centrifugation; with filtration, the removal of an indeterminate amount of radioligand from the membrane during washing precludes any correction based on the partition coefficient. For the specific example of [3H]spiperone in human brain, the artifacts become negligible at concentrations of protein below 0.1 mg/ml of incubate. The capacity per unit of original tissue is best determined using unwashed preparations, since about 30% of the total protein and a comparable percentage of the receptors are lost on washing.  相似文献   

Replacement of H2O by D2O resulted in significantly higher amount of [3H]diazepam specifically bound to synaptic membranes. The isotope effect arises from increased number of binding sites in D2O and is associated with a stronger solvation of membrane receptors by heavy water.  相似文献   

Abstract— [3H]Spiperone binding has been used to study neurotransmitter receptors in bovine caudate nucleus in displacement and saturation binding experiments. Displacement curves for several antagonists are biphasic and can be analysed into contributions from dopaminergic and serotonergic sites. Antagonist binding at each class of sites follows the simple mass action equations for binding at a homogeneous set of sites (slope factors close to unity). Agonist displacement curves also indicate complex behaviour, but agonist binding to the dopaminergic sites alone exhibits heterogeneous properties (slope factors less than unity). Saturation binding experiments have been conducted on each class of site, defining dopaminergic binding of [3H]spiperone as that binding displaced by 0.1 m m -dopamine and serotonergic binding as that displaced by 0.3 μ m -mianserin. In each case, a single class of binding sites was detected: the binding parameters derived in this way have been used to calculate the proportions of the two classes of binding site observed in displacement experiments. Good agreement was obtained between calculated and observed values.  相似文献   

The outflow of [3H]choline ([3H]Ch) evoked by electrical field stimulation and the efflux of D-[3H]Asp induced by 35 mM KCl and 1-10 microM ouabain were studied in human and guinea pig cortical slices, kept under identical experimental conditions. [3H]Ch outflow was significantly lower whereas D-[3H]Asp efflux was significantly higher in humans than in guinea pigs. This suggests a different proportion of the two neuronal systems in these two species. Blockade of muscarinic autoreceptors with atropine increased, whereas stimulation of alpha 2 receptors with norepinephrine (NE) reduced, the evoked [3H]Ch outflow to the same extent in human and guinea pig cortical slices. Conversely, NE did not affect ouabain-induced D-[3H]Asp efflux, suggesting that an alpha 2-mediated control is not operative in the glutamatergic cortical structures. Desmethylimipramine, 2-5 microM, was able to increase [3H]Ch outflow through atropine-like mechanisms only in the human. This drug at 20-50 microM inhibited [3H]Ch and D-[3H]Asp efflux in both species, through mechanisms unrelated to its monoamine reuptake blocking properties. Thus, similarities and differences can be detected between humans and guinea pigs with regard to (a) the relative potency of the cholinergic and acidic amino acidergic signals and (b) the modulation of neurotransmitter outflow by drugs acting on auto- and the heteroreceptors.  相似文献   

Abstract: NMDA receptors mediate several important functions in the CNS; however, little is known about the pharmacology, biochemistry, and function of distinct NMDA receptor subtypes in brain tissue. To facilitate the study of native NMDA receptor subpopulations, we have determined the radioligand binding properties of [3H]homoquinolinate, a potential subtype-selective ligand. Using quantitative receptor autoradiography, NMDA-specific [3H]homoquinolinate binding selectively labeled brain regions expressing NR2B mRNA (layers I–III of cerebral cortex, striatum, hippocampus, and septum). NMDA-specific [3H]homoquinolinate binding was low in brain regions that express NR2C and NR2D mRNA (cerebellar granular cell layer, NR2C; glomerular layer of olfactory bulb, NR2C/NR2D; and midline thalamic nuclei, NR2D). In forebrain, the pattern of NMDA-specific [3H]homoquinolinate binding paralleled NR2B and not NR2A distribution. In addition to NMDA-displaceable binding, there was a subpopulation of [3H]homoquinolinate binding sites in the forebrain, cerebellum, and choroid plexus that was not displaced by NMDA or l -glutamate. In contrast, we found that the derivative of homoquinolinate, 2-carboxy-3-carboxymethylquinoline, markedly inhibited the NMDA-insensitive binding of [3H]homoquinolinate without inhibiting the NMDA-sensitive population. [3H]Homoquinolinate may be useful for selectively characterizing NR2B-containing NMDA receptors in a preparation containing multiple receptor subtypes and for characterizing a novel binding site of unknown function.  相似文献   

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