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Daphnia (C.) hispanica n. sp. has thoracic limbs of A D. (C.) atkinsoni type and is very similar toD. chevreuxi Richard, 1896. With this speciesD. (C.) hispanica shares the presence of a soft accessory seta on the outer side of the trunk of the first thoracic limb, apparently unique among the genusDaphnia. Although other morphological characteristics are very similar in this two species, a detailed comparison reveals that they can easily be separated as different species. The most useful features in differentiating both species are:D. (C.) hispanica has a dorsal crest in the head, its rostrum is longer, its accesory seta of the first thoracic limb is more developed, the juveniles are not helmeted and its male postabdomen lacks individual denticles on the anal and preanal margin.The new species is, up to now, restricted to Spain and inhabits the temporary and low mineralized waters of the steppe regions.  相似文献   

Juan C. Paggi 《Hydrobiologia》1996,319(2):137-147
Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) menucoensis n. sp. is described from various localities in arid and semiarid Argentina. D. menucoensis has no ocellus, and a characteristic head, fornices, ephippium and denticular arrangement of postabdomen in females and males. The species belongs to a group, along with D. mediterranea, D. dolichocephala Negrea 1984, and D. salina, sharing ecological and morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

As part of a research programme on the food chains in Tjeukemeer, the Daphnia hyalina and Daphnia cucullata populations were studied for three successive years. To analyse the factors regulating the production of these two species, their population parameters (density, size distribution, fecundity) and population dynamics (birth rate, mortality rate) were studied and related to environmental factors. Since Daphnia in Tjeukemeer shows continuous recruitment, the population dynamics model INSTAR was developed and used to integrate field data with laboratory data on development rates and length-weight relationships. The dynamics of the Daphnia species are mainly regulated by temperature and fish predation, the latter affects both birth rate and mortality. Total annual Daphnia production was 3.1–6.9 g org. dry wt M–2, and annual P/B ratio ranged from 25 to 40 for D. cucullata and from 45 to 49 for D. hyalina.  相似文献   

European populations of Daphnia similis Claus have been compared with populations from tropical Asia. Daphnia similoides n. sp. from tropical Asia was described as the sibling species of D. similis. The female has characteristic neonate, postabdomen, head, and ephippium. The male has characteristic rostrum, antennules, and the distalmost part of the postabdomen. The D. similis group was compared with D. carinata s. str. Australian populations.  相似文献   

Piet Spaak 《Oecologia》1995,104(4):501-507
To investigate whether reproductive variation in the Daphnia galeata-cucullata-hyalina hybrid species complex can explain the occurrence of hybrids and backcrosses, a total of 43 clones from three north German lakes were tested for allocation to sexual reproduction under equal stress conditions. Six replicates per clone were followed until the seventh adult instar. I used the following cues to promote sexual reproduction: short photoperiod, water from a crowded Daphnia culture, fish-conditioned water and low food concentration. For each animal, clutch size and clutch sex were recorded. Ephippia, which were empty since the animals were cultured individually, were only produced by D. cucullata and D. cucullata x hyalina (26% and 6% of the broods, respectively), whereas almost all taxa produced males (the range was 2–15%). Intraspecific variation for male and ephippial production was also found. The fact that the taxa tested show different responses to the stimuli of-fered may indicate that there is reproductive isolation between them. This is supported by field data from the Tjeukemeer (The Netherlands) which shows that D. galeata mostly produces ephippia in spring and D. cucullata in autumn. The presence of hybrids with ephippia in both seasons, however, shows that backcrossing is also possible.  相似文献   

Forty nine characters were measured in each of 76 male and 200 female Daphnia including specimens from all eleven taxa described from the genus in Australia, except D. jollyi. Separate multivariate analyses (cluster, principal components and discriminant) of males and females each revealed only five morphological groups in the genus corresponding to the species D. occidentalis, D. lumholtzi, D. cephalata, D. nivalis, and a conglomerate of all other taxa described from the D. carinata complex, D. carinata (sensu lato). Interpretation of the male results was straightforward, but that for females was not because of the occurrence of an environmentally induced seasonal change in morphology (cyclomorphosis) in females. Log transformations of the female data successfully isolated the effects of cyclomorphosis. The seasonal morphs formed two groups which were further differentiated into taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at eleven allozyme loci was scored in approximately 1600 individual Daphnia. The samples included representatives of all nine taxa described from the D. carinata complex in Australia. Principal coordinates and cluster analyses revealed only three groups of genotypes within the complex, corresponding to the taxa D. cephalata, D. nivalis, and a conglomerate of all other taxa described from the complex, D. carinata (sensu lato). These results are consistent with recent multivariate morphological analyses of the complex.  相似文献   

M. Alonso  D. Jaume 《Hydrobiologia》1991,212(1):221-230
Branchipus cortesi, n. sp. (Anostraca, Branchipodidae) is characterized by the broadly enlarged distal segments of male antenna 2, and a combination of morphological features concerning thoracic limbs, abdominal segments and egg morphology. The species occurs in temporary fresh water bodies in flatlands with temperate Mediterranean climate; it is distributed in the south-western part of Spain. Our study includes a morphological analysis using optical and scanning electronic microscopes. Questions about ecology and distribution of the new species are also discussed.  相似文献   

Life-history traits were compared in twenty-two clones of Daphnia cucullata from the pre-alpine lake Klostersee in southern Germany. Clones were kept under standardized conditions (18 °C; 16:8 L/D) both singly and with 25 females per glass. Clones belonged to two genotype groups distinguished by enzyme electrophoresis. 11 of the clones had the genotype FM at the phosphate glucose isomerase locus and 11 the genotype MM. Neonates and adults of the age class 10 to 21 days were larger in one group (FM) than in the other group (MM). The size specific growth rates within any age class depended on age and body size and differed between the genotype groups. The fecundity of young FM animals (< 16 days) was significantly higher than that of MM animals, but for older females fecundity did not differ significantly. Senescence started about 6 days earlier in FM than in MM. The data are consistent with results of a field study on Daphnia cucullata in the Klostersee (Jacobs, 1990).  相似文献   

A species of Daphnia, Daphnia curvirostris Eylmann, found in high mountain lakes and ponds in central Japan is described. Although there were some differences in the shape of the male rostrum and the chromosome number between European populations as described by Johnson (1952) and Trentini (1980), and Japanese ones collected from high mountain waters, Japanese specimens had many characteristics similar to the taxon D. curvirostris of Europe.  相似文献   

A revision is made of the African Mesocyclops species, based on type material (when extant) and on collections from various parts in Africa.Diagnostic characteristics are: presence or absence of spinule patterns on antennular segments, structure of the hyaline membrane of the 17th antennular segment, spine pattern on the basipodite of the antenna, armature of the maxillulary palp, presence or absence of a spine on the basipodite of P1, armature of the connecting lamella, coxopodite and basipodite of P4, armature of the apical spines of Enp3P4, armature of the last thoracic segment, genital segment and the other abdominal segments, armature of the furcal rami and structure of the receptaculum seminis.First, the taxonomical status of M. leuckarti (Claus) is redefined; this species does not occur in Africa and its geographical range is restricted to Europe and the western part of Northern Asia. On the African continent, twelve other taxa are found. Four are described as new to science: M. kieferi sp.n., M. dussarti sp.n., M. spinosus sp.n. and M. aequatorialis similis subsp.n. The remainder are: M. major Sars, M. tenuisaccus (Sars), M. paludosus Lindberg, M. salinus Onabamiro, M. ogunnus Onabamiro, M. aspericornis (Daday), M. rarus Kiefer and M. aequatorialis aequatorialis (Kiefer).Their geographical distribution is discussed. Eleven taxa are restricted to the African continent (including the Arabian Peninsula and the Canary Islands). One taxon is also found in the Oriental Region. Madagascan representatives are briefly mentioned.The importance of breeding and cross-breeding experiments should be stressed in copepod taxonomy. Experiments were performed on African species and M. leuckarti to evaluate the morphological characters used in the present study, and intraspecific morphological variability was examined up to and including the third generation (Van de Velde, in press).In future one should critically reconsider the so-called cosmopolitan species; they may indeed represent a complex of related taxa, each with a geographical range more restricted than that of the species-complex itself.Abstracted from the author's Ph.D. thesis, State University of Ghent, 1982.Abstracted from the author's Ph.D. thesis, State University of Ghent, 1982.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in vertical distribution of Daphnia galeata and other zooplankters were monitored in lake Lombola (69° 07&prime; N). Depth-habitat use, availability of edible algae and zooplankton densities were recorded to examine seasonal changes in intensity of competition between Daphnia and the other herbivores in the lake. Early in July, the exephippial generation of Daphnia aggregated near the surface, independently of body-size. In late July, when fish planktivory was expected to increase, the daphnids moved down during the day. In August, as intraspecific competition for food intensified, small and large Daphnia partitioned the water column, with larger individuals staying deeper. In September, Daphnia became dominated by large individuals, edible phytoplankton reached the seasonal minimum, and the vertical distribution of Daphnia gradually stretched out towards the surface. The observations on food availability and zooplankton densities suggest that interspecific competition intensified by the end of July. Species and stages that were most exposed to exploitative and interference competition by Daphnia were those staying deeper, because their vertical distribution overlapped more with the larger, competitively superior daphnids. These susceptible competitors included Keratella cochlearis and Synchaeta, among the rotifers, and nauplii and early copepodite stages of Cyclops scutifer. Depth-habitat use is discussed in relation to copepod development, zooplankton dynamics and predator-mediated coexistence.  相似文献   

Igor Hudec 《Hydrobiologia》2000,421(1):165-178
The genus Kurzia is divided into two subgenera: Kurzia s. str. and Rostrokurzia n. subg. Subgenus Kurzia includes Kurzia (K.) latissima Kurz, 1874, with a palearctic -, Kurzia (K.) polyspina n. sp. with a neotropic - , and Kurzia (K.) cf. media (Birge, 1879) with a nearctic distribution. Rostrokurzia includes Kurzia (R.) longirostris Daday, 1898 (pantropical distribution), and Kurzia (R.) brevilabris Rajapaksa & Fernando, 1986, from subtropical and tropical Asia. Kurzia latissima Kurz, 1874, from Central Europe is redescribed in detail.  相似文献   

Survival of natural Daphnia populations without previous acclimatization in filtered water under laboratory conditions (starvation) was used as a parameter describing the actual competitive ability of populations in periods of food limitation. Two populations (1 and 2) of Daphnia pulicaria Forbes coming from two enclosures with a low (< 1 mgC l–1) and a high (about 3 mgC l–1) seston level were examined in their resistance to starvation. Juveniles of both populations survived better than adult females in the conditions without seston as well as in the control experiment, despite their much lower biomass. Animals from population 1 had lower mortality than those from population 2 in all variants of the experiment. The results confirm the hypothesis that the ability of daphnids to starve depends also on adaptation to previous feeding conditions.  相似文献   

Crepidotus ehrendorferi spec. nova (sect.Sphaerula) is similar to the North AmericanC. sinuosus and differs mainly by the anatomy of pileicutis with unseptated, long, slender terminal hyphae and some macroscopical characters. It is compared also withC. applanatus andC. crocophyllus. C. ehrendorferi is a very conspicuous, wood-inhabiting species known up to now from a very old forest reserve close to the city of Vienna (Austria).  相似文献   

Timms  Brian V. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,486(1):71-89
The genus Branchinella is diverse in Western Australia, with 18 species, including four new species described here. B. complexidigitata n. sp. is characterized by an intricate frontal appendage, unlike any within the genus. The other three are less remarkable; B. halsei n. sp. is like B. lyrifera, B. kadjikadji n. sp. belongs to the B. affinis group and B. nana n. sp. is similar to B. simplex; similarities are based on frontal appendage and to a lesser extent on the second antennae and penis. Only two species, B. affinis and B. longirostris, are common and widespread; many of the remainder being localized endemics. The high diversity in Western Australia is explained by broad latitudinal range, habitat diversity, and great age and isolation of the landscape.  相似文献   

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