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Embryonic chick articular and keel cartilage was found to synthesize two types of collagen. The amount of Type I collagen synthesis decreased from 60% to nearly 10% during the embryonic period studied, thus suggesting not only coexistence of both collagen types in the same tissue, but also a developmental transformation from predominantly Type I synthesis to Type II synthesis with cartilage development and maturation. Radioautographs suggested that all chondrocytes were equally active in collagen synthesis and failed to show any significant non-cartilagenous tissue contamination. Therefore variation in collagen type synthesis must be a product of some unknown genetic regulatory mechanism within the cartilage tissue.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression through imperfect base pairing with the 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) of target mRNA. We studied the regulation of alpha 1 (I) collagen (Col1A1) expression by miRNAs in human stellate cells, which are involved in liver fibrogenesis. Among miR-29b, -143, and -218, whose expressions were altered in response to transforming growth factor-β1 or interferon-α stimulation, miR-29b was the most effective suppressor of type I collagen at the mRNA and protein level via its direct binding to Col1A1 3′UTR. miR-29b also had an effect on SP1 expression. These results suggested that miR-29b is involved in the regulation of type I collagen expression by interferon-α in hepatic stellate cells. It is anticipated that miR-29b will be used for the regulation of stellate cell activation and lead to antifibrotic therapy.  相似文献   

Collagen IV accumulation is characteristic of diabetic angiopathy. To test the possible contribution of GH, we studied its effects on collagen IV production by human umbilical vein endothelial cells at 5.5 and 16.7 mmol/l glucose. GH (100 ng/ml) markedly increased collagen IV level in the culture supernatant and in the insoluble extracellular matrix and cell fraction at both glucose concentrations. This stimulating effect of GH was additional to that of high glucose. It was more pronounced on collagen IV than on total protein synthesis. GH increased free latent gelatinase activity slightly at normal and markedly at high glucose. Using GF109203X, a PKC inhibitor, we observed that high glucose, but not GH, activated PKC. These two factors stimulating collagen IV production appear to work through different pathways, favoring an additivity of their effects. This supports the contribution of high plasma GH in diabetic vascular basement membrane thickening.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that embryonic corneal epithelia can interact with, and respond to, soluble extracellular matrices (ECM) (laminin, collagen, and fibronectin). The basal surface of epithelia isolated free of the underlying ECM can be seen to be disrupted by numerous blebs that sprout from this formerly smooth surface. Laminin, collagen, or fibronectin added to the culture medium cause the epithelium to reorganize its cytoskeleton and flatten its basal surface. We show here that ECM molecules at concentrations that reorganize epithelial cytoskeletal morphology also increase the amount of collagen produced by the epithelial cells. However, molecules that do not reorganize basal epithelial morphology (concanavalin A, heparin, bovine serum albumin) have no effect on collagen production. We also report that fluorescently labeled laminin, collagen, and fibronectin, when added to the medium surrounding isolated corneal epithelia, bind to and flatten the basal epithelial cell surface. The binding site on the basal surface is protease sensitive and is specific for each ECM molecule. These results are compatible with the idea that the basal epithelial plasmalemma possesses a diverse population of binding sites for ECM that link cell surface matrix to the cytoskeleton, causing a dramatic cytoskeletal reorganization which in turn results in enhanced production of collagen by the cells.  相似文献   

The loci of the three amino acid residues that contribute their prosthetic groups to form the stable, nonreducible, trifunctional intermolecular cross-link histidinohydroxylysinonorleucine in skin collagen fibrils were identified. Two apparently homogeneous three-chained histidinohydroxylysinonorleucine cross-linked peptides were chromatographically isolated. They were obtained from a tryptic digest of denatured unreduced 6 M guanidine hydrochloride insoluble bovine skin collagen. Amino acid and sequence analyses demonstrated that the prosthetic groups of alpha 1(I)-chain Hyl-87, alpha 1(I)-chain Lys-16c, and alpha 2(I)-chain His-92 formed the cross-link. The latter results served to define the locus of the stable, nonreducible trifunctional moiety. Identical types of analyses were performed on the three-chained peptides isolated after bacterial collagenase digestion of the cross-linked tryptic peptides. This confirmed the initial identification and location of the three peptides linked by the cross-link. In addition, data reported here provide for a correction of the micromolecular structure for the alpha 2(I) chain. Stereochemical considerations concerning this trifunctional cross-link's specific locus indicate that the steric relationships between the alpha chains of skin and skeletal tissue collagens are fundamentally different and the intermolecular relationships in skin fibrils are specific for skin. The same molecular relationships also indicate that histidinohydroxylysinonorleucine links three molecules of collagen. The stereochemistry of cross-linking for skin collagen is in accordance with and explains the X-ray findings of a 65-nm periodicity found for this tissue [Stinson, R. H., & Sweeny, P. R. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 621, 158; Brodsky, B., Eikenberry, E. F., & Cassidy, K. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 621, 162].  相似文献   

The development of advanced materials that facilitate hyaline cartilage formation and regeneration in aging populations is imperative. Critical to the success of this endeavor is the optimization of ECM production from clinically relevant cells. However, much of the current literature focuses on the investigation of primary bovine chondrocytes from young calves, which differ significantly than osteoarthritic cells from human sources. This study examines the levels of extracellular matrix (ECM) production using various levels of type I collagen and hyaluronic acid in poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (PEGDM) hydrogels in total knee arthroplasties, compared with the results from bovine chondrocytes. The addition of type 1 collagen in both the presence and absence of low levels of hyaluronic acid increased ECM production and/or retention in scaffolds containing either bovine or human chondrocytes. These findings are supported consistently with colorimetric quantification, whole mount extracellular matrix staining for both cell types, and histological staining for glycoaminoglycans and collagen of human chondrocyte containing samples. While exhibiting similar trends, the relative ECM productions levels for the primary human chondrocytes are significantly less than the bovine chondrocytes which reinforces the need for additional optimization.  相似文献   

Radioactive proline-labeled type VIII collagen was biosynthesized in the presence of beta-aminoproprionitrile by rabbit corneal endothelial cells and isolated from the culture medium. Type VIII was purified in the presence of protease inhibitors and at neutral pH by ultrafiltration, precipitation with 3.9 M NaCl, sedimentation in sucrose gradients, and DEAE-Sephacel chromatography. The major components of this collagen, VIII-1, -2, and -3, exhibited apparent molecular weights of greater than 194,000, 124,000, and 61,000, respectively, and were shown to contain identical CNBr peptides. Following separation of VIII-1, -2, and -3 from each other and any residual proteases by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, exposure to acetic acid led to the conversion of VIII-1 to VIII-2 and VIII-3. Thus, VIII-1 is not a continuous single peptide chain, and the preliminary interrupted-helix model of the type VIII structure (Benya, P. D. (1980) Renal Physiol. 3, 30-35) was revised. VIII-3 appears to be the parent alpha 1 (VIII)-chain, with VIII-2 and VIII-1 representing beta- and gamma-chain configurations stabilized by strong noncovalent acid-labile interactions and beta-aminoproprionitrile-insensitive covalent cross-links. Based on two-dimensional CNBr peptide mapping, the alpha-chain is composed of six peptides. Mr 5,300-19,600. The terminal peptides are pepsin sensitive and correlate with two noncollagenous domains, NC1 (Mr 14,700) and NC2 (Mr 4-5,000). NC1 contains the site of acid-labile chain association.  相似文献   

Cultured hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are known to change their morphology and function with respect to the production of extracellular matrices (ECMs) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in response to ECM components. We examined the regulatory role of the native form of type I collagen fibrils in pro-MMP-2 production and activation in cultured HSCs. Gelatin zymography of the conditioned media revealed that pro- and active form of MMP-2 was increased in the HSCs cultured on type I collagen gel but not on type I collagen-coated surface, gelatin-coated surface, type IV collagen-coated surface, or Matrigel, suggesting the importance of the native form of type I collagen fibrils in pro-MMP-2 production and activation. The induction of active MMP-2 by extracellular type I collagen was suppressed by the blocking antibody against integrin beta1 subunits, indicating the involvement of integrin signaling in pro-MMP-2 activation. RT-PCR analysis indicated that MMP-2, membrane type-1 MMP (MT1-MMP) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) mRNA levels were elevated in HSCs cultured on type I collagen gel. The increased MT1-MMP proteins were localized on the cell surface of HSCs cultured on type I collagen gel. In contrast to the expression of MMP-2, HSCs showed a great decline in MMP-13 expression in HSCs cultured on type I collagen gel. These results indicate that the native fibrillar (polymerized) but not monomeric form of type I collagen induced pro-MMP-2 production and activation through MT1-MMP and TIMP-2 in cultured HSCs, suggesting an important role of HSCs in ECM remodeling in the hepatic perisinusoidal spaces.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized overlapping cDNA clones which code for a previously unidentified human collagen chain. Although the cDNA-derived primary structure of this new polypeptide is very similar to the basement membrane collagen alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains, the carboxyl-terminal collagenous/non-collagenous junction sequence does not correspond to the junction sequence in either of the newly described alpha 3(IV) or alpha 4(IV) chains (Butkowski, R.J., Langeveld, J.P.M., Wieslander, J., Hamilton, J., and Hudson, B. G. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 7874-7877). Thus the protein presented here has been designated the alpha 5 chain of type IV collagen. Four clones encode an open reading frame of 1602 amino acids that cover about 95% of the entire chain including half of the amino-terminal 7S domain and all of the central triple-helical region and carboxyl-terminal NC1 domain. The collagenous region of the alpha 5(IV) chain contains 22 interruptions which are in most cases identical in distribution to those in both the alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains. Despite the relatively low degree of conservation among the amino acids in the triple-helical region of the three type IV collagen chains, analysis of the sequences clearly showed that alpha 5(IV) is more related to alpha 1(IV) than to alpha 2(IV). This similarity between the alpha 5(IV) and alpha 1(IV) chains is particularly evident in the NC1 domains where the two polypeptides are 83% identical in contrast to the alpha 5(IV) and alpha 2(IV) identity of 63%. In addition to greatly increasing the complexity of basement membranes, the alpha 5 chain of type IV collagen may be responsible for specialized functions of some of these extracellular matrices. In this regard, it is important to note that we have recently assigned the alpha 5(IV) gene to the region of the X chromosome containing the locus for a familial type of hereditary nephritis known as Alport syndrome (Myers, J.C., Jones, T.A., Pohjalainen, E.-R., Kadri, A.S., Goddard, A.D., Sheer, D., Solomon, E., and Pihlajaniemi, T. (1990) Am. J. Hum. Genet. 46, 1024-1033). Consequently, the newly discovered alpha 5(IV) collagen chain may have a critical role in inherited diseases of connective tissue.  相似文献   

The differentiated phenotype of rabbit articular chondrocytes can be characterized by the synthesis of high levels of cartilage specific proteoglycan and collagen (type II). Treatment of these cells in primary monolayer culture for periods of up to 18 days with 0.03 to 3.0 micrograms/ml retinoic acid (RA) resulted in suppression of colony formation, altered morphology, and decreased (eightfold) proteoglycan and collagen synthesis. With the exception of collagen synthesis, these changes were complete with all doses after 4 days of treatment. Collagen synthesis declined more slowly; it was dose dependent after 4 days and maximally inhibited by all doses by 9 days. Detailed analysis of the collagen phenotype was performed using SDS-PAGE of intact chains and 2-D CNBr peptide analysis. RA caused cessation of type II synthesis, and transient stimulation of type III and type I trimer collagen synthesis, without induction of type I collagen. Essentially identical results were obtained with retinol. The resultant collagen phenotype differed significantly from the type I-containing phenotype induced by subculture. Thus, suppression of this differentiated program did not elicit a common modulated phenotype. The results are discussed in the context of direct and indirect mechanisms of RA-dependent modulation of chondrocyte gene expression.  相似文献   

When porcine granulosa cells were cultured on type I collagen (TIC)-coated dishes, progesterone was continuously secreted in the culture medium. However, when cells were overlaid with a TIC gel, progesterone production was decreased to 34% (day 3) and 16% (day 4) of the value measured for cells without the overlay. The effect of TIC gel overlay on cytochrome P450 cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc), which catalyzes the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone and is thought to be the rate-limiting enzyme in the conversion of cholesterol to progesterone, was examined. P450scc gene expression in cells overlaid with a TIC gel was decreased to 62% (day 3) and 36% (day 4) of the value measured for cells without the overlay. Amounts of P450scc were also reduced in the cells overlaid with a TIC gel. When pregnenolone, the direct precursor of progesterone, was added to the culture medium, the increase in progesterone production by cells overlaid with a TIC gel was much greater than that for cells without a TIC gel and a statistical difference in progesterone production was no longer observed between the two groups of cells. Treatment of the cells with human FSH (hFSH) enhanced progesterone production in a dose-dependent manner, irrespective of the presence of a TIC gel overlay. Moreover, hFSH induced P450scc gene expression in cells with and without a TIC gel overlay. These results indicate that a TIC gel overlay reduces progesterone production in granulosa cells via the suppression of P450scc gene expression. This supports the possibility that the existence of a TIC gel on the apical side of granulosa cells prevents the spontaneous luteinization of granulosa cells cultured on TIC-coated dishes. The fact that hFSH overcomes the suppressive effect of the TIC gel overlay on progesterone production may explain the mechanism for the subtle rise in serum progesterone concentration in the late follicle phase of the "in vitro fertilization" program.  相似文献   



The tissue accumulation of protein-bound advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) may be involved in the etiology of diabetic chronic complications, including osteopenia. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an AGE-modified type I collagen substratum on the adhesion, spreading, proliferation and differentiation of rat osteosarcoma UMR106 and mouse non-transformed MC3T3E1 osteoblastic cells. We also studied the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression on these AGE-collagen mediated effects.  相似文献   

Dermal cells isolated from the back skin of 7-day chick embryos were cultured on homogeneous two-dimensional substrates consisting of one or two extracellular matrix components (type I, III, or IV collagen, fibronectin and several glycosaminoglycans (GAGs): hyaluronate, chondroitin-4, chondroitin-6, dermatan and heparan sulfates). The effect of these substrates on the production of fibronectin, of types I, III and IV collagen by cells was compared with that of culture dish polystyrene. Using immunofluorescent labeling of cultured cells, it was observed that, on all substrates, in 1-day and 7-day cultures, 85 to 95% of cells contain type I collagen in the perinuclear cytoplasm; label was absent from cell processes. Type I collagen was also detected in extracellular fibers extending between neighboring cells. By contrast, on all substrates, only 5 to 20% of cells produced type III collagen. Otherwise distribution of type III collagen was similar to that of type I collagen. With anti-type IV collagen antibody no staining of either cell content or extracellular spaces was detected. Staining with anti-fibronectin antibody revealed two types of distribution patterns. On polystyrene and on all but type I collagen substrates, labeling revealed clusters of short thick strands and patches of fibronectin-rich material in extracellular spaces. On type I collagen substrate, however, immunostaining revealed a delicate network of regularly spaced parallel fibrils of fibronectin extending between and along cells. Using quantitative radioimmunoassay of the culture media, it was shown that, after 7 days of culture, cells secreted more type I than type III collagen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) is a prototype of a family of polypeptides that regulates cellular growth and phenotypic differentiation [(1986) Science 233, 532-534; (1987) Cell 49, 437-438]. TGF-β injection induces angiogenesis and fibrosis locally [(1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 4167-4171; (1987) Science 237, 1333-1336] and stimulates the synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins, fibronectin, collagens, and proteoglycans in vitro in many cell types [(1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 4337-4345; (1987) Biochem J. 247, 597-604]. Ascorbate is also known to induce collagen synthesis and to promote wound healing [(1988) J. Invest. Dermatol. 90, 420-424; (1986) Coll. Rel. Res. 6, 455-466]. We report that in cultured human skin fibroblasts, ascorbate and TGF-β synergistically enhance the biosynthesis of type I and III collagens and their steady-state mRNAs. TGF-β alone has no enhancing effect on type III collagen synthesis. The cooperation between ascorbate and TGF-β may be of significance in wound healing and in disorders of fibrosis.  相似文献   

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