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Formalin has long been the standard fixative for clinical routines worldwide. After the Formaldehyde Standard became law in the US in 1987, as a result of increasing concerns about the potential carcinogenicity of formaldehyde, attempts have been made to find safer alternatives. Alcoholic formalin is a useful fixative, because in addition to fixation, dehydration also is begun. For centuries, honey has been known to be an antibacterial agent with the potential to preserve compounds without harmful effects on its users. We compared the effects of honey fixation with other routine fixatives using conventional histochemical and immunohistochemical staining methods. Our results demonstrated that tissues fixed in either honey or alcoholic formalin and 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF) have similar histomorphology. Honey fixation showed minor histomorphological differences among the various tissues; however, it did not influence affect correct diagnostic conclusions. Our results suggested that honey can be used as a safe alternative to formalin in histopathology.  相似文献   

The chironja, an apparent natural cross of grapefruit and orange, combines the flavors and other highly desirable characteristics of both parents, offering vast new possibilities for development, both for fresh market and industrial purposes.  相似文献   

The annual processing of citrus fruit wastes in the United States has reached two million tons. Forty thousand tons of pectin could be produced, compared with current production of three thousand tons. The physical and chemical properties of pectic substances are important botanically and industrially. Pectic substances aid in maintaining texture of fruits and vegetables and serve as jellying agents in preserves. The availability of increasing amounts of citrus wastes, combined with improvements in manufacturing techniques and new uses, promises expansion of industries concerned with pectin production and utilization.  相似文献   

We studied, under laboratory conditions, demographic parameters of adult Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) (medfly), obtained from three sweet orange varieties, lemon, and bitter oranges. These data were combined with immature developmental rates and survival on the same hosts to estimate host‐specific population parameters. Pairs of newly emerged adults from each citrus variety were held individually in transparent plastic cages, and females were allowed to oviposit in either red domes (artificial, pre‐punctured plastic oviposition devices), or intact, whole citrus fruits. We found strong effects of larval host (citrus fruits) on adult longevity and fecundity. In all five citrus varieties, females did not manage to deposit eggs into fruit pulp. The proportion of eggs laid in either the flavedo or albedo area of the fruit peel differed depending on the citrus variety. In all cases except bitter oranges, females oviposited fewer eggs in citrus fruits than in the artificial oviposition substrates, suggesting that most citrus fruits cause a significant reduction in the reproductive potential of medflies. Negative correlations were found between fecundity and (a) the density of oil glands, and (b) the amount of essential oils in the flavedo area of citrus fruits. There was no correlation between fecundity and other fruit physical characteristics, such as resistance of fruit peel to pressure and thickness of the flavedo. Apparently, resistance of citrus fruits to medfly infestation is directly related to citrus essential oils. The intrinsic rate of increase (r) was higher in bitter oranges than in the three sweet orange varieties tested. A negative r was estimated for flies that developed and oviposited in lemons, indicating a tendency for population decrease in this host. The suitability of citrus fruits for medfly development and the practical implications of our findings for management of medflies in citrus orchards are discussed.  相似文献   

Current technologies give us the ability to enhance and replace developmental biology classes with computer-based resources, often called virtual labs. In the process of using these resources, teachers may be tempted to neglect the simpler technologies and lab bench activities, which can be labor intensive. In this paper, I take a critical look at the role of computer-based materials for the teaching of developmental biology in order to aid teachers in assessing their value. I conclude that while digital tools have value, they should not replace all of the traditional laboratory activities. Clearly, both computer-enhanced activities and traditional labs must be included in laboratory exercises. Reliance on only one or the other is inappropriate. In order to determine when it is appropriate to use a particular educational tool, the goals of the course and the needs of biology students for an education that gives them a realistic and engaged view of biology must be understood. In this paper, I dispel some of the myths of computer tools and give specific guidelines for assessing their usage, taking into account the special needs of a developmental biology class and the difficulties of observing all the developmental stages of subject organisms in the timescale of class meetings.  相似文献   

Proton magnetic resonance and chemical reactivity studies have demonstrated the presence of a tyrosine charge relay system in angiotensin which is analogous to the serine charge relay system present at the active site of serine proteases. Receptor activation by angiotensin can be explained by electronic effects deriving from an interaction of the charge relay system with stacking of the histidine and phenylalanine rings. Experiments with serine protease inhibitors suggest the possibility that mechanistic features of the interaction of angiotensin with its receptors may apply to other phenoxyl hormones including certain peptides, steroids and catecholamines.  相似文献   

The 10 min psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) is commonly used in laboratory studies to assess the impact of sleep loss, sustained wakefulness, and/or time of day on neurobehavioral performance. In field settings, though, it may be impractical for participants to perform a test of this length. The aim of this study was to identify a performance measure that is sensitive to the effects of fatigue but less burdensome than a 10 min test. Sixteen participants (11 female, 5 male; mean age = 21.7 years) slept in the sleep laboratory overnight then remained awake for 28 h from 08:00 h. During every second hour, participants completed three PVTs of differing duration (10 min, 5 min, 90 sec). For the 5 min/10 min comparison, ANOVA indicated that response time was significantly affected by test length (F1,14 = 26.9, p < .001) and hours of wakefulness (F13,182 = 46.1, p < .001) but not by their interaction (F13,182 = 1.7, ns). There was a strong correlation between response time on the 5 and 10 min PVTs (r = .88, p < .001). For the 90 sec/10 min comparison, ANOVA indicated that response time was significantly affected by test length (F1,14 = 65.9, p < .001) and hours of wakefulness (F13,182 = 29.7, p < .001) as well as by their interaction (F13,182 = 6.0, p < .001). There was a strong correlation between response time on the 90 sec and 10 min PVTs (r = .77, p < .001). The effects of hours of wakefulness on neurobehavioral performance were similar for the 5 min and 10 min PVTs. In contrast, performance on the 90 sec PVT was less affected by hours of wakefulness than on the 10 min PVT. In addition, performance on the 10 min PVT was more highly correlated with the 5 min PVT than the 90 sec PVT. These data indicate that the 5 min PVT may provide a reasonable substitute for the 10 min PVT in circumstances where a test shorter than 10 min is required.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide has enigmatic qualities in inflammation. In order to appreciate the precise contributions of nitric oxide to a pathophysiological process, one must account for enzyme source, coproduction of oxidants and antioxidant defences, time, rate of nitric oxide production, cellular source, peroxynitrite formation and effects on DNA (mutagenesis/apoptosis). We contend that there is ample evidence to consider nitric oxide as a molecular aggressor in inflammation, particularly chronic inflammation. Therapeutic benefit can be achieved by inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase and not the donation of additional nitric oxide. Furthermore, there is growing appreciation that nitric oxide and products derived thereof, are critical components linking the increased incidence of cancer in states of chronic inflammation.  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have examined the evolution of the mutualism between endozoochorous plants and seed dispersers. Most seed dispersal studies are ecological and examine the role of fruit pulp in promoting seed dispersal. This interaction is often assumed to have originated due to selection stemming from seed dispersers. Here I suggest a "defence scenario" wherein fleshy fruits originated as mechanisms to defend seeds and secondarily became structures to promote seed dispersal. I suggest that frugivory followed from herbivores that specialized on consuming seed defensive tissues and that enhanced seed dispersal was initially a consequence of seed defence. The proposed defence scenario is not posited as an explanation for the sequence that led to all modern frugivores. However, it is suggested that seed predation was the initial source of selection that led to fleshy fruits; the necessary precursor to frugivory. Support is described from the fossil record and from modern structures and interactions. Testable predictions are made in hope that greater interest will be focused on the defensive role of fleshy fruit pulp both in modern interactions and historically.  相似文献   

This tropical American fruit, cultivated in Florida and elsewhere around the world, was used, because of its high vitamin-C content, to fortify military food rations in World War II.  相似文献   

To examine the intracellular signaling mechanism of NO in ischemic myocardium, isolated working rat hearts were made ischemic for 30 min followed by 30 min of reperfusion. A separate group of hearts were pre-perfused with 3 mM L-arginine in the presence or absence of 650 M of protoporphyrin, a heme oxygenase inhibitor for 10 min prior to ischemia. The release of NO was monitored using an on-line amperometric sensor placed into the right atrium. The aortic flow and developed pressure were examined to determine the effects of L-arginine on ischemic/reperfusion injury. Induction for the expression of heme oxygenase was studied by Northern hybridization. For signal transduction experiments, sarcolemmal membranes were radiolabeled by perfusing the isolated hearts with [3H] myoinositol and [14C] arachidonic acid. Biopsies were processed to determine the isotopic incorporation into various phosphoinositols as well as phosphatidic acid and diacylglycerol. cGMP was assayed by radioimmunoassay and SOD content was determined by enzymatic analysis. The release of NO was diminished following ischemia and reperfusion and was augmented by L-arginine. L-arginine reduced ischemic/reperfusion injury as evidenced by the enhanced myocardial functional recovery. Protoporphyrin modulated the effects of L-arginine. cGMP, which was remained unaffected by ischemia and reperfusion, was stimulated significantly after L-arginine treatment. The NO-mediated augmentation of cGMP was reduced by protoporphyrin suggesting that part of the effects may be mediated by CO generated through the heme oxygenase pathway. Reperfusion of ischemic myocardium resulted in significant accumulation of radiolabeled inositol phosphate, inositol bisphosphate, and inositol triphosphate. Isotopic incorporation of [3H] inositol into phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate, and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate was increased significantly during reperfusion. Reperfusion of the ischemic heart prelabeled with [14C] arachidonic acid resulted in modest increases in [14C] diacylglycerol and [14C] phosphatidic acid. Pretreatment of the heart with L-arginine significantly reversed this enhanced phosphodiesteratic breakdown during ischemia and early reperfusion. However, at the end of the reperfision the inhibitory effect of L-arginine on the phosphodiesterases seems to be reduced. In L-arginine treated hearts, SOD activity was progressively decreased with the duration of reperfusion time. The results suggests for the first time that NO plays a significant role in transmembrane signaling in the ischemic myocardium. This signaling appears to be on- and off- nature, and linked with SOD content of the tissue. The signaling is transmitted via cGMP and opposes the effects of phosphodiesterases by inhibiting the ischemia/reperfusion-induced phosphodiesteratic breakdown. Our results also suggest that NO activates heme oxygenase which further stimulates the production of cGMP presumably by CO signaling. Thus, NO not only potentiates cGMP mediated intracellular signaling, it also functions as a retrograde messenger for CO signaling in heart.  相似文献   

[35S]GTPγS, the nonhydrolyzable radioactive GTP analog, has been a powerful tool in G protein studies and has set the standards in this field of research. However, its radioactive nature imposes clear limitations to its use in regular laboratory practice and in high-throughput experimentation. The europium-labeled GTP analog (Eu-GTP) has been used as an alternative in the analysis of G protein activation by G protein-coupled receptors in cellular membrane preparations. Here we expand the usage of Eu-GTP and show that it can be applied in other types of assays where [35S]GTPγS has been previously utilized. We demonstrate the applicability of the modified Eu-GTP binding technology to analysis of heterotrimeric and monomeric G proteins of natural and recombinant sources, from different organisms, in assays with soluble proteins and membrane-containing assays of a high-throughput format. The deci-nanomolar KD of Eu-GTP for the tested G proteins is similar to that of other fluorescent-modified GTP analogs, while the sensitivity achieved in time-resolved fluorescence analysis of Eu-GTP exceeds that of the radioactive measurements. Overall, the results of our modified Eu-GTP binding assay present Eu-GTP as a general nonradioactive alternative for G protein studies, especially attractive in high-throughput experiments.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide has been suggested as a contributor to tissue injury in various experimental models of gastrointestinal inflammation. However, there is overwhelming evidence that nitric oxide is one of the most important mediators of mucosal defence, influencing such factors as mucus secretion, mucosal blood flow, ulcer repair and the activity of a variety of mucosal immunocytes. Nitric oxide has the capacity to down-regulate inflammatory responses in the gastrointestinal tract, to scavenge various free radical species and to protect the mucosa from injury induced by topical irritants. Moreover, questions can be raised regarding the evidence purported to support a role for nitric oxide in producing tissue injury. In this review, we provide an overview of the evidence supporting a role for nitric oxide in protecting the gastrointestinal tract from injury.  相似文献   

This study determined the effects of a static liquid culture system on shoot regeneration from citrus epicotyl explants. A mixture-amount experiment was used to determine the effects of zeatin riboside (ZR), 6-benzylaminopurine (BA), and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) on two citrus types—citrange (Citrus sinensis ‘Washington’ L. Osbeck. × Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf var. Carrizo) and sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck var. ‘Ridge Pineapple’). A liquid culture system comprising a Petri dish, cellulose filter paper, and liquid culture medium was used. Shoot regeneration experiments were conducted over 6 wk that included 2 wk in the dark followed by 4 wk in the light. Three responses were measured: (1) number of explants forming buds and/or shoots, (2) number of explants with shoots >?2 mm, and (3) overall explant and shoot quality. The effects of paper disc number, liquid medium volume, and explant size on shoot regeneration were determined. High-quality shoots were produced from explants cultured in 5.25 to 12 mL medium volume and explant sizes ranging from 2 to 15 mm. The effects of the plant growth regulators were similar for the two citrus types and were as follows: (1) use of ZR or BA resulted in high-quality shoot production; (2) ZR and BA were not synergistic; (3) culture in 20 μM ZR resulted in the highest shoot production; (4) BA and IAA were strongly synergistic, with the greatest production with BA when IAA was included in the mixture; and (5) ZR and IAA were antagonistic, particularly with Ridge Pineapple.  相似文献   

To determine whether nitric oxide (NO) is involved in classic preconditioning (PC), the effect of NO donors as well as inhibition of the L-arginine-NO-cGMP pathway were evaluated on 1) the functional recovery during reperfusion of ischemic rat hearts and 2) cyclic nucleotides during both the PC protocol and sustained ischemia. Tissue cyclic nucleotides were manipulated with NO donors [S-nitroso-N-penicillamine (SNAP), sodium nitroprusside (SNP), or L-arginine] and inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase (N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester or N-nitro-L-arginine) or guanylyl cyclase (1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolol-[4,3-a]quinoxaline-1-one). Pharmacological elevation in tissue cGMP levels by SNAP or SNP before sustained ischemia elicited functional improvement during reperfusion comparable to that by PC. Administration of inhibitors before and during the PC protocol partially attenuated functional recovery, whereas they had no effect when given after the ischemic PC protocol and before sustained ischemia only, indicating a role for NO as a trigger but not as a mediator. Ischemic PC, SNAP, or SNP caused a significant increase in cGMP and a reduction in cAMP levels after 25 min of sustained ischemia that may contribute to the protection obtained. The results obtained suggest a role for NO (and cGMP) as a trigger in classic PC.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) appears to be a reliable solvent for extracting chlorophyll (Chl), however, modification of standard methods may be necessary for some species under field conditions. We found that Chl extraction of whole leaf tissue with DMSO incubated at between 25 and 40 °C was generally similar to the 80% acetone method, except for one graminoid species that required maceration. There was little effect of incubation temperature or duration of incubation beyond 7 h on extraction efficiency, but DMSO extracts were less stable than acetone extracts during one week of cold storage, especially if they thawed during this period. Since Chl extraction methods may provide variable results, particularly in the field, studies using different solvents should be compared cautiously unless specific methods have been calibrated. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To examine lipid peroxidation during radiotherapy (RT), exhaled pentane samples were collected from 11 lung cancer patients before RT and 30 and 120 min after the start of RT on days 1, 4 and 5 and at 30 and 40 Grays, if possible. Exhaled pentane samples were collected once from 30 healthy controls. Serum thiobarbituric-acid-reactive substances (TBARS) and conjugated dienes (CD) were obtained from patients on each exhaled air collection day. Lung cancer patients had higher exhaled pentane levels than controls (1.73 ng/L vs 0.83 ng/L, p=0.017). Exhaled pentane levels tended to decrease during the first RT day (p=0.075) and levels of CD decreased during the first week of RT (p=0.014). Higher pre-treatment pentane levels predicted better survival (p=0.003). Elevated exhaled pentane levels before RT may be due to the lipid peroxidation burden associated with cancer. The decrease of lipid peroxidation markers during RT may be attributable to enhanced antioxidant defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

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