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Two new genera and three new species of soft-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) are described from Rovno and Baltic Eocene amber. Protocephaloncus gen. nov. with the type species P. perkovskyi sp. nov. was found in the Rovno amber. It differs from its congeners in the tribe Troglopini in the primitive sculpture of the male facial area as a longitudinal narrow depression between the eyes lacking an appendage inside, and two trapezoid impressions on both sides of the depression closer to its lower part. A transverse pronotum, slightly rounded, but not sinuate posteriorly, is also a diagnostic feature of the new genus. A new genus of the tribe Attalini, Palpattalus gen. nov., was found in the Baltic amber. The tarsal comb on the anterior second tarsomere of the male, complicatedly curved pygidium, and cylindrical apical palpomere allow the definite attribution of the genus to the tribe Attalini. The characteristically enlarged, rounded and slightly flattened 1st palpomere, possessing a long seta directed outward, of the new genus resembles similar structures found in members of the tribe Colotini, all males of which have modified and enlarged 3rd and 4th palpomeres. Probably, Palpattalus gen. nov. represents an ancestral form for these two tribes. This allows the establishment of independent status for Antholinus Mulsant and Rey, 1867 stat. resurr., with anterior tarsi in males lacking comb on the second tarsomere, in contrast to all other subgenera of Attalus Erichson, 1840. Males of two different species, Palpattalus baltiensis sp. nov. and P. eocenicus sp. nov., were found as inclusions in Baltic amber. They differ in the coloration of the elytra, yellow with black spots in Palpattalus baltiensis sp. nov. and unicolorous black in P. eocenicus sp. nov.; the shape of pygidia, longitudinal and strongly elongated in P. baltiensis and transverse and rounded in P. eocenicus, and in a number of other characters.  相似文献   

All known extinct species of Mesozoic and Cenozoic weevils are listed. Ten species of Obrienioidea and 895 Curculionoidea species are recognized, including 88 Nemonychidae, 43 Anthribidae, 44 Ithyceridae, 65 Scolytidae, 12 Belidae, 67 Brentidae, 508 Curcuionidae, 45 Rhynchitidae, six Attelabidae, and 16 Platypodidae. The Triassic beds have yielded six fossil species; Jurassic, 64; Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary, 2; Cretaceous, 105; Paleogene, 510; Neogene, 190; and Pleistocene–Holocene, 22 (5 are synonyms). A new subfamily, Montsecbelinae Legalov, subfam. nov. (with the type genus Montsecbelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 1997); the new tribes Cretochoragini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Cretochoragus Soriano et al., 2006), Montsecanomalini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Montsecanomalus Soriano et al., 2006), Montsecbelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Montsecbelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 1997), Gratshevibelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Gratshevibelus Soriano, 2009), Davidibelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Davidibelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 2004); the new genera Allandroides Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Allandroides vossi Legalov, sp. nov.), Baissabrenthorhinus Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Baissabrenthorhinus mirabilis Legalov, sp. nov.), Ithyceroides Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Ithyceroides klondikensis Legalov, sp. nov.), Furhylobius Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Furhylobius troesteri Legalov, sp. nov.), Electrauletes Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Electrauletes unicus Legalov, sp. nov.); new species Allandroides vossi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Glaesotropis gusakovi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. succiniferus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. alleni Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. gratshevi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Baissabrenthorhinus mirabilis Legalov, sp. nov. (Baissa locality), Ithyceroides klondikensis Legalov, sp. nov. (Republic Graben locality), Melanapion poinari Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), M. gusakovi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Furhylobius troesteri Legalov, sp. nov. (Mors locality), Baltocar convexus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), and Electrauletes unicus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber) are newly described.  相似文献   

The first syninclusion of the myrmicine Monomorium mayrianum Wheeler (two workers) and the aphid Germaraphis ungulata Heie (one nymph) is described from the Bitterfeld amber. Additionally, G. ungulata is recorded in a syninclusion with Ctenobethylus goepperti (Mayr) in the Rovno amber for the first time.  相似文献   

Omositoidea gigantea Schaufuss, 1892 is redescribed; O. pubescens sp. nov. from the Baltic amber, Palaeometopia dominicana gen. et sp. nov. and P. colorata gen. et sp. nov. from the Dominican amber are described. The taxonomic position of the two genera and their probable bionomy are discussed.  相似文献   

The extinct monotypic ant genus Fallomyrma was described by Dlussky and Radchenko in 2006 based on workers from Late Eocene Rovno (Ukraine), Scandinavian (Denmark), and Bitterfeld (Germany) ambers. Three new Fallomyrma species from the Rovno amber are here described based on workers: F. anodonta sp. nov., F. marginata sp. nov., and F. robusta sp. nov. A key to all known species of this genus is compiled. The quantity ratios (of the numbers of species and specimens) of Fallomyrma and other amber Myrmicinae genera are considered. The opinion of the autochthonous origin of the Rovno amber is confirmed.  相似文献   

We describe two new extinct caddisflies, Electroadicella kuenowi sp. nov. and Triaenodes simoni sp. nov., embedded in Baltic amber. Both species belong to the tribe Triaenodini and enlarge the family Leptoceridae to a remarkable number of 18 extinct Eocene species from Baltic amber. The extinct Electroadicella and the extant Triaenodes are possibly closely related, by a distinct synapomorphy, a recurved process from the basal plate of the inferior appendages of the ninth abdominal segment in the male genitalia.  相似文献   

The data on the fauna of blackflies of the tribe Simuliini (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) comprising the available literature, collections of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and new material collected in Yakutia were analyzed. Three new species were recorded in the fauna of Yakutia: Archesimulium polare Rubzov, 1940, A. splendidum Rubzov, 1940, and A. tumulosum Rubzov, 1956. Distribution of 11 species was clarified. Processing of the collected material confirmed the presence of 9 blackfly species previously known from Yakutia. On the whole, the blackfly fauna of the region comprises 27 species.  相似文献   

Gall midges from Santonian amber of Yantardakh (Taimyr Peninsula) are investigated for the first time. Eight new genera and eight new species belonging to five tribes of the subfamily Micromyinae (Lestremiidae) are described. These are Caputmunda yantardakhica gen. et sp. nov. (Catochini), Cretoperomyia taimyrica gen. et sp. nov. (Peromyiini), Palaeostrobliella dmitrii gen. et sp. nov., Yantardakhiella pusilla gen. et sp. nov., and Zherikhiniella pedicellata gen. et sp. nov. (Strobliellini), Menssana norilsk gen. et sp. nov. (Micromyini), and Cretomycophila ekaterinae gen. et sp. nov., and Corporesana khatanga gen. et sp. nov. (Aprionini). A representative of Porricondylinae (Cecidomyiidae, Porricondylinae, Holoneurini) is recorded. The diagnoses based on morphometric parameters of tribes and previously established genera are emended. The species composition of gall midges from three Cretaceous amber faunas of different ages are analyzed.  相似文献   

A new caddisfly species of the fossil genus Archaeotinodes, A. igneusaper sp. nov., is described from the Upper Eocene Baltic amber. The new species is close to A. pauper Ulmer, 1912 and A. lanceolata Ulmer, 1912 from the Baltic amber, differing from these in the structure of the male genitalia.  相似文献   

One new genus (Rovnodidactylomyia Fedotova et Perkovsky, gen. n.) and four new species (Didactylomyia dlusskyi sp. n., Rovnodidactylomyia zosimovichi gen. n. et sp. n., R. sidorenkoi sp. n., and R. iconica sp. n.) are described from an amber sample of the late Eocene Period (Rovno District, Ukraine). Two species from a Baltic amber sample of the late Eocene Period, described earlier in the genus Bryocrypta, are attributed to the genus Rovnodidactylomyia (R. girafa (Meunier, 1904) comb. n. and R. capitosa (Meunier, 1904)). The first fossil species of the genus Didactylomyia is described for the first time; two contemporary Palaearctic species are recorded. Keys to the species of the genus Didactylomyia are given.  相似文献   

The new subtribes Palaeorhamphina subtrib. nov. of the tribe Rhamphini and Eocenesibiniina subtrib. nov. of the tribe Tychiini, new genera Archaeoeugnomus gen. nov. (type species A. balticus sp. nov.), Palaeorhamphus gen. nov. (type species P. primitivus sp. nov.), and Eocenesibinia gen. nov. (type species E. prussica sp. nov.), new subgenus Palaeoleiosoma subgen. nov. (type species L. klebsi sp. nov.) of the genus Leiosoma Stephens, and new species Leiosoma klebsi sp. nov., Caulophilus rarus sp. nov., C. squamosus sp. nov., Ceutorhynchus alekseevi sp. nov., C. electrinus sp. nov., Dorytomus nudus sp. nov., Pachytychius eocenicus sp. nov., Archaeoeugnomus balticus sp. nov., Palaeorhamphus primitivus sp. nov., Orchestes tatjanae sp. nov., and Eocenesibinia prussica sp. nov. are described. Electrotribus Hustache, 1942 placem. nov. is transferred from the tribe Derelomini of the subfamily Curculioninae to the tribe Acicnemidini of the subfamily Molytinae. Succinostyphlus erectosquamata (Rheinheimer, 2007) placem. nov. et comb. nov. is transferred from the genus Electrotribus Hustache, 1942 to the genus Succinostyphlus Ku?ka, 1996. These are the first records of representatives of the tribes Plinthini, Acicnemidini, Eugnomini, and Rhamphini in the Baltic amber.  相似文献   

Two new species of the family Derbidae are described. Anticedusa gen. n. (tribe Cedusini) includes the recent A. loisae sp. n. (type species) from Costa Rica and A. dominicana sp. n. from the Miocene Dominican amber. Cedochrusa gen. n. (type species Cedusa quixoa Kramer from Panama) of the tribe Cedochreini also contains a new species, Cedochrusa luculenta sp. n. from Costa Rica. A new subtribe Eocenchreina subtrib. n. comprising genera Eocenchrea Muir, Melusa Em., and Anticedusa gen. n. is erected for Cedusini with the achilid venation of the clavus.  相似文献   

Lindenius paleomystax” described from the Miocene Dominican amber has been included into a separate digger wasp genus, Lindocerus gen. nov. (Crabronidae, Crabroninae, Crabronini), which is similar to the genus Crossocerus Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau et Brullé, 1835, but differs in the well-pronounced hypersternaulus.  相似文献   

The first fossil Athyreini in the subfamily of Bolboceratinae from the family of Geotrupidae, ?Amberathyreus beuteli Bai et Zhang gen. et sp. nov., is described based on a specimen from the mid-Cretaceous Myanmar (Burmese) amber from northern Myanmar. Its external morphology (including 3D reconstruction of the head and pronotum) was analyzed and compared with all known genera of Athyreini. ?Amberathyreus’ close relationship between Athyreini and Bolboceratini is supported. ?Amberathyreus was likely active at night and lived in a lowland environment. The finding of ?Amberathyreus greatly enrich our knowledge of Athyreini.  相似文献   

Adult head structures are well known in the coleopteran suborders Archostemata and Adephaga, whereas the available information is very fragmentary in the megadiverse Polyphaga, including the successful superfamily Staphylinoidea. In the present study, the cephalic morphology of the cholevine species Catops ventricosus is described in detail and documented. The results were compared to conditions occurring in other polyphagan lineages, especially staphylinoid and scarabaeoid representatives. Specific external features documented in Catops and potential autapomorphies of Leiodidae include a five-segmented antennal club with a reduced eighth antennomere and the presence of periarticular grooves filled with sensilla on antennomeres 7, 9, and 10. The firm connection of the head and pronotum is possibly an apomorphy of Cholevinae. The monophyly of Cholevinae excluding Eucatopini and Oritocatopini is supported by the apical maxillary palpomere as long as or shorter than the subapical one, and the presence of cryptic pore plates on the surface of these palpomeres—a feature described and documented here for the first time. The internal cephalic structures of Catops are mostly plesiomorphic, as for instance the complete tentorium. The pattern of the muscles is similar to what is found in other staphylinoid taxa. The unusual maxillary muscle “Mx” is likely a groundplan apomorphy of the clade Staphyliniformia?+?Scarabaeoidea. M. hypopharyngomandibularis (M13) was identified in Catops and is ancestral for Coleoptera, even though it is often missing. The same applies to M. tentoriohypopharyngalis (M42).  相似文献   

Cuckoo wasps of the subfamily Amiseginae, Eosega heterotarsata gen. et sp. nov. and Foveorisus kilimniki gen. et sp. nov., from the Late Eocene Baltic (Russia) and Rovno ambers (Ukraine), respectively, are described. Primitive Eosega is close to the extinct genus Palaeobethylus Brues in Kieffer, 1914 and represents the so-called American series of genera of Amiseginae. Foveorisus is found to be morphologically close to a number of extant oriental genera. All known fossil Amiseginae are listed. Stick insects of the family Archipseudophasmatidae, possible hosts of the Eocene amisegines, are recorded in the Rovno amber for the first time.  相似文献   

Protoceletes hirtus sp. nov. (Curculionidae: Curulioninae: Acalyptini) from the Late Eocene Rovno amber is described. This is the second fossil of the genus. The new species is close to P. wolfschwenningerae Rheinheimer, 2007 from Baltic amber and differs it in the separated coxae, asymmetrically convex eyes, longer and clearly semierect hairs on the surface, and the longer body.  相似文献   

The genusJaegeria consists of a diploid-polyploid complex of eight species found in moist habitats from Mexico to South America. The distributions, habitats, generic affinities, and tribal placement are discussed. Chromosome numbers were determined for all species exceptJ. axillaris, which is known only from Colombia.J. glabra andJ. pedunculata are diploid (2n = 18) ;J. hirta, J. macrocephala, J. gracilis, andJ. crassa are tetraploid (2n = 36) ;J. bellidiflora is octoploid (2n = 72). One Galápagos Island endemic,J. gracilis, is quite similar to the common mainland species,J. hirta, but the other endemic,J. crassa, is quite distinct from any other species.J. bellidijlora is most similar morphologically toJ. glabra;J. macrocephala is allied toJ. pedunculata. J. axillaris is somewhat distinct from the other species.  相似文献   

Micromalthus priabonicus sp. nov. from the Late Eocene Rovno amber (Ukraine) is described. The new species is readily distinguished from M. eocenicus Kirejtshuk et al., 2010 from the Early Eocene amber of Oise in France by the shorter body, unequal length of antennomeres 3 and 4, ovate terminal antennomere, less transverse head, transverse scutellum, and by the considerably shortened adsutural elytral margin.  相似文献   

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