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We investigate the behavior of haploid, asexual populations undergoing an evolutionary process. Each individual is endowed with a genotype, and one of several possible developmental mechanisms mapping this genotype onto a phenotype. We show that various properties of the mapping itself have important consequences for the survival of the groups. The populations which are most successful, both alone (but in a changing environment) as well as in competition against other groups (for which the mapping is different) consist of organisms where gene expression is characterized by pleiotropism, polygenic inheritance, and some amount of canalization (i.e. error damping). These same features lead to the appearance of patterns of punctuated equilibrium during evolution. Punctuated evolution was sometimes observed even in the absence of stabilizing selection; it then arose solely from the internal developmental constraints.  相似文献   

The evolution of genetic canalization under fluctuating selection   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract.— If the direction of selection changes from generation to generation, the ability to respond to selection is maladaptive: the response to selection in one generation leads to reduced fitness in the next. Because the response is determined by the amount of genetic variance expressed at the phenotypic level, rapidly fluctuating selection should favor modifier genes that reduce the phenotypic effect of alleles segregating at structural loci underlying the trait. Such reduction in phenotypic expression of genetic variation has been named "genetic canalization." I support this argument with a series of two- and multilocus models with alternating linear selection and Gaussian selection with fluctuating optimum. A canalizing modifier gene affects the fitness of its carriers in three ways: (1) it reduces the phenotypic consequences of genetic response to previous selection; (2) it reduces the genetic response to selection, which is manifested as linkage disequilibrium between the modifier and structural loci; and (3) it reduces the phenotypic variance. The first two effects reduce fitness under directional selection sustained for several generations, but improve fitness when the direction of selection has just been reversed. The net effect tends to favor a canalizing modifier under rapidly fluctuating selection regimes (period of eight generations or less). The third effect improves fitness of the modifier allele if the fitness function is convex and reduces it if the function is concave. Under fluctuating Gaussian selection, the population is more likely to experience the concave portion of the fitness function when selection is stronger. Therefore, only weak to moderately strong fluctuating Gaussian selection favors genetic canalization. This paper considerably broadens the conditions that favor genetic canalization, which so far has only been postulated to evolve under long-term stabilizing selection.  相似文献   

We consider a population of fixed size and reproducing asexually, evolving in a rugged fitness landscape. Selection takes place only via the elimination of individuals with unfit genomes. Unfit genotypes are distributed at random in genotypic space. The genetic structure of the population and the speed of genetic drift are explicitly computed in the infinite genome limit.  相似文献   

We have studied fluctuating asymmetry (FA), as indicator of developmental stability, and between-individual variation, as surrogate of developmental canalization (DC), in long bones (humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia) of 72 wild-living adult-sized brown haresLepus europaeus Pallas, 1778 with variable individual heterozygosity (H).H was calculated from 13 polymorphic allozyme loci. According to the “over-dominance hypothesis”, we expected increased developmental stability and canalization at higherH-levels. But at the individual level we did not find any significant correlation between overall FA (FAI) andH. Also, standard deviations (SD) of mean length (over both body sides) of bones did not differ between individuals from two intentionally created groups of hares, namely one with high and one with lowH. FA-indices and variances of FA-indices of bone lengths did not differ significantly when compared between two intentionally created groups of hares with high and low SD of bone lengths, respectively. These latter findings suggest that developmental stability and DC are two separate or partly separate mechanisms of developmental homeostasis in the studied appendicular skeleton, and thatH has no traceable effect on develop-mental homeostasis. If there is still such an effect, it should be clearly smaller than a possibly combined effect of (presently uncontrolled) environmental stressors.  相似文献   

A comparison of structural-functional features of genomic DNAs allowed to estimate the role of internal and external factors in evolution of different groups of organisms. The basic difference between higher and lower organisms has been demonstrated. It is reflected in the difference of their reaction on to external factors in accordance with two adaptation types, the openness and autonomization. There is a correlation between structural-functional organization of genomic DNAs of higher and lower organisms and the above mentioned types of adaptation. DNA of lower organisms has been proposed to be characterized as "labile", and that of higher organisms, as "stable". The "DNA lability" means high mutation ability, which characterizes the existence of and evolution of lower organisms (genetic inconstancy of the lower organisms). On the contrary, "DNA stability" means the creation of stable genetic apparatus, reduction of variability in higher organisms (genetic constancy of higher organisms). This suggests the existence of the two principal ways of evolution.  相似文献   

We study the equilibrium structure of a well-known two-locus model in which two diallelic loci contribute additively to a quantitative trait that is under Gaussian stabilizing selection. The population is assumed to be infinitely large, randomly mating, and having discrete generations. The two loci may have arbitrary effects on the trait, the strength of selection and the recombination rate may also be arbitrary. We find that 16 different equilibrium patterns exist, having up to 11 equilibria; up to seven interior equilibria may coexist, and up to four interior equilibria, three in negative and one in positive linkage disequilibrium, may be simultaneously stable. Also, two monomorphic and two fully polymorphic equilibria may be simultaneously stable. Therefore, the result of evolution may be highly sensitive to perturbations in the initial conditions or in the underlying genetic parameters. For the special case of equal effects, global stability results are proved. In the general case, we rely in part on numerical computations. The results are compared with previous analyses of the special case of extremely strong selection, of an approximate model that assumes linkage equilibrium, and of the much simpler quadratic optimum model.  相似文献   

Stabilizing selection is a fundamental concept in evolutionary biology. In the presence of a single intermediate optimum phenotype (fitness peak) on the fitness surface, stabilizing selection should cause the population to evolve toward such a peak. This prediction has seldom been tested, particularly for suites of correlated traits. The lack of tests for an evolutionary match between population means and adaptive peaks may be due, at least in part, to problems associated with empirically detecting multivariate stabilizing selection and with testing whether population means are at the peak of multivariate fitness surfaces. Here we show how canonical analysis of the fitness surface, combined with the estimation of confidence regions for stationary points on quadratic response surfaces, may be used to define multivariate stabilizing selection on a suite of traits and to establish whether natural populations reside on the multivariate peak. We manufactured artificial advertisement calls of the male cricket Teleogryllus commodus and played them back to females in laboratory phonotaxis trials to estimate the linear and nonlinear sexual selection that female phonotactic choice imposes on male call structure. Significant nonlinear selection on the major axes of the fitness surface was convex in nature and displayed an intermediate optimum, indicating multivariate stabilizing selection. The mean phenotypes of four independent samples of males, from the same population as the females used in phonotaxis trials, were within the 95% confidence region for the fitness peak. These experiments indicate that stabilizing sexual selection may play an important role in the evolution of male call properties in natural populations of T. commodus.  相似文献   

We present exact conditions for stability of monomorphic equilibria in a general multilocus multiallele system and of specific polymorphic equilibria in general one- and two-locus multiallele systems. We show how these exact results on one- and two-locus systems can be used in approximate analysis of polymorphic equilibria in multilocus systems under selection strong relative to recombination. We determine conditions for existence and stability of polymorphic equilibria in specific models of quadratic stabilizing selection on additive polygenic traits.  相似文献   

One of the predictions of the 'good genes' model of sexual selection is that reproductively successful males with well-developed indicator traits should show smaller variances for non-indicator traits, that are not directly associated with mating success, when compared to non-breeding males and females. Thus sexual selection should reinforce stabilizing natural selection in reducing the variance in quantitative traits. This prediction is tested by analysing variation in eight morphological traits of breeding males, non-breeding males, and females of pupfish (Cyprinodon pecosensis). Breeding males tended to be less variable than non-breeding males for all principal component factors, and for all morphological traits except for depth, although these differences were statistically significant only for PC2, and PC5 and for pelvic fin length, number of pelvic fin rays and number of preopercular and preorbital pores. Similarly, breeding males tended to be less variable than females for all principal component factors and for all morphological traits except for number of preopercular pores. These differences were statistically significant for PC2, and for depth, pelvic fin length, number of preorbital pores and pectoral fin rays. The overall pattern of reduced variability in independent traits of breeding males revealed by principal component analysis is very consistent and highly significant (P<105). These results support the prediction of the 'good genes' model and show that reproductively active males are subject to more severe stabilizing selection for several quantitative traits than non-breeding males and females. Thus sexual selection, through male-male competition, female choice, or an interaction of both selective processes, results in stabilizing selection on quantitative morphological traits.  相似文献   

Developmental selection is the differential survival and proliferation of developmental units, such as cellular lineages. This type of internal selection has been proposed as an explanation for diverse examples of self-organization, from the wiring of brains to the formation of pores on leaf surfaces. A general understanding of developmental selection has been slowed by failure to understand its relationship to familiar forms of genetical selection and evolution. I show the formal analogies between models of developmental selection and genetical selection. The general method I outline for the analysis of selective systems partitions self-organizing selective systems into generative rules that create variation and selective filters that move the population toward a target design. The method also emphasizes aggregate statistical measures of evolving systems, such as the covariance between particular traits and fitness. The identification of useful aggregate measures is a crucial step in the analysis of selective systems. I apply these concepts to a model of self-organization in ant colonies.  相似文献   

I determine expected levels of heterozygosity in two allele multilocus models with mutation, stabilizing selection and drift. In the range 2 to 32 loci, the per locus heterozygosity can depend on the locus number. The per locus heterozygosity for ten loci can be as low as three fourths of the per locus heterozygosity in the limit, as the number of loci gets large. Simulations indicate that this dependence on locus number is not due to the population approaching equilibria at which the mean differs from the optimum, but is due to changes in the substitution rate as a function of the number of loci.  相似文献   

Natural selection may enhance or weaken the robustness of phenotypes against genetic or environmental perturbations. However, important aspects of the relationship between adaptive evolution and canalization remain unclear. Recent work showed that the evolution of larger wing size in a high altitude natural population of Drosophila melanogaster was accompanied by decanalized wing development–‐specifically a loss of robustness to genetic perturbation. But this study did not address environmental robustness, and it compared populations that may have numerous biological differences. Here, we perform artificial selection on this same trait in D. melanogaster (larger wing length) and directly test whether this directional selection resulted in decanalization. We find that in general, size‐selected replicates show greater frequencies of wing defects than control replicates both after mutagenesis (genetic perturbation) and when subjected to high temperature stress (environmental perturbation), although the increase in defect frequency varies importantly among replicates. These results support the hypothesis that directional selection may result in the loss of both genetic and environmental robustness–offering a rare window into the relationship between adaptation and canalization.  相似文献   

Developmental constraint and natural selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary Four lines of Drosophila melanogaster previously selected for a stabilized phenotype of two extra dorsocentral bristles were examined for 20 generations of canalizing selection and relaxation of selection. A substantial frequency of flies with either two anterior or two posterior extra bristles was maintained in the relaxed lines. These patterns were the only ones tolerated by natural selection, i.e., the only symmetric ones. It was concluded that anterior and posterior dorsocentral bristles are two independent development structures, and the results are discussed in relation to two proposed genetic systems for bristle determination.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory has emphasized that the evolution of single traits cannot be understood in isolation when pleiotropy is present. Widespread pleiotropy causes the appearance of stabilizing selection on metric traits owing to joint effects with fitness, and results in the genetic variation being concentrated in relatively few combinations of the measured traits. In this review, we show how trait combinations with high levels of genetic variation can be used to uncover fitness optima that are defined by apparent stabilizing selection. Defining fitness optima in this way could provide one avenue by which researchers can overcome the problem posed by measuring the myriad of traits that must influence fitness, or by measuring total fitness itself.  相似文献   

Aims Floral traits are frequently used in traditional plant systematics because of their assumed constancy. One potential reason for the apparent constancy of flower size is that effective pollen transfer between flowers depends on the accuracy of the physical fit between the flower and pollinator. Therefore, flowers are likely to be under stronger stabilizing selection for uniform size than vegetative plant parts. Moreover, as predicted by the pollinator-mediated stabilizing selection (PMSS) hypothesis, an accurate fit between flowers and their pollinators is likely to be more important for specialized pollination systems as found in many species with bilaterally symmetric (zygomorphic) flowers than for species with radially symmetric (actinomorphic) flowers.Methods In a comparative study of 15 zygomorphic and 13 actinomorphic species in Switzerland, we tested whether variation in flower size, among and within individuals, is smaller than variation in leaf size and whether variation in flower size is smaller in zygomorphic compared to actinomorphic species.Important findings Indeed, variation in leaf length was significantly larger than variation in flower length and width. Within-individual variation in flower and leaf sizes did not differ significantly between zygomorphic and actinomorphic species. In line with the predictions of the PMSS, among-individual variation in flower length and flower width was significantly smaller for zygomorphic species than for actinomorphic species, while the two groups did not differ in leaf length variation. This suggests that plants with zygomorphic flowers have undergone stronger selection for uniform flowers than plants with actinomorphic flowers. This supports that the relative uniformity of flowers compared to vegetative structures within species, as already observed in traditional plant systematics, is, at least in part, a consequence of the requirement for effective pollination.  相似文献   

A genetic model is investigated in which two recombining loci determine the genotypic value of a quantitative trait additively. Two opposing evolutionary forces are assumed to act: stabilizing selection on the trait, which favors genotypes with an intermediate phenotype, and intraspecific competition mediated by that trait, which favors genotypes whose effect on the trait deviates most from that of the prevailing genotypes. Accordingly, fitnesses of genotypes have a frequency-independent component describing stabilizing selection and a frequency- and density-dependent component modeling competition. We study how the underlying genetics, in particular recombination rate and relative magnitude of allelic effects, interact with the conflicting selective forces and derive the resulting, surprisingly complex equilibrium patterns. We also investigate the conditions under which disruptive selection on the phenotypes can be observed and examine how much genetic variation can be maintained in such a model. We discovered a number of unexpected phenomena. For instance, we found that with little recombination the degree of stably maintained polymorphism and the equilibrium genetic variance can decrease as the strength of competition increases relative to the strength of stabilizing selection. In addition, we found that mean fitness at the stable equilibria is usually much lower than the maximum possible mean fitness and often even lower than the fitness at other, unstable equilibria. Thus, the evolutionary dynamics in this system are almost always nonadaptive.  相似文献   

Stabilizing selection for a set of morphometric wing traits was combined with directional selection for the increased expression of radius incompletus (ri) mutation of Drosophila melanogaster. Three experimental regimes were used: directional and stabilizing selection (stabilized lines); directional selection (unstabilized lines); no selection (controls). Response to selection for ri expression was similar in all selected lines but variation of this character was higher in the unstabilized lines compared to the stabilized ones. The competitive indices measured after termination of selection did not significantly differ under different treatments while fluctuating asymmetry was significantly lower in stabilized than in unstabilized lines. The possible causes of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

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