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The extinct monotypic ant genus Fallomyrma was described by Dlussky and Radchenko in 2006 based on workers from Late Eocene Rovno (Ukraine), Scandinavian (Denmark), and Bitterfeld (Germany) ambers. Three new Fallomyrma species from the Rovno amber are here described based on workers: F. anodonta sp. nov., F. marginata sp. nov., and F. robusta sp. nov. A key to all known species of this genus is compiled. The quantity ratios (of the numbers of species and specimens) of Fallomyrma and other amber Myrmicinae genera are considered. The opinion of the autochthonous origin of the Rovno amber is confirmed.  相似文献   

All known extinct species of Mesozoic and Cenozoic weevils are listed. Ten species of Obrienioidea and 895 Curculionoidea species are recognized, including 88 Nemonychidae, 43 Anthribidae, 44 Ithyceridae, 65 Scolytidae, 12 Belidae, 67 Brentidae, 508 Curcuionidae, 45 Rhynchitidae, six Attelabidae, and 16 Platypodidae. The Triassic beds have yielded six fossil species; Jurassic, 64; Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary, 2; Cretaceous, 105; Paleogene, 510; Neogene, 190; and Pleistocene–Holocene, 22 (5 are synonyms). A new subfamily, Montsecbelinae Legalov, subfam. nov. (with the type genus Montsecbelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 1997); the new tribes Cretochoragini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Cretochoragus Soriano et al., 2006), Montsecanomalini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Montsecanomalus Soriano et al., 2006), Montsecbelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Montsecbelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 1997), Gratshevibelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Gratshevibelus Soriano, 2009), Davidibelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Davidibelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 2004); the new genera Allandroides Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Allandroides vossi Legalov, sp. nov.), Baissabrenthorhinus Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Baissabrenthorhinus mirabilis Legalov, sp. nov.), Ithyceroides Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Ithyceroides klondikensis Legalov, sp. nov.), Furhylobius Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Furhylobius troesteri Legalov, sp. nov.), Electrauletes Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Electrauletes unicus Legalov, sp. nov.); new species Allandroides vossi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Glaesotropis gusakovi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. succiniferus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. alleni Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. gratshevi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Baissabrenthorhinus mirabilis Legalov, sp. nov. (Baissa locality), Ithyceroides klondikensis Legalov, sp. nov. (Republic Graben locality), Melanapion poinari Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), M. gusakovi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Furhylobius troesteri Legalov, sp. nov. (Mors locality), Baltocar convexus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), and Electrauletes unicus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber) are newly described.  相似文献   

The first syninclusion of the myrmicine Monomorium mayrianum Wheeler (two workers) and the aphid Germaraphis ungulata Heie (one nymph) is described from the Bitterfeld amber. Additionally, G. ungulata is recorded in a syninclusion with Ctenobethylus goepperti (Mayr) in the Rovno amber for the first time.  相似文献   

Three recent genera are included in the supertribe Stomatosematidi: Stomatosema (16 species), Vanchidiplosis (4 species), and Didactylomyia (3 species). Seven species of the genus Stomatosema and two species of the genus Vanchidiplosis occur in the Palaearctic Region. No reliable findings of representatives of the supertribe were known in fossilized condition. One new genus and 3 new species are described from amber of the Late Eocene age (Rovno Region): Stomatosema iljieteugeniae sp. n., Clarumreddera korneyevi gen. n. et sp. n., and C. conceptiva sp. n.  相似文献   

One new genus (Rovnodidactylomyia Fedotova et Perkovsky, gen. n.) and four new species (Didactylomyia dlusskyi sp. n., Rovnodidactylomyia zosimovichi gen. n. et sp. n., R. sidorenkoi sp. n., and R. iconica sp. n.) are described from an amber sample of the late Eocene Period (Rovno District, Ukraine). Two species from a Baltic amber sample of the late Eocene Period, described earlier in the genus Bryocrypta, are attributed to the genus Rovnodidactylomyia (R. girafa (Meunier, 1904) comb. n. and R. capitosa (Meunier, 1904)). The first fossil species of the genus Didactylomyia is described for the first time; two contemporary Palaearctic species are recorded. Keys to the species of the genus Didactylomyia are given.  相似文献   

Omositoidea gigantea Schaufuss, 1892 is redescribed; O. pubescens sp. nov. from the Baltic amber, Palaeometopia dominicana gen. et sp. nov. and P. colorata gen. et sp. nov. from the Dominican amber are described. The taxonomic position of the two genera and their probable bionomy are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe two new extinct caddisflies, Electroadicella kuenowi sp. nov. and Triaenodes simoni sp. nov., embedded in Baltic amber. Both species belong to the tribe Triaenodini and enlarge the family Leptoceridae to a remarkable number of 18 extinct Eocene species from Baltic amber. The extinct Electroadicella and the extant Triaenodes are possibly closely related, by a distinct synapomorphy, a recurved process from the basal plate of the inferior appendages of the ninth abdominal segment in the male genitalia.  相似文献   

Five new species of chalcidoid wasps of the family Eurytomidae are described: four from Israel and one from Kazakhstan. Tetramesa pavliceki Zerova, sp. n. (cylindrica species group) is closely related to T. scheppugi Schlecht., but differs in the more elongate flagellar segments, longer genae, and smooth metasomal tergites. Eurytoma nevoi Zerova, sp. n. is similar to E. sabulosa Erd. and E. bicolorata Zer. (phragmiticola species group), differs from these species in the longer marginal vein, punctate propodeum, and longer flagellar segments. E. oreni Zerova, sp. n. belongs to the fumipennis species group. It is closely related to E. monticola Zer., but differs in the more convex scape, longer postmarginal vein, and yellow legs. E. simutniki Zerova, sp. n. belongs to the robusta species-group. It resembles E. heriadi Zer., but differs in the longer flagellar segments of the female and in the shorter postmarginal vein. Nikanoria mamayevi Zerova, sp. n. is similar to N. stigma Zer., but differs in the more elongate metasoma, longer flagellar segments of both sexes, and larger yellow spots on the pronotum.  相似文献   

Gall midges from Santonian amber of Yantardakh (Taimyr Peninsula) are investigated for the first time. Eight new genera and eight new species belonging to five tribes of the subfamily Micromyinae (Lestremiidae) are described. These are Caputmunda yantardakhica gen. et sp. nov. (Catochini), Cretoperomyia taimyrica gen. et sp. nov. (Peromyiini), Palaeostrobliella dmitrii gen. et sp. nov., Yantardakhiella pusilla gen. et sp. nov., and Zherikhiniella pedicellata gen. et sp. nov. (Strobliellini), Menssana norilsk gen. et sp. nov. (Micromyini), and Cretomycophila ekaterinae gen. et sp. nov., and Corporesana khatanga gen. et sp. nov. (Aprionini). A representative of Porricondylinae (Cecidomyiidae, Porricondylinae, Holoneurini) is recorded. The diagnoses based on morphometric parameters of tribes and previously established genera are emended. The species composition of gall midges from three Cretaceous amber faunas of different ages are analyzed.  相似文献   

Two new species of the family Derbidae are described. Anticedusa gen. n. (tribe Cedusini) includes the recent A. loisae sp. n. (type species) from Costa Rica and A. dominicana sp. n. from the Miocene Dominican amber. Cedochrusa gen. n. (type species Cedusa quixoa Kramer from Panama) of the tribe Cedochreini also contains a new species, Cedochrusa luculenta sp. n. from Costa Rica. A new subtribe Eocenchreina subtrib. n. comprising genera Eocenchrea Muir, Melusa Em., and Anticedusa gen. n. is erected for Cedusini with the achilid venation of the clavus.  相似文献   

Two new genera and three new species of soft-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) are described from Rovno and Baltic Eocene amber. Protocephaloncus gen. nov. with the type species P. perkovskyi sp. nov. was found in the Rovno amber. It differs from its congeners in the tribe Troglopini in the primitive sculpture of the male facial area as a longitudinal narrow depression between the eyes lacking an appendage inside, and two trapezoid impressions on both sides of the depression closer to its lower part. A transverse pronotum, slightly rounded, but not sinuate posteriorly, is also a diagnostic feature of the new genus. A new genus of the tribe Attalini, Palpattalus gen. nov., was found in the Baltic amber. The tarsal comb on the anterior second tarsomere of the male, complicatedly curved pygidium, and cylindrical apical palpomere allow the definite attribution of the genus to the tribe Attalini. The characteristically enlarged, rounded and slightly flattened 1st palpomere, possessing a long seta directed outward, of the new genus resembles similar structures found in members of the tribe Colotini, all males of which have modified and enlarged 3rd and 4th palpomeres. Probably, Palpattalus gen. nov. represents an ancestral form for these two tribes. This allows the establishment of independent status for Antholinus Mulsant and Rey, 1867 stat. resurr., with anterior tarsi in males lacking comb on the second tarsomere, in contrast to all other subgenera of Attalus Erichson, 1840. Males of two different species, Palpattalus baltiensis sp. nov. and P. eocenicus sp. nov., were found as inclusions in Baltic amber. They differ in the coloration of the elytra, yellow with black spots in Palpattalus baltiensis sp. nov. and unicolorous black in P. eocenicus sp. nov.; the shape of pygidia, longitudinal and strongly elongated in P. baltiensis and transverse and rounded in P. eocenicus, and in a number of other characters.  相似文献   

Lindenius paleomystax” described from the Miocene Dominican amber has been included into a separate digger wasp genus, Lindocerus gen. nov. (Crabronidae, Crabroninae, Crabronini), which is similar to the genus Crossocerus Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau et Brullé, 1835, but differs in the well-pronounced hypersternaulus.  相似文献   

A new caddisfly species of the fossil genus Archaeotinodes, A. igneusaper sp. nov., is described from the Upper Eocene Baltic amber. The new species is close to A. pauper Ulmer, 1912 and A. lanceolata Ulmer, 1912 from the Baltic amber, differing from these in the structure of the male genitalia.  相似文献   

The beetle family Coccinellidae is rarely recorded from fossils. Most of the records come from the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century. A complete list of Coccinellidae records from Baltic amber is presented and discussed. Extensive literature research provided a surprising conclusion that not a single species of Coccinellidae has been formally described from Baltic amber till now. The first two species of ladybird beetles from Eocene Baltic amber are described and placed in the genus Serangium, namely S. twardowskii sp. nov. and S. gedanicum sp. nov. Their phylogenetic placement in the subfamily Microweiseinae is provided. A key to the fossil species of Serangium is given. Extant representatives of the genus are distributed mainly in tropical areas of Asia and Oceania, and are specialised predators of whiteflies. Current discovery shows that during the Middle Eocene, the genus Serangium was distributed wider in the Northern Hemisphere and the evolution of these ladybird beetles was probably influenced by the evolution of whiteflies which are also found in the Baltic amber.  相似文献   

The paper describes Jantarokrama utilis Kovalev et Kirejtshuk, gen. et sp. nov., the first fossil representative of the family Omalisidae from the Upper Eocene Baltic amber, which is similar to the Recent Phaeopterus unicolor Costa, 1856, but distinguished from the latter by the larger and not so slender body, smaller distance between antennal insertions, longer antennae, wider prothorax with very convex anterior edge of the pronotum, and particularly by five completely exposed abdominal ventrites. The diagnosis of the new genus among generic taxa of Omalisidae and its similarity to Berendtimirus Winkler, 1987 (Berendtimiridae) are discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of hymenolepidid cestodes belonging to the genus Armadolepis Spassky, 1954 are described from dormice (Gliridae) from the southern East European Plain and the northwestern Caucasus, Russia. Armadolepis (Bremserilepis) longisoma n. sp., with a rudimentary, unarmed rostellar apparatus is described from the fat dormouse Glis glis (Linnaeus) from the Republic of Adygeya, Russia. Additionally, A. (Armadolepis) dryomi n. sp., characterised by a well-developed rostellar apparatus and armed rhynchus is described from the forest dormouse Dryomys nitedula Pallas from Rostov Oblast’, Russia. Armadolepis (Bremserilepis) longisoma n. sp. differs from A. (Bremserilepis) myoxi (Rudolphi, 1819) in having a substantially longer strobila and cirrus-sac, wider scolex and ovary and larger rostellar pouch and testes. Armadolepis (Armadolepis) dryomi n. sp. is distinguishable from A. (Armadolepis) spasskii Tenora & Baru?, 1958, A. (Armadolepis) jeanbaeri Makarikov, 2017 and A. (Armadolepis) tenorai Makarikov, 2017 in having a substantially longer and wider strobila, and larger rostellar pouch and cirrus-sac. Furthermore, A. dryomi n. sp. can be distinguished from its congeners by the number and size of rostellar hooks and the arrangement of the testes. Phylogenetic affinities of Armadolepis were studied for the first time using partial sequences of the nuclear ribosomal 28S DNA gene. Phylogenetic analysis strongly supported the status of Armadolepis as a separate genus belonging to the “Rodentolepis clade”.  相似文献   

Two articles on fossil Lestremiinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Rovno amber (Perkovsky and Fedotova, 2004; Fedotova and Perkovsky, 2004) are reviewed and discussed. As a result, the following gall midges species are considered Lestremiinae incertae sedis: + Aprionus admirandus Fed., + Conarete laesus Fed., + Heterogenella sparsa Fed., + Micromyia convoluta Fed., + Peromyia autonoma Fed., + Peromyia miranda Fed., + Peromyia sukachevae Fed., + Peromyia zherikhini Fed. (all in Perkovsky and Fedotova, 2004), + Campylomyza falciformis Fed., + Campylomyza superposita Fed., + Neurolyga declinata Fed., + Strobliella appropinquata Fed., and + Strobliella capitata Fed. (all in Fedotova and Perkovsky, 2004).  相似文献   

Africa hosts a rich assemblage of cycads: 66 Encephalartos species, Stangeria eriopus and Cycas thouarsii. Most Encephalartos and S. eriopus adults appear to be fire-tolerant, and certain Encephalartos species may be fire-dependent. Four Encephalartos species and S. eriopus are primarily insect-pollinated. African cycad populations typically have sex ratios of 1:1, with very small populations often male-biased. Coning is typically infrequent and erratic, with many species exhibiting mast-seeding. Viable seed production in Encephalartos populations tends to decline with decreasing population size, and seed predation by weevils is common. Seed dispersal in Encephalartos is usually localized, but vertebrates may facilitate dispersal over longer distances. Stem material of 25 Encephalartos species and S. eriopus is used for traditional medicine, primarily in South Africa. Two-thirds of Africa’s cycad species are threatened, with four species already Extinct in the Wild. The illegal acquisition of cycads from wild populations is the principle threat to their persistence. Further research is recommended on seed and fire ecology, population dynamics, and the outcomes of conservation interventions.  相似文献   

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