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The cellular and subcellular distribution of 3H estradiol inthe forebrain of goldfish, platyfish, lizard, turtle, and ringdove was studied by thaw-mount autoradiography. The topographicdistribution of estrogen target cells in these non-mammalianspecies corresponds to the general pattern established earlierin our laboratory for mammals. In all non-mammalians studied,accumulations of estrogen target cells exist in preoptic-septal,central hypothalamic and thalamic areas. While allocorticaldistribution of estrogen target cells is present in the avianand reptilian species, it appears to be absent in the teleosts.Differences in brain evolution probably account for it. Thisphylogenetically delayed acquisition of telencephalic steroidtarget sites seems paralleled by an ontogenetic delay, as observedin the chick embryo: early embryonic appearance of estrogenuptake (receptors) in preoptic and central hypothalamic regionsand late appearance of estrogen receptors in the amygdala. Androgendistribution in the forebrain of the dove and lizard overlapswith the estrogen distribution with some exceptions.  相似文献   

Androgen and Estrogen Actions in the Vertebrate Brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In all vertebrates gonadal secretions, through their actionson the central nervous system (CNS), control sex and sex-relatedbehaviors and also regulate production of gonadotropin. Recently,major advances have been made in characterizing the molecularevents which underlie these processes. Discussed in this paperare the nature and source of androgens and estrogens; theirsites of action within the CNS as determined by steroid implantand autoradiographic studies; some manifestations of brain-steroidinteractions, both "triggering" and "organizational"; evidencesupporting a conventional genomic mechanism versus alternativemodes of action; the critical role of androgen metabolizingenzymes in regulating the quality and quantity of active hormonein close proximity to targets; and some determinants of steroidaccess to the CNS. Information from nonmammalian vertebratesis reviewed in relation to the major body of knowledge derivedfrom common laboratory species. The intent of this paper isto provide a biological perspective and to stimulate interestin the use of unconventional animal models for future studies.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) binding sites were labeled in vitro in mounted brain tissue sections from rat and guinea pig brains with [3H]methyl TRH and localized autoradiographically using 3H-sensitive film. Regional densities of TRH binding sites were measured by computer-assisted microdensitometry. The distribution of sites in both species was highly heterogeneous. In both guinea pig and rat brains, the highest densities of binding sites were seen in the amygdaloid nuclei and the perirhinal cortex. In contrast, in other brain areas, a clear difference between the distribution of sites in rat and guinea pig was found. The temporal cortex, pontine nuclei, and interpeduncular nucleus, which contained high densities of binding in the guinea pig, were scarcely labeled in the rat. The accessory olfactory bulb and the septohippocampal area presented in the rat higher concentrations of binding sites than in the guinea pig. Other brain areas showing intermediate to low densities in both species were accumbens nucleus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, dentate gyrus, facial and hypoglossal nuclei, and gelatinosus subnucleus of the trigeminal nerve, among others. The anterior pituitary also presented low to intermediate concentrations of receptors. The distribution of TRH sites here described does not completely correlate with that of endogenous TRH, but is in good agreement with previous biochemical data. The results are discussed in correlation to the physiological effects that appear to be mediated by TRH.  相似文献   

Aromatase activity has been detected in the central nervoussystem (CNS) of representatives of each major vertebrate groupwith the exception of the Agnatha. 5a-reductase and 17/3-oxidoreductaseare also present in brain tissues of many vertebrates and inthe cerebral ganglion of the lobster. These comparative studiestogether with autoradiographic, physiological, and behavioraldata in mammals and selected nonmammalian species support theview that metabolism in situ is an important component of androgenaction and a general characteristic of the vertebrate brain.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of chick brain and heart ventricle calcium antagonist binding sites was determined, using [3H]nitrendipine ([3H]NDP), as the ligand. The binding of [3H]NDP to adult heart and brain was kinetically very similar, with the former displaying a KD of 0.28 +/- 0.02 nM and a Bmax of 138 +/- 17 fmol/mg protein, and the latter a KD of 0.30 +/- 0.02 nM and a Bmax of 160 +/- 12 fmol/mg protein. The binding site in both brain and heart was highly specific for dihydropyridine calcium antagonists, such as nifedipine, nimodipine, and nisoldipine, since these drugs were several orders of magnitude more potent as inhibitors of [3H]NDP binding than verapamil, methoxyverapamil, or diltiazem. The developmental appearance of [3H]NDP binding sites in brain was rather gradual, with adult levels being attained just prior to birth. This was in contrast to the profile in heart ventricle which showed essentially adult levels at seven days gestation. The acquisition of [3H]NDP binding sites in chick brain roughly paralleled the onset of neuronal maturation and functional activity. In both chick brain and heart, verapamil and methoxyverapamil were weak inhibitors of [3H]NDP binding. However, the inhibition of binding in both tissues was markedly biphasic, with only 50% of the binding sites being susceptible to inhibition by each agent, suggesting that multiple calcium antagonist binding sites may exist in both tissues.  相似文献   

The developmental effects of androgen play a central role in sexual differentiation of the mammalian central nervous system. The cellular mechanisms responsible for mediating these effects remain incompletely understood. A considerable amount of evidence has accumulated indicating that one of the earliest detectable events in the mechanism of sexual differentiation is a selective and permanent reduction in estrogen receptor concentrations in specific regions of the brain. Using quantitative autoradiographic methods, it has been possible to precisely map the regional distribution of estrogen receptors in the brains of male and female rats, as well as to study the development of sexual dimorphisms in receptor distribution. Despite previous data suggesting that the left and right sides of the brain may be differentially responsive to early androgen exposure, there is no significant right-left asymmetry in estrogen receptor distribution, in either sex. Significant sex differences in receptor density are, however, observed in several regions of the preoptic area, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, particularly in its most rostral and caudal aspects. In the periventricular preoptic area of the female, highest estrogen receptor density occurs in the anteroventral periventricular region: binding in this region is reduced by approximately 50% in the male, as compared to the female. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that androgen-induced defeminization of feminine behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to estrogen may involve selective reductions in the estrogen sensitivity of critical components of the neural circuitry regulating these responses, mediated in part through a reduction in estrogen receptor biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The conclusion that animal development is guided by a hierarchical system of gene expression and interaction has gained considerable support from recent molecular genetic studies on fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) and mice (Mus musculus). They demonstrate that the patterns of organization revealed by terminal differentiation of cells is anticipated by a myriad of transient prepatterns that channel the developing embryo toward its genetically-programmed target. The numerous white spotting mutants in mice exhibit some of the most dramatic and variable patterns of cutaneous melanin pigmentation. Until recently, the mechanisms of action of white spotting genes and their relationship to the developmental genetic hierarchy remained unknown. It now appears that certain white spotting genes may encode growth factors essential for melanoblast development. Others may be related to homeobox genes that play a number of developmental roles, the primary one being the determination of regional organization along the anterior-posterior axis of the early embryo. The patterns of homeobox gene expression are consistent with several of the developmental models for white spotting in mice and other mammals. It is evident that white spotting genes are not solely concerned with the terminal differentiation of melanoblasts into melanocytes. They are heterogeneous with regard to action and level of expression within the developmental hierarchy.  相似文献   

Abstract : Studies on iron uptake into the brain have traditionally focused on transport by transferrin. However, transferrin receptors are not found in all brain regions and are especially low in white matter tracts where high iron concentrations have been reported. Several lines of research suggest that a receptor for ferritin, the intracellular storage protein for iron, may exist. We present, herein, evidence for ferritin binding sites in the brains of adult mice. Autoradiographic studies using 125I-recombinant human ferritin demonstrate that ferritin binding sites in brain are predominantly in white matter. Saturation binding analyses revealed a single class of binding sites with a dissociation constant ( K D) of 4.65 × 10-9 M and a binding site density ( B max) of 17.9 fmol bound/μg of protein. Binding of radiolabeled ferritin can be competitively displaced by an excess of ferritin but not transferrin. Ferritin has previously been shown to affect cellular proliferation, protect cells from oxidative damage, and deliver iron. The significance of a cellular ferritin receptor is that ferritin is capable of delivering 2,000 times more iron per mole of protein than transferrin. The distribution of ferritin binding sites in brain vis-à-vis transferrin receptor distribution suggests distinct methods for iron delivery between gray and whi  相似文献   

We have demonstrated and partially characterized putative estrogenand androgen receptors from mouse hypothalamus for a range ofperinatal ages. For the first time, estrogen and androgen receptorsfrom embryonic mouse and rat hypothalamus are described andcharacterized; they display similar parameters as the receptorproteins of adult mice and rats. The ontogeny of these proteinsis discussed in the context of models for the control of the"critical period" of sexual differentiation of the brain. The androgen-binding proteins, presumed to be receptors, arecompared for hypothalamus and kidney and for the androgen-resistantmutant mouse, testicular feminization (Tfm). The putative receptorforms that are observed help to define the possible functionof brain androgen receptors during sexual differentiation. Development and modification of DNA—cellulose chromatographyfor the affinity separation of steroid receptors of brain isdescribed. The methods allow complete separations of receptorproteins from non—receptor, steroid-binding proteins andsubsequent analysis of the resultant receptors.  相似文献   

The expression of glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) was investigated immunohistochemically in two different lineages of oligodendrocytes, using carbonic anhydrase (CA) II and neuron glial antigen (NG) 2 as markers of mature oligodendrocytes and oligodendrocyte progenitors, respectively. We focused on the gray matter regions, including CA1, CA3 and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, the primary somatosensory cortex barrel field and the basolateral amygdala, and the white matter regions, including the corpus callosum, external capsule and fimbria of the hippocampus. More than 80% of CAII-immunoreactive (IR) cells and more than 95% of NG2-IR cells expressed GRs in various regions of the brain. In contrast, neither CAII-IR cells nor NG2-IR cells expressed mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs) in the same regions. The intensity of GR expression was drastically reduced in CA II-IR cells and NG2-IR cells in the same regions in adrenalectomized mice. Finally, steroid receptor co-activator (SRC)-1 and p300, both of which are cofactors for GR, were expressed in the gray and white matter regions in NG2-IR cells, but not in CAII-IR cells. These results suggest that the expression of GRs in oligodendrocytes and their progenitor cells mediates several functions in vivo, including differentiation and myelination, as a major target of glucocorticoids and their cofactors.  相似文献   

使用RT-PCR方法克隆了Wistar大鼠脑α_1型甲状腺激素受体的cDNA,得到包含起始及终止密码子共1233bp、编码409个氨基酸的受体全长编码序列.酶切分析后,将此特异DNA片段重组入质粒pUC系统,得重组质粒pTRA.双脱氧末端终止法测定了全部核苷酸顺序,结果与文献报导的SD大鼠的结果一致,同时对长片段DNA的RT-PCR扩增进行了方法学的探讨。  相似文献   

In this study we examined whether adult rat brain tissue (cerebral hemispheres) would under cold exposure respond with changes in the local metabolism and nuclear binding of thyroid hormones (T3, T4). Adult, control rats kept at 22°C and cold exposed (4°C, 20 h) rats were injected with trace of 125I-T4 or 125I-T3 returned to their respective environment and sacrificed four hours later. The radioactive hormonal forms were identified and quantified in the cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions. It was found that in cold exposed rats injected with 125I-T4, the total cytoplasmic radioactivity was higher than that of controls. This increase was not associated with 125I-T4 but it reflected an increase (88 %) in its deiodination product 125I-T3 (125I-T3 (T4)). Although total cytoplasmic 125I-T4 did not change, there was a decrease (28%) in its protein free cytoplasmic fraction. 125I-T3 (T4) and 125I-T4 bound to the nuclear fraction were found to decrease by 58 and 46% respectively. Cold exposed animals injected with 125I-T3 also showed an increase in cytoplasmic 125I-T3 (81%) and a decrease in 125I (40%) whereas 125I-T3 bound to the nuclear fraction decreased by 64%. These results indicate that cold exposure of rats decreases brain local T3 metabolism and nuclear binding while it does not effect local T4 metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fractionation of isolated brain nuclei previously reacted with 125I-labelled S-100 showed that most of the specifically bound radioactivity associated with the nuclear membranes and the nucleoli. Labelling of nucleoli, which indicates the entrance of 125I-labelled S-100 into the nucleus, was observed at 37°C, but not at 0–4°C. When tested separately for 125I-labelled S-100 specific binding, both the nuclear membranes and the nucleoli were found to bind 125I-labelled S-100 in a biphasic manner, the binding displaying a high affinity and a low affinity component, as observed with intact nuclei. However, the binding to nuclear membranes was largely irreversible, while that to nucleoli was fully reversible after any association time.  相似文献   

Abstract: A survey of the regional distribution of binding of 1 nM [3H](3-MeHis2)thyrotropin-releasing hormone ([3H]MeTRH) to TRH receptors in the brains of eight mammalian species revealed major species differences in both the absolute and relative values of TRH receptor binding in different brain regions. Several brain regions exhibited binding equal to or exceeding that in the anterior pituitary gland of the same species, including the amygdaia in the guinea pig and rat, the hypothalamus in the guinea pig, the nucleus accumbens in the rabbit, and all these and other regions in the cat and dog, for which pituitary binding was exceptionally low. Species could be divided into two groups according to which brain region appeared highest in binding: rabbits, sheep, and cattle had highest binding in the nucleus accumbens/septal area, whereas guinea pigs, rats, dogs, cats, and pigs had highest binding in the amygdala/temporal cortex area. The nucleus accumbens consistently exceeded the caudate-putamen in receptor binding. For most brain regions, rabbits, rodents, and sheep tended to be higher than carnivores, cattle, or pigs. Further regions that exhibited appreciable binding in most species included the olfactory bulb and tubercle, hippocampus, and various cortical and brain stem areas. In fact, essentially all brain regions appeared to have detectable levels of TRH receptors in at least some species, but no rat peripheral tissues have yet shown detectable receptor binding. The species differences appeared to reflect largely if not entirely differences in receptor density, although this was not tested in every species.  相似文献   

Abstract: Displacement of [3H]glutamate by 1 S ,3 R -1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid and quisqualate (in the presence of saturating concentrations of ionotropic glutamate receptor agonists) was used to characterize optimal ionic conditions, distribution, and the ontogeny of glutamate receptor binding sites in rat brain. Using rat forebrain membranes or receptor autoradiography, optimal 1 S ,3 R -1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid-sensitive [3H]glutamate binding was found in the presence of 100 m M bromide ions and in the absence of calcium ions. Under these conditions, [3H]glutamate binding was relatively quisqualate insensitive. In regions of the neonatal (11-day-old) and adult rat brain, this [3H]glutamate binding was highest in forebrain (striatum, cerebral cortex, and hippocampus) and hypothalamus/midbrain but was lower in the cerebellum, olfactory bulb, and pons/medulla regions. 1 S ,3 R -1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid-sensitive and quisqualate-insensitive [3H]glutamate binding was present in the rat forebrain at 1 day of age and gradually increased more than twofold by day 50 (adult). Thus, in the presence of bromide ions and in the absence of calcium ions, [3H]glutamate labels a subpopulation of metabotropic glutamate receptors that are sensitive to 1 S ,3 R -1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid but insensitive to quisqualate. Expression of [3H]glutamate binding under these conditions was both regionally and developmentally regulated in rat brain, suggesting that [3H]glutamate is labeling a distinct population of metabotropic glutamate receptors.  相似文献   

The prenatal and postnatal human ontogeny of the central benzodiazepine receptor was investigated in six different brain regions between week 24 postconception and age 14 years. Binding studies, which were performed with [3H]flunitrazepam [( 3H]FNZ), revealed a steep increase in receptor density postnatally in frontal cortex and cerebellum. Bmax values were higher in medulla oblongata, pons, and thalamus than in cortex and cerebellum up to week 26. After that, receptor densities declined significantly in medulla and olive. The same tendency was apparent in pons, whereas receptor density remained unchanged in thalamus. The early ontogeny of the benzodiazepine receptor was also evaluated in fluorographs [( 3H]FNZ) and immunoblots using the alpha 1-subunit-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) bd-24. Specific radiolabeled proteins with molecular weights of 53K and 59K were visible in cortical membranes from gestational week 8, the earliest time investigated. During further development, the intensity of the 53K band increased without changes in the 59K band. As in other species, postmortem proteolysis in human brain led to a specifically labeled peptide of 47K. The mAb bd-24 immunolabeled only the 53K protein and the 47K peptide.  相似文献   

1.In a previous paper we reported evidence for the presence of mGnRH- and sGnRH-like peptides in the preoptic–hypothalamic region of the capybara Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (Montaner et al., 1998). In that study, the presence of a cGnRH-II like molecule in olfactory bulb extracts was suggested.2.The capybara, the largest living rodent in the world, belongs to the order Hystricomorpha, which is considered to be one of the oldest groups of rodents. Some authors consider that this group is the ancestor of all remaining rodents.3.In this study we have characterized GnRH molecular variants found in extracts from the olfactory bulbs and the mesencephalic region of capybara. These regions represent the two GnRH neuronal systems: the terminal nerve–septopreoptic and the midbrain systems.4.An indirect method combining reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and radioimmunoassay (RIA) was used to characterize GnRH variants. The analysis of both extracts with two different RIA systems revealed three immunoreactive GnRH peaks, coeluting with mGnRH, cIIGnRH, and sGnRH synthetic standards. These results were additionally supported by serial dilution studies with specific antisera.5.To our knowledge this the first report on the presence of three GnRH variants in the brain of an eutherian mammal. These results suggest that, similarly to other vertebrates, the expression of multiple GnRH variants may also be a common pattern in mammals.  相似文献   

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