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Turnover of damaged, dysfunctional, or excess organelles is critical to cellular homeostasis. We screened mutants disturbed in peroxisomal protein import, and found that a deficiency in the exportomer subunits Pex1, Pex6, and Pex15 results in enhanced turnover of peroxisomal membrane structures compared with other mutants. Strikingly, almost all peroxisomal membranes were associated with phagophore assembly sites in pex1Δ atg1Δ cells. Degradation depended on Atg11 and the pexophagy receptor Atg36, which mediates degradation of superfluous peroxisomes. Mutants of PEX1, PEX6, and PEX15 accumulate ubiquitinated receptors at the peroxisomal membrane. This accumulation has been suggested to trigger pexophagy in mammalian cells. We show by genetic analysis that preventing this accumulation does not abolish pexophagy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We find Atg36 is modified in pex1Δ cells even when Atg11 binding is prevented, suggesting Atg36 modification is an early event in the degradation of dysfunctional peroxisomal structures in pex1Δ cells via pexophagy.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells adapt their organelle composition and abundance according to environmental conditions. Analysis of the peroxisomal membrane protein Pex3 has revealed that this protein plays a crucial role in peroxisome maintenance as it is required for peroxisome formation, segregation and breakdown. Although its function in peroxisome formation and segregation was known to involve its recruitment to the peroxisomal membrane of factors specific for these processes, the role of Pex3 in peroxisome breakdown was unclear until our recent identification of Atg36 as a novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pex3-interacting protein. Atg36 is recruited to peroxisomes by Pex3 and is required specifically for pexophagy. Atg36 is distinct from Atg30, the pexophagy receptor identified in Pichia pastoris. Atg36 interacts with Atg11 in vivo, and to a lesser extent with Atg8. These latter proteins link autophagic cargo receptors to the core autophagy machinery. Like other autophagic cargo receptors, Atg36 is a suicide receptor and is broken down in the vacuole together with its cargo. Unlike other cargo receptors, the interaction between Atg36 and Atg8 does not seem to be direct. Our recent findings suggest that Atg36 is a novel pexophagy receptor that may target peroxisomes for degradation via a noncanonical mechanism.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy/autophagy is a highly conserved process in which subcellular components destined for degradation are sequestered within autophagosomes. The selectivity of autophagy is determined by autophagy receptors, such as Pichia pastoris Atg30 (autophagy-related 30), which controls the selective degradation of peroxisomes (pexophagy) through the assembly of a receptor-protein complex (RPC). Previously, we proved that the peroxisomal acyl-CoA-binding protein, Atg37, and the highly conserved peroxin, Pex3, are required for RPC formation and efficient pexophagy. Here, we describe how Atg37 and Pex3 regulate the assembly and activation of the pexophagic RPC. We demonstrate that Atg30 requires both Atg37 and Pex3 to recruit Atg8 and Atg11 to the pexophagic RPC, because Atg37 depends on Pex3 for its localization at the peroxisomal membrane. We establish that due to close proximity of Atg37- and Pex3-binding sites in the middle domain of Atg30, the binding of these proteins to Atg30 is mutually exclusive within this region. We also show that direct binding of Pex3 and Atg37 to Atg30 regulates its phosphorylation by the Hrr25 kinase, negatively and positively, respectively. Based on these results we present a model that clarifies the assembly and activation of the pexophagic RPC through the phosphoregulation of Atg30.  相似文献   

In macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy), cytoplasmic molecules and organelles are randomly or selectively sequestered within double-membrane vesicles called autophagosomes and delivered to lysosomes or vacuoles for degradation. In selective autophagy, the specificity of degradation targets is determined by autophagy receptors. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, autophagy receptors interact with specific targets and Atg11, resulting in the recruitment of a protein complex that initiates autophagosome formation. Previous studies have revealed that autophagy receptors are regulated by posttranslational modifications. In selective autophagy of peroxisomes (pexophagy), the receptor Atg36 localizes to peroxisomes by binding to the peroxisomal membrane protein Pex3. We previously reported that Atg36 is phosphorylated by Hrr25 (casein kinase 1δ), increasing the Atg36–Atg11 interaction and thereby stimulating pexophagy initiation. However, the regulatory mechanisms underlying Atg36 phosphorylation are unknown. Here, we show that Atg36 phosphorylation is abolished in cells lacking Pex3 or expressing a Pex3 mutant defective in the interaction with Atg36, suggesting that the interaction with Pex3 is essential for the Hrr25-mediated phosphorylation of Atg36. Using recombinant proteins, we further demonstrated that Pex3 directly promotes Atg36 phosphorylation by Hrr25. A co-immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that the interaction of Atg36 with Hrr25 depends on Pex3. These results suggest that Pex3 increases the Atg36–Hrr25 interaction and thereby stimulates Atg36 phosphorylation on the peroxisomal membrane. In addition, we found that Pex3 binding protects Atg36 from proteasomal degradation. Thus, Pex3 confines Atg36 activity to the peroxisome by enhancing its phosphorylation and stability on this organelle.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes undergo rapid, selective autophagic degradation (pexophagy) when the metabolic pathways they contain are no longer required for cellular metabolism. Pex3 is central to the formation of peroxisomes and their segregation because it recruits factors specific for these functions. Here, we describe a novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein that interacts with Pex3 at the peroxisomal membrane. We name this protein Atg36 as its absence blocks pexophagy, and its overexpression induces pexophagy. We have isolated pex3 alleles blocked specifically in pexophagy that cannot recruit Atg36 to peroxisomes. Atg36 is recruited to mitochondria if Pex3 is redirected there, where it restores mitophagy in cells lacking the mitophagy receptor Atg32. Furthermore, Atg36 binds Atg8 and the adaptor Atg11 that links receptors for selective types of autophagy to the core autophagy machinery. Atg36 delivers peroxisomes to the preautophagosomal structure before being internalised into the vacuole with peroxisomes. We conclude that Pex3 recruits the pexophagy receptor Atg36. This reinforces the pivotal role played by Pex3 in coordinating the size of the peroxisome pool, and establishes its role in pexophagy in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

As with the case of the mechanism of autophagosome formation, studies in yeast have taken a leading role in elucidating the molecular basis of target recognition during selective autophagy. Degradation targets are recognized by receptor proteins, which also bind to Atg8 homologs on growing phagophore membranes, leading to the loading of the targets into autophagosomes. However, it remains to be elucidated how these processes are regulated. In yeast, receptors also interact with the scaffold/adaptor protein Atg11, which subsequently recruits core Atg proteins onto receptor-target complexes to initiate autophagosome formation. Recently, we found that Hrr25, a homolog of CSNK1D/casein kinase 1δ, regulates 3 of 4 selective autophagy-related pathways in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a uniform mechanism: phosphoregulation of the receptor-scaffold interaction.  相似文献   

During biogenesis of the peroxisome, a subcellular organelle, the peroxisomal-targeting signal 1 (PTS1) receptor Pex5 functions as a shuttling receptor for PTS1-containing peroxisomal matrix proteins. However, the precise mechanism of receptor shuttling between peroxisomes and cytosol remains elusive despite the identification of numerous peroxins involved in this process. Herein, a new factor was isolated by a combination of biochemical fractionation and an in vitro Pex5 export assay, and was identified as AWP1/ZFAND6, a ubiquitin-binding NF-κB modulator. In the in vitro Pex5 export assay, recombinant AWP1 stimulated Pex5 export and an anti-AWP1 antibody interfered with Pex5 export. AWP1 interacted with Pex6 AAA ATPase, but not with Pex1-Pex6 complexes. Preferential binding of AWP1 to the cysteine-ubiquitinated form of Pex5 rather than to unmodified Pex5 was mediated by the AWP1 A20 zinc-finger domain. Inhibition of AWP1 by RNA interference had a significant effect on PTS1-protein import into peroxisomes. Furthermore, in AWP1 knock-down cells, Pex5 stability was decreased, similar to fibroblasts from patients defective in Pex1, Pex6 and Pex26, all of which are required for Pex5 export. Taken together, these results identify AWP1 as a novel cofactor of Pex6 involved in the regulation of Pex5 export during peroxisome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Shu Yang 《Autophagy》2016,12(10):1721-1737
Macroautophagy/autophagy is a cellular degradation process that sequesters organelles or proteins into a double-membrane structure called the phagophore; this transient compartment matures into an autophagosome, which then fuses with the lysosome or vacuole to allow hydrolysis of the cargo. Factors that control membrane traffic are also essential for each step of autophagy. Here we demonstrate that 2 monomeric GTP-binding proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Arl1 and Ypt6, which belong to the Arf/Arl/Sar protein family and the Rab family, respectively, and control endosome-trans-Golgi traffic, are also necessary for starvation-induced autophagy under high temperature stress. Using established autophagy-specific assays we found that cells lacking either ARL1 or YPT6, which exhibit synthetic lethality with one another, were unable to undergo autophagy at an elevated temperature, although autophagy proceeds normally at normal growth temperature; specifically, strains lacking one or the other of these genes are unable to construct the autophagosome because these 2 proteins are required for proper traffic of Atg9 to the phagophore assembly site (PAS) at the restrictive temperature. Using degron technology to construct an inducible arl1Δ ypt6Δ double mutant, we demonstrated that cells lacking both genes show defects in starvation-inducted autophagy at the permissive temperature. We also found Arl1 and Ypt6 participate in autophagy by targeting the Golgi-associated retrograde protein (GARP) complex to the PAS to regulate the anterograde trafficking of Atg9. Our data show that these 2 membrane traffic regulators have novel roles in autophagy.  相似文献   

A peroxisomal C-tail-anchored type-II membrane protein, Pex26p, recruits AAA ATPase Pex1p-Pex6p complexes to peroxisomes. We herein attempted to gain mechanistic insight into Pex26p function. Pex26pΔ33-40 truncated in amino-acid residues at 33-40 abolishes the recruiting of Pex1p-Pex6p complex to peroxisomes and fails to complement the impaired phenotype of pex26 CHO cell mutant ZP167, thereby suggesting that peroxisomal localization of Pex1p and Pex6p is indispensable for the transport of matrix proteins. In in vitro transport assay using semipermeabilized CHO cells, Pex1p is targeted to peroxisomes in a manner dependent on ATP hydrolysis, while Pex6p targeting requires ATP but not its hydrolysis. This finding is confirmed by the assay using Walker-motif mutants. Transport of Pex1p and Pex6p is temperature-dependent. In vitro binding assays with glutathione-S-transferase-fused Pex26p, Pex1p and Pex6p bind to Pex26p in a manner dependent on ATP binding but not ATP hydrolysis. These results suggest that ATP hydrolysis is required for stable localization of Pex1p to peroxisomes, but not for binding to Pex26p. Moreover, Pex1p and Pex6p are altered to a more compact conformation upon binding to ATP, as verified by limited proteolysis. Taken together, Pex1p and Pex6p are most likely regulated in their peroxisomal localization onto Pex26p via conformational changes by the ATPase cycle.  相似文献   

Proteins designated for peroxisomal protein import harbor one of two common peroxisomal targeting signals (PTS). In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the oleate-induced PTS2-dependent import of the thiolase Fox3p into peroxisomes is conducted by the soluble import receptor Pex7p in cooperation with the auxiliary Pex18p, one of two supposedly redundant PTS2 co-receptors. Here, we report on a novel function for the co-receptor Pex21p, which cannot be fulfilled by Pex18p. The data establish Pex21p as a general co-receptor in PTS2-dependent protein import, whereas Pex18p is especially important for oleate-induced import of PTS2 proteins. The glycerol-producing PTS2 protein glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase Gpd1p shows a tripartite localization in peroxisomes, in the cytosol, and in the nucleus under osmotic stress conditions. We show the following: (i) Pex21p is required for peroxisomal import of Gpd1p as well as a key enzyme of the NAD+ salvage pathway, Pnc1p; (ii) Pnc1p, a nicotinamidase without functional PTS2, is co-imported into peroxisomes by piggyback transport via Gpd1p. Moreover, the specific transport of these two enzymes into peroxisomes suggests a novel regulatory role for peroxisomes under various stress conditions.  相似文献   

Cysteine ubiquitination of PTS1 receptor Pex5p regulates Pex5p recycling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pex5p is the cytosolic receptor for peroxisome matrix proteins with peroxisome-targeting signal (PTS) type 1 and shuttles between the cytosol and peroxisomes. Here, we show that Pex5p is ubiquitinated at the conserved cysteine(11) in a manner sensitive to dithiothreitol, in a form associated with peroxisomes. Pex5p with a mutation of the cysteine(11) to alanine, termed Pex5p-C11A, abrogates peroxisomal import of PTS1 and PTS2 proteins in wild-type cells. Pex5p-C11A is imported into peroxisomes but not exported, resulting in its accumulation in peroxisomes. These results suggest an essential role of the cysteine residue in the export of Pex5p. Furthermore, domain mapping indicates that N-terminal 158-amino-acid region of Pex5p-C11A, termed 158-CA, is sufficient for such dominant-negative activity by binding to membrane peroxin Pex14p via its two pentapeptide WXXXF/Y motifs. Stable expression of either Pex5p-C11A or 158-CA likewise inhibits the wild-type Pex5p import into peroxisomes, strongly suggesting that Pex5p-C11A exerts the dominant-negative effect at the translocation step via Pex14p. Taken together, these findings show that the cysteine(11) of Pex5p is indispensable for two distinct steps, its import and export. The Pex5p-C11A would be a useful tool for gaining a mechanistic insight into the matrix protein import into peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs) are metabolic disorders caused by the loss of peroxisomes. The majority of PBDs result from mutation in one of 3 genes that encode for the peroxisomal AAA ATPase complex (AAA-complex) required for cycling PEX5 for peroxisomal matrix protein import. Mutations in these genes are thought to result in a defect in peroxisome assembly by preventing the import of matrix proteins. However, we show here that loss of the AAA-complex does not prevent matrix protein import, but instead causes an upregulation of peroxisome degradation by macroautophagy, or pexophagy. The loss of AAA-complex function in cells results in the accumulation of ubiquitinated PEX5 on the peroxisomal membrane that signals pexophagy. Inhibiting autophagy by genetic or pharmacological approaches rescues peroxisome number, protein import and function. Our findings suggest that the peroxisomal AAA-complex is required for peroxisome quality control, whereas its absence results in the selective degradation of the peroxisome. Thus the loss of peroxisomes in PBD patients with mutations in their peroxisomal AAA-complex is a result of increased pexophagy. Our study also provides a framework for the development of novel therapeutic treatments for PBDs.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae peroxisomal membrane protein Pex11p has previously been implicated in peroxisome proliferation based on morphological observations of PEX11 mutant cells. Pex11p-deficient cells fail to increase peroxisome number in response to growth on fatty acids and instead accumulate a few giant peroxisomes. We report that mutants deficient in genes required for medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) beta-oxidation display the same phenotype as Pex11p-deficient cells. Upon closer inspection, we found that Pex11p is required for MCFA beta-oxidation. Disruption of the PEX11 gene results in impaired formation of MCFA-CoA esters as measured in intact cells, whereas their formation is normal in cell lysates. The sole S. cerevisiae MCFA-CoA synthetase (Faa2p) remains properly localized to the inner leaflet of the peroxisomal membrane in PEX11 mutant cells. Therefore, the in vivo latency of MCFA activation observed in Pex11p-deficient cells suggests that Pex11p provides Faa2p with substrate. When PEX11 mutant cells are shifted from glucose to oleate-containing medium, we observed an immediate deficiency in beta-oxidation of MCFAs whereas giant peroxisomes and a failure to increase peroxisome abundance only became apparent much later. Our observations suggest that the MCFA oxidation pathway regulates the level of a signaling molecule that modulates the number of peroxisomal structures in a cell.  相似文献   

Peroxisomicine A1 (PA1) is a potential antineoplastic agent with high and selective toxicity toward peroxisomes of tumor cells. Pexophagy is a selective autophagy process that degrades damaged peroxisomes; this process has been studied mainly in methylotrophic yeasts. There are two main modes of pexophagy in yeast: macropexophagy and micropexophagy. Previous studies showed that peroxisomes damaged by a prolonged exposition to PA1 are eliminated by macropexophagy. In this work, Candida boidinii was grown in methanol‐containing media, and PA1 was added to the cultures at 2 µg/mL after they reached the mid‐exponential growth phase. Samples were taken at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 min after the addition of PA1 and processed for ultrastructural analysis. Typical morphological characteristics of micropexophagy were observed: the direct engulfment of peroxisomes by the vacuolar membrane and the presence of the micropexophagic membrane apparatus (MIPA), which mediates the fusion between the opposing tips of the vacuole to complete sequestration of peroxisomes from the cytosol. In conclusion, here we report that, in addition to macropexophagy, peroxisomes damaged by PA1 can be eliminated by micropexophagy. This information is useful to deepen the knowledge of the mechanism of action of PA1 and of that of pexophagy per se.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy/autophagy is a conserved degradation process in eukaryotic cells involving the sequestration of proteins and organelles within double-membrane vesicles termed autophagosomes. In filamentous fungi, its main purposes are the regulation of starvation adaptation and developmental processes. In contrast to nonselective bulk autophagy, selective autophagy is characterized by cargo receptors, which bind specific cargos such as superfluous organelles, damaged or harmful proteins, or microbes, and target them for autophagic degradation. Herein, using the core autophagy protein ATG8 as bait, GFP-Trap analysis followed by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC/MS) identified a putative homolog of the human autophagy cargo receptor NBR1 (NBR1, autophagy cargo receptor) in the filamentous ascomycete Sordaria macrospora (Sm). Fluorescence microscopy revealed that SmNBR1 colocalizes with SmATG8 at autophagosome-like structures and in the lumen of vacuoles. Delivery of SmNBR1 to the vacuoles requires SmATG8. Both proteins interact in an LC3 interacting region (LIR)-dependent manner. Deletion of Smnbr1 leads to impaired vegetative growth under starvation conditions and reduced sexual spore production under non-starvation conditions. The human NBR1 homolog partially rescues the phenotypic defects of the fungal Smnbr1 deletion mutant. The Smnbr1 mutant can neither use fatty acids as a sole carbon source nor form fruiting bodies under oxidative stress conditions. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that degradation of a peroxisomal reporter protein is impaired in the Smnbr1 deletion mutant. Thus, SmNBR1 is a cargo receptor for pexophagy in filamentous ascomycetes.  相似文献   

Most soluble proteins targeted to the peroxisomal matrix contain a C‐terminal peroxisome targeting signal type 1 (PTS1) or an N‐terminal PTS2 that is recognized by the receptors Pex5p and Pex7p, respectively. These receptors cycle between the cytosol and peroxisome and back again for multiple rounds of cargo delivery to the peroxisome. A small number of peroxisomal matrix proteins, including all six isozymes of peroxisomal fatty acyl‐CoA oxidase (Aox) of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, contain neither a PTS1 nor a PTS2. Pex20p has been shown to function as a co‐receptor for Pex7p in the import of PTS2 cargo into peroxisomes. Here we show that cells of Y. lipolytica deleted for the PEX20 gene fail to import not only the PTS2‐containing protein 3‐ketoacyl‐CoA thiolase (Pot1p) but also the non‐PTS1/non‐PTS2 Aox isozymes. Pex20p binds directly to Aox isozymes Aox3p and Aox5p, which requires the C‐terminal Wxxx(F/Y) motif of Pex20p. A W411G mutation in the C‐terminal Wxxx(F/Y) motif causes Aox isozymes to be mislocalized to the cytosol. Pex20p interacts physically with members of the peroxisomal import docking complex, Pex13p and Pex14p. Our results are consistent with a role for Pex20p as the receptor for import of the non‐PTS1/non‐PTS2 Aox isozymes into peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Posttranslational matrix protein import into peroxisomes uses either one of the two peroxisomal targeting signals (PTS), PTS1 and PTS2. Unlike the PTS1 receptor Pex5p, the PTS2 receptor Pex7p is necessary but not sufficient to target cargo proteins into the peroxisomal matrix and requires coreceptors. Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses two coreceptors, Pex18p and Pex21p, with a redundant but not a clearly defined function. To gain further insight into the early events of this import pathway, PTS2 pre-import complexes of S. cerevisiae were isolated and characterized by determination of size and protein composition in wild-type and different mutant strains. Mass spectrometric analysis of the cytosolic PTS2 pre-import complex indicates that Fox3p is the only abundant PTS2 protein under oleate growth conditions. Our data strongly suggest that the formation of the ternary cytosolic PTS2 pre-import complex occurs hierarchically. First, Pex7p recognizes cargo proteins through its PTS2 in the cytosol. In a second step, the coreceptor binds to this complex, and finally, this ternary 150 kDa pre-import complex docks at the peroxisomal membrane, where both the PTS1 and the PTS2 import pathways converge. Gel filtration analysis of membrane-bound subcomplexes suggests that Pex13p provides the initial binding partner at the peroxisomal membrane, whereas Pex14p assembles with Pex18p in high-molecular-weight complexes after or during dissociation of the PTS2 receptor.  相似文献   

The Atg1 complex, which contains 5 major subunits: Atg1, Atg13, Atg17, Atg29, and Atg31, regulates the induction of autophagy and autophagosome formation. To gain a better understanding of the overall architecture and assembly mechanism of this essential autophagy regulatory complex, we have reconstituted a core assembly of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Atg1 complex composed of full-length Atg17, Atg29, and Atg31, along with the C-terminal domains of Atg1 (Atg1[CTD]) and Atg13 (Atg13[CTD]). Using chemical-crosslinking coupled with mass spectrometry (CXMS) analysis we systematically mapped the intersubunit interaction interfaces within this complex. Our data revealed that the intrinsically unstructured C-terminal domain of Atg29 interacts directly with Atg17, whereas Atg17 interacts with Atg13 in 2 distinct intrinsically unstructured regions, including a previously unknown motif that encompasses several putative phosphorylation sites. The Atg1[CTD] crosslinks exclusively to the Atg13[CTD] and does not appear to make direct contact with the Atg17-Atg31-Atg29 scaffold. Finally, single-particle electron microscopy analysis revealed that both the Atg13[CTD] and Atg1[CTD] localize to the tip regions of Atg17-Atg31-Atg29 and do not alter the distinct curvature of this scaffolding subcomplex. This work provides a comprehensive understanding of the subunit interactions in the fully assembled Atg1 core complex, and uncovers the potential role of intrinsically disordered regions in regulating complex integrity.  相似文献   

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