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种子产量对鼠类扩散栓皮栎坚果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解林木种子产量对鼠类种子扩散行为的影响,于2008 年和2009 年,在国有济源市愚公林场调查了栓皮栎的种子雨;在每年的种子雨结束后,选择次生林生境,研究了鼠类对人工释放栓皮栎坚果的扩散,旨在探讨种子产量与种子扩散间的关系。结果表明:1)取食栓皮栎坚果的鼠类主要有大林姬鼠、社鼠和岩松鼠,2008 年的鼠类捕获率(2% )低于2009 年(10%),其差异并未达到显著性水平;2)栓皮栎的种子雨构成和产量存在年际差异,2008 年以完好种子为主且产量高于2009 年,而2009 年以败育种子为主;3)2008 年人工释放栓皮栎坚果的中位存留时间显著高于2009 年;4)2008 年鼠类对栓皮栎坚果的平均扩散距离显著低于2009 年,且两年的搬运距离几乎都集中在9 m 以内;5)2008 年鼠类对栓皮栎坚果的埋藏比例显著高于2009 年。结果提示,在种子高产年份,可能有较多的种子逃脱动物的取食,从而增加种子萌发和幼苗建成的机会,最终促进植物的更新。  相似文献   

鼠类对山杏(Prunus armeniaca)种子扩散及存活作用研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
张知彬  王福生 《生态学报》2001,21(5):839-845
虽然有关鼠类搬运森林种子的证据已很清楚,但这些初移走种子的存活情况却知之甚少。提出了一个新的标记和跟踪种子的方法--标签法,即将种子拴一带有编码的细长金属片,研究了北京东灵山地区山杏(Prunus armeniaca)种子的扩散距离和存活率。于1998年6月19-20日,7月3日和10月23日共在24个样点释放1440粒山杏种子。几科所有释放的种子在10d内被鼠类取走,夏天释放的种子比秋天释放的种子消失的速度快。大多数种子的扩散距离在20m以内,小于鼠类的活动距离,鼠类吃掉种子的速度很快,但当种子变得稀少时,种子存活率有所提高。山杏种子6、7月份的每日存活率小于其它月份的每日存活率。  相似文献   

金属片标签法:一种有效追踪鼠类扩散种子的方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
肖治术  张知彬 《生态学杂志》2006,25(10):1292-1295
金属片标签法是目前一种有效追踪鼠类搬运、贮藏和扩散种子的方法。这一方法能够准确了解每个种子的来源和去向,使定量研究种子扩散和种子命运变得更准确、有效。为全面了解金属片标签法的特点,本文介绍了该方法的操作过程,包括材料选择和准备、制作、野外操作以及在追踪种子过程中的有关注意事项。  相似文献   

外果皮厚度和种子大小对五种栎属橡子扩散的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物对种子的扩散和贮藏是一个复杂的生态学过程,常常受到种子特征的影响。有关种子特征如何影响动物对种子扩散,许多研究结果并非完全一致。我们于2009 年9 月在黑龙江东方红林场野外和围栏内释放五种栎属橡子(Quercus mongolica,Q.serrata var. brevipetiolata,Q. aliena,Q.variabilisQ. liaotungensis),研究种子特征对鼠类(Apodemus peninsulae, Clethrionomys rufocanus Tamias sibiricus)扩散和埋藏橡子的影响。野外释放结果表明:橡子大小和外果皮厚度显著影响鼠类对橡子的扩散和埋藏。鼠类偏向扩散和埋藏种皮厚的大橡子,种皮薄的小橡子则多被原地取食。种皮厚的大橡子扩散距离显著高于种皮薄的小橡子。然而,只有外果皮的厚度显著影响围栏内花鼠对橡子的扩散和埋藏,橡子大小并非主要的影响因素。种子特征影响种子扩散的效应可能在种群和群落水平上存在差异。  相似文献   

鼠类对山杏(Prunus armeniaca)种子扩散及存活作用研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
张知彬  王福生 《生态学报》2001,21(5):839-845
虽然有关鼠类搬运森林种子的证据已很清楚,但这些被移走种子的存活情况却知之甚少.提出了一个新的标记和跟踪种子的方法--标签法,即将种子拴一带有编码的细长金属片,研究了北京东灵山地区山杏(Prunus armeniaca)种子的扩散距离和存活率.于1998年6月19~20日,7月3日和10月23日共在24个样点释放1440粒山杏种子.几乎所有释放的种子在10d内被鼠类取走.夏天释放的种子比秋天释放的种子消失的速度快.大多数种子的扩散距离在20m以内,小于鼠类的活动距离.鼠类吃掉种子的速度很快,但当种子变得稀少时,种子存活率有所提高.山杏种子6、7月份的每日存活率小于其它月份的每日存活率.  相似文献   

秦岭森林鼠类对华山松种子捕食及其扩散的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常罡  王开锋  王智 《生态学报》2012,32(10):3177-3181
森林鼠类的种子贮藏行为对植物的扩散和自然更新有着非常重要的影响。通过塑料片标记法,2008和2009年的9月—11月分别在秦岭南坡的佛坪国家级自然保护区内调查了森林鼠类对华山松(Pinus armandii)种子的捕食和扩散,结果显示:森林鼠类对华山松种子有着非常大的捕食压力。在2008年,几乎所有的种子(96.4%)在第3天后就被全部取食,而在2009年,也有将近一半的种子(49.6%)在第3天后被取食。但与此同时,鼠类对华山松种子的扩散也起着非常重要的作用。尤其在2009年,第3天时鼠类最高分散贮藏了17.75%的种子,而且直到第19天后仍然有12.25%被贮藏的种子存活下来。华山松种子在两个年份间的扩散历程有很大差异。在2008年,几乎所有的种子都被鼠类取食,贮藏量非常小;而在2009年,种子被贮藏的比例显著的增加。这个结果可能与种子大小年现象有着十分紧密的联系。2008年是华山松种子的小年,产量非常低。鼠类为了满足其日常的能量需求,只能大量的取食有限的种子,而减少其贮藏量。而2009年是华山松种子的大年,产量非常高。鼠类在满足其日常能量需求的同时,还有大量剩余的种子供其贮藏。  相似文献   

对取食种子的动物而言,种子的选择、扩散以及随后的处理是一个复杂的过程。为了解济源太行山区鼠类对不同种林木种子的选择和扩散策略的差异,于2011 年9 月10 日至11 月8 日,选取山杏、桃和栓皮栎3 种林木种子,将种子标记后,释放于次生林中,以5 d 间隔,调查并记录种子命运。结果表明: (1)大林姬鼠和岩松鼠是该地区主要的种子取食者和扩散者; (2)3 种种子的扩散速率明显不同,栓皮栎种子扩散速率最快(中位存留时间8. 6 d),其次为山杏种子(中位存留时间20. 9 d),桃种子扩散速率最慢(中位存留时间37. 5 d); (3)鼠类倾向于取食栓皮栎种子(55.0%) , 埋藏山杏种子(62. 0% ),但忽略桃种子(原地存留率99. 0% );(4)88. 6%的山杏和78. 8% 的栓皮栎种子被贮藏在灌丛下方、树干基部周围和石块旁边等生境中,而仅有4 3% 的山杏和9.1% 的栓皮栎种子被贮藏于裸地中;(5)鼠类将山杏种子搬运到更远(3. 4 ± 2. 1 m,mean± SE,n =63)处贮藏;而栓皮栎种子的搬运距离则相对较近(2. 5 ± 2. 4 m,n = 57)。结果显示:鼠类对不同种植物种子具有明显的取食、贮藏偏好和不同的贮藏策略。  相似文献   

鼠类对山杏种子存活和萌发的影响   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
张知彬  王福生 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1761-1768
山杏(Prunus armeniaca)是广布于北京山区阳坡的矮林或灌丛,易生存在土壤贫脊、干旱、或严重退化的山坡、裸地,对于保护生态环境,减少水土流失及促进山区经济发展均具有重要作用。有关鼠类在山杏更新中作用的研究较少,本研究主要是确定影响山杏更新的鼠类种类、鼠类对山杏种子的取食压力、人工埋藏种子及植被因素对种子存活和萌发的影响。于1997年10月3-4日,采用夹捕法同时调查取食花生和山杏种子的鼠类种类及种群密度。于1997年9月24-25日,通过在地表放置山桔种子,调查在鼠类取食下,地表种子消失的速度。于1997年10月20日,作种子埋藏实验,调查种子存活及萌发情况。于1997年10月26日,进行扣网实验,研究网内、外山杏种子存活及萌发情况。结果表明:大林姬鼠(Apodemus speciosus)、社鼠(Rattus confucianus),黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)为取食山杏种子的主要鼠种种类;与取食花生相比,社鼠更偏爱山杏种子,大林姬鼠对山杏种子喜食性略低,黑线姬鼠对二者喜食程度相近;山杏种子放置地表后1、10、20、30d的消失率分别为13.06%,64.46%,90.70%,96.69%;扣网实验说明,山杏在地表的萌发率极低,生长也慢;而埋入土层内可明显提高萌发率和生长率(若除去鼠类的取食,萌发率还要高);人工埋藏实验表明,将山杏种子埋入土层5cm后,能够有效地减少鼠类对种子的取食;通过分析山杏种子萌发与植被的关系,发现山杏易在开阔、阳光充分的草丛中存活和生长,而不易在阴闭的灌丛下存活和生长。  相似文献   

在浙江天童山国家森林公园,研究了鼠类在常绿阔叶林、马尾松林和灌丛几种生境内对栲树(Castanopsis fargesii)种子的捕食和扩散的影响.结果表明,社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)和针毛鼠(N.fulvescens)是栲树种子的主要捕食者.种子在刚布下后的几天内消失的最快,随后其日消失率便逐渐降低,在不同生境中,其日消失率也有所不同,在灌丛中日消失率最高(7.54%),其次是马尾松林(7.29%),而常绿阔叶林中3条样带的日消失率较低.在损失的种子中,各种种子命运所占比例在样带中存在着差异,灌丛中失踪的种子比例最高,占97.77%,而样带2的则最低,只占8.91%.这与不同样带中的植被组成密切相关.同时,鼠类对栲树种子扩散的距离比较近,观察到的最远扩散距离为12.7 m.  相似文献   

包衣、埋藏的栓皮栎和枹栎种子在鼠类捕食下的存留   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鼠类对壳斗科植物种子的捕食作用十分强烈,从而影响此类植物的更新.栓皮栎和枹栎是中国西南地区常绿阔叶林主要树种,不仅有重要的经济价值,而且还可用于植树造林.对栓皮栎和枹栎种子分别进行包衣地表、无包衣地表、包衣埋藏和无包衣埋藏等4种处理,并跟踪各种处理种子被鼠类捕食的情况.结果表明:各处理之间种子的中位存留时间显著不同,包衣埋藏后的种子存留时间显著长于未包衣且放置于地表的种子,埋藏显著地降低了鼠类对这2种种子的捕食;埋藏及包衣处理能够很好地保护栓皮栎和枹栎种子免于鼠类的捕食,有利于种子存留并萌发建成幼苗.该方法可用于人工播种造林以提高造林成活率.  相似文献   

Chen F  Chen J 《动物学研究》2011,32(4):435-441
华山松(Pinus armandii)是广泛分布在中国中西部海拔1000~3300m的山地、种子较大(约300mg)的松属植物。为探究华山松种子大小对啮齿动物贮藏行为的影响,于2006年和2007年在滇西北3个不同地点进行种子标记和追踪实验。结果表明,在所有年份和地点,啮齿动物都倾向于贮藏更多的大种子和取食更多的小种子;啮齿动物贮藏大种子的数量,以及平均距离和最大距离均显著高于小种子。3个地点具有不同的啮齿动物群落结构,从而对种子命运产生显著影响。种子命运在两个年份间也存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Andresen E  Levey DJ 《Oecologia》2004,139(1):45-54
Seeds dispersed by tropical, arboreal mammals are usually deposited singly and without dung or in clumps of fecal material. After dispersal through defecation by mammals, most seeds are secondarily dispersed by dung beetles or consumed by rodents. These post-dispersal, plant-animal interactions are likely to interact themselves, as seeds buried by dung beetles are less likely to be found by rodents than unburied seeds. In a series of three experiments with seeds of 15 species in central Amazonia (Brazil), we determined (1) how presence and amount of dung associated with seeds influences long-term seed fate and seedling establishment, (2) how deeply dung beetles bury seeds and how burial depth affects seedling establishment, and (3) how seed size affects the interaction between seeds, dung beetles, and rodents. Our overall goal was to understand how post-dispersal plant-animal interactions determine the link between primary seed dispersal and seedling establishment. On average, 43% of seeds surrounded by dung were buried by dung beetles, compared to 0% of seeds not surrounded by dung (n=2,156). Seeds in dung, however, tended to be more prone than bare seeds to predation by rodents. Of seeds in dung, probability of burial was negatively related to seed size and positively related to amount of dung. Burial of seeds decreased the probability of seed predation by rodents three-fold, and increased the probability of seedling establishment two-fold. Mean burial depth was 4 cm (0.5–20 cm) and was not related to seed size, contrary to previous studies. Probability of seedling establishment was negatively correlated with burial depth and not related to seed size at 5 or 10 cm depths. These results illustrate a complex web of interactions among dung beetles, rodents, and dispersed seeds. These interactions affect the probability of seedling establishment and are themselves strongly tied to how seeds are deposited by primary dispersers. More generally, our results emphasize the importance of looking beyond a single type of plant-animal interaction (e.g., seed dispersal or seed predation) to incorporate potential effects of interacting interactions.  相似文献   

为了深入了解啮齿动物在不同种子丰富度条件下对不同大小和单宁含量种子的觅食行为策略及其与植物种群更新的关系,在宁夏六盘山区的华北落叶松人工林,研究了不同大小和单宁含量[0%Tannin(T)、2%T、8%T和15%T]的人工种子在模拟结实小年和结实大年对啮齿动物取食和扩散行为的影响.结果表明: 啮齿动物消耗种子速度在结实小年更快,结实大年的种子消耗速度相对缓慢. 种子就地取食率(ISPR)在不同结实年份间无显著差异,扩散后取食率(PRAD)在结实小年显著高于结实大年,但前者的扩散后贮藏率(HRAD)显著低于后者;种子扩散后的取食距离(PDAD)和贮藏距离(HDAD)在结实小年均显著大于结实大年.在结实小年,大种子的PDAD和HDAD均大于小种子,前者在不同大小种子间均差异显著,而后者仅在2%T和15%T的不同大小种子间差异显著;在结实大年,除0%T外的其他单宁含量种子的PDAD和HDAD在不同大小种子间均差异显著.ISPR在中等单宁含量种子最大,高单宁含量种子最小;PRAD分别在结实小年的高单宁含量种子和结实大年的无单宁种子最大;不论在结实大年还是结实小年,HRAD均在高单宁含量种子最大,中等单宁含量种子最小.这说明结实大年可延缓啮齿动物对种子的消耗速率,提高种子的HRAD,但种子扩散距离减小;啮齿动物在结实大年和小年均表现出对大种子的扩散偏好,且大种子被扩散的距离更远;啮齿动物在不同结实年份均偏好于就地取食中等单宁含量种子,而扩散高单宁含量种子.  相似文献   

种子大小及其命运对植被更新贡献研究进展   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
种子是种子植物的繁殖体.种子对后代的资源投入将会直接影响后代的适合度进而影响到植被群落的更新.一般较大种子物种在种子萌发和幼苗生长阶段是具有较大优势的;但较小种子物种在逃避被动物采食和形成持久的土壤种子库成为植被更新的后备动力方面具有较大的优势.在不同的选择压力下,不同大小种子在以后的生活史中具有不同的命运,对植被的更新也具有不同的贡献.本文主要从种子大小和种子的传播散布、种子萌发、种子存活以及种子土壤库等方面综述了国外关于种子大小及其以后命运对植被更新贡献的研究结果,并对国内的相关研究提出了一些建议:种子生态学研究需要结合群落特点以及微环境等,开展从种子生产到幼苗更新全过程的系统性研究,为植物物种多样性保育和退化植被恢复方面提出有科学依据的管理措施.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of seed size on dispersal by comparing dispersal distances in five rodent-dispersed fagaceous species (Lithocarpus harlandii, Quercus variabilis, Q. serrata, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Castanopsis fargesii) with different seed size. We tracked individual seeds with coded tin-tags in two stands over 3 years in a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest in the Dujiangyan Region of Sichuan Province, Southwest China. Our seed tracking data indicate that dispersal distances (including mean, maximum and distribution range) of seeds in primary caches and of seeds eaten after dispersal significantly increased with seed size, for both stands and all years. In addition, larger seeds (L. harlandii and Q. variabilis) were re-cached more often than smaller ones, which further reduced the relative density among caches and extended dispersal distances. Our findings indicate that greater dispersal distances for larger seeds might benefit the evolution of differences in seed size, and that scatter-hoarding might be advantageous for rodent-dispersed tree species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Seeds of east Australian Grevillea species generally recruit post-fire; previous work showed that the seed coat was the controller of dormancy in Grevillea linearifolia. Former studies on seed development in Grevillea have concentrated on embryology, with little information that would allow testing of hypotheses about the breaking of dormancy by fire-related cues. Our aim was to investigate structural and chemical characteristics of the seed coat that may be related to dormancy for three Grevillea species. METHODS: Seeds of Grevillea linearifolia, Grevillea buxifolia and Grevillea sericea were investigated using gross dissection, thin sectioning and histochemical staining. Water movement across the seed coat was tested for by determining the water content of embryos from imbibed and dry seeds of G. sericea. Penetration of intact seeds by Lucifer Yellow was used to test for internal barriers to diffusion of high-molecular-weight compounds. KEY RESULTS: Two integuments were present in the seed coat: an outer testa, with exo-, meso- and endotestal (palisade) layers, and an inner tegmen of unlignified sclerenchyma. A hypostase at the chalazal end was a region of structural difference in the seed coat, and differed slightly among the three species. An internal cuticle was found on each side of the sclerenchyma layer. The embryos of imbibed seeds had a water content six times that of dry seeds. Barriers to diffusion of Lucifer Yellow existed at the exotestal and the endotestal/hypostase layers. CONCLUSIONS: Several potential mechanisms of seed coat dormancy were identified. The embryo appeared to be completely surrounded by outer and inner barriers to diffusion of high-molecular-weight compounds. Phenolic compounds present in the exotesta could interfere with gas exchange. The sclerenchyma layer, together with strengthening in the endotestal and exotestal cells, could act as a mechanical constraint.  相似文献   

Soybean seed coat peroxidase (SBP) was immobilized on various polyaniline-based polymers (PANI), activated with glutaraldehyde. The most reduced polymer (PANIG2) showed the highest immobilization capacity (8.2 mg SBP g-1 PANIG2). The optimum pH for immobilization was 6.0 and the maximum retention was achieved after a 6-h reaction period. The efficiency of enzyme activity retention was 82%. When stored at 4°C, the immobilized enzyme retained 80% of its activity for 15 weeks as evidenced by tests performed at 2-week intervals. The immobilized SBP showed the same pH-activity profile as that of the free SBP for pyrogallol oxidation but the optimum temperature (55°C) was 10°C below that of the free enzyme. Kinetic analysis show that the Km was conserved while the specific Vmax dropped from 14.6 to 11.4 µmol min-1 µg-1, in agreement with the immobilization efficiency. Substrate specificity was practically the same for both enzymes. Immobilized SBP showed a greatly improved tolerance to different organic solvents; while free SBP lost around 90% of its activity at a 50% organic solvent concentration, immobilized SBP underwent only 30% inactivation at a concentration of 70% acetonitrile. Taking into account that immobilized HRP loses more than 40% of its activity at a 20% organic solvent concentration, immobilized SBP performed much better than its widely used counterpart HRP.  相似文献   

Soybean seed coat peroxidase (SBP) was immobilized on various polyaniline-based polymers (PANI), activated with glutaraldehyde. The most reduced polymer (PANIG2) showed the highest immobilization capacity (8.2 mg SBP?g?1 PANIG2). The optimum pH for immobilization was 6.0 and the maximum retention was achieved after a 6-h reaction period. The efficiency of enzyme activity retention was 82%. When stored at 4°C, the immobilized enzyme retained 80% of its activity for 15 weeks as evidenced by tests performed at 2-week intervals. The immobilized SBP showed the same pH-activity profile as that of the free SBP for pyrogallol oxidation but the optimum temperature (55°C) was 10°C below that of the free enzyme. Kinetic analysis show that the Km was conserved while the specific Vmax dropped from 14.6 to 11.4 µmol min?1 µg?1, in agreement with the immobilization efficiency. Substrate specificity was practically the same for both enzymes. Immobilized SBP showed a greatly improved tolerance to different organic solvents; while free SBP lost around 90% of its activity at a 50% organic solvent concentration, immobilized SBP underwent only 30% inactivation at a concentration of 70% acetonitrile. Taking into account that immobilized HRP loses more than 40% of its activity at a 20% organic solvent concentration, immobilized SBP performed much better than its widely used counterpart HRP.  相似文献   

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