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ATP synthase converts the electrochemical potential at the inner mitochondrial membrane into chemical energy, producing the ATP that powers the cell. Using electron cryo-tomography we show that the ATP synthase of mammalian mitochondria is arranged in long approximately 1-microm rows of dimeric supercomplexes, located at the apex of cristae membranes. The dimer ribbons enforce a strong local curvature on the membrane with a 17-nm outer radius. Calculations of the electrostatic field strength indicate a significant increase in charge density, and thus in the local pH gradient of approximately 0.5 units in regions of high membrane curvature. We conclude that the mitochondrial cristae act as proton traps, and that the proton sink of the ATP synthase at the apex of the compartment favours effective ATP synthesis under proton-limited conditions. We propose that the mitochondrial ATP synthase organises itself into dimer ribbons to optimise its own performance.  相似文献   

The limits to optical resolution and the challenge of identifying specific protein populations in transmission electron microscopy have been obstacles in cell biology. Many phenomena cannot be explained by in vitro analysis in simplified systems and need additional structural information in situ, particularly in the range between 1 nm and 0.1 µm, in order to be fully understood. Here, electron spectroscopic imaging, a transmission electron microscopy technique that allows simultaneous mapping of the distribution of proteins and nucleic acids, and an expression tag, miniSOG, are combined to study the structure and organization of DNA double-strand break repair foci.  相似文献   

We have tested the role of the polar loop of subunit c of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase in stabilizing the hairpin structure of this protein. The structure of the c(32-52) peptide corresponding to the cytoplasmic region of subunit c bound to the dodecylphosphocholine micelles was solved by high-resolution NMR. The region comprising residues 41-47 forms a well-ordered structure rather similar to the conformation of the polar loop region in the solution structure of the full-length subunit c and is flanked by short alpha-helical segments. This result suggests that the rigidity of the polar loop significantly contributes to the stability of the hairpin formed by the two helices of subunit c. This experimental system may be useful for NMR studies of interactions between subunit c and subunits gamma and epsilon, which together form the rotor of the ATP synthase.  相似文献   

F1F0-ATPase complexes undergo several changes in their tertiary and quaternary structureduring their functioning. As a possible way to detect some of these different conformationsduring their activity, an environment-sensitive fluorescence probe was bound to cysteineresidues, introduced by site-directed mutagenesis, in the subunit of the Escherichia colienzyme. Fluorescence changes and ATP hydrolysis rates were compared under variousconditions in F1 and in reconstituted F1F0. The results are discussed in terms of possible modes ofoperation of the ATP synthases.  相似文献   

Many proteins are modified by posttranslational methylation, introduced by a number of methyltransferases (MTases). Protein methylation plays important roles in modulating protein function and thus in optimizing and regulating cellular and physiological processes. Research has mainly focused on nuclear and cytosolic protein methylation, but it has been known for many years that also mitochondrial proteins are methylated. During the last decade, significant progress has been made on identifying the MTases responsible for mitochondrial protein methylation and addressing its functional significance. In particular, several novel human MTases have been uncovered that methylate lysine, arginine, histidine, and glutamine residues in various mitochondrial substrates. Several of these substrates are key components of the bioenergetics machinery, e.g., respiratory Complex I, citrate synthase, and the ATP synthase. In the present review, we report the status of the field of mitochondrial protein methylation, with a particular emphasis on recently discovered human MTases. We also discuss evolutionary aspects and functional significance of mitochondrial protein methylation and present an outlook for this emergent research field.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial F1Fo-ATP synthase is a molecular motor that couples the energy generated by oxidative metabolism to the synthesis of ATP. Direct visualization of the rotary action of the bacterial ATP synthase has been well characterized. However, direct observation of rotation of the mitochondrial enzyme has not been reported yet. Here, we describe two methods to reconstitute mitochondrial F1Fo-ATP synthase into lipid bilayers suitable for structure analysis by electron and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Proteoliposomes densely packed with bovine heart mitochondria F1Fo-ATP synthase were obtained upon detergent removal from ternary mixtures (lipid, detergent and protein). Two-dimensional crystals of recombinant hexahistidine-tagged yeast F1Fo-ATP synthase were grown using the supported monolayer technique. Because the hexahistidine-tag is located at the F1 catalytic subcomplex, ATP synthases were oriented unidirectionally in such two-dimensional crystals, exposing F1 to the lipid monolayer and the Fo membrane region to the bulk solution. This configuration opens a new avenue for the determination of the c-ring stoichiometry of unknown hexahistidine-tagged ATP synthases and the organization of the membrane intrinsic subunits within Fo by electron microscopy and AFM.  相似文献   

Enveloped viruses utilize membrane glycoproteins on their surface to mediate entry into host cells. Three-dimensional structural analysis of these glycoprotein ‘spikes’ is often technically challenging but important for understanding viral pathogenesis and in drug design. Here, a protocol is presented for viral spike structure determination through computational averaging of electron cryo-tomography data. Electron cryo-tomography is a technique in electron microscopy used to derive three-dimensional tomographic volume reconstructions, or tomograms, of pleomorphic biological specimens such as membrane viruses in a near-native, frozen-hydrated state. These tomograms reveal structures of interest in three dimensions, albeit at low resolution. Computational averaging of sub-volumes, or sub-tomograms, is necessary to obtain higher resolution detail of repeating structural motifs, such as viral glycoprotein spikes. A detailed computational approach for aligning and averaging sub-tomograms using the Jsubtomo software package is outlined. This approach enables visualization of the structure of viral glycoprotein spikes to a resolution in the range of 20-40 Å and study of the study of higher order spike-to-spike interactions on the virion membrane. Typical results are presented for Bunyamwera virus, an enveloped virus from the family Bunyaviridae. This family is a structurally diverse group of pathogens posing a threat to human and animal health.  相似文献   

The F-ATPase in bovine mitochondria is a membrane-bound complex of about 30 subunits of 18 different kinds. Currently, ∼85% of its structure is known. The enzyme has a membrane extrinsic catalytic domain, and a membrane intrinsic domain where the turning of the enzyme''s rotor is generated from the transmembrane proton-motive force. The domains are linked by central and peripheral stalks. The central stalk and a hydrophobic ring of c-subunits in the membrane domain constitute the enzyme''s rotor. The external surface of the catalytic domain and membrane subunit a are linked by the peripheral stalk, holding them static relative to the rotor. The membrane domain contains six additional subunits named ATP8, e, f, g, DAPIT (diabetes-associated protein in insulin-sensitive tissues), and 6.8PL (6.8-kDa proteolipid), each with a single predicted transmembrane α-helix, but their orientation and topography are unknown. Mutations in ATP8 uncouple the enzyme and interfere with its assembly, but its roles and the roles of the other five subunits are largely unknown. We have reacted accessible amino groups in the enzyme with bifunctional cross-linking agents and identified the linked residues. Cross-links involving the supernumerary subunits, where the structures are not known, show that the C terminus of ATP8 extends ∼70 Å from the membrane into the peripheral stalk and that the N termini of the other supernumerary subunits are on the same side of the membrane, probably in the mitochondrial matrix. These experiments contribute significantly toward building up a complete structural picture of the F-ATPase.  相似文献   

In contrast to everted mitochondrial inner membrane vesicles and eubacterial plasma membrane vesicles, the ATPase activity of chloroplast ATP synthase in thylakoid membranes is extremely low. Several treatments of thylakoids that unmask ATPase activity are known. Illumination of thylakoids that contain reduced ATP synthase (reduced thylakoids) promotes the hydrolysis of ATP in the dark. Incubation of thylakoids with trypsin can also elicit higher rates of ATPase activity. In this paper the properties of the ATPase activity of the ATP synthase in thylakoids treated with trypsin are compared with those of the ATPase activity in reduced thylakoids. The trypsin-treated membranes have significant ATPase activity in the presence of Ca2+, whereas the Ca2+-ATPase activity of reduced thylakoids is very low. The Mg2+-ATPase activity of the trypsinized thylakoids was only partially inhibited by the uncouplers, at concentrations that fully inhibit the ATPase activity of reduced membranes. Incubation of reduced thylakoids with ADP in Tris buffer prior to assay abolishes Mg2+-ATPase activity. The Mg2+-ATPase activity of trypsin-treated thylakoids was unaffected by incubation with ADP. Trypsin-treated membranes can make ATP at rates that are 75–80% of those of untreated thylakoids. The Mg2+-ATPase activity of trypsin-treated thylakoids is coupled to inward proton translocation and 10 mM sulfite stimulates both proton uptake and ATP hydrolysis. It is concluded that cleavage of the γ subunit of the ATP synthase by trypsin prevents inhibition of ATPase activity by the ε subunit, but only partially overcomes inhibition by Mg2+ and ADP during assay.  相似文献   

Subunit h is a component of the peripheral stalk region of ATP synthase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is weakly homologous to subunit F6 in the bovine enzyme, and F6 can replace the function of subunit h in a yeast strain from which the gene for subunit h has been deleted. The removal of subunit h (or F6) uncouples ATP synthesis from the proton motive force. A biotinylation signal has been introduced following the C terminus of subunit h. It becomes biotinylated in vivo, and allows avidin to be bound quantitatively to the purified enzyme complex in vitro. By electron microscopy of the ATP synthase-avidin complex in negative stain and by subsequent image analysis, the C terminus of subunit h has been located in a region of the peripheral stalk that is close to the Fo membrane domain of ATP synthase. Models of the peripheral stalk are proposed that are consistent with this location and with reconstitution experiments conducted with isolated peripheral stalk subunits.  相似文献   

A biotinylation signal has been fused to the C terminus of the oligomycin sensitivity conferral protein (OSCP) of the ATP synthase complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The signal is biotinylated in vivo and the biotinylated complex binds avidin in vitro. By electron microscopy of negatively stained particles of the ATP synthase-avidin complex, the bound avidin has been localised close to the F(1) domain. The images were subjected to multi-reference alignment and classification. Because of the presence of a flexible linker between the OSCP and the biotinylation signal, the class-averages differ in the position of the avidin relative to the F(1) domain. These positions lie on an arc, and its centre indicates the position of the C terminus of the OSCP on the surface of the F(1) domain. Since the N-terminal region of the OSCP is known to interact with the N-terminal regions of alpha-subunits, which are on top of the F(1) domain distal from the F(o) membrane domain, the OSCP extends almost 10nm along the surface of F(1) down towards F(o) where it interacts with the C terminus of the b subunit, which extends up from F(o). The labelling technique has also allowed a reliable 2D projection map to be developed for the intact ATP synthase from S.cerevisiae. The map reveals a marked asymmetry in the F(o) part of the complex that can be attributed to subunits in the F(o) domain.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) entails flash-freezing a thin layer of sample on a support, and then visualizing the sample in its frozen hydrated state by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). This can be achieved with very low quantity of protein and in the buffer of choice, without the use of any stain, which is very useful to determine structure-function correlations of macromolecules. When combined with single-particle image processing, the technique has found widespread usefulness for 3D structural determination of purified macromolecules. The protocol presented here explains how to perform cryoEM and examines the causes of most commonly encountered problems for rational troubleshooting; following all these steps should lead to acquisition of high quality cryoEM images. The technique requires access to the electron microscope instrument and to a vitrification device. Knowledge of the 3D reconstruction concepts and software is also needed for computerized image processing. Importantly, high quality results depend on finding the right purification conditions leading to a uniform population of structurally intact macromolecules. The ability of cryoEM to visualize macromolecules combined with the versatility of single particle image processing has proven very successful for structural determination of large proteins and macromolecular machines in their near-native state, identification of their multiple components by 3D difference mapping, and creation of pseudo-atomic structures by docking of x-ray structures. The relentless development of cryoEM instrumentation and image processing techniques for the last 30 years has resulted in the possibility to generate de novo 3D reconstructions at atomic resolution level.  相似文献   

呼肠孤病毒在自然界广泛存在于脊椎动物、无脊椎动物和植物中.水产动物呼肠孤病毒感染曾见于鱼、贝、蟹.近几年随着对对虾病毒病害研究的日益重视,在对虾中也发现呼肠孤病毒的感染.Tsing等[1]最早于1987年在法国南部养殖的日本对虾(P.japonicus)幼虾中发现呼肠孤病毒感染.Krol等[2]于1990年在试验感染的南美白对虾(P.vannamei)中发现呼肠孤样病毒与对虾杆状病毒混合感染.中国大陆养殖的中国对虾自1993年全面暴发流行病以来,许多学者进行了对虾流行病的病原学、流行病学及诊断和防治方法的研究,部分学者曾在中国对虾(P.chinensis)中观察到呼肠孤样病毒颗粒[3],但未报道较详细的电子显微镜观察资料.  相似文献   

Structural determination of proteins is rather challenging for proteins with molecular masses between 40 - 200 kDa. Considering that more than half of natural proteins have a molecular mass between 40 - 200 kDa1,2, a robust and high-throughput method with a nanometer resolution capability is needed. Negative staining (NS) electron microscopy (EM) is an easy, rapid, and qualitative approach which has frequently been used in research laboratories to examine protein structure and protein-protein interactions. Unfortunately, conventional NS protocols often generate structural artifacts on proteins, especially with lipoproteins that usually form presenting rouleaux artifacts. By using images of lipoproteins from cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) as a standard, the key parameters in NS specimen preparation conditions were recently screened and reported as the optimized NS protocol (OpNS), a modified conventional NS protocol 3 . Artifacts like rouleaux can be greatly limited by OpNS, additionally providing high contrast along with reasonably high‐resolution (near 1 nm) images of small and asymmetric proteins. These high-resolution and high contrast images are even favorable for an individual protein (a single object, no average) 3D reconstruction, such as a 160 kDa antibody, through the method of electron tomography4,5. Moreover, OpNS can be a high‐throughput tool to examine hundreds of samples of small proteins. For example, the previously published mechanism of 53 kDa cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) involved the screening and imaging of hundreds of samples 6. Considering cryo-EM rarely successfully images proteins less than 200 kDa has yet to publish any study involving screening over one hundred sample conditions, it is fair to call OpNS a high-throughput method for studying small proteins. Hopefully the OpNS protocol presented here can be a useful tool to push the boundaries of EM and accelerate EM studies into small protein structure, dynamics and mechanisms.  相似文献   

While lithium ion batteries with electrodes based on intercalation compounds have dominated the portable energy storage market for decades, the energy density of these materials is fundamentally limited. Today, rapidly growing demand for this type of energy storage is driving research into materials that utilize alternative reaction mechanisms to enable higher energy densities. Transition metal compounds are one such class of materials, with storage enabled by “conversion” reactions, where the material is converted to new compound upon lithiation. MoS2 is one example of this type of material that has generated a large amount of interest recently due to its high theoretical lithium storage capacity compared to graphite. Here, cryogenic scanning transmission electron microscopy techniques are used to reveal the atomic‐scale processes that occur during reaction of a model monolayer MoS2 system by enabling the unaltered atomic structure to be determined at various levels of lithiation. It is revealed that monolayer MoS2 can undergo a conversion reaction even with no substrate, and that the resulting particles are smaller than those that form in bulk MoS2, likely due to the more limited 2D diffusion. Additionally, while bilayer MoS2 undergoes intercalation with a corresponding phase transition before conversion, monolayer MoS2 does not.  相似文献   

Mitochondria have roles in many cellular processes, from energy metabolism and calcium homeostasis to control of cellular lifespan and programmed cell death. These processes affect and are affected by the redox status of and ATP production by mitochondria. Here, we describe the use of two ratiometric, genetically encoded biosensors that can detect mitochondrial redox state and ATP levels at subcellular resolution in living yeast cells. Mitochondrial redox state is measured using redox-sensitive Green Fluorescent Protein (roGFP) that is targeted to the mitochondrial matrix. Mito-roGFP contains cysteines at positions 147 and 204 of GFP, which undergo reversible and environment-dependent oxidation and reduction, which in turn alter the excitation spectrum of the protein. MitGO-ATeam is a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) probe in which the ε subunit of the FoF1-ATP synthase is sandwiched between FRET donor and acceptor fluorescent proteins. Binding of ATP to the ε subunit results in conformation changes in the protein that bring the FRET donor and acceptor in close proximity and allow for fluorescence resonance energy transfer from the donor to acceptor.  相似文献   

NMR structure determination of large membrane proteins is hampered by broad spectral lines, overlap, and ambiguity of signal assignment. Chemical shift and NOE assignment can be facilitated by amino acid selective isotope labeling in cell-free protein synthesis system. However, many biological detergents are incompatible with the cell-free synthesis, and membrane proteins often have to be synthesized in an insoluble form. We report cell-free synthesis of subunits a and c of the proton channel of Escherichia coli ATP synthase in a soluble form in a mixture of phosphatidylcholine derivatives. In comparison, subunit a was purified from the cell-free system and from the bacterial cell membranes. NMR spectra of both preparations were similar, indicating that our procedure for cell-free synthesis produces protein structurally similar to that prepared from the cell membranes.  相似文献   

The permeability transition pore (PTP) is a Ca2+‐dependent mitochondrial channel whose opening causes a permeability increase in the inner membrane to ions and solutes. The most potent inhibitors are matrix protons, with channel block at pH 6.5. Inhibition is reversible, mediated by histidyl residue(s), and prevented by their carbethoxylation by diethylpyrocarbonate (DPC), but their assignment is unsolved. We show that PTP inhibition by H+ is mediated by the highly conserved histidyl residue (H112 in the human mature protein) of oligomycin sensitivity conferral protein (OSCP) subunit of mitochondrial F1FO (F)‐ATP synthase, which we also show to undergo carbethoxylation after reaction of mitochondria with DPC. Mitochondrial PTP‐dependent swelling cannot be inhibited by acidic pH in H112Q and H112Y OSCP mutants, and the corresponding megachannels (the electrophysiological counterpart of the PTP) are insensitive to inhibition by acidic pH in patch‐clamp recordings of mitoplasts. Cells harboring the H112Q and H112Y mutations are sensitized to anoxic cell death at acidic pH. These results demonstrate that PTP channel formation and its inhibition by H+ are mediated by the F‐ATP synthase.  相似文献   

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