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Assessing the relative importance of different processes that determine the spatial distribution of species and the dynamics in highly diverse plant communities remains a challenging question in ecology. Previous modelling approaches often focused on single aggregated forest diversity patterns that convey limited information on the underlying dynamic processes. Here, we use recent advances in inference for stochastic simulation models to evaluate the ability of a spatially explicit and spatially continuous neutral model to quantitatively predict six spatial and non-spatial patterns observed at the 50 ha tropical forest plot on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. The patterns capture different aspects of forest dynamics and biodiversity structure, such as annual mortality rate, species richness, species abundance distribution, beta-diversity and the species–area relationship (SAR). The model correctly predicted each pattern independently and up to five patterns simultaneously. However, the model was unable to match the SAR and beta-diversity simultaneously. Our study moves previous theory towards a dynamic spatial theory of biodiversity and demonstrates the value of spatial data to identify ecological processes. This opens up new avenues to evaluate the consequences of additional process for community assembly and dynamics.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence has emerged for non-random spatial distributions of microbes, but knowledge of the processes that cause variation in microbial assemblage among ecosystems is lacking. For instance, some studies showed that deterministic processes such as habitat specialization are important, while other studies hold that bacterial communities are assembled by stochastic forces. Here we examine the relative influence of deterministic and stochastic processes for bacterial communities from subsurface environments, stream biofilm, lake water, lake sediment and soil using pyrosequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. We show that there is a general pattern in phylogenetic signal in species ecological niches across recent evolutionary time for all studied habitats, enabling us to infer the influences of community assembly processes from patterns of phylogenetic turnover in community composition. The phylogenetic dissimilarities among-habitat types were significantly higher than within them, and the communities were clustered according to their original habitat types. For communities within-habitat types, the highest phylogenetic turnover rate through space was observed in subsurface environments, followed by stream biofilm on mountainsides, whereas the sediment assemblages across regional scales showed the lowest turnover rate. Quantifying phylogenetic turnover as the deviation from a null expectation suggested that measured environmental variables imposed strong selection on bacterial communities for nearly all sample groups. For three sample groups, spatial distance reflected unmeasured environmental variables that impose selection, as opposed to spatial isolation. Such characterization of spatial and environmental variables proved essential for proper interpretation of partial Mantel results based on observed beta diversity metrics. In summary, our results clearly indicate a dominant role of deterministic processes on bacterial assemblages and highlight that bacteria show strong habitat associations that have likely emerged through evolutionary adaptation.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are notable for their high species diversity, even on small spatial scales, and right‐skewed species and size abundance distributions. The role of individual species as drivers of the spatial organization of diversity in these forests has been explained by several hypotheses and processes, for example, stochastic dilution, negative density dependence, or gap dynamics. These processes leave a signature in spatial distribution of small trees, particularly in the vicinity of large trees, likely having stronger effects on their neighbors. We are exploring species diversity patterns within the framework of various diversity‐generating hypotheses using individual species–area relationships. We used the data from three tropical forest plots (Wanang—Papua New Guinea, Barro Colorado Island—Panama, and Sinharaja—Sri Lanka) and included also the saplings (DBH ≥ 1 cm). Resulting cross‐size patterns of species richness and evenness reflect the dynamics of saplings affected by the distribution of large trees. When all individuals with DBH ≥1 cm are included, ~50% of all tree species from the 25‐ or 50‐ha plot can be found within 35 m radius of an individual tree. For all trees, 72%–78% of species were identified as species richness accumulators, having more species present in their surroundings than expected by null models. This pattern was driven by small trees as the analysis of DBH >10 cm trees showed much lower proportion of accumulators, 14%–65% of species identified as richness repellers and had low richness of surrounding small trees. Only 11%–26% of species had lower species evenness than was expected by null models. High proportions of species richness accumulators were probably due to gap dynamics and support Janzen–Connell hypothesis driven by competition or top‐down control by pathogens and herbivores. Observed species diversity patterns show the importance of including small tree size classes in analyses of the spatial organization of diversity.  相似文献   

Time-series are critical to understanding long-term natural variability in the oceans. Bacterial communities in the euphotic zone were investigated for over a decade at the San Pedro Ocean Time-series station (SPOT) off southern California. Community composition was assessed by Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA) and coupled with measurements of oceanographic parameters for the surface ocean (0–5 m) and deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM, average depth ∼30 m). SAR11 and cyanobacterial ecotypes comprised typically more than one-third of the measured community; diversity within both was temporally variable, although a few operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were consistently more abundant. Persistent OTUs, mostly Alphaproteobacteria (SAR11 clade), Actinobacteria and Flavobacteria, tended to be abundant, in contrast to many rarer yet intermittent and ephemeral OTUs. Association networks revealed potential niches for key OTUs from SAR11, cyanobacteria, SAR86 and other common clades on the basis of robust correlations. Resilience was evident by the average communities drifting only slightly as years passed. Average Bray-Curtis similarity between any pair of dates was ∼40%, with a slight decrease over the decade and obvious near-surface seasonality; communities 8–10 years apart were slightly more different than those 1–4 years apart with the highest rate of change at 0–5 m between communities <4 years apart. The surface exhibited more pronounced seasonality than the DCM. Inter-depth Bray-Curtis similarities repeatedly decreased as the water column stratified each summer. Environmental factors were better predictors of shifts in community composition than months or elapsed time alone; yet, the best predictor was community composition at the other depth (that is, 0–5 m versus DCM).  相似文献   

Aim We investigated the biogeographical patterns of phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish in freshwater ecosystems. We tested whether spatial distance or environmental heterogeneity act as potential factors controlling community composition. Location Northern and central Greece, eastern Mediterranean. Method Data on 310 phytoplankton, 72 zooplankton and 37 fish species were collected from seven freshwater systems. Species occurrence data were used to generate similarity matrices describing community composition. We performed Mantel tests to compare spatial patterns in community composition of phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish. Next, we examined the correlation between geographical distance and the degree of similarity in community composition. The analysis was repeated for different taxonomic, trophic and size‐based groups of the microorganisms studied. We assessed different environmental variables (topographic and limnological) as predictors of community composition. Results Phytoplankton community composition showed a strong positive correlation with environmental heterogeneity but was not correlated with the geographical distance between systems. Zooplankton community composition was unrelated to geographical distance and was only weakly correlated with environmental variables. In contrast, fish community similarity decayed significantly with distance. We found no relationship along all pairwise comparisons of the compositional matrices of the three groups. The pairwise comparisons of the different taxonomic, trophic and size‐based groups of the microorganism communities studied were in accordance with the results for the entire microorganism community. Main conclusions Our results support the proposition that the biogeography of microorganisms does not demonstrate a distance–decay pattern and further suggest that, in reality, the drivers of distribution depend on the specific community examined. In contrast, the biogeography of macroorganisms was affected by geographical distance. These differences reflect the dispersal abilities of the different organisms. The microorganisms exhibit passive dispersal through the air, with local environmental conditions structuring their community composition. On the other hand, for macroorganisms such as fish, the terrestrial environment could pose barriers to their dispersal; with fish structuring distinctive communities over greater distances. Overall, we suggest that the biogeography of freshwater phytoplankton and zooplankton reflects contemporary environmental conditions, while the biogeographical patterns for fish inhabiting the same systems are related to factors affecting their dispersal ability.  相似文献   

北热带喀斯特季节性雨林(northern tropical karst seasonal rain forest)是在我国热带北缘喀斯特地区分布的典型森林植被类型之一。由于富钙偏碱的地球化学背景及多样性的生境类型, 同时受季风气候影响, 该森林呈现群落结构多样、树种组成丰富、特有成分突出等特点。基于大型固定监测样地对该森林树种组成与空间分布进行的研究, 是探明该区域生物多样性形成与维持机制的基础。我们于2011年底建立了广西弄岗北热带喀斯特季节性雨林15 ha监测样地, 依照CTFS (Center for Tropical Forest Science)全球森林生物多样性监测规范, 定位并调查了样地内每一棵胸径≥1 cm的木本植物。结果表明: (1)样地内有监测树种223种, 隶属于56科157属; 独立个体总数为68,010株(含分枝为95,471株), 平均胸径为4.84 cm; (2)树种科、属的区系均以热带成分为主, 大戟科、马鞭草科、梧桐科等为优势科; (3)个体数最多的11个树种的个体数之和占到总个体数的51.64%, 前58个树种的占90.19%; 稀有种有75种, 占总树种数的33.63%; (4)群落结构稳定且更新良好, 主要优势种的径级结构均呈倒“J”形, 无明显断层; (5)树种分布在空间上表现出明显差异, 黄梨木(Boniodendron minus)等强耐旱型树种分布于山顶周围; 蚬木(Excentrodendron tonkinense)等树种分布于山坡中部; 对叶榕(Ficus hispida)等喜湿耐荫型树种分布于山谷周围; (6)胸径>20 cm的个体较多分布在山坡中下部, 极少分布在山顶周围; 胸径10–20 cm的个体较均匀分布于整个样地; 分枝和萌枝较多分布在山顶周围; (7)种–面积散点图在2–7 ha的取样面积下分化形成两条曲线, 表明了树种数量组成在空间上具有强烈异质性。研究初步认为: 强烈生境异质性及独特地质背景可能是影响该喀斯特森林物种组成及空间分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the importance of ecological factors to distribution patterns of the invasive Clam (Corbicula fluminea) relative to native mussels (family: Unionidae) across seven rivers within the Mobile and Tennessee basins, Southeast United States. We quantitatively surveyed dense, diverse native mussel aggregations across 20 river reaches and estimated mussel density, biomass, and species richness along with density of invasive C. fluminea (hereafter Corbicula). We measured substrate particle size, velocity, and depth in quadrats where animals were collected. Additionally, we characterized reach scale environmental parameters including seston quantity and quality (% Carbon, % Nitrogen, % Phosphorous), water chemistry (ammonium [NH4+], soluble reactive phosphorous [SRP]), and watershed area and land cover. Using model selection, logistic regression, and multivariate analysis, we characterized habitat features and their association to invasive Corbicula within mussel beds. We found that Corbicula were more likely to occur and more abundant in quadrats with greater mussel biomass, larger substrate size, faster water velocity, and shallower water depth. At the reach scale, Corbicula densities increased where particle sizes were larger. Mussel richness, density, and biomass increased with watershed area. Water column NH4+ increased at reaches with more urban land cover. No land cover variables influenced Corbicula populations or mussel communities. The strong overlapping distribution of Corbicula and mussels support the hypothesis that Corbicula are not necessarily limited by habitat factors and may be passengers of change in rivers where mussels have declined due to habitat degradation. Whether Corbicula is facilitated by mussels or negatively interacts with mussels in these systems remains to be seen. Focused experiments that manipulate patch scale variables would improve our understanding of the role of species interactions (e.g., competition, predation, facilitation) or physical habitat factors in influencing spatial overlap between Corbicula and native mussels.  相似文献   

  1. Estimating the impacts of anthropogenic disturbances requires an understanding of the habitat‐use patterns of individuals within a population. This is especially the case when disturbances are localized within a population''s spatial range, as variation in habitat use within a population can drastically alter the distribution of impacts.
  2. Here, we illustrate the potential for multilevel binomial models to generate spatial networks from capture–recapture data, a common data source used in wildlife studies to monitor population dynamics and habitat use. These spatial networks capture which regions of a population''s spatial distribution share similar/dissimilar individual usage patterns, and can be especially useful for detecting structured habitat use within the population''s spatial range.
  3. Using simulations and 18 years of capture–recapture data from St. Lawrence Estuary (SLE) beluga, we show that this approach can successfully estimate the magnitude of similarities/dissimilarities in individual usage patterns across sectors, and identify sectors that share similar individual usage patterns that differ from other sectors, that is, structured habitat use. In the case of SLE beluga, this method identified multiple clusters of individuals, each preferentially using restricted areas within their summer range of the SLE.
  4. Multilevel binomial models can be effective at estimating spatial structure in habitat use within wildlife populations sampled by capture–recapture of individuals, and can be especially useful when sampling effort is not evenly distributed. Our finding of a structured habitat use within the SLE beluga summer range has direct implications for estimating individual exposures to localized stressors, such as underwater noise from shipping or other activities.

A useful method for characterizing biological numerous assemblages at regional scales is the species occupancy frequency distribution (SOFD). An SOFD shows the number or proportion of study sites each species occurred. Species that occur at only a few sites are termed satellite species, while species that occur at many sites are termed core species.This study is the first to document and assess SOFD patterns in aquatic macrophytes. It characterizes SOFD patterns of freshwater macrophyte assemblages in Finland at two spatial and two temporal scales. For this, I analyzed three published datasets on freshwater macrophyte distributions: two from studies conducted at a local scale and the third from large national surveys. One local study and the national study also included data on temporal variation in species occupancy frequencies.In the national study, the number of core and satellite species varied slightly between the older and the newer survey, respectively. Among the 113 waterbodies surveyed as part of the national study, the SOFD followed a unimodal satellite pattern. However, for the older dataset (from the 1930s), a bimodal symmetric pattern also fit the SOFD data well. At the local scale, I observed geographical variation in SOFD patterns. The dataset from southern Finland followed a unimodal satellite SOFD pattern; data from central Finland instead displayed a bimodal symmetric SOFD pattern, although they also fit equally well with a bimodal truncated pattern. Moreover, temporal patterns in central Finland seemed to demonstrate a shift from a bimodal symmetric to a bimodal asymmetric SOFD probably.Geographical variation in the SOFD pattern may be due to variation in the regional species pool. The temporal changes in SOFD pattern may be due to lake eutrophication and anthropogenic disturbance around waterbodies, which may increase number of macrophyte species.  相似文献   

AIMS: To apply culture-independent techniques to explore the bacterial community composition in catfish pond water. METHODS AND RESULTS: 16S rDNA libraries were constructed and sequenced from 15 pond water samples. Automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) was used to fingerprint each bacterial community. A broad diversity in bacterial species composition was found by 16S rDNA analysis. Alphaproteobacteria was the most represented class in all ponds, followed by Gammaproteobacteria and Gram-positive high G + C content bacteria. Uniqueness of bacterial communities from each individual pond was confirmed by ARISA. Catfish pathogens were detected sporadically. CONCLUSIONS: Bacterial communities in a catfish aquaculture setting can vary from pond to pond at one given point. No correlation could be made between bacteria composition and fish strain or between bacterial profile and the presence of catfish pathogens in a particular pond. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first report showing the composition of bacterial communities in catfish ponds. Fish health specialists and catfish aquaculture managers should be aware of the wide differences in bacterial communities between ponds and include this variable in fish husbandry practices.  相似文献   

Aim Dispersal is often assumed to be a major force in shaping macroecological patterns, but this is rarely tested. Here I describe macroecological patterns for two groups of Lesser Antillean birds and then use population genetic data to assess if differences in dispersal ability could be responsible for the groups’ contrasting patterns. Importantly, the population genetic data are derived independently from any data used to generate the macroecological patterns. Location The Lesser Antilles, Caribbean. Methods I used data from the literature to construct species–area curves and evaluate the decline in species compositional similarity with geographic distance (hereafter distance–decay) for two sets of bird communities in the Lesser Antilles, those found in rain forest and those in dry forest. I then used mitochondrial DNA sequences from island populations to assess the dispersal ability of rain forest and dry forest species. Results Rain forest species show steeper species–area curves and greater distance–decay in community similarity than dry forest species, patterns that could be explained by rain forest species having more limited dispersal ability. Both conventional analyses of M, the number of migrants per generation between populations, and alternative analyses of DA, the genetic distance between populations, suggest that rain forest species disperse between islands less frequently than dry forest species. Main conclusions Differences in dispersal ability are a plausible explanation for the contrasting macroecological patterns of rain forest and dry forest species. Additionally, historical factors, such as the taxon cycle and Pleistocene climate fluctuations, may have played a role in shaping the distribution patterns of Lesser Antillean birds.  相似文献   

Defining mathematical terms and objects is a constant issue in ecology; often definitions are absent, erroneous, or imprecise. Through a bibliographic prospection, we show that this problem appears in macro‐ecology (biogeography and community ecology) where the lack of definition for the sigmoid class of functions results in difficulties of interpretation and communication. In order to solve this problem and to help harmonize papers that use sigmoid functions in ecology, herein we propose a comprehensive definition of these mathematical objects. In addition, to facilitate their use, we classified the functions often used in the ecological literature, specifying the constraints on the parameters for the function to be defined and the curve shape to be sigmoidal. Finally, we interpreted the different properties of the functions induced by the definition through ecological hypotheses in order to support and explain the interest of such functions in ecology and more precisely in biogeography.  相似文献   

Resistance of bacteria to phages may be gained by alteration of surface proteins to which phages bind, a mechanism that is likely to be costly as these molecules typically have critical functions such as movement or nutrient uptake. To address this potential trade-off, we combine a systematic study of natural bacteria and phage populations with an experimental evolution approach. We compare motility, growth rate and susceptibility to local phages for 80 bacteria isolated from horse chestnut leaves and, contrary to expectation, find no negative association between resistance to phages and bacterial motility or growth rate. However, because correlational patterns (and their absence) are open to numerous interpretations, we test for any causal association between resistance to phages and bacterial motility using experimental evolution of a subset of bacteria in both the presence and absence of naturally associated phages. Again, we find no clear link between the acquisition of resistance and bacterial motility, suggesting that for these natural bacterial populations, phage-mediated selection is unlikely to shape bacterial motility, a key fitness trait for many bacteria in the phyllosphere. The agreement between the observed natural pattern and the experimental evolution results presented here demonstrates the power of this combined approach for testing evolutionary trade-offs.  相似文献   

Soil diazotrophs play important roles in ecosystem functioning by converting atmospheric N2 into biologically available ammonium. However, the diversity and distribution of soil diazotrophic communities in different forests and whether they follow biogeographic patterns similar to macroorganisms still remain unclear. By sequencing nifH gene amplicons, we surveyed the diversity, structure and biogeographic patterns of soil diazotrophic communities across six North American forests (126 nested samples). Our results showed that each forest harboured markedly different soil diazotrophic communities and that these communities followed traditional biogeographic patterns similar to plant and animal communities, including the taxa–area relationship (TAR) and latitudinal diversity gradient. Significantly higher community diversity and lower microbial spatial turnover rates (i.e. z‐values) were found for rainforests (~0.06) than temperate forests (~0.1). The gradient pattern of TARs and community diversity was strongly correlated (r2 > 0.5) with latitude, annual mean temperature, plant species richness and precipitation, and weakly correlated (r2 < 0.25) with pH and soil moisture. This study suggests that even microbial subcommunities (e.g. soil diazotrophs) follow general biogeographic patterns (e.g. TAR, latitudinal diversity gradient), and indicates that the metabolic theory of ecology and habitat heterogeneity may be the major underlying ecological mechanisms shaping the biogeographic patterns of soil diazotrophic communities.  相似文献   

Primary production correlates with diversity in various ways. These patterns may result from the interaction of various mechanisms related to the environmental context and the spatial and temporal scale of analysis. However, empirical evidence on diversity‐productivity patterns typically considers single temporal and spatial scales, and does not include the effect of environmental variables. In a metacommunity of macrophytes in ephemeral ponds, we analysed the diversity‐productivity relationship patterns in the field, the importance of the environmental variables of pond size and heterogeneity on such relationship, and the variation of these patterns at local (community level) and landscape scales (metacommunity level) across 52 ponds on twelve occasions, over five years (2005–2009). Combining all sampling dates, there were 377 ponds and 1954 sample‐unit observations. Vegetation biomass was used as a proxy for productivity, and biodiversity was represented by species richness, evenness, and their interaction. Environmental variables comprised pond area, depth and internal heterogeneity. Productivity and species richness were not directly related at the metacommunity level, and were positively related at the community level. Taking environmental variables into account revealed positive species richness‐productivity relationships at the metacommunity level and positive quadratic relationships at the community level. Productivity showed both positive and negative linear and nonlinear relationships with the size and heterogeneity of ponds. We found a weak relationship between productivity and evenness. The identity of variables associated with productivity changed between spatial scales and through time. The pattern of relationships between productivity and diversity depends on spatial scale and environmental context, and changes idiosyncratically through time within the same ecosystem. Thus, the diversity‐productivity relationship is not only a property of the study system, but also a consequence of environmental variations and the temporal and spatial scale of analysis.  相似文献   

The respiration rates of a pelagic community and of its microbialfraction (< 1.2 µm) were measured at two depths inthe oxic layer of a meromictic alpine lake (Cadagno, Switzerland)using the oxygen technique. The duration of the incubationswere 12, 24 and 55 h. Bacterioplankton abundance (DAPI counts)and composition (whole cell hybridization using 11 group-specificrRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes) were measured during theincubations. Respiration generally increased with time, especiallyin the microbial fraction, or remained similar. This resultwas not always consistent with changes in bacterial abundanceand cell volume. The composition of the community also changedduring the incubations. The abundance of ß-Proteobacteriaincreased during the course of all the experiments. These resultsextend the previous conclusions drawn in marine environmentsto fresh waters and demonstrate that, in addition to changesin bacterial abundance, cell volume and biomass, changes inthe taxonomic composition of the bacterial community can occurduring discrete incubations of freshwater planktonic communities.  相似文献   

The horse’s hindgut bacterial ecosystem has often been studied using faecal samples. However few studies compared both bacterial ecosystems and the validity of using faecal samples may be questionable. Hence, the present study aimed to compare the structure of the equine bacterial community in the hindgut (caecum, right ventral colon) and faeces using a fingerprint technique known as Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA). Two DNA extraction methods were also assessed. Intestinal contents and faeces were sampled 3 h after the morning meal on four adult fistulated horses fed meadow hay and pelleted concentrate. Irrespective of the intestinal segment, Principal Component Analysis of ARISA profiles showed a strong individual effect (P<0.0001). However, across the study, faecal bacterial community structure significantly (P<0.001) differed from those of the caecum and colon, while there was no difference between the two hindgut communities. The use of a QIAamp® DNA Stool Mini kit increased the quality of DNA extracted irrespective of sample type. The differences observed between faecal and hindgut bacterial communities challenge the use of faeces as a representative for hindgut activity. Further investigations are necessary to compare bacterial activity between the hindgut and faeces in order to understand the validity of using faecal samples.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long studied the temporal dynamics of plant and animal communities with much less attention paid to the temporal dynamics exhibited by microbial communities. As a result, we do not know if overarching temporal trends exist for microbial communities or if changes in microbial communities are generally predictable with time. Using microbial time series assessed via high-throughput sequencing, we conducted a meta-analysis of temporal dynamics in microbial communities, including 76 sites representing air, aquatic, soil, brewery wastewater treatment, human- and plant-associated microbial biomes. We found that temporal variability in both within- and between-community diversity was consistent among microbial communities from similar environments. Community structure changed systematically with time in less than half of the cases, and the highest rates of change were observed within ranges of 1 day to 1 month for all communities examined. Microbial communities exhibited species–time relationships (STRs), which describe the accumulation of new taxa to a community, similar to those observed previously for plant and animal communities, suggesting that STRs are remarkably consistent across a broad range of taxa. These results highlight that a continued integration of microbial ecology into the broader field of ecology will provide new insight into the temporal patterns of microbial and ‘macro''-bial communities alike.  相似文献   

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