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If species' ranges are randomly shuffled within a bounded geographical domain free of environmental gradients, ranges overlap increasingly toward the center of the domain, creating a "mid-domain" peak of species richness. This "mid-domain effect" (MDE) has been controversial both in concept and in application. Empirical studies assess the degree to which the evolutionary, ecological, and historical processes that undeniably act on individual species and clades produce geographical patterns that resemble those produced by MDE models. MDE models that resample empirical range size frequency distributions (RSFDs) balance the risk of underestimating and overestimating the role of MDE, whereas theoretical RSFDs are generally biased toward underestimating MDE. We discuss the inclusion of nonendemic species in MDE models, rationales for setting domain limits, and the validity of one- and two-dimensional MDE models. MDE models, though null models, are not null hypotheses to be simplistically rejected or accepted. They are a means of estimating the expected effect of geometric constraints within the context of multiple causality. We call for assessment of MDE on an equal statistical footing with other candidate explanations for richness gradients. Although some critics have categorically dismissed MDE, an overview of the 21 MDE studies published to date reveals a substantial signature of MDE in natural patterns and justifies continued work.  相似文献   

Null models that place species ranges at random within a bounded geographical domain produce hump-shaped species richness gradients (the "mid-domain effect," or MDE). However, there is debate about the extent to which these models are a suitable null expectation for effects of environmental gradients on species richness. Here, I present a process-based framework for modeling species distributions within a bounded geographical domain. Analysis of null models consistent with the mid-domain hypothesis shows that MDEs are indeed likely to be ubiquitous consequences of geographical domain boundaries. Comparing the probability distributions of range locations for the process-based and randomization-based models reveals that randomization models probably overestimate the contribution of MDEs to empirical patterns of species richness, but it also indicates that other testable predictions from randomization models are likely to be robust. I also show how this process-based framework can be extended beyond null models to incorporate effects of environmental gradients within the domain. This study provides a first step toward an ecological theory of species distributions in geographical space that can incorporate both "geometric constraints" and effects of environmental gradients, and it shows how such a theory can inform our understanding of species richness gradients in nature.  相似文献   

Aim  Recently, a flurry of studies have focused on the extent to which geographical patterns of diversity fit mid-domain effect (MDE) null models. While some studies find strong support for MDE null models, others find little. We test two hypotheses that might explain this variation among studies: small-ranged groups of species are less likely than large-ranged species to show mid-domain peaks in species richness, and mid-domain null model predictions are less robust for smaller spatial extents than for larger spatial extents.
Location  We analyse data sets from elevational, riverine, continental and other domains from around the world.
Methods  We use a combination of Spearman rank correlations and binomial tests to examine whether differences within and among studies and domains in the predictive power of MDE null models vary with spatial scale and range size.
Results  Small-ranged groups of species are less likely to fit mid-domain predictions than large-ranged groups of species. At large spatial extents, diversity patterns of taxonomic groups with large mean range sizes fit MDE null model predictions better than did diversity patterns of groups with small mean range sizes. MDE predictions were more explanatory at larger spatial extents than at smaller extents. Diversity patterns at smaller spatial extents fit MDE predictions poorly across all range sizes. Thus, MDE predictions should be expected to explain patterns of species richness when ranges and the scale of analysis are both large.
Main conclusions  Taken together, the support for these hypotheses offers a more sophisticated model of when MDE predictions should be expected to explain patterns of species richness, namely when ranges and the scale of analysis are both large. Thus the circumstances in which the MDE is important are finite and apparently predictable.  相似文献   

The Indo-Australian Archipelago supports the world's richest coral reef biodiversity hotspot. Traditional hypotheses that account for such exceptional biodiversity have highlighted the importance of environmental variables such as habitat area and energy input. Recently, however, an additional explanation has been proposed based on geometric constraints in the placement of geographical ranges within a bounded domain, which cause a mid-domain peak in species richness; the mid-domain effect (MDE). Here, for the first time, we examine the relative importance of area, energy and MDE jointly on species richness patterns. Model selection indicates that the best model incorporates MDE and reef area, but no energy effect; moreover, this best-fit model captures all major features of reef fish and coral species richness patterns. Habitat area is the major environmental factor influencing species richness. The prevention of further fragmentation and loss of habitat area is of critical importance for the conservation of coral reef biodiversity.  相似文献   

The present study is the first attempt to describe meso-scale patterns in the species richness of polychaetes along the Gulf of California, which stretches from about 23°N to 31°N. We examine herein the spatial changes in species distribution and explore the overlapping of species’ ranges towards the centre of the Gulf, to test whether the mid-domain effect (MDE) could explain an expected mid-domain peak in species richness. The faunal composition and the latitudinal range of 244 species of polychaetes recorded along the continental shelf of the Gulf of California were analysed in latitude bands of 1°. The species composition changes around the Gulf’s archipelago (~29°N), and the highest values of species richness are found at the 25° (197 species) and 26° (193 species) of latitude. Although the species richness pattern could be described by a parabolic shape, the regional trend was not strongly consistent with the peak of diversity at 27°N (176–191 species) predicted by the mid-domain effect: the random sorting of species’ ranges within spatial domain does not explain satisfactorily the geographical patterns of diversity. Nevertheless, a partial contribution of MDE to these natural patterns of diversity could be detected, and the increase in species richness towards middle latitudes was basically determined by species with distribution ranges larger than 6°. The low level of significance between the empirical species richness pattern and the mid-domain model prediction for polychaetes in the Gulf does not restrict their use as a model for exploring the randomness of the diversity patterns.  相似文献   

Zapata FA  Gaston KJ  Chown SL 《The American naturalist》2005,166(5):E144-8; discussion E149-54
We revisit the proposition that boundary constraints on species' ranges cause species richness gradients (the mid-domain effect [MDE] hypothesis). In the absence of environmental gradients, species should not retain their observed range sizes as assumed by MDE models. Debate remains regarding the definition of domain limits, valid predictions for testing the models, and their statistical assessment. Empirical support for the MDE is varied but often weak, suggesting that geometric constraints on species' ranges do not provide a general explanation for richness gradients. Criticism of MDE model assumptions does not, however, imply opposition to the use of null models in ecology.  相似文献   

The missing Madagascan mid-domain effect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Species richness varies enormously across geographical gradients, a well-known phenomenon for which there are many hypothesized explanations. One recent hypothesis uses null models to demonstrate that random re-distribution of species' ranges within a given domain leads to a 'mid-domain effect' (MDE): increasing species richness towards the centre of the area. Madagascar is especially well-suited for empirical evaluation of mid-domain models by virtue of its large endemic fauna and its clearly defined boundaries. Lees et al. [ Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 67 (1999) 529] observed patterns of species richness consistent with MDEs in the Madagascan rainforest (a slim, north–south belt). In this study, we test one-dimensional and two-dimensional mid-domain model predictions for the birds and mammals of the entire island of Madagascar. When only latitudinal extents of species' distribution are considered, patterns of richness in Madagascar show an MDE. However, this pattern disappears for both taxa after accounting for the tendency of latitudinal bands nearer the middle of the country to be larger. Two-dimensional mid-domain model predictions of species richness are qualitatively opposite to observed patterns. Instead, island-wide spatial gradients of species richness in Madagascar relate strongly to patterns of primary productivity and amount of remaining natural habitat. Earlier work that showed a mid-domain peak within the rainforest biome (effectively after controlling for climate and natural habitat) seems likely to have reflected methodological artefacts. The classic case in which MDEs should occur is, in fact, inconsistent with the mid-domain hypothesis.  相似文献   

The "mid-domain effect" (MDE) has received much attention as a candidate explanation for patterns in species richness over large geographic areas. Mid-domain models generate a central peak in richness when species ranges are placed randomly within a bounded geographic area (i.e. the domain). Until now, domain limits have been described mostly in one-dimension, usually latitude or elevation, and only occasionally in two-dimensions. Here we test 1-D, 2-D and, for the first time, 3-D mid-domain models and assess the effects of geometric constraints on species richness in North American amphibian, bird, mammal and tree species. Using spatially lagged simultaneous autoregressive models, empirical richness was predicted quite well by the mid-domain predictions and the spatial autoregressive term (45–92% R2). However, our results show that empirical species richness peaks do deviate from those of the MDE predictions in 3 dimensions. Variation explained (R2) by MDE predictions generally increased with increasing mean range size of the different biotic groups (from amphibian, to tree, mammal and finally bird data), and decreased with increasing dimensions being accounted for in the models. The results suggest geometric constraints alone can explain much of the variation in species richness with elevation, specifically with respect to the larger-range taxa, birds and mammals. Our analysis addresses many of the recent methodological criticisms directed at studies testing the MDE, and our results support the hypothesis that species diversity patterns are influenced by geometric constraints.  相似文献   

Most studies have attempted to identify the major environmental factors responsible for elevational variations in species richness. Such studies have been mainly performed in temperate and tropical areas, whereas the mediterranean biome has been substantially neglected. The aim of this paper was to disentangle the effects of available area, mid-domain constraints, and the environmental tolerance of species, on the altitudinal distribution of tenebrionid beetles in a Mediterranean region. A comprehensive faunistic database was used to assess the elevational distribution of tenebrionids in Latium (Central Italy). Variations in species richness, beta diversity and nestedness were analysed in association with variation in species ranges and midpoints. Variation in species richness was contrasted with patterns expected on the basis of the mid domain effect (MDE) and available surface area. After correcting for differences in area availability due to the conical shape of mountains, an unexpected triphasic pattern emerged: (1) at low altitudes, species richness was higher than expected on the basis of the effect of area and the MDE; (2) at around 800 m elevation, there is an abrupt change in species assemblages, and richness values fit those predicted by the MDE; (3) a new dramatic change occurred at 1,700 m, with tenebrionid assemblages composed of a small number of mainly eurytopic species. The integrated approach used in this study demonstrates that neither MDE nor monotonic patterns fully explain the observed diversity patterns. Variations in species ranges indicate that the elevational gradient filters species according to their ecological tolerance.  相似文献   

We studied the altitudinal patterns of plant species richness and examined the effects of geometric constraints, area, and climatic factors on the observed richness patterns along the ridge of the Baekdudaegan Mountains, South Korea. Rapoport’s altitudinal rule was evaluated by examining the relationship between altitudinal range size and midpoint. We also examined the latitudinal effect on species richness. Plant data were collected from 1,100 plots along a 200–1,900 m altitudinal gradient along the ridge of the Baekdudaegan. A total of 802 plant species from 97 families and 342 genera were found. The altitudinal patterns of plant species richness along the ridge of the Baekdudaegan depicted distinctly hump-shaped patterns, although the absolute altitudes of the richness peaks vary somewhat among plant groups. While the mid-domain effect (MDE) was the most powerful explanatory variable in simple regression models, species richness was also associated with climatic factors, especially mean annual precipitation (MAP) and temperature (MAT) in multiple regression models. The relative importance of the MDE and climatic factors were different among plant groups. The MDE was more important for woody plants and for large-ranged species, whereas climatic factors were better predictors for total and herbaceous plants and for small-ranged species. Rapoport’s altitudinal rule and a latitudinal effect on species richness were not supported. Our study suggests that a combined interaction of the MDE and climatic factors influences species richness patterns along the altitudinal gradient of the Baekdudaegan Mountains, South Korea.  相似文献   

The mid-domain effect and diversity gradients: is there anything to learn?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mid-domain effect (MDE) has been proposed as a null model for diversity gradients and an explanation for observed patterns. Here we respond to a recent defense of the concept, explaining that it cannot represent a viable model in either real or null worlds. First, the MDE misrepresents the nature of species ranges. There is also an internal logical inconsistency underlying the MDE because the range size frequency distribution, necessary to generate a hump-shaped pattern under randomization, cannot exist in the absence of environmental gradients and is generated by the ecological and historical processes that the MDE claims to exclude.  相似文献   

RangeModel is a computer application that offers animated demonstrations of the mechanism behind the mid-domain effect. The program also provides analytical tools for the assessment of geometric constraints in empirical datasets for one-dimensional domains (transects). The mid-domain effect (MDE) is the increasing overlap of species ranges towards the center of a shared, bounded domain due to geometric boundary constraints in relation to the distribution of range sizes, producing a peak or plateau of species richness towards the center of the domain. Domains may be spatial, temporal, or functional. RangeModel is a stand-alone, graphical-interface, freeware application for PC and Mac OS platforms.  相似文献   

Aim We studied pteridophyte species richness between 100 m and 3400 m along a Neotropical elevational gradient and tested competing hypotheses for patterns of species richness. Location Elevational transects were situated at Volcán Barva in the Braulio Carrillo National Park and La Selva Biological Station (100–2800 m) and Cerro de la Muerte (2700–3400 m), both on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica, Central America. Method We analysed species richness on 156 plots of 20 × 20 m and measured temperature and humidity at four elevations (40, 650, 1800 and 2800 m). Species richness patterns were regressed against climatic variables (temperature, humidity, precipitation and actual evapotranspiration), regional species pool, area and predicted species number of a geometric null model (the mid‐domain effect, MDE). Results The species richness of the 484 recorded species showed a hump‐shaped pattern with elevation with a richness peak at mid‐elevations (c. 1700 m). The MDE was the single most powerful explanatory variable in linear regression models, but species richness was also associated strongly with climatic variables, especially humidity and temperature. Area and species pool were associated less strongly with observed richness patterns. Main conclusions Geometric models and climatic models exclusive of geometric constraints explained comparable amounts of the elevational variation in species richness. Discrimination between these two factor complexes is not possible based on model fits. While overall fits of geometric models were high, large‐ and small‐ranged species were explained by geometric models to different extents. Species with narrow elevational ranges clustered at both ends of the gradient to a greater extent than predicted by the MDE null models used here. While geometric models explained much of the pattern in species richness, we cannot rule out the role of climatic factors (or vice versa) because the predicted peak in richness from geometric models, the empirical peak in richness and the overlap in favourable environmental conditions all coincide at middle elevations. Mid‐elevations offer highest humidity and moderate temperatures, whereas at high elevations richness is reduced due to low temperatures, and at low elevations by reduced water availability due to high temperatures.  相似文献   

物种多样性海拔分布格局及其形成机制的研究是生物地理学和宏观生态学的重要议题之一。本文利用西双版纳植物专著资料, 结合高分辨率的地形和气候等数据, 探讨了面积、边界限制和现代气候对西双版纳野生种子植物物种丰富度及物种密度海拔分布格局的影响。结果表明: (1)物种丰富度呈单峰分布格局, 面积(81.9%)、边界限制(17.5%)和气候(60.0-69.3%)都不同程度地解释了物种丰富度的单峰格局; (2)利用幂函数种-面积关系计算的物种密度沿海拔大致呈减小的分布趋势, 气候的解释率降低为32.6-40.6%, 与边界限制无显著相关关系; (3)利用等面积高度带划分得到的物种密度沿海拔呈单峰变化趋势, 物种密度与边界限制无显著相关性, 但气候对物种密度的解释率为81.6-89.9%。研究结果有助于准确全面地理解物种多样性的海拔分布格局及其成因机制, 为西双版纳生物多样性保护提供理论支撑和实践指导。  相似文献   

Challenges in the application of geometric constraint models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Discerning the processes influencing geographical patterns of species richness remains one of the central goals of modern ecology. Traditional approaches to exploring these patterns have focused on environmental and ecological correlates of observed species richness. Recently, some have suggested these approaches suffer from the lack of an appropriate null model that accounts for species ranges being constrained to occur within a bounded domain. Proponents of these null geometric constraint models (GCMs), and the mid-domain effect these models produce, argue their utility in identifying meaningful gradients in species richness. This idea has generated substantial debate. Here we discuss what we believe are the three major challenges in the application of GCMs. First, we argue that there are actually two equally valid null models for the random placement of species ranges within a domain, one of which actually predicts a uniform distribution of species richness. Second, we highlight the numerous decisions that must be made to implement a GCM that lead to marked differences in the predictions of the null model. Finally, we discuss challenges in evaluating the importance of GCMs once they have been implemented.  相似文献   

Macroecological patterns are likely the result of both stochastically neutral mechanisms and deterministic differences between species. In Madagascar, the simplest stochastically neutral hypothesis – the mid‐domain effects (MDE) hypothesis – has already been rejected. However, rejecting the MDE hypothesis does not necessarily refute the existence of all other neutral mechanisms. Here, we test whether adding complexity to a basic neutral model improves predictions of biodiversity patterns. The simplest MDE model assumes that: (1) species' ranges are continuous and unfragmented, (2) are randomly located throughout the landscape, and (3) can be stacked independently and indefinitely. We designed a simulation based on neutral theory that allowed us to weaken each of these assumptions incrementally by adjusting the habitat capacity as well as the likelihood of short‐ and long‐distance dispersal. Simulated outputs were compared to four empirical patterns of bird diversity: the frequency distributions of species richness and range size, the within‐island latitudinal diversity gradient, and the distance‐decay of species compositional similarity. Neutral models emulated empirical diversity patterns for Madagascan birds accurately. The frequency distribution of range size, latitudinal diversity gradient, and the distance‐decay of species compositional similarity could be attributed to stochastic long‐distance migration events and zero‐sum population dynamics. However, heterogenous environmental gradients improved predictions of the frequency distribution of species richness. Patterns of bird diversity in Madagascar can broadly be attributed to stochastic long‐distance migration events and zero‐sum population dynamics. This implies that rejecting simple hypotheses, such as MDE, does not serve as evidence against stochastic processes in general. However, environmental gradients were necessary to explain patterns of species richness and deterministic differences between species are probably important for explaining the distributions of narrow‐range and endemic species.  相似文献   

云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)林外生菌根真菌的时空分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于富强  肖月芹  刘培贵 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2325-2333
2000年至2005年,调查了滇中及其附近云南松林下外生菌根真菌的生态分布,共采集、鉴定标本834号,计有27科39属211种(含变种、变型)。结果表明,红菇属(Russula)、牛肝菌属(Boletus)、乳菇属(Lactarius)、乳牛肝菌属(Suillus)、口蘑属(Tricholoma)、鸡油菌属(Cantharellus)和革菌属(Thelephora)等为云南松林下的主要外生菌根菌类群。它们的发生与分布受到气候(如:气温和降水)、植被(如:林龄、林地郁闭度和草本植被)、地形特征(如:海拔、坡向和坡度)、土壤条件(如:pH值、地表腐殖质和枯枝落叶层等)和人为干扰(比如:商业化采集、林木采伐、火烧和地表物清理)诸多因素的影响。总结为如下:(1)5a的调查结果显示,云南松外生菌根菌的分布表现出季节性变化的规律;其中以每年1、2、3月份的物种多样性为最低,雨季期间急剧增加,至中夏和秋末达到顶峰,种类最为繁多。(2)在海拔1500-2100m,云南松外生菌根菌种类随着海拔的升高而逐渐增加,至顶峰后,又呈缓慢下降趋势。海拔因素不但对其物种多样性,而且对于类群的组成也具有重要的影响。特定的类群往往发生在特定海拔范围。(3)随着云南松林龄的增加,外生菌根菌呈现由少至多的演替过程。外生菌根菌多样性随云南松林生长而逐渐增加的演替方式,可能与宿主光合作用产物、根部分泌物和土壤条件的逐渐变化有关。(4)人类干扰是云南松外生菌根菌物种多样性和类群组成的主要负影响因子。大规模的商业化采集可破坏或枯竭地下菌丝体,打破各物种之间的竞争平衡,减少孢子释放影响资源再生能力,进而直接影响到子实体的产生。外生菌根菌物种多样性的减少趋势会随林木砍伐和火烧强度的增加而加剧。地表枯枝落叶层与杂草密度也会影响子实体的产生,其中枯枝落叶层的厚度与云南松外生菌根菌子实体的发生呈负相关性,而被紫茎泽兰覆盖的云南松林地内也很少会发现相应的子实体。  相似文献   

Elevational patterns of species richness and their underlying mechanisms have long been a controversial issue in biodiversity and biogeographical research, and several hypotheses have been proposed in the past decades. Local and regional studies have suggested that area and geometric constraint are two of major factors affecting the elevational pattern of species richness. In this study, using data of seed plants and their distribution ranges and a Digital Elevation Model data set, we explored altitudinal patterns of seed plant richness and quantified the effects of area and the mid-domain effect (MDE) on the richness patterns in a high mountain area, Gaoligong Mountains (ranging from 215 m to 5791 m a.s.l.) located in south-eastern Tibet, China. The results showed that richness and density (richness/log-transformed area) of seed plants at species, genus, and family levels all showed hump-shaped patterns along the altitudinal gradient. The altitudinal changes in richness of species with three different range sizes (< 500 m, 500–1500 m, and > 1500 m), species of different plant life-forms (trees, shrubs, and herbs), and endemic species further confirmed this finding. Analysis of Generalized Linear Model depicted that although the area of each elevational band was always in high correlation with the species richness, the MDE could explain 84.9%, 33.8%, 83.8%, and 84.5% of the total variation in richness for all species and the three species groups with different range sizes, respectively. This suggests that the MDE significantly influences the patterns of species richness and is likely be stronger for broad-ranged species than for narrow-ranged ones in the Gaoligong Mountains.  相似文献   

Geographic patterns of species richness are influenced by many factors, but the role of shared physiographical and physiological boundaries in relation to range-size distributions has been surprisingly neglected, in spite of the fact that such geometric constraints lead to mid-domain richness peaks even without environmental gradients (the mid-domain effect). Relying on null models, several recent studies have begun to quantify this problem using simulated and empirical data. This approach promises to transform how we perceive geographic variation in diversity, including the long unresolved latitudinal gradient in species richness. The question is not whether geometry affects such patterns, but by how much.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of wildfires on ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungal communities in Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris ) stands. Below- and above-ground communities were analysed in terms of species richness and evenness by examining mycorrhizas and sporocarps in a chronosequence of burned stands in comparison with adjacent unburned late-successional stands. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-region (rDNA) of mycobionts from single mycorrhizas was digested with three restriction enzymes and compared with an ITS–restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) reference database of EM sporocarps. Spatial variation seemed to be more prominent than the effects of fire on the EM fungal species composition. Most of the common species tended to be found in all sites, suggesting that EM fungal communities show a high degree of continuity following low-intensity wildfires. Species richness was not affected by fire, whereas the evenness of species distributions of mycorrhizas was lower in the burned stands. The diversity of EM fungi was relatively high considering that there were only three EM tree species present in the stands. In total, 135 EM taxa were identified on the basis of their RFLP patterns; 66 species were recorded as sporocarps, but only 11 of these were also recorded as mycorrhizas. The species composition of the below-ground community of EM fungi did not reflect that of the sporocarps produced. EM fungal species present in our ITS–RFLP reference database accounted for 54–99% of the total sporocarp production in the stands, but only 0–32% of the mycorrhizal abundance.  相似文献   

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