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尿液在哺乳动物间的化学通讯中具有重要作用。本研究采用顶空固相微萃取-气质联用(HS-SPME-GC/MS)方法分析四川短尾鼩尿液中挥发性物质化学组成。结果表明,(1)通过检索国家标准与技术研究所质谱库,发现四川短尾鼩尿液中的化学成分主要为醛类、醇类、酮类、杂环、酯类、烷烃类、芳香烃类、含硫化合物、烯烃类、酚类等86种化合物,并且不同个体气味包含特有的挥发性化合物;(2)雌雄个体尿液中分别特有的挥发性化合物共计10种,其中雌性特有6种,雄性特有4种,表明四川短尾鼩尿液的化学成分存在性别差异。雌性的尿液中挥发性化合物76种,雄性只有33种,说明四川短尾鼩尿液中化学信号雌性多于雄性;(3)四川短尾鼩尿液中不同化学成分相对含量不同,同一组分在不同个体间相对含量存在差异。本研究有助于揭示四川短尾鼩尿液挥发性成分的化学通讯功能,并为引诱剂的研制提供基础资料。  相似文献   

赵海鹏  张耀光  冉江波  赵海涛 《四川动物》2005,24(1):65-65,F003
多指(趾)畸形为常见的手足先天性畸形,六指(趾)畸形属多指(趾)畸形中占多数的一种。已有的文献对人类多指(趾)畸形有诸多报道,并从不同的角度进行了探讨。但是,人类以外的哺乳动物六趾畸形尤其四川短尾鼩(Anourosorcx sguamipes Milne-Edwards)六趾畸形未见报道。笔者于2004年6月10日15点左右在西南师范大学校园大门处采到一食虫目动物。采集时天降小雨,该动物沿着有浅积水的墙边行走,四肢运动频繁但速度缓慢。带回实验室经鉴定为四川短尾鼩(见封3图版,1),照相时发现前脚异常,  相似文献   

本文在中立竞技场中通过两两互作确定四川短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)同性个体间的社会等级,并在此基础上利用其尿液,研究不同社会等级个体的自我或非自我识别能力及模式、尿液气味的行为响应机制,以及社会等级识别能力。结果表明:(1)四川短尾鼩优势个体表现攻击行为较多,从属个体防御行为较多,优势个体的标记行为显著高于从属个体;攻击行为表现为同等级雄性高于同等级雌性,且雌性间的攻击强度低于雄性;(2)从属个体和优势个体分别对自身尿液气味和非自身尿液气味存在明显偏好差异;不同性别、等级个体自我识别模式差异不明显,不同社会等级个体对于自身识别模式和非自身尿液的行为反应模式均不同。不同社会等级个体具有自我识别能力且能力不同;(3)四川短尾鼩能够识别不同社会等级个体的尿液气味,雌性对雄性尿液更感兴趣,雄性对优势雄性尿液选择回避;雄性对其他个体的访问时间与嗅舔频次均显著高于雌性,雌雄个体在识别不同社会等级的尿液气味时存在性二型。  相似文献   

米志平 《四川动物》2008,27(1):105-106,F0003
对四川短尾鼩肝脏和胰腺的组织解剖结构进行了研究,结果表明:肝脏分为4叶,它们的肝实质完全分开.肝小叶的分界极不明显,1个肝小叶内的肝细胞大小不一致,靠近中央静脉的肝细胞体积较小,而肝小叶外围的肝细胞体积较大.胰腺的形态松散,无法区分出胰头、胰体和胰尾.胰腺小叶非常明显,大小不等.胰腺的组织结构包括外分泌部和胰岛两部分.  相似文献   

为给四川短尾鼩年龄鉴定提供科学合理的鉴定方法,对1996~2012年贵州省大方县捕获的134只四川短尾鼩(雌性86只,雄性48只)体重统计分析。结果表明:四川短尾鼩平均体重为(31.12±6.48)g。根据体重的频次分配特征,参照其繁殖状况,将四川短尾鼩划分为5个年龄组,制定了各年龄组的体重划分标准:幼年组(Ⅰ)体重≤23.0g,亚成年组(Ⅱ)23.1~28.0g,成年Ⅰ组(Ⅲ)28.1~33.0g,成年Ⅱ组(Ⅳ)33.1~38.0g,老年组(Ⅴ)>38.0g。体重与胴体重、体长之间具有极显著的正相关关系,依据体重与胴体重的回归方程,制定了各年龄组的胴体重划分标准:幼年组(Ⅰ)胴体重≤15.0g,亚成年组(Ⅱ)15.1~19.0g,成年Ⅰ组(Ⅲ)19.1~23.0g,成年Ⅱ组(Ⅳ)23.1~27.0g,老年组(Ⅴ)>27.0g。不同年龄组体重、胴体重之间具有显著差异,随着种群年龄的增长而不断增加。不同年龄组种群繁殖力存在显著差异,随着种群年龄的增长,种群繁殖力不断增加,参与种群繁殖的主要群体为成年Ⅰ组、成年Ⅱ组和老年组,平均怀孕率为37.10%,平均睾丸下降率为72.00%,平均繁殖指数为1.39。种群年龄组成具有明显的季节变化。  相似文献   

四川短尾鼩(Anourosorex squmipes)的怀孕期在每年的4、7 、9月,种群数量高峰为6月和10~11月。其种群数量的消长可分为种群潜伏期(3-4月)、盛发期(6、8、9月)、始衰期(10-11月)、凋落期(12、1、2月)以及数量间歇期(7月)和繁殖间歇期(5月)。该兽在田间是以个体群为基础的聚集型分布格局,并有高密度时低聚集和低密度时高聚集的分布特征。  相似文献   

本研究以四川短尾鼩Anourosorex squamipes为研究对象,首次对劳亚食虫目Eulipotyphla雄性尿液中2-庚酮的通讯功能进行报道。采用气相色谱-质谱联用分析去势雄性四川短尾鼩尿液中的挥发性成分,与正常雄性尿液进行对比,选取消失的化学成分中相对含量最高的作为候选信息素;采用阴道脱落细胞涂布验证候选信息素;将候选信息素对不同动情时期的雌性进行行为选择实验。结果表明:与正常雄性尿液中的132种挥发性化学成分对比,去势雄性尿液中有21种成分消失,其中,2-庚酮相对含量最高;与去势尿液和蒸馏水比较,在正常尿液和2-庚酮处理条件下,雌性的发情比例更高且时间更长;除潜伏期外的6项行为参数在不同动情时期均有显著/极显著的差异。这表明2-庚酮是四川短尾鼩的一种雄性信息素,对同种雌性具有化学通讯功能。本研究为四川短尾鼩信息素作为引诱剂应用于有害动物的防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

2014年4-9月,通过铗夜法对12种不同生境内的四川短尾鼩种群数量进行了调查,依据捕获率的大小及生境的干扰程度分析四川短尾鼩的生境选择倾向。利用人工捕捉模拟种群干扰,分别在干扰1个月、2个月、3个月、4个月时间之后,监测荒草地、废弃梨树林、灌丛和绿化林4种代表性生境内四川短尾鼩的种群数量、年龄结构、性比的变化,进而分析四川短尾鼩对人为干扰的生态响应。结果显示:(1)四川短尾鼩在12种典型生境中,按捕获率的大小依次分为4个等级:绿化林>废弃梨树林、景观林、荒草地、桉树林、蔬菜地、灌丛>人居村落、废弃葡萄园>竹林,葡萄园,油菜地;(2)四川短尾鼩的生境选择倾向为:异质性适中、适度干扰、竞争较低的生境>异质性较低、干扰较高的生境(宜觅食、竞争弱)或异质性较高、干扰较低的生境(宜栖身、竞争弱)>高竞争的生境>异质性低或强烈干扰或二者兼有的生境。(3)干扰之初,所有生境中四川短尾鼩种群密度明显降低,干扰2个月之后其种群数量均可恢复到正常状态;干扰后性比平均值增加3.52%,怀孕率变化不显著;全部生境中,成体组比例平均降低1.71%,老年组减少7.53%;幼年组的比例平均增长2.33%,亚成体增加6.91%。幼体和亚成体比例的增加,使种群数量在一定时间内保持稳定增长。  相似文献   

利用生物显微技术观察和研究了四川短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)唾液腺的组织结构。结果表明,腮腺属纯浆液腺,有闰管和分泌管,无颗粒曲管;颌下腺属混合腺,以混合性腺泡为主,有少量浆液性腺泡和黏液性腺泡,有闰管、颗粒曲管和分泌管;舌下腺属纯黏液腺,有闰管和分泌管,无颗粒曲管,但在分泌管上存在有颗粒曲管细胞。  相似文献   

2009年9月,在广东省南岭国家级自然保护区石坑崆(24°55’7″N,112°59’4″E;海拔1831~1895m)进行动物考察时采集到一批兽类标本。经鉴定,其中鼩猬(Neotetracus sinensis)和短尾鼩  相似文献   

Diet analysis of potential small mammals pest species is important for understanding feeding ecology and evaluating their impact on crops and stored foods. Chinese mole shrew (Anourosorex squamipes), distributed in Southwest China, has previously been reported as a farmland pest. Effective population management of this species requires a better understanding of its diet, which can be difficult to determine with high taxonomic resolution using conventional microhistological methods. In this study, we used two DNA metabarcoding assays to identify 38 animal species and 65 plant genera from shrew stomach contents, which suggest that A. squamipes is an omnivorous generalist. Earthworms are the most prevalent (>90%) and abundant (>80%) food items in the diverse diet of A. squamipes. Species of the Fabaceae (frequency of occurrence [FO]: 88%; such as peanuts) and Poaceae (FO: 71%; such as rice) families were the most common plant foods identified in the diet of A. squamipes. Additionally, we found a seasonal decrease in the diversity and abundance of invertebrate foods from spring and summer to winter. Chinese mole shrew has a diverse and flexible diet throughout the year to adapt to seasonal variations in food availability, contributing to its survival even when food resources are limited. This study provides a higher resolution identification of the diet of A. squamipes than has been previously described and is valuable for understanding shrew feeding ecology as well as evaluating possible species impacts on crops.  相似文献   

根据2001至2015年对云南省30个县(市)的现场调查,本文对短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)体表螨类(革螨和恙螨)的感染状况和相关生态规律进行了初步分析.常规统计短尾鼩体表螨类的构成比(Cr)、感染率(PM)、平均多度(MA)和感染度(MI).用Jaccard相似性系数(J)比较螨类物种相似度....  相似文献   

The orbital Harderian gland of the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis) was investigated at the macroscopic and microscopic levels. In the glands of both sexes only one acinar cell type was found. The cell is characterized by the presence of numerous lipid vacuoles of variable size and by a small number of PAS-positive, electron-dense granules distributed throughout the cytoplasm, which are predominant at the basal portion of each acinar cell. The duct system is well developed within the gland. The content of lipid vacuoles within the acinar cells is secreted from the apical portions by exocytosis, indicating the exocrine function of the organ. Apart from the lipid vacuoles, both acinar and ductal luminal contents of the Harderian gland also contain accretion of electron-dense materials. The vascularization within the Harderian gland is unique in that two capillary types (small fenestrated and irregular sinusoidal capillaries) could be demonstrated. The presence of fenestrated capillaries together with other morphological features (such as accumulation of the small electron-dense granules at the basal pole and the presence of basolateral microvilli) near the basal portion of the acinar cells suggest that the Harderian gland in T. glis might also be involved in an endocrine function.  相似文献   

正尿液是动物新陈代谢的产物,在动物的化学通讯中发挥着重要作用,动物依靠它识别个体,选择高质量的配偶,判断亲缘关系,吸引异性等,以增加个体的适合度(Macdonald and Brown,1985)。各种动物尿液的化学成分复杂,含有挥发性和非挥发性两类化学信号物质。尿液的化学组成和其功能在许多动物中已进行报道,如大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)(刘玉良等,2012)、水獭(Arvicola  相似文献   

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common skin cancer worldwide,with incidence rates continuing to increase.Ultraviolet radiation is the major environmental risk factor and dysregulation of the Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway has been identified in most BCCs.The treatment of locally advancedand metastatic BBCs is still a challenge and requires a better animal model than the widely used rodents for drug development and testing.Chinese tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri chinensis) are closely related to primates,bearing many physiological and biochemical advantages over rodents for characterizing human diseases.Here,we successfully established a Chinese tree shrew BCC model by infecting tail skins with lentiviral SmoA1,an active form of Smoothened (Smo) used to constitutively activate the Hh signaling pathway.The pathological characteristics were verified by immunohistochemical analysis.Interestingly,BCC progress was greatly enhanced by the combined usage of lentiviral SmoA1 and shRNA targeting Chinese tree shrew p53.This work provides a useful animal model for further BCC studies and future drug discoveries.  相似文献   

While the recent release of the Chinese tree shrew(Tupaia belangeri chinensis) genome has made the tree shrew an increasingly viable experimental animal model for biomedical research, further study of the genome may facilitate new insights into the applicability of this model. For example, though the tree shrew has a rapid rate of speed and strong jumping ability, there are limited studies on its locomotion ability. In this study we used the available Chinese tree shrew genome information and compared the evolutionary pattern of 407 locomotion system related orthologs among five mammals(human, rhesus monkey, mouse, rat and dog) and the Chinese tree shrew. Our analyses identified 29 genes with significantly high ω(Ka/Ks ratio) values and 48 amino acid sites in 14 genes showed significant evidence of positive selection in the Chinese tree shrew. Some of these positively selected genes, e.g. HOXA6(homeobox A6) and AVP(arginine vasopressin), play important roles in muscle contraction or skeletal morphogenesis. These results provide important clues in understanding the genetic bases of locomotor adaptation in the Chinese tree shrew.  相似文献   

The Chinese tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis) is a small experimental animal with a close affinity to primates. This species has long been proposed to be an alternative experimental animal to primates in biomedical research. Despite decades of study, there is no pure breed for this animal, and the overall genetic diversity of wild tree shrews remains largely unknown. In order to obtain a set of genetic markers for evaluating the genetic diversity of tree shrew wild populations and tracing the lineages in inbreeding populations, we developed 12 polymorphic microsatellite markers from the genomic DNA of the tree shrew. An analysis of a wild population of 117 individuals collected from the suburb of Kunming, China, showed that these loci exhibited a highly expected heterozygosity (0.616). These 12 microsatellites were sufficient for individual identification and parentage analysis. The microsatellite markers developed in this study will be of use in evaluating genetic diversity and lineage tracing for the tree shrew.  相似文献   

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