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A penicillinase mutant penP102, isolated after ICR (acridine mustard) mutagenesis of Bacillus licheniformis strain 749/C, retains about 50% of the wild-type penicillinase specific activity. The penicillinase produced by this mutant differs from the wild-type protein in its sensitivity to pH and its electrophoretic behaviour. The penP102 mutation appears to have several other phenotypic effects, including an increase in the efficiency of release of the extracellular form of the enzyme.The penP102 penicillinase has been purified and its amino acid sequence compared to that of the wild-type enzyme. The mutation has resulted in the replacement of the last three amino acids of the wild-type enzyme and the addition of 17 residues at the carboxy-terminus. Comparison of the wild-type and mutant amino acid sequences shows that the mutational event is a single nucleotide deletion from the codon for asparagine265. Consideration of the possible nucleotide sequence for the region beyond the carboxy-terminus of the wild-type protein shows that there are no possible termination codons until four and six triplets beyond the codon for the carboxy-terminal lysine, indicating that the carboxy-terminus of the wild-type extracellular penicillinase is generated by proteolytic cleavage of a larger precursor protein.  相似文献   



The evolution of type II MADS box genes has been extensively studied in angiosperms. One of the best-understood subfamilies is that of the Arabidopsis gene APETALA3 (AP3). Previous work has demonstrated that the ancestral paleo AP3 lineage was duplicated at some point within the basal eudicots to give rise to the paralogous TM6 and eu AP3 lineages. This event was followed in eu AP3 orthologs by the replacement of the C-terminal paleoAP3 motif with the derived euAP3 motif. It has been suggested that the new motif was created by an eight-nucleotide insertion that produced a translational frameshift.  相似文献   

The major physiological role of the serine protease inhibitor alpha 1-antitrypsin (alpha 1-AT) is to protect elastic fibers in the lung from excessive hydrolysis by neutrophil elastase. Genetic deficiency of alpha 1-AT predisposes individuals toward the development of emphysema. We have cloned and characterized a mutant alpha 1-AT gene from an individual exhibiting a total absence of immunoreactive alpha 1-AT in serum. Nucleotide sequence analysis of this "null" allele has demonstrated a TC dinucleotide deletion within the codon for Leu318 in exon IV. This frame-shift mutation results in the generation of a premature termination codon at residue 334, which is upstream of the active inhibitory site. To determine the biochemical basis of the null phenotype, the mutant and normal genes were transferred into mouse hepatoma cells for expression analysis. Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that the mutant gene is expressed into a truncated protein of 45 kDa, which is retained within the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The complete lack of secretion of the truncated protein is consistent with the absence of immunoreactive alpha 1-AT in the patient's serum. In addition, a G to A transition was identified in exon II of the mutant gene, changing the codon for Arg101 to His101. Finally, an A to C transversion was identified in exon V changing the codon for Glu376 to Asp376. Since the latter conservative amino acid substitution has previously been identified in the common PiM2 variant, the frame-shift mutation might have occurred on a PiM2 background chromosome. Using the birthplace of this index case, this mutant alpha 1-AT allele has been designated "nullHong Kong."  相似文献   

A highly specific microarray method for point mutation detection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Improvements of microarray techniques for genotyping purposes have focused on increasing the reliability of this method. Here we report the development of a genotyping method where a microarray was spotted with stemloop probes, especially designed to optimize the hybridization specificity of complementary DNA sequences. This accurate method was used to screen for four common disease-causing mutations involved in a neurological disorder called Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT). Healthy individuals' and patients' DNA were amplified and labeled by PCR and hybridized on microarray. The spot signal intensities were 81 to 408 times greater for perfect compared with mismatched target sequences, differing by only one nucleotide (discrimination ratio) for healthy individual "homozygous" DNA. On the other hand, "heterozygous" mutant DNA samples gave rise to signal intensity ratios close to 1, as expected. The genotypes obtained by this method were perfectly consistent with those determined by direct PCR sequencing. Cross-hybridization rates were very low, resulting in further multiplexing improvements. In this study, we also demonstrated the feasibility of real-time hybridization detection of labeled synthetic oligonucleotides with concentrations as low as 2.5 nM.  相似文献   

Slechta ES  Liu J  Andersson DI  Roth JR 《Genetics》2002,161(3):945-956
In the genetic system of Cairns and Foster, a nongrowing population of an E. coli lac frameshift mutant appears to specifically accumulate Lac(+) revertants when starved on medium including lactose (adaptive mutation). This behavior has been attributed to stress-induced general mutagenesis in a subpopulation of starved cells (the hypermutable state model). We have suggested that, on the contrary, stress has no direct effect on mutability but favors only growth of cells that amplify their leaky mutant lac region (the amplification mutagenesis model). Selection enhances reversion primarily by increasing the mutant lac copy number within each developing clone on the selection plate. The observed general mutagenesis is attributed to a side effect of growth with an amplification-induction of SOS by DNA fragments released from a tandem array of lac copies. Here we show that the S. enterica version of the Cairns system shows SOS-dependent general mutagenesis and behaves in every way like the original E. coli system. In both systems, lac revertants are mutagenized during selection. Eliminating the 35-fold increase in mutation rate reduces revertant number only 2- to 4-fold. This discrepancy is due to continued growth of amplification cells until some clones manage to revert without mutagenesis solely by increasing their lac copy number. Reversion in the absence of mutagenesis is still dependent on RecA function, as expected if it depends on lac amplification (a recombination-dependent process). These observations support the amplification mutagenesis model.  相似文献   

Sagher D  Hsu A  Strauss B 《Mutation research》1999,423(1-2):73-77
A mismatch repair, proofreading deficient mutant of Escherichia coli lost a C from a C8 run at a rate 10 times higher than the loss of A from an A8 sequence in the same double mutant. This greater frameshift instability of a homopolymeric run of C's may be due to stabilization of a stacked intermediate. Gain of a (CA) unit in a similarly constructed (CA)15 sequence occurred at a rate about 1/3 that previously reported for a (CA)14 construct losing a (CA) repeat unit.  相似文献   

An easy-to-compute statistic for estimating the ascertainment probability is proposed. This statistic is determined through the use of the maximum-likelihood principle and, therefore, in addition to being easy to compute, has the desirable properties of a maximum-likelihood statistic. Variance tables are given to facilitate computation of the estimate and its variance.  相似文献   

Estimating the prevalence or the absolute probability of the presence of a species from presence‐background data has become a controversial topic in species distribution modelling. In this paper, we propose a new method by combining both statistics and machine learning algorithms that helps overcome some of the known existing problems. We have also revisited the popular but highly controversial Lele and Keim (LK) method by evaluating its performance and assessing the RSPF condition it relies on. Simulations show that the LK method with the RSPF assumptions would render fragile estimation/prediction of the desired probabilities. Rather, we propose the local knowledge condition, which relaxes the predetermined population prevalence condition that has so often been used in much of the existing literature. Simulations demonstrate the performance of the new method utilizing the local knowledge assumption to successfully estimate the probability of presence. The local knowledge extends the local certainty or the prototypical presence location assumption, and has significant implications for demonstrating the necessary condition for identifying absolute (rather than relative) probability of presence from presence background without absence data in species distribution modelling.  相似文献   

Innan H 《Genetics》2002,161(2):865-872
A simple two-locus gene conversion model is considered to investigate the amounts of DNA variation and linkage disequilibrium in small multigene families. The exact solutions for the expectations and variances of the amounts of variation within and between two loci are obtained. It is shown that gene conversion increases the amount of variation within each locus and decreases the amount of variation between two loci. The expectation and variance of the amount of linkage disequilibrium are also obtained. Gene conversion generates positive linkage disequilibrium and the degree of linkage disequilibrium decreases as the recombination rate is increased. Using the theoretical results, a method for estimating the mutation, gene conversion, and recombination parameters is developed and applied to the data of the Amy multigene family in Drosophila melanogaster. The gene conversion rate is estimated to be approximately 60-165 times higher than the mutation rate for synonymous sites.  相似文献   

The probability that one molecule will collide with another is calculated for the case in which the molecule is confined to equally spaced rings about the second larger molecule except when it jumps from one ring to the next. The result is practically the same as that obtained for an infinitesimal mean free path, not having first-order terms in the ratio of the mean free path to the particle radius as does the result of the calculations of R. Wijsman (1952).  相似文献   

A form of albinism in cattle is caused by a tyrosinase frameshift mutation   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
We used PCR amplification of cDNA prepared from skin biopsies to determine the full-length protein-coding sequence of tyrosinase (TYR) in cattle of several coat colors. An insertion of a cytosine was detected in an albino Braunvieh calf, which resulted in a frameshift which caused a premature stop codon at residue 316. This insertion was found in the homozygous state in this calf and the genomic DNA of two related albino calves. All six parents of these calves were heterozygous for this insertion. However, an albino Holstein calf did not have this insertion, nor was any other mutation detected in the partial TYR sequence obtained from the genomic DNA available. Diagnostic genotyping tests were developed to detect this mutation in Braunvieh cattle.  相似文献   

Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD), which is caused by mutations of the core binding factor alpha 1 (CBFA1)/runt-related gene 2 (Runx2), is an autosomal, dominantly inherited disorder of high penetrance affecting skeletal ossification and tooth development. Recently, we found a novel frameshift mutation 383-T-insertion (S128F) in exon 3 in the CBFA1 gene of a Japanese classic CCD patient. We describe our detailed investigation of the patient with CCD associated with the CBFA1 mutation. The patient showed the characteristic expression of CCD, such as dysplasia of the clavicles, patent fontanelles, short stature, impacted supernumerary teeth, and delayed eruption of the permanent teeth. In addition to these characteristics, orthopantomography delayed ossification of the mandibular symphysis and a three-dimensional computed tomograph (3D-CT) analysis showed hypoplasia of the zygomatic arch. Furthermore, the acellular cementum of an impacted supernumerary tooth was absent in this patient. Thus, the CBFA1 mutation was critical for the pathogenesis of CCD in this patient.  相似文献   

Assigning a probability for paternity in apparent cases of mutation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Any direct estimator of mutation in a human population is subject to error due to nonpaternity. This paper deals with the quantification of this error by producing, under certain assumptions, the probability for paternity. In addition, a new direct estimator of the mutation rate is introduced.  相似文献   

Dudoit S  Fridlyand J 《Genome biology》2002,3(7):research0036.1-research003621


Microarray technology is increasingly being applied in biological and medical research to address a wide range of problems, such as the classification of tumors. An important statistical problem associated with tumor classification is the identification of new tumor classes using gene-expression profiles. Two essential aspects of this clustering problem are: to estimate the number of clusters, if any, in a dataset; and to allocate tumor samples to these clusters, and assess the confidence of cluster assignments for individual samples. Here we address the first of these problems.  相似文献   

A composite mouse androgen receptor DNA sequence was obtained by amplifying genomic DNA or cDNA using the polymerase chain reaction. The open reading frame was 2,697 basepairs, encoding a polypeptide of 899 amino acids (98,204 mol wt). Amino acid sequence comparisons indicated that the mouse androgen receptor (AR) is 97% homologous with rat AR and 83% with human AR. The amino acid sequences of the three receptors are identical within the DNA- and steroid-binding domains. Northern blot analysis revealed the predominant mouse AR mRNA to be 10 kilobases (kb). A 1.7-kb mRNA species was detected in mouse kidney using a cDNA probe containing only 5' untranslated AR sequence. Lack of hybridization with AR-coding sequence probes suggested that the 1.7-kb mRNA was not a truncated form of AR mRNA. Sequencing of genomic DNA isolated from testicular feminized (Tfm) mice revealed a single base deletion in the N-terminal domain, resulting in a frameshift mutation. Cycloheximide treatment caused a dramatic increase in AR mRNA in kidneys of Tfm mice, but not wild-type mice, suggesting that the Tfm mutation results in an unstable AR mRNA.  相似文献   

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