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  1. Plants live in environments where they are constantly, and often simultaneously, exposed to different types of biotic and abiotic stress, such as insect herbivory and water availability. How plants are adapted to abiotic conditions may determine how a surplus or shortage of water affects plant resistance to insect herbivory. Moreover, this effect may vary depending on the feeding mode of the herbivore.
  2. We explored how three closely related Rorippa plant species that vary in adaptations to different water levels, resist herbivory by four different insects (aphids: Myzus persicae, Lipaphis erysimi, and caterpillars: Pieris brassicae, Plutella xylostella) under waterlogging or drought conditions. We hypothesized that plants that are differently adapted to water availability will be disparately affected by water availability in their resistance to insect herbivory.
  3. On the semi-aquatic plant species Rorippa amphibia, both aphid species reached a larger colony size under drought conditions. This indicates that R. amphibia was compromised in resistance to aphid feeding when under drought conditions, to which it is less well adapted. Water conditions did not affect aphid performance on the flood-plain species Rorippa palustris. On the terrestrial plant species Rorippa sylvestris, aphids performed worse on waterlogged than drought-treated plants. Neither caterpillar species was significantly affected by the water availability of their food plant.
  4. Our findings suggest that water availability can have distinct effects on plant–insect interactions. We propose that plant adaptations to water conditions can be a major predictor towards explaining the variation of effects that water availability can have on plant–insect interactions.

Variation in plant performance between microhabitats is usually attributed to direct mechanisms, such as plant physiological tolerances or competitive interactions. However, indirect mechanisms, such as differences in herbivore pressure mediated by microhabitat differences, could create the same pattern of variation. In this study, we investigated the effect of insect herbivore pressure on the growth of the grassland cactus Opuntia fragilis under different regimes of grassland canopy cover. Our purpose was to establish the extent to which canopy cover plays a direct, competitive role versus an indirect, mediatory role in cactus growth. We manipulated aboveground microhabitat, specifically the cover of adjacent grasses. The three treatments were: (1) open canopy, with grass pinned down away from the cactus; (2) shaded canopy, with a partial mesh cage staked over the cactus; and (3) ambient grass canopy. We measured seasonal plant growth and recorded changes in insect herbivore occurrence and damage in relation to cover. Cactus growth, defined as the change in number of live cladodes, was higher in the open than under either treatment where the plant was more shaded (P<0.05). However, allocation to new growth, measured as the proportion of new segments (cladodes) in a patch, did not differ among cover treatments. Thus, the hypothesis that physiological constraints, or competition for light, limited cactus performance in grass is rejected. Instead, we found that both cladode mortality, caused by the larvae of a cactus moth borer (Melitara dentata), and occurrence of the moth were lower in the open microhabitat than in either shaded microhabitat. Thus, higher net growth in the open, unshaded treatment, rather than representing a release from competition for light with grasses, was better explained as an indirect effect of grass cover on the activity and impact of the cactus moth. These results show that indirect effects can lead to a misinterpretation of experimental data on direct effects. These data also contribute to an improved understanding of mixed results in the biological control of weedy cacti. Clearly, future evaluations of the relative importance of physiology, competition, and insect herbivory in plant performance must be environmentally explicit.  相似文献   

Summary Centaurea maculosa seedlings were grown in pots to study the effects of root herbivory by Agapeta zoegana L. (Lep.: Cochylidae) and Cyphocleonus achates Fahr. (Col.: Curculionidae), grass competition and nitrogen shortage (each present or absent), using a full factorial design. The aims of the study were to analyse the impact of root herbivory on plant growth, resource allocation and physiological processes, and to test if these plant responses to herbivory were influenced by plant competition and nitrogen availability. The two root herbivores differed markedly in their impact on plant growth. While feeding by the moth A. zoegana in the root cortex had no effect on shoot and root mass, feeding by the weevil C. achates in the central vascular tissue greatly reduced shoot mass, but not root mass, leading to a reduced shoot/root ratio. The absence of significant effects of the two herbivores on root biomass, despite considerable consumption, indicates that compensatory root growth occurred. Competition with grass affected plant growth more than herbivory and nutrient status, resulting in reduced shoot and root growth, and number of leaves. Nitrogen shortage did not affect plant growth directly but greatly influenced the compensatory capacity of Centaurea maculosa to root herbivory. Under high nitrogen conditions, shoot biomass of plants infested by the weevil was reduced by 30% compared with uninfested plants. However, under poor nitrogen conditions a 63% reduction was observed compared with corresponding controls. Root herbivory was the most important stress factor affecting plant physiology. Besides a relative increase in biomass allocation to the roots, infested plants also showed a significant increase in nitrogen concentration in the roots and a concomitant reduction in leaf nitrogen concentration, reflecting a redirection of the nitrogen to the stronger sink. The level of fructans was greatly reduced in the roots after herbivore feeding. This is thought to be a consequence of their mobilisation to support compensatory root growth. A preliminary model linking the effects of these root herbivores to the physiological processes of C. maculosa is presented.  相似文献   

Sporadic patchy die-off of bush lupine, Lupinus arboreus, has long been known. We describe in detail a series of these incidents on the central California coast, based upon observational and comparative evidence. Stands of thousands of plants die, while nearby mature plants live on. In some sites, repeated die-off followed by regeneration from the seed bank has led to the cover and density of this woody, perennial plant fluctuating widely over the 40 year period for which records exist. Root damage by caterpillars of the ghost moth or swift Hepialus californicus (Lepidoptera, Hepialidae) is a major cause of individual bush death and a probable cause of die-off of stands of lupine. Hidden from view underground, a few of these insects readily kill a juvenile or young mature plant by girdling and reaming-out roots. The mass mortality of L. arboreus that we observed involved heavy root damage by these caterpillars in evenaged stands of plants in their first (1.5-year-old) or second (2.5-year-old) flowering season. The injured plants set seed before dying. Older, larger bush lupines better withstood root damage. In plants aged 3 or more years, damage and mortality were correlated with the intensity of ghost moth caterpillars in the roots. At the highest intensity (mean = 37.5, maximum = 62 caterpillars/root), a stand of large, old L. arboreus suffered 41% mortality; 45% of root cambium (median value) was destroyed by feeding caterpillars. Mass death of mature L. arboreus was not correlated with folivory, and leaf damage ranged from nil to moderate in instances of die-off. The western tussock moth, Orgyia vetusta, accounted for the highest levels of folivory, but this insect was rare when die-offs occurred. The lowest lupine mortality rates in our study occurred where tussock caterpillar intensities were high and where plants were repeatedly defoliated by this insect. However, experimental defoliation by high, but realistic, intensities of tussock moth caterpillars resulted in some mortality of mature bushes, and the combined effects of leaf and root herbivory have yet to be assessed. In its natural range on the California coast, bush lupine has several additional species of insect herbivores that can be locally abundant and injurious to the plant, although none is associated with die-off. Subterranean natural enemies of ghost moth caterpillars may play a role in the patchy waxing and waning of this shrub. Locally, a new species of entomophagous nematode (Heterorhabditis sp.) cause high mortality in the soil, before ghost moth caterpillars have entered the root. This natural enemy may thus afford lupines protection from heavy underground herbivory.  相似文献   

Food acceptance by larvae of two lepidopteran species feeding on Rosaceae, viz. Yponomeuta evonymellus (monophagous) and Y. padellus (oligophagous), was compared. The influence of seasonal changes in plants as food for both insects was examined, in particular, the effects of nitrogen and sorbitol in leaves. In the laboratory, Y. evonymellus accepts Crataegus monogyna, a host plant of Y. padellus, and Y. padellus accepts Prunus padus, the host plant of Y. evonymellus. P. padus is the most suitable food plant for Y. evonymellus. No difference in food-quality for Y. padellus was found between C. monogyna and P. padus. The performance of both species on P. padus is less influenced by seasonal changes than on Crataegus. The suitability of Crataegus decreases during the season. This is probably caused by the decrease of its nitrogen content, and not by the decrease of sorbitol in the plant. The monophagous, Y. evonymellus, is more sensitive to seasonal changes in its food when fed with a non host plant than the oligophagous Y. padellus. In oviposition experiments both species have a preference for their normal host-plants.  相似文献   

We explored consequences of spatial and temporal heterogeneity in herbivory on the survival, growth, and reproduction of the Californian native dune thistle, Cirsium occidentale, in coastal and inland sites, for 2 years. We assessed the relative impacts of insect and mammalian herbivores and compared the relative importance of herbivory in coastal and inland habitats and among locations with different microclimates across a coastal dune. Effects of insect and mammalian herbivores were tested with a combination of insecticidal spray and cage exclusion treatments in a factorial experiment at the coastal site. Mammalian herbivores strongly affected the population dynamics of C. occidentale in both years, and their effects were augmented by fungal infection (1991), herbivory by stem-borers (1990) and, to a lesser extent, by insect seed predators in both years. Mammals caused most plant deaths, but the mammal species responsible differed among sites. Rabbit herbivory altered the vegetative growth of coastal thistles and significantly modified other key aspects of Cirsium demography, including growth rate and timing of reproduction. Small, uncaged plants grazed by rabbits took at least 1 year longer to mature than did caged plants. Larvae of Pyrausta subsequalis were the only insects that killed established plants. In 1990 and 1991, the numbers of insects damaging seed heads before dispersal were low, but were sufficient to cause receptacle and seed damage. The number of mature, undamaged seeds (and percent successful seed production) was reduced significantly only for heads infested by fungi near the ocean in 1991: the fungus occurred in 37% of heads and caused a 77% reduction in mature seeds. Received: 21 October 1996 / Accepted: 27 March 1997  相似文献   

以入侵植物空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb)、本土近缘种莲子草(Alternan-thera sessilis(L.)DC)、生防昆虫莲草直胸跳甲(Agasicles hygrophila(Selman&Vogt))和本地昆虫虾钳菜披龟甲(Cassida pi...  相似文献   

Recently the role of micro-organisms as mediators of plant-herbivore interactions has been increasingly acknowledged in ecological research. We investigated the interaction between an unspecialized root fungal endophyte (Acremonium strictum) and the polyphagous moth Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in greenhouse and laboratory bioassays. Specifically we examined in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) the systemic effects of the endophytic fungus on the host selection behaviour of female moths for oviposition and the volatile profiles of host plants to understand the mechanisms acting in this multi-trophic model system. Both laboratory and field strains of H. armigera moths oviposited more on leaves of A. strictum inoculated plants as compared to endophyte-free plants, both in free flight cages and in tethered moth laboratory experiments; the moth’s preferences were significant between 10 and 18 days after inoculation. The analysis of volatile profiles showed strong quantitative differences between treatments. Endophyte inoculated plants emitted diverse terpenes and sesquiterpenes at significantly lower amounts as compared to endophyte free-plants, except for α-terpinene, which did not differ between the treatments, and trans-β-caryophyllene, which was emitted in significantly higher amounts on inoculated plants. β-Thujene and α-phellandrene accounted for 73.3 and 12.0% of total amounts of volatiles emitted from endophyte-free and inoculated plants, respectively. Our findings demonstrate that A. strictum is able to systemically influence the host selection of H. armigera moths for oviposition; conceivably mediated by the induced changes in volatile emissions (and probably additional biochemical parameters of the host plants, which have not been analysed so far). We argue for a more detailed assessment of micro-organisms invisibly colonizing plants, when studying plant-herbivore or multitrophic interactions.  相似文献   

Summary I used a factorial experiment repeated in two years to assess the relative effects of natural enemy attack, interspecific competition, and water availability to the host plant, and of interactions among these factors, on the population dynamics of the aphid Aphis varians feeding on fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium). The impact of a suite of coccinellid and syrphid predators emerged as the predominant factor affecting the success of aphid colonies: colonies protected from natural enemies grew in size at a rate of ten percent per day, were only one tenth as likely to go extinct, and produced over ten times more dispersing alates. In contrast, I found only minor effects of removing flea beetles, the most abundant herbivore with which A. varians colonies cohabit fireweed stems, and of supplementing water availability to fireweed host plants, in spite of a significant effect of watering frequency on aphid growth in the green-house. There was no evidence of significant two- or three-way interactions among factors. Hence, despite the potential complexity of the food web in which it is embedded, the dynamics of A. varians appears to be driven predominantly by a single factor, i.e. interactions with natural enemies.  相似文献   

The majority of studies exploring interactions between above- and below-ground biota have been focused on the effects of root-associated organisms on foliar herbivorous insects. This study examined the effects of foliar herbivory by Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) on the performance of the root herbivore Delia radicum L. (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) and its parasitoid Trybliographa rapae (Westwood) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae), mediated through a shared host plant Brassica nigra L. (Brassicaceae). In the presence of foliar herbivory, the survival of D. radicum and T. rapae decreased significantly by more than 50%. In addition, newly emerged adults of both root herbivores and parasitoids were significantly smaller on plants that had been exposed to foliar herbivory than on control plants. To determine what factor(s) may have accounted for the observed results, we examined the effects of foliar herbivory on root quantity and quality. No significant differences in root biomass were found between plants with and without shoot herbivore damage. Moreover, concentrations of nitrogen in root tissues were also unaffected by shoot damage by P. brassicae larvae. However, higher levels of indole glucosinolates were measured in roots of plants exposed to foliar herbivory, suggesting that the development of the root herbivore and its parasitoid may be, at least partly, negatively affected by increased levels of these allelochemicals in root tissues. Our results show that foliar herbivores can affect the development not only of root-feeding insects but also their natural enemies. We argue that such indirect interactions between above- and below-ground biota may play an important role in the structuring and functioning of communities.  相似文献   

In this study, interactive effects of plant competition and herbivory on plant quality and herbivore development were examined in a greenhouse experiment where cabbage plants [Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata (Brassicaceae)] were intercropped with red clover [Trifolium pratense L. (Fabaceae)]. Cabbages were grown with two red clover densities and attack rates by the root feeding herbivore the turnip root fly, Delia floralis Fall. (Diptera: Anthomyiidae). Above ground and below ground cabbage biomass was reduced through intercropping and larval damage. Intercropping also resulted in lower nitrogen and higher carbon root levels compared with levels in the roots of monocultured cabbage. Furthermore, both root nitrogen and carbon levels increased with herbivory. Root neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and lignin content increased in response to both increased plant competition and higher egg densities. For lignin, an interaction effect was observed in the form of elevated levels in intercropped plants subjected to larval damage, while levels in roots of monocultured cabbage remained unchanged. The quality changes brought about by clover competition affected D. floralis development negatively, which resulted in reduced pupal weight. In addition, increased egg density also decreased larval growth. The effects on the development of D. floralis in relation to host plant quality are discussed. Handling editor: Gimme Walter  相似文献   

1. Understanding the degree to which populations and communities are limited by both bottom‐up and top‐down effects is still a major challenge for ecologists, and manipulation of plant quality, for example, can alter herbivory rates in plants. In addition, biotic defence by ants can directly influence the populations of herbivores, as demonstrated by increased rates of herbivory or increased herbivore density after ant exclusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate bottom‐up and top‐down effects on herbivory rates in a mutualistic ant‐plant. 2. In this study, the role of Azteca alfari ants as biotic defence in individuals of Cecropia pachystachya was investigated experimentally with a simultaneous manipulation of both bottom‐up (fertilisation) and top‐down (ant exclusion) factors. Four treatments were used in a fully factorial design, with 15 replicates for each treatment: (i) control plants, without manipulation; (ii) fertilised plants, ants not manipulated; (iii) unfertilised plants and excluded ants and (iv) fertilised plants and ants excluded. 3. Fertilisation increased the availability of foliar nitrogen in C. pachystachya, and herbivory rates by chewing insects were significantly higher in fertilised plants with ants excluded. 4. Herbivory, however, was more influenced by bottom‐up effects – such as the quality of the host plant – than by top‐down effects caused by ants as biotic defences, reinforcing the crucial role of leaf nutritional quality for herbivory levels experienced by plants. Conditionality in ant defence under increased nutritional quality of leaves through fertilisation might explain increased levels of herbivory in plants with higher leaf nitrogen.  相似文献   

We aimed to demonstrate an indirect relationship between a mammalian herbivore (sika deer) and herbivorous insects on the induced responses of a shared host plant, Viburnum dilatatum. Field studies were conducted at three sites (i.e. two islands and one mainland) and within a deer exclusion area. One island, Kinkazan (Kz) Island, harbored a high density of deer while the other sites (controls) had no deer or very low densities of deer. The deer exclusion area had been established approximately 10years earlier on Kz. We collected leaves above the browsing line of the deer and measured leaf hardness and tannin concentration. Leaf damage by insects was used as a measure of insect abundance. Leaves collected at Kz were harder than those from one of the control sites and from inside the deer exclusion area, while no difference was detected among the other controls and inside the exclusion area. In contrast, the tannin concentration of leaves from Kz was lower than in leaves from the control site. Leaf damage by herbivorous insects was lower in Kz than the other study sites. In addition, hole-type leaf damage tended to be higher inside, rather than outside, the exclusion area. These results suggest the possibility that deer browsing increased leaf hardness, which exerted an indirect negative effect on the herbivorous insects utilizing the common host plant. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide evidence of indirect negative effects between mammalian herbivores and herbivorous insects sharing a host plant.  相似文献   

Summary We tested predictions of sex allocation theory with a series of field experiments on sex allocation in an herbivorous, haplodiploid, sawfly, Euura lasiolepis. Our experiments demonstrated the following points. 1) Adult females allocated progeny sex in response to plant growth. 2) Population sex ratios varied in response to plant quality, being male-biased where plant growth was slow and female-biased where plant growth was rapid. 3) Family sex ratios varied in response to plant quality, being male-biased on slow-growing plants and female-biased on rapidly-growing plants. 4) Female fitness increased more rapidly as the result of developing on more rapidly-growing plants than male mass. We conclude from these results that there are unequal returns on investment in male and female progeny. This results in facultatively biased sawfly sex ratios as an adaptive response to variation in plant quality.  相似文献   

Nineteen cohorts of Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) reared at various temperaturelight regimes were exposed to attack by Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) at different ages of their development. Irrespective of host age at the initial parasitization and rearing conditions, the rates of reproduction, development and survival were unaffected until the parasites within had completed approximately 30, 40 and 55% of their total development respectively. As a result, aphids parasitized in the first or early second instar failed to reach maturity. Thereafter, the numbers of young produced by parasitized aphids increased rapidly as the age of the hosts at initial parasitization increased, and aphids parasitized 3 days after the final moult or later showed similar potential to contribute to future population increase.In comparison with the effects on host moulting, those on wing development of the potentially alatiform nymphs appeared much sooner after the beginning of parasitization, but again with the time lags being more or less independent of host age at the initial parasite attack. Consequently, the extent of wing development depended entirely on the age of the hosts when attacked.These results showed that the age of the host at the initial parasite attack is crucial in determining the consequences of parasitization on the host.
Résumé Dix-neuf cohortes d'Hyperomyzus lactucae L. (Homoptera: Aphididae), élevées dans différentes conditions de lumière et de température, ont été exposées à différents moments de leur développement aux attaques d'Aphidius sonchi Marsh. (Hym. Aphidiidae). Quels que soient les conditions d'élevage et l'âge des pucerons quand ils ont été parasités, la survie, le développement et la reproduction n'ont été affectés que lorsque les parasites avaient accompli 30, 40 et 55% de leur développement total. Ainsi, les pucerons parasités au premier stade ou au début du second ne parvenaient pas à atteindre la maturité. Par la suite, le nombre de jeunes produits par les pucerons parasités a cru rapidement au fur et à mesure que l'âge de ces derniers au moment où ils avaient été parasités la dernière mue ou plus tard présentaient la même potentialité pour contribuer à l'accroissement ultérieur de la population.Comparés aux effets sur la mue, les effets sur le développement alaire des larves potentiellement ailées apparaissent beaucoup plus tôt après le moment où le puceron a été parasité, mais là aussi avec des délais plus ou moins indépendants de l'âge de l'hôte lors de la première attaque du parasite. Par conséquent, le degré de développement des ailes dépendait totalement de l'âge du puceron lorsqu'ila été parasité.Ces résultats ont montré que l'âge du puceron lors de la première attaque détermine les conséquences du parasitisme de l'hôte.

Yves Basset 《Oecologia》1991,88(2):211-219
Summary The host phenology and temporal distribution of insect herbivores associated with a rainforest canopy tree, Argyrodendron actinophyllum (Sterculiaceae), were monitored for 3 and 2 years respectively in an Australian subtropical rain forest near Brisbane. Leaf production of this evergreen species was synchronous among individuals, occurring from October to February, but differed markedly between years for some fast-growing trees. Most herbivore species fed selectively upon young leaves and, consequently, occurred only during windows of young foliage availability, with the exception of some mesophyll-feeders that preferred mature foliage. Fast-growing trees sustained high herbivore activity during periods of intense leaf production but some slow-growing trees, whose availability of young foliage appeared to be more constant and predictable, also supported high herbivore activity in the long term. Host suitability of particular trees during study years was dependent upon the intensity of leaf production and other unidentified factors, and was different for generalist and specialist herbiovores. Certain specialist species, such as psyllids, were able to overcome the changing availability of young foliage between years on vigorous A. actinophyllum trees by feeding upon both vegetative and reproductive meristems. Most of the data suggest that availability of young foliage is an important factor in this insect-plant system.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The lack of studies assessing the simultaneous expression of tolerance and resistance traits during seedling development and overall seedling defences as compared with adult plants, in general, constitutes a significant research need that can greatly improve our understanding of overall investment in defences during plant ontogeny.


Using two seedling and two juvenile stages of the perennial herb Penstemon virgatus (Plantaginaceae) evaluations were made of (a) patterns of investment in constitutive chemical defences [i.e. iridoid glycosides (IGs)], and (b) simultaneous variation in the short-term ability of seedling and juvenile stages to induce resistance traits, measured as induced chemical defences, or tolerance traits, measured as compensatory re-growth following moderate levels of damage by a specialist insect herbivore.

Key Results

Plants were highly defended during most of their transition from seedling to early juvenile stages, reaching a constant approx. 20 % dry weight total IGs. Furthermore, following 30 % above-ground tissue damage, seedlings and juvenile stages were equally able to induce resistance, by raising their IG concentration by approx. 8 %, whereas compensatory re-growth was only achieved at young juvenile but not seedling stages.


Two major trends emerged from this study: (1) in contrast to expected and previously observed trends, in this perennial plant species, seedlings seem to be one of the most well-defended stages as compared with adult ones; (2) high levels of constitutive defences did not limit the ability of young developmental stages to induce resistance following damage, although this response may come with a cost (i.e. decreased compensation) in young seedling stages. Hence, as has been previously demonstrated in few other systems, these results points towards an indirect evidence for a trade-off between tolerance and resistance traits at some, but not all, developmental stages; making them often difficult to detect.  相似文献   

Summary Leaf area consumption rates, development rates, survivorship, and fecundity of the imported willow leaf beetle (Plagiodera versicolora Laich) were examined on two clones of eastern cottonwood which were previously exposed to ozone or charcoal-filtered air. P. versicolora consumed more ozone treated foliage, but were more fecund when reared on charcoal-filtered air treated plants. Beetle development rates and survivorship were not significantly different on treated and control cottonwoods. We concluded that: 1) Ozone fumigation of cottonwood reduced foliage quality, and the reproductive success and overall performance of P. versicolora. 2) increased foliage consumption by beetles was probably a mechanism compensating for decreases in foliage quality. 3) Reductions in beetle fecundity were due to an initial reduction in oviposition rates. 4) Beetle feeding preference did not correlate with the suitability of foliage for beetle performance. These results are discussed in relation to the impact of air pollution on plant-insect interactions.  相似文献   

Aconophora compressa is a gregarious, sap-sucking insect that uses multiple host plant species. Nymphal host plant species (and variety) significantly affected nymphal survival, nymphal development rate and the subsequent size and fecundity of adults, with fiddlewood (Citharexylum spinosum) being significantly best in all respects. Nymphs that developed on a relatively poor host (Duranta erecta var “geisha girl”) and which were moved to fiddlewood as adults laid significantly fewer eggs (mean ± SE = 836 ± 130) than those that developed solely on fiddlewood (1,329 ± 105). Adults on geisha girl, regardless of having been reared as nymphs on fiddlewood or geisha girl, laid significantly fewer eggs (342 ± 83 and 317 ± 74, respectively) than adults on fiddlewood. A simple model that incorporates host plant related survival, development rate and fecundity suggests that the population dynamics of A. compressa are governed mainly by fiddlewood, the primary host. The results have general implications for understanding the population dynamics of herbivores that use multiple host plant species, and also for the way in which weed biological control host testing methods should be conducted. Handling Editor: Robert Glinwood  相似文献   

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