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Previous observations have suggested that European hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus are promiscuous, although there have been no direct studies of the mating system to confirm this. In this study, the genetic mating system of the European hedgehog was assessed by analysing mother–offspring groups using six polymorphic microsatellite loci. Evidence of multiple paternity was found in two of five litters analysed and therefore demonstrates the occurrence of polyandry in wild populations of hedgehogs.  相似文献   

We studied the mating system of the southern water skink, Eulamprus heatwolei, during spring and summer (encompassing the breeding season) in a population in southeastern Australia. We examined potential attributes that might influence the mating system and male reproductive success including home range size, physical proximity of adults and body size, and then genotyped all mothers, offspring and potential sires. Home range overlap of both sexes was extensive, with adult females sharing the greatest amount of space with each other and adult males the least amount of space with each other. However, not all adults hold home ranges. We classified approximately one quarter of adult males as home range holders and the rest as 'floaters'. Adult females occupy home ranges more than males, with approximately three-quarters classified as home range holders. Home range ownership is not correlated with body size for either sex, however, male body size is positively correlated with the number of adult female home ranges that his home range overlaps and adult male home ranges are larger than those of females. We used microsatellite genotyping to assign paternities to 55 offspring from 17 litters and then compared this data with our home range and behavioural observations. This species displays extreme levels of multiple paternity given the small mean clutch size of three. Multiple paternity was confirmed in 11 (64.7%) of 17 clutches but three other clutches (for a total of 82.4%) also may display multiple paternity. A total of 30 offspring from 12 litters were assigned to 10 of the 32 genotyped adult males from our study site. Of these 10 adult males, half were home range holders. Five complete clutches and a total of 25 out of the 55 offspring could not be positively assigned to any male surveyed as part of the study and were attributed to floater males or resident males adjacent to our study site that had not been genotyped. While sample sizes are small, neither male home range ownership nor body size is significantly correlated with the number of paternities a male obtained. Our study suggests a polygynous mating system for this species.  相似文献   

In the majority of birds and mammals, social monogamy is not congruent with genetic monogamy. No research to date has compared social and genetic monogamy in amphibians. We analysed paternity in clutches of red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus), a species in which social monogamy has been demonstrated in the laboratory, and 28% of individuals in the forest are found in male-female pairs in the noncourtship season. We collected 16 clutches of eggs of P. cinereus in the southern Appalachian Mountains of Virginia and collected tail clippings from attending mothers. We genotyped embryos and adults at five microsatellite loci in order to analyse paternity of clutches. Most clutches (84.6%) had multiple sires, with two to three sires per clutch. In this study, 25% of clutches had males in addition to females attending eggs. None of the mothers of these clutches were genetically monogamous. All attending males sired some of the offspring in the clutch that they attended (between 9% and 50%) but never sired a majority in that clutch. We conclude that, at least in this population, social monogamy in P. cinereus is not concomitant with genetic monogamy.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity was found in two clutches of Podocnemis expansa using eight microsatellite loci. When loci were analysed separately a minimum of two males was estimated for nest N23, and three for nest C17. When all loci were combined, three patrilines were detected in N23, and six in C17. The distribution of full-sib cluster sizes indicated a disproportionate contribution of one male to clutch C17, consistent with possible sperm competition, or the mixing of leftover and newly acquired sperm. High mutation rates were detected at several loci. Multiple paternity has positive implications for this endangered species as it may slow the loss of genetic variability caused by drift. This is the first report of multiple paternity in the suborder Pleurodira.  相似文献   

Heterandria formosa Agassiz, exhibits internal fertilization, internal brooding of embryos, sperm storage and an extreme level of superfetation. In this study we used microsatellite markers to examine variation among seven populations that exhibited significant variance in their histories of population density. We found that the populations were genetically distinct and that the heterozygosity increased as population density increased. We also examined paternity in three of those populations and found that the number of sires per female and the number of sires per brood increased with population density. Overall, the rates of multiple paternity are quite low relative to other species. The correlations with population density suggest that contact rates play a critical role in the breeding system in this species but the low rates of multiple paternity suggest that females may exert control over fertilization of their ova.  相似文献   

动物生殖策略是多种多样的.对一个种群交配体系的调查有助于了解生殖模式的进化情况,并为一些濒危物种的保护计划提供理论依据,同时也为经济养殖动物的人工繁育提供理论支持.多父性( multiple paternity)现象是一种重要的生殖策略,在爬行类动物中普遍存在,并且在主要类群中多父性的水平也比较高,特别是多数有鳞类动物存在多父性现象的窝数可占到总检测窝数的50%以上,这种现象强烈地支持雌性存在混交的进化过程.本文对多父性产生的组织结构、可能机制和多父性的检测手段等进行综述,并对未来的研究方向提出了建议.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting of tadpoles from two different ‘one female-two male’ matings of the red-eyed treefrog, Agalychnis callidryas, revealed multiple paternity of offspring. Offspring were assigned paternity based on bands shared with the putative father, but not shared between putative fathers or with the mother. Paternity was split 44/56% and 36/64% in two matings. These results do not support a hypothesis of sperm priority in access to unfertilized eggs by primary males. Multiple paternity may be commonplace in species of anurans with matings by multiple males.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that parents should manipulatebrood sex ratio in order to maximise the combined reproductivevalue of their progeny. Females mating with high quality malesshould, therefore, be expected to produce brood sex ratiosbiased towards sons, as male offspring would receive a relativelygreater advantage from inheritance of their father's characteristicsthan would their female siblings. Furthermore, it has been suggested that sex allocation in chicks fathered through extrapair fertilizations should also be biased towards sons. Contraryto these predictions, we found no evidence that the distributionof sex ratios in a sample of 1483 chicks from 154 broods ofblue tits (Parus caeruleus) deviated significantly from thatof a binomial distribution around an even sex ratio. In addition,we found no significant effect on brood sex ratio of the individualquality of either parent as indicated by their biometrics, feather mite loads, time of breeding, or parental survival. This suggeststhat females in our population were either unable to manipulateoffspring sex allocation or did not do so because selectionpressures were not strong enough to produce a significant shiftaway from random sex allocation. The paternity of 986 chicks from 103 broods was determined using DNA microsatellite typing.Extrapair males sired 115 chicks (11.7%) from 41 broods (39.8%).There was no significant effect of paternity (within-pair versusextrapair) on the sex of individual offspring. We suggest that,in addition to the weakness of selection pressures, the possiblemechanisms responsible for the allocation of sex may not besufficiently accurate to control offspring sex at the levelof the individual egg.  相似文献   

Mating multiply may incur costs, such as exposure to predators and to sexually transmitted diseases. Nevertheless, it may be favored, in spite of these costs, as a way to increase the genetic diversity of offspring through fertilization by multiple males. Here, we tested for multiple paternity in a freshwater snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum), which is host to several species of sterilizing trematode worms. Using microsatellites markers, we found multiple paternity in two different snail populations, with as many as seven males fertilizing a single female. In addition, high evenness of sire fertilization was found within individual broods. Multiple paternity can occur for a variety of reasons; however, given that these populations experience high risk of infection by a sterilizing trematode, one potential explanation may be that multiple paternity and high evenness of sire fertilizations increase the chances of the production of parasite‐resistant offspring.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity in reptiles: patterns and processes   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Uller T  Olsson M 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(11):2566-2580
The evolution of female promiscuity poses an intriguing problem as benefits of mating with multiple males often have to arise via indirect, genetic, effects. Studies on birds have documented that multiple paternity is common in natural populations but strong evidence for selection via female benefits is lacking. In an attempt to evaluate the evidence more broadly, we review studies of multiple paternity in natural populations of all major groups of nonavian reptiles. Multiple paternity has been documented in all species investigated so far and commonly exists in over 50% of clutches, with particularly high levels in snakes and lizards. Marine turtles and lizards with prolonged pair-bonding have relatively low levels of multiple paternity but levels are nevertheless higher than in many vertebrates with parental care. There is no evidence that high levels of polyandry are driven by direct benefits to females and the evidence that multiple paternity arises from indirect genetic benefits is weak. Instead, we argue that the most parsimonious explanation for patterns of multiple paternity is that it represents the combined effect of mate-encounter frequency and conflict over mating rates between males and females driven by large male benefits and relatively small female costs, with only weak selection via indirect benefits. A crucial step for researchers is to move from correlative approaches to experimental tests of assumptions and predictions of theory under natural settings, using a combination of molecular techniques and behavioural observations.  相似文献   

Two different mechanisms can result in multiple paternity within fruits: deposition of a mixed pollen load due to carryover of pollen from flower to flower and multiple pollinator visits in close succession. I investigated the extent of multiple paternity within fruits of Ipompsis aggregata containing from 2 to 14 seeds. A paternity analysis based on ten polymorphic isozyme markers revealed multiple paternity in a minimum of 68% (based on simple paternity exclusion) and up to 100% (based on identification of the most likely father) of the multiseeded fruits. The estimated number of fathers increased with the number of seeds in a fruit, with an average of four sires, and up to nine sires, represented in a single fruit. To explore whether this level of multiple paternity could be explained solely by simultaneous deposition of a mixed pollen load, I constructed a computer simulation model based on previous measurements of movement patterns and pollen carryover by the hummingbird pollinators. Model predictions provided a good match to observed values for number of sires per fruit. Thus, the extensive pollen carryover in this species and consequent mixed pollen loads can explain the high levels of multiple paternity in natural populations.  相似文献   

Good JM  Ross CL  Markow TA 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(8):2253-2260
Female remating frequency and sperm allocation patterns can strongly influence levels of sperm competition and reproductive success in natural populations. In the laboratory, Drosophila mojavensis males transfer very few sperm per copulation and females remate often, suggesting multiple paternity should be common in nature. Here, we examine female sperm loads, incidence of multiple paternity, and sperm utilization by genotyping progeny from 20 wild-caught females at four highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. Based on indirect paternity analyses of 814 flies, we found evidence for high levels of multiple paternity coupled with relatively low reproductive output, consistent with the high levels of female remating predicted in this sperm-limited species. Overall, we found little evidence for last -- male sperm precedence though some temporal variation in sperm utilization was observed, consistent with laboratory findings.  相似文献   

Reproductive strategy is a central feature of the ecology of invasive species as it determines the potential for population increase and range expansion. The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, has invaded many countries and caused serious problems in freshwater ecosystems. However, little is known about the effects of environmental conditions on crayfish paternity and offspring traits in the wild. We studied these reproductive characteristics of P. clarkii in wild populations from two different habitats (ponds and ditches) in three locations with different environmental conditions in China. Genotyping of 1,436 offspring and 30 mothers of 30 broods was conducted by using four microsatellites. An analysis of genotyping results revealed that gravid females were the exclusive mother of the progeny they tended. Twenty-nine of 30 mothers had mated with multiple (2-4) males, each of which contributed differently to the number of offspring in a brood. The average number of fathers per brood and the number of offspring per brood were similar (P > 0.05) among six sampling sites, indicating that in P. clarkii multiple paternity and offspring number per brood are independent of environmental conditions studied. Indirect benefits from increasing the genetic diversity of broods, male and sperm competition, and cryptic female choice are a possible explanation for the high level multiple paternity and different contribution of fathers to offspring in this species.  相似文献   

An important question in sea turtle biology is the number of males that contribute to the fertilization of a clutch of eggs. Previous studies on other sea turtle species have indicated little to no multiple paternity. We conclude here that female Kemp's ridleys, Lepidochelys kempi , are polyandrous. DNA from 26 mother and offspring groups was analysed at three microsatellite loci to identify paternal alleles. Three paternal alleles were observed among 14 of the clutches; four paternal alleles were observed among the offspring of an additional female. A maximum likelihood analysis not only rejects the model of single paternity, but also rejects the model of equal paternal contribution to the clutch. By explicitly addressing the high mutation rate of microsatellite markers, our analysis rejected mutation as the sole cause of multiple paternal alleles.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity and kin recognition mechanisms in a guppy population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hain TJ  Neff BD 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(18):3938-3946
Help directed toward kin (nepotism) is an important example of social behaviour. Such helping behaviour requires a mechanism to distinguish kin from nonkin. The prevailing kin recognition hypothesis is that when familiarity is a reliable cue of relatedness, other mechanisms of recognition will not evolve. However, when familiarity is an unreliable cue of relatedness, kin recognition by phenotype matching is instead predicted to evolve. Here we use genetic markers to show that guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from a population in a tributary of the Paria River in Trinidad are characterized by a high degree of multiple mating with 95% of broods having more than one sire and some dams having offspring sired by six males. These levels of multiple mating are the highest reported among live-bearing fishes. The mean relatedness of brood-mates was 0.36 (as compared to 0.5 for full-siblings). Therefore, familiarity does not seem to be a reliable mechanism to assess full-sibling relatedness. Using two-choice behavioural trials, we found that juveniles from this population use both phenotype matching and familiarity to distinguish kin from nonkin. However, we did not find strong evidence that the guppies use these mechanisms to form shoals of related individuals as adults, which is similar to results from other guppy populations in Trinidad. The use of both familiarity and phenotype matching is discussed in the context of the Paria River guppy population's mating system and ecology. Overall, these data provide support for the kin recognition hypothesis and increase our understanding of the evolution of kin recognition systems.  相似文献   

We report on two field experiments that were conducted in 1991 and 1992 at the South Coast Extension and Research Center, Irvine, CA, to study the incidence of multiple paternity in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Hypocotyl color and shikimate dehydrogenase (Skdh) isozymes were used as genetic markers. The white-seeded cultivar ‘Ferry Morse 53’ (FM 53) was used as the female parent. This cultivar is homozygous recessive (pp) for hypocotyl color. The pollen source parents were three homozygous dominant (PP) purple-hypocotyled, black-seeded cultivars. Three cultivars, ‘ICA Pijao,’ G4459, and the maternal parent FM 53, are of Mesoamerican origin and homozygous for the fast (F) allele at the Skdh locus. The other cultivar, Black Valentine, is of Andean origin and is homozygous for the slow (S) allele at the Skdh locus. Overall, 6 125 pods were obtained from 57 and 111 plants harvested individually in 1991 and 1992, respectively. All progeny, 28938 seeds, were scored for hypocotyl color at the seedling stage. The purple-hypocotyled seedlings were genotyped for the Skdh locus to identify their pollen parents. Multiple paternity was identified in all the pods with hybrid seeds (i.e., those of intercultivar crosses) at 5.8% and 8.1% in 1991 and 1992, respectively. All multiply sired pods produced both nonhybrid and hybrid seeds. As many as three successful fathers per pod were identified, but the number of markers limited measuring higher levels of multiple paternity. Most multiply sired pods (≈70%) were filled by nonhybrid seeds plus a single hybrid seed. Ovule position effect within multiply sired pods was inferred from the nonrandom distribution of hybrid seeds within a pod. On average, hybrid seeds occurred more frequently in ovules in position 7 (most basal) and in position 1 (most stylar) than in ovules in the middle positions of the pod.  相似文献   

We use microsatellite loci to detail the multiple paternity patterns in broods from 10 wild populations of the guppy ( Poecilia reticulata ) found in Northern Trinidad. The populations span two major drainages comprising the Caroni and the Oropouche, and include sites that are characterized by either high or low predation. Across the populations the frequency of multiple paternity is high with 95% (range: 70%–100%) of broods having multiple sires. Broods have an average of 3.5 sires (range: 1–9) and a mixed-model analysis suggests that broods from high predation sites have marginally more sires than do those from low predation sites, but this is true only in the Oropouche drainage. There is no difference in sire number between predation sites in the Caroni drainage. Brood size, but not female body length, is correlated with the number of sires and the correlation cannot be attributed solely to the stochastic process associated with sperm competition and a 'fair raffle'. Within broods there is significant skew in reproductive success among males, which may reflect variation in sperm competitiveness or female choice. There is, however, no difference in the skew among populations from different predation regimes or drainages. Finally, high predation populations were characterized by increased genetic variability at the microsatellite loci, suggesting a larger effective population size. We discuss explanations for the high degree of multiple paternity but the general lack of any major differences among broods from ecologically different populations.  相似文献   

The common lizard (Lacerta vivipara) is a small live-bearing lacertid that reproduces once a year. In order to document the poorly known mating system of this species, we present here an assessment of multiple paternity using microsatellite markers. Paternities were established within 122 clutches belonging to two wild populations from contrasted areas and to four seminatural enclosed populations. The proportion of multiply sired clutches was found to be very high (between 50.0% and 68.2%) and similar among populations, which suggests that the mating system of this species may be insensitive to environmental and population conditions.  相似文献   

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