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Summary Immediately prior to seed fill, a dermal transfer cell complex, comprised of epidermal and subepidermal cells, differentiates on the abaxial surface of the cotyledons in seed ofVicia faba. Over the period of differentiation of this complex in vivo, the principal sugars of the seed apoplasmic sap change from hexoses, glucose and fructose, to sucrose. Cotyledons were removed from seeds before differentiation of the transfer cell complex and cultured for 6 days on an agar-based medium in the dark with their abaxial surface in contact with a medium containing either 100 mM hexoses (glucose and fructose in equimolar concentrations) or 100 mM sucrose. On both media, cotyledon growth rate was maintained throughout the culture period at, or above, that of in vivo grown cotyledons of equivalent developmental age. When cotyledons were cultured on a medium containing glucose and fructose, epidermal cells of both the ab- and adaxial surfaces developed wall ingrowths on their outer periclinal walls and their cytoplasm became dense, vesicular, and rich in mitochondria. Extensive ingrowth deposition also occurred on walls of the subepidermal cells and several rows of underlying storage cells where they abutted intercellular spaces. This latter ingrowth development was apparent on both cotyledon surfaces, but extended into more of the underlying cell layers on the abaxial surface at the funicular end of the cotyledon. In in vivo grown cotyledons, such ingrowth development is restricted to the subepidermal cells of the abaxial surface. Ingrowth morphology was commensurate with that of transfer cells of in vivo grown cotyledons. In contrast to the observed induction on a medium containing glucose and fructose, cotyledons cultured with sucrose as the sole sugar source exhibited no ingrowth deposition or small wall ingrowths in some abaxial epidermal cells. While the potential sugar signalling mechanism is unknown, this culture system offers an exciting opportunity to explore the molecular biology of transfer cell development.Abbreviations DAA days after anthesis - GC-MS gas chromatography and mass spectrometry - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - RGR relative growth rate - SCM standard culture medium  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-dependent oxidation of 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa) was studied to elucidate the mechanism of its oxidation. The oxidation of dopa was enhanced by hydroxycinnamic acid esters and dopa supressed HRP-dependent oxidation of the esters. These results indicate that phenoxyl radicals of hydroxycinnamic acid esters that are formed at first, can oxidize dopa. Among hydroxycinnamic acid esters used, affinity of the phenoxyl radicals for dopa was in order 4-coumaric>caffeic>ferulic acid ester radicals.  相似文献   

Microtubule dynamics are involved in stomatal movement ofVicia faba L.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
R. Yu  R.-F. Huang  X.-C. Wang  M. Yuan 《Protoplasma》2001,216(1-2):113-118
Summary To obtain a full picture of microtubule (MT) behavior during the opening and closure of guard cells we have microinjected living guard cells ofVicia faba with fluorescent tubulin, examined fine detail by freeze shattering fixed cells, and used drug treatments to confirm aspects of MT dynamics. Cortical MTs in fully opened guard cells are transversely oriented from the ventral wall to the dorsal wall. When the stomatal aperture was decreased by darkness, these MTs became twisted and patched and broken down into diffuse fragments when stomata were closed. When the closed stomata were opened in response to light, the MTs in guard cells changed from the diffused, transitional pattern back to one in which MTs are transversely oriented from stomatal pore to dorsal wall. This observation indicates a linkage between these MT changes and stomatal movement. To confirm this, we used the MT-stabilizing agent taxol and the MT-depolymerizing herbicide oryzalin and observed their effects on the stomatal aperture and MT dynamics. Both drugs suppressed light-induced stomatal opening and dark-induced closure. MTs are known to be necessary for maintaining the static kidney shape of guard cells; the present data now show that the dynamic properties of polymeric tubulin accompany changes in shape with stomatal movement and may be functionally involved in stomatal movement.  相似文献   

S. Sato  M. Kurihara 《Protoplasma》1986,133(1):73-82
Summary The effect of growth temperature on the structural organization of the nucleolus in the epidermal cells ofVicia faba was studied with the silver staining technique at the light and electron microscopic levels. In plants grown at 22 °C, the nucleoli of the epidermal cells were poorly developed, most were less than 3 m in diameter and they occasionally carried minute fluff-like or particle-like accessories. When the plants were transferred into 5 °C incubator, moderately silver-impregnated spherules (MIS) with diameters of about 1.0 to 1.5 m were discerned on the surfaces of the nucleoli. The incidence of nucleoli with the MIS rapidly increased within a few days and thereafter increased little by little up to 40 days at which time 90% of the nucleoli carried the MIS. The unfused nucleoli usually had a single MIS but most of the fused nucleoli had two MIS; in other words, most cells had two MIS per cell. On the other hand, when the plants grown for a prolonged time at 5 °C were transferred back into the 22 °C incubator, the proportion of nucleoli with the MIS drastically decreased within a day. Silver staining at the electron microscopic level revealed that the MIS exactly corresponded with the compact block of nucleolus-associated chromatin, since this compact chromatin block was significantly covered with silver grains while other chromatin was not. The present findings suggest that growth at low temperature allows incorporation of the argyrophilic nucleolar substance into the compact block of nucleolus-associated chromatin, resulting in the appearance of the MIS.  相似文献   

Summary Vicia faba callus line (VFS 1), isolated from expiants of immature embryo, grew satisfactorily onMurashige andSkoog complete medium with 1.38 M 2,4-D, or with 0.92 M 2,4-D to which 1.0 M kinetin was added. It also grew well on the B 5 modified medium containing 2.3 M 2,4-D and 25.0 M kinetin. On the last of these media the cultures grew more uniformly and without necrosis. They also showed diminishing variation in polyploidy in favour of diploids and corresponding aneuploids (hypodiploids).After being cultured for nearly three years on MS containing 1.38 M 2,4-D, 8–33% of cultures of VFS 1 were able to regenerate roots when transferred to either MS half strength with 5.37 M NAA, or to a medium without 2,4-D, or else to media with the addition of kinetin only (in various concentrations).  相似文献   

Summary We describe the use of scanning electron microscopy to provide novel views of the three-dimensional morphology of the ingrowth wall in epidermal transfer cells of cotyledons of developingVicia faba seed. Wall ingrowth deposition in these cells amplifies the surface area of plasma membrane available for transport of solutes during cotyledon development. Despite the physiological importance of such amplification, little is known about wall ingrowth morphology and deposition in transfer cells. A detailed morphological analysis of wall deposition in this study clearly established for the first time that wall ingrowths are deposited at scattered, discrete loci as papillate ingrowth projections. The new views of the ingrowth wall revealed that these projections branch and fuse laterally, and fusion occurs by fine connections to form a fenestrated sheet or layer. This sheet of wall material then provides a base for further deposition of ingrowth projections to progressively build many interconnected, fenestrated layers. Consolidation, or filling-in, of the fenestrae in these layers appears to occur from small fingerlike protrusions of wall material which extend laterally from the most recently deposited surface of the fenestrae. We propose that deposition of fenestrated layers may provide a mechanism for maintaining continuous amplification of plasma membrane surface area in the face of turnover of the plasma membrane and transporter proteins associated with it. The techniques reported in this paper will provide new opportunities to investigate wall ingrowth deposition and its regulation in transfer cells.Abbreviations SEM scanning electron microscopy - TEM transmission electron microscopy Dedicated to Professor Brian E. S. Gunning on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The epidermal transfer cells in developingVicia faba L. cotyledons are highly polarized. Extensive wall ingrowths occur on their outer periclinal walls and extend part way down both anticlinal walls. This ingrowth development serves to increase the surface area of the plasma membrane and thus maximize porter-dependent uptake of sugars from the seed apoplasm. In contrast, the inner periclinal walls of these transfer cells do not form wall ingrowths. We have commenced a study of the mechanisms responsible for establishing this polarity by first analysing the microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton in developing transfer cells. Thin sections of fixed cotyledons embedded in methacrylate resin were processed for immunofluorescence microscopy using monoclonal anti--tubulin and counterstained with Calcofluor White to visualize wall ingrowths. In epidermal cells of young cotyledons where wall ingrowths were yet to develop, MT labelling was detected around all cortical regions of the cell. However, in cells where wall ingrowths were clearly established, MT labelling was detected almost exclusively in cortical regions adjacent to the wall ingrowths. Little, if any, MT labelling was detected on the anticlinal or inner periclinal walls of these cells. This distribution of MTs was most prominent in cells with well developed wall ingrowths. In these cells, a subpopulation of MTs were also detected emanating from the subcortex and extending towards the wall ingrowth region. The possible role of MT distribution in establishing transfer cell polarity and wall ingrowth formation is discussed.Abbreviations MT microtubule  相似文献   

Summary Data from cytological and biochemical analyses are presented on the behaviour of nuclear DNA during the differentiation ofVicia faba root cells. From the terminal 10.5 mm of the root, three segments were dissected by cutting transversely the root at 0.5 (segments I, meristematic cells), 4.5 (segment II, both meristematic and differentiating cells) and 10.5 mm (segment III, differentiating and/or differentiated cells) from the tip. Cytophotometric determinations of Feulgen absorptions in cell nuclei of the three root segments, carried out in preparations subjected to hydrolysis curve, revealed a lesser amount of nuclear DNA in differentiating cells when compared to the meristematic ones. Analyses of the reassociation kinetics of the DNAs extracted separately from the three root segments showed differences in the frequency of highly repeated sequences, which amount to 11.0, 8.6, and 7.5% of the total DNA in segments I, II, and III, respectively. Density gradient centrifugations in CsCl revealed a lighter satellite in the DNAs from segments I and II (ca. 5.4 and 3.8% of the total DNA, respectively) and no satellite in the DNA from segment III. It is suggested that underrepresentation of repeated DNA sequences occurs in differentiating cells and is a determining factor of the discharge of a cell from the mitotic activity.  相似文献   

M. Zeroni  P. H. Jerie  M. A. Hall 《Planta》1977,134(2):119-125
In Vicia faba ethylene does not appear to move between different parts of the plant in physiologically significant amounts. The resistance to longitudinal movement is such that lateral emanation effectively isolates different parts of the plant from each other. When emanation is prevented, ethylene can be channelled to any part of the plant. Exposure of one section of a plant to 14C-labelled ethylene (up to 200 l/l) increased the internal concentration in other parts with ethylene that did not originate from the feeding chamber. A basipetal gradient of endogenous ethylene concentration was found in the lacuna of intact plants, the source of ethylene being the stem tissue. The permeability of stem tissue to ethylene decreases with age. The concentration of ethylene in tissues surrounding the lacuna is always higher than that in the lacuna and it is argued that compartmentation of ethylene occurs within these tissues.  相似文献   

Polymorphism in ten enzyme systems (ACO, ACP, AAT, EST, FK, ME, NAG, PRX, 6PGD, and SOD) in Vicia faba L. was analyzed, revealing 13 loci, six of which have not been reported before. Inheritance, genetics, possible location, and linkage analysis were studied in 13 different F2 populations trisomic for four of the six chromosomes (nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6) of the species. Each of these loci exhibited typical Mendelian inheritance except for those involved in the trisomic chromosome. Five loci have been assigned to a specific chromosome: Est-2 to chromosome 3, Fk-2 to chromosome 4, Prx-1 to chromosome 5, and Sod-1 and Pgd-p to chromosome 6. Nag-1 and Pgd-c displayed a linkage of 22.8 cM indicating a clear homology with chromosome 5 of garden pea on which both markers are syntenic.  相似文献   

Summary We have compared copy numbers and blothybridization patterns of histone genes (H3 plus H4) between and within individuals of broad bean (Vicia faba). Copy number differences among individuals in the population of 200 individuals were as great as 27 fold, and as much as 3.2 fold among separate leaves of the same plant. Among F2 progeny from genetic crosses, up to a 5.4-fold range was seen (mean=3.5 fold), and among F1 progeny of self-pollinated plants, up to a 5.9-fold range was observed (mean=2.3 fold). Histone gene blot-hybridization patterns for EcoRI and HindIII were also variable among individuals and indicated that the genes are probably clustered in only a few chromosomal loci. The degree of variation in histone gene copy number per haploid genome (2–55 copies, or 27 fold) was similar to that found previously for ribosomal RNA genes (230–22000, or 95 fold) of V. faba. However, the two gene families change independently, since individuals with a high or low copy number for one gene can have either a high or low copy number for the other. The mechanisms(s) for rapid gene copy number change may be similar for these gene families.  相似文献   

Broad bean (Vicia faba L. “Inovec”) seeds were artificially aged by means of storage at 30 %, resp. 25 % water content at 25 °C for 7-days to study the consequences on germination, root length and frequency of chromosomal aberrations. Under these conditions, significant changes in all parameters were observed. An increase of frequency of chromosomal aberrations in ana-telophase cells was confirmed by evaluation of c-metaphase cells. Synergic effect of artificial seed ageing was studied on different harvests of old seeds. Possible principles of this effect on cell level are discussed.  相似文献   

Because the epidermis ofV. faba L. leaves easily can be peeled into strips of one cell layer, we developed a simple method ofin situ hybridization using epidermal peels as a substitute for paraffin, resin and cryosections. Our method sufficiently detected the expression of broad bean aquaporin 1 in guard cells. RT-PCR revealed higher expression of aquaporins (AQPs) in guard cells compared to other leaf cell types; this indicates the importance of AQP for bulk water flow across guard cell membranes and, therefore, for stomatal movements.  相似文献   

Thirteen F2 families of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), descended from plants trisomic for chromosomes 3, 4, 5 and 6, have been analyzed for morphological, isozyme and RAPD markers. This allowed the establishment of linkage relationships among these markers as well as the assignment of some markers and/or linkage groups to their respective chromosomes. The linkage analysis of partially overlapping sets of informative genetic markers for the data pooled from 13 F2 families has revealed 48 linkage groups, six of which have been precisely assigned to specific chromosomes. A statistical procedure to analyze the data of joint segregation analysis in families derived from trisomic plants has been developed.  相似文献   

The cell cycle was examined in embryo and root explants of Vicia faba in culture to test whether or not polyploidy and aneuploidy affected organogenetic potential. Nuclear DNA contents and the mitotic index were measured in the 0–1 mm apical segment of primary roots of 5-day old seedlings and at various times following transfer to modified MS in darkness or Chu's N6 medium in an 8 h light/16h dark cycle (N6-MS programme) at 20°C. Mature embryos were dissected and cut longitudinally. Each half was cultured on the N6-MS programme. Root explants grown on MS in darkness developed into callus but there was no subsequent organogenesis. Only on the N6-MS programme were new roots initiated from root-derived callus. Using the N6-MS programme, embryo-derived callus became green and after 3 to 4 months, produced roots and shoots. Approximately 40% of these cultures regenerated plantlets. Polyploidy occurred within 24 h of culture irrespective of both tissue source and culture protocol. Variations in chromosome number from 2n=2x=12 were also routinely observed. Thus, calluses had the ability to initiate roots and shoots regardless of persistent polyploidy and aneuploidy. Compared with the baseline of cell cycle data for roots in vivo, the proportions of cells in the different cell cycle phases remained constant. Thus, in V. faba induction of organogenesis seems more related to culture protocols than to specific changes to the cell cycle. The mitotic index was significantly lower in vitro compared with meristems of intact roots.  相似文献   

Summary To increase the level and stability of yield in faba beans (Vicia faba L.), heterosis must be exploited. Hybrids are not available because of the instability of male sterility. Synthetic varieties can and should be bred. Thus, we studied the reproductive behavior of this partially allogamous, insect-pollinated crop. Autofertility (AF) and the rate of cross-fertilization (C) were measured in 36 inbred lines and 28 crosses in F1, F2, and F3 generations for 3 years at Hohenheim, Stuttgart, FRG. Heterozygosity strongly increased AF and decreased C. AF was negatively correlated with C. AF varied from 1% to 98%, and C varied from 7% to 82%. Heritability for both characters was high. For an optimum exploitation of heterosis, breeders should utilize lines with high C as variety components. It is often labor-intensive to multiply such lines, due to low AF. Hence, breeders tend to use autofertile lines with rather limited C. We showed that even in this case about 50% of the total heterosis, which equals a yield increase of at least 25% over the inbred line level, is realized. An increase in yield stability due to heterogeneity will occur simultaneously.  相似文献   

The influences of nitrogen sources, culture temperature and activated charcoal supplements were studied in relation to the rooting ability of V. faba cuttings. The interaction of these factors led to quantitative and qualitative modifications of the culture responses. Low temperatures (14–18°C) were suitable for in vitro culture, limiting the formation of phenolics in plant material and making activated charcoal supplement unnecessary. Nitrogen supplements contributed in modifying the different plant responses, in accordance with temperature. Multiple shoot formation was obtained from the cotyledonary node and from the stem nodes cultivated in the presence of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). BAP at 4 mg l-1 was the most effective concentration in promoting high rates of shoot development. The original position of stem nodes was found to determine the explant response to plant growth regulator treatments, possibly due to the effect of residual apical dominance.  相似文献   

Abscission probability varies among floral positions within inflorescences of Vicia faba L. Flowers from proximal positions have a greater chance to develop into mature pods than flowers from more distal positions which normally abscise either as older flowers or as young pods. In three field experiments with the indeterminate single stem variety Herz-Freya, changes in the contents of extractable auxins, abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellins in flowers and pods during their development, and their possible influence on abscission were investigated.Inflorescences at different positions along the stem were divided into the two proximal and the remaining fruits. The content of all three hormones was at a low level during flower development, increased greatly in parallel with dry matter accumulation in the young pods, and then decreased to maturity. The first hormone to increase in the fruits was auxin and this took place when abscission from the distal positions began. ABA and gibberellins at this time were still at a low level. This ontogenic course of hormone production was very similar in fruits of both positions within an inflorescence, but in flowers and young pods from proximal positions, auxin content in most inflorescences was greater than in those from the abscising distal positions. No such positional differences were observed with ABA and gibberellins. Decapitation of the plants reduced flower and pod drop from the remaining reproductive nodes. Although decapitation resulted in less abscission among distal flowers and young pods from these nodes, it did not affect the ontogenic course of auxin and ABA production in these fruits.  相似文献   

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