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A photoactive reaction center (RC) complex was isolated fromthe green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum by solubilizationof membranes with Triton X-100, followed by sucrosedensity gradientcentrifugation, DEAE Bio-Gel A chromatography, and hydroxyapatitechromatography. The purified RC complex contained about 50–70bacteriochlorophyll molecules (BChl) per P840, as assayed byphotooxidafion. It showed a near-infrared BChl a absorptionpeak at 814 nm and shoulders at about 800 and 835 nm at roomtemperature. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed 6 polypeptides withapparent molecular masses of 100, 65, 41, 32, 23, and 18 kDa.The RC complex binds functional P840 and Cyt c551, which werephotooxidized by continuous illumination at room temperature.Upon flash excitation, the bound Cyt c551 was oxidized, andrereduced in the dark with a half-time of 16 and 400 ms in thepresence and absence of 0.1 mM 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol,respectively, at room temperature. At 551 nm, the amount ofthe Cyt c photooxidized by continuous illumination was 60% ofthe amount determined by chemical oxidation-reduction. The functionalCyt c551/P840 ratio was calculated to be 1.2–1.7. EPRspectroscopy at cryogenic temperatures revealed that the RCcomplex binds three photoreducible Fe-S centers designated tobe CFA, CFB and CFX (C for Chlorobium). CFA and CFB were reducedin the dark with dithionite at pH 10. (Received May 26, 1993; Accepted October 4, 1993)  相似文献   

Distribution of pigments in the reaction center (RC) complex,chlorosomes and chlorosome-free membranes prepared from thegreen sulfur bacterium, Chlorobium tepidum, was analyzed. TheRC complex contained approximately 40 molecules of bacteriochlorophyll(BChl) a per P840, half of which are estimated to be in theFenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) protein. Carotenes (2 molecules perP840) occupied only one third of the total carotenoids. Theremaining carotenoids (4 to 5 molecules per P840) were OH-chlorobacteneglucoside ester and OH-  相似文献   

Conditions for inactivating chromosomal genes of Chlorobium tepidum by natural transformation and homologous recombination were established. As a model, mutants unable to perform nitrogen fixation were constructed by interrupting nifD with various antibiotic resistance markers. Growth of wild-type C. tepidum at 40°C on agar plates could be completely inhibited by 100 μg of gentamicin ml−1, 2 μg of erythromycin ml−1, 30 μg of chloramphenicol ml−1, or 1 μg of tetracycline ml−1 or a combination of 300 μg of streptomycin ml−1 and 150 μg of spectinomycin ml−1. Transformation was performed by spotting cells and DNA on an agar plate for 10 to 20 h. Transformation frequencies on the order of 10−7 were observed with gentamicin and erythromycin markers, and transformation frequencies on the order of 10−3 were observed with a streptomycin-spectinomycin marker. The frequency of spontaneous mutants resistant to gentamicin, erythromycin, or spectinomycin-streptomycin was undetectable or significantly lower than the transformation frequency. Transformation with the gentamicin marker was observed when the transforming DNA contained 1 or 3 kb of total homologous flanking sequence but not when the transforming DNA contained only 0.3 kb of homologous sequence. Linearized plasmids transformed at least an order of magnitude better than circular plasmids. This work forms a foundation for the systematic targeted inactivation of genes in C. tepidum, whose 2.15-Mb genome has recently been completely sequenced.  相似文献   

Preparative isoelectric focusing was used to isolate a type c cytochrome from photosynthetic membranes of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. The purified protein showed a molecular weight of 10 kDa according to SDS-PAGE and ESI mass spectrometry. The absorption spectrum in the visible range is typical of a cytochrome with peaks at 420, 525.2 and 554.4 nm. Cleavage by either trypsin or endoproteinase lys-C of the isolated cytochrome combined with tandem mass spectrometry and Edman sequencing yielded a sequence perfectly matching parts of the recently sequenced genome of C. tepidum.  相似文献   

We describe a reactor-scale cultivation protocol for the fastest-growing and only known thermophilic member of the family Chlorobiaceae, Chlorobium tepidum. We discovered that C. tepidum would grow with sulfide as the sole electron source at rates and with final cell yields comparable to those found with thiosulfate only if the sulfide concentration was maintained below 0.1 mM and the culture redox potential was at −300 ± 20 mV. Such was also the requirement for growth in a photobioreactor when thiosulfate (optimum level, 12 mM) was used as the preferred electron source. For cultivation of C. tepidum on a 5- to 500-ml scale, we used the system of Balch and Wolfe (Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 32:781–791, 1976) using stopper-sealed serum tubes and bottles as an alternative to the methods commonly used for the cultivation of phototrophic anaerobes and obtained consistent results.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin is a small ubiquitous protein that is involved in the dithiol-disulfide exchange reaction, byway of two cysteine residues located on the molecule surface. In order to elucidate the role of thioredoxin in Chlorobaculum tepidurn, an anaerobic green sulfur bacterium that uses various inorganic sulfur compounds and H2S as electron donors under strict anaerobic conditions for growth, we applied the thioredoxin affinity chromatography method (Motohashi et al., 2001). In this study, 37 cytoplasmic proteins were captured as thioredoxin target candidates, including proteins involved in sulfur assimilation. Furthermore, six of the candidate proteins were members of the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle (pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase, pyruvate flavodoxin/ferredoxin oxidoreductase, ~-oxoglutarate synthase, citrate lyase, citrate synthase, malate dehydrogenase). The redox sensitivity of three enzymes was then examined: citrate lyase, citrate synthase, and malate dehydrogenase, using their recombinant proteins. Based on the information relating to the target proteins, the significance of thioredoxin as a reductant for the metabolic pathway in the anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

The photoactive reaction center (RC) complex from the greensulfur bacterium Chlorobium limicola f. thiosulfatophilum, strainLarsen, was isolated after solubilization and ammonium sulfatefractionation followed by ion-exchange chromatography. The spectrumof the complex was almost identical with that of the similarRC complex isolated by Feiler et al. [(1992) Biochemistry 31:2608–2614] except for the presence of cytochrome c551instead of c553 in the latter study. A molecular ratio of BChla to P840 of the isolated RC complex was assayed to be 25–35.SDSPAGE analysis revealed that the isolated complex containedthree major polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 68,41 and 21 kDa, respectively. The 21-kDa polypeptide was identifiedto be a heme-binding protein by staining the gel for peroxidaseactivity. The cytochrome c551 was oxidized by flash light ina biphasic manner with half times of 90 and 390 µs, respectively,that coincided with the reduction half times of P840+. Threedistinct iron-sulfur centers assigned to FA, FB and Fx, respectively,from their g-values were detected by EPR spectroscopy at cryogenictemperature. These results suggest that the present preparationcontains a minimal functional unit of the RC of this bacterium,and that this complex appears to lie on a evolutionary linebetween RC's of purple bacteria and photosystem I. (Received August 18, 1992; Accepted October 28, 1992)  相似文献   

The self-aggregated state of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c molecules in chlorosomes belonging to a bchQ bchR mutant of the green sulfur bacteria Chlorobaculum tepidum, which mostly produces a single 17(2)-farnesyl-(R)-[8-ethyl,12-methyl]BChl c homologue, was characterized by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and high-resolution electron microscopy. A nearly complete (1)H and (13)C chemical shift assignment was obtained from well-resolved homonuclear (13)C-(13)C and heteronuclear (1)H-(13)C NMR data sets collected from (13)C-enriched chlorosome preparations. Pronounced doubling (1:1) of specific (13)C and (1)H resonances revealed the presence of two distinct and nonequivalent BChl c components, attributed to all syn- and all anti-coordinated parallel stacks, depending on the rotation of the macrocycle with respect to the 3(1)-methyl group. Steric hindrance from the 20-methyl functionality induces structural differences between the syn and anti forms. A weak but significant and reproducible reflection at 1/0.69 nm(-1) in the direction perpendicular to the curvature of cylindrical segments observed with electron microscopy also suggests parallel stacking of BChl c molecules, though the observed lamellar spacing of 2.4 nm suggests weaker packing than for wild-type chlorosomes. We propose that relaxation of the pseudosymmetry observed for the wild type and a related BChl d mutant leads to extended domains of alternating syn and anti stacks in the bchQ bchR chlorosomes. Domains can be joined to form cylinders by helical syn-anti transition trajectories. The phase separation in domains on the cylindrical surface represents a basic mechanism for establishing suprastructural heterogeneity in an otherwise uniform supramolecular scaffolding framework that is well-ordered at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG), which is conserved in almost all photosynthetic organisms, is the most abundant natural polar lipid on Earth. In plants, MGDG is highly accumulated in the chloroplast membranes and is an important bulk constituent of thylakoid membranes. However, precise functions of MGDG in photosynthesis have not been well understood. Here, we report a novel MGDG synthase from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobaculum tepidum. This enzyme, MgdA, catalyzes MGDG synthesis using UDP-Gal as a substrate. The gene encoding MgdA was essential for this bacterium; only heterozygous mgdA mutants could be isolated. An mgdA knockdown mutation affected in vivo assembly of bacteriochlorophyll c aggregates, suggesting the involvement of MGDG in the construction of the light-harvesting complex called chlorosome. These results indicate that MGDG biosynthesis has been independently established in each photosynthetic organism to perform photosynthesis under different environmental conditions. We complemented an Arabidopsis thaliana MGDG synthase mutant by heterologous expression of MgdA. The complemented plants showed almost normal levels of MGDG, although they also had abnormal morphological phenotypes, including reduced chlorophyll content, no apical dominance in shoot growth, atypical flower development, and infertility. These observations provide new insights regarding the importance of regulated MGDG synthesis in the physiology of higher plants.  相似文献   

Green sulfur photosynthetic bacteria Chlorobium (Chl.) vibrioforme (DSM 263 strain and NCIB 8327 substrain possessing BChl-c) and Chl. tepidum (ATCC 49652) were photoautotrophically grown in liquid cultures containing different concentrations of sodium sulfide (Na2S). BChl-c homologs possessing a methyl group at the 12-position tended to increase in cells of the two strains of Chl. vibrioforme cultured under high Na2S concentrations. In contrast, the Na2S concentration in liquid cultures did not affect the relative composition of BChl-c homologs in Chl. tepidum. 8-Propyl-12-methyl([P,M])-BChl-c homolog, which has been little observed in usual cultivations, could be isolated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography from the cells of Chl. vibrioforme grown under high Na2S contents. The [P,M]-BChl-c homolog has the R-configuration at the 31-position, which was determined by 1H-NMR analyses.  相似文献   

Electron transfer mechanism in the spinach photosystem I reactioncenter that contains artificial quinones in place of phylloquinone(2-methyl-3-phytyl-1,4-naphthoquinone, vitamin K1) as the secondaryelectron acceptor, Qø (or A1) was discussed. (1) Mostof the reconstituted quinones oxidized the primary acceptorchlorophyll a, A0, at a rate rapid enough to compete againstthe charge recombination between A0 and the oxidizeddonor chlorophyll P700+. (2) The pathway of electron transferfrom the semiquinone varied depending on the redox potentialvalue of each semiquinone /quinone couple. Low potentialquinones reduced the tertiary acceptor iron-sulfur center, Fx,while the high potential ones reduced P700+ directly with a200-µs halftime. (3) The Em value of each semiquinone/quinone couple in situ in the reaction center was estimatedto be shifted by about 0.3 volt to the negative side from theirhalf wave redox potential values that were measured polarographicallyin dimethylformamide. The shift seems to represent the acceptorproperty of the protein environment at the Qø site. (4)The Em of reconstituted phylloquinone was estimated to be 50–80mV more negative than that of Fx. (5) The mechanism of efficientelectron transfer in the reaction center was discussed basedon the dynamic equilibria between the electron transfer componentsand on the estimated Em values. (Received April 9, 1994; Accepted July 7, 1994)  相似文献   

A specific antenna component in the photosynthetic pigment system,the direct energy donor to the reaction center (RC), was identifiedin PS I and II in green plants by time-resolved fluorescencespectroscopy at – 196C. The fluorescence components weredetected at 707 nm and 685 nm for PS I and II, respectively,and these antennae are hereafter referred to as the terminalenergy donors. In PS II, component that fluoresces at 695 nmalso functions as an energy pool; its rise time is slow (50ps), suggesting that it represents a side path in the flow ofenergy. The energy levels of these direct donors were lowerthan, or almost the same as that of the primary electron donorsin RC I (P700) and II (P680), respectively. The similaritiesand differences between these donors are discussed in relationto the structural and energetic properties of the antenna componentsin PS I and II core complexes. 1This paper is dedicated to Prof. Y. Fujita on the occationof the 60th anniversary of his birth.  相似文献   

Magnesium-protoporphyrin chelatase, the first enzyme unique to the (bacterio)chlorophyll-specific branch of the porphyrin biosynthetic pathway, catalyzes the insertion of Mg2+ into protoporphyrin IX. Three genes, designated bchI, -D, and -H, from the strictly anaerobic and obligately phototrophic green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium vibrioforme show a significant level of homology to the magnesium chelatase-encoding genes bchI, -D, and -H and chlI, -D, and -H of Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Synechocystis strain PCC6803, respectively. These three genes were expressed in Escherichia coli; the subsequent purification of overproduced BchI and -H proteins on an Ni2+-agarose affinity column and denaturation of insoluble BchD protein in 6 M urea were required for reconstitution of Mg-chelatase activity in vitro. This work therefore establishes that the magnesium chelatase of C. vibrioforme is similar to the magnesium chelatases of the distantly related bacteria R. sphaeroides and Synechocystis strain PCC6803 with respect to number of subunits and ATP requirement. In addition, reconstitution of an active heterologous magnesium chelatase enzyme complex was obtained by combining the C. vibrioforme BchI and -D proteins and the Synechocystis strain PCC6803 ChlH protein. Furthermore, two versions, with respect to the N-terminal start of the bchI gene product, were expressed in E. coli, yielding ca. 38- and ca. 42-kDa versions of the BchI protein, both of which proved to be active. Western blot analysis of these proteins indicated that two forms of BchI, corresponding to the 38- and the 42-kDa expressed proteins, are also present in C. vibrioforme.  相似文献   

Electron transfer in reaction center core (RCC) complexes from the green sulfur bacteria Prosthecochloris aestuarii and Chlorobium tepidum was studied by measuring flash-induced absorbance changes. The first preparation contained approximately three iron-sulfur centers, indicating that the three putative electron acceptors F(X), F(A), and F(B) were present; the Chl. tepidum complex contained on the average only one. In the RCC complex of Ptc. aestuarii at 277 K essentially all of the oxidized primary donor (P840(+)) created by a flash was rereduced in several seconds by N-methylphenazonium methosulfate. In RCC complexes of Chl. tepidum two decay components, one of 0.7 ms and a smaller one of about 2 s, with identical absorbance difference spectra were observed. The fast component might be due to a back reaction of P840(+) with a reduced electron acceptor, in agreement with the notion that the terminal electron acceptors, F(A) and F(B), were lost in most of the Chl. tepidum complexes. In both complexes the terminal electron acceptor (F(A) or F(B)) could be reduced by dithionite, yielding a back reaction of 170 ms with P840(+). At 10 K in the RCC complexes of both species P840(+) was rereduced in 40 ms, presumably by a back reaction with F(X)(-). In addition, a 350 micros component occurred that can be ascribed to decay of the triplet of P840, formed in part of the complexes. For P840(+) rereduction a pronounced temperature dependence was observed, indicating that electron transfer is blocked after F(X) at temperatures below 200 K.  相似文献   

Two sub-strains of the anoxygenic photosynthetic green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium vibrioforme NCIB 8327 were derived from the same clone and could be discriminated only by their possession of either bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c or d as the major pigment in the peripheral light-harvesting antenna system, chlorosome (Saga Y et al. (2003) Anal Sci 19: 1575–1579). In the presence of a proper amount of oxygen in the initial culture medium, the BChl d strain showed longer retardation on its growth initiation than the BChl c strain, indicating that the latter was advantageous for survival under aerobic light conditions which produced reactive oxygen species in vivo. The result would be ascribable to the difference of the midpoint potentials between two kinds of chlorosomes formed by self-aggregates of BChl c and d as measured by their fluorescence quenching.  相似文献   

Green sulfur bacteria are obligate, anaerobic photolithoautotrophs that synthesize unique bacteriochlorophylls (BChls) and a unique light-harvesting antenna structure, the chlorosome. One organism, Chlorobium tepidum, has emerged as a model for this group of bacteria primarily due to its relative ease of cultivation and natural transformability. This review focuses on insights into the physiology and biochemistry of the green sulfur bacteria that have been derived from the recently completed analysis of the 2.15-Mb genome of Chl. tepidum. About 40 mutants of Chl. tepidum have been generated within the last 3 years, most of which have been made based on analyses of the genome. This has allowed a nearly complete elucidation of the biosynthetic pathways for the carotenoids and BChls in Chl. tepidum, which include several novel enzymes specific for BChl c biosynthesis. Facilitating these analyses, both BChl c and carotenoid biosynthesis can be completely eliminated in Chl. tepidum. Based particularly on analyses of mutants lacking chlorosome proteins and BChl c, progress has also been made in understanding the structure and biogenesis of chlorosomes. In silico analyses of the presence and absence of genes encoding components involved in electron transfer reactions and carbon assimilation have additionally revealed some of the potential physiological capabilities, limitations, and peculiarities of Chl. tepidum. Surprisingly, some structural components and biosynthetic pathways associated with photosynthesis and energy metabolism in Chl. tepidum are more similar to those in cyanobacteria and plants than to those in other groups of photosynthetic bacteria.  相似文献   

A mutant devoid of cytochrome c-554 (CT0075) in Chlorobium tepidum (syn. Chlorobaculum tepidum) exhibited a decreased growth rate but normal growth yield when compared to the wild type. From quantitative determinations of sulfur compounds in media, the mutant was found to oxidize thiosulfate more slowly than the wild type but completely to sulfate as the wild type. This indicates that cytochrome c-554 would increase the rate of thiosulfate oxidation by serving as an efficient electron carrier but is not indispensable for thiosulfate oxidation itself. On the other hand, mutants in which a portion of the soxB gene (CT1021) was replaced with the aacC1 cassette did not grow at all in a medium containing only thiosulfate as an electron source. They exhibited partial growth yields in media containing only sulfide when compared to the wild type. This indicates that SoxB is not only essential for thiosulfate oxidation but also responsible for sulfide oxidation. An alternative electron carrier or electron transfer path would thus be operating between the Sox system and the reaction center in the mutant devoid of cytochrome c-554. Cytochrome c-554 might function in any other pathway(s) as well as the thiosulfate oxidation one, since even green sulfur bacteria that cannot oxidize thiosulfate contain a cycA gene encoding this electron carrier.  相似文献   

N Kusumoto  P Sétif  K Brettel  D Seo  H Sakurai 《Biochemistry》1999,38(37):12124-12137
Reaction center preparations from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum, which contain monoheme cytochrome c, were studied by flash-absorption spectroscopy in the near-UV, visible, and near-infrared regions. The decay kinetics of the photooxidized primary donor P840(+), together with the amount of photooxidized cytochrome c, were analyzed along a series of four flashes spaced by 1 ms: 95% of the P840(+) was reduced by cytochrome c with a t(1/2) of approximately 65 micros after the first flash, 80% with a t(1/2) of approximately 100 micros after the second flash, and 23% with a t(1/2) of approximately 100 micros after the third flash; after the fourth flash, almost no cytochrome c oxidation occurred. The observed rates, the establishment of redox equilibrium after each flash, and the total amount of photooxidizable cytochrome c are consistent with the presence of two equivalent cytochrome c molecules per photooxidizable P840. The data are well fitted assuming a standard free energy change DeltaG degrees of -53 meV for electron transfer from one cytochrome c to P840(+), DeltaG degrees being independent of the oxidation state of the other cytochrome c. These observations support a model with two monoheme cytochromes c which are symmetrically arranged around the reaction center core. From the ratio of menaquinone-7 to the bacteriochlorophyll pigment absorbing at 663 nm, it was estimated that our preparations contain 0.6-1.2 menaquinone-7 molecules per reaction center. However, no transient signal due to menaquinone could be observed between 360 and 450 nm in the time window from 10 ns to 4 micros. No recombination reaction between the primary partners P840(+) and A(0)(-) could be detected under normal conditions. Such a recombination was observed (t(1/2) approximately 19 ns) under highly reducing conditions or after accumulation of three electrons on the acceptor side during a series of flashes, showing that the secondary acceptors can stabilize three electrons. From our data, there is no evidence for involvement of menaquinone in charge separation in the reaction center of green sulfur bacteria.  相似文献   

The recombinant Chlorobium tepidum ferritin (rCtFtn) is able to oxidize iron using ferroxidase activity but its ferroxidase activity is intermediate between the H-chain human ferritin and the L-chain human ferritin. The rCtFtn has an unusual C-terminal region composed of 12 histidine residues, as well as aspartate and glutamate residues. These residues act as potential metal ion ligands, and the rCtFtn homology model predicts that this region projects inside the protein cage. The rCtFtn also lacks a conserved Tyr residue in position 19. In order to know if those differences are responsible for the altered ferroxidase properties of rCtFtn, we introduced by site-directed mutagenesis a stop codon at position 166 and a Tyr residue replaced Ala19 in the gene of rCtFtn (rCtFtn 166). The rCtFtn166 keeps the canonical sequence considered important for the activity of this family of proteins. Therefore, we expected that rCtFtn 166 would possess similar properties to those described for this protein family. The rCtFtn 166 is able to bind, oxidize and store iron; and its activity is inhibit by Zn(II) as was described for other ferritins. However, the rCtFtn 166 possesses a decrease ferroxidase activity and protein stability compared with the wild type rCtFtn. The analysis of the Ala19Tyr rCtFtn shows that this change does not affect the kinetic of iron oxidation. Therefore, these results indicate that the C-terminal regions have an important role in the activity of the ferroxidase center and the stability of rCtFtn.  相似文献   

Various benzo- and naphthoquinone derivatives were introducedinto the purified photosystem II Dl-D2-cytochrome b559 reactioncenter complex, which lacks the intrinsic plasto-quinone electronacceptors. Effects of these quinones on the electron transferreactions in nanoseconds to milliseconds time range were studiedat room and cryogenic temperatures. 1) The addition of quinonesto the purified photosystem II reaction center complex suppressedthe nanosecond charge recombination between oxidized reactioncenter chlorophyll a (P680+) and reduced pheophytin a (Ph),and stabilized P680+ up to millisecond time range at 280 K andat 77 K. 2) In the reaction center complex supplemented withdibromothymoquinone (DBMIB), P68O was almost fully oxidizedand cytochrome b559 was partially reduced by flash excitation.A semi-quinone-like signal with a peak around 320 nm was alsoinduced but the shift of pheophytin absorption band (C55O) wasnot observed. 3) Halogenated quinones, especially DBMIB, werebetter electron acceptors than unsubstituted or methylated quinones.4) The affinities of quinones to the reaction center complexwere weakly dependent on their molecular structure. (Received July 9, 1991; Accepted August 15, 1991)  相似文献   

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