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Summary As an initial step towards developing a transposon mutagenesis system in tomato, the maize transposable element Ac was transformed into tomato plants via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Southern analysis of leaf tissue indicated that in nine out of eleven transgenic plants, Ac excised from the T-DNA and reintegrated into new chromosomal locations. The comparison of Ac banding pattern in different leaves of the same primary transformant provided evidnece for transposition during later stages of transgenic plant development. There was no evidence of Ds mobilization in tomato transformants.  相似文献   

Summary The Mi gene originating from the wild tomato species Lycopersicon peruvianum confers resistance to all major root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). This single dominant gene is located on chromosome 6 and is very closely linked to the acid phosphatase-1 (Aps-1) locus. Resistance to nematodes has been introgressed into various cultivars of the cultivated tomato (L. esculentum), in many cultivars along with the linked L. peruvianum Aps-1 1 allele. By using a pair of nearly isogenic lines differing in a small chromosomal region containing the Mi and Aps-1 loci, we have identified two RFLP markers, GP79 and H6A2c2, which are located in the introgressed L. peruvianum region. Analysis of a test panel of 51 L. esculentum genotypes of various origins indicated that GP79 is very tightly linked to the Mi gene and allows both homozygous and heterozygous nematode-resistant genotypes to be distinguished from susceptible genotypes, irrespective of their Aps-1 alleles. Marker H6A2c2 is linked to the Aps-1 locus and is capable of discriminating between the L. peruvianum Aps-1 1 allele and the L. esculentum Aps-1 3 and Aps-1 + alleles. In combination, these RFLP markers may provide a powerful tool in breeding tomatoes for nematode resistance.  相似文献   

A PCR-based codominant marker has been developed which is tightly linked to Mi, a dominant genetic locus in tomato that confers resistance to several species of root-knot nematode. DNA from tomato lines differing in nematode resistance was screened for random amplified polymorphic DNA markers linked to Mi using decamer primers. Several markers were identified. One amplified product, REX-1, obtained using a pair of decamer primers, was present as a dominant marker in all nematode-resistant tomato lines tested. REX-1 was cloned and the DNA sequences of its ends were determined and used to develop 20-mer primers. PCR amplification with the 20-mer primers produced a single amplified band in both susceptible and resistant tomato lines. The amplified bands from susceptible and resistant lines were distinguishable after cleavage with the restriction enzyme Taq I. The linkage of REX-1 to Mi was verified in an F2 population. This marker is more tightly linked to Mi than is Aps-1, the currently-used isozyme marker, and allows screening of germplasm where the linkage between Mi and Aps-1 has been lost. Homozygous and heterozygous individuals can be distinguished and the procedure can be used for rapid, routine screening. The strategy used to obtain REX-1 is applicable to obtaining tightly-linked markers to other genetic loci. Such markers would allow rapid, concurrent screening for the segregation of several loci of interest.  相似文献   

We have characterized, using several types of bioassays, the resistance induced in young tomato plants by feeding of the corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea. Beet armyworm larvae, Spodoptera exigua, and leafminers, Liriomyza trifolii, were used to assay the induced resistance. In whole-plant experiments, damage localized to a single leaflet of fourleaf tomato plants induced a systemic increase in resistance such that beet armyworm larvae confined to previously damaged (induced) plants grew at a rate about half that of larvae raised on control plants and consumed less leaf tissue from induced plants than from control plants. In experiments using excised leaves, beet armyworm larvae suffered increased mortality when reared on leaves from induced plants. The strength of this induced resistance varied spatially relative to the damaged position; moreover, the spatial distribution of induced resistance changed over a three-week period following damage. Other experiments demonstrated that the mechanisms of induced resistance in tomato foliage involves both a decrease in larval preference for and a decrease in the nutritional value of induced foliage. Induction also retarded the oviposition and/or early development of leafminers. Thus, induced resistance has relatively severe effects on the biology of subsequent herbivores. These data should allow us to begin to elucidate cause-effect relationships between induced resistance and induced chemistry in tomato plants.  相似文献   

Chen R  Li H  Zhang L  Zhang J  Xiao J  Ye Z 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(7):895-905
Several root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) resistance genes have been discovered in different pepper (Capsium annuum L.) lines; however, none of them has yet been cloned. In this study, a candidate root-knot nematode resistance gene (designated as CaMi) was isolated from the resistant pepper line PR 205 by degenerate PCR amplification combined with the RACE technique. Expression profiling analysis revealed that this gene was highly expressed in roots, leaves, and flowers and expressed at a lower level in stems and was not detectable in fruits. To verify the function of CaMi, a sense vector containing the genomic DNA spanning the full coding region of CaMi was constructed and transferred into root-knot nematode susceptible tomato plants. Sixteen transgenic plants carrying one to five copies of T-DNA inserts were generated from two nematode susceptible tomato cultivars. RT-PCR analysis revealed that the expression levels of CaMi gene varied in different transgenic plants. Nematode assays showed that the resistance to root-knot nematodes was significantly improved in some transgenic lines compared to untransformed susceptible plants, and that the resistance was inheritable. Ultrastructure analysis showed that nematodes led to the formation of galls or root knots in the susceptible lines while in the resistant transgenic plants, the CaMi gene triggered a hypersensitive response (HR) as well as many necrotic cells around nematodes. Rugang Chen and Hanxia Li are contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Summary A simple, nondestructive kanamycin spraying assay for detecting neomycin phosphotransferase II activity in tomato has been developed. This assay does not require the use of tissue culture or biochemical methods, but allows transgenic and non-transgenic tomato plants to be distinguished directly at the plant level in the green-house. Its potential applications in large-scale genetic analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In the 1940's the root-knot nematode resistance gene (Mi) was introgressed into the cultivated tomato from the wild species, L. peruvianum, and today it provides the only form of genetic resistance against this pathogen. We report here the construction of a high resolution RFLP map around the Mi gene that may aid in the future cloning of this gene via chromosome walking. The map covers the most distal nine map units of chromosome 6 and contains the Mi gene, nine RFLP markers, and one isozyme marker (Aps-1). Based on the analysis of more than 1,000 F2 plants from four crosses, we were able to pinpoint the Mi gene to the interval between two of these markers — GP79 and Aps-1. In crosses containing the Mi gene, this interval is suppressed in recombination and is estimated to be 0.4 cM in length. In contrast, for a cross not containing Mi, the estimated map distance is approximately 5 times greater (ca. 2 cM).Using RFLP markers around Mi as probes, it was possible to classify nematode resistant tomato varieties into three types based on the amount of linked peruvianum DNA still present. Two of these types (representing the majority of the varieties tested) were found to still contain more than 5 cM of peruvianum chromosome — a result that may explain some of the negative effects (e.g. fruit cracking) associated with nematode resistance. The third type (represented by a single variety) is predicted to carry a very small segment of peruvianum DNA (<2 cM) and may be useful in the identification of additional markers close to Mi and in the orientation of clones during a chromosome walk to clone the gene.  相似文献   

Besford  R. T. 《Plant Ecology》1993,(1):441-448
The effects of prolonged CO2 enrichment of tomato plants on photosynthetic performance and Calvin cycle enzymes, including the amount and activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPco), were determined. Also the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis (Pmax) of the 5th leaf throughout leaf development was predicted based on the amount and kinetics of RuBPco. With short-term CO2 enrichment, i.e. only during the photosynthesis measurements, Pmax of the young leaves did not increase while the leaves reaching full expansion more than doubled their net rate of CO2 fixation. However, with longer-term CO2 enrichment, i.e. growing the crop in high CO2, the plants did not maintain this photosynthetic gain. Compared with leaves of plants grown in normal ambient CO2 the high CO2-grown leaves, when almost fully expanded, contained only about half as much RuBPco protein and Pmax in 300 and 1000 vpm CO2 was similarly reduced.The loss of RuBPco protein may be a factor associated with the accelerated fall in Pmax since Pmax was close to that predicted from the amount and kinetics of RuBPco assuming RuBP saturation. Acclimation to high CO2 is fundamentally different from acclimation to high light. In contrast to acclimation to high light, acclimation to high CO2 does not usually involve an increase in photosynthetic machinery so the synthesis and maintenance costs (as indicated by the dark respiration rate) are generally lower.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of [8-14C]benzyladenine applied to the excised organs of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Heinz 1370) was investigated after 2 and 6 h of feeding. Although the roots were the most effective at uptake of the cytokinin the leaves metabolised it the most efficiently. The predominant metabolite in all of the tissues was an unknown compound which did not have a retention time corresponding with any of the standards used. The roots contained the most extensive range of metabolites which included the unknown metabolite and compounds co-eluting with adenine, and the riboside, nucleotide and 9-glucoside of benzyladenine. The 9-glucoside was detected only in the root material. The stem yielded the highest levels of radioactivity at the retention times of benzyladenosine-5-monophosphate and benzyladenosine. The radioactivity associated with these two cytokinins was transient in the leaf extract. This organ ultimately yielded radioactivity only at the retention times of the unknown metabolite and adenine. Since only the roots and leaves contained relatively large peaks of radioactivity at the elution volume of adenine it seems that degradative metabolism was more predominant in these organs than in the stem.Abbreviations Ade adenine - Ado adenosine - BA benzyladenine - BAR benzyladenosine - BA3G 3-glucosylbenzyladenine - BA9G 9-glucosylbenzyladenine - BARMP benzyladenosine monophosphate - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - MS mass spectrometry  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that the endogenous synthesis of gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA), a naturally occurring inhibitory neurotransmitter, serves as a plant defense mechanism against invertebrate pests. Here, we tested the hypothesis that elevated GABA levels in engineered tobacco confer resistance to the northern root nematode (Meloidogyne hapla). This nematode species was chosen because of its sedentary nature and economic importance in Canada. We derived nine phenotypically normal, homozygous lines of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), which contain one or two copies of a full-length, chimeric tobacco glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) cDNA or a mutant version that lacks the autoinhibitory calmodulin-binding domain, under the control of a chimeric octopine synthase/mannopine synthase promoter. Regardless of experimental protocol, uninfected transgenic lines consistently contained higher GABA concentrations than wild-type controls. Growth chamber trials revealed that 9–12 weeks after inoculation of tobacco transplants with the northern root-knot nematode, mature plants of five lines possessed significantly fewer egg masses on the root surface when the data were expressed on both root and root fresh weight bases. Therefore, it can be concluded that constitutive transgenic expression of GAD conferred resistance against the root-knot nematode in phenotypically normal tobacco plants, probably via a GABA-based mechanism.  相似文献   

A mturation-rate relationship for Meloidogyne incognita on Lycopersicon esculentum ''Rutgers'' was derived and used to estimate harvest dates for maximmn egg hatch from laboratory cultures at ambient temperatures. Daily maturation increments were totaled (nematode maturation total, NMT) and correlated with hatch from isolated white, yellow, and amber egg masses. Hatch per mass fluctuated periodically from ca. 1.0 NMT, when egg masses were first visible, to 2.5 NMT by which time plants showed stress. Maximum yields from white and yellow masses occurred, with a shorter than expected periodicity, at 1.5-1.8 and 2.1-2.2 NMT. White masses decreased from 90% of the total masses at 1.0 NMT to 5% at 2.5 NMT, as the proportion of yellow and amber masses increased concomitantly. Harvested masses per gram of root varied from 97 to 276; hatch per gram of root, 11,000 to 86,000.  相似文献   

Impaired growth in transgenic plants over-expressing an expansin isoform   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Expansins are cell wall proteins characterised by their ability to stimulate wall loosening during cell expansion. The expression of some expansin isoforms is clearly correlated with growth and the external application of expansins can stimulate cell expansion in vivo in several systems. We report here the expression of a heterologous expansin coding sequence in transgenic tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) under the control of a constitutive promoter. In some transgenic lines with high levels of expansin activity extractable from cell walls, we observed alterations of growth: mature plants were stunted, with shorter leaves and internodes, and dark-grown seedlings had shorter and wider hypocotyls than their wild-type counterparts. Examination of hypocotyl sections revealed similar differences at the cellular level: cortical and epidermal cells were shorter and wider than those from wild-type seedlings. The observed stimulation of radial expansion did not compensate for the decreased elongation, and overall growth was reduced in the transgenics. As this observation can seem paradoxical given the known effect of expansins on isolated cell walls, we examined the mechanical behaviour of transgenic tissue. We measured a decrease in hypocotyl elongation in response to acidic pH in the transformants. This result may account for the alterations in cell expansion, and could itself be explained by a reduced susceptibility of transgenic cell walls to expansin action.  相似文献   

Resource availability and the trichome defenses of tomato plants   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We conducted two experiments to determine how resource availability influenced allocation by tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) to trichomes, and how different patterns of trichome allocation by plants grown in different resource environments might then influence the behavior of tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) caterpillars. In the first experiment we used high and low levels of light and water, and then, using scanning electron microscopy, determined trichome densities on the leaves and stems. We sampled leaves and stems at several places throughout the plant to determine whether there were within-plant differences in allocation to trichomes. The results of the first experiment showed that resource availability influenced allocation to trichome growth. Patterns in high and low-light supported both the growth-differentiation balance hypothesis (GDBH) and the carbon-nutrient balance hypothesis (CNBH). However, the GDBH was not supported by differences among water treatments. Contrary, to predictions of the GDBH, plants with intermediate growth did not have the highest trichome densities, and plants with similar growth differed in trichome density. Possible biological and artifactual explanations are discussed. The first experiment also showed that there was within-plant variation in allocation to trichomes, and that plant resource availability may influence within-plant variation in allocation to trichomes. In the second experiment, we grew plants in high and low-light, and then monitored the behavior of tobacco hornworms on the stems of these plants in the laboratory. This experiment demonstrated that the light environment that tomato plants were grown in influenced the resting behavior of caterpillars. Furthermore, it demonstrated that both glandular and non-glandular trichomes impeded caterpillars from searching for food. Overall, this study indicated that plant resource availability can influence allocation to trichome defenses, and that these differences may affect insect herbivores.  相似文献   

In arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses, solutes such as phosphate are transferred to the plant in return for photoassimilates. The uptake mechanism is probably facilitated by a proton gradient generated by proton H+-ATPases. We investigated expression of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. H+-ATPases in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants to determine if any are specifically regulated in response to colonization. Tissue expression and cellular localization of H+-ATPases were determined by RNA gel blot analysis and in situ hybridization of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots. LHA1, LHA2, and LHA4 had high levels of expression in roots and were expressed predominantly in epidermal cells. LHA1 and LHA4 were also expressed in cortical cells containing arbuscules. The presence of arbuscules in root sections was correlated with lower levels of expression of these two isoforms in the epidermis. These results suggest that LHA1 and LHA4 expression is decreased in epidermal cells located in regions of the root that contain arbuscules. This provides evidence of differential regulation between molecular mechanisms involved in proton-coupled nutrient transfer either from the soil or fungus to the plant.  相似文献   

Results of experiments concerning comparison of tomato fruit properties which were collected from plants obtained in three manners are described. Control plants were received from seeds. Remaining plants were derived in vitro from leaf and shoot fragments on MS medium supplemented with IAA 0.2 mg·l−1 and BA 2 mg·l−1 (Górecka and Krzyżanowska 1991, Górecka et al. 1994) or with Fari’s et al. (1992) method of obtaining plants by decapitation of sterile seedlings and culture on MS medium without hormones. Evaluation of physical and chemical fruit characters was performed. In the spring experiment the biggest diameter (72 mm), weight (154 g) and volumne (151 ml) were characterized to fruits from plants obtained in vitro on MS medium with IAA and BA. Also fruits from plants received by Fari’s methods were significantly superior in these characters over fruits from the control plants. The fruits from the plants obtained in vitro on MS medium with IAA and BA had highest sugar content (2.95 % f.wt.) and fruits from in vitro plants after Fari’s method contained highest vit.C-13.4 mg·100 g−1 f.wt (significant differences in comparison to control fruits). In other characters fruits from in vitro did not differ as compared to control ones. In the autumn experiments significant differences among fruit groups and characters evaluated were not stated. Generally, yield quality was poorer in the all autumn treatments.  相似文献   

Tomato mesophyll protoplasts were cultured in TM2 medium containing 5.7 M -naphthaleneacetic acid and 2.4 M benzyladenine and were incubated either in stationary culture or on an orbital shaker at 25–30 strokes per min, in combination with interval addition of fresh medium. The effects of stationary and shaking conditions on the growth of the colonies and their subsequent shoot organogenesis were significantly different. The cultures maintained in stationary condition without adding fresh medium accumulated a thin membranous layer on the medium surface and whitish substance in the medium that seemed to precede cell browning and premature colony death. Mild shaking conditions along with the reduction of colony density by one half by dividing the contents of one dish into two dishes, after adding 2 ml of fresh medium on the 4th day and further addition of fresh medium (0.5 ml) on the 8th day of plating, provided optimal conditions for colony growth and suppressed thin layer and whitish substance accumulation. Ten-day-old colonies raised through this protocol regenerated shoots rapidly (within 19–20 days after initial plating) after transfer to regeneration medium (MS medium with 2.8 M zeatin riboside, 0.06–0.1 M gibberellic acid, 4% sucrose and 1% type VII agarose) directly bypassing the callus phase.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indoleacetic acid - MS Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - SPM stroke per min - GLM General Linear Models - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

Summary In tomato, nine independent EMS-induced mutants representing recessive mutations at three different loci (gib-1, gib-2, and gib-3) were isolated. Six of these have an almost absolute gibberellin requirement for seed germination and elongation growth. In addition, the leaves are darker green, smaller, and changed in structure as compared to wild type. The three other mutants, which germinate without GA, are allelic to specific, nongerminating mutants and have less severe mutant characteristics. The respective loci are situated on three different chromosomes. The genes identified by these mutants control steps in gibberellin biosynthesis, as endogenous gibberellins are strongly reduced.  相似文献   

Summary Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. VF 145) plants were grown with Typic Xerofluvents soil in a greenhouse irrigated with recycled nutrient solutions having increasing levels of N and salinity. Positive response of plants to increasing levels of N was obtained at the lowest initial salinity level of 1 dS/m (dS/m=mmho/cm, referenced at 25°C). At the higher initial salinity levels of 5 and 9 dS/m, increasing N was ineffective in counteracting adverse effects on growth and yield caused by the presence of enhanced salt concentrations of the nutrient solution. Total N uptake was linearly correlated with the total water uptake and was severely suppressed by impaired growth associated with the two higher initial salinity levels, irrespective of N levels. The effect of salinity on leaf N concentrations changed over time. Leaf Cl and P concentrations indicated a possible suppressing effect of Cl on P uptake into plant tops.Based on portions of the thesis submitted by the senior author in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in Soil Science. Supported in part by a grant from the Kearney Foundation of Soil Science.  相似文献   

Changes in tocopherol, chlorophyll and TBARS levels and the activities of antioxidant enzymes i.e., GSH-Px, GST, and SOD in chloroplasts of tomato plants subjected to moderate (50 mM) and severe (150 mM) NaCl stress were determined. Increase in tocopherol content around the second day under both stresses did not correlate with the chlorophyll degradation while such correlation was observed from the fifth day of severe stress. The activities of GSH-Px and GST as well as TBARS content showed NaCl-induced enhancement which was dose- and time-dependent. However, chloroplastic SOD was rather not involved in the response of tomato plants to NaCl stress. The obtained results suggest that under the moderate stress similarly as in the early phase of severe stress tocopherol functions as a typical antioxidant, while in the late phase of the latter it may be involved in senescence signaling pathway and enables the recovery and recycling of the compounds significant for a plant organism.  相似文献   

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