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江孜沙棘[Hippophea gyantsensis(Rousi)Lian]是青藏高原特有的一种广生态幅的小乔木,在拉萨河谷地区的海拔3500~4200m范围内均有分布。前人工作多集中在江孜沙棘果实的开发利用方面,对其基础生态学研究较少。本研究旨在探讨江孜沙棘沿海拔梯度的群落组成和表型变异的规律。为此,在拉萨河谷上段沿海拔梯度由东向西设置了4个样带:3850m、3950m、4050m和4200m,每个样带设置2至3个10m×10m的样方进行研究。首先,详细记录了每个样方内林下维管植物的物种组成、样方内的沙棘盖度、海拔、样方与河岸的实际距离,并用DCA[detrended correspondence analysis(去势对应分析)]排序方法对群落及其组成物种进行排序分析。随机抽取了每个样方内的20个江孜沙棘植株个体,测定其胸径、基径、株高和叶片长度,用回归分析法分析这些变量和海拔之间的关系。研究结果表明,江孜沙棘在拉萨河谷内的主要生境分为4种类型,即:河边砾石滩地、河阶草滩、河边草甸和河边林缘,样方排序结果主要受海拔的影响;同时,江孜沙棘植株的基径、胸径和高度都随着海拔的升高而显著减小,而叶片长度与海拔之间无显著相关。本文研究结果表明,对江孜沙棘而言,海拔所代表的综合环境因子对其分布和表型有显著的影响,而局部光照可能也是影响其表型特征的重要生态因子。  相似文献   

耿月华  张天宇 《菌物学报》2010,29(6):786-790
从采自拉萨河谷地的17份土样中,分离获得38个暗色丝孢菌分离物,经鉴定分别属于15属中的25种,其中包括3个新种,即西藏粘鞭霉Gliomastix tibetensis,西藏单格孢Monodictys tibetensis和小孢瓶梗霉Phialomyces microsporus,1个中国新记录种嗜毛金色孢Chrysosporium keratinophilum。对新种和中国新记录种进行了描述和图示,对其他21个中国已报道种作了分离地点和生境的引证。主模式和等模式标本(干制培养物)分别保藏在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)和中国科学院菌物标本馆(HMAS)。其余研究过的标本(干制培养物)与活菌种保存在HSAUP。  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) actively participates in the global carbon (C) cycle. Despite much research, however, our understanding of the temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization is still very limited. To investigate the responses of SOC mineralization to temperature, we sampled surface soils (0–10 cm) from evergreen broad-leaf forest (EBF), coniferous forest (CF), sub-alpine dwarf forest (SDF), and alpine meadow (AM) along an elevational gradient in the Wuyi Mountains, China. The soil samples were incubated at 5, 15, 25, and 35°C with constant soil moisture for 360 days. The temperature sensitivity of SOC mineralization (Q10) was calculated by comparing the time needed to mineralize the same amount of C at any two adjacent incubation temperatures. Results showed that the rates of SOC mineralization and the cumulative SOC mineralized during the entire incubation significantly increased with increasing incubation temperatures across the four sites. With the increasing extent of SOC being mineralized (increasing incubation time), the Q10 values increased. Moreover, we found that both the elevational gradient and incubation temperature intervals significantly impacted Q10 values. Q10 values of the labile and recalcitrant organic C linearly increased with elevation. For the 5–15, 15–25, and 25–35°C intervals, surprisingly, the overall Q10 values for the labile C did not decrease as the recalcitrant C did. Generally, our results suggest that subtropical forest soils may release more carbon than expected in a warmer climate.  相似文献   



Thermal gradients along changes in elevation in mountainous environments are reflected by different biotas. Although there have been studies of elevation variation in bat assemblages in summer, winter changes in the same gradients remain unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The objective of this study was to document changes in the species composition of bats hibernating in caves along a temperate elevational gradient. We studied 70 caves between from 300 m to 1,930 m altitude along a slope of the Carpathian Mountains in southern Poland. We recorded changes in bats, including species richness, abundance, altitudinal distribution and dominance during consecutive winters between 2003 and 2009. Similarity of dominance of faunal structure was assessed by using the Bray-Curtis similarity index. We used the generalised additive model and rarefaction to study the variation in species richness, and generalized additive mixed models to examine the effect of abiotic factors on the qualitative and quantitative structure of bat assemblages. During 351 surveys we recorded 13,856 hibernating bats from 15 species. Species richness peaked around mid-elevation (1,100–1,400 m a.s.l.) with richness declining at both higher and lower elevations. Based on the results of a cluster analysis, we could distinguish among four altitudinal zones that differed in species richness and dominance structure.


This is the first study documenting changes in species richness and variation of structure of bats hibernating in caves along an elevational gradient. The most surprising and key finding is the fact that changes in the structure of assemblages of hibernating bats along the altitudinal gradient occurred in jumps, forming zones similar to those observed in the vegetation zones. Moreover, species richness and dominance structure of assemblages of hibernating bats in the mountains depended not only on location above sea level, but also on local geomorphologic conditions which strongly affected the microclimate of the caves.  相似文献   

拉萨国家级自然保护区拉鲁湿地发现牛蛙   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
原产于美国落基山脉以东地区的牛蛙(Rana Catesbeiana )是一种非常危险的外来物种。 2014年6月14-24日在拉萨市国家级自然保护区拉鲁湿地内发现成 、幼体 的牛蛙。建议借助政府、知名宗教人士、媒介等力量,以制度、呼吁、宣传等有效渠道,尽快解决湿地放生牛蛙的问题,以降低湿地现有牛蛙的种群增长及栖息地的进一步扩大。  相似文献   

嵩草属(Kobresia)植物是藏东南高山草甸的优势种和建群种,对该区畜牧业发展和维持生态系统平衡起着重要作用。选择西藏左贡县东达山为研究地点,从林线开始,海拔每升高约100m设置1个样带直至高山草甸分布边缘,共8个样带,调查各样带中物种的组成及盖度,并依据相对盖度和相对频度计算3种嵩草植物矮生嵩草(K.humilis)、线叶嵩草(K.capillifolia)和大花嵩草(K.macrantha)在群落中的重要值,同时取样观察它们叶片远、近轴面表皮细胞形态,测量气孔长度及保卫细胞宽度,计算气孔密度,探讨嵩草属植物对海拔梯度的适应性。结果表明:(1)3种嵩草属植物叶表皮细胞均呈波浪状,气孔器仅分布于远轴面,近轴面无气孔器分布。(2)3种嵩草属植物气孔密度沿海拔梯度的变化均呈单峰曲线分布格局,且在海拔4 537m样带处达到最大值,并表现为矮生嵩草(777.6个/mm2)线叶嵩草(476.4个/mm2)大花嵩草(414.3个/mm2)。(3)随海拔的增加,矮生嵩草和线叶嵩草气孔长度显著增大(P0.05),而保卫细胞宽度显著减小;但大花嵩草气孔长度随海拔的升高而显著减小,保卫细胞宽度基本保持不变。(4)矮生嵩草和线叶嵩草气孔密度、长度和保卫细胞宽度与海拔梯度均显著相关,气孔特征对海拔梯度变化的敏感程度高,与其在群落中重要值高的分布特征一致;而大花嵩草仅气孔密度和长度与海拔梯度显著相关,气孔特征对海拔梯度变化的敏感性低,与其在群落中重要值低的分布特征一致;嵩草属植物气孔密度、长度和保护细胞宽度与海拔梯度之间的相关性,反映出它们在海拔梯度上对生境的适应程度。可见,3种嵩草属植物气孔特征对海拔梯度上生境变化的适应性不同,从而影响它们在群落中的分布范围和物种优势度,其中矮生嵩草和线叶嵩草对环境变化敏感,而大花嵩草对环境变化相对不敏感;保卫细胞宽度与气孔长度同样对植物适应环境变化起重要作用。  相似文献   

An investigation of terrestrial bryophyte species diversity and community structure along an altitudinal gradient from 2,001 to 4,221 m a.s.l. in Gongga Mountain in Sichuan, China was carried out in June 2010. Factors which might affect bryophyte species composition and diversity, including climate, elevation, slope, depth of litter, vegetation type, soil pH and soil Eh, were examined to understand the altitudinal feature of bryophyte distribution. A total of 14 representative elevations were chosen along an altitudinal gradient, with study sites at each elevation chosen according to habitat type (forests, grasslands) and accessibility. At each elevation, three 100 m × 2 m transects that are 50 m apart were set along the contour line, and three 50 cm × 50 cm quadrats were set along each transect at an interval of 30 m. Species diversity, cover, biomass, and thickness of terrestrial bryophytes were examined. A total of 165 species, including 42 liverworts and 123 mosses, are recorded in Gongga mountain. Ground bryophyte species richness does not show any clear elevation trend. The terrestrial bryophyte cover increases with elevation. The terrestrial bryophyte biomass and thickness display a clear humped relationship with the elevation, with the maximum around 3,758 m. At this altitude, biomass is 700.3 g m−2 and the maximum thickness is 8 cm. Bryophyte distribution is primarily associated with the depth of litter, the air temperature and the precipitation. Further studies are necessary to include other epiphytes types and vascular vegetation in a larger altitudinal range.  相似文献   

Forest soils play a critical role in the sequestration of atmospheric CO2 and subsequent attenuation of global warming. The nature and properties of organic matter in soils have an influence on the sequestration of carbon. In this study, soils were collected from representative forestlands, including a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest (EBF), a coniferous forest (CF), a subalpine dwarf forest (DF), and alpine meadow (AM) along an elevation gradient on Wuyi Mountain, which is located in a subtropical area of southeastern China. These soil samples were analyzed in the laboratory to examine the distribution and speciation of organic carbon (OC) within different size fractions of water-stable soil aggregates, and subsequently to determine effects on carbon sequestration. Soil aggregation rate increased with increasing elevation. Soil aggregation rate, rather than soil temperature, moisture or clay content, showed the strongest correlation with OC in bulk soil, indicating soil structure was the critical factor in carbon sequestration of Wuyi Mountain. The content of coarse particulate organic matter fraction, rather than the silt and clay particles, represented OC stock in bulk soil and different soil aggregate fractions. With increasing soil aggregation rate, more carbon was accumulated within the macroaggregates, particularly within the coarse particulate organic matter fraction (250–2000 μm), rather than within the microaggregates (53–250μm) or silt and clay particles (< 53μm). In consideration of the high instability of macroaggregates and the liability of SOC within them, further research is needed to verify whether highly-aggregated soils at higher altitudes are more likely to lose SOC under warmer conditions.  相似文献   

Along the middle and lower reaches of the Kyichu River and its tributaries (Lhasa area, southern Tibet), a multidisciplinary study was carried out in order to investigate the areal distribution, sedimentological properties, ages and palaeoenvironmental implications of aeolian deposits including intercalated palaeosols. This research was initiated to investigate to what extent southern Tibet is influenced by past human activity, as even recent evaluations perceive the present treeless desertic environment as natural. Fifteen profiles were recorded at an altitude of 3540–4580 m a.s.l. with subsequent sedimentological, geochronological (OSL, AMS 14C) and palaeobotanical (charcoal) analyses. Sediment properties of both loesses and aeolian sands reveal an origin from aeolian sorting of nearby fluvial deposits. The calculated ages are the oldest obtained thus far on aeolian sediments from southern and interior Tibet, revealing natural aeolian sedimentation before and around the Last Glacial Maximum (c. 20 ka). However, a distinct portion of Late Holocene sandy aeolian sediments also occurs. Both the evidence for the aeolian dynamics (widespread Pleistocene loess and aeolian sand deposition, local Late Holocene aeolian sand deposition, modern reactivation of widespread Pleistocene aeolian sands) and the palaeobotanical findings (Late Holocene vegetation change from a tree-bearing to a widely treeless landscape) provide evidence that the Lhasa area was strongly influenced by human activity since at least the Late Neolithic (c. 4200 cal yrs BP). Thus the present-day desertic environment might not primarily be a result of the semiarid climate or the high-altitude conditions, but rather of activities of the humans and their collateral effects. However, once established, this semi-natural ecosystem persisted, controlled by strong grazing, firewood extraction, erosion and harsh edaphic conditions, preventing the recovery of trees.  相似文献   

Homoploid hybrid speciation, the origin of a hybrid species without change in chromosome number, is currently considered to be a rare form of speciation. In the present study, we examined the phylogenetic origin of Hippophaë gyantsensis, a diploid species occurring in the western Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Some of its morphological and molecular traits suggest a close relationship to H. rhamnoides ssp. yunnanensis while others indicate H. neurocarpa. We conducted phylogenetic analyses of sequence data of two maternally inherited chloroplast (cp) DNA fragments and the bi‐parentally inherited nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) from 17 populations of H. gyantsensis, 15 populations of H. rhamnoides ssp. yunnanensis and 27 populations of H. neurocarpa across their distributional ranges, and modelled the niche differentiation of the three taxa. Multiple lines of evidence suggested that H. gyantsensis is a morphologically stable, genetically independent and ecologically distinct species. The inconsistent phylogenetic placements of the H. gyantsensis clade that comprised the dominant cpDNA haplotypes and ITS ribotypes suggested a probable diploid hybrid origin from multiple crosses between H. rhamnoides ssp. yunnanensis and H. neurocarpa. This tentative hypothesis is more parsimonious than alternative explanations according to the data available, although more evidence based on further testing is needed.  相似文献   

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