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Epaulette sharks Hemiscyllium ocellatum were surveyed on Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia for gnathiid isopods and protozoan (haemogregarine) parasites to determine the prevalence and intensity of infection and to investigate the potential role of gnathiids as vectors of these haemogregarines, the first such study carried out on elasmobranchs. Juvenile gnathiids were collected and quantified using a novel non-invasive and chemical-free technique and gnathiid squashes were examined for haemogregarine developmental stages. The feeding and reproductive ecology of the Gnathia spp. was investigated to better understand the relationship between gnathiids and haemogregarines. Gnathiids were found on all sharks and intensities ranged between two and 66. Only third-stage gnathiid juveniles were found, which fell into two size groups (A and B). These juveniles remained attached to H. ocellatum for up to 17 days, the longest period of attachment yet recorded for gnathiids. Group A female gnathiids produced broods of 45-187 (median =120) first stage juveniles from between 54 and 82 days (median=63 days) after detachment. First stage juveniles survived for an average of 15.8+/-0.1 (SEM) days without feeding. The prevalence (6.7%) and parasitaemia (usually <0.1% infected erythrocytes) of infections of the haemogregarine Haemogregarina hemiscyllii were relatively low and most stages were immature gamonts. Two undescribed Gnathia spp. were identified by examining adult male gnathiids that metamorphosed from juveniles from each of the two size groups. Our hypothesis that Gnathia spp. transmit H. hemiscyllii is neither supported or refuted, as although intact H. hemiscyllii gamonts were detected in squashes of gnathiids that had engorged on haemogregarine-positive H. ocellatum 24-57 days previously, no further developmental stages were detected.  相似文献   

Underwater observations were conducted on the reproductive behavior and mating system of the lefteye flounder,Engyprosopon grandisquama, off Nagashima, southwest of Kyushu Island, Japan. Two types of males were found: large males, which defended territories against other large males, and small males, which did likewise but only against smaller males. Large males established territories which encompassed or ovelapped the home ranges of 1 or 2 cohabitant females. Territories of the small males, in which a smaller female often maintained a home range, overlapped those of large males. Pair spawning occurred around sunset. Mating of large males with cohabitant females was observed 36 times and that of a small male with a smaller female once. Pair formation was assorted by body size, paired males being larger than females in most cases. Thus, inE. grandisquama, gigamous large males were common, small males occurring within the former's erritorial boundaries mating with smaller females.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic niche shifts are characteristic of organisms with complex life cycles such as many marine invertebrates. Research has focused primarily on changes in habitat or diet. However, ontogenetic changes can also occur in the temporal pattern of foraging. Gnathiid isopods feed on fish blood throughout their larval stages and are the primary food item for cleaning organisms on coral reefs. At sites in Australia and the Caribbean, gnathiid larvae exhibit size-related differences in diel activity. However, it is unclear whether this is due to interspecific or intraspecific variation in behavior. Fish were deployed in cages near sunset on shallow reefs off St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands and allowed to be infected with larval gnathiids. Larvae collected from fish retrieved near midnight developed into adults, with most developing into females. In contrast, approximately 80% of gnathiids collected after first light developed into second or third stage larvae, and nearly all of the remaining, large, individuals developed into males. Comparison of ITS2 gene regions from individuals collected in emergence traps from the same reefs during the day versus during the night revealed no differences in this highly variable region. Thus, gnathiid larvae at this locality shift their time of activity as they develop, and larvae developing into males remain active over a longer time period than those developing into females.  相似文献   

 The dynamics of parasitic gnathiid isopod infestation on the fish Hemigymnus melapterus were examined at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, by measuring the abundance and feeding state of gnathiids on fish collected between dawn and sunset and by estimating the time required for gnathiids to become engorged on host fluids. A model was developed to estimate gnathiid abundance on fish for any given time of day and host size. Fish at dawn had 2.4 times as many gnathiids compared with fish at sunset, indicating that some gnathiids infest fish overnight. Most gnathiids had engorged guts (72–86%); the proportion of empty guts and engorged guts did not differ in three time periods of collection (<0800 h, 0800 to 1100 h, and >1100 h). In the laboratory, gnathiids fed quickly with 75% of gnathiids exposed to fish for 4 h having engorged guts. The short time required for gnathiids to become engorged and the presence of gnathiids with empty guts throughout the day suggests that gnathiids also infest fish during the day. Thus gnathiids eaten by cleaner fish during the day may be replaced by other gnathiids during the day or night suggesting that interactions between gnathiids and cleaner fish are highly dynamic. Accepted: 15 April 1999  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(3):837-842
Two different sets of courtship encounters between female Desmognathus ochrophaeus and males of large (=58) and small (=38 mm) body size were staged in the laboratory. In the first set, encounters were arranged between male-female pairs so that each of five females individually encountered each of 10 males. In these encouters, small and large males were equally likely to court with and inseminate females. In the second set, each encounter was staged for a trio fo one female and two males (one large and one small); each female had a courtship opportunity with five large-small pairs of males, and each pair of males encountered five different females. In the 25 trio encounters, the large male always chased away the small male before proceeding to court the female. Small males never deposited spermatophores if a large male was present. Male body size should have a significant effect on courtship success in natural populations of D. ochrophaeus if male-male competition affects access to females.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are undergoing rapid changes as living corals give way to dead coral on which other benthic organisms grow. This decline in live coral could influence habitat availability for fish parasites with benthic life stages. Gnathiid isopod larvae live in the substratum and are common blood-feeding parasites of reef fishes. We examined substrate associations and preferences of a common Caribbean gnathiid, Gnathia marleyi. Emergence traps set over predominantly live coral substrata captured significantly fewer gnathiids than traps set over dead coral substrata. In laboratory experiments, gnathiids preferred dead coral and sponge and tended to avoid contact with live coral. When live gnathiids were added to containers with dead or live coral, significantly fewer were recovered from the latter after 24 h. Our data therefore suggest that live coral is not suitable microhabitat for parasitic gnathiid isopods and that a decrease in live coral cover increases available habitat for gnathiids.  相似文献   

The evolution of female mate choice, broadly defined to include any female behaviour or morphology which biases matings towards certain male phenotypes, is traditionally thought to result from direct or indirect benefits which females acquire when mating with preferred males. In contrast, new models have shown that female mate choice can be generated by sexual conflict, where preferred males may cause a fitness depression in females. Several studies have shown that female Drosophila melanogaster bias matings towards large males. Here, we use male size as a proxy for male attractiveness and test how female fitness is affected by reproducing with large or small males, under two different male densities. Females housed with large males had reduced lifespan and aged at an accelerated rate compared with females housed with small males, and increased male density depressed female fitness further. These fitness differences were due to effects on several different fitness components. Female fitness covaried negatively with male courtship rate, which suggests a cost of courtship. Mating rate increased with male size, whereas female fitness peaked at an intermediate mating rate. Our results suggest that female mate choice in D. melanogaster is, at least in part, a by-product of sexual conflict over the mating rate.  相似文献   

Chemosensory communication may be crucial during mate choice and mating in the southern temperate spiny lobster Jasus edwardsii to ensure that females mate with large males capable of supplying adequate numbers of sperm during the short mating window. To clarify the role of pheromones during this process, three laboratory experiments were carried out. In an experiment where the output of urine, which contains sex-specific pheromones, from large and small catheterized males was switched, large post-molt females did not make a clear choice of mate. This indicates that while females distinguish among females, males, and juveniles using their chemosensory sense, they distinguish among males using visual and tactile senses in combination with olfaction. Further, two antennule-ablation experiments were carried out to determine if detection of pheromones by the antennules of females or males was critical for mate selection, courting, or mating. In both cases, we observed a (nonsignificant) trend of slightly delayed mating of treatment females. We found that disruption of female olfaction causes less impact on courtship or mating than ablation of male antennules which increased the variance in the length of the period between molting and mating and resulted in a systematic reduction in clutch size. This lesser impact of female ablation may be because females can still respond to their own internal cues about egg ripeness whereas males cannot. In J. edwardsii, unlike the American clawed lobster, Homarus americanus, one fully functional partner of either sex appears sufficient to initiate mating.  相似文献   

In monogamous mammals it is often unclear why males do not defend larger territories to attract more than one female. I investigated the territoriality of the monogamous Kirk's dikdik, Madoqua kirki, a dwarf antelope, in which food resources increase with territory size and some males defend enough resources for more than one female. Yet, all males are paired monogamously. When males were removed from small territories, their female partners spent more time outside of their territories than females in large ones. When females were removed, their male partners almost never left. Pairs in small territories spent more time together than pairs in large ones. Paired males left mostly together with their females, apparently not on their own initiative. Presumably because females in small territories left more often, their males spent more time outside in the female's company than males in large territories. I argue that males in smaller territories can keep better track of their females and that they can effectively reduce their females' time outside. Male intrusion pressure was unrelated to territory size, but it increased in the presence of unguarded females. If large territories decrease the ability to mate guard, and if unguarded females attract competing males, then defending large territories may be uneconomical, even it they could attract more than one female. On the other hand, territories must be large enough to satisfy the requirements of a single female.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The effect of body size on different components of male fitness was studied for Epirrita autumnata , a geometrid known for its eruptive population dynamics. Body size is the main determinant of female fecundity in this species.
2. Longevity of males was found to have a weak negative correlation with body size at low temperatures. No significant correlation was found at higher temperatures.
3. We found no correlation between male size and female fecundity or egg size which is consistent with the small size of spermatophores in this species.
4. Small and large males were equally successful when allowed to compete for females in laboratory conditions.
5. In one or two field collections, males found mating were larger than males found singly. Large males also had an advantage in finding of virgin females, offered experimentally. No size-assortative mating was recorded.
6. We conclude that size-dependent mate location ability is the factor accounting for most of the variance in male fitness in E.autumnata. The dependence of fitness on body size may well be equally strong in males and females.  相似文献   

Gnathiid isopods are common ectoparasites of fish on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. While screening for appropriate markers for phylogenetic studies of gnathiids, we found that primers for 12S and 16S rDNA preferentially amplified the host fish DNA instead of gnathiid DNA. This amplification occurred even when using gnathiids that were not engorged with host blood and adult gnathiids that do not feed on fish blood. This method could be used in host-parasite studies to identify hosts without having to sample parasites directly from the host (which can be costly and requires considerable skill in a marine environment). Target ribosomal DNA sequences can be amplified from total DNA extracted from parasites that are captured in funnel traps or plankton tows. Sequence data from these can be used to identify the hosts that gnathiids were feeding on before capture.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms of sexual selection operating on body size in the one‐sided livebearer (Jenynsia multidentata), a small fish characterized by male dwarfism. Mating in the one‐sided livebearer is coercive: males approach females from behind and try to thrust their copulatory organ at the female genital pore. Females counter males' mating attempts by either swimming away or attacking them. We tested the hypothesis that the components of sexual selection favouring small size in males (sexual coercion) were more effective than those favouring a large size (male competition and mate choice). When alone, small males had a significantly higher success in their mating attempts than large males. The proportion of successful attempts was also positively correlated with female size. When two males competed for the same female, the large male had a significant mating advantage over the small one. With a 1 : 1 sex ratio, the large‐male mating advantage vanished because each male tended to follow a different female. Large males, however, preferentially defended large females, thus compelling small males to engage with smaller, less fecund females. Males did not discriminate between gravid and non‐gravid females, but preferred mating with larger females. This preference disappeared when males were much smaller than the female, probably in relation to the risk for the male of being eaten or injured by the female. In a choice chamber, male‐deprived females that had their sperm storage depleted remained close to males and showed a preference for large individuals, a behaviour not observed in non‐deprived females. Nonetheless, when placed with males in the same aquarium, all females showed avoidance and aggression. Struggling may represent a way by which the female assesses the skill and endurance of males.  相似文献   

In the dance-fly Empis borealis (Diptera, Empididae), females form swarms to which males, carrying a nuptial gift, come for mating. We examined whether males or females were choosy and/or competed for mates. First, measurements of the size relationships between copulating males and females, nuptial gifts and the swarming females from different swarms were assessed. Second, male visiting time in differently sized female swarms was recorded. Larger (wing-length) females participated disproportionately in copulations in each swarm, but not for the population at large. Female mating status (virgin/non-virgin) or proximity to oviposition (egg size) did not influence the likelihood of copulation. No assortative mating pattern was found: male size and size of nuptial gift did not correlate with size of the mating female. The time spent by males in swarms increased with the number of females present and it took longer when males left a swarm without copulation than when doing so. Male visiting time per female was negatively correlated with number of females in swarms. Males more often left smaller than larger swarms without mating. We conclude that E. borealis males discriminate among females but find no evidence for male competition or for female choice. It is still a question to what degree females compete for males.  相似文献   

In many animals, females prefer large males to small males, which allow large males to be choosier than small males when selecting a mate. We investigated the courtship intensity of small- and large-sized male fiddler crabs (Austruca perplexa) by examining their claw-waving rates (waves/min) towards small- and large-sized females. We found that large males showed a greater preference for large females by producing more waves/min towards them, whereas small males did not show any apparent preference for either large or small females. Moreover, the waving rate of large males was positively correlated with female size, but there was no correlation between waving rate and female size in small males. These results indicate that large males in a population become choosier and show strong mate choice, which is most likely due to their greater preference among females.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies were used to assess: (1) whether size assortative mating occurred in the New Zealand amphipod Paracalliope fluviatilis and (2) hypotheses developed to explain size assortative mating. We found that assortative mating occurred and that larger females carried more eggs, suggesting they may be more valuable as mates. Laboratory experiments were then used to determine whether: (1) male size influenced the size of the female selected (mechanical constraints hypothesis); (2) male size influenced pairing success in the presence of competition (intrasexual selection hypothesis); (3) take‐overs of females occurred and whether large males were more successful (intrasexual selection hypothesis); (4) guard duration varied relative to male and female size (guard duration hypothesis); and (5) females had control over pairing success and guard duration (intersexual selection hypothesis). Although there was evidence to suggest the existence of intrasexual competition for mates (i.e. both small and large males preferred large females), there was no evidence of overt competition (i.e. takeovers of paired females). There was also no difference with respect to how long small and large males guarded females, but large females were guarded longer by both male size classes. Females handicapped by having their mobility reduced were guarded for the same duration as control females but males were more likely to pair with handicapped females, suggesting that they were easier to amplex. Given the lack of evidence for direct male–male competition or female choice, we suggest that assortative mating may be the result of: (1) indirect competition (e.g. in situ large males may be better able to access and amplex the largest females) or (2) female resistance to small males in combination with higher costs that small males may incur in securing large females. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 173–181.  相似文献   

Escape from parasites in their native range is one of many mechanisms that can contribute to the success of an invasive species. Gnathiid isopods are blood-feeding ectoparasites that infest a wide range of fish hosts, mostly in coral reef habitats. They are ecologically similar to terrestrial ticks, with the ability to transmit blood-borne parasites and cause damage or even death to heavily infected hosts. Therefore, being highly resistant or highly susceptible to gnathiids can have significant fitness consequences for reef-associated fishes. Indo-Pacific red lionfish (Pterois volitans) have invaded coastal habitats of the western tropical and subtropical Atlantic and Caribbean regions. We assessed the susceptibility of red lionfish to parasitic gnathiid isopods in both their native Pacific and introduced Atlantic ranges via experimental field studies during which lionfish and other, ecologically-similar reef fishes were caged and exposed to gnathiid infestation on shallow coral reefs. Lionfish in both ranges had very few gnathiids when compared with other species, suggesting that lionfish are not highly susceptible to infestation by generalist ectoparasitic gnathiids. While this pattern implies that release from gnathiid infestation is unlikely to contribute to the success of lionfish as invaders, it does suggest that in environments with high gnathiid densities, lionfish may have an advantage over species that are more susceptible to gnathiids. Also, because lionfish are not completely resistant to gnathiids, our results suggest that lionfish could possibly have transported blood parasites between their native Pacific and invaded Atlantic ranges.  相似文献   

Female and male mate choice in relation to adult size were examined for the solitary and gregarious parasitoids, Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson) and Cotesia flavipes Cameron, respectively. In addition, male precopulatory behaviors were observed for evidence of male competition or a large-male advantage in mate acquisition. Male parasitoids are not known to offer female mates direct benefits, but females that mate high quality males may obtain indirect benefits, such as offspring that are more successful in obtaining mates. Female choice experiments for C. marginiventris found that large males approached females first more frequently than small males, and that females mated large males significantly more often than small males. Male choice experiments for C. marginiventris did not demonstrate a male preference for female size. In contrast, female choice experiments with C. flavipes found that females mated equally with large or small males, while male choice experiments showed that males attempted copulation and mated more frequently with smaller females. Male competition was not observed in the gregarious species C. flavipes, but competition in this gregarious parasitoid could be moderated by dispersal.  相似文献   

The growth of Enterobius vermicularis in a chimpanzee was investigated by observing worms discharged in feces after administration of pyrantel pamoate. Just after the final molting, immature adult male pinworms developed to a fully mature stage in 2 wk, after passing through a stage corresponding to the so-called Enterobius gregorii, which was surmised to be a younger adult form of E. vermicularis. The frequency distribution of body length forms 2 peaks in both male and female pinworms, with a depression in the transitional forms from the immature to the fully mature stage.This depression seems to be the result of more rapid growth or lower susceptibility to the drug in this transitional stage. Pyrantel pamoate effectively eradicated mature males, but gravid females were continuously observed in the feces after treatment. The complete eradication of pinworm infection by pyrantel pamoate could be achieved by repeated treatment at intervals shorter than 2 wk. This treatment would eradicate male worms first, resulting in females producing only unfertilized eggs, from which only males might hatch.  相似文献   

We conducted three experiments to test the effects of mating history of both sexes and of male body size on mating behaviours in the water strider, Gerris buenoi. Our manipulations influenced the interests of both sexes and, thus, the degree of conflict over mating behaviours. Mating history was a dichotomous variable (deprived/mated), depending on holding conditions in the laboratory. Experiment 1 considered and found independent effects of male and female mating history on latency to copulation and copulation duration. In experiment 2, we manipulated only female mating history, using unsuccessful struggle rates as evidence for female reluctance and conflict over mating. Finally, we investigated the relation between male body size and mating history on copulation duration. We predicted that intersexual conflict over mating would be lowest when females were deprived, because female interests under these conditions should more closely match those of males. Deprived females began mating in half the time of mated females and were twice as likely to mate because of reduced reluctance. Furthermore, copulation duration for deprived males was about one and a half times longer than that for mated males. Although previous studies examining nonrandom mating patterns by size predicted longer copulations for small males, we found that small males prolonged copulation when deprived more than large males. We conclude that females primarily influence copulation frequency, but males primarily influence copulation duration. Our results favour the hypothesis that reduced mating opportunity for small males accounts for their extended copulation duration. Finally, our findings provide evidence for strong effects of male body size on selection mechanisms in water striders, and support the hypothesis of conflicting pre- and postcopulatory selection mechanisms in this group. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

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