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Morphological and histological observations were made on eight dwarf mutants arising either as seedlings from sexual reproduction or from somatic bud mutations (witches'-brooms in the crowns of normal trees). The most predominate morphological trait contributing to the expression of dwarfism in all taxa was the reduction of final internode lengths along the shoot axis. In taxa of sexual origin, with the exception of Prunus, there was a consistent reduction in the number of preformed leaves contained in the winter buds. In addition, in two taxa (Liquidambar and Tsuga) there was an almost complete absence of neoformed leaves and sylleptic branches on current year shoots. Conversely, in mutants of somatic origin there was no apparent reduction in the number of preformed leaves. Genetic dwarfness in this group resulted solely from decreases in final internode length. Significant differences in the cellular basis of dwarfism between mutants of different genetic origins are clearly evident. In dwarf trees arising from sexual reproduction, reduction in final internode length is attributed predominately to inhibition of mitotic activity in developing internodes resulting in highly significant decreases in final cell number, and not cell length. In mutants of somatic origin, the reduction in length of mature internodes results from a decrease in final cell length, rather than a decrease in cell number. Physiological mechanisms associated with the genetic expression of these morphogenetic differences are suggested.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of the germplasm for long-term periods is of great importance to maintain the genetic resource. Argentina is one of the world's highest lemon producing country. The performance of different cooling/warming rates in the cryopreservation method of Citrus limon L. Burm cv. Eureka seeds and their influence on the interval of optimal moisture content in the desiccation stage were analyzed. Water sorption isotherm was determined and modeled using D'Arcy & Watt equation; it provided important information concerning the amounts of water associated to strong, weak and multimolecular binding sites along the sorption isotherm. Seeds tolerated a wide range of desiccation conditions (0.1<aw<0.85) showing a high viability (>80%), however desiccation to 0.0526 g H2O g−1 d.b. (aw = 0.0901) produced a significant loss of viability. Differential Scanning Calorimetry was used to identify the thermal transitions of lipids and water in the seed; enthalpies were used to calculate the unfrozen water fraction (0.19 g H2O g−1 d.b. corresponding to aw = 0.64). Two cooling/warming rates were tested on desiccated seeds (0.11<aw<0.85): i) 200 °C min−1 (reached with seeds placed inside a closed cryogenic vial); ii) 1000 °C min−1 (reached with aluminum-foiled seeds placed in a perforated cryogenic vial). For both methods, viability was maximum (83.3%) at aw = 0.64. Lethal ice formation was responsible for the loss of viability at aw>0.64 corresponding to the unfrozen water fraction. The use of higher cooling/warming rates enables a wider range of desiccation conditions (0.33<aw<0.76) in cryopreservation procedures. This work contributes to the optimization of cryopreservation methods of economically important germplasm.  相似文献   

1.?'Compensatory growth' and 'catch-up growth' are often used interchangeably to describe the faster than optimal growth that occurs following a period of dietary restriction in the development of many animals. Concerns about the statistical analysis of these studies have drawn attention to the risk of false detection in reports of compensatory and catch-up growth. 2.?This study aims to quantify the degree to which these compensatory responses occur across the animal kingdom. In addition, this study distinguishes the two terms, 'compensatory growth' and 'catch-up growth', to clarify the fitness consequences of rapid growth. Compensatory growth refers to a faster than usual growth rate, while catch-up growth implies attainment of control size. 3.?Eight meta-analyses and meta-regression analyses were conducted on data extracted from 88 papers, including 11 taxonomic classes. The results confirmed that both growth tactics (i.e. compensatory and catch-up growth) occur across a wide range of taxa and result in decreased direct fitness components. 4.?Importantly, the meta-analytic methods used made it possible to identify the specific experimental techniques that most successfully promoted rapid growth after restriction and key differences in the responses of the four major groups (mammals, birds, fish and arthropods) to dietary restriction. Endotherms are more likely to show a compensatory growth response because of their determinate growth; in contrast, the indeterminate and saltatory growth tactics of fish and arthropods reduce the pressure to rapidly achieve a large size. 5.?Among the first meta-analyses to be conducted in this field, this study provides valuable support for the premises of compensatory and catch-up growth and also discusses weaknesses in experimental design, and possible solutions, in compensatory growth research. For example, we recommend conducting the experiment within the most linear phase of an animal's growth to avoid analytical complications arising from size-dependent growth, and our results indicate that dietary dilution more closely resembles quantitative restriction than clutch size and intermittent feeding restriction methods when normal quantitative restriction is not possible.  相似文献   

Taxa differ widely in numbers of species, which may be due either to chance alone or to factors that cause differences in speciation and extinction rates between taxa. To test whether an observed distribution of species over taxa differs from the distribution expected from chance alone, one must take into account that neither speciation nor extinction rates are known. This paper introduces a way to estimate speciation and extinction probabilities from the distribution of extant species over families and to test whether the observed distribution is different from expected. Application of this procedure to the distributions of bird, hexapod, primate, and angiosperm species over taxa provides statistical evidence of differences in rates of cladogenesis between taxa.  相似文献   

The ice recrystallization inhibition activity of various mono- and disaccharides has been correlated with their ability to cryopreserve human cell lines at various concentrations. Cell viabilities after cryopreservation were compared with control experiments where cells were cryopreserved with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). The most potent inhibitors of ice recrystallization were 220?mM solutions of disaccharides; however, the best cell viability was obtained when a 200?mM d-galactose solution was utilized. This solution was minimally cytotoxic at physiological temperature and effectively preserved cells during freeze-thaw. In fact, this carbohydrate was just as effective as a 5% DMSO solution. Further studies indicated that the cryoprotective benefit of d-galactose was a result of its internalization and its ability to mitigate osmotic stress, prevent intracellular ice formation and/or inhibit ice recrystallization. This study supports the hypothesis that the ability of a cryoprotectant to inhibit ice recrystallization is an important property to enhance cell viability post-freeze-thaw. This cryoprotective benefit is observed in three different human cell lines. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the ability of a potential cryoprotectant to inhibit ice recrystallation may be used as a predictor of its ability to preserve cells at subzero temperatures.  相似文献   

Tumor tissue has great clinical and scientific value which relies highly on the proper preservation of primary materials. Conventional tumor tissue cryopreservation using slow-freezing method has yielded limited success, leading to significant cell loss and morphological damage. Here we report a standardized vitrification-based cryopreservation method, by which we have successfully vitrified and warmed 35 intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) tissues with up to 80% viability of the fresh tumor tissues. Cryopreserved ICC tissue could generate patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) with take rates of 68.2% compared to 72.7% using fresh tumor tissues. Histological and genetic analyses showed that no significant alterations in morphology and gene expression were introduced by this cryopreservation method. Our procedure may facilitate collection, long-time storage and propagation of cholangiocarcinoma or other tumor specimens for (pre)clinical studies of novel therapies or for basic research.  相似文献   

Animals produce a wide array of sounds with highly variable acoustic structures. It is possible to understand the causes and consequences of this variation across taxa with phylogenetic comparative analyses. Acoustic and evolutionary analyses are rapidly increasing in sophistication such that choosing appropriate acoustic and evolutionary approaches is increasingly difficult. However, the correct choice of analysis can have profound effects on output and evolutionary inferences. Here, we identify and address some of the challenges for this growing field by providing a roadmap for quantifying and comparing sound in a phylogenetic context for researchers with a broad range of scientific backgrounds. Sound, as a continuous, multidimensional trait can be particularly challenging to measure because it can be hard to identify variables that can be compared across taxa and it is also no small feat to process and analyse the resulting high-dimensional acoustic data using approaches that are appropriate for subsequent evolutionary analysis. Additionally, terminological inconsistencies and the role of learning in the development of acoustic traits need to be considered. Phylogenetic comparative analyses also have their own sets of caveats to consider. We provide a set of recommendations for delimiting acoustic signals into discrete, comparable acoustic units. We also present a three-stage workflow for extracting relevant acoustic data, including options for multivariate analyses and dimensionality reduction that is compatible with phylogenetic comparative analysis. We then summarize available phylogenetic comparative approaches and how they have been used in comparative bioacoustics, and address the limitations of comparative analyses with behavioural data. Lastly, we recommend how to apply these methods to acoustic data across a range of study systems. In this way, we provide an integrated framework to aid in quantitative analysis of cross-taxa variation in animal sounds for comparative phylogenetic analysis. In addition, we advocate the standardization of acoustic terminology across disciplines and taxa, adoption of automated methods for acoustic feature extraction, and establishment of strong data archival practices for acoustic recordings and data analyses. Combining such practices with our proposed workflow will greatly advance the reproducibility, biological interpretation, and longevity of comparative bioacoustic studies.  相似文献   

A principle shared by both economists and ecologists is that a diversified portfolio spreads risk, but this idea has little empirical support in the field of population biology. We found that population growth rates (recruits per spawner) and life-history diversity as measured by variation in freshwater and ocean residency were negatively correlated across short time periods (one to two generations), but positively correlated at longer time periods, in nine Bristol Bay sockeye salmon populations. Further, the relationship between variation in growth rate and life-history diversity was consistently negative. These findings strongly suggest that life-history diversity can both increase production and buffer population fluctuations, particularly over long time periods. Our findings provide new insights into the importance of biocomplexity beyond spatio-temporal aspects of populations, and suggest that maintaining diverse life-history portfolios of populations may be crucial for their resilience to unfavourable conditions like habitat loss and climate change.  相似文献   

Hugo Fort  Angel Segura 《Oikos》2018,127(3):392-402
A main limitation for quantitative assessments of the effect of species richness and competition intensity on ecosystem functions is that the number of model parameters to estimate for a S ‐species community grows at least as S 2. We propose and evaluate a novel framework based on a set of global, i.e. for the whole community, indices of competition (GIC) that allows quantitative predictions of community productivity without knowing the entire community matrix. This framework also serves for comparisons among widely different taxa. These GICs were mostly evaluated in communities of primary producers and are expressible in terms of relative yields (mixture biomass/monoculture biomass), such as the relative yield total (RYT ) ? the total sum of relative yields ? and the mean relative yield (MRY ). Specifically: 1) we conducted a meta‐analysis of 166 published competition experiments covering a wide variety of communities ? bacteria, protists, plankton, plants, fish, insects, mammals. For each experiment we computed the set of GICs. 2) We derived from the Lotka–Volterra competition model (LVCM) analytical expressions for the RYT and MRY in terms of the species richness and the mean value of the interspecific interaction coefficients. 3) We tested the agreement of such expressions with the corresponding empirical GICs computed in 1). The main findings are: First, the RYT (significantly different among taxonomic groups) increases with the species richness S; conversely the MRY (not different among groups) decreases with S . Second, these analytical expressions for the RYT and MRY , besides giving the above qualitative dependence on S , reproduce with accuracy these empirical GIC. Third, we thus show that our general formulas can be used to assess the effects of competition on global community attributes in cases with incomplete information on the LVCM parameters (i.e. when only a subset of these parameters is known).  相似文献   

The superfamily of ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) consists of toxins that catalytically inactivate ribosomes at a universally conserved region of the large ribosomal RNA. RIPs carry out a single N-glycosidation event that alters the binding site of the translational elongational factor eEF1A and causes a cessation of protein synthesis that leads to subsequent cell death. Maize RIP1 is a kernel-specific RIP with the unusual property of being produced as a zymogen, proRIP1. ProRIP1 accumulates during seed development and becomes active during germination when cellular proteases remove acidic residues from a central domain and both termini. These deletions also result in RIP activation in vitro. However, the effectiveness of RIP1 activity against target ribosomes remains species-dependent. To determine the potential efficiency of maize RIP1 as a plant defense protein, we used quantitative RNA gel blots to detect products of RIP activity against intact ribosomal substrates from various species. We determined the enzyme specificity of recombinant maize proRIP1 (rproRIP1), papain-activated rproRIP1 and MOD1 (an active deletion mutant of rproRIP1) against ribosomal substrates with differing levels of RIP sensitivity. The rproRIP1 had no detectable enzymatic activity against ribosomes from any of the species assayed. The papain-activated rproRIP1 was more active than MOD1 against ribosomes from either rabbit or the corn pathogen, Aspergillus flavus, but the difference was much more marked when rabbit ribosomes were used as a substrate. The papain-activated rproRIP1 was much more active against rabbit ribosomes than homologous Zea mays ribosomes and had no detectable effect on Escherichia coli ribosomes.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to establish a valid protocol for nerve cryopreservation, and to evaluate if the addition of albumin supposed any advantage in the procedure. We compared a traditional cryopreservation method that uses dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as cryoprotectant, to an alternative method that uses DMSO and albumin. Six Wistar Lewis rats were used to obtain twelve 20 mm fragments of sciatic nerve. In the first group, six fragments were cryopreserved in 199 media with 10% DMSO, with a temperature decreasing rate of 1 °C per minute. In the second group, six fragments were cryopreserved adding 4% human albumin. The unfreezing process consisted of sequential washings with saline in the first group, and saline and 20% albumin in the second group at 37 °C until the crioprotectant was removed. Structural evaluation was performed through histological analysis and electronic microscopy. The viability was assessed with the calcein-AM (CAM) and 4′,6-diamino-2-fenilindol (DAPI) staining. Histological results showed a correct preservation of peripheral nerve architecture and no significant differences were found between the two groups. However, Schwann cells viability showed in the CAM-DAPI staining was significantly superior in the albumin group. The viability of Schwann cells was significantly increased when albumin was added to the nerve cryopreservation protocol. However, no significant structural differences were found between groups. Further studies need to be performed to assess the cryopreserved nerve functionality using this new method.  相似文献   

Newborn mouse calvaria, cyropreserved at -196 degrees C in serum-free medium containing dimethyl-sulfoxide, were compared to unpreserved explants for bone cell viability by [3H]thymidine uptake. Other explants were studied using autoradiography to compare the histological appearance of the cryopreserved and control unpreserved explant sites of cellular localization of [3H]thymidine. After short-term cryopreservation, calvarial bone cells, including less differentiated osteoprogenitor cells, survived as indicated by their incorporation of the DNA precursor. With culture continuing for up to 24 hr after thawing and in the continuous presence of [3H]thymidine, additional labeled thymidine was incorporated, indicating that the proliferative ability of explant cells persists after cryopreservation. Cryopreserved bone explants did not, however, incorporate the same amount of labeled thymidine as did controls at each time point studied. These events, as measured quantitatively and observed by autoradiography of the tissue, indicate that newborn calvarial bone cell proliferation in vitro continues after cryopreservation. The large surface:mass ratio of the tissue and its proportionate volume of calcified matrix apparently permits it to behave as an isolated cell population with regard to the diffusion of the cryoprotectant and thermal conductivity, thus permitting the retention of explant viability.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The purpose of this study was to investigate the basis of the optimal hydration status for cryopreservation of intermediate oily seeds using Citrus as a model. METHODS: The relationships between equilibrium relative humidity (RH), seed water content, presence of freezable water as determined by DSC analysis, and germination percentage after immersion in liquid nitrogen (LN) were investigated in Citrus aurantifolia, C. grandis, C. madurensis and C. reticulata. The relationship between the lipid content of seeds and their unfrozen water content was also investigated. KEY RESULTS: Independent of their level of seed desiccation tolerance, the optimal desiccation RH for seed tolerance to LN exposure was 75-80 % in the four species studied. This optimal hydration status always coincided with that at which presence of frozen water could not be detected in seed tissues during the cooling/thawing process. The unfrozen water content of seeds was variable between species and negatively correlated to seed lipid content. Using the present data, those obtained previously in seven coffee species and those reported by other authors for five other species, a significant linear relationship was found between the lipid content and the unfrozen water content of seeds. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides additional evidence that intermediate oily seeds do not withstand the presence of freezable water in their tissues during the cooling/warming process. Moreover, it offers two important applied perspectives: (1) independent of their level of desiccation tolerance, testing germination of seeds of a given oily seed species after equilibration in 75-80 % RH at 25 degrees C and LN exposure, gives a rapid and reliable evaluation of the possibility of cryopreserving whole seeds of this given species; (2) it is now possible to calculate the interval of water contents in which non-orthodox oily seeds of a given species are likely to withstand LN exposure as a function of their lipid content.  相似文献   

Caprine preantral follicles within ovarian fragments were cryopreserved in the absence or presence of 0.5 M sucrose with or without 1 M dimethyl sulfoxide and/or 1 M ethylene glycol (EG). After being thawed, they were washed in minimum essential medium with or without 0.3 M sucrose. Histological analysis of follicle integrity immediately after cryopreservation showed consistent beneficial effects of including sucrose in the three cryoprotectant solutions analyzed when tissue was thawed without sucrose (53.9±14.8–82.4±3.2% normal vs 27.6±1.6–36.6±6.5%, P<0.05). However, in further studies, the addition of sucrose to the thaw solutions proved detrimental or of no benefit. An analysis of the cryopreserved material with calcein-AM and ethidium homodimer (markers for living and dead cells, respectively) gave comparable results to those obtained by histology. Follicles cryopreserved in EG, EG plus sucrose, or sucrose alone were cultured in vitro for 24 h following warming. During this culture period, viability fell most rapidly in material cryopreserved in sucrose alone and was no longer correlated with either the viability or integrity estimates made immediately after warming. By contrast, the viability of follicles cryopreserved in EG with sucrose and then cultured for 24 h was not significantly different from the cultured non-frozen controls. These results indicate that cryopreservation in 1 M EG plus 0.5 M sucrose combined with thawing without sucrose is effective for caprine ovarian tissue.This work was supported by CAPES/Brazil. Regiane Rodrigues dos Santos is a recipient of a grant from FUNCAP of Brazil.  相似文献   

Precision-cut liver slices are to some extent resistant to ice formation induced by rapid freezing. Susceptibility to rapid freezing damage has been shown to be (partly) dependent on intrinsic properties of cells. In the present study an attempt was made to decrease the susceptibility of rat liver slices for rapid freezing damage: the slices were pre-incubated at 37 degrees C under oxygen, prior to cryopreservation to recover from low ATP levels, impaired ion regulation and cell swelling induced by their preparation. It was shown that, unexpectedly, recovery of cellular homeostasis prior to the cryopreservation procedure by the 37 degrees C pre-incubation markedly decreased viability of rapidly frozen slices (in which ice was formed), but not of vitrified slices (in which no ice was formed), in a time- and temperature-dependent manner. UW was found to protect slices from this 'warm pre-incubation phenomenon.' Apparently, pre-incubation prior to freezing causes certain cellular alterations that render slices more susceptible to rapid freezing damage.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation within and between the three morphologically divergent crossbill species extant in the UK was assessed by comparison of allele frequencies at five unlinked microsatellite loci and DNA sequence variation across the mitochondrial control region. No significant differences in microsatellite allele frequency were found either between different populations of the same species or between the crossbill species themselves. A similar lack of genetic divergence was apparent from the mitochondrial sequence data. We resolved 33 different haplotypes, separated by low levels of sequence divergence (0-0.15%). Levels of divergence within and between species were not significantly different. Haplotypes formed a polyphyletic phylogeny, indicating that the crossbill species do not form genetically separate clades. Discordance between neutral DNA polymorphisms and adaptive morphological variation is discussed in relation to defining the systematic relationship between crossbill forms. If adaptive differences have arisen without a concomitant divergence in neutral DNA then attempting to define crossbill types from microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA without recourse to ecology and behaviour may be misleading.  相似文献   

The field of stem-cell biology has emerged as a key technology for the treatment of various disorders and tissue regeneration applications. However, a major problem remains in clinical practice, which is the question of whether stem cells preserve their self-renewal and differentiation potential in the culture conditions or not. In the current study, effects of boron on the cryopreservation of human tooth germ stem cells (hTGSCs) were evaluated for the first time. The impacts of various boron concentrations (sodium pentaborate pentahydrate (NaB)) were tested on characterized hTGSCs viability for different time intervals (24, 48, and 72 h). 20 μg/ml NaB with lower Me2SO concentration was found to display positive effects on hTGSCs during repeated freezing and defrosting cycles, and long-term cryopreservation. After thawing, cells were analyzed for their surface antigens and differentiation capacity. hTGSCs were successfully cryopreserved without any change in their mesenchymal stem cell characteristics as they were treated with boron containing freezing medium. In addition, fatty acid composition was examined to demonstrate membrane fatty acid profiles after freeze-thawing. Besides, NaB treatment extended osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of hTGSCs remarkably after long-term cryopreservation with respect to control groups. The study clearly suggests that NaB has a protective role on the survival of hTGSCs in short- and long-term cryopreservation. Due to the possible storage of hTGSCs at early ages, development of a functional and reliable cryopreservation media can be designed as a future solution to the dental stem cell banking.  相似文献   

Autotransplantation of human chondrocytes is an alternative therapeutic treatment for focal lesions of cartilage. During the process of isolation and culture of chondrocytes some problems that render the implantation of the cells unsuitable can occur. For security, some cells must be stored using cryopreservation. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of cryopreservation on cellular viability, proliferation, and collagen expression of human chondrocytes. Human osteoarthritic cartilage (n = 23) was obtained and transferred to a sterile flask containing Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) and antibiotics. Chondrocytes were isolated, cultured for 3-4 weeks, and frozen in DMEM containing 10% human serum and 10% dimethyl sulfoxide by use of three different protocols. A cellular fraction was frozen directly to -80 degrees C (Protocol I). Another fraction was directly frozen to -80 degrees C and 24 h later introduced into liquid nitrogen (Protocol II). The last aliquot was frozen with controlled freezing using a freezing rate of -1 degrees C/min to a temperature of -40 degrees C, 2 degrees C/min to -60 degrees C, and 5 degrees C/min to -150 degrees C (Protocol III). Cells were cryopreserved for 2 weeks. Cells from each cryopreservation method were then cultured for 7 days and cellular proliferation was evaluated by the counting of the total cells in each flask. Cryopreservation had a negative effect on chondrocyte survival and proliferation. The survival after cryopreservation with the three protocols was 70-75%. There was no significative difference between the methods used to cryopreserve (P = 0.4117). However, there was a significant difference among the donors (P = 0.0111). Cellular proliferation of chondrocytes was reduced by cryopreservation (P = 0.024). The rate of proliferation of different groups was control samples 6.56, Protocol I 4.66, Protocol II 4.69, and Protocol III 5.58. Statistical analysis showed that the programmed protocol was the best method to preserve cellular functions. Chondrocytes were able to express collagen type II 1 week after cryopreservation. Cryopreservation modifies the survival and proliferation of chondrocytes. Of all protocols used to cryopreserve, the programmed protocol seems to be the best technique. Cryopreservation does not alter the collagen type II expression.  相似文献   

Strict anaerobic gut microbes have been suggested as ‘next‐generation probiotics’ for treating several intestinal disorders. The development of preservation techniques is of major importance for therapeutic application. This study investigated cryopreservation (?80°C) and lyophilization survival and storage stability (4°C for 3 months) of the strict anaerobic gut microbes Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia intestinalis, Anaerostipes caccae, Eubacterium hallii and Blautia obeum. To improve preservation survival, protectants sucrose and inulin (both 5% w/v) were added for lyophilization and were also combined with glycerol (15% v/v) for cryopreservation. Bacterial fitness, evaluated by maximum growth rate and lag phase, viability and membrane integrity were determined using a standardized growth assay and by flow cytometry as markers for preservation resistance. Lyophilization was more detrimental to viability and fitness than cryopreservation, but led to better storage stability. Adding sucrose and inulin enhanced viability and the proportion of intact cells during lyophilization of all strains. Viability of protectant‐free Bthetaiotaomicron, A. caccae and F. prausnitzii was above 50% after cryopreservation and storage and increased to above 80% if protectants were present. The addition of glycerol, sucrose and inulin strongly enhanced the viability of B. obeum, E. hallii and R. intestinalis from 0.03–2% in protectant‐free cultures to 11–37%. This is the first study that quantitatively compared the effect of cryopreservation and lyophilization and the addition of selected protectants on viability and fitness of six strict anaerobic gut microbes. Our results suggest that efficiency of protectants is process‐ and species‐specific.  相似文献   

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