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In January 1998, Taiwan promulgated the Law of the Republic of China (ROC) on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone and the Law of the Republic of China on the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the Continental Shelf, both of which came into force on January 21, 1998. On June 26, 1998, China adopted the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf, which is the most significant maritime legislation since its 1992 Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone. This article studies the recent maritime legislation developments in Mainland China and Taiwan, the differences and similarities between the two sets of laws, their implications for the Asia-Pacific region, and the potential challenges for the United States.  相似文献   

The United States is the sole superpower in the contemporary world and its role in the development of the law of the sea cannot be ignored. Although having not yet acceded to the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, the United States has contributed to the development of the international law of the sea in numerous ways, including responding to the so-called excessive maritime claims in East Asia and creating new rules of maritime enforcement. This article assesses this recent U.S. practice.  相似文献   

The United States has important national interests vested in both the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. Thus, in recent decades the United States has progressively codified its national commitment to conserve and manage both these marine regions and their resources and to protect them from activities that might produce adverse impacts. The U.S. legislation passed since the 1960s selectively affects both polar regions and supports major American policy objectives there: to maintain the Arctic and Antarctic as areas of international cooperation for peaceful purposes; to satisfy economic needs, especially hydrocarbon, mineral, and living resources; to protect opportunities for scientific research; to protect the marine environment; and to conserve living resources in the circumpolar seas. Future trends suggest a shift in U.S. policy attention to the Arctic. Accordingly, new U.S. legislation will be needed to regulate increased activities in the polar north.  相似文献   

In this review we present an outline of cytopathology training in the United States, for a non-US readership.  相似文献   

This article explains the position(s) of the United States in the maritime dispute adjacent to Svalbard. While the United States has regarded Norway's exclusive claim to the natural resources outside Svalbard as everything from “wishful thinking” to legally plausible, Washington maintains that it may have rights under the 1920 Svalbard Treaty to exploit the maritime zones adjacent to the archipelago. The U.S. reservation is the result of assessments and reassessments of legal considerations as well as national interests.  相似文献   

《Cancer epidemiology》2014,38(2):118-123
Introduction: This paper presents race-specific breast cancer mortality rates and the corresponding rate ratios for the 50 largest U.S. cities for each of the 5-year intervals between 1990 and 2009. Methods: The 50 largest cities in the U.S. were the units of analysis. Numerator data were abstracted from national death files where the cause was malignant neoplasm of the breast (ICD-9 = 174 and ICD-10 = C50) for women. Population-based denominators were obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau for 1990, 2000, and 2010. To measure the racial disparity, we calculated non-Hispanic Black:non-Hispanic White rate ratios (RRs) and confidence intervals for each 5-year period. Results: At the final time point (2005–2009), two RRs were less than 1, but neither significantly so, while 39 RRs were >1, 23 of them significantly so. Of the 41 cities included in the analysis, 35 saw an increase in the Black:White RR between 1990–1994 and 2005–2009. In many of the cities, the increase in the disparity occurred because White rates improved substantially over the 20-year study period, while Black rates did not. There were 1710 excess Black deaths annually due to this disparity in breast cancer mortality, for an average of about 5 each day. Conclusion: This analysis revealed large and growing disparities in Black:White breast cancer mortality in the U.S. and many of its largest cities during the period 1990–2009. Much work remains to achieve equality in breast cancer mortality outcomes.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess the socioeconomic predictors of suicide risk among cancer patients in the United States.MethodsCancer patients available within Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database who were diagnosed between 2000–2010 have been reviewed. Linkage analysis to Census 2000 SF files was conducted to determine area-based socioeconomic attributes. Observed/ Expected ratios were calculated for the overall cohort as well as for clinically and socioeconomically defined subgroups. “Observed” is the number of observed completed suicide cases in the studied cohort; while “Expected” is the number of completed suicide cases in a demographically similar cohort within the United States and within the same period of time.ResultsThe current study reviews a total of 3,149,235 cancer patients (diagnosed 2000–2010) within the SEER database. Regarding socioeconomic county attributes, higher risk of suicide seems to be associated with lower educational attainment (O/E for counties with > 20% individuals with less than high school education: 1.41; 95% CI: 1.35–1.47), poverty rates (O/E for counties with > 5% individuals below poverty line: 1.39; 95% CI: 1.34–1.43), unemployment rates (O/E for counties with >5% families below poverty line: 1.36; 95% CI: 1.31–1.41) and less people living in urban areas (O/E for counties with < 50% individuals living in urban areas: 1.63; 95% CI: 1.50–1.77). On the other hand, risk of suicide seems to be inversely related to a higher representation of foreign-born individuals (O/E for counties with < 5% foreign-born individuals: 1.56; 95% CI: 1.47–1.65); and inversely related to a higher representation with recent immigrants to the US (O/E for counties with < 5% recent immigrants: 1.33; 95% CI: 1.29–1.38).ConclusionsCancer patients living in a socioeconomically vulnerable environment (lower educational status, poverty, and unemployment) seem to have higher suicide risk compared to other cancer patients.  相似文献   

I engage debates about racial media bias by analysing newspaper coverage of professional tennis players in France and the United States. Tennis is an elite sport that typically does not have many non-white players and may be especially sensitive to racial boundaries. Tennis also offers a new solution to the methodological challenge of establishing that any difference in newspaper coverage across racial groups is due to bias and not actual differences across the groups. I use the professional tennis ranking system, which assigns an objective marker of how good a player is (and therefore the media coverage that s/he should receive) at any point in time. I explore two types of bias (the amount and tone of media coverage) and uncover no systematic racial differences in the relationship between ranking and media coverage. My findings have several implications for our understanding of racial boundaries and the media.  相似文献   

The origin and geographic distribution of syphilis, a form of treponemal infection, have long been regarded as among the most important medical riddles of prehistoric and historic disease evolution. In this study, we expand on previous discussions of the origin, evolution, and relationship of treponemal infections as they occur in the prehistoric southeastern United States. Individuals from 25 skeletal series (n = 2,410 individuals) were examined for cranial and dental lesions characteristic of treponemal infection. They lived between the Archaic period (8000-1000 BC) and protohistoric period (AD 1500-1600), and in physiographic zones from the coast to the mountains of Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Radial cranial scars were found for 47 individuals, but none of the four cases of dental lesions could be attributed to congenital syphilis. Differences in frequency of cranial lesions by region were minimal, with the least number of cases found for the mountains, but the frequency of positive cases tended to increase through time. It is suggested that increasing population density and changing behaviors, rather than novel strains of the treponemal pathogen, are responsible for the chronological increase in the frequency of positive cases.  相似文献   

The systematic significance of flavonoid distribution in the southeastern United States taxa of Persea is discussed. The compounds thus far elucidated are glycosides based on quercetin, kaempferol, apigenin or luteolin.  相似文献   

Nitrogen loss from deserts in the southwestern United States   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:13  
A lower limit for nitrogen loss from desert ecosystems in the southwestern United States was estimated by comparing nitrogen inputs to the amount of nitrogen stored in desert soils and vegetation. Atmospheric input of nitrogen for the last 10 000 years was conservatively estimated to be 2.99 kg N/m2. The amount of nitrogen stored in desert soils was calculated to be 0.604 kg N/m3 using extant data from 212 profiles located in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah. The average amount of nitrogen stored in desert vegetation is approximately 0.036 kg N/m2.Desert conditions have existed in the southwestern United States throughout the last 10 000 years. Under such conditions, vertical leaching of nitrogen below a depth of 1 m is small (ca. 0.028 kg N/m2 over 10 000 years) and streamflow losses of nitrogen from the desert landscape are negligible. Thus, the discrepancy found between nitrogen input and storage represents the amount of nitrogen lost to the atmosphere during the last 10 000 years. Loss of nitrogen to the atmosphere was calculated to be 2.32 kg N/m2, which is 77% of the atmospheric inputs.Processes resulting in nitrogen loss to the atmosphere from desert ecosystems include wind erosion, ammonia volatilization, nitrification, and denitrification. Our analysis cannot assess the relative importance of these processes, but each is worthy of future research efforts.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Diaphanosoma, D. oligosetum and D. dorotheae, from Louisiana and North Carolina respectively, are described. The former species has large head with protruding dorsal part, large lanceolate spine on the basipodite's distal outer end, an extremely reduced number of antennal setae, up to six in adult specimens, and unique armament of valve margin. On the whole, it shows the pronounced combination of primitive and specialized morphological traits. D. dorotheae is a member of D. brachyurum species group differing from its other known representatives in presence of a small but very conspicuous spine on the end of proximal segment of antennal exopodite and a variable number of setae (seven or eight) on the distal segment of the branch. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A mail survey was completed of the nonhuman primate skeletal collections (excluding tupaiids) housed in United States and Canadian museums, universities, and other institutions. Survey results are reported by genus for both skulls and postcrania without regard for age or sex. The survey emphasized specimens of wild-caught primates but institutional personnel were not always able to separate animals which died in captivity. Responses were received from 157 of the 212 institutions to which questionnaires were sent. Of those who returned the questionnaires, 75 institutions have wild-caught, nonhuman primate skeletal materials in their collections. Institutions that have either no nonhuman primate skeletal materials (50) or only the remains of captive animals (36) are listed separately. The total number of specimens reported exeeds 21,000 skulls and 6,400 postcrania.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogen-fixing activity in hardwood forests of the northeastern United States occurred in wood litter, greater than 2 cm in diameter. Activity in large dead wood was independent of species, in the case of deciduous wood litter, but was restricted to partially decayed wood with a high moisture content. Maximum rates of activity were observed in the summer months, minimum rates in the winter. Evidence from six stands of varying ages showed that fixation in large wood litter occurred in only 25% of the samples assayed.Fixation was highest in the youngest, 4 years, and oldest, over 200 years, stands; being about 2 kg/ha/yr. The quantity of nitrogen fixed appears to be related to the biomass of dead wood. Large amounts of wood litter in the youngest stands were from slash left after cutting. As the supply of slash is exhausted by decay, nitrogen fixation decreases, with a low around year 20. Fixation then gradually increases as natural thinning adds wood to the litter compartment.Apparently, the amount of nitrogen fixed in dead wood the first 20 years following clearcutting can only replace a modest fraction of the amount lost as a result of the cutting and product removal. Finally, the results indicate that nitrogen fixation in wood litter does not equal nitrogen fixation in a northern hardwood forest calculated using a mass balance approach, suggesting that additional nitrogen inputs exist.  相似文献   

This paper uses the large cross sectional survey of 8544 workers in nine industries (pig iron, bar iron, steel, coal, coke, cottons, woolens, and glass) in the United States and five European countries (Belgium, Great Britain, France, Belgium, and Switzerland) to examine inequality in the industrial working class in the late nineteenth century. The paper looks at incomes, the food budget share (estimated using the Almost Ideal Demand System), and home ownership. The results show regular gradients with the unskilled workers doing less well than semi-skilled and skilled workers. Despite the lack of proprietors, farmers, and other groups with significant income from property, such surveys can be useful in the study of the historical aspects of inequality.  相似文献   

The western United States is projected to experience more frequent and severe wildfires in the future due to drier and hotter climate conditions, exacerbating destructive wildfire impacts on forest ecosystems such as tree mortality and unsuccessful post-fire regeneration. While empirical studies have revealed strong relationships between topographical information and plant regeneration, ecological processes in ecosystem models have either not fully addressed topography-mediated effects on the probability of plant regeneration, or the probability is only controlled by climate-related factors, for example, water and light stresses. In this study, we incorporated seedling survival data based on a planting experiment in the footprint of the 2011 Las Conchas Fire into the Photosynthesis and EvapoTranspiration (PnET) extension of the LANDIS-II model by adding topographic and an additional climatic variable to the probability of regeneration. The modified algorithm included topographic parameters such as heat load index and ground slope and spring precipitation. We ran simulations on the Las Conchas Fire landscape for 2012–2099 using observed and projected climate data (i.e., Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5 and 8.5). Our modification significantly reduced the number of regeneration events of three common southwestern conifer tree species (piñon, ponderosa pine, and Douglas-fir), leading to decreases in aboveground biomass, regardless of climate scenario. The modified algorithm decreased regeneration at higher elevations and increased regeneration at lower elevations relative to the original algorithm. Regenerations of three species also decreased in eastern aspects. Our findings suggest that ecosystem models may overestimate post-fire regeneration events in the southwest United States. To better represent regeneration processes following wildfire, ecosystem models need refinement to better account for the range of factors that influence tree seedling establishment. This will improve model utility for projecting the combined effects of climate and wildfire on tree species distributions.  相似文献   

The food versus fuel issue has attracted considerable attention with the rapid growth of global biofuel production. The previous literature examining the interconnectedness between biofuel, fossil fuel and agricultural markets employed futures and spot prices. However, food security needs to be discussed with non-financial market prices, such as wholesale prices, since retail companies and households usually do not purchase products directly from financial markets, which encompass speculative activities, making them more volatile than non-financial ones. This paper focuses on non-financial markets in the United States to investigate the price-interconnection of biodiesel, highway diesel, crude oil, and soybean, initially applying partial wavelet coherence and the Diebold-Yilmaz connectedness index to price transmission research on biodiesel, highway diesel, crude oil, and soybean. Our main results are as follows: First, significant coherence between biodiesel and soybean, biodiesel and highway diesel, and highway diesel and crude oil is identified in the short and long term. Second, crude oil and biodiesel prices are found to be net transmitters, while soybean and highway diesel prices are net receivers. Finally, the crude oil market is identified as the source of spillovers among the four markets, and strongly influences the highway diesel market.  相似文献   

This study proposes an entrepreneurship model that (1) uses sociological literature on ethnic stratification to develop a typology of subdominant, marginalized, subordinate, and outcast minority groups and (2) applies geographic principles to spatially define variation in entrepreneurial environments in terms of urban hierarchies, regional milieus, and hinterland centres. Examining retail enterprise, the study utilizes the interactionist approach, which holds that ethnic business differences result from an interplay of groups’ attributes (supply) and locations’ opportunity structures (demand). The study extends this approach by incorporating the mixed embeddedness concept, which stresses the importance of ethnic groups’ situation in broad social, political, and institutional contexts. Regression analyses of Census data for US cities in 1900 show why retail enterprise among outcast minorities is demand-side resistant, while retail enterprise among marginalized minorities is demand-side reactive. The model thus yields insights into how ethnic stratification and geographical positions interact to produce inequalities of ethnic entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

A survey of dermatophytes isolated from patients seeking medical advice was made from 1985 to 1987 in the United States. The survey included 54 locations with data from 45 cities and one state. Listing of the isolated dermatophytes and the frequency given by percentage of the total follows: Trichophyton rubrum 54.8%, T. tonsurans 31.3%, T. mentagrophytes 6.0%, Microsporum canis 4.0%, Epidermophyton floccosum 2.0%, M. gypseum 0.6%, and T. verrucosum 0.2%. Out of a total of 14,696 isolates M. audouinii was cultured 13 times, T. violaceum 12 times, M. nanum 6 times, T. terrestre 4 times, and T. soudanense twice. Single isolations were made of M.fulvum, M. ferrugineum and T. schoenleinii.Collection of dermatophyte data in Tucson, Arizona, began in 1966. In 1987, the first case of tinea capitis caused by T. tonsurans was observed. Other isolates of this organism as the cause of tinea capitis were made in this city during that year. These infections were in black children. With the recent growth of Tucson, the percentage of blacks in the population increased and this pathogen was introduced into the general population.  相似文献   

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