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Lessard S  Kermany AR 《Genetics》2012,190(2):691-707
We use the ancestral influence graph (AIG) for a two-locus, two-allele selection model in the limit of a large population size to obtain an analytic approximation for the probability of ultimate fixation of a single mutant allele A. We assume that this new mutant is introduced at a given locus into a finite population in which a previous mutant allele B is already segregating with a wild type at another linked locus. We deduce that the fixation probability increases as the recombination rate increases if allele A is either in positive epistatic interaction with B and allele B is beneficial or in no epistatic interaction with B and then allele A itself is beneficial. This holds at least as long as the recombination fraction and the selection intensity are small enough and the population size is large enough. In particular this confirms the Hill-Robertson effect, which predicts that recombination renders more likely the ultimate fixation of beneficial mutants at different loci in a population in the presence of random genetic drift even in the absence of epistasis. More importantly, we show that this is true from weak negative epistasis to positive epistasis, at least under weak selection. In the case of deleterious mutants, the fixation probability decreases as the recombination rate increases. This supports Muller's ratchet mechanism to explain the accumulation of deleterious mutants in a population lacking recombination.  相似文献   

The Levene model is the simplest mathematical model to describe the evolution of gene frequencies in spatially subdivided populations. It provides insight into how locally varying selection promotes a population’s genetic diversity. Despite its simplicity, interesting problems have remained unsolved even in the diallelic case.In this paper we answer an open problem by establishing that for two alleles at one locus and J demes, up to 2J−1 polymorphic equilibria may coexist. We first present a proof for the case of stable monomorphisms and then show that the result also holds for protected alleles. These findings allow us to prove that any odd number (up to 2J−1) of equilibria is possible, before we extend the proof to even numbers. We conclude with some numerical results and show that for J>2, the proportion of parameter space affording this maximum is extremely small.  相似文献   

We model the genealogies of coupled haploid host-virus populations. Hosts reproduce and replace other hosts as in the Moran model. The virus can be transmitted between individuals of the same and succeeding generations. The epidemic model allows a selective advantage for susceptible over infected hosts. The coupled host-virus ancestry of a sample of hosts is embedded in a branching and coalescing structure that we call the Ancestral Infection and Selection Graph, a direct analogue to the Ancestral Selection Graph of Krone and Neuhauser [1997. Theoret. Population Biol. 51, 210-237]. We prove this and discuss various special cases. We show that the inter-host viral genealogy is a scaled coalescent. Using simulations, we compare the viral genealogy under this model to earlier published models and investigate the estimatability of the selection and infectious contact rates. We use simulations to compare the persistence of the disease with the time to the ultimate ancestor.  相似文献   

We study fixation probabilities and times as a consequence of neutral genetic drift in subdivided populations, motivated by a model of the cultural evolutionary process of language change that is described by the same mathematics as the biological process. We focus on the growth of fixation times with the number of subpopulations, and variation of fixation probabilities and times with initial distributions of mutants. A general formula for the fixation probability for arbitrary initial condition is derived by extending a duality relation between forwards- and backwards-time properties of the model from a panmictic to a subdivided population. From this we obtain new formulae(formally exact in the limit of extremely weak migration) for the mean fixation time from an arbitrary initial condition for Wright's island model, presenting two cases as examples. For more general models of population subdivision, formulae are introduced for an arbitrary number of mutants that are randomly located, and a single mutant whose position is known. These formulae contain parameters that typically have to be obtained numerically, a procedure we follow for two contrasting clustered models. These data suggest that variation of fixation time with the initial condition is slight, but depends strongly on the nature of subdivision. In particular, we demonstrate conditions under which the fixation time remains finite even in the limit of an infinite number of demes. In many cases-except this last where fixation in a finite time is seen--the time to fixation is shown to be in precise agreement with predictions from formulae for the asymptotic effective population size.  相似文献   

Population subdivision and migration are generally considered to be important causes of linkage disequilibrium (LD). We explore the combined effects of recombination and gene flow on the amount of LD, the maintenance of polymorphism, and the degree of local adaptation in a subdivided population by analyzing a diploid, deterministic continent–island model with genic selection on two linked loci (i.e., no dominance or epistasis). For this simple model, we characterize explicitly all possible equilibrium configurations. Simple and intuitive approximations for many quantities of interest are obtained in limiting cases, such as weak migration, weak selection, weak or strong recombination. For instance, we derive explicit expressions for the measures and r2 (the squared correlation in allelic state) of LD. They depend in qualitatively different ways on the migration rate. Remarkably high values of r2 are maintained between weakly linked loci, especially if gene flow is low. We determine how the maximum amount of gene flow that admits preservation of the locally adapted haplotype, hence of polymorphism at both loci, depends on recombination rate and selection coefficients. We also investigate the evolution of differentiation by examining the invasion of beneficial mutants of small effect that are linked to an already present, locally adapted allele. Mutants of much smaller effect can invade successfully than predicted by naive single-locus theory provided they are at least weakly linked. Finally, the influence of linkage on the degree of local adaptation, the migration load, and the effective migration rate at a neutral locus is explored. We discuss possible consequences for the evolution of genetic architecture, in particular, for the emergence of clusters of tightly linked, slightly beneficial mutations and the evolution of recombination and chromosome inversions.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a model of “isolation with an initial period of migration”, where a panmictic ancestral population split into n descendant populations which exchanged migrants symmetrically at a constant rate for a period of time and subsequently became completely isolated. In the limit as the population split occurred an infinitely long time ago, the model becomes an “isolation after migration” model, describing completely isolated descendant populations which arose from a subdivided ancestral population. The probability density function of the coalescence time of a pair of genes and the probability distribution of the number of pairwise nucleotide differences are derived for both models. Whilst these are theoretical results of interest in their own right, they also give an exact analytical expression for the likelihood, for data consisting of the numbers of nucleotide differences between pairs of DNA sequences where each pair is at a different, independent locus. The behaviour of the distribution of the number of pairwise nucleotide differences under these models is illustrated and compared to the corresponding distributions under the “isolation with migration” and “complete isolation” models. It is shown that the distribution of the number of nucleotide differences between a pair of DNA sequences from different descendant populations in the model of “isolation with an initial period of migration” can be quite different from that under the “isolation with migration model”, even if the average migration rate over time (and hence the total number of migrants) is the same in both scenarios. It is also illustrated how the results can be extended to other demographic scenarios that can be described by a combination of isolated panmictic populations and “symmetric island” models.  相似文献   

For the Levene model with soft selection in two demes, the maintenance of polymorphism at two diallelic loci is studied. Selection is nonepistatic and dominance is intermediate. Thus, there is directional selection in every deme and at every locus. We assume that selection is in opposite directions in the two demes because otherwise no polymorphism is possible. If at one locus there is no dominance, then a complete analysis of the dynamical and equilibrium properties is performed. In particular, a simple necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an internal equilibrium and sufficient conditions for global asymptotic stability are obtained. These results are extended to deme-independent degree of dominance at one locus. A perturbation analysis establishes structural stability within the full parameter space. In the absence of genotype-environment interaction, which requires deme-independent dominance at both loci, nongeneric equilibrium behavior occurs, and the introduction of arbitrarily small genotype-environment interaction changes the equilibrium structure and may destroy stable polymorphism. The volume of the parameter space for which a (stable) two-locus polymorphism is maintained is computed numerically. It is investigated how this volume depends on the strength of selection and on the dominance relations. If the favorable allele is (partially) dominant in its deme, more than 20% of all parameter combinations lead to a globally asymptotically stable, fully polymorphic equilibrium.  相似文献   

Kingman's coalescent process is extended to two colonies with symmetric migration. The mean waiting time until a sample of genes taken from two colonies coalesces to a common ancestor is obtained. The final step in the waiting time before the process is absorbed at 1 is observed to have an intriguing behaviour. The distribution of this final waiting time converges to the known distribution of the corresponding waiting time in the case of a single population as the migration rate tends to zero. The mean, however, does not converge. The waiting time until a sample has two common ancestors is modeled as a function of the migration rate. Finally bounds for the expected waiting time for the two colonies to have j > 1 ancestors are derived.  相似文献   

We study the equilibrium structure of a well-known two-locus model in which two diallelic loci contribute additively to a quantitative trait that is under Gaussian stabilizing selection. The population is assumed to be infinitely large, randomly mating, and having discrete generations. The two loci may have arbitrary effects on the trait, the strength of selection and the recombination rate may also be arbitrary. We find that 16 different equilibrium patterns exist, having up to 11 equilibria; up to seven interior equilibria may coexist, and up to four interior equilibria, three in negative and one in positive linkage disequilibrium, may be simultaneously stable. Also, two monomorphic and two fully polymorphic equilibria may be simultaneously stable. Therefore, the result of evolution may be highly sensitive to perturbations in the initial conditions or in the underlying genetic parameters. For the special case of equal effects, global stability results are proved. In the general case, we rely in part on numerical computations. The results are compared with previous analyses of the special case of extremely strong selection, of an approximate model that assumes linkage equilibrium, and of the much simpler quadratic optimum model.  相似文献   

A simple genealogical structure is found for a general finite island model of population subdivision. The model allows for variation in the sizes of demes, in contributions to the migrant pool, and in the fraction of each deme that is replaced by migrants every generation. The ancestry of a sample of non-recombining DNA sequences has a simple structure when the sample size is much smaller than the total number of demes in the population. This allows an expression for the probability distribution of the number of segregating sites in the sample to be derived under the infinite-sites mutation model. It also yields easily computed estimators of the migration parameter for each deme in a multi-deme sample. The genealogical process is such that the lineages ancestral to the sample tend to accumulate in demes with low migration rates and/or which contribute disproportionately to the migrant pool. In addition, common ancestor or coalescent events tend to occur in demes of small size. This provides a framework for understanding the determinants of the effective size of the population, and leads to an expression for the probability that the root of a genealogy occurs in a particular geographic region, or among a particular set of demes.  相似文献   

A diffusion approximation is obtained for the frequency of a selected allele in a population comprised of many subpopulations or demes. The form of the diffusion is equivalent to that for an unstructured population, except that it occurs on a longer time scale when migration among demes is restricted. This many-demes diffusion limit relies on the collection of demes always being in statistical equilibrium with respect to migration and drift for a given allele frequency in the total population. Selection is assumed to be weak, in inverse proportion to the number of demes, and the results hold for any deme sizes and migration rates greater than zero. The distribution of allele frequencies among demes is also described.  相似文献   

Using the island model of finite size, the distributions as well as the means and variances of dw and db are obtained, where dw is the number of nucleotide differences between two cistrons randomly chosen from the same colony and db is the corresponding number between two cistrons randomly chosen from different colonies. The rate for the means to approach equilibrium is independent of mutation while that for the variances is somewhat retarded by mutation. At the steady state, the mean of dw is independent of population subdivision and migration rate, as long as there is migration. It has been shown that the actual genic variation in a colony may be much larger than that revealed by the heterozygosity in the colony.  相似文献   

Different methods have been developed to consider the effects of statistical associations among genes that arise in population genetics models: kin selection models deal with associations among genes present in different interacting individuals, while multilocus models deal with associations among genes at different loci. It was pointed out recently that these two types of models are very similar in essence. In this paper, we present a method to construct multilocus models in the infinite island model of population structure (where deme size may be arbitrarily small). This method allows one to compute recursions on allele frequencies, and different types of genetic associations (including associations between different individuals from the same deme), and incorporates selection. Recursions can be simplified using quasi-equilibrium approximations; however, we show that quasi-equilibrium calculations for associations that are different from zero under neutrality must include a term that has not been previously considered. The method is illustrated using simple examples.  相似文献   

T Nagylaki 《Genetics》1998,149(3):1599-1604
A simple, exact formula is derived for the expected number of heterozygous sites per individual at equilibrium in a subdivided population. The model of infinitely many neutral sites is posited; the linkage map is arbitrary. The monoecious, diploid population is subdivided into a finite number of panmictic colonies that exchange gametes. The backward migration matrix is arbitrary, but time independent and ergodic (i.e., irreducible and aperiodic). With suitable weighting, the expected number of heterozygous sites is 4Neu, where Ne denotes the migration effective population number and u designates the total mutation rate per gene (or DNA sequence). For diploid migration, this formula is a good approximation if Ne >> 1.  相似文献   

We shall extend Kingman's coalescent to the geographically structured population model with migration among colonies. It is described by a continuous-time Markov chain, which is proved to be a dual process of the diffusion process of stepping-stone model. We shall derive a system of equations for the spatial distribution of a common ancestor of sampled genes from colonies and the mean time to getting to one common ancestor. These equations are solved in three particular models; a two-population model, the island model and the one-dimensional stepping-stone model with symmetric nearest-neighbour migration.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the “isolation with migration” model, where a panmictic ancestral population gave rise to a symmetric n-island model, time τ ago. Explicit analytical expressions are derived for the probability density function of the coalescence time of a pair of genes sampled at random from the same subpopulation or from different subpopulations, and for the probability distribution of the number of pairwise nucleotide differences.  相似文献   

F(st) is a measure of genetic differentiation in a subdivided population. Sewall Wright observed that F(st)=1/1+2Nm in a haploid diallelic infinite island model, where N is the effective population size of each deme and m is the migration rate. In demonstrating this result, Wright relied on the infinite size of the population. Natural populations are not infinite and therefore they change over time due to genetic drift. In a finite population, F(st) becomes a random variable that evolves over time. In this work we ask, given an initial population state, what are the dynamics of the mean and variance of F(st) under the finite island model? In application both of these quantities are critical in the evaluation of F(st) data. We show that after a time of order N generations the mean of F(st) is slightly biased below 1/1+2Nm. Further we show that the variance of F(st) is of order 1/d where d is the number of demes in the population. We introduce several new mathematical techniques to analyze coalescent genealogies in a dynamic setting.  相似文献   

We recently presented evidence of mitochondrial DNA recombination in humans based on the observation of a rare mutation in several unrelated human lineages in Nguna, a small island in Vanuatu, island Melanesia. Since then, the mutation has been shown to be an artefact caused by misalignment of the DNA sequences. Our previous conclusion, that the presence of a rare mutation on different haplotypic backgrounds was a consequence of genetic recombination, is no longer tenable for these data.  相似文献   

The stationary probability distribution of the number of heterozygous loci in two randomly chosen sequences of completely linked infinite alleles loci, with mutation at each locus, is found in the island model for within and between islands. Results for an infinite site model are found as a limit. A single charge state locus is also studied in the island model and distributions found for the charge difference between two genes. Similar results are derived for a stepping stone model.  相似文献   

A process analogous to Kingman's coalescent is introduced to describe the genealogy of populations evolving according to the infinitelymany neutral alleles model. The process records population frequencies in old and new classes, and labels the new classes in order of decreasing age. Its marginal distribution is characterized in a form which is amenable to explicit calculations and the transition densities of the associated K-allele models follow readily from this representation.  相似文献   

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