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La croissance en milieu liquide de quelques champignons mycorhizateurs a étéétudiée en présence d'acide 3-indlolyl-acétique (AIA). Les champignons suivants ont été utilisés: Amanita muscaria (L. ex Fr.) Quél., A. rubscens (Pers. ex Fr.) Quél., Suillus granulatus (L. ex Fr.) O. Kuntze et S. variegatus (Sw. ex Fr.) O. Kuntze. Tous ont été inhibés, à des degrés divers, par l'AlA à la concentration do 1.75 mg/l. Soumis à diverses concentrations d'AIA, S. variegatus a montré une croissancc légèrement accrue au voisinage de 0.2 mg/l de cette substance. Cependant, pour des concentrations supérieures à celle-ci, l'inhibition de la croissancc a été proportion-nelle à la concentration en AIA; elle a été de 50 pour-cent en présence de 2.0 mg/l d'AIA.  相似文献   

Résumé L'analyse (acides aminés et sucres) d'extrait de feuille, de 5 variétés de manioc (Manihot esculenta), du Faux caoutchouc (Hybride deM. esculenta x M.glaziovii), du Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrina) et du Talinum (Talinum triangularae), caractérisés par différents degrés de résistance par antibiose à la cochenille du manioc (Phenacoccus manihoti (Mat. Ferr.)) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), a été réalisée sur des extraits obtenus par centrifugation du matériel foliaire. Les teneurs en acids aminés, très différentes d'une plante à l'autre, apparaissent aussi importantes entre les variétés de l'espèce manioc qu'entre les différentes espèces végétales avec respectivement un rapport de variation de 4,5 et 5,5. De même, les teneurs en sucres (exprimées en équivalent saccharose), sont très différentes d'une plante à l'autre avec un rapport de variation de 1 à 33 entre les deux extrêmes, si l'on ne considère que l'espèceM. esculenta, il n'est plus que de 3,5.Des différences dans les proportions relatives des acids aminés libres d'extrait de feuille sont observées aussi bien entre les variétés de manioc qu'entre les espèces végétales. Cependant pour toutes les plantes étudiées l'acide glutamique, la glutamine, l'ethanolamine, et l'alanine représentent près de 50% des acides aminés de l'extrait de feuille; l'acide aspertique, l'asparagine et la sérine près de 20% tandis que la tyrosine, la méthionine, l'isoleucine, la leucine et la lysine sont présents en très faibles pourcentages.Le degré de résistance à la cochenille du manioc des différentes plantes-hôtes n'a pu être relié, ni à la teneur de leur extrait de feuille en acides aminés et en sucres, ni à leur composition relative en acides aminés. Il n'a pu être non plus relié au rapport Sucres/Acides aminés Nos résultats suggèrent que des caractéristiques biochimiques autres que celles étudiées dans ce travail interviennent dans les mécanismes de résistance vis-à-vis de la cochenille du manioc.
Summary The levels of sugars and amino acids were determined in leaf extracts from a number of plants showing different levels of resistance to the cassava mealybug,Phenacoccus manihoti (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). There were five varieties of cassava (Manihot esculenta), as well as a hybrid obtained by crossingM. esculenta andM. glaziovii, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrina) and talinum (Talinum triangularae). The variability in the total concentration of amino acid concentrations was as great between varieties of cassava as at the species level. In contrast, there was much less variability in the concentration of sugars at the intervarietal that at the interspecies level.While there were both intervarietal and interspecific differences in the amino acid composition, glutamic acid, glutamine, ethanolamine and alanine represented nearly 50% of the total in all plants examined. Aspartic acid, asparagine and serine accounted for approximately 20%, while tyrosine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine and lysine are present at low levels.The different levels of resistance noted in the different plants were not associated with the concentrations of either amino acids or sugars, the ratios of sugar/amino concentrations or the amino acid compositions obtained from leaf extracts. This suggests that other aspects of plant chemistry confer resistance to cassava mealybugs.

Lens roots form chlorophylls in well-developed chloroplasts when they are cultivated in continuous light. Chlorophyll accumulation was increased when kinetin (10?4M) was added for a short time (24 h) of treatment. For a long time (72 h), the increase of chlorophyll content was reduced when roots were cultivated in light and with kinetin. When the roots were transferred from light to dark, chlorophyll content was decreased. This reduction was inhibited when roots were treated with kintin. From these present result it was supposed that kinetin acts on the catabolism and the anabolism of chlorophyll. The necessity of kinetin for chloroplast from amyloplast maturation and differentiation was discussed.  相似文献   

J.-M. Debry 《Andrologie》2010,20(1):20-24
As well as the other assisted reproductive technologies, insemination with donor sperm has received an abundant legislative framework in Belgium providing the context in which this activity is allowed. According to a law of 2007, we know an access to donor sperm is also open for lesbian and single women. Even if they have to be declined in the multiple points of view of the Belgian society, the National Advisory Ethical Committee proposed in 2004 recommendations for the use of donor sperm. Based on an unusual consensus, it appears that anonymity of the sperm donor must be preserved as long as possible, even if some think that an access to non identifying information (concerning position, philosophy, etc.) should remain accessible if the donor agrees and if it is requested by the patients, mainly if they are lesbian or single.  相似文献   

These stone tools from Yunxian with other Lower Paleolithic sites in South China, for example, the site Lantian (Shanxi, China) and the site Bose (Guangxi, China), indicates that there are many common characteristics among these industries. There are choppers, chopping-tools, picks, hand-axes, cleavers and scrapers. Long ago we thought that there are not hand-axes in China. In fact, there are lots of hand-axes in China and these hand-axes existed more earlier than those in Europe. The hand-axe appeared in China before 800,000 years old and it barely arrived in Europe before 600,000 years old. The quaternary deposits of the site of Yunxian Hominid (Hubei, China) are at least dated to 800,000 years old. A large quantity of lower Paleolithic material was discovered. The types of the tools are choppers, picks, scrapers, hand-axes and cleavers. The pebbles tools make up the majority of the implements. Small flake tools are relatively rare. The lithic industries comparison of the two regions has help us to know the cultural evolution in China and Europe.  相似文献   

Résumé L'absorption d'aluminium chez des racines de plantes entières de lupin jaune et de féverole se caractérise au début par un phénomène passif; puis l'absorption est proportionnelle à la quantité d'aluminium présente dans la solution externe (au dessus d'une concentration de 100μM par litre). Le calcium ne diminue cette absorption que pour de faibles doses en aluminium, mais il n'y a aucune proportionnalité entre l'apport de calcium, et la diminution d'absorption d'aluminium.
Summary The absorption of aluminium by the whole plant-roots ofLupinus luteus andVicia faba minor is caracterized in the beginning by a passive movement; then, the absorption is proportionnal to the quantity of aluminium part in external solution (above 100μM/liter). The calcium reduces this absorption only for small concentration in aluminium, but there is no proportionality between the brought of calcium and the decrease of aluminium absorption.

Up to the present there was not believed to be any excretion in the skin of cetaceans because of the absence of sweat and sebaceous glands. It has now been shown that concentrated salty excretion is produced in various cetaceans by numerous epidermal cells dispersed in the whole epidermis. They are not aggregated into glands. Other epidermal cells, likewise scattered in the epidermis, synthetize lipids; this function seems homologous to the sebaceous function of other mammals.  相似文献   

A series of plankton net samples (200 μm mesh width) was collected in the New Caledonian lagoon. From observations by scanning electron microscopy, six larval forms of chaetosphaera are described for the first time. In spite of criticism concerning the use of morphology of setae, the features of transitional larval setae are the main criterion for distinguishing these forms. Nine criteria are used: (1) arrangement of fascicles with regard to the body—pen as a fan and transverse or tightened and parallel to the body; (2) arrangement of fascicles with regard to the dorsal side—entirely or partly sheltered; (3) number of morphological types of setae; (4) number of setae in the fascicles; (5) general morphology—capillary and straight or curved and spiny or as blade-shaped sword; (6) cross section of the setae; (7) arrangement of spines; (8) morphology of distal end; (9) colour. It appears likely that chaetosphaera larvae belong to species of the genera Scolelepis, Dispio or Australospio as defined by Blake & Kudenov and not to Laonice cirrata, as previously thought. In order to display this difference, the larvae of Laonice sp. are also illustrated. Diagnosis of chaetosphaera may be provisionally based on the following features: prostomium pointed; larvae curled to the ventral side; dorsal side without chromatophores; notopodial setal bundles open as a fan on each side and sheltering, at least in part, the dorsal side. Une série de prélèvements au filet à plancton (200 μm de vide de maille) est réalisée dans le lagon de Nouméa, Nouvelle Calédonie. Six formes de larves chetospheres d'Annélides Polychètes sont décrites par observation au microscope électronique à balayage. Les caractères diffèrentiels reposent principalernent sur la morphologie des soies provisoires. Neuf criteres sont utilisés: (1) disposition des faisceaux par rapport au corps—en éventail et transversale ou fermée et parallele au corps; (2) disposition des faisceaux sur la face dorsale—cette dernière peut être entièrement ou partiellement protégée; (3) nombre de types morphologiques de soies; (4) nombre de soies dans un faisceau; (5) morphologie générale—capillaire, droite, avec ou sans épines ou bien courbée et épineuse ou bien aplatie en forme de lame de sabre; (6) section transversale de la soie; (7) disposition des épines; (8) morphologie de la partie distale; (9) coloration. II resort de cette étude qu'il est maintenant nécessaire de rapporter les larves du type chéAtosphère—au moins certaines d'entre elles—à des espèces appartenant aux genres Scolelepis, Dispio ou Australospio tels qu'ils sont définis par Blake & Kudenov. Correlativement la correspondance entre les chétosphères et les larves de Laonice cirrata ne semble pas confirmée. La reconnaissance des larves chétosphères peut être provisoirement basée sur les caractères suivants: prostomium pointu, corps enroulé autour de la face ventrale, tégument dorsal sans chromatophores, faisceaux de soies notopodiales ouverts en éventail et protégeant au moins en partie la face dorsale.  相似文献   

Relative influence of BAP and IBA on the induction of adventitious buds and roots on plantelts of Biota orientalis (Cupressaceae)
Both cytokinin (BAP) and auxin (IBA) have an influence upon the intensity of adventitious bud induction in vitro on hypocotyls of Biota orientalis .
Increase in either the concentration or the length of contact with cytokinin enhances the mean number of neoformed buds per explant, while that of auxin results in an increase of the mean number of reactive explants as well as in the nature of neoformations. Auxin contributes to a restoration of the induction when the length of contact with cytokinin is too short. However, this synergism is only observed when the contract with IBA is simultaneous or follows that with contract with BAP.
Rhizogenesis is also influenced by the auxin-cytokinin balance. An increase in the duration of contact with IBA is always followed by an increased in the mean number of explants forming roots. This organogenesis may be partially or completely inhibited if the duration of contact with cytokinin – before, simultaneously or after that with auxin- exceeds two weeks.  相似文献   

The content of abscisic acid in the developing fruits of two cultivars of pear (Pyrus communis L.) was determined by UV spectrophotometry and by a colorimetric method based on the possibility of the lactone corresponding to abscisic acid to give a purple colour when sodium hydroxide is added. The young fruits were harvested either from trees treated with gibberellic acid (GA3), for the purpose of inducing parthenocarpy, or from untreated trees. High levels of abscisic acid were associated with abortion and abscission of young fruits (June drop). There was little difference between fruits of GA3-treated and untreated trees of the cultivar Passe-Crassane. In the other cultivar, ‘Doyenne du Comice’, the level of abscisic acid in the fruits of GA3-treated trees was about twice as high as in control fruits and seemed to be directly related to the number of fruits per tree.  相似文献   

The lithic assemblages of five open-air sites offer the opportunity to observe and compare Final Acheulean series located in the Loire department (South-East France). The sites were probably multi-activity places including large tools and flakes, according to the strategies used by humans. Three main categories of large bifacial tools mainly made of flint can be described, with a triangular or oval shape and with a transversal cutting edge. The ratio and intensity of flaking oppose the series. The Levallois flaking is always present and associated to various other types of methods. The sites, located on plateaus on the two banks of a small valley, suggest human circulating between the Saône-Rhône corridor and the interior basins of the Massif Central Mountains. The Rhodanian corridor yielded little evidence of Acheulean open-air settlements while in the Centre of France, they are numerous. These sites prove that systematic prospecting in this area will permit in future to complete the map of the Acheulean occupations in south-east France and discuss about the variability.  相似文献   

An examination of lithic industries evolution during VI millenium cal BC shows us transformations of mesolithic technical systems under neolithic pressures, with regional variations. Contrasting classical views, mesolithic groups seems to be less active on atlantic façade than similar groups of France or Spain. This technology transfers are not peripheral phenomenons but testify to intense interactions between mesolithic and neolithic communities, especially on weapons.  相似文献   

The position of lithic industries of Chinese Paleolithic in comparison with those of other regions in the world is always a controversial topic. The typological analysis has made Chinese prehistorians reveal some variability between lithic industries of different regions of China in terms of technical tradition and industrial structure. But this recognition, based upon some morphological characters of stone artifacts, failed to define systematically the modes of production that exist in each site. To answer these problematic some new methods need to be applied. So the lithic materials from 8 Chinese sites dated from 300 ka to 50 ka B.P. were selected and analyzed by means of lithic technological analysis and a new approach for analyzing the structures of cores. This paper presents principally the analytical results of modes of débitage and revealed that the modes of débitage during this period were characterized essentially by system C (“simple débitage”) and E (discoid) and that the concept Levallois was absent during this period in technical systems of lithic production in China. The Chinese lithic industries between 300 ka and 50 ka B.P. saw some homogeneity in the scale of the continent and remarkable difference from those of other regions in the world. So a stable, continuous but independent even isolated evolution in comparison with those of other regions was observed in this period. In addition, despite of apparent homogeneity, some variability exists also between these industries.  相似文献   

The lithic assemblage of La Garde offers the opportunity to observe a Final Acheulean series located in the Loire department (south-east France). The site was probably a multi-activity place asking large tools and flakes, according to the strategies used by humans. Three main categories of large bifacial tools mainly made of flint can be described, with a triangular or oval shape and with a transversal cutting edge. These tools are more bifacial-tools than bifaces through the kind of shaping and the retouches on the cutting edges. The Levallois flaking is associated to various other types of knapping. The site, located along a small valley, suggests a human circulating between the Saône-Rhône corridor and the interior basins of the Massif Central Mountains. The Rhodanian corridor yielded little evidence of Acheulean settlements while in the Centre of France, they are numerous. La Garde proves that systematic prospecting in this area will permit in future to complete the map of the Acheulean occupations in south-east France.  相似文献   

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