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Systematic data in the form of collections data are useful in biodiversity studies in many ways, most importantly because they serve as the only direct evidence of species distributions. However, collecting bias has been demonstrated for most areas of the world and has led some to propose methods that circumvent the need for collections data. New methods that model collections data in combination with abiotic data and predict potential total species distribution are examined using 25,111 records representing 5,123 species of plants and animals from Guyana; some methods use the reduced number of 320 species. These modeled species distributions are evaluated and potential high-priority biodiversity sites are selected based on the concept of irreplaceability, a measure of uniqueness. The major impediments to using collections data are the lack of data that are available in a useful format and the reluctance of most systematists to become involved in biodiversity and conservation research.  相似文献   

The amphibian egg undergoes a rotation of its subcortical cytoplasm relative to its surface during the first cell cycle. Nile blue spots applied to the egg periphery move with the subcortical cytoplasm and make rotation directly observable (J.-P. Vincent, G.F. Oster, and J. C. Gerhart (1986). Dev. Biol. 113, 484). We have previously shown that the direction of rotation accurately predicts the orientation of the embryonic axis developed by the egg. This suggests an important role for subcortical rotation in axis specification. In this report, we provide two kinds of experimental evidence for the essential role of rotation, and against a role for other concurrent cytoplasmic movements such as the convergence of subcortical cytoplasm toward the sperm entry point in the animal hemisphere. First, dispermic eggs develop only one embryonic axis, which is oriented accurately in line with the direction of the single rotation movement and not with the two convergence foci that form in the animal hemisphere. Rotation probably modifies the vegetal, not animal, hemisphere since axial development is normal in dispermic eggs despite highly altered animal subcortical movement. Second, we show that the amount of rotation correlates with the extent of dorsal development. UV irradiation of the vegetal hemisphere, or cold shock of the egg, inhibits rotation effectively. When there is no rotation, there is no dorsal development. On average within the egg population, increasing amounts of rotation correlate with the increasingly anterior limit of the dorsal structures of the embryonic body axis. However, individual partially inhibited eggs vary greatly in the amount of axis formed following a given amount of movement. Furthermore, the egg normally rotates more than is necessary for the development of a complete axis. These findings suggest that rotation, although essential, does not directly pattern the antero-posterior dimension of the body axis, but triggers a response system which varies from egg to egg in its sensitivity to rotation. This system is artificially sensitized by exposure of the egg to D2O shortly before rotation. We show that D2O-treated eggs produce extensive axes despite very limited rotation, often developing into hyperdorsal embryos. However, like normal eggs, they depend on rotation and cannot form dorsal structures if it is eliminated.  相似文献   

The secretory transport capacity of Giardia trophozoites is perfectly adapted to the changing environment in the small intestine of the host and is able to deploy essential protective surface coats as well as molecules which act on epithelia. These lumen-dwelling parasites take up nutrients by bulk endocytosis through peripheral vesicles or by receptor-mediated transport. The environmentally-resistant cyst form is quiescent but poised for activation following stomach passage. Its versatility and fidelity notwithstanding, the giardial trafficking systems appear to be the product of a general secondary reduction process geared towards minimization of all components and machineries identified to date. Since membrane transport is directly linked to organelle biogenesis and maintenance, less complexity also means loss of organelle structures and functions. A case in point is the Golgi apparatus which is missing as a steady-state organelle system. Only a few basic Golgi functions have been experimentally demonstrated in trophozoites undergoing encystation. Similarly, mitochondrial remnants have reached a terminally minimized state and appear to be functionally restricted to essential iron-sulfur protein maturation processes. Giardia’s minimized organization combined with its genetic tractability provides unique opportunities to study basic principles of secretory transport in an uncluttered cellular environment. Not surprisingly, Giardia is gaining increasing attention as a model for the investigation of gene regulation, organelle biogenesis, and export of simple but highly protective cell wall biopolymers, a hallmark of all perorally transmitted protozoan and metazoan parasites.  相似文献   

The cAMP signaling system has been postulated to be involved in embryogenesis of many animal species, however, little is known about its role in embryonic axis formation in vertebrates. In this study, the role of the cAMP signaling pathway in patterning the body plan of the Xenopus embryo was investigated by expressing and activating the exogenous human 5-hydroxytryptamine type 1a receptor (5-HT(1a)R) which inhibits adenylyl cyclase through inhibitory G-protein in embryos in a spatially- and temporally-controlled manner. In embryos, ventral, but not dorsal expression and stimulation of this receptor during blastula and gastrula stages induced secondary axes but were lacking anterior structures. At the molecular level, 5-HT(1a)R stimulation induced expression of the dorsal mesoderm marker genes, and downregulated expression of the ventral markers but had no effect on expression of the pan mesodermal marker gene in ventral marginal zone explants. In addition, ventral expression and stimulation of the receptor partially restored dorsal axis of UV-irradiated axis deficient embryo. Finally, the total mass of cAMP differs between dorsal and ventral regions of blastula and gastrula embryos and this is regulated in a temporally-specific manner. These results suggest that the cAMP signaling system may be involved in the transduction of ventral signals in patterning early embryos.  相似文献   

Using experimentally induced disruptive selection, we tested two hypotheses regarding the evolution of specialization in parasites. The 'trade-off' hypothesis suggests that adaptation to a specific host may come at the expense of a reduced performance when exploiting another host. The alternative 'relaxed selection' hypothesis suggests that the ability to exploit a given host would deteriorate when becoming obsolete. Three replicate populations of a flea Xenopsylla ramesis were maintained on each of two rodent hosts, Meriones crassus and Dipodillus dasyurus, for nine generations. Fleas maintained on a specific host species for a few generations substantially decreased their reproductive performance when transferred to an alternative host species, whereas they generally did not increase their performance on their maintenance host. The results support the 'relaxed selection' hypothesis of the evolution of ecological specialization in haematophagous ectoparasites, while suggesting that trade-offs are unlikely drivers of specialization. Further work is needed to study the extent by which the observed specializations are based on epigenetic or genetic modifications.  相似文献   

"Use it and improve it, or lose it" is one of the axioms of motor therapy after stroke. There is, however, little understanding of the interactions between arm function and use in humans post-stroke. Here, we explored putative non-linear interactions between upper extremity function and use by developing a first-order dynamical model of stroke recovery with longitudinal data from participants receiving constraint induced movement therapy (CIMT) in the EXCITE clinical trial. Using a Bayesian regression framework, we systematically compared this model with competitive models that included, or not, interactions between function and use. Model comparisons showed that the model with the predicted interactions between arm function and use was the best fitting model. Furthermore, by comparing the model parameters before and after CIMT intervention in participants receiving the intervention one year after randomization, we found that therapy increased the parameter that controls the effect of arm function on arm use. Increase in this parameter, which can be thought of as the confidence to use the arm for a given level of function, lead to increase in spontaneous use after therapy compared to before therapy.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) is a constitutively active kinase that negatively regulates its substrates, one of which is beta-catenin, a downstream effector of the Wnt signaling pathway that is required for dorsal-ventral axis specification in the Xenopus embryo. GSK-3 activity is regulated through the opposing activities of multiple proteins. Axin, GSK-3, and beta-catenin form a complex that promotes the GSK-3-mediated phosphorylation and subsequent degradation of beta-catenin. Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) joins the complex and downregulates beta-catenin in mammalian cells, but its role in Xenopus is less clear. In contrast, GBP, which is required for axis formation in Xenopus, binds and inhibits GSK-3. We show here that GSK-3 binding protein (GBP) inhibits GSK-3, in part, by preventing Axin from binding GSK-3. Similarly, we present evidence that a dominant-negative GSK-3 mutant, which causes the same effects as GBP, keeps endogenous GSK-3 from binding to Axin. We show that GBP also functions by preventing the GSK-3-mediated phosphorylation of a protein substrate without eliminating its catalytic activity. Finally, we show that the previously demonstrated axis-inducing property of overexpressed APC is attributable to its ability to stabilize cytoplasmic beta-catenin levels, demonstrating that APC is impinging upon the canonical Wnt pathway in this model system. These results contribute to our growing understanding of how GSK-3 regulation in the early embryo leads to regional differences in beta-catenin levels and establishment of the dorsal axis.  相似文献   

Professional experience and lay wisdom teach us the benefits of exercise and the hazards of idleness. Yet the myth persists that "bed rest is good for you" when ill or convalescing. Abundant scientific evidence in the past 50 years has demonstrated the specific damage done to each of the body''s organ systems by inactivity. Both aging and inactivity lead to strikingly similar kinds of deterioration. I summarize the data from military and veterans'' hospitals, rehabilitation experience, aerospace research, and gerontology and review the physiologic and metabolic changes of aging and inactivity, along with strategies to help prevent the iatrogenic complications of bed rest.  相似文献   

It is known from work with amniote embryos that regional specification of the gut requires cell-cell signalling between the mesoderm and the endoderm. In recent years, much of the interest in Xenopus endoderm development has focused on events that occur before gastrulation and this work has led to a different model whereby regional specification of the endoderm is autonomous. In this paper, we examine the specification and differentiation of the endoderm in Xenopus using neurula and tail-bud-stage embryos and we show that the current hypothesis of stable autonomous regional specification is not correct. When the endoderm is isolated alone from neurula and tail bud stages, it remains fully viable but will not express markers of regional specification or differentiation. If mesoderm is present, regional markers are expressed. If recombinations are made between mesoderm and endoderm, then the endodermal markers expressed have the regional character of the mesoderm. Previous results with vegetal explants had shown that endodermal differentiation occurs cell-autonomously, in the absence of mesoderm. We have repeated these experiments and have found that the explants do in fact show some expression of mesoderm markers associated with lateral plate derivatives. We believe that the formation of mesoderm cells by the vegetal explants accounts for the apparent autonomous development of the endoderm. Since the fate map of the Xenopus gut shows that the mesoderm and endoderm of each level do not come together until tail bud stages, we conclude that stable regional specification of the endoderm must occur quite late, and as a result of inductive signals from the mesoderm.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activity is required for neural specification in Xenopus. In mammalian cells, the BMP-4 effector Smad1 is inhibited by phosphorylation at MAP kinase sites (Kretzschmar et al., 1997). To test the hypothesis that MAP kinase inhibits the BMP-4/Smad1 pathway during early Xenopus development, we have generated a Smad1 mutant lacking the MAP kinase phosphorylation sites (M4A-Smad1) and compared the effects of wild-type (WT)- and M4A-Smad1 on axial pattern and neural specification in Xenopus embryos. Although overexpression of either WT- or M4A-Smad1 produced ventralized embryos, at each mRNA concentration, M4A-Smad1 had a greater ventralizing effect than WT-Smad1. Interestingly, overexpression of either form of Smad1 in ventral blastomeres disrupted posterior pattern and morphogenesis; again, more severe defects were produced by expression of M4A-Smad1 than by equal amounts of WT-Smad1. Ectodermal expression of M4A-Smad1 disrupted expression of the anterior neural gene otx2 in vivo and inhibited neural specification in response to endogenous signals in mesoderm-ectoderm recombinates. In contrast, overexpression of WT-Smad1 at identical levels had little effect on either neural specification or otx2 expression. Comparisons of protein levels following overexpression of either WT- or M4A-Smad1 indicate that WT-Smad1 may be slightly more stable than M4A-Smad1; thus, differences in stability cannot account for the increased effectiveness of M4A-Smad1. Our results demonstrate that mutations disrupting the MAPK phosphorylation sites act collectively as a gain-of-function mutation in Smad1 and that inhibitory phosphorylation of Smad1 may be a significant mechanism for the regulation of BMP-4/Smad1 signals during Xenopus development.  相似文献   

Lipofuscin, an autofluorescent biomarker of physiological wear-and-tear, was concentrated in those areas of a fish's midbrain responsible for visual performance, suggesting a potentially strong link between physiological specialization, ecological adaptation and senescence.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae SO4= transport is regulated over a wide dynamic range. Sulfur starvation causes ~10,000-fold increase in the 35SO4= influx mediated by transporters Sul1p and Sul2p; >80% of the influx is via Sul2p. Adding methionine to S-starved cells causes a 50-fold decline (t1/2 ~5 min) in SUL1 and SUL2 mRNA but a slower decline (t1/2 ~1 h) in transport. In contrast, SO4= addition does not affect mRNA but causes a rapid (t1/2 = 2–4 min) decrease in transport. In met3Δ cells (unable to metabolize SO4=), addition of SO4= to S-starved cells causes inactivation of 35SO4= influx over times in which cellular SO4= contents are nearly constant. The relationship between cellular SO4= and transport inactivation shows that cellular SO4= is not the signal for Sul2p inactivation. Instead, the transport inactivation rate has the same dependence on extracellular SO4= as 35SO4= influx, indicating that Sul2p exhibits use-dependent inactivation; the transport process itself increases the probability of Sul2p inactivation and degradation. In addition, there is a transient efflux of SO4= shortly after adding >0.02 mM SO4= to S-starved met3Δ cells. This transient efflux provides further protection against excessive SO4= influx and may represent an alternate transport mode of Sul2p.  相似文献   

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