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Studies on isocitrate lyase isolated from Lupinus cotyledons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Isocitrate lyase (threo-DS-isocitrate glyoxylate-lyase, EC was isolated from cotyledons of Lupinus seedlings, purified 100-fold with respect to its initial specific activity and characterized (Km, pH optimum, Mg2+ requirement, sulfhydryl inhibitors, and synthase activity). The final purified preparation consisted of two homogeneous protein bands clearly separated by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel and chromatography on Sephadex G 200. Reducing agents are necessary for the maintenance of enzyme activity. The most effective reducing agent studied was 1,4-dithioerythreitol. The effect of several metabolites (oxalate, malonate, phosphoenolpyruvate, succinate, malate, tartrate, gluconate-6-phosphate, sorbose, sorbitol, and inositol) on the activity of purified preparations was tested. Oxalate proved to be the strongest inhibitor, seconded closely by phosphoenolpyruvate. The spectral characteristics of the purified enzyme are as follows: ultraviolet peak at 280 nm and fluorescence peak at 340 nm. The solid state infrared spectrum of the enzyme (lyophilized) showed that the enzyme was mostly in the alpha-helix conformation with very slight random orientation.  相似文献   

Isocitrate lyase (threo-ds-isocitrate glyoxylate-lyase, EC was purified from cotyledons of Lupinus seedlings. The final preparation showed two bands after polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The optimum pH using phosphate, Tris or imidazole buffer was at pH 7.5; with triethanolamine (TRA) it was at pH 7. The enzyme required Mg2+ for maximal activity, and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) inactivated the enzyme. Activity was increased by incubation with the reducing agents, glutathione (GSH), acetylcysteine (acetylcys), dithionite (Na2S2O4), thioglycolate (TG) or 1,4-dithioerythritol (DTE). Na2S2O4 and DTE were the most active among the tested substances and DTE prevented much of the inactivation by NEM. The apparent Km value for isocitrate was ca 1 mM in phosphate buffer at pH 6.8 or 7.5 but was substantially lower (0.1–0.2 mM) using Tris, TRA or imidazole buffers. Glyoxylate, oxalate and malonate were competitive inhibitors of the enzyme. Synthase activity of the enzyme (i.e. formation of isocitrate from succinate and glyoxylate) was demonstrated. The Km values for glyoxylate and succinate were 0.05 and 0.2 mM, respectively. The addition of glyoxylate to the culture medium in which Lupinus seeds germinate resulted in a reduced development of isocitrate lyase activity during germination.  相似文献   

Two decades of research in microgravity have shown that certain biochemical processes can be altered by weightlessness. Approximately 10 years ago, our team, supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, started the Effect of Microgravity on Enzyme Catalysis project to test the possibility that the microgravity effect observed at cellular level could be mediated by enzyme reactions. An experiment to study the cleavage reaction catalyzed by isocitrate lyase was flown on the sounding rocket MASER 7, and we found that the kinetic parameters were not altered by microgravity. During the 28th ESA parabolic flight campaign, we had the opportunity to replicate the MASER 7 experiment and to perform a complete steady-state analysis of the isocitrate lyase reaction. This study showed that both in microgravity and in standard g controls the enzyme reaction obeyed the same kinetic mechanism and none of the kinetic parameters, nor the equilibrium constant of the overall reaction were altered. Our results contrast with those of a similar experiment, which was performed during the same parabolic flight campaign, and showed that microgravity increased the affinity of lipoxygenase-1 for linoleic acid. The hypotheses suggested to explain this change effect of the latter were here tested by computer simulation, and appeared to be inconsistent with the experimental outcome.  相似文献   

Three electrophoretically homogeneous isocitrate lyase (ICL) isoforms were obtained by 4-step purification from corn scutellum (ICL1 and ICL2) and green leaves (ICL). Their physicochemical, kinetic, and regulatory properties were analyzed. The molecular masses of ICL1, ICL2, and ICL isoforms determined by gel filtration are 164, 207, and 208 kDa, respectively. The proteins have homotetrameric quaternary structure with subunit molecular masses of 43, 48, and 47 kDa for ICL1, ICL2, and ICL, respectively. We found some differences in pH optimum, K m, and regulation by divalent metal cations between ICL1 and ICL2 and significant similarity of ICL2 and ICL. Based on these data, we suggest the participation of these isoforms in metabolic regulation of the glyoxylate cycle, organic acid metabolism during photorespiration in leaves and acidosis in corn seeds.  相似文献   

A new purification procedure for isocitrate lyase from Pinus pinea is reported. The final preparation shows charge homogeneity and a purity degree higher than 95%. It is possible to remove catalase completely by exploiting the high hydrophobicity of isocitrate lyase. The enzyme has a Mr of 264,000 and is likely composed of four subunits, each with a Mr of 66,000. The binding of radioactively labeled oxalate revealed four catalytic sites per oligomer. These data suggest that isocitrate lyase subunits are similar, if not identical. The Michaelis constant for isocitrate is equal to 33 microM; molecular activity is about 2670 mol X min-1 X mol of enzyme-1. The amino acid composition of the enzyme was also determined. Isocitrate lyase appears resistant to proteolysis by carboxypeptidase A. Hydrazinolysis, Edman degradation, and dansyl chloride treatment indicate that both carboxy and amino terminals are probably inaccessible or blocked.  相似文献   

Phosphotransacetylase (EC catalyzes the reversible transfer of the acetyl group from acetyl phosphate to coenzyme A (CoA), forming acetyl-CoA and inorganic phosphate. A steady-state kinetic analysis of the phosphotransacetylase from Methanosarcina thermophila indicated that there is a ternary complex kinetic mechanism rather than a ping-pong kinetic mechanism. Additionally, inhibition patterns of products and a nonreactive substrate analog suggested that the substrates bind to the enzyme in a random order. Dynamic light scattering revealed that the enzyme is dimeric in solution.  相似文献   

Steady-state kinetic mechanism of Ras farnesyl:protein transferase.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The steady-state kinetic mechanism of bovine brain farnesyl:protein transferase (FPTase) has been determined using a series of initial velocity studies, including both dead-end substrate and product inhibitor experiments. Reciprocal plots of the initial velocity data intersected on the 1/[s] axis, indicating that a ternary complex forms (sequential mechanism) and suggesting that the binding of one substrate does not affect the binding of the other. The order of substrate addition was probed by determining the patterns of dead-end substrate and product inhibition. Two nonhydrolyzable analogues of farnesyl diphosphate, (alpha-hydroxyfarnesyl)phosphonic acid (1) and [[(farnesylmethyl)hydroxyphosphinyl]methyl]phosphonic acid (2), were both shown to be competitive inhibitors of farnesyl diphosphate and noncompetitive inhibitors of Ras-CVLS. Four nonsubstrate tetrapeptides, CV[D-L]S, CVLS-NH2, N-acetyl-L-penicillamine-VIM, and CIFM, were all shown to be noncompetitive inhibitors of farnesyl diphosphate and competitive inhibitors of Ras-CVLS. These data are consistent with random order of substrate addition. Product inhibition patterns corroborated the results found with the dead-end substrate inhibitors. We conclude that bovine brain FPTase proceeds through a random order sequential mechanism. Determination of steady-state parameters for several physiological Ras-CaaX variants showed that amino acid changes affected the values of KM, but not those of kcat, suggesting that the catalytic efficiencies (kcat/KM) of Ras-CaaX substrates depend largely upon their relative binding affinity for FPTase.  相似文献   

LodA is a novel lysine-ε-oxidase which possesses a cysteine tryptophylquinone cofactor. It is the first tryptophylquinone enzyme known to function as an oxidase. A steady-state kinetic analysis shows that LodA obeys a ping-pong kinetic mechanism with values of kcat of 0.22 ± 0.04 s−1, Klysine of 3.2 ± 0.5 μM and KO2 of 37.2 ± 6.1 μM. The kcat exhibited a pH optimum at 7.5 while kcat/Klysine peaked at 7.0 and remained constant to pH 8.5. Alternative electron acceptors could not effectively substitute for O2 in the reaction. A mechanism for the reductive half reaction of LodA is proposed that is consistent with the ping-pong kinetics.  相似文献   

Yuan H  Fu G  Brooks PT  Weber I  Gadda G 《Biochemistry》2010,49(44):9542-9550
D-arginine dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa catalyzes the oxidation of D-arginine to iminoarginine, which is hydrolyzed in solution to ketoarginine and ammonia. In the present study, we have genetically engineered an untagged form of the enzyme that was purified to high levels and characterized in its kinetic properties. The enzyme is a true dehydrogenase that does not react with molecular oxygen. Steady-state kinetic studies with D-arginine or D-histidine as substrate and PMS as the electron acceptor established a ping-pong bi-bi kinetic mechanism. With the fast substrate D-arginine a dead-end complex of the reduced enzyme and the substrate occurs at high concentrations of D-arginine yielding substrate inhibition, while the overall turnover is partially limited by the release of the iminoarginine product. With the slow substrate D-histidine the initial Michaelis complex undergoes an isomerization involving multiple conformations that are not all equally catalytically competent for the subsequent oxidation reaction, while the overall turnover is at least partially limited by flavin reduction. The kinetic data are interpreted in view of the high-resolution crystal structures of the iminoarginine--and iminohistidine--enzyme complexes.  相似文献   

Isocitrate lyase was isolated in homogeneous state from a thermophilic Bacillus. The enzyme has a mol.wt. of 180000 and a pI of 4.5 and contains threonine as the N-terminal residue. It resembles in size the cognate enzyme from the mesophilic bacterium Pseudomonas indigofera, but is smaller than the enzyme from the eukaryotic fungus Neurospora crassa. All three lyases are tetramers and similar in amino acid composition, but the thermophile enzyme is distinctive from its mesophilic coutnerparts in possessing a lower catalytic-centre activity, greater resistance to chemical and thermal denaturation and fewer thiol groups and in being strongly activated by salts. Salt activation, by 0.4M-KCl, is about 3-fold at 30 degrees C and pH 6.8 and weakens progressively as the temperature or pH is raised. The activation is probably due to a change in the enzyme conformation caused by the electrolyte modifying the interaction between charged groups or between hydrophobic groups in protein. The possible significance of the salt activation, of the relative paucity of thiol groups and of the greater resistance to chemical denaturants is discussed. Besides its effect on the Vmax., KCl produces large increases in the magnitude of several kinetic parameters. A rise in reaction temperature from 30 to 55 degrees C produces a somewhat similar result. In view of these peculiar features, the patterns of inhibition of enzyme activity by compounds such as succinate and phosphoenolpyruvate were examined at 30 and 55 degrees C in the presence and absence of KCl.  相似文献   

A genomic DNA clone encoding isocitrate lyase, a key enzyme of the glyoxylate cycle and a peroxisomal enzyme of the n-alkane-assimilating yeast Candida tropicalis has been isolated with a cDNA probe from the yeast lambda EMBL library. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the genomic DNA clone disclosed that the region coding isocitrate lyase had a length of 1,650 base pairs, corresponding to 550 amino acids (61,602 Da). RNA blot analysis demonstrated that only one kind of mRNA (2 kb) supposed to be transcribed from this gene was present in the cells. A comparison of the amino acid sequences was made with the isocitrate lyase of castor bean, one of the glyoxysomal enzymes, and the enzyme of E. coli. The isocitrate lyases of C. tropicalis and castor bean had high homology, and the presence of some amino acid stretches conserved in all three enzymes suggests that these might be involved in the catalysis of the common reaction. There was an insertion common to the isocitrate lyases of C. tropicalis and castor bean, which is of interest concerning their evolution. In the C-terminal region, a characteristic sequence similar to that previously proposed as the import signal to peroxisomes was present.  相似文献   

A steady-state kinetic analysis was performed of the reaction of methylamine and phenazine ethosulphate (PES) with the quinoprotein methylamine dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans. Experiments with methylamine and PES as varied-concentration substrates produced a series of parallel reciprocal plots, and when the concentrations of these substrates were varied in a constant ratio a linear reciprocal plot of initial velocity against PES concentration was obtained. Nearly identical values of V/Km of PES were obtained with four different n-alkylamines. These data suggest that this reaction proceeds by a ping-pong type of mechanism. The enzyme reacted with a variety of n-alkylamines but not with secondary, tertiary or aromatic amines or amino acids. The substrate specificity was dictated primarily by the Km value exhibited by the particular amine. A deuterium kinetic isotope effect was observed with deuterated methylamine as a substrate. The enzyme exhibited a pH optimum for V at pH 7.5. The absorbance spectrum of the pyrroloquinoline quinone prosthetic group of this enzyme was also effected by pH at values greater than 7.5. The enzyme was relatively insensitive to changes in ionic strength, and exhibited a linear Arrhenius plot over a range of temperatures from 10 degrees C to 50 degrees C with an energy of activation 46 kJ/mol (11 kcal/mol).  相似文献   

Isocitrate lyase is a key enzyme in the glyoxylate cycle and is essential as an anaplerotic enzyme for growth on acetate as a carbon source. It is assumed to be of major importance in carbon flux control in the amino acid-producing organism Corynebacterium glutamicum. In crude extracts of C. glutamicum, the specific activities of isocitrate lyase were found to be 0.01 U/mg of protein after growth on glucose and 2.8 U/mg of protein after growth on acetate, indicating tight regulation. The isocitrate lyase gene, aceA, was isolated, subcloned, and characterized. The predicted gene product of aceA consists of 432 amino acids (M(r), 47,228) and shows up to 57% identity to the respective enzymes from other organisms. Downstream of aceA, a gene essential for thiamine biosynthesis was identified. Overexpression of aceA in C. glutamicum resulted in specific activities of 0.1 and 7.4 U/mg of protein in minimal medium containing glucose and acetate, respectively. Inactivation of the chromosomal aceA gene led to an inability to grow on acetate and to the absence of any detectable isocitrate lyase activity. Isocitrate lyase was purified to apparent homogeneity and subjected to biochemical analysis. The native enzyme was shown to be a tetramer of identical subunits, to exhibit an ordered Uni-Bi mechanism of catalysis, and to be effectively inhibited by 3-phosphoglycerate, 6-phosphogluconate, phosphoenolpyruvate, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, and succinate.  相似文献   

A novel acyltransferase committed to the final step of quinolizidine alkaloid biosynthesis, tigloyl-CoA:(-)-13alpha-hydroxymultiflorine/(+)-13alpha-hydroxylupanine O-tigloyltransferase, has been purified from Lupinus albus. The internal amino acid sequences were determined with protease-digested fragments of 25 and 30 kDa bands, allowing design of primers for amplification of cDNA fragments by polymerase chain reaction. Using an amplified fragment as the probe, a full-length cDNA clone was isolated. Sequence analysis revealed that the cDNA encodes a protein of 453 amino acids with a molecular mass of 51.2 kDa. Phylogenetic analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences indicated that this alkaloid acyltransferase belongs to a unique subfamily of a plant acyl-CoA-dependent acyltransferase gene family. The cDNA was expressed in bacterial cells as a recombinant protein fused to glutathione S-transferase. The fusion protein was affinity purified and cleaved to yield the recombinant enzyme for the study of catalytic properties. The recombinant enzyme catalyzed the acyltransfer reaction from tigloyl-CoA to (-)-13alpha-hydroxymultiflorine and (+)-13alpha-hydroxylupanine. Benzoyl-CoA could also serve efficiently as an acyl donor for these hydroxylated alkaloids. RNA blot analysis suggested that the gene was expressed in roots and hypocotyls but not in cotyledons and leaves. These results indicated that this specialized acyltransferase, isolated for the first time as tigloyltransferase from nature, is committed to control the quinolizidine alkaloid patterns in a tissue-specific manner.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the gene for a highly alkaline, low-molecular-mass pectate lyase (Pel-15) from an alkaliphilic Bacillus isolate was determined. It harbored an open reading frame of 672 bp encoding the mature enzyme of 197 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 20 924 Da. The deduced amino-acid sequence of the mature enzyme showed very low homology (< 20.4% identity) to those of known pectinolytic enzymes in the large pectate lyase superfamily (the polysaccharide lyase family 1). In an integrally conserved region designated the BF domain, Pel-15 showed a high degree of identity (40.5% to 79.4%) with pectate lyases in the polysaccharide lyase family 3, such as PelA, PelB, PelC, and PelD from Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi, PelB from Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora, PelI from E. chrysanthemi, and PelA from a Bacillus strain. By site-directed mutagenesis of the Pel-15 gene, we replaced Lys20 in the N-terminal region, Glu38, Lys41, Glu47, Asp63, His66, Trp78, Asp80, Glu83, Asp84, Lys89, Asp106, Lys107, Asp126, Lys129, and Arg132 in the BF domain, and Arg152, Tyr174, Lys182, and Lys185 in the C-terminal region of the enzyme individually with Ala and/or other amino acids. Consequently, some carboxylate and basic residues selected from Glu38, Asp63, Glu83, Asp106, Lys107, Lys129, and Arg132 were suggested to be involved in catalysis and/or calcium binding. We constructed a chimeric enzyme composed of Ala1 to Tyr105 of Pel-15 in the N-terminal regions, Asp133 to Arg159 of FsPelB in the internal regions, and Gln133 to Tyr197 of Pel-15 in the C-terminal regions. The substituted PelB segment could also express beta-elimination activity in the chimeric molecule, confirming that Pel-15 and PelB share a similar active-site topology.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity of yeast glutathione reduetase at pH 7.6 is sensitive to the sodium phosphate buffer concentration and the presence of monovalent sodium salts in the assay medium. Low concentrations of sodium phosphate activate and high concentrations inhibit enzymatic activity. The optimal concentration is at about 0.06 m sodium phosphate. In the presence of 0.06 m sodium phosphate, addition of a variety of monovalent sodium salts results in inhibition of enzymatic activity, the inhibition being competitive with respect to NADPH and noncompetitive with respect to oxidized glutathione. At suboptimal concentrations of sodium phosphate, addition of monovalent sodium salts activates enzymatic activity. In addition, at suboptimal sodium phosphate concentration Lineweaver-Burk plots of initial velocity at constant NADPH concentration with oxidized glutathione as the variable substrate are nonlinear, being concave down. The nonlinear behavior can be eliminated by addition of 0.1 m sodium chloride. It is concluded that there are at least two specific anion binding sites at or near the enzyme active site. The anion inhibition is explained in terms of an ordered sequential mechanism for glutathione reduetase. The anion activation is analyzed in terms of a change of reaction pathway, the reactive enzyme species being dependent upon the oxidized glutathione concentration.  相似文献   

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