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姜于兰  王勇 《菌物学报》2010,29(6):783-785
在对贵州省土壤暗色丝孢真菌进行调查研究中,分离获得2个瓶霉属新种:土壤瓶霉Phialophora subterranea和光滑瓶霉P.levis,对二者进行了详细的描述并绘图。研究菌株的干制培养物及活菌种均存放在贵州大学植物病理学标本室(HGUP)。  相似文献   

A case of phaeohyphomycosis caused by a new species of Phialophora   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

西北地区小麦根部瓶梗霉新致病类型的形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1993~1999年对西北麦区一种病原菌未知的根病依据柯赫氏证病律进行了病原学研究.结果由来自陕西、甘肃和宁夏等省区麦田的病根标样发现了23个瓶梗霉 Phialophora 分离菌株.经诱导不能产生子囊壳.在PDA培养基上菌落为灰色至浅褐色,气生菌丝致密,灰色.产孢细胞为瓶梗状,长10~20μm,宽3~4μm,无色至浅褐色,顶端有领环颈口.分生孢子无色,有两种,一种长卵圆形,单胞,稍弯曲,6~17μm×1.5~6μm;另一种新月形,单胞,4~8μm×1~1.5μm.附着枝浅褐色,筒形,端部呈钩状,1~2细胞,10~14μm×5~8μm.分离菌株接种小麦,引起根部皮层组织变褐,茎基叶鞘变褐,基叶褪绿,严重发病植株矮化,基叶枯死.该菌与已有瓶梗霉不同,暂定为瓶梗霉小麦致病类型.  相似文献   

四种鲜切花保鲜剂的筛选   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文研究了四种鲜切花(唐菖蒲、月季、康乃馨和鹤望兰)的保鲜剂配方,观测各种保鲜剂对切花外观品质和瓶插寿命的影响,从中筛选出各种鲜切花的较佳保鲜剂,并讨论了组成保鲜剂配方的各种成分(糖、杀菌剂、有机酸、无机盐、乙烯抑制剂和拮抗剂以及植物生长调节剂)的作用。  相似文献   

A new human pathogenic Phialophora   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The application of nitrification inhibitors (NIs) together with nitrogen fertilizers in grasslands is an effective alternative to reduce nitrate leaching and nitrogenous gases emissions to the atmosphere. Nevertheless, the use of NIs increases the amount of ammonium available for the plant that, due to its reported toxic effect in plants, can have a direct effect on crop production. Grassland species have traditionally suffered from intensive grazing and urea deposition and, therefore, a tolerance to ammonium nutrition could be expected in these species. Plants of Trifolium repens L. var. huia and Lolium perenne L. var. Herbus were grown under two nitrogen nutrition regimes (nitrate or ammonium) and three different nitrogen concentrations (0.5, 2.5 and 5 mmol/L). The effect of nitrogen form was determined on biomass production parameters, gas-exchange and water relations parameters as well as polyamine (PA) and ion tissue contents. Both grassland species showed tolerance to ammonium nutrition due to their capacity to adjust several metabolic processes in a species-specific way. Gas exchange measurements and biomass production (expressed as dry weight (DW)) were unaffected by the nitrogen form or dose in both species except for a decrease in root total DW in ryegrass plants grown under ammonium nutrition. Hydraulic conductance (L0) increased in ryegrass with increasing ammonium doses but no change due to the nitrogen source was observed in water potential (Ψw) values. Both species, and specially ryegrass, accumulated free ammonium mainly in roots when grown under ammonium nutrition and its translocation to the shoot via xylem was also observed. A clear difference in cations and PAs pattern was observed in each species when comparing both nitrogen nutrition regimes.  相似文献   

The physiological changes induced by a daily increase of NaCl level, over a period of 4 d, were studied in leaves of the salt-sensitive cultivated tomato species Lycopersicon esculentum and its wild salt-tolerant relative Lycopersicon pennellii. A higher solute contribution to the osmotic adjustment was observed in NaCl-treated leaves of L. pennellii than in those of L. esculentum. This response together with the higher accumulation of inorganic solutes in the wild species and of organic solutes in the cultivated species verified the different salt tolerance mechanisms operating in the two species in the short-term. With regard to the changes induced by salt stress on the free polyamine levels, the putrescine and spermine levels increased with salinity, whereas the spermine levels decreased in both tomato species; nevertheless, the main difference between the two species lays in an earlier and greater accumulation of putrescine induced by salinity in L. pennellii than in L. esculentum. The changes in putrescine levels were associated to changes in amino acids related to its synthesis, and the changes were different in both species. In L. esculentum, the high concentrations of some intermediate compounds (glutamate and arginine) were related to the low accumulation rate of both proline and putrescine. In contrast, in L. pennellii, important reductions in glutamate and arginine levels were found at the end of the salinization period. Moreover, in this last situation, a decline in the putrescine level ran parallel to a high proline accumulation, which suggests that the higher the stress level, the higher the deviation of glutamate to proline occurring in the salt tolerant species. It could be concluded that an early accumulation of the diamine putrescine seems to be associated with salt tolerance in the short-term.  相似文献   

Summary The quantity of growth and type of sporulation is reported, using 19 carbon and 44 nitrogen sources; but the initial aim of inducton of fertile perithecia inP. verrucosa A126, by altering the amount and types of nutrients, was not realized.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to characterize the N‐metabolism of important European tree species with different degrees of flooding tolerance. The roots of Fagus sylvatica (sensitive to flooding), Quercus robur (moderately flood tolerant) and Populus tremula × P. alba (flood tolerant) saplings were exposed to different flooding regimes and N uptake, amino acid, protein and chlorophyll concentrations as well as gas exchange were measured. The effects of these treatments on the tree species varied distinctly. In general, the N metabolism of beech was severely affected whereas less impacts were observed on oaks and almost no effects on poplars. The concentrations of amino compounds, particularly of Asp, Asn, Glu and Gln, were lower in the roots of flooded trees than in controls. By contrast, γ‐amino butyric acid concentrations increased. Root protein concentrations remained unaffected in oak and poplar but decreased in beech in response to flooding. The concentrations of pigments remained unaffected by flooding in all tree species investigated. However, photosynthesis and transpiration were severely affected in beech but much less in oak and poplar. The data obtained show a clear correlation between the different flooding tolerances of the trees investigated and the impacts of flooding on N uptake and N metabolism.  相似文献   

Conidial ontogeny in Phialophora dermatitidis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Phialophora parasitica, an emerging pathogen   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Monoconidial cultures derived from 12 clinical and environmental isolates of Phialophora parasitica were compared with respect to morphologic and physiologic characteristics and response to antifungal agents. No yeast cells were seen in 1- and 3-week-old slide culture preparations. Also, not all of the distinguishing characteristics of this species were displayed by all isolates on all media examined. Although the isolates grew on Sabouraud agar with chloramphenicol and cycloheximide, some inhibition was observed. All cultures were strongly urease-positive and hydrolyzed casein and starch; most decomposed tyrosine but not gelatin. All but one environmental isolate grew well at both 23 and 37 degrees C, but none grew at 40 degrees C. In the sensitivity testing the isolates did not vary much in their response to each drug, although some anomalies were observed. Amphotericin B and miconazole had minimum inhibitory concentrations in the low sensitivity range (2.0-8.0 and 2.5-10 micrograms m-1 respectively), for most isolates, and most isolates were resistant to both 5-fluorocytosine and ketoconazole. Limited observations were made on three other Phialophora species which might be confused with P. parasitica.  相似文献   

Pseudopleuronectes americanus is a Northern teleost species that produces antifreeze proteins (AFPs) to protect them from freezing during the winter. These AFPs bind to ice crystals to inhibit their growth, and they also protect cell membranes at low temperatures. In this study, vitrification trials were done with fish embryos at three different developmental stages, using two different protocols for incorporating the vitrifying solutions. Toxicity of the cryoprotectants and permeability to dimethyl sulfoxide were analyzed. Embryos were vitrified in 0.5 ml straws by direct immersion in liquid nitrogen, and their morphology and development analyzed following thaw. The embryos responded well to vitrification as evidenced by the high percentage that exhibited good morphology following thaw. Although none of the embryos hatched, a small percentage (0.92%) of them showed active movements within the chorion and continued to develop for a number of days following thaw. This is the first record of post-thaw development of vitrified fish embryos.  相似文献   

藜科六种耐盐植物遗传多样性的EST-SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用EST-SSR标记分析了藜科6种耐盐植物的遗传基础和遗传多样性,以期为藜科耐盐植物遗传育种提供快速、可靠的分子标记辅助选择工具.采用31对藜科海蓬子属和碱蓬属的EST-SSR引物对藜科6种植物进行PCR扩增,其中16对引物得到较好扩增,引物通用率为51.6%,共检测到18个多态性位点,每位点等位基因数2~4个,多态性丰富.进一步采用Nei's遗传距离聚类分析表明6种植物可以分为3组,主成分分析也支持上述分组,而且DY529957、DY529903和DY5298853个EST在分组中贡献率最高.经与GenBank中序列相似性比对,前两者分别编码生长素抑制蛋白(Auxin-repressed protein,ARP)和植物防御素(Defensins,Def),都参与植物逆境胁迫响应,但分属于不同代谢途径;后者则编码未知蛋白.总体而言,16对SSR引物在藜科6种植物间具有较好的通用性,能够揭示该6种植物间广泛的遗传多样性,及其存在不同耐盐机制提供分子证据.  相似文献   

Application of rhizospheric microbes to enhance the phytoremediation of organic pollutants has gained considerable attention recently due to their beneficial effects on the survival and growth of plants in contaminated soil sites. The present study was demonstrated to test the combined rhizoremediation potential of Staphylococcus cohnii subspecies urealyticus in the presence of tolerant plant Withania somnifera grown in lindane spiked soil. Withania was grown in garden soil spiked with 20 mg kg−1 of lindane and inoculated with 100 ml of microbial culture (8.1 × 106 CFU). Effect of microbial inoculation on plant growth, lindane uptake, microbial biomass carbon, dehydrogenase activity, residual lindane concentration and lindane dissipation percentage were analyzed. The microbial inoculation significantly enhances the growth and lindane uptake potential of test plant (p < 0.05). Furthermore, there was an enhanced dissipation of lindane observed in microbial inoculated soil than the dissipation rate in non-inoculated soil (p < 0.01) and the dissipation rate was positively correlated with the soil dehydrogenase activity and microbial biomass carbon (p < 0.05). The study concludes that the integrated use of tolerant plant species and rhizospheric microbial inoculation can enhance the dissipation of lindane, and have practical application for the in situ remediation of contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Control of dimorphism in Phialophora verrucosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E Reiss  W J Nickerson 《Sabouraudia》1974,12(2):202-213

The susceptibility of Aster novi-belgii to infection by the vascular wilt pathogen Phialophora asteris varied according to the growing conditions to which the host was subjected before inoculation. Relatively low air temperature, high soil moisture, and soil nutrients rich in potassium or phosphorus were pre-inoculation conditions in which Aster became relatively susceptible. Increased resistance was favoured by growing plants at relatively high air temperatures, low soil moisture, and soil nutrients rich in nitrogen or calcium but low in potassium or phosphorus prior to inoculation.  相似文献   

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