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European governments have banned the use of three common neonicotinoid pesticides due to insufficiently identified risks to bees. This policy decision is controversial given the absence of clear consistency between toxicity assessments of those substances in the laboratory and in the field. Although laboratory trials report deleterious effects in honeybees at trace levels, field surveys reveal no decrease in the performance of honeybee colonies in the vicinity of treated fields. Here we provide the missing link, showing that individual honeybees near thiamethoxam-treated fields do indeed disappear at a faster rate, but the impact of this is buffered by the colonies'' demographic regulation response. Although we could ascertain the exposure pathway of thiamethoxam residues from treated flowers to honeybee dietary nectar, we uncovered an unexpected pervasive co-occurrence of similar concentrations of imidacloprid, another neonicotinoid normally restricted to non-entomophilous crops in the study country. Thus, its origin and transfer pathways through the succession of annual crops need be elucidated to conveniently appraise the risks of combined neonicotinoid exposures. This study reconciles the conflicting laboratory and field toxicity assessments of neonicotinoids on honeybees and further highlights the difficulty in actually detecting non-intentional effects on the field through conventional risk assessment methods.  相似文献   

Microbial colonization of metals and alloys of industrial usage takes place through the formation of biofilms made of bacteria, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and mainly water. These biological deposits can drastically modify the corrosion behavior of structural metals and alloys enhancing localized alterations in the type and concentrations of ions, pH, and oxygen levels. However, biofilms also facilitate the formation of diffusional barriers to the exchange of chemical species from and towards the metal/solution interface. Problems due to biocorrosion and biofouling of industrial systems range from heavy microbiological contamination with consequent energy and efficiency losses to structural failures owing to corrosion.The use of appropriate monitoring strategies complemented with field and laboratory microbiological techniques is necessary to reach a proper understanding of the effects derived from microbiological activity and the role of biofilms in the corrosion reaction to later implement effective control and preventive countermeasures. It must be emphasized that this assessment should be made for each industrial system, considering its previous history, present operational conditions, physicochemical composition of the intake water and the number and identity of microbial contaminants.Cleaning procedures, most relevant biocides and other methods for prevention and control of biocorrosion like coatings, and cathodic protection are successively described. Updated information about monitoring strategies is also included in the final part of the paper.  相似文献   

Initial stages of corrosion of mild steel induced by Klebsiela rhinoscleromatis BO2 were studied in various media. The effect of the microorganism was detected 8-10 h after inoculation. The number of viable cells were virtually unchanged within one month in all media, but the corrosive activity of the strain decreased. The corrosive activity of microorganisms can be determined by spectrophotometry even only after incubation for 24 h. At a low level of organic substrate, even strong colonization with microorganisms does not inevitably result in a significant damage to metals.  相似文献   

Soil quality and health are terms describing similar concepts, but the latter appeals to farmers and crop consultants as part of a holistic approach to soil management. We regard soil health as the integration and optimization of the physical, biological and chemical aspects of soils for improved productivity in an economic and sustainable manner. This paper describes the process used for the selection of soil quality/health indicators that comprise the new Cornell Soil Health Test. Over 1,500 samples collected from controlled research experiments and commercial farms were initially analyzed for 39 potential soil quality indicators. Four physical and four biological indicators were selected based on sensitivity to management, relevance to functional soil processes, ease and cost of sampling, and cost of analysis. Seven chemical indicators were also selected as they are part of the standard soil nutrient test. Soil health test reports were developed to allow for an overall assessment, as well as the identification of specific soil constraints. The new soil health test is being offered on a for-fee basis starting in 2007. In addition, visible near infrared reflectance spectroscopy was evaluated as a possible tool for low-cost soil health assessment. From preliminary analyses, the methodology shows promise for some but not all of the soil quality indicators. In conclusion, an inexpensive soil health test was developed for integrative assessment of the physical, biological, and chemical aspects of soils, thereby facilitating better soil management.  相似文献   


The development of more sustainable remediation techniques has been receiving greater attention, as an alternative to soil excavation plan in urban gardens. An in situ phytoextraction experiment with buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) was performed with a 5?mmol kg?1 citric acid (CA) application. Joint experiments under laboratory conditions were conducted using various cultivars of F. esculentum in two soils with a Pb contamination of either geogenic or anthropogenic origin and various chelate concentrations. Results show that a minimum dose of 50?mmol kg?1 of CA is required to lower soil pH and raise the concentration of mobile Pb–CaCl2 for both soils. Consequently, Pb shoot uptake is increased from 6.3 to 8.9 times depending on soil type. Phytoextraction efficiency is found to be 1.3 to 2.0 times higher in the anthropogenic contaminated soil than in the soil with geogenic Pb. A scale effect has also been identified since Pb root accumulation under laboratory conditions was 2.4 times higher than in the field experiment. Despite an increase in the Pb extraction rate with CA, buckwheat appears to lack the efficiency needed to remove Pb in moderately contaminated soils. The calculated remediation period would last 166?years to remove the mobile Pb fraction.  相似文献   

By using a bioluminescence ATP assay, we have determined the minimal concentrations of some biocorrosion inhibitors (Katon, Khazar, VFIKS-82, Nitro-1, Kaspii-2, and Kaspii-4) suppressing most common microbial corrosion agents: Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Desulfovibrio vulgaris, Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. The cell titers determined by the bioluminescence method, including not only dividing cells but also their dormant living counterparts, are two- to sixfold greater than the values determined microbiologically. It is shown that the bioluminescence method can be applied to determination of cell titers in samples of oil-field waters in the presence of iron ions (up to 260 mM) and iron sulfide (to 186 mg/l) and in the absence or presence of biocidal corrosion inhibitors.  相似文献   

A new high-pressure flowmeter(HPFM)is described which is capableof rapid water-flow measurements. The HPFM permits dynamic determinationof hydraulic conductance of roots, Kr, and can be used in tehlaboratory or field. The base of a root is connected to theHPFM and water is perfused into the root system opposite tothe normal direction of flow during trnaspiration. The perfusionpressure is changed at a constant rate of 3–7 kPa s–1while measuring the flow into the root every 2–4 s. Theslope of the plot of flow versus applied pressure is Kr. This paper describes the HPFM, presnents the theory of dynamicflow measurements, discusses sources of error, presnets evidencethat dynamic measurements of Kr in Ficus maclellandi (and sixother tropical species from Panama) yield the correct result,and demonstrates the use of the method under field conditionsin Panama on Cecropia obtusifolia and Palicourea guianensis. Key words: High-pressure flowmeter, root and shoot hydraulic conductance, Ficus maclellandi, Cecropia obtusifolia, Palicourea guianensis  相似文献   

The presence of microorganisms on material surfaces can have a profound effect on materials performance. Surface-associated microbial growth, i.e. a biofilm, is known to instigate biofouling. The presence of biofilms may promote interfacial physico-chemical reactions that are not favored under abiotic conditions. In the case of metallic materials, undesirable changes in material properties due to a biofilm (or a biofouling layer) are referred to as biocorrosion or microbially influenced corrosion (MIC). Biofouling and biocorrosion occur in aquatic and terrestrial habitats varying in nutrient content, temperature, pressure and pH. Interfacial chemistry in such systems reflects a wide variety of physiological activities carried out by diverse microbial populations thriving within biofilms. Biocorrosion can be viewed as a consequence of coupled biological and abiotic electron-transfer reactions, i.e. redox reactions of metals, enabled by microbial ecology. Microbially produced extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which comprise different macromolecules, mediate initial cell adhesion to the material surface and constitute a biofilm matrix. Despite their unquestionable importance in biofilm development, the extent to which EPS contribute to biocorrosion is not well-understood. This review offers a current perspective on material/microbe interactions pertinent to biocorrosion and biofouling, with EPS as a focal point, while emphasizing the role atomic force spectroscopy and mass spectrometry techniques can play in elucidating such interactions.  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation, tissue and subcellular distributions of Ag were investigated in the king scallop Pecten maximus from the Bay of Seine fishery area (France) in laboratory and in field conditions. Experimental investigations with the radiotracer 110mAg showed that the scallop readily concentrated Ag when exposed via seawater and to a much lower extent when exposed via sediment. Retention of the metal incorporated via all tested contamination pathways was shown to be very strong, but the assimilation efficiency of Ag ingested with food was found to be tightly depending on the phytoplankton strain used to feed the scallops (74 and 33% with Skeletonema costatum and Isochrysis galbana, respectively). The uptake and depuration kinetic parameters determined in the laboratory experiments were used to run a global bioaccumulation model. The latter indicated that the major uptake pathway of Ag in P. maximus was strongly depending on the food quality. Indeed, when fed the diatom S. costatum which was characterised by a high affinity for Ag (high distribution constant Kdf) the relative contribution of the feeding pathway reached 98% of the global Ag bioaccumulation. In contrast, when fed I. galbana which displayed a lower Kdf than S. costatum, dietary Ag was retained to a lesser extent by P. maximus, and seawater appeared as the major contributing uptake pathway. In wild scallops collected from reference and contaminated sites, Ag was mainly concentrated in the digestive gland and secondarily in the gills, and was mainly found associated with the insoluble subcellular fraction in all the scallop tissues.  相似文献   

Ratios of chlorophyll fluorescence induced by ultraviolet (UV) and bluegreen (BG) radiation [F(UV)/F(BG)] were determined with a Xe‐PAM fluorometer to test the utility of this technique as a means of non‐intrusively assessing changes in the pigmentation and optical properties of leaves exposed to varying UV exposures under laboratory and field conditions. For plants of Vicia faba and Brassica campestris, grown under controlled‐environmental conditions, F(UV‐B)/F(BG) was negatively correlated with whole‐leaf UV‐B‐absorbing pigment concentrations. Fluorescence ratios of V. faba were similar to, and positively correlated with (r2=0.77 [UV‐B]; 0.85 [UV‐A]), direct measurements of epidermal transmittance made with an integrating sphere. Leaves of 2 of 4 cultivars of field‐grown Glycine max exposed to near‐ambient solar UV‐B at a mid‐latitude site (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 34° S) showed significantly lower abaxial F(UV‐B)/F(BG) values (i.e., lower UV‐B epidermal transmittance) than those exposed to attenuated UV‐B, but solar UV‐B reduction had a minimal effect on F(UV‐B)/F(BG) in plants growing at a high‐latitude site (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, 55° S). Similarly, the exotic Taraxacum officinale did not show significant changes in F(UV‐B)/F(BG) when exposed to very high supplemental UV‐B (biologically effective UV‐B=14–15 kJ m?2 day?1) in the field in Tierra del Fuego, whereas a native species, Gunnera magellanica, showed significant increases in F(UV‐B)/F(BG) relative to those receiving ambient UV‐B. These anomalous fluorescence changes were associated with increases in BG‐absorbing pigments (anthocyanins), but not UV‐B‐absorbing pigments. These results indicate that non‐invasive estimates of epidermal transmittance of UV radiation using chlorophyll fluorescence can detect changes in pigmentation and leaf optical properties induced by UV‐B radiation under both field and laboratory conditions. However, this technique may be of limited utility in cold environments where UV and low temperatures can stimulate the production of BG‐absorbing pigments that interfere with these indirect measurements of UV‐transmittance.  相似文献   

 Quantifying pathways of energy transfer between plants, pests, and beneficial insects is a necessary step toward maintaining pest stable agroecosystems in the absence of chemical subsidies. A diet switching experiment utilizing a predatory ladybird beetle, Hippodamia variegata (Goeze), evaluated the use of naturally occurring stable C and N isotopes as an economically feasible and safe method for quantifying pathways of energy flow within agroecosystems. Stable isotope values of the ladybird beetle Coleomegilla maculata lengi (Timberlake) collected from an agroecosystem were used to estimate the relative amount of C and N derived from agricultural plants and incorporated by ladybird beetles based on mass balance equations. At the beginning of the diet-switching experiment δ13C and δ15N values of H. variegata (–12.0‰ and 6.3‰, respectively) differed by –0.2‰ and 2.9‰ from the aphids that were provided exclusively as their diet. These data are consistent with previous estimates of trophic level isotope effects. After switching the diet of H. variegata to an alternative food, isotope values of H. variegata gradually shifted toward expected values for individuals fed this diet (–22.9‰ and 8.8‰ for δ13C and δ15N values, respectively). Isotope values of another ladybird beetle, C. maculata, collected from the field indicated that in May, alfalfa and maize (pollen) obtained in the previous year contributed 32% and 68% of the C or N to the diets of these individuals and in August, 52%, 6%, and 42% of the C or N assimilated by these insects was derived from alfalfa, wheat, and maize, respectively. These data are consistent with expectations based on the relative abundance of C. maculata in various crops during the season. The field and laboratory data are a clear indication that isotope values are sensitive to dietary changes on a relatively short time scale (days) and provide a strong basis for the use stable C and N isotope to trace energy flow patterns of these beneficial organisms within agroecosystems. Received: 17 November 1995 / Accepted: 20 June 1996  相似文献   

1. Recent observations of actuarial senescence – an increase in mortality rate with age – have challenged the assertion that the brevity of adult insect life spans precludes ageing. 2. Here the rate of senescence in 22 species of Lepidoptera was quantified by fitting demographic models to adult survivorship data drawn from a range of field and laboratory studies. 3. Senescence was evident in all 22 species investigated, with a model of age‐related mortality consistently fitting the survivorship curves significantly better than an alternative model which assumes constant mortality. 4. The rates of senescence varied significantly among species. The rates of senescence also differed significantly between sexes for all species tested, but not in a consistent way.  相似文献   

The sexual compatibility between laboratory (LF) and wild (WF) strains of the Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens (Loew), was analyzed using analogous methodologies and experimental arenas under both laboratory and field conditions. Sexual compatibility was quantified with the following indices: the isolation index (ISI), male relative performance index (MRP), female relative performance index (FRPI), and the relative sterility index (RSI). ISI detected a certain level of incompatibility between strains under both laboratory and field conditions, because LF females tended to mate with LF males. LF mating performance was higher under laboratory than under field conditions. The relative performance indices for LF and the relative sterility index were higher in the laboratory than in the field. Differences between LF and WF in the times that males started calling and mating were observed in both environments. Importantly, WF males reduced their sexual activity under laboratory environments, whereas LF maintained similar activity levels in both conditions. The possible applications of the above-mentioned methods, not only to assess fly quality but also to determine the suitability of conditions in mass-rearing facilities, are discussed. Correlating laboratory quality to sexual behavior may contribute in the development of environmental parameters for mass-rearing facilities.  相似文献   



Methods used to estimate percent body fat can be classified as a laboratory or field technique. However, the validity of these methods compared to multiple-compartment models has not been fully established. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of field and laboratory methods for estimating percent fat (%fat) in healthy college-age men compared to the Siri three-compartment model (3C).


Thirty-one Caucasian men (22.5 ± 2.7 yrs; 175.6 ± 6.3 cm; 76.4 ± 10.3 kg) had their %fat estimated by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) using the BodyGram? computer program (BIA-AK) and population-specific equation (BIA-Lohman), near-infrared interactance (NIR) (Futrex® 6100/XL), four circumference-based military equations [Marine Corps (MC), Navy and Air Force (NAF), Army (A), and Friedl], air-displacement plethysmography (BP), and hydrostatic weighing (HW).


All circumference-based military equations (MC = 4.7% fat, NAF = 5.2% fat, A = 4.7% fat, Friedl = 4.7% fat) along with NIR (NIR = 5.1% fat) produced an unacceptable total error (TE). Both laboratory methods produced acceptable TE values (HW = 2.5% fat; BP = 2.7% fat). The BIA-AK, and BIA-Lohman field methods produced acceptable TE values (2.1% fat). A significant difference was observed for the MC and NAF equations compared to both the 3C model and HW (p < 0.006).


Results indicate that the BP and HW are valid laboratory methods when compared to the 3C model to estimate %fat in college-age Caucasian men. When the use of a laboratory method is not feasible, BIA-AK, and BIA-Lohman are acceptable field methods to estimate %fat in this population.

We tested the potential of estimating in-field (in situ) nitrogen (N) transformation rates based on soil temperature data and N transformation parameters (Q10 and N transformation rates at standard temperature) obtained through laboratory incubations at three constant temperatures for 4 weeks. This test was conducted based on a comparison between in situ measurements and estimates using soils from 16 sites across 9 regions within the Japanese archipelago. The actual in situ N mineralization and nitrification rates measured using the buried-bag method at 0–50-cm-soil depth were 111 ± 34 and 106 ± 45 kg N ha?1 year?1, respectively, and estimates of both the rate and the amount were largely accurate. For rate alone, estimates were accurate in the 0–10-cm soil layer for annual and seasonal averages (except for spring–summer) whereas for amount alone, estimates were accurate to depths of 50 and 30 cm for N mineralization and nitrification, respectively. Thus, estimates of the rates and amounts were approximately equal to the actual in situ rate/amount, given the wide range of prediction intervals of the field measurement data. The differences between the estimates of N transformation rates derived from hourly measured and monthly average soil temperatures were negligible. Therefore, in situ soil N transformations, which are laborious to measure in the field, have the potential to be estimated from a combination of monthly average soil temperatures and N transformation parameters, which are relatively straightforward to obtain through laboratory incubation.  相似文献   

The recent application of physiological techniques to anthropological studies of cold stress in different human groups has produced evidence of considerable variation in response to cold. The usual anthropological procedure has been to compare the adult males of two different ethnic groups under standardized laboratory conditions, and then to generalize the conclusions in an evolutionary or ecological context. Several assumptions behind this procedure are examined. Four studies of response to cold in the same Quechua Indian group of Southern Peru are discussed. Two of the studies deal with variation in response to cold in a standardized laboratory situation. The other two describe responses as detected under actual cold conditions experienced by the subjects as they go about their daily routines. The results of the laboratory and field studies are compared. It is suggested that adult males studied in the laboratory may represent only a minor part of the variation which exists in the group and that their responses may not be indicative of those of the entire population. It is also proposed that the validity of laboratory studies for an evolutionary interpretation may be limited by the laboratory approximation of the actual cold stress experienced by the group.  相似文献   

Information conveyance plays an important role in parasitoid-host interactions. Several sources of information are available for searching parasitoids and exploitation of that information during the different phases of host location depends on its reliability, detectability and accuracy. One source of information especially suitable for exploitation by parasitoids is a host aggregation pheromone, because this often combines all three aspects. In laboratory and field experiments we studied the behavioural responses of the parasitoid Leptopilina heterotoma to the aggregation pheromone of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster , both for substrate selection and the behaviour on host substrates. Our results show that substrates with increasing dose of the host's aggregation pheromone attract increasingly more parasitoids, whereas we found no significant effects of pheromone on parasitoid searching behaviour on the substrates. Parasitoid searching behaviour on substrates was influenced by other host cues (e.g . larval excrements, traces of adults other than aggregation pheromone), which is discussed in relation to the expectations from reliability-detectability theory. The responses of the parasitoids were further influenced by substrate quality (i.e. yeast concentration) and the microscale distribution of pheromone. In several field experiments, the fraction of fruit fly larvae that was parasitised was significantly higher in substrates with aggregation pheromone than in control substrates, indicating an ecological cost to the use of aggregation pheromones in adult D. melanogaster .  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Most of what is known about parasitoid behaviour comes from laboratory observations: field quantitative observations on searching parasitoids are extremely difficult to do and are rare. The basic components of Aphytis melinus 's response to California red scale ( Aonidiella aurantii ) were studied in the laboratory: encounter, rejection, drumming, probing, oviposition, and host-feeding. It was then asked whether these observations provided a reliable guide to behaviour in the field in a situation that was very different from the laboratory.
2. Field observations were carried out on bark on the trunk and interior branches of trees where live scale density is extremely high in patches, dead scale make up 90% of all scale, and could be expected to interfere with Aphytis search.
3. The laboratory observations predicted well the time taken in the field for each basic event (drumming or probing) and average times spent on a scale. Also well predicted were the distributions of times spent on drumming, probing, and total time on a scale. Rejection rates were much higher in the field. Thus, the laboratory studies predicted foraging behaviour in the field with variable success; potential explanations for observed mismatch between laboratory and field and its possible larger implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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