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Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are potentially hazardous to the environment because of their chemical stability and biological toxicity. In this study, we identified the binding mode of a representative PCB180 to human serum albumin (HSA) using fluorescence and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation methods. PCB180 bound exactly at subdomain IIIA of HSA based on the fluorescence study along with site marker displacement experiments. PCB180 also induced conformational changes that were governed mainly by hydrophobic forces. MD studies and free energy calculations also made important contributions to the understanding of the effects of an HSA-PCB180 system on conformational changes. The simulations on binding behavior proved that PCB180 was located only in subdomain IIIA. Hydrophobic interactions dominated the mode of binding behavior. The results obtained using the two methods correlated well with each other. Our findings provide a framework for elucidating the mechanisms of PCB180-HSA binding, and may also help in further research on the transportation, distribution, and toxicity effects of PCBs when introduced into human blood serum.  相似文献   

Recently,the effect of ligand receptor interaction on the membrane structure of liposomes has been studied extensively,However,little is known about how it exists on biological membranes,In this paper,the effect of Concanavalin A(ConA) receptorinteratcion on the structure of cell membranes was studied by Circular DIchrosim(CD) and 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR).CD results of both the purified macrophage membranes and human erythrocyte hgosts(EG) showed that the conformation of membrane proteins changed after ConA binding.For further research,31P-NMR was used to detect the orgainzation of phosp[holipid molecules on macrophage membranes.After ConA binding,the tendercy to form non bilayer structure increased with the amount of ConA.The changes of 31P-NMR spectra of living macrophages might be partly due to the above stated reason too.In addition,ConA-receptor interaction also induced similar results of 31P-NMR spectra in EG.In contrast,wheat germ agglutinin (WGA),another kind of lectin,rarely showed the same influence.  相似文献   

The pyrolyzate of the nondialyzable melanoidin prepared from glucose-ammonia reaction system (kept in pH 5.3~6.0 during the reaction) was fractionated to volatile fraction and nonvolatile fraction. Among the volatile components, two pyridines and four alkylpyrazines were identified. On the other hand, one imidazole compound and two β-hydroxypyridines isolated from the nonvolatile fraction were identified as 4(5)-methylimidazole, 3-hydroxypyridine and 2-methyl-5-hydroxypyridine, respectively. It is inferred that these compounds are not produced by the fission of the main skeleton in the melanoidin molecule, but formed by pyrolysis of the heterocyclic compounds present as a small moiety in the melanoidin.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to understand the influence of pH and effect of cosolvent (glucose) on the stabilization of bovine α-lactalbumin by using ultrasonic techniques. Values of density, ultrasonic velocity and viscosity were measured for bovine α-lactalbumin (5 mg/ml) dissolved in phosphate buffer (pH 2, 5, 7, 9 and 12) solutions mixed with and without the cosolvent at 30 °C. These measurements were used to calculate few thermo-acoustical parameters such as adiabatic compressibility, intermolecular free length, acoustic impedance, relaxation time, relative association constant, the partial apparent specific volume and the partial apparent specific adiabatic compressibility for the said systems. The obtained results revealed a strong comparison between the effects of acidic and alkaline pH values on protein denaturation, i.e., the acidic pH are instantaneous and are of less magnitude whereas alkaline pH are slower but sharper. Further the present study supports the fact that the presence of glucose stabilizes α-lactalbumin against denaturation due to pH variation, which may be due to the strengthening of non-covalent interactions and the steric exclusion effect.  相似文献   

α-1 Antitrypsin (A1AT) is a serpin with a major protective effect against cigarette smoke-induced emphysema development, and patients with mutations of the A1AT gene display a markedly increased risk for developing emphysema. We reported that A1AT protects lung endothelial cells from apoptosis and inhibits caspase-3 activity. It is not clear if cigarette smoking or A1AT mutations alter the caspase-3 inhibitory activity of A1AT and if this serpin alters the function of other caspases. We tested the hypothesis that the caspase-3 inhibitory activity of A1AT is impaired by cigarette smoking and that the A1AT RCL, the key antiprotease domain of the serpin, is required for its interaction with the caspase. We examined the caspase-3 inhibitory activity of human A1AT purified from plasma of actively smoking and nonsmoking individuals, either affected or unaffected with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We also tested the caspase inhibitory activity of two mutant forms of A1AT, the recombinant human piZZ and the RCL-deleted (RCL-null) A1AT forms. A1AT purified from the blood of active smokers exhibited marked attenuation in its caspase-3 inhibitory activity, independent of disease status. In vitro exposure of the normal (MM) form of A1AT to cigarette smoke extract reduced its ability to interact with caspase-3, measured by isothermal titration calorimetry, as did the deletion of the RCL, but not the ZZ point mutation. In cell-free assays A1AT was capable of inhibiting all executioner caspases, -3, -7 and especially -6, but not the initiator or inflammatory caspases. The inhibitory effect of A1AT against caspase-6 was tested in vivo, where overexpression of both human MM and ZZ-A1AT via adeno-associated virus transduction significantly protected against apoptosis and against airspace damage induced by intratracheal instillation of caspase-6 in mice. These data indicate a specific inhibitory effect of A1AT on executioner caspases, which is profoundly attenuated by active exposure to cigarette smoking and is dependent on the protein RCL, but is not affected by the PiZZ mutation.  相似文献   

In the healthy brain, less than 5% of α-synuclein (α-syn) is phosphorylated at serine 129 (Ser(P)-129). However, within Parkinson disease (PD) Lewy bodies, 89% of α-syn is Ser(P)-129. The effects of Ser(P)-129 modification on α-syn distribution and solubility are poorly understood. As α-syn normally exists in both membrane-bound and cytosolic compartments, we examined the binding and dissociation of Ser(P)-129 α-syn and analyzed the effects of manipulating Ser(P)-129 levels on α-syn membrane interactions using synaptosomal membranes and neural precursor cells from α-syn-deficient mice or transgenic mice expressing human α-syn. We first evaluated the recovery of the Ser(P)-129 epitope following either α-syn membrane binding or dissociation. We demonstrate a rapid turnover of Ser(P)-129 during both binding to and dissociation from synaptic membranes. Although the membrane binding of WT α-syn was insensitive to modulation of Ser(P)-129 levels by multiple strategies (the use of phosphomimic S129D and nonphosphorylated S129A α-syn mutants; by enzymatic dephosphorylation of Ser(P)-129 or proteasome inhibitor-induced elevation in Ser(P)-129; or by inhibition or stable overexpression of PLK2), PD mutant Ser(P)-129 α-syn showed a preferential membrane association compared with WT Ser(P)-129 α-syn. Collectively, these data suggest that phosphorylation at Ser-129 is dynamic and that the subcellular distribution of α-syn bearing PD-linked mutations, A30P or A53T, is influenced by the phosphorylation state of Ser-129.  相似文献   

Alpha crystallin is an eye lens protein with a molecular weight of approximately 800 kDa. It belongs to the class of small heat shock proteins. Besides its structural role, it is known to prevent the aggregation of β- and γ-crystallins and several other proteins under denaturing conditions and is thus believed to play an important role in maintaining lens transparency. In this communication, we have investigated the effect of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) on the structural and functional features of the native α-crystallin and its two constituent subunits. A conformational change occurs from the characteristic β-sheet to the α-helix structure in both native α-crystallin and its subunits with the increase in TFE levels. Among the two subunits, αA-crystallin is relatively stable and upon preincubation prevents the characteristic aggregation of αB-crystallin at 20% and 30% (v/v) TFE. The hydrophobicity and chaperone-like activity of the crystallin subunits decrease on TFE treatment. The ability of αA-crystallin to bind and prevent the aggregation of αB-crystallin, despite a conformational change, could be important in protecting the lens from external stress. The loss in chaperone activity of αA-crystallin exposed to TFE and the inability of peptide chaperone—the functional site of αA-crystallin—to stabilize αB-crystallin at 20–30% TFE suggest that the site(s) involved in subunit interaction and chaperone-like function are quite distinct.  相似文献   

Complexes between chitosan and β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) were investigated, and their formation was found to depend on pH and ionic strength. The electrostatic attraction between the cationic polysaccharide and the negatively charged protein above its isoelectric point has been identified as the main driving force in the molecular recognition process. At low protein concentration, soluble complexes were shown to be formed, and their structural features were characterized by circular dichroism (CD) and steady-state fluorescence. Both the overall secondary structure of the protein and the local environment probed by its tryptophan residues are not affected by the presence of chitosan in the complex. Furthermore, the formation of the complex does not lead to a net stabilization of the native state of the protein over its denatured state due to formation of a similarly stable complex between the polyelectrolyte and the denatured state of the protein. The formation of coacervates between β-Lg and chitosan was also characterized as a function of average molecular weight of chitosan (subjected to ultrasonication for different periods of time: 0, 5, 15, and 30 min) by means of both turbidimetric and calorimetric techniques. The combination of turbidimetric as well as isothermal calorimetric titrations have allowed the deconvolution of two processes usually coupled in the formation of protein-polyelectrolyte coacervates: the formation of complex coacervates as the protein sites become saturated by polyelectrolyte molecules and the redissolution of the coacervates as the polyelectrolyte-to-protein ratio increases.  相似文献   

Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) is a breathing disorder with a multifactorial etiology. The respiratory epithelium is lined with a thin layer of airway surface liquid preventing interactions between the airflow and epithelium. The effect of the liquid lining in OSAS pathogenesis remains poorly understood despite clinical research. Previous studies have shown that the physical properties of the airway surface liquid or altered stimulation of the airway mechanoreceptors could alleviate or intensify OSAS; however, these studies do not provide a clear physical interpretation. To study the forces transmitted from the airflow to the liquid-lined compliant wall and to discuss the effects of the airway surface liquid properties on the stimulation of the mechanoreceptors, a novel and simplified experimental system mimicking the upper airway fundamental characteristics (i.e., liquid-lined compliant wall and complex unsteady airflow features) was constructed. The fluctuating force on the compliant wall was reduced through a damping mechanism when the liquid film thickness and/or the viscosity were increased. Conversely, the liquid film damping was reduced when the surface tension decreased. Based on the experimental data, empirical correlations were developed to predict the damping potential of the liquid film. In the future, this will enable us to extend the existing computational fluid–structure interaction simulations of airflow in the human upper airway by incorporating the airway surface liquid effect without adopting two-phase flow interface tracking methods. Furthermore, the experimental system developed in this study could be used to investigate the fundamental principles of the complex once/twice-coupled physical phenomena.  相似文献   

The effect of the support size on the properties of enzyme immobilization was investigated by using chitosan macroparticles and nanoparticles. They were prepared by precipitation and ionotropic gelation, respectively, and were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), light scattering analysis (LSA), and N(2) adsorption-desorption isotherms. β-Galactosidase was used as a model enzyme. It was found that the different sizes and porosities of the particles modify the enzymatic load, activity, and thermal stability of the immobilized biocatalysts. The highest activity was shown by the enzyme immobilized on nanoparticles when 204.2 mg protein·(g dry support)(-1) were attached. On the other hand, the same biocatalysts presented lower thermal stability than macroparticles. β-Galactosidase immobilized on chitosan macro and nanoparticles exhibited excellent operational stability at 37 °C, because it was still able to hydrolyze 83.2 and 75.93% of lactose, respectively, after 50 cycles of reuse.  相似文献   

α-Lactalbumin is a globular protein containing helical regions with highly amphiphathic character. In this work, the interaction between bovine α-lactalbumin and sonicated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles has been compared in different circumstances which influence the protein conformation i.e., pH, ionic strength, decalcification, guanidine hydrochloride denaturation. Above the isoelectric point the interaction is mainly electrostatic; improved electrostatic interaction results in better contact with the apolar lipid phase. Below the isoelectric point, hydrophobic forces dominate the interaction and the vesicles are solubilized. The mode of interaction is not determined to a great extent by the demetallization of the protein. However, by a more explicit unfolding of the globular structure with guanidine hydrochloride, micellar complexes can be formed with the lipid, even at neutral pH. From this study it is obvious that the presence or capability for formation of helices with high amphipathic character is not a sufficient condition for lipid solubilization by a globular protein. Also, the capability of a globular protein to unfold its tertiary structure seems to be a prerequisite for its capability to lipid solubilization.  相似文献   

The binding of human DNA polymerase β (pol β) to DNA template-primer duplex and single-stranded DNA in the absence or presence of pol β inhibitors has been studied using a surface plasmon resonance biosensor. Two fatty acids, linoleic acid and nervonic acid, were used as potent pol β inhibitors. In the interaction between pol β and DNA, pol β could bind to ssDNA in a single binding mode, but bound to DNA template-primer duplexes in a parallel mode. Both pol β inhibitors prevented the binding of pol β to the single strand overhang and changed the binding from parallel to single mode. The affinities of pol β to the template-primer duplex region in the presence of nervonic acid or linoleic acid were decreased by 20 and 5 times, respectively. The significant inhibitory effect of nervonic acid on the pol β-duplex interaction was due to both a 2-fold decrease in the association rate and a 9-fold increase in the dissociation rate. In the presence of linoleic acid, no significant change of association rate was observed, and the decrease in binding affinity of pol β to DNA was mainly due to 7-fold increase in the dissociation rate. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2009, Vol. 74, No. 7, pp. 1000–1006. These authors contributed equally.  相似文献   

V. F. Matveev 《Oecologia》1987,74(3):468-477
Summary Isolated and mixed continuous cultures of Daphnia hyalina and Diaphanosoma brachyurum in lake water were maintained under laboratory conditions to elucidate demographic effects of competition. Population dynamics curves were obtained. Interspecific competition was revealed by the decrease in the average density of animals in the mixed versus isolated cultures and by the extinction of one species in the presence of the other. Within the first 50 days either Diaphanosoma (4 cases) or Daphnia (1 case) was the superior competitor, depending on the initial conditions. Further cultivation resulted in the extinction of Diaphanosoma in the mixed cultures. There were no statistically significant differences between the maximum rates of population increase (r m ) in Daphnia and Diaphanosoma at the concentration of edible algae about 2·105 m3ml-1(0.293 and 0.286 days-1, respectively). Time lags for density-dependent parameters of the populations were evaluated by means of rank cross-correlations. Regardless of the species identity the time lags of fecundity, birth rate, and the rate of population growth were significantly higher in the superior competitor. The initial conditions of culturing affected the time lags which in their turn influenced the outcome of the interaction. Enhanced competitive ability due to the maximized time lags in Daphnia was not associated with the loss of population stability. Conversely, it brought about destabilization of Diaphanosoma populations which seemed to be the ultimate cause of its extinction observed in the end of the experiment. Time lag of the population growth rate was well predicted based on the half-sum of time lags in birth and death rates (r2=0.80, P<0.001). Daphnia responded to competition with a sharp shortening of the time lags of fecundity, birth rate, and the population growth rate. It increased clutch size and showed inverse relationship between the fecundity time lag and average fecundity even though it was strongly suppressed by Diaphanosoma. The competitive ability was not related to the percentage of adults in the populations. In contrast to the current belief the major result of interspecific competition in the experiment was not a decrease in the rate of population growth but was a reduction in population time lags.  相似文献   

Previously we observed that the oxygen-evolving complex 33 kDa protein (OEC33) which stabilizes the Mn cluster in photosystem II (PSII), was modified with malondialdehyde (MDA), an end-product of peroxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the modification increased in heat-stressed plants (Yamauchi et al. 2008). In this study, we examined whether the modification of OEC33 with MDA affects its binding to the PSII complex and causes inactivation of the oxygen-evolving complex. Purified OEC33 and PSII membranes that had been removed of extrinsic proteins of the oxygen-evolving complex (PSII∆OEE) of spinach (Spinacia oleracea) were separately treated with MDA. The binding was diminished when both OEC33 and PSII∆OEE were modified, but when only OEC33 or PSII∆OEE was treated, the binding was not impaired. In the experiment using thylakoid membranes, release of OEC33 from PSII and corresponding loss of oxygen-evolving activity were observed when thylakoid membranes were treated with MDA at 40°C but not at 25°C. In spinach leaves treated at 40°C under light, maximal efficiency of PSII photochemistry (F v/F m ratio of chlorophyll fluorescence) and oxygen-evolving activity decreased. Simultaneously, MDA contents in heat-stressed leaves increased, and OEC33 and PSII core proteins including 47 and 43 kDa chlorophyll-binding proteins were modified with MDA. In contrast, these changes were to a lesser extent at 40°C in the dark. These results suggest that MDA modification of PSII proteins causes release of OEC33 from PSII and it is promoted in heat and oxidative conditions.  相似文献   

summary. A thermostable -amylase from B. licheniformis (BLA) and a mesophilic amylase from B. amyloliquefaciens (BAA) were covalently coupled to oxidized synthetic sucrose polymers (OSP400 and OSP70) and polyglutaraldehyde (PGA) by reductive alkylation to study the effect of neoglycosylation on the activity, kinetic and thermodynamic stability. The catalytic efficiency of the modified enzymes was comparable to that of the native enzyme. Covalent coupling decreased the rate of inactivation at all the temperatures studied, both in the presence and absence of added Ca2+. The stability of the native enzyme was found to increase upon modification as observed from the increase in t1/2 in the absence of Ca2+ ions by about 1.5–13.7 times (at 85°C) in the case of BLA and 5.7–8.4 times (at 50°C) for BAA. The highest stability was observed for OSP400 modified enzyme with Cm and Tm values of 0.63 M and 7.92°C for BLA and 0.85 M and 5.3°C for BAA, respectively. The order of stability was OSP400 > OSP70 > PGA > Native for both BLA and BAA. The stability of the modified amylases obtained from the present study were superior compared to most of the single and double mutants obtained by site-directed mutagenesis that were constructed so as to enhance the intrinsic stability of these enzymes.This article is dedicated to Dr. P.V. Sundaram.  相似文献   

1. The developmental pattern and effect of cortisone on acid beta-galactosidase and neutral beta-galactosidase were studied in postnatal rats by a recently proposed method for their independent determination. 2. After birth the acid beta-galactosidase activity increases in the ileum, whereas it decreases slightly in the jejunum. On day 16 after birth the activity in the ileum decreases and in 20-day-old rats activity in both parts of the intestine decreases to adult values. In suckling animals the activity in the ileum exceeds the jejunal activity severalfold and in adult animals the activity in the jejunum is slightly higher than that in the ileum. 3. Neutral beta-galactosidase activity is high after birth and decreases in both jejunum and ileum after day 20 after birth. In 12-20-day-old rats activity in both parts is essentially the same, but in adult animals jejunal activity exceeds ileal activity four-to five-fold. 4. Cortisone (0.5, 2.0 or 5.0mg/100g body wt. daily for 4 days) does not influence the activity of either enzyme in 60-day-old rats. Acid beta-galactosidase activity is decreased after cortisone treatment in 8-, 12-, 16-and 18-day-old rats, with sensitivity to cortisone increasing with the approach of weaning. No effect of cortisone on acid beta-galactosidase is seen in 8-day-old rats. Neutral beta-galactosidase activity is increased in the ileum of 8-, 12-, 16- and 18-day old rats, but only in the jejunum of 8-and 12-day-old rats.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectra, fluorescence spectra, electrochemistry, and the thermodynamic method were used to discuss the interaction mode between the inclusion complex of hematoxylin with β-cyclodextrin and herring sperm DNA. On the condition of physiological pH, the result showed that hematoxylin and β-cyclodextrin formed an inclusion complex with binding ratio n(hematoxylin):n(β-cyclodextrin) = 1:1. The interaction mode between β-cyclodextrin-hematoxylin and DNA was a mixed binding, which contained intercalation and electrostatic mode. The binding ratio between β-cyclodextrin-hematoxylin and DNA was n(β-cyclodextrin -hematoxylin):n(DNA) = 2:1, binding constant was K(?)(298.15K) = 5.29 × 10? L·mol?1, and entropy worked as driven force in this action.  相似文献   

Food irradiation is a form of food processing to extend the shelf life and reduce spoilage of food. We examined the effects of γ radiation on the fatty acid composition, lipid peroxidation level, and antioxidative activity of soybean and soybean oil which both contain a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids. Irradiation at 10 to 80 kGy under aerobic conditions did not markedly change the fatty acid composition of soybean. While 10-kGy irradiation did not markedly affect the fatty acid composition of soybean oil under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions, 40-kGy irradiation considerably altered the fatty acid composition of soybean oil under aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. Moreover, 40-kGy irradiation produced a significant amount of trans fatty acids under aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. Irradiating soybean oil induced lipid peroxidation and reduced the radical scavenging activity under aerobic conditions, but had no effect under anaerobic conditions. These results indicate that the fatty acid composition of soybean was not markedly affected by radiation at 10 kGy, and that anaerobic conditions reduced the degradation of soybean oil that occurred with high doses of γ radiation.  相似文献   

Zhou  Jianjun  Yang  Heng  Qin  Xinguang  Hu  Xianqin  Liu  Gang  Wang  Xuedong 《Food biophysics》2019,14(2):173-181
Food Biophysics - This work investigated the effects of the addition of different concentrations (0–3.0&nbsp;wt%) of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) on the properties of wheat dough and...  相似文献   

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