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The entomopathogenic fungus L. lecanii has been developed as biopesticides and used widely for biological control of several insects in agricultural practice. Due to the lack of isolation/count methods for L. lecanii in soil, the persistence of this fungus in soil appears to have attracted no attention. A selective medium and count method for L. lecanii in soil based on cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) was developed, and then the persistence and viability of this fungus in soil were investigated under field conditions between 2012 and 2014. The results showed that the rate of recovery for L. lecanii in soil on the selective CTAB medium was satisfactory. The minimum CFUs for L. lecanii on the selective medium (0.5 g/L CTAB) was about 102 conidia/g soil. The L. lecanii density in soil declined quickly in the first month after inoculation with fungal conidia, kept stable for 6 to 10 months, and then decreased gradually until undetectable. L. lecanii could persist for at least 14 months in the agricultural soil of northern China. The colony growth, conidia yield and germination rate on plates, as well as the median lethal concentration or times (LC50 or LT50) to aphids, mycelium growth in aphids and sporulation on aphids of L. lecanii did not change significantly during the persistence in soil. In general, the count method developed here was a very useful tool for monitoring the dynamics of natural or introduced L. lecanii populations in soil, and the data on the persistence of L. lecanii in soil reported here were helpful for biological control and environmental risk assessment.  相似文献   

The role of the chitinolytic enzymes in plants is not necessarilyrestricted to plant defense. Tomato plants transformed with an endochitinaseand a chitobiosidase gene from Streptomyces albidoflavus andgrowth under greenhouse conditions showed a significant reduction in plantheight, and reduced time to flowering compared with the control(non-transformed) plants. The levels of chitobiosidase and endochitinaseactivity in the transgenic tomato plants were positively correlated with earlyflowering, and negatively correlated with plant height. We have not determinedwhether these effects are exclusively due to the expression of the transgenesof endochitinase and chitobiosidase from S. albidoflavus orthe additive effect of these 2 enzymes combined with the endogenouschitinolytic enzymes produced by the plants. However, when control plants were trimmed,early flowering was observed compared with the controls that were not trimmed, whichindicates that wound induced proteins such as chitinolytic enzymes affect thetime of flowering. In addition, the expression of the endochitinase andchitobiosidase genes significantly increased the number of flowers and fruit onthe plants, resulting in an increase in yield of fruit. One of the primarygoals of crop breeding programs is to increase the productivity of plants. These twogenes were directly associated with plant productivity, and should be studied further.  相似文献   

The nitrogen (N) content of wood is usually suboptimal for fungal colonization. During decomposition of wood, an increasing fraction of the N becomes incorporated into fungal mycelium. Between 5 and 50% of the N in wood-degrading mycelium may be incorporated into chitin. Chitinolytic enzymes render this N available for re-utilization. Here, the activities of chitinolytic enzymes produced by wood-rotting fungi during degradation of spruce (Picea abies) wood were quantified in situ using fluorogenic 4-methylumbelliferyl substrates. A new method was developed that enables spatial quantification of enzyme activities on solid surfaces. All of the three tested fungi produced endochitinases, chitobiosidases and N-acetylhexosaminidases during colonization of wood. N-acetylhexosaminidase activity, and in some cases also chitobiosidase and endochitinase activities, were higher during secondary overgrowth of another fungus than during primary colonization of noncolonized wood. The results suggest that wood-degrading fungi degrade their own cell walls as well as the hyphae of earlier colonizers. Recycling of cell wall material within single mycelia and between fungal individuals during succession may lead to retention of N within woody debris.  相似文献   

We examined the genetic and physiological characteristics of chitin degrading enzymes expressed by fosmids cloned from two strains of chitinolytic gammaproteobacteria isolated from alkaline, hypersaline Mono Lake, California; and from a metagenomic library derived from an estuarine bacterial community (Dean Creek, Sapelo Island, GA, USA). The Mono Lake chitinolytic enzymes presented unique adaptations in terms of halo- and alkalitolerance. The sequence from one of the Mono Lake isolates (strain 12A) was a conventional family 18 glycosyl hydrolase; however, the expressed protein had a novel secondary activity peak at pH 10. We obtained a novel family 20 glycosyl hydrolase sequence from Mono Lake strain AI21. The activity of the expressed protein had a pH optimum of 10, several pH units higher than any other enzyme currently assigned to this family, and the enzyme retained 80% of its activity at pH 11. The enzyme was also halotolerant, retaining activity in salt solutions of up to 225 g l(-1). Sequence analysis indicated a molecular weight of approximately 90 kDa for the protein, and that it contained two active sites. Culture supernatant contained two chitinolytic proteins, 45 and 31 kDa, suggesting possible post-expression modification of the gene product. In contrast, the sequence found in the estuarine metagenomic library and the functional characteristics of the protein expressed from it were those of a conventional family 18 glycosyl hydrolase.  相似文献   

Following serum stimulation of quiescent 3T6 cells, an elevated in vivo rate of translation was observed. These studies were designed to identify the proteins associated with polysomal mRNA under different growth conditions in an attempt to establish a relationship between translational rate and the mRNA-associated proteins. Ultraviolet cross-linking of proteins to mRNA was employed to ensure that only genuine mRNA-associated proteins were investigated. Our results revealed little change in the population of mRNA-binding proteins, although minor variations in the synthesis of several proteins, most notably a 32 kilodalton species, were observed during growth transitions. These investigations demonstrate further that most of the mRNA-binding proteins were phosphorylated with the degree of phosphorylation of several proteins influenced by growth conditions.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Chitinases play the key role in hydrolysis of chitin, a huge organic carbon reservoir on earth, into monomeric sugars and their eventual conversion into valuable...  相似文献   

AIMS: This study was to illustrate the relationship between the thermotolerance and the contents of hydrophobin-like or formic-acid-extractable (FAE) proteins in aerial conidia of Beauveria bassiana and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus produced on rice-based substrate. METHODS AND RESULTS: Survival indices of 11 isolates were separately assessed as a ratio of the viability of conidia after 3-150 min thermal stress at 48 degrees C over that of unstressed conidia and fitted well to a survival model (r(2) >/= 0.97). For a given isolate, the fitted model generated an LT(50), the time for 50% viability loss under the stress. The LT(50)s of six B. bassiana isolates (10.1-61.9 min) and five P. fumosoroseus isolates (2.8-6.2 min) were correlated (r(2) = 0.81) with FAE protein contents (6.9-23.4 microg mg(-1)). The survival indices of a fixed B. bassiana isolate after 45-min thermal stress at 48 degrees C were also correlated to the FAE protein contents from conidia produced on glucose-, sucrose-, or starch-based substrate (0.79 相似文献   

There is currently great interest in the development of methods to modulate the function of diverse classes of target proteins with chemicals (agonists or antagonists). These would be valuable reagents for biomedical research and some might serve as potential drug leads. Traditionally, most chemicals that modulate protein function have been enzyme inhibitors isolated in functional screens specific for the enzyme of interest. However, recent efforts from many laboratories have suggested that relatively simple binding assays may provide a more convenient and general route to chemical modulators. We review here this work with a particular emphasis on peptide modulators.  相似文献   

Calcium signaling is involved in a multitude of physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms. Over the last decade, it has been increasingly recognized as an important factor in epileptogenesis, and it is becoming obvious that the excess synchronization of neurons that is characteristic for seizures can be linked to various calcium signaling pathways. These include immediate effects on membrane excitability by calcium influx through ion channels as well as delayed mechanisms that act through G-protein coupled pathways. Calcium signaling is able to cause hyperexcitability either by direct modulation of neuronal activity or indirectly through calcium-dependent gliotransmission. Furthermore, feedback mechanisms between mitochondrial calcium signaling and reactive oxygen species are able to cause neuronal cell death and seizures. Unravelling the complexity of calcium signaling in epileptogenesis is a daunting task, but it includes the promise to uncover formerly unknown targets for the development of new antiepileptic drugs.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni strains demonstrate a variety of growth phase-linked distinct morphological forms when grown in liquid culture. The typical spiral form of the organism, evident during logarithmic phase, undergoes elongation during stationary phase before becoming coccoid via the formation of membrane blebs and budded forms in decline phase. Cellular elongation and coccoid formation occurred despite the inhibition of protein synthesis and without a detectable change in the protein components of the inner and outer cell membranes.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess effects of nutrients on germination of Verticillium lecanii (=Lecanicillium sp.) conidia and infection of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Suspensions of V. lecanii conidia were prepared in four nutrient solutions: 2% glucose, 2% sucrose, 2% maltose, and 2% peptone. Suspensions in de-mineralized water served as the control. At 23°C the germination rate was highest in the 2% glucose solution, followed by sucrose, maltose, demineralized water, and peptone, respectively. Germ tube growth was greatest at 23°C in the 2% glucose solution after 10 h incubation. Results of the bioassays indicated that the nutrients influenced whitefly infection. Infection levels were highest for conidial suspensions (1×106 conidia/mL) prepared in 2% glucose, and were significantly greater than for peptone, demineralized water and maltose. Infection levels at 1×108 conidia/mL were not significantly different from each other for all materials tested. The potential use of nutrients in a spray formulation as a means of enhancing field efficacy are discussed.  相似文献   

The intracellular localizations ofchitinase and β-N-acetylglucosaminidase were detected in turbot blood smears, using a novel method employing fluorogenic substrates. The two enzymes showed different distributions, with chitinase being more generally distributed and N-acetylglucosaminidase being strongly associated with distinct intracellular bodies, probably lysosomes. The fluorogenic substrates were used to analyse soluble and membrane fractions of homogenates of red and white blood cells prepared on Percoll gradients. In the leucocytes, the chitinase and N-acetylglucosaminidase activities were mostly in the soluble fraction. In the erythrocytes the activities were lower, at about one-hundredth and one-tenth specific activities, respectively, and were distributed between soluble and membrane-bound fractions at about 2 : 1 and 3 : 1, respectively. In contrast, lysozyme had a soluble distribution in leucocytes and was not detected in erythrocytes. Plasma was rich in chitinase and lysozyme activities but had no detectable N-acetylglucosaminidase. Two possible roles for the chitinolytic enzymes are discussed: defence against pathogens and processing of glycoproteins or glucosaminoglycans. Evidence for a defence role for the chitinase and lysozyme is provided by demonstrating that they had inhibitory activity against the chitinous fungus Mucor mucedo .  相似文献   

The chitinolytic rhizobacterium Serratia plymuthica HRO-C48 was previously selected as a biocontrol agent of phytopathogenic fungi. One endochitinase (E.C., CHIT60, and one N-acetyl-beta-1,4- D-hexosaminidase (E.C., CHIT100, were purified and characterized. The endochitinase CHIT60, with an apparent molecular mass of 60.5 kDa, had a N-terminal amino acid sequence highly similar to that of chitinases A from Serratia liquefaciens and Serratia marcescens. The enzyme activity had its peak at 55 degrees C and pH 5.4, and increased by more than 20% in the presence of 10 mM Ca(2+), Co(2+) or Mn(2+). Activity was inhibited by 80% in the presence of 10 mM Cu(2+). CHIT100 appeared to be a monomeric enzyme with a molecular mass of 95.6 kDa and a pI of 6.8. Optimal activity was obtained at 43 degrees C and pH 6.6, and decreased by more than 90 % in the presence of 10 mM Co(2+) or Cu(2+). CHIT100 (100 microg ml(-1)) inhibited spore germination and germ tube elongation of the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea by 28 % and 31.6 %, respectively. With CHIT60 (100 microg ml(-1)), the effect was more pronounced: 78 % inhibition of of germination and 63.9 % inhibition of germ tube elongation.  相似文献   

The histological features of the area postrema (AP) of mink brains of both sexes were investigated at different ages and physiological conditions with light and electron microscopy. The mink AP was a twin-winged structure located at the dorsal surface of the medulla oblongata and consisted of neurons, glial cells, and both continuous and fenestrated capillaries enmeshed in a rich neuropil. The ventricular surface of the mink AP was covered by a single layer of tanycytes except at its most caudal part that was covered by a basal membrane derived from the pia mater. Supraependymal cells and intraventricular axons were also a common finding over the apical poles of tanycytes. However, our study demonstrates that the mink AP acquires the above general features at an advanced postnatal time and that, once fully developed, it undergoes morphological changes that can be directly linked to the aging process and sexual activity of the animals.  相似文献   

Summary The half-lives of fifty-two mutant forms of -galactosidase, in which serine had been substituted for the original amino-acid, were measured at 57°C. Sixty percent of the mutant enzymes had less than half the stability of the normal enzyme at high temperature but none had greater sensitivity to low temperature. A sample of these thermolabile enzymes showed unaltered activation energy. Enzymes with altered substrate affinity generally had reduced apparent heats of activation, decreased heats and entropies of association, and were thus relatively less sensitive to temperature change.The intracellular behaviour of thermolabile enzymes was examined by showing that substrate hydrolysis is the limiting step in lactose utilization, that the enzyme-substrate complex is more stable than the free enzyme and that binding of the enzyme to structures within the cell increases stability and lowers affinity. Amongst enzymes having half-lives less than about seven minutes at 47.75°C, there is a close relationship between enzyme lability and diminished growth rate on lactose at 44°C. The effect of mutation on the thermal behaviour of multi-enzyme systems and the relation of enzyme thermolability to temperature-induced growth deficiencies and temperature-dependent heterosis are discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction is essential for the propagation of higher plants. From an agronomical point of view, this is a particularly key process because fertilization guarantees fruit formation in most cultivated fruit species. In the olive, however, in spite of its agricultural importance, little attention has been paid to the study of sexual reproduction. In order to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate pollen-pistil interactions in the olive during the progamic phase, it is essential to first have a good knowledge of the reproductive structures involved in such interactions. This study characterizes the anatomical and ultrastructural changes in the olive pistil, beginning from the young pistil developing within the bud until the time of petal loss and visible stigma senescence. We have correlated changes in the pistil with a series of defined floral developmental stages and determined that olive pistil structures cannot be considered completely mature and ready to be pollinated and fertilized until the onset of anthesis. Our results clearly show histological and ultrastructural variation during the diverse flowering events. We discuss whether the changes observed might influence or result from pollen-pistil interactions during the progamic phase.  相似文献   

Postovulatory aging is associated with several morphological, cellular and molecular changes that deteriorate egg quality either by inducing abortive spontaneous egg activation (SEA) or by egg apoptosis. The reduced egg quality results in poor fertilization rate, embryo quality and reproductive outcome. Although postovulatory aging-induced abortive SEA has been reported in several mammalian species, the molecular mechanism(s) underlying this process remains to be elucidated. The postovulatory aging-induced morphological and cellular changes are characterized by partial cortical granules exocytosis, zona pellucida hardening, exit from metaphase-II (M-II)arrest and initiation of extrusion of second polar body in aged eggs. The molecular changes include reduction of adenosine 3'',5''- cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) level, increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and thereby cytosolic free calcium (Ca2+) level. Increased levels of cAMP and/or ROS trigger accumulation of Thr-14/Tyr-15 phosphorylated cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) on one hand and degradation of cyclin B1 through ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis on the other hand to destabilize maturation promoting factor (MPF). The destabilized MPF triggers postovulatory aging-induced abortive SEA and limits various assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) outcome in several mammalian species. Use of certain drugs that can either increase cAMP or reduce ROS level would prevent postovulatory aging-induced deterioration in egg quality so that more number of good quality eggs can be made available to improve ART outcome in mammals including human.  相似文献   

Seven multisporic isolates, two from Cuba, four from the Southeastern State ofTabasco and two from Central Mexico, weremorphologically and physiologically comparedwith 28 monosporic isolates (four permultisporic isolate) of the fungus Lecanicillium (= Verticillium) lecanii.Mycelium type and colony appearance wereassociated with specific conidial length,conidial production and germination speed. Ingeneral, isolates with a cottony-likeappearance of the mycelium and without anystriations had small conidia and a highconidial production; the opposite was found forisolates with sparse mycelium and striatedcolonies. There was an inverse correlationbetween germination time of 50% of theconidia (GT50) and their length (r =–0.72, P = 0.01). Three conidia length groupswere determined: small (2.9–3.9 µm),intermediate (4.6–5.8 µm), and large(6.5–8.8 µm). Based on shape, five groups of conidia were distinguished:cylindrical with half constriction and roundedends; crescent-shape, curved with both endsacute; conidia with one end somewhat moredistinctly narrowed; lanceolate form; andovoid to ellipsoidal shape. Differenceswere found between monosporic cultures andmultisporic isolates, particularly withGTM50 and conidial production where severalmonosporic cultures exceeded their multisporicisolates. Results of analyses with singlecharacteristics were also confirmed withmultivariate analysis helping to identify thatthe four Tabasco groups were morphologicallyand physiologically more variable. Based onthese results it is possible to improve thecontrol potential of isolates of L. lecaniiby making monosporic cultures.  相似文献   

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