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Xishuangbanna is a region located at the northern edge of tropical Asia. Biomass estimates of its tropical rain forest have not been published in English literature. We estimated forest biomass and its allocation patterns in five 0.185–1.0 ha plots in tropical seasonal rain forests of Xishuangbanna. Forest biomass ranged from 362.1 to 692.6 Mg/ha. Biomass of trees with diameter at 1.3 m breast height (DBH) ≥ 5 cm accounted for 98.2 percent of the rain forest biomass, followed by shrubs (0.9%), woody lianas (0.8%), and herbs (0.2%). Biomass allocation to different tree components was 68.4–70.0 percent to stems, 19.8–21.8 percent to roots, 7.4–10.6 percent to branches, and 0.7–1.3 percent to leaves. Biomass allocation to the tree sublayers was 55.3–62.2 percent to the A layer (upper layer), 30.6–37.1 percent to the B layer (middle), and 2.7–7.6 percent to the C layer (lower). Biomass of Pometia tomentosa, a dominant species, accounted for 19.7–21.1 percent of the total tree biomass. The average density of large trees (DBH ≥100 cm) was 9.4 stems/ha on two small plots and 3.5 stems/ha on two large plots, illustrating the potential to overestimate biomass on a landscape scale if only small plots are sampled. Biomass estimations are similar to typical tropical rain forests in Southeast Asia and the Neotropics.  相似文献   

Yong Tang  Min Cao  Xianhui Fu 《Biotropica》2006,38(3):328-333
Dipterocarp rain forest reaches its northern latitudinal limit in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. We studied the soil seedbank of dipterocarp rain forest in Xishuangbanna during the dry and wet seasons. Results showed that there were large seed accumulations in both the dry (mean ± SD; 3925 ± 2533 seeds/m2) and wet seasons (5415 ± 3232 seeds/m2). One hundred and sixteen species of seed plants were identified from germination, 66 percent of which were woody species. Weed or pioneer species dominated the seedbank. The soil seedbank in Xishuangbanna had similar species composition as compared to those in tropical Asia, but higher seed storage reflects the intense disturbance and forest fragmentation in this area.  相似文献   



Activities and diet during the postpartum period are culturally dictated in many Southeast Asian cultures, and a period of confinement is observed. Plants play an important role in recovery during the postpartum period in diet and traditional medicine. Little is known of the Kry, a small ethnic group whose language was recently described, concerning its traditions and use of plants during pregnancy, parturition, postpartum recovery and infant healthcare. This research aims to study those traditions and identify medicinal plant use.


Data were collected in the 3 different Kry villages in Khammouane province, Lao PDR, through group and individual interviews with women by female interviewers.


A total of 49 different plant species are used in women's healthcare. Plant use is culturally different from the neighboring Brou and Saek ethnic groups. Menstruation, delivery and postpartum recovery take place in separate, purpose-built, huts and a complex system of spatial restrictions is observed.


Traditions surrounding childbirth are diverse and have been strictly observed, but are undergoing a shift towards those from neighboring ethnic groups, the Brou and Saek. Medicinal plant use to facilitate childbirth, alleviate menstruation problems, assist recovery after miscarriage, mitigate postpartum haemorrhage, aid postpartum recovery, and for use in infant care, is more common than previously reported (49 species instead of 14). The wealth of novel insights into plant use and preparation will help to understand culturally important practices such as traditional delivery, spatial taboos, confinement and dietary restrictions, and their potential in modern healthcare.  相似文献   


The post-Mao era (1976–present) has seen a number of great changes in China. Two of these – the revival of religion and the emergence of a nascent, but powerful environmental movement – have come together in a unique way in the revitalisation of dongba religion among the Naxi nationality (pop. 300,000) of northwest Yunnan and southwest Sichuan provinces. This paper examines the relations between indigenous Naxi and outside tourists (mainly Han from other parts of China) through multiple lenses, including traditional Naxi cosmologies and theories of kinship and hospitality, as well as contemporary ideas concerning tourism development and environmental protection. The aim is to show that: (1) Naxi theories of alterity occur at multiple levels simultaneously – gods/demons vs. humans, kin vs. non-kin, native vs. stranger, host vs. guest, etc. – but that a unified logic underlies the relations, transactions, and interpenetration of these groups and (2) this logic is a productive force in its own right, that is, capable of harnessing new situations to it, even as it itself evolves as novel meanings are engendered in the process of intentional action. In all of this, one figure stands out: the dongba, a traditional shaman-priest viewed as a kind of mediator or facilitator in interactions and exchanges involving a wide range of human and non-human subjects.  相似文献   

中国稻种资源收集、保存和更新现状   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
截止2003年,我国共编目稻种资源77541份,其中各种类型所占百分比大小顺序为:地方稻种(68.68%)、国外引进稻种(12.65%)、野生稻种(9.45%)、选育稻种(6.96%)、杂交稻"三系"资源(2.09%)、遗传标记材料(0.16%);在国家长期库中共保存稻种资源69133份,其中各种类型所占百分比大小顺序为:地方稻种(71.38%)、国外引进稻种(12.16%)、野生稻种(8.09%)、选育稻种(6.52%)、杂交稻"三系"资源(1.54%)、遗传标记材料(0.18%)、其他(0.12%).加强选育品种、品系、突变体的收集和保存;重视国外稻种资源的收集与引进;开展地方稻种的纯系筛选与保存;持续开展稻种资源的繁种更新;开展已筛选优异种质资源的确认和提供利用,这是今后稻种资源收集和保存工作的重要研究任务.  相似文献   

We studied litter decomposition and nutrient release in a tropical seasonal rain forest of Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. The monthly decay rates (k) of leaf litter ranged from 0.02 to 0.21/mo, and correlated with rainfall and soil moisture. Annual k values for leaf litter (1.79/yr) averaged 4.2 times of those for coarse wood (2.5–3.5 cm in diameter). The turnover coefficients of forest floor mass (annual litterfall input/mean floor mass) were: 4.11/yr for flowers and fruits, 2.07/yr for leaves, and 1.17/yr for fine wood (≤2 cm in diameter), with resident time decreasing from fine woods (0.85 yr) to leaves (0.48 yr) and to flower and fruits (0.24 yr). Nutrient residence times in the forest floor mass were ranked as: Ca (1.0 yr) > P (0.92 yr) > Mg (0.64 yr) > N (0.36 yr) > K (0.31 yr). Our data suggest that rates of litter decomposition and nutrient release in the seasonal rain forest of Xishuangbanna are slower than those in typical lowland rain forests, but similar to those in tropical semideciduous forests.  相似文献   

Leaf and fig phenology (including leafing, flowering, and fruiting) and syconium growth of Ficus racemosa were studied in Xishuangbanna, China. Leaffall and flushing of F. racemosa occurred twice yearly: in mid‐dry season (December to March) and mid‐rainy season (July to September). The adult leaf stage of the first leaf production was remarkably longer than that of the second. F. racemosa bears syconia throughout the year, producing 4.76 crops annually. Asynchronous fig production was observed at a population level. Fig production was independent of leafing. Fig production peaks were not evident, but fluctuation was clear. Diameter growth rates of syconium were normally higher in early developmental stages than in later stages, and reached a peak coinciding with the female flower phase. The mean ± SD of syconium diameter of the female flower phase was 2.19 ± 0.36 cm, and reached 3.67 ± 0.73 cm of the male flower phase. Syconium diameter and receptacle cavity quickly enlarged at the female and male flower phases. Monthly diameter increment of the syconium was primarily affected by average monthly temperature, rather than rainfall or relative humidity.  相似文献   

广东省蔬菜种质资源收集保存与鉴定利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002-2004年,广东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所引进收集蔬菜种质资源501份,对已有的1642份蔬菜种质进行了繁种和农艺性状鉴定,入广东省蔬菜种质资源库(GVG)保存蔬菜种质1400份,同时对182份蔬菜种质资源进行了抗病性鉴定或营养品质分析,从中鉴定出高抗资源8份,抗病资源16份;完成了广东省蔬菜种质资源数据库的构建,其中包含了1019份已入库保存蔬菜种质的植株或果实图片,实现了广东省蔬菜种质资源数据网上共享。2003-2005年,共有12个利用优异蔬菜种质资源育成的蔬菜新品种通过广东省或国家农作物品种审定。  相似文献   

<正>陆生脊椎动物是生物多样性保护和管理评价的重要指示类群(Morrison et al.,2007;Liu et al.,2013)。全球多数生态系统中,许多大中型脊椎动物的种群数量在急剧下降,不少物种甚至遭遇灭顶之灾。而人类活动影响(如猎杀、森林砍伐、外来物种侵入、栖息地破坏和片断化等)是引起这些野生动物种群和群落变化的直接或间接原因(Morrison et al.,2007)。同时,野生动物种群和群落变化对生态系统其他物种也产生了严重的生态后果,如食果动物的  相似文献   

Using an economic approach to provide a rationale for rainforestconservation has been a popular exercise in recent years. This paper uses suchan approach to assess the net value of the Arabuko Sokoke Forest in Kenya. Theeconomic benefits associated with the forest derived by local and globalpopulations are estimated by combining evidence from existing studies and theresults of a contingent valuation study carried out by the authors. Thesebenefits are set against the cost of preserving the forest to the Kenyan ForestDepartment. Even when the opportunity cost of the forest land is omitted fromthe costs of forest preservation, and when the revenues generated from theGlobal Environment Facility (GEF) funded project are included, the costs offorest conservation outweigh the benefits. It is only when non-use andexistencevalues are included (which are not realised by the Kenyan population) that theforest benefits exceed the costs. The paper concludes by arguing that, althoughsome projects within the Arabuko Sokoke Forest have been successful incapturingsome of the economic value associated with the forest, more needs to be done todesign additional capture mechanisms so that a greater proportion of the globalbenefit of the forest can be realised by local populations and localgovernments.  相似文献   

晚生型外生菌根真菌通常出现在森林演替的后期,是成熟林中的优势外生菌根真菌类群。对四川都江堰一片亚热带针阔混交林中的菌根真菌地上群落进行调查,并应用二元逻辑回归分析对晚生型外生菌根真菌的主要类群,即鹅膏菌科、牛肝菌科和红菇科,与周围(5m×5m样方)树种组成的关系进行研究。还应用次级变量分析方法对主要外生菌根真菌类群的空间格局进行了分析。结果表明,非外生菌根树种及某些外生菌根树种对特定类群菌根真菌子实体的出现有抑制作用,而不同类群外生菌根真菌在克隆生长上的差异并不是子实体空间分布的决定因素。我们认为,当研究自然林中外生菌根子实体的空间分布时,除了宿主植物的分布,也应考虑非宿主植物的分布以及菌根真菌相互作用的影响。  相似文献   

晚生型外生菌根真菌通常出现在森林演替的后期,是成熟林中的优势外生菌根真菌类群.对四川都江堰一片亚热带针阔混交林中的菌根真菌地上群落进行调查,并应用二元逻辑回归分析对晚生型外生菌根真菌的主要类群,即鹅膏菌科、牛肝菌科和红菇科,与周围(5 m×5 m样方)树种组成的关系进行研究.还应用次级变量分析方法对主要外生菌根真菌类群的空间格局进行了分析.结果表明,非外生菌根树种及某些外生菌根树种对特定类群菌根真菌子实体的出现有抑制作用,而不同类群外生菌根真菌在克隆生长上的差异并不是子实体空间分布的决定因素.我们认为,当研究自然林中外生菌根子实体的空间分布时,除了宿主植物的分布,也应考虑非宿主植物的分布以及菌根真菌相互作用的影响.  相似文献   

Diversity of Medicinal and Food Plants as Non-timber Forest Products in Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve (China): Implications for Livelihood Improvement and Biodiversity Conservation. Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) play an important role in rural livelihoods. People living in and around forests are dependent on a variety of NTFPs for their subsistence and for income generation. This paper gives a general overview on the diversity of NTFPs in the Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve, with a focus on medicinal and food plants. Data on NTFPs use were gathered through an ethnobotanical inventory with semistructured, free-listing, and household socioeconomic interviews. Interviews were supplemented with voucher collections. Bamboo shoots were analyzed further as proxy NTPF. It was hypothesized that there is no significant difference between collection amounts of bamboo shoots and their contribution to the household income between the villages studied. A rapid vulnerability assessment (RVA) was conducted to identify vulnerable and threatened species. A total of 480 plant species (25% of recorded flora) from 117 families and 334 genera are used as NTFPs by the local people. Results revealed that there is a significant difference in the collection and contribution of bamboo shoots to household income among the villages. However, their contribution to per-capita income is very low, and they are mainly used in households. Vulnerability assessment showed that most of the medicinal species have moderate vulnerable status and that most of the food species have less vulnerable status. Some medicinal plants, such as Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis, are overexploited and getting scarce. Sustainable harvest and management strategies should be implemented to prevent overexploitation of these species.  相似文献   

In a number of places, sacred forest sites play an important role in conservation and local livelihoods. Here we examine how Iban hunters and animals alike use sacred forest in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. To determine the relative importance of different sites in hunting, we compare hunting effort, animal species and their numbers encountered by hunters, and encounters and captures in a variety of forest sites including sacred groves. We relate the results to the role of such sites in the overall Iban agroforestry system and in the conservation of forest habitat that professional conservationists deem precious. Such land use practices, while having social and religious origins, may be important for local economic purposes, but they may also be valuable in promoting and enhancing the more global goals of biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Thomas, D.H.L., Anders, S. & Penn, N.J. 2000. Conservation in the community: the Kilum-Ijim Forest Project, Cameroon. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 157–161.

BirdLife International has worked for ten years in Cameroon's North-West Province to assist the local people and government of Cameroon in achieving the conservation and sutainable management of the last significant remnant of a unique montane forest ecosystem. The Kilum/Ijim forests are almost certainly the last remaining habitat for the conservation of two endemic and threatened bird species, Bannerman's Turaco Tauraco bannermani and Banded Wattle-eye Platytiera laticincta. The forests have no legal designation as formal protected areas but have been conserved through local concern and knowledge of the multiple values of an intact forest ecosystem, backed up by the enforcement of traditional regulations, and support from the project to finding solutions to peoples' land use and natural resource management needs within and outside the forests. The project is now working under the umbrella of a national Biodiversity Conservation and Management Programme in Cameroon, funded by the Global Environment Facility, to establish the Kilum/Ijirn as the first community-managed forest in the country. A brief history and background to the project is presented, with emphasis on lessons learned by BiraLife and the success of current efforts to achieve the conservation of the forests through community management. The issues are discussed in the general context of an integrated conservation and development programme (ICDP).  相似文献   

Comparison of the Homegardens of Eight Cultural Groups in Jinping County, Southwest China. Species growing in 124 homegardens in 15 villages inhabited by 8 cultural groups living in Jinping County, southwest China, were recorded, together with information on the uses of the species and other features of the gardens. Data were gathered using key informant interviews, participatory observation, and ecological sampling. The results showed that production of food for domestic use was the main function of the gardens. Other uses included plants for income generation, household-level construction, local health care, and for ecological purposes (confined to higher altitude homegardens). The primary floristic variation in the gardens was related to climatic change with altitude, with variations in the use of the gardens to grow plants for local healthcare being also significant. Homegardens can be clustered into two groups based on floristic composition—lower altitude gardens (including Dai, Zhuang, Homg, and Lahu) and higher altitude gardens (including Yao, Yi, Hani, and Han). Both cultural conservatism and a readiness to adapt to new economic conditions are reflected in the characteristics of the gardens. Homegardens maintain considerable conservation value as repositories of several species of endangered plants and several species of medicinal plants that are over-collected in the wild.  相似文献   

毛茛科的罂粟莲花(Anemoclema glaucifolium)是中国西南部金沙江河谷地带特有的单种属植物。本研究利用分子生物学手段(SNPs),对罂粟莲花的遗传多样性和遗传结构进行了研究。三个叶绿体片段(rps16内含子,psbA trnH 基因间隔区以及trnC ycf6基因间隔区)联合分析的结果显示低的遗传多样性和高的遗传分化。这可能是由于居群间长期的地理隔离,狭小的分布区以及生境片段化造成的有限的基因流所引起的。如今在金沙江上修建水电站的位置与罂粟莲花的分布区有部分重叠,这些水电站会淹没罂粟莲花的部分个体和生境,并且改变生态环境,威胁罂粟莲花的生存。本研究对罂粟莲花遗传多样性的研究为制定有效的保护策略提供了信息。  相似文献   

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