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Homegardens are integral part of rural households in Bangladesh. The present study examines some physical, biological, and socioeconomic characteristics of 32 homegardens randomly selected from four villages representing different agro-ecological conditions, variable population densities, and market opportunities. The study results suggest that large numbers of plant and animal species occupy homegardens, and their composition and intensity of cultivation vary directly with the household physiologic density and access to urban markets, and inversely with environmental constraints to agriculture. Homegardens form the activity space for household women and children, who perform most homegarden farming tasks. Uses of home generated inputs at no or low cost make homegardens economically more efficient and sustainable compared to non-homegarden rice farming. In the context of the intensive subsistence agriculture patterns that dominate Bangladesh, homegardens contribute significantly to smallholder household income.  相似文献   

We studied species composition, similarity, and structure of homegardens in two Yucatecan Maya communities, Tixpeual and Tixcacaltuyub, Yucatan, Mexico. The number of gardens sampled per village was 20 and 22; total area sampled was very similar, 45,265 m2 and 40,150 m2; the number of trees and shrubs present was 5651 and 5603; and number of species was 135 and 133, respectively. Diversity was low for both sites (H′= 1.6), as were the correlation coefficients (r) for the species-area and individuals-area correlations. The relatively low values obtained for the structural parameters reflect the random pattern of plant incorporation to the gardens, the variability in the proportion of constantly used and not constantly used garden area, and a certain uniformity in the number of species used and number of individuals present, and the relationship between these parameters and garden size. All these reflect the uniqueness of each homegarden, which depends upon the cultural background of the owner. We noticed a trend towards a change in homegarden structure and function in response to the modernization process. Homegardens in villages in the outskirts of cities tend to have more ornamental species and commercial fruit plants than homegardens in isolated villages.  相似文献   

Diversity is one of the most important traits of homegardens and contributes to maintaining their functions. Here, we investigated the diversity, characteristics, and functions of 75 Karen homegardens from four villages in Chiang Mai and Tak provinces in northern Thailand. In each homegarden, all used plant species were registered and classified according to their main use. The diversity and richness in each homegarden was estimated and the stratification of plants in horizontal zones was investigated. A total 268 plant species were recorded, ranging from 100 to 146 species in each of the four villages. These plants were mostly kept in the homegarden yard or along their boundaries. The most common species were mango (Mangifera indica L.), jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.), guava (Psidium guajava L.), and taro Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott. Besides these species, most plants differed from one village to another. Distance between the homegardens was important; homegardens in the same village were more similar than those in different villages. However, beyond the individual level, the distances alone could not be used to determine similarity. Despite the variation of species found in homegardens, the function and horizontal stratification of the Karen homegardens shared many traits. They satisfied both physical and aesthetic needs to the Karen people as witnessed by the high proportion of food and ornamental species. The reverse effects of urbanization (we used the distance from the nearest urban area as a proxy) on the diversity of ornamental species was also observed. In general, Karen homegardens had high richness and diversity which directly benefited the conservation of plant species. This diversity promotes food security at the household and community levels.  相似文献   

Two consequences of the continued urbanisation of the human population are that a growing proportion of the landscape is less hospitable to, and that a growing proportion of people are disconnected from, native biodiversity. One response of the UK government has been to establish a goal, and an associated baseline indicator, of increasing the extent and range of public participation in gardening for wildlife. The formulation of policy to attain this end requires, however, insight into the factors that are associated with the level of participation. Here we examine the relationships, across 15 areas in five UK cities, between the proportion of households providing various garden features for wildlife or participating in various wildlife gardening activities, and housing densities and characteristics of the garden resource. We show that significant numbers of households participate in some form of wildlife gardening, but that the predominant form this participation takes is feeding wild birds. Key variables associated with spatial variation in wildlife gardening activities are the proportion of households with access to a garden and, more importantly, average garden size and the proportion of land cover by gardens. There was no evidence for strong effects of household density or the socio-economic status of householders on the prevalence of wildlife friendly features in gardens or on the participation by householders in activities to encourage wildlife. Our results suggest important considerations in attempts to increase awareness and participation in wildlife gardening.  相似文献   

The contribution of homegardens to the food and nutrition security of rural farmers has rarely been explored empirically. Our study assesses the influence of homegarden agrobiodiversity, production system parameters, and socioeconomic factors on household dietary diversity and anthropometric conditions in southwest Uganda. Plant inventories of 102 homegardens were followed by two 24-h recalls (n =?589) and anthropometric measurements (n =?325) of household members, as well as household food insecurity questionnaires (n =?95). Regression models explained between 16 and 50% of variance in dietary diversity and between 21 and 75% in anthropometric measurements. Results indicate that supporting diverse homegarden systems can in part reduce food insecurity in Uganda. We conclude with recommendations for further strengthening the role of homegardens in improving dietary and anthropometric outcomes.  相似文献   

Plant Diversity in Hmong and Mien Homegardens in Northern Thailand. We surveyed 180 homegardens in three Hmong and three Mien villages in northern Thailand to study their floristic diversity and composition and to understand the impact of forced migration and ecological conditions for the development of the rich homegarden flora. We also looked at the role of culturally important species as carriers of cultural identity. We found 406 species: 341 (99 families) and 270 species (90 families) in Hmong and Mien homegardens, respectively. Five lowland villages had the richest homegarden flora, in part due to the presence of many widespread species. Twenty-two species were widespread in tropical countries and found in most Hmong and Mien homegardens, and 14 additional common species were shared between Hmong and Mien homegardens. Seventeen species were exclusive to Hmong homegardens and eight to Mien homegardens; these we have designated as culturally important species. The presence of culturally important species determines the homegardens’ characteristics and reflects the cultural identity related to plant uses of a group. Similarities in floristic composition of the two groups can be attributed to widespread and common species. Floristic variation and diversity in homegardens were strongly related to homegarden geographical location, personal preference, and cultural background of the owners.  相似文献   

Tropical forest loss and transformation to agroecosystems have serious impacts on biodiversity, associated ecosystem services and the livelihood of local people. The high crop plant biodiversity and low intensity management in many homegardens could play an important role in the preservation of biodiversity in modified landscapes, as well as sustain food security of low income households. In this study, we focused on the role of the owner’s cultural background as migrants (from the island of Java) or non-migrants (local residents) for homegarden characteristics, such as size, management diversification, and crop species richness, and their effect on arthropod communities in Jambi province, Indonesia. Vane traps, pitfall traps and sweep netting were used to survey the arthropod communities, in particular bees and wasps, in 24 homegardens. Our results show that the native Jambi locals used a smaller number of management practices and had smaller homegardens than the Javanese transmigrants, whereas crop species richness did not differ. Management diversification and crop species richness were positively related to arthropod abundance as well as species richness of bees and wasps, presumably due to the enhanced homegarden heterogeneity. Our findings suggest that the cultural practices of migrant versus non-migrant land-use managers, which is usually neglected in agroecology, can be a major determinant of management practices shaping community structure and services of beneficial arthropods.  相似文献   

In the current scenario of rapid conversion of tropical forests into human-dominated activities landscape, the present study was undertaken to understand the role of existing agroforestry systems in conservation of avian species. Three types of agroforestry systems namely tea gardens, homegardens and agrisilviculture were selected in the Brahmaputra North Bank Landscape of Assam, northeast India for the study. A total of 468 point counts revealed 164 bird species belonging to 51 families and 18 orders across all the three different types of agroforestry systems. Tea gardens showed significantly higher bird species richness followed by homegardens and agrisilviculture systems. As per IUCN, four species were categorized as Near Threatened and one species was categorized as Vulnerable. Out of 164 species recorded, 68.3% species were residents, 30.5% species were winter visitors and remaining were summer visitors (1.2%). Majority of the species (45.7%) were common to all the three types of selected agroforestry systems. The feeding guilds revealed that most of the species were insectivorous (50.0%) in habit. A total of 167 tree species belonging to 54 families and 24 orders was recorded across all the three different types of agroforestry systems. The highest tree species richness was recorded in the homegardens (160), followed by agrisilviculture systems (19) and least in tea gardens (11). No statistically significant correlation was found among bird species richness and patch size, tree species richness and number of bird species individuals. The selected agroforestry systems have provided shelter, nesting space, feeding and foraging grounds for birds during the winter season. This data can be useful for the policy makers, tea garden managers, homegarden owners for framing conservation policies of avian species in an era of natural wildlife habitat loss and degradation.  相似文献   

在内蒙古通辽市科尔沁左翼后旗蒙古族居住地区采用随机抽样和农户推荐选择30个农户,同时在邻近地区的汉族选择了10个农户作为对比分析。庭园样方取样为整个庭园面积,设立40个样方进行调查。结果表明,内蒙古通辽市科尔沁左翼后旗蒙古族庭园和邻近地区汉族庭园植物垂直结构主要有0~1 m、1~2 m、2~5 m、5~10 m、10 m等五类,其中不论是小规模庭园还是大规模庭园,5 m以下的阶层占优势;两个民族庭园植物种植模式研究结果阐明科尔沁左翼后旗蒙古族与邻近汉族相比,目前很少栽培观赏植物,仍停留在与日常生活相关的蔬菜植物栽培的水平上,而邻近的汉族已开始注重栽培美化环境的庭园植物。此外,本研究运用MVSP统计软件分析庭园类型表明科尔沁左翼后旗蒙古族庭园主要有4种类型,邻近的汉族庭园有3种类型,并且当地蒙古族与邻近的汉族庭园有所差异,这些差异是由两个民族间农耕文化传统以及畜牧业植物文化差异、庭园面积、庭园历史及庭园管理水平、传统植物利用知识的差异所造成。  相似文献   

Used the random sampling and recommendation, 30 households of Mongolian in Horqin Juun Garon Country were selected to compare with 10 households of Han nationality which lives in the region of nearby. Forty sampling plots of homegardens were investigated. The results indicates that the perpendicular structure of homegarden plants in Mongolian and Han nationality can be classified to 0-1m, 1-2m, 2-5m, 5-10m, and higher than 10m. The perpendicular structure lower than 5m is predominance in both large and small homegardens. Comparing the cultivation pattern in two nationality, Mongolia still stay in the level of vegetable cultivation which relaled to the daily life, the plants for view and admire are very few at present. But Han nationality have started attaching importance to the view and admire homegarden plants. Besides, this research applied the software MVSP to analyze the type of homegardens and indacates that the homegarden of Mongolian in Horqin Juun Garon Country have four categories, and Han nationality have three categories. The results indicate that there are many differences between Mongolian and Han nationality. This is caused by the differences between the two nationalities in traditional farming culture, animal husbandry culture, the area of homegarden, the history of homegarden, the management of homegarden, and the traditional botanical knowledge on plant species utilization.  相似文献   

Landraces in situ Conservation: A Case Study in High-Mountain Home Gardens in Vall Fosca, Catalan Pyrenees, Iberian Peninsula. Interest in landrace conservation has grown over the last few decades with much research focusing on the maintenance of on-farm crop genetic diversity in the tropics. Research on landraces is less abundant in temperate climates. In this paper we assess landrace conservation status in home gardens in Vall Fosca (Catalan Pyrenees, Iberian Peninsula). We estimate the individual socio-demographic attributes associated with in situ conservation of landraces and explore the reasons for their conservation. Fieldwork was conducted March–September 2008, during which time we surveyed 60 home gardens, owned by 53 tenders from 16 villages. We recorded occurrence, abundance, uses, and management of plants cultivated in home gardens. We also inquired about the informants’ reasons for conserving landraces. We found 148 different species. We identified 39 landraces corresponding to 31 species. Women, people over 65 years of age, experienced gardeners, and people who grow their home garden organically were more likely to conserve landraces than people without those characteristics. Although the informants express a strong preference for landraces, they mainly grow commercial varieties. Landraces seem to be displaced by less labor-intensive commercial varieties.  相似文献   

Home gardens are land use units embedded in a larger land use system, in this case in Candelaria Loxicha, Oaxaca, Mexico. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, we investigated how home gardens are integrated into local farming practices and how these influence biodiversity. Our findings suggest that home gardens harbour high levels of biodiversity, which are maintained and enriched by farmers’ practices, particularly plant and seed exchange. Plant diversity is higher in younger home gardens and in home gardens where owners actively exchange plant material with other people. Through plant exchange, seed storage, and the dispersion of seeds and plants in different land uses, farmers encourage plant diversity and consequently increase the resilience of their farming system in changing climatic, demographic and economic conditions. Both men and women participate in the establishment, care and management of home gardens, but they are responsible for different plants and home garden functions. For economic reasons, the inhabitants of Candelaria Loxicha are increasingly engaging in international migration. Migrants, upon their return bring new ideas and plants that might transform the rural landscape.  相似文献   

Can Homegardens Conserve Biodiversity in Bangladesh?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In managed landscapes, tree-dominated habitats often show promise for biodiversity conservation. In Bangladesh where natural forest cover is less than 10 percent, homegardens, which are maintained by at least 20 millions households, represent one possible strategy for biodiversity conservation. This study investigated the floristic and structural diversity of 402 homegardens from six regions across southwestern Bangladesh. All plants were censused, totaling 419 species (59% native), including six IUCN Red Listed. The median homegarden (800 m2) contained a mean of 34 species. Each region contained a mean of 293 species in a mean of 67 homegardens. A total of 49,478 individuals (107 per homegarden and 1003 per hectare) of trees and shrubs were counted from 45.2 ha total sampled area. Thus, significant botanical richness was exhibited in the homegardens across southwestern Bangladesh. However, most species were rare: 82 percent of all species including 189 native were found in 50 or fewer homegardens, and 63 species (36 native) were found in only one or two homegardens. Sixty percent of all tree and shrub species had 50 or fewer individuals each. Thus, whereas richness across the landscape was high, serious effort must be made to increase the populations of most species. We propose three main conservation activities: (1) awareness building; (2) protection of existing individuals of rare species; and (3) propagation. Overlaying all of these activities is the inclusion of local communities in the process, who were the ones to retain these species in homegardens in the first place, and the stakeholders who will determine whether homegardens indeed act as long-term repositories to biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Research on agrobiodiversity points to the importance of home gardens in situ conservation, yet few studies to date explicate the origins and dynamics of plant species diversity. In this paper, we examine inter-household variations in cultivated plant species diversity among house gardens in a traditional peasant community, near Iquitos, Peru. In-depth household interviews (n = 24) and garden/field surveys reveal that home gardens are clearly the site of highest plant diversity in farmers’ field portfolios, and that substantial differences exist in garden composition, plant diversity, and the sources of garden planting material across households. Statistical analyses indicate that home garden diversity is related strongly to specific garden characteristics, household socioeconomic features, and access to planting material including seeds, cuttings, and suckers. The role and implications of differential access to planting material in the development and maintenance of crop species diversity is signaled as an important theme for future study in economic botany.  相似文献   

In order to show the function of agricultural protection of biodiversity at the level of homegarden, comparative analysis was operated between 20 farmer households through random sampling and farmers recommended in Horqin Left Wing Real Banner Tongliao city Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and 10 farmer households of the Han nationality in the neighborhood. Thirty sampling plots of homegardens are investigated. The result indicates there are 100 homegarden plants in Bashou village, 84 in Hariwusu livestock farm, and 87 in Gongjihao village. It involves the cultivated and wild vegetables, fruits, and plants used for ornamental, medicine and forage. The comparative analysis of species richness demonstrates, among these villages the species richness of Bashou village is highest, while Hariwusu livestock farm is lowest. The former village contributes greatly to the conservation of plant biodiversity. These differences result from their respectively different natural conditions, homegarden areas, homegarden history, homegarden management conditions, traditional knowledge and culture understanding of homegarden manager, local farmers and herdsmen on homegarden plants.The homegarden plants from the three investigated villages are cataloged preliminary in the end of the paper.  相似文献   



Understanding the functional diversity of home gardens and their socio-ecological determinants is essential for mainstreaming these agroforestry practices into agrobiodiversity conservation strategies. This paper analyzed functional diversity of home gardens, identified the socio-ecological drivers of functions assigned to them, and assessed the agrobiodiversity benefits of home gardens functions.


Using data on occurring species in home garden (HG) and functions assigned to each species by the gardeners, the study combined clustering and discriminant canonical analyses to explore the functional diversity of 360 home gardens in Benin, West Africa. Next, multinomial logistic models and chi-square tests were used to analyze the effect of socio-demographic characteristics of gardeners (age, gender, and education level), agro-ecological zones (humid, sub-humid, and semi-arid), and management regime (single and multiple managers) on the possession of a functional type of home gardens. Generalized linear models were used to assess the effect of the functions of home gardens and the determinant factor on their potential in conserving agrobiodiversity.


Seven functional groups of home gardens, four with specific functions (food, medicinal, or both food and medicinal) and three with multiple functions (more than two main functions), were found. Women owned most of home gardens with primarily food plant production purpose while men owned most of home gardens with primarily medicinal plant production purposes. Finding also showed that multifunctional home gardens had higher plant species diversity. Specifically, crops and crop wild relatives occurred mainly in home gardens with food function while wild plant species were mostly found in home gardens with mainly medicinal function.


Home gardening is driven by functions beyond food production. These functions are mostly related to direct and extractive values of home gardens. Functions of home gardens were gendered, with women mostly involved in home food gardens, and contribute to maintenance of crops and crop wild relatives while men were mostly home medicinal gardeners and contribute to the maintenance of wild plant species in home gardens. Although multiple functional home gardens were related to higher plant diversity, there was no guarantee for long-term maintenance of plant species in home gardens.

Kubo people of Papua New Guinea sometimes grew Dioscorea yams in mounds of forest litter that were made as egg-incubation sites by birds (Megapodiidae).' The small yam plots were included within larger banana gardens and, in the latter, it was yams, not bananas, that took precedence in the gardening decisions of people. The technique would be viable in the absence of a larger garden. It is interpreted as an expression of an ancient pattern of small-scale plant domestication.  相似文献   

Comparison of the Homegardens of Eight Cultural Groups in Jinping County, Southwest China. Species growing in 124 homegardens in 15 villages inhabited by 8 cultural groups living in Jinping County, southwest China, were recorded, together with information on the uses of the species and other features of the gardens. Data were gathered using key informant interviews, participatory observation, and ecological sampling. The results showed that production of food for domestic use was the main function of the gardens. Other uses included plants for income generation, household-level construction, local health care, and for ecological purposes (confined to higher altitude homegardens). The primary floristic variation in the gardens was related to climatic change with altitude, with variations in the use of the gardens to grow plants for local healthcare being also significant. Homegardens can be clustered into two groups based on floristic composition—lower altitude gardens (including Dai, Zhuang, Homg, and Lahu) and higher altitude gardens (including Yao, Yi, Hani, and Han). Both cultural conservatism and a readiness to adapt to new economic conditions are reflected in the characteristics of the gardens. Homegardens maintain considerable conservation value as repositories of several species of endangered plants and several species of medicinal plants that are over-collected in the wild.  相似文献   

This study of a rural Malian community in West Africa investigates food procurement patterns that combine subsistence grain production with a variety of income generating activities. It finds dependence on food purchases widespread and revenue from the own-account activities of nonhousehold heads essential to food security. Gender and the wealth of households are found to influence some, but not all, income generating activities and expenditures. Three household food procurement profiles are identified: investment in cattle, market gardens and bush extraction, and remittances. The case study village has agroecological characteristics and market proximity, which set it and other urban hinterland villages apart from the more cotton- and cattle-based zones of southern Mali. Own-account income generating activities may be able to increase revenue for women and junior men through a reallocation of household resources without entirely undermining the basis for a larger subsistence-oriented household.  相似文献   

庭园是形成和保存农业生物多样性的基本单位,也是野生植物和栽培植物聚集的场所。在农村,庭园的主要作用是提供日常生活所需,还可产生收入。庭园中不仅存在较高的生物多样性,而且庭园也有很多社会、文化、生态方面等功能。该研究针对通辽市库伦旗芒汗苏木毛敦塔拉嘎查蒙古族,采用随机抽样和农户推荐的方式选择了11个农户,以农户的整个庭园面积为样方,设立11个样方进行农业生物多样性分析,并用漫谈式访谈和半结构调查方法进行庭园植物及其经济效益调查。结果表明:毛敦塔拉嘎查蒙古族庭园植物物种丰富度较高,庭园植物共有96种,包括栽培及野生的植物蔬菜类33种、水果用19种、观赏用20种、饲料用8种、药食兼用5种、其它用途类16种,其中有些种类具有多种用途;毛敦塔拉嘎查各农户庭园植物的多样性随着庭园类型及庭园管理者的特征而不同;庭园面积大且种植大量经济作物的庭园经济效益高;据调查当地庭园的经营模式具有生态种植型、综合经营型、庭园养殖型三种类型。这些庭园植物不仅对当地农牧民的生活具有广泛作用而且对农业生物多样性保护具有深远意义。  相似文献   

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