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The skin microflora of patients with chronic dermatoses (atopic dermatitis and psoriasis) have been studied by the original "Bactotests" method. The data thus obtained indicate that the clinical picture of the disease is related to the severity of skin dysbacteriosis. The electron-microscopic study of 2 staphylococcal strains isolated from patients has revealed the presence of the immunoglobulin cover (capsule-like outer sheath consisting of immunoglobulins and other humoral protective factors) on the cell wall of these bacteria.  相似文献   

The species composition of the vaginal microorganisms in healthy women and in patients with chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases before and after treatment in a gynecological hospital was studied. The study revealed that antibiotic therapy did not lead to complete clinical convalescence. During bacteriological investigation of patients changes in vaginal microbiocenosis, manifested by a decreased number of microbial species, an increased proportion of Escherichia coli, the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus, a decreased number of Lactobacillus ssp., were observed. Antibiotic therapy aggravated the dysbiotic microbial picture of the vagina.  相似文献   

Intestinal microbiocenosis in children with intestinal enzymopathy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
141 children with different kinds of intestinal enzymopathy were examined; of these, 33 had celiac disease, 39--the syndrome of celiac disease, 12--congenital lactase deficiency and 57--the syndrome of disaccharidase insufficiency. In these patients a significant decrease in the average characteristics of the main protective flora and the growth of hemolytic and lactose-negative enterobacteria were established. In all groups of patients increased amounts of Proteus were detected, which was indicative of profound dysbiosis. The content of bifidobacteria was found to be decreased in 89.5-97% of the patients and the content of lactic acid bacteria, in 15.8-33.3%. The decreased content of Escherichia coli with normal enzymatic activity (less than 10(7) colony-forming units) was noted in one-third of the patients with the syndrome of celiac disease and congenital lactase deficiency, in about a half of the patients with the syndrome of disaccharidase insufficiency and least of all in patients with celiac disease (9.1%). The association of opportunistic microbes was detected in 15.6% of the patients, more often in those with celiac disease, the syndrome of celiac disease and congenital lactase deficiency. The severity of disturbances in intestinal eubiosis was found to depend on the gravity of the patients' state.  相似文献   

Therapeutic efficiency of artificial Alpine climate was studied in a group of 318 patients with chronic nonspecific pulmonary diseases (CNDP). The Alpine climate was modelled on device "Orotron". The base, progradient and prolonged regimes of therapy by artificial Alpine climate (orhotherapy) were used in work. It is shown that application of optimal conditions of orhotherapy promotes normalization of the external respiration function in patients with CNPD due to a decrease in expression of broncho-obstructive and bronchitic syndromes and in nonuniformity of regional ventilation of lungs. Therapy by artificial Alpine climate is recommended to be used in wide clinical practice for treatment and rehabilitation of patients with CNDP.  相似文献   

Four hundred and twenty two pneumococcal strains isolated from 300 patients with chronic nonspecific pneumonia and bronchitis were studied with respect to their sensitivity to 18 antibiotics within a period from 1982 to 1985. It was shown with the method of serial dilutions on solid media that 91.7, 87.8, 85 and 81 per cent of the isolates were sensitive to benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, lincomycin and cefuroxime, respectively. A significant percentage of the pneumococcal strains had decreased sensitivity to benzylpenicillin (MIC close to the therapeutic concentration). On this basis it was recommended to use lower concentrations of benzylpenicillin (less than 0.25 units/ml) in assay of sensitivity in clinical strains of Pneumococcus.  相似文献   




对36例健康人(健康对照组)和8例轻度炎症(轻度炎症组)、26例中度炎症(中度炎症组)、8例重度炎症(重度炎症组)的CAG患者的粪便样本进行16S rRNA基因高通量测序(V4—V5区),采用Sobs、Shannon、Simpson、Ace、Chao指数评估4组对象肠道菌群的物种丰富度与多样性;采用PLS-DA分析评估4组对象肠道微生物群落结构;采用LDA与LEfSe分析确定4组对象相对丰度存在显著差异的肠道菌群;采用PICRUSt预测CAG患者显著富集肠道菌属的代谢通路信息。






OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between corneoconjunctival calcification and conjunctival squamous metaplasia in patients with chronic renal failure (CRP). STUDY DESIGN: We studied impression cytology in 45 CRF patients on regular hemodialysis and 30 age- and sex-matched controls. Specimens were obtainedfrom the temporal bulbar conjunctiva using cellulose acetate filter paper. The samples were fixed in a mixture of 70% ethyl alcohol, 37% formaldehyde and glacial acetic acid and then stained with a combination of periodic acid- Schiff and Gill's modified Papanicolaou stain and graded by a masked observer. Corneoconjunctival calcification was graded by the Porter-Crombie classification. RESULTS: Of 45 study patients, 4 (9%) disclosed grade 0, 23 (51%) grade 1, 14 (31%) grade 2 and 4 grade 3 (9%) impression cytology changes. There was a statistically significant difference between the patient and control groups (p < 0.001). Calcium deposits were more frequent and extensive in CRF patients than in controls (p = 0.01). There was no correlation between impression cytology and calcium deposit grades (p = 0.128). However the presence of conjunctival inflammation correlated with the existence of extensive squamous metaplasia (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The severity of conjunctival changes in CRF patients on regular hemodialysis are not related to calcium deposition but to acute conjunctival inflammation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of PCR for diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis infection among male patients with chronic recurrent prostatitis and urethritis. Between June 2001 and December 2003, a total of 33 patients visited the Department of Urology, Hanyang University Guri Hospital and were examined for T. vaginalis infection by PCR and culture in TYM medium. For the PCR, we used primers based on a repetitive sequence cloned from T. vaginalis (TV-E650). Voided bladder urine (VB1 and VB3) was sampled from 33 men with symptoms of lower urinary tract infection (urethral charge, residual urine sensation, and frequency). Culture failed to detect any T. vaginalis infection whereas PCR identified 7 cases of trichomoniasis (21.2%). Five of the 7 cases had been diagnosed with prostatitis and 2 with urethritis. PCR for the 5 prostatitis cases yielded a positive 330 bp band from bothVB1 and VB3, whereas positive results were only obtained from VB1 for the 2 urethritis patients. We showed that the PCR method could detect T. vaginalis when there was only 1 T. vaginalis cell per PCR mixture. Our results strongly support the usefulness of PCR on urine samples for detecting T. vaginalis in chronic prostatitis and urethritis patients.  相似文献   

In 116 patients with opisthorchiasis running a cholecystocholangitic variant of the disease course, the characteristics of nonspecific resistance (complement, lysozyme, properdin), cell-mediated and humoral immunity (T- and B-lymphocytes, T gamma-, T mu-, O-, D-, A-cells and auto-rosette-forming cells, IgG, IgA and IgM) have been studied. Essential changes in these characteristics before and after treatment, as well as at the remote periods of dispensary observation, have been established.  相似文献   

Acute destructive pneumonia in children was found to be complicated by acute pleural empyema (APE) on days 3-21 of the disease. The time of the development of this complication depended on the state of the nonspecific resistance of the body: the greater was the degree of deficiency as manifested by cell-mediated and humoral immunity indices, the earlier developed APE. Staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infected the pleural cavity of children under the conditions of essentially decreased phagocytic activity, phagocytic index, C'H50 and one of the classes of immunoglobulin. The reaction of the body to staphylococci and P. aeruginosa took its course after the type of primary or secondary immune response, depending on the time of infection.  相似文献   

Marshall, PWM, Desai, I, and Robbins, DW. Core stability exercises in individuals with and without chronic nonspecific low back pain. J Strength Cond Res 25(12): 3404-3411, 2011-The aim of this study was to measure trunk muscle activity during several commonly used exercises in individuals with and without low back pain (LBP). Abdominal bracing was investigated as an exercise modification that may increase the acute training stimulus. After an initial familiarization session, 10 patients with LBP and 10 matched controls performed 5 different exercises (quadruped, side bridge, modified push-up, squat, shoulder flexion) with and without abdominal bracing. Trunk muscle activity and lumbar range of motion (LROM) were measured during all exercises. Muscle activity was measured bilaterally during each exercise from rectus abdominis (RA), external obliques (EO), and lumbar erector spinae (ES) with pairs of surface electrodes. Recorded signals were normalized to a percentage of maximal voluntary contractions performed for each muscle. The ES activity was lower for the LBP group during the quadruped (p < 0.05) and higher for RA and EO during the side bridge (p < 0.001), compared to for the healthy controls. Higher muscle activity was observed across exercises in an inconsistent pattern when abdominal bracing was used during exercise. The LROM was no different between groups for any exercise. The lack of worsening of symptoms in the LBP group and similar LROM observed between groups suggest that all exercises investigated in this study are of use in rehabilitating LBP patients. The widespread use of abdominal bracing in clinical practice, whether it be for patients with LBP or healthy individuals, may not be justified unless symptoms of spinal instability are identified.  相似文献   

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