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The Rhizocephala are considered to be monophyletic due to several synapomorphies in the ontogeny of the cndoparasitic phase. The various types of metamorphosis described in the Rhizocephala are discussed and compared to metamorphosis in the Cirripedia Thoracica and Acrothoracica. In males and females of the suborder Kentrogonida. the cyprid settles and metamorphoses into a new instar, in males the trichogen and in females the infective kentrogon. The kentrogon goes through yet another. incomplete moult associated with the development of the stylet. Within the three kentrogonidan families. the Iernaeodiscid-peltogastrid type of kentrogon differs from the sacculinid type in the mode of attachment to the host. in the complexity of internal anatomy. in the position and penetration of the stylet, and in whether or not the cyprid carapace must be shed prior to penetration of the stylet. In the Akentrogonida metamorphosis never results in a new instar. Where observed (Clistosaccidae and Thompsoniidae). both male and female cyprids settle and penetrate into their substrate (female parasite or new host) with one of the antennules. Using the antennule as a syringe. male cyprids inject spermatogonia while female cyprids injects embryonic cells developing into an endoparasite. By comparison with metamorphosis in the Cirripedia Thoracica and Acrothoracica it is concluded that the presence of a metamorphic moult leading to a post-cyprid instar is plesiomorphic and that the trichogon and kentrogon are homologous with the first metamorphosed juvenile in these outgroups. The abbreviated ontogeny in the Akentrogonida without metamorphic moult and post-cyprid larval instars is considered apomorphic. This contradicts the long-held supposition that the Akentrogonida are the most‘primitive’Rhizocephala and dovetails with new information that this suborder contains many advanced traits. Within the Kentrogonida. the lernacodiseid-peltogastrid type of kentrogon is considered more plesiomorphic than the sacculinid type, which resembles the clistosaccidthompsoniid type in having the antennules involved in the penetration process. The homologization of the kentrogon with a juvenile barnacle indicates that presence of a kentrogon is plesiomorphic within the Rhizocephala and that the Kentrogonida is paraphyletic.  相似文献   

The barnacles (Crustacea, Cirripedia) consist of three well-defined orders: the conventional filter-feeding barnacles (Thoracica), the burrowing barnacles (Acrothoracica), and the parasitic barnacles (Rhizocephala). Thoracica and Acrothoracica feed by catching food particles from the surrounding seawater using their thoracic appendages while members of Rhizocephala are exclusively parasitic. The parasite consists of a sac-shaped, external reproductive organ situated on the abdomen of its crustacean host and a nutrient-absorbing root system embedded into the heamolymph of the host. In order to resolve the phylogenetic relationship of the order Rhizocephala and elucidate the evolution of the different life history strategies found within the Rhizocephala, we have performed the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the group. Our results indicate that Rhizocephala is monophyletic with a filter-feeding barnacle-like ancestor. The host-infective stage, the kentrogon larva, inserted in the lifecycle of the rhizocephalan suborder, Kentrogonida, is shown to be ancestral and most likely a homologue of the juvenile stage of a conventional thoracican barnacle. The mode of host inoculation found in the suborder Akentrogonida, where the last pelagic larval stage directly injects the parasitic material into the heamolymph of the host is derived, and has evolved only once within the Rhizocephala. Lastly, our results show that the ancestral host for extant rhizocephalans appears to be the anomuran crustaceans (Anomura), which includes hermit crabs and squat lobsters.  相似文献   

Cypris metamorphosis was followed using video microscopy in four species of cirripeds representing the suspension-feeding pedunculated and sessile Thoracica and the parasitic Rhizocephala. Cirripede metamorphosis involves one or more highly complex molts that mark the change from a free cypris larva to an attached suspension feeder (Thoracica) or an endoparasite (Rhizocephala). The cyprids and juveniles are so different in morphology that they are functionally incompatible. The drastic reorganization of the body implicated in the process can therefore only commence after the cyprid has irreversibly cemented itself to a substratum. In both Megabalanus rosa and Lepas, the settled cyprid first passes through a quiescent period of tissue reorganization, in which the body is raised into a position vertical to the substratum. In Lepas, this is followed by extension of the peduncle. In both Lepas and M. rosa, the juvenile must free itself from the cypris cuticle by an active process before it can extend the cirri for suspension feeding. In M. rosa, the juvenile performs intensely pulsating movements that result in shedding of the cypris carapace ~8?h after settlement. Lepas sp. sheds the cypris cuticle ~2 days after settlement due to contractile movements of the peduncle. In Lepas anserifera, the juvenile actively breaks through the cypris carapace, which can thereafter remain for several days without impeding cirral feeding. Formation of the shell plates begins after 1-2 days under the cyprid carapace in Lepas. In M. rosa, the free juvenile retains its very thin cuticle and flexible shape for some time, and shell plates do not appear until sometime after shedding of the cypris cuticles. In Sacculina carcini, the cypris settles at the base of a seta on the host crab and remains quiescent and aligned at an angle of ~60° to the crab's cuticle. The metamorphosis involves two molts, resulting in the formation of an elongated kentrogon stage with a hollow injection stylet. Due to the orientation of the cyprid, the stylet points directly towards the base of the crab's seta. Approximately 60?h after settlement the stylet penetrates down one of the cyprid antennules and into the crab. Almost immediately afterwards the unsegmented vermigon stage, preformed in the kentrogon, passes down through the hollow stylet and into the crab's hemocoel in a process lasting only 30?s. In S. carcini, the carapace can remain around the metamorphosing individual without impeding the process.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the Rhizocephala (parasitic barnacles) has increased exponentially over the past two decades. This introduction broadly reviews this progress, touching on rhizocephalan morphology, life-cycles, larval biology, and the effects on the crustacean hosts. Members representing both orders, the Kentrogonida and Akentrogonida, are discussed. The recent discovery regarding the vermigon stage further highlights the intricacy of the kentrogonid life-cycle. Because rhizocephalans are found in most world regions, occurring on their respective hosts from the deep ocean to freshwater, their importance is now being recognized.  相似文献   

Incorporation of the Rhizocephala in the Cirripedia, reflecting the traditional view that these parasites evolved from a setose feeding barnacle, has recently been challenged in favour of rhizocephalans being the sister group to all other Thecostraca or a scenario where they evolved from a free-living, ‘precirripede’ ancestor. Adult morphology is useless in discussing the monophyly of the Cirripedia, since rhizocephalan adults are too reduced to furnish any phylogenetic evidence. But numerous, detailed similarities in nauplii and cyprids of the Thoracica, Acrothoracica and Rhizocephala as well as the ultrastructure of their sperm are synapomorphic relative to other Thecostraca and indicate that these three orders form a monophylum. There is evidence that the stylet in the rhizocephalan kentrogon is homologous to an element in the ancestral mouth field. If so, the Rhizocephala probably evolved before setose feeding was adopted, and constitute the sister group to the Acrothoracica and Thoracica. This conclusion is based on frail evidence so the term Cirripedia should be retained to comprise the Rhizocephala, Thoracica, and Acrothoracica. These three orders all possess remarkably similar cyprids, adapted to accomplish irreversible settlement by cement secretion and initiate metamorphosis, so their last common ancestor was most probably a permanently sessile organism.  相似文献   

Complete 18S rDNA sequences of two species of the Tantulocarida Arcticotantulus pertzovi (Basipodellidae) and Microdajus tchesunovi (Microdajidae) were obtained and used for estimating the relationship of the class with other Crustacea. This constitutes the first use of tantulocaridan gene sequences, and we conclude that the Tantulocarida are very close relatives of the class Thecostraca, which comprise cirripedes, ascothoracidans and the enigmatic facetotectans. With much lower confidence, the Tantulocarida are also indicated as nested within the Thecostraca, being sister group to the Cirripedia. We therefore discuss morphological similarities and differences between tantulocaridans and the thecostracans in search of potential synapomorphies, including a possible relation to the parasitic barnacles (Rhizocephala). We conclude that the cement gland of the tantulus larva and the cirripede cyprid might be homologous structures, but that similarities in host infection and root systems between the Tantulocarida and the Rhizocephala are, on present evidence, likely to be homoplasies evolved by convergent evolution into advanced parasitism. The precise position of the Tantulocarida in relation to or within the Thecostraca must be pursued by a more extensive database of genetic markers.  相似文献   

Modulation of metamorphosis in barnacles in response to cues of biological origin is established. The bacteria associated with the barnacles also have a role in such modulations. We isolated the bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus pumilus and Citrobacter freundii from the shell surface of Balanus amphitrite and assayed against its cypris larvae. The former species was promotory while the latter two inhibited cyprid metamorphosis. P. aeruginosa however, when tagged with lectins specific to glucose and its derivatives, mannose and fructofuranose negated the promotory effect. Whereas, tagging of galactose derivatives translated the inhibitory effect of B. pumilus and C. freundii into a promotory one showing that lectins can alter the signals in either direction. Galactose-binding lectins have been identified in the haemolymph of barnacles, which could find their way through the excretory system to the surface. The presence of such lectins could probably provide this organism with an ability to alter the signals or cues. Microscale patchiness of bacteria is also evident on surfaces in the sea. The availability of conflicting cues in patches may help pilot the larvae to their settlement destination. Understanding these controlling mechanisms and interfering with the pathways that are involved in lectin synthesis would be a step forward in antifouling technology.  相似文献   

Barnacles have evolved a number of specialized features peculiar for crustaceans: they produce a calcified, external shell; they exhibit sexual strategies involving dioecy and androdioecy; and some have become internal parasites of other Crustacea. The thoroughly sessile habit of adults also belies the highly mobile and complex nature of their larval stages. Given these and other remarkable innovations in their natural history, it is perhaps not surprising that barnacles present a spectrum of opportunities for study. This symposium integrates research on barnacles in the areas of larval biology, biofouling, reproduction, biogeography, speciation, population genetics, ecological genomics, and phylogenetics. Pioneering comparisons are presented of metamorphosis among barnacles from three major lineages. Biofouling is investigated from the perspectives of biochemical and biomechanical mechanisms. Tradeoffs in reproductive specializations are scrutinized through theoretical modeling and empirical validation. Patterns of endemism and diversity are delineated in Australia and intricate species boundaries in the genus Chthamalus are elucidated for the Indo-Pacific. General methodological concerns with population expansion studies in crustaceans are highlighted using barnacle models. Data from the first, draft barnacle genome are employed to examine location-specific selection. Lastly, barnacle evolution is framed in a deep phylogenetic context and hypothetical origins of defined characters are outlined and tested.  相似文献   


How larvae of whale and dolphin epibionts settle on their fast-swimming and migrating hosts is a puzzling question in zoology. We successfully reared the larvae of the whale and dolphin barnacle Xenobalanus globicipitis to the cyprid stage. We studied the larval developmental ecology and antennular morphology in an attempt to assess whether an epibiotic lifestyle on this extreme substratum entails any unique larval specializations. Morphological parameters were compared with five other barnacle species that also inhabit extreme substrata. We found no larval specializations to a lifestyle associated with marine mammals. The external morphology of the antennules in Xenobalanus cyprids is morphologically similar to species from strikingly different substrata. We found variation only in the structures that are in physical contact with the substratum, i.e., the third segments carrying the villi-covered attachment disc. The third segments of the Xenobalanus cyprid antennules are not spear-shaped as in the stony coral barnacles, which are here used to penetrate the live tissue of their hosts. The presence of a cyprid cement gland implies that Xenobalanus uses cement protein when attaching to its cetacean host. Naupliar instars developed outside of the mantle cavity, indicating dispersal is planktonic. Our results militate against the idea that the cyprids settle during ocean migrations of their hosts. We suggest cyprids settle during coastal aggregations of the cetacean hosts. We conclude that the ecological success of barnacles has ultimately depended on a larva that with little structural alteration possesses the ability to settle on an amazingly wide array of substrata, including cetaceans.


Darwin's magnificent study of the stalked, sessile and fossil barnacles, perhaps his greatest work, was started not many years after the systematic position of cirripedes within the class Crustacea had been accepted. It was completed at a time when histology and microtomy were not developed and when living specimens could only be seen on occasional visits to the seaside. Yet 130 years later it remains the standard text. It was on a visit to Tenby that he observed that barnacles were sensitive to vibration and, in seeking an acoustic organ, he mistakenly seized upon the oviducal gland. This led to an ever increasing series of misinterpretations of the female generative mechanism. Associated with this error was the belief that the ovary and cement glands were homologous in both cyprid and adult. He later confessed to “having blundered terribly over the cement glands”, but it was probably his search for examples of organs changing their function during evolution that led to this blunder. Similarly, he convinced himself mistakenly that the ovigerous fræna, which hold fast the egg masses to the mantle lining in stalked barnacles, became modified to gills in sessile barnacles. Darwin's interest in barnacle reproduction led to his discovery of complemental males attached to hermaphrodite individuals. He proved that they were dwarf cirripedes and not parasites. His knowledge that male and hermaphrodite flowers could co-exist helped him to accept that these apparently unnecessary beings could be present also in barnacles. We now know that complemental males are not confined to stalked barnacles but are also present in certain balanids. Though Darwin did not include the dioecious parasitic group, the Rhizocephala, in his studies, he recognized the wide repertoire of sexual arrangements from hermaphroditism to dioecy which now provides challenging material to our further understanding of sex allocation, control and evolution. Since Darwin dealt mainly with dried or preserved specimens he did not describe any of the details of the liberation of nauplii or the searching behaviour of the cyprid. Current investigators have shown that the former involves a prostaglandin which activates the embryos. Searching cyprids have been shown to be able to recognize their own and other species. Charles would have seen in this phenomenon a relevance both to survival and to the evolution of epizoic barnacles. Despite Charles' belief that his barnacle work would be “for ever unapplied” it has in fact been the foundation on which all studies of commercially important barnacle fouling have been based.  相似文献   

Synthetic ecdysterone in concentrations from 0.02 to 250 · 10?6 causes developmental abnormalities in the cyprids of Balanus eburneus Gould. These cyprids are unable to attach themselves to the substratum, but readily metamorphose into barnacles with recognizable adult shell structures; these remain encased within the cyprid valves, but live only for a short time. The possible involvement of an ecdysone system in the metamorphosis of cirripedes is discussed.  相似文献   

Thiyagarajan V  Qian PY 《Proteomics》2008,8(15):3164-3172
The barnacle, Balanus amphitrite, is one of the primary model organisms for rocky-shore ecology studies and biofouling research. This barnacle species has a complex life cycle during which the swimming nauplius molts six times and transforms into a cyprid stage. Cyprids must attach to a surface to metamorphose into a juvenile barnacle. To clarify the overall profile of protein expression during larval development and metamorphosis, 2-DE was used to compare the proteome of the nauplius, the swimming cyprid, the attached cyprid, and the metamorphosed cyprid. The proteome of the swimming cyprid was distinctly different from that of other life stages and had about 400 spots. The proteomes of the attached and metamorphosed cyprids were similar with respect to major proteins but had significantly lower numbers of spots compared to that of swimming larval stages. Obviously, synthesis of most proteins from swimming cyprids was switched off after attachment and metamorphosis. Our advanced MS analysis (MALDI-TOF/TOF MS/MS) allowed us to identify the proteins that were differentially and abundantly expressed in the swimming cyprid. These proteins included signal transduction proteins (adenylate cyclase and calmodulin) and juvenile hormone binding proteins. In summary, for the first time, we have analyzed the global protein expression pattern of fouling marine invertebrate larvae during metamorphosis. Our study provides new insights into the mechanisms of barnacle larval metamorphosis and also provides a foundation for exploring novel targets for antifouling treatments.  相似文献   

AbstractThe impact of a commonly-used antifouling algicide, Irgarol 1051, on the larval development and post-settlement metamorphosis of the barnacle, Balanus albicostatus Pilsbry (Crustacea: Cirripedia), and the larval metamorphosis of a serpulid polycheate, Pomatoleios kraussii Baird, was evaluated. In the case of B. albicostatus, larval mortality increased with an increase in the concentration of Irgarol 1051, and there was a shift in the larval stage targeted from advanced instars to early instars. Nauplii that survived to the cyprid instar stage when reared in the presence of Irgarol 1051 showed prolonged instar and total naupliar duration when compared to the controls. The post-settlement metamorphosis of cyprids significantly varied with Irgarol concentration and also with biofilm age. One and 2-d-old untreated biofilms showed higher metamorphosis when compared to 5-d-old biofilms. However, when the biofilms that promoted cyprid metamorphosis were treated with Irgarol 1051 at low concentrations, metamorphosis rates decreased. Cyprids were prevented from metamorphosing completely by biofilms treated at the highest concentration of Irgarol 1051. Inhibition of metamorphosis was also observed in the case of competent polychaete larvae when exposed to Irgarol 1051 compared to those exposed to metamorphosis inducers such as 3-iso-butyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) and natural biofilms. Identification of the pathway(s) that caused the promotory biofilms to become toxic when exposed to Irgarol 1051 is discussed.  相似文献   

Lattice organs are peculiar chemoreceptors found only in the Crustacea Thecostraca (Facetotecta, Ascothoracida, Cirripedia). In these taxa, five pairs occur in the head shield (carapace) of the terminal larval instar (y-cyprid, ascothoracid larva, cyprid), which is the settlement stage. Lattice organs represent an autapomorphy for the Thecostraca but their evolutionary origin and possible homologues in other Crustacea remain obscure. We have used scanning electron microscopy to describe the setation pattern of the head shield in late nauplii of one species of Ascothoracida, one species of Facetotecta and several species of the Cirripedia Thoracica, Acrothoracica, and Rhizocephala. The naupliar head shield always carries two pairs setae situated anteriorly near the midline. Each of these setae carry a single pore, and positional, structural and ontogenetic evidence show that these setae are homologous in all the examined species and that they represent precursors of the two anterior pairs of lattice organs of the succeeding larval stage, viz., the ascothoracid larva (Ascothoracida), y-cyprid (Facetotecta), and cyprid (Cirripedia). This leads us to infer that lattice organs are among the most highly modified sensilla in all Crustacea and they have in most cases lost all external resemblance to a seta. The nauplii of the Rhizocephala carry an additional three pairs of setae situated more posteriorly on the head shield and they could be precursors of the three posterior pairs of lattice organs. All other species examined lack these posterior setae, except the Facetotecta which have one posteriorly situated pair.  相似文献   


The impact of a commonly-used antifouling algicide, Irgarol 1051, on the larval development and post-settlement metamorphosis of the barnacle, Balanus albicostatus Pilsbry (Crustacea: Cirripedia), and the larval metamorphosis of a serpulid polycheate, Pomatoleios kraussii Baird, was evaluated. In the case of B. albicostatus, larval mortality increased with an increase in the concentration of Irgarol 1051, and there was a shift in the larval stage targeted from advanced instars to early instars. Nauplii that survived to the cyprid instar stage when reared in the presence of Irgarol 1051 showed prolonged instar and total naupliar duration when compared to the controls. The post-settlement metamorphosis of cyprids significantly varied with Irgarol concentration and also with biofilm age. One and 2-d-old untreated biofilms showed higher metamorphosis when compared to 5-d-old biofilms. However, when the biofilms that promoted cyprid metamorphosis were treated with Irgarol 1051 at low concentrations, metamorphosis rates decreased. Cyprids were prevented from metamorphosing completely by biofilms treated at the highest concentration of Irgarol 1051. Inhibition of metamorphosis was also observed in the case of competent polychaete larvae when exposed to Irgarol 1051 compared to those exposed to metamorphosis inducers such as 3-iso-butyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) and natural biofilms. Identification of the pathway(s) that caused the promotory biofilms to become toxic when exposed to Irgarol 1051 is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to improve the genetic characterisation of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite, normalised EST libraries for the developmental stages, viz. nauplius (a mix of instars I and II), cyprid and adult, were generated. The libraries were sequenced independently using 454 technologies and 575,666 reads were generated. For adults, 4843 unique isotigs were estimated and 6754 and 7506 in the cyprid and naupliar stage, respectively. It was found that some of the previously proposed cyprid-specific bcs genes were also expressed during the naupliar and adult stage. Furthermore, as lectins have been hypothesised to influence settlement cue recognition in barnacles, the database was searched for lectin-like isotigs. Two proteins, uniquely expressed in either the cyprid or the adult stage, matched a mannose receptor, and their nucleotide sequences were 33% and 31% identical to a lectin (BRA-3) isolated from Megabalanus rosa. Further characterisation of these genes may suggest their involvement in settlement.  相似文献   

J. T. Høeg 《Zoomorphology》1987,107(5):299-311
Summary To elucidate current controversies on sex in rhizocephalan barnacles, broods of Sacculina carcini, infesting the shore crab Carcinus maenas, were raised to cyprids in the laboratory and followed through settlement and metamorphosis. Free-swimming cyprids were studied by transmission electron microscopy and occur in male and female morphological types, which differ in the structure of carapace cuticle, antennular cuticle, antennular glands, and the cells suspected of being the stem cells during metamorphosis. These dissimilarities are in addition to the already known differences in cypris size, in number of antennular sense organs, and in substrata settled on by morphological males and females. Metamorphosing males (trichogons) and females (kentrogons) are illustrated in interference phase-contrast micrographs. The morphological differences between male and female cyprids are directly related to their dissimilar metamorphosis. Hence, cyprids of male morphology are anatomically incapable of metamorphosing into kentrogons, while cyprids of female morphology cannot metamorphose into trichogons. The determination of sex in rhizocephalan barnacles is discussed.The results refute the hypothesis that sex in Sacculina carcini is determined environmentally, e.g., by the substratum encountered by the cyprids at settlement. It is concluded that sex is determined already in the free-swimming larvae and, most probably, already in the ovary. This agrees with the mode of sex determination in other species of the Rhizocephala Kentrogonida.  相似文献   


Various algal diets of different lipid content and composition were used to rear batches of naupliar larvae of Balanus amphitrite. The cyprids in these larval batches differed in lipid content and were used to investigate the combined effect of cyprid lipid content and cyprid age on attachment and metamorphosis. For this purpose, cyprids were aged for 0,3 and 6 d at 8°C prior to utilization in laboratory attachment assays. The percentage attachment of cyprids with similar lipid content differed significantly among the three age categories. A strong and a weak positive relationship between cyprid lipid content and attachment were monitored in young and old cyprids, respectively. A significant interaction (two‐way ANOVA) between cyprid age and lipid content was observed, indicating that these factors jointly affect larval attachment and metamorphosis in B. amphitrite from the beginning of the cyprid stage.  相似文献   

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