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Trichome anatomy was examined by light and scanning electron microscopy in 25 genera of Engler's Saxifragaceae from the southern hemisphere. Four principal categories of trichome were recognized: (1) multiseriate with a glandular head; (2) uniseriate with a glandular head; (3) uniseriate, eglandular; (4) unicellular, eglandular. The shape of eglandular hairs ranges from erect to sickle-shaped to T-shaped. The main taxonomic conclusions are as follows: (a) Vahlia should be excluded from tribe Saxifrageae and a possible relationship with Montinia investigated; (b) Francoa and Tetilta (tribe Francoeae) are closely related, although the relationship of the tribe to its parent subfamily, Saxifragoideae, is unclear; (c) Eremosyne is probably allied to the Escallonioideae; (d) subfamily Brexioideae is heterogeneous in trichome anatomy, but the relationships of its constituent genera remain problematic; (e) subfamily Escallonioideae is heterogeneous in trichome anatomy, although similarities between and within the constituent tribes do exist. Thus Cuttsia and Abrophyllum form a natural group (tribe Cuttsieae), to which Carpodetus (tribe Argophylleae) may also be related; similarity in trichome anatomy between Argophyttum and Corokia (tribe Argophylleae) is substantiated by an extensive survey of all the species, and the data tentatively suggest a possible hydrangeoid affinity for these two genera.Forgesia (tribe Forgesieae) is shown to possess the same kind of hairs in the flowers as Quintinia (tribe Escallonieae), and Choristylis (tribe Forgesieae) is shown to be remarkably similar to Escallonia, prompting a suggestion that the two tribes be merged. Trichome data support the inclusion of Anopterus and Polyosma in their own tribes, although their wider affinities remain unclear. Doubts about the inclusion of the glabrous Tribeles in Escallonioideae are expressed. Our material of the following additional genera Lepuropetalon, Tetracarpaea and Brexia was glabrous and little comment could be made about them.  相似文献   

Since amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysishas proved useful in distinguishing cultivars of Caladium, itwas used to assess the status of species of Caladium vs. Xanthosoma,both in tribe the Caladieae, and to reassess the position ofHapaline in the same tribe. AFLP analysis using three primercombinations was carried out on four species of Caladium(C.bicolor, C. humboldtii, C. lindenii and C. schomburgkii). Resultsshowed that AFLP can distinguish between the different speciesby their unique and different banding patterns. AFLP analysisconfirmed that C. humboldtii is a species distinct from C. bicolorand that C. lindenii is a true Caladium species and does notbelong to Xanthosoma. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that C.bicolor and C. schomburgkii are most similar and that C. humboldtiiis closer to the C. bicolor / C. schomburgkii cluster comparedwith C. lindenii. Genetic relationships between Caladium, Xanthosoma,Hapaline, Alocasia and Protarum were also examined by AFLP analysisusing eight primer combinations. Several useful molecular markerswere specific either to Caladium orXanthosoma , so that AFLPcan be used to distinguish species of these two genera. Geneticanalysis of the genera examined confirms that the Caladieaeand Colocasieae tribes are distinct and that Hapaline fallswithin the tribe Caladieae and that Protarum is most distantfrom all the genera examined. Copyright 2000 Annals of BotanyCompany Araceae, Caladium, Xanthosoma, Hapaline, Alocasia, Protarum, AFLP DNA fingerprinting, diversity, AFLP markers  相似文献   

Salt Glands in Pappophorum (Poaceae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Salt glands were observed in two species of Pappophorum, belongingto the tribe Pappophoreae (Chloridoideae, Poaceae). Glands resemblethose described in other genera of the Gramineae; they comprisetwo cells, a large basal one and smaller upper one. Gland densityper unit surface was much higher in P. philippianum, a facultativehalophyte, than in P. pappiferum, a glycophyte. The relevanceof the recretion process for the elimination of accumulatedNa in these two species is considered. The evolutionary significanceof the presence of glands in Pappophoreae and other membersof the Chloridoideae is discussed. Salt glands, Pappophorum philippianum, P. pappiferum, Poaceae  相似文献   

Linnaeeae is a small tribe of Caprifoliaceae consisting of six genera and c. 20 species. In Linnaeeae, floral nectaries are located on the corolla‐filament‐tube and nectar is produced from unicellular glandular hairs. We studied 23 taxa using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and found two distinct nectary morphologies, zonate and gibbous types, and two distinct types of glandular hair, clavate and smooth base types. Plesiomorphic characters associated with the nectary and identified in the tribe include hypocrateriform corollas, dichogamous flowers, zonate nectaries, wet papillate stigmas, vestigial nectary disc and smooth pollen grains. Apomorphic characters include bilabiate corollas, homogamous flowers, bulging nectaries, dry papillate stigmas and echinulate pollen grains. The nectary structure is similar in Vesalea and Linnaea and differs from the rest of the tribe, in accordance with recent phylogenetic results. Nectar secretion is typically granulocrine with subcuticular accumulation of nectar, which we compared with the secretion in multicellular hairs of Adoxa moschatellina. The cuticle on the hair becomes detached from the cell wall and large subcuticular spaces filled with nectar are formed. Nectar is probably released in areas with a thin cuticle. In Zabelia, the smooth basal part of the hair could help to build up the hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

Fossil pollen and macrofossils of Epacridaceae are uncommonand are mainly known from Tasmania and other parts of south-easternAustralia. Most epacrids have generalized ericalean pollen althoughthe pollen of some genera is distinctive. Ericalean pollen isknown from the late Cretaceous. The first occurrence ofParipollisorchesis pollen, which is consistent with some extantEpacrisspecies,probably means that Epacridaceae, and possibly the tribe Epacrideae,had differentiated by the Middle Eocene. The fossil record at present provides minimum ages of the firstoccurrences of major subfamilial taxa. Macrofossils of subfamilyRicheoideae and of several morphotypes of the tribe Epacrideaeare known from the Early Oligocene. Tribe Cosmelieae pollenand macrofossils are known from the Early Pleistocene, and areprobablySprengelia. The oldest Australasian fossils of tribeStyphelieae are leaves in latest Oligocene–Early Mioceneparts of the Latrobe Valley coal. Endocarps identified as Epacridaceaefrom the Eocene of England need further investigation. PollenofMonotoca, or a close relative, is known from the mid-Miocene.PossibleTrochocarpaleaves occur in Late Oligocene/Early Miocenesediments, and fossil leaves indistinguishable from the extantTasmanian rainforest species,T. gunniiandT. cunninghamii, areknown from the Early Pleistocene in Tasmania. Epacridaceae; macrofossils; microfossils; Cretaceous; Cainozoic  相似文献   

CORSI  G.; BOTTEGA  S. 《Annals of botany》1999,84(5):657-664
The structure, site and histochemistry of glandular hairs onthe vegetative and reproductive parts ofSalvia officinalis wereinvestigated by UV and conventional light microscopy and byscanning electron microscopy. Five distinct types of glandularhair (one peltate and four capitate) with different sites, secretorymodes and secretions, were identified, and a functional rolepostulated for each type. All the hair types show mixed secretions,i.e., hydrophilic and lipophilic, except type I capitate hairs,which have hydrophilic secretions only. In peltate hairs andin type II capitate hairs hydrophilic secretion prevails; inthe remaining types, lipophilic secretion dominates. The manner,time and role of erection of peltate hairs on the reproductiveorgans and the role of non-glandular hairs are also considered.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Salvia officinalis, Labiatae, rising of peltate hairs, capitate hairs, secretion, plant/insect interaction.  相似文献   

BRYANS  C.; SMITH  D. L. 《Annals of botany》1985,56(2):225-237
Cotyledon nuclei of most legume species did not stain adequatelywith the Feulgen reaction and so an indirect method based onthe relationship between DNA content, nuclear volume and cellvolume was used for the detection of endopolyploidy. Cotyledonendopolyploidy was not found in the Caesalpinioideae and wasinfrequent in the Mimosoideae. In the Papilionoideae it wasfound in taxa at several levels. It probably occurs throughoutthe tribes Vicieae and Cicereae and in most genera of the Phaseoleae;elsewhere it is confined to particular genera within tribes,such as Arachis in the Aeschynomeneae and Lupinus in the Genisteae.Endopolyploidy shows correlation with cotyledon anatomy aridfunction in that it is confined to cotyledons whose main oronly function is storage, and has so far not been found in foliarcotyledons. Endopolyploidy, cell volume, nuclear volume, cotyledon, Leguminosae  相似文献   

KEIGHERY  G. J. 《Annals of botany》1996,77(4):347-356
The Epacridaceae of Western Australia comprise 181 named speciesdistributed in 17 genera. One hundred and seventy seven species(98% of the total) and ten genera are endemic to the region.within Western Australia, all members are confined to the south,with a bimodal pattern of species diversity centred on the sandplainsand uplands around the Stirling Ranges and Mount Lesueur.Leucopogon, the largest genus, reflects this pattern, however, speciesdiversity is greatest on the south coastal sandplains. All species are woody shrubs, mostly found on neutral or acidicsandy soils. Plants of at least 120 species are killed by fire;Astrolomacontainsthe only significant number of resprouting species. Althoughsome species are in flower every month every year, autumn/winterflowering is a common feature of many members of the family.All species are biotically pollinated. Bird pollination is foundin 18 species in six genera. The remaining species are insectpollinated. Bees are the major pollinators inLeucopogon, ConostephiumandColeanthera.Moths and butterflies are important pollinators inAndersonia,Leucopogon,LysinemaandStyphelia. Flies are minor pollinators of some speciesofAndersonia, LeucopogonandMonotoca. All species studied areprotandrous and outbreeding, with onlyCosmeliabeing capableof self pollination. Fruits are fleshy inAstroloma, Brachyloma,Croninia, in certain species ofLeucopogonandStypheliaand areanimal dispersed. Other genera have dry, dehiscent fruit withgravity or wind dispersed seeds. Many species have relatively narrow distribution ranges, 90species having ranges of over 300km, 54 species have rangesof 100–300km and 37 have ranges of less than 100km (andthere are many undescribed species in this group). The conservationstatus of many species is still poorly known. Dieback diseaseis a major threat to the family, and could cause the extinctionof several species in the wild. Western Australia; Epacridaceae; phytogeography; biology; pollination; dispersal; conservation; disease  相似文献   

Some Observations on Infection of Arachis hypogaea L. by Rhizobium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The infection process in Arachis hypogaea by rhizobia differsfrom that normally found in Trifolium spp. in that no infectionthreads are formed. The root hairs, which are long (up to 4mm), septate, and often with large basal cells, occur only atthe sites of emerging lateral roots. Infection occurs only wherethe root hairs have large basal cells. Rhizobia cause curlingand deformation of the root hairs (as in Trifolium spp.) butenter the root at the junction of the root hair and the epidermaland cortical cells. The bacteria are distributed intercellularlyvia the middle lamellae and enter the cortical cells throughthe structurally altered cell wall, often close to the hostcell nucleus. The root hairs and large basal cells become infectedin the same way. Within the cortical cells of the emerging lateralroot the rhizobia multiply rapidly and the invaded cells dividerepeatedly to form the nodule tissue. Bacteriod formation occursonly when the host cell ceases to divide.  相似文献   

Venation patterns of flower and fruit, and their relationshipto fruit development, are described for Lomatium dasycarpum(T. and G.) Coult. and Rose, a member of the tribe Peucedaneae(Umbelliferae). Comparisons of these observations are made withreports of fruit anatomy for other Peucedaneae, such as Angelica,Peucedanum, and Heracleum. These comparisons indicate that thereare distinctly different patterns of development leading toa mature fruit with a similar dorsal flattening. The possiblesignificance of such observations, with regard to our understandingof generic relationships in the tribe, is discussed.  相似文献   

Many species within Elmidae (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea) have plastrons composed of flattened setae. However, some genera display fine plastrons on the epicuticle, called plastron hairs. In Japanese elmids, members of the genera Stenelmis, Ordobrevia, Nomuraelmis and Leptelmis bear ventral plastron hairs. Based on a maximum likelihood tree including most Japanese genera within Elmidae, we found that these genera are monophyletic and that plastron hairs are a derived character in Elmidae. We also found that the genus Graphelmis bears jigsaw puzzle‐like plastron scales with plastron hair‐like projections, and is sister to the group with plastron hairs.  相似文献   

Free amino acids and γ-glutamyl peptides have been examined in 22 species of Iridaceae. 3-(3′-Carboxyphenyl)alanine and 3′-carboxyphenylglycine, previously known from the tribes Irideae and Tigridideae in the subfamily Iridodeae have been identified also in the tribe Mariceae of Iridoideae and the genera Bobartia, Orthrosanthus and Libertia of the subfamily Sisyrinchioideae. γ-Glutamyl peptides, previously known from the tribe Irideae, have been found also in the tribe Mariceae, both tribes being from subfamily Iridoideae. γ-Glutamyl-S-methylcysteine, γ-glutamylmethionine and the corresponding sulphoxides are the dominating γ-glutamyl peptides in the genera Dietes, Gynandriris, Moraea (tribe Irideae), Neomarica and Trimezia (tribe Mariceae), whereas γ-glutamyl peptides with non-sulphur amino acids are predominant in genera Ferraria, Hermodactylus, Homeria, Iris, Iridodyctyum and Xiphium (tribe Irideae). Dietes robisoniana, endemic to Lord Howe Island, has the same technical characters as other Dietes species from Southern Africa. The results are discussed in relation to botanical classification of and within the subfamilies Iridoideae and Sisyrinchoideae.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-three new counts are reported for the tribe Heliantheae of Compositae, mostly based on determinations of meiotic material, including first counts for the genera Adenothamnus, Chrysogonum, Enceliopsis, Guardiola, Isocarpha, Lipochaeta, Otopappus, and Oyedaea, as well as first counts for 66 species. The original counts are discussed in relation to those previously reported for the tribe, by genera and subtribe. Two-thirds of the approximately 150 genera and more than a third of the roughly 1500 species have now been examined. The incomplete knowledge of generic relationships in the tribe often make the interpretation of these chromosome numbers difficult. Three observations are documented and discussed: (1) genera with low chromosome numbers are few; (2) genera with aneuploid series are abundant; and (3) the original basic chromosome number in the tribe is probably in the range of x = 8 to x = 12.  相似文献   

HODSON  M. J. 《Annals of botany》1986,58(2):167-177
Silicon deposition in the roots, culm and leaf of canary grass(Phalaris canariensis L.) was investigated using light microscopy,scanning electron microscopy and electron probe microanalysis. In adventitious roots grown in solution silicon was concentratedin four endodermal walls. Silicon was not detected in the endodermisof aerial adventitious roots, but was present in the epidermisand outer cortical cell layers. Silicon deposition in the culm mainly took place in the epidermis,and particularly in epidermal papillae. The silica deposition pattern in the leaf was typical of thesub-group Festucoideae. The leaf blade showed deposits in costalprickle hairs and wavy rods, but few intercostal deposits. Inthe ligule deposition was confined to isolated groups of pricklehairs on the abaxial surface. The major sites of silica depositionin the leaf sheath were the stomatal subsidiary cells, papillaeand intercostal idioblasts. Prickle hairs were much less commonin the sheath than the blade, and costal wavy rods appearedto be absent in the sheath. Phalaris canariensis L., canary grass, silicification, root, culm, leaf, electron probe microanalysis  相似文献   

A total of 56 morphological characters were analyzed for 53 cirrospiline species that represent all of the 17 described genera of the tribe. The other taxa of the Eulophinae included in the analysis were six species of six representative genera in the tribe Eulophini, a species of Elasmus (the only genus comprising the tribe Elasmini), and a species of Trichospilus (unplaced). Trichospilus and two of the six genera of Eulophini examined were placed within Cirrospilini. Monophyly of Cirrospilini (when these two genera of Eulophini and Trichospilus are included) and of the cirrospiline genera for which more than one species were examined was supported, but the relationships between the genera were poorly resolved. An exception was Cirrospilus, the largest genus in the Cirrospilini, monophyly of which was not supported to any extent.  相似文献   

The types of glandular hairs and their pattern of distributionon leaves of Ocimum basilicum L. at different stages, were investigated.Their essential oil at the various stages was chemically analysed.The density of the glandular hairs appears to be very high onyoung meristematic leaves and on meristematic regions of olderleaves. When the leaf regions start to expand no new glandularhairs are produced and their density decreases. The essentialoil differs in the percentage of some of its components betweenyoung and mature leaf regions.Copyright 1993, 1999 AcademicPress Ocimum basilicum, sweet basil, glandular hairs, leaf development, essential oil, cugenol, methyl chavicol, 1,8-cineole  相似文献   

巴西是全球生物多样性最丰富的地区,其竹类多样性也极为丰富。结合现存资料及野外调查,对巴西全境的竹类分布格局进行了讨论。巴西全国有原生竹亚科植物256种(含2亚种及3变种),北部地区草本竹类(莪莉竹族)最丰富,有61种,而东南部地区木本竹类(箣竹族)最丰富,有96种。偏穗竹属(Merostachys)(43种)和丘斯夸竹属(Chusquea)(45种)是最常见的属,并是最具潜在经济利用的竹类。属种的特有性分别高达32.4%和68.8%。特有属有11个,分别为莪莉竹族的双药莪利草竹属(Diandrolyra)、独焰草竹属(Eremitis)、小百瑞草竹属(Parianella)、赖茨草竹属(Reitzia)、苏克蕾草竹属(Sucrea)和箣竹族的南美梨藤竹属(Alvimia)、离枝竹属(Apoclada)、密穗竹属(Athroostachys)、卡姆巴珠瓦竹属(Cambajuva)、菲尔盖拉斯竹属(Filgueirasia)、无枝竹属(Glaziophyton)。  相似文献   

Silicon deposits in the epicarp hairs of the caryopses of mature,field-grown specimens of Hordeum sativum, Avena sativa, Secalecereale and Triticum aestivum were investigated using electron-probemicroanalysis. In all four cereals, silicon was most concentratedat the extreme tips of the hairs. In barley, it was the onlyelement detected; in the other three cereals potassium and calciumwere located below the tip. In wheat, chlorine was also detected. The hair bases of the different cereals displayed variationin the elements detected. Silicon and polassium were presentin all four and calcium present in all except rye. The hairbases of wheat also contained chlorine; phosphorus and zincwere located in barley. The latter alone showed variation ofelements between hair bases. Scanning electron microscopy revealed heavy striations of thehair tips of barley and oats. In rye and wheat, the tips weresmooth but there were slight surface markings below the tip. The results are discussed in relation to the possible functionsand significance of the epicarp hairs and their silicification. Avena sativa L., Hordeum sativum Jess., Secale cereale L., Triticum aestivum L., oat, barley, rye, wheat, epicarp hairs, silicon, electron-probe microanalysis, scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

天门冬科黄精族细胞学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面收集和整理黄精族染色体数据的基础上,对国内外有关黄精族各类群间的染色体数目和倍性的变化规律进行了总结,并从染色体的多倍化和非整倍化与系统发育关系和地理分布方面探讨了黄精族内各属的起源和演化关系问题。黄精族包括黄精属、舞鹤草属、异黄精属和竹根七属,共约100余种,其中舞鹤草属(x=18)、异黄精属(x=16)和竹根七属(x=20)的染色体基数稳定,而黄精属染色体基数波动较大,主要为x=8~16,既有多倍化也有非整倍化现象。染色体数据表明黄精族4个属的染色体进化模式各不相同,揭示了黄精族内染色体从高基数向低基数演化的规律;各属内染色体的演化主要是体现在二倍体水平上的核型变异,多倍化在本族中不占主导地位;仅黄精属内伴有非常强烈的非整倍化现象;细胞学证据与分子系统发育的结果比较吻合,为黄精族内属间以及属下的系统发育与进化提供了重要的参考资料。  相似文献   

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