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Paired oral and intravenous glucose tolerance tests were carried out in patients who had undergone truncal vagotomy and pyloroplasty, selective vagotomy and pyloroplasty, or highly selective vagotomy at least six months earlier. Intravenous glucose tolerance was similar in all three groups. Oral glucose elicited significantly higher concentrations of plasma insulin in patients who had undergone selective and highly selective vagotomy than in those treated by truncal vagotomy. When the same amount of glucose was given intravenously, however, plasma insulin concentrations were similar in all three groups of patients. The insulin secreted in response to intravenous glucose expressed as a percentage of that secreted in response to oral glucose was 112% for truncal vagotomy, 51% for selective vagotomy, and 52% for highly selective vagotomy. Truncal vagotomy thus led to a diminished insulin response to oral glucose, which was probably due to impaired release of small-bowel hormones.  相似文献   

Effects of intravenous (IV) infusion of secretin during IV infusion of glucose were examined in normal men. Secretin was administered according to three schedules: with each schedule a comparable priming dose was delivered in the first minute, but this was followed by a maintained (120 min) infusion of secretin at a relatively high rate, or by maintained infusion at one-third that rate, or by brief (15 min) infusion at the lower rate. The lower infusion rate produced increments in secretin in the blood within the range attainable during endogenous secretion. By comparison with effects of glucose alone each secretin infusion enhanced the increments of immunoreactive insulin in the blood. Enhancement of the early release (0-5 min) of insulin was similar with each type of secretin infusion, but the integrated changes in insulin levels through the total infusion period were related to the total doses of secretin. With each dose of secretin glucose tolerance was improved but the three mean glucose curves observed during infusions of secretin were not distinguishable from one another in spite of widely different integrated insulin responses. Secretin did not modify suppression of immunoreactive glucagon or free fatty acids in the blood during hyperglycemia. The results suggest that the effect of continuous administration of secretin on glucose tolerance is not simply related to its integrated insulinotropic action. It is suggested that the effect may be highly dependent on enhancement of insulin secretion early in the response to glycemia, or that it may be due to effects of secretin on glucose production or disposal which are not mediated by insulin.  相似文献   

The utility of the disposition index as a measure of beta-cell compensatory capacity rests on the established hyperbolic relationship between its component insulin secretion and sensitivity measures as derived from the intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT). If one is to derive an analogous measure of beta-cell compensation from the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), it is thus necessary to first establish the existence of this hyperbolic relationship between OGTT-based measures of insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity. In this context, we tested five OGTT-based measures of secretion (insulinogenic index, Stumvoll first phase, Stumvoll second phase, ratio of total area-under-the-insulin-curve to area-under-the-glucose-curve (AUC(ins/gluc)), and incremental AUC(ins/gluc)) with two measures of sensitivity (Matsuda index and 1/Homeostasis Model of Assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)). Using a model of log(secretion measure) = constant + beta x log(sensitivity measure), a hyperbolic relationship can be established if beta is approximately equal to -1, with 95% confidence interval (CI) excluding 0. In 277 women with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), the pairing of total AUC(ins/gluc) and Matsuda index was the only combination that satisfied these criteria (beta = -0.99, 95% CI (-1.66, -0.33)). This pairing also satisfied hyperbolic criteria in 53 women with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) (beta = -1.02, (-1.72, -0.32)). In a separate data set, this pairing yielded distinct hyperbolae for NGT (n = 245) (beta = -0.99, (-1.67, -0.32)), IGT (n = 116) (beta = -1.18, (-1.84, -0.53)), and diabetes (n = 43) (beta = -1.37, (-2.46, -0.29)). Moreover, the product of AUC(ins/gluc) and Matsuda index progressively decreased from NGT (212) to IGT (193) to diabetes (104) (P < 0.001), consistent with declining beta-cell function. In summary, a hyperbolic relationship can be demonstrated between OGTT-derived AUC(ins/gluc) and Matsuda index across a range of glucose tolerance. Based on these findings, the product of these two indices emerges as a potential OGTT-based measure of beta-cell function.  相似文献   

Isoflurane's effect on intravenous glucose tolerance and insulin secretion was studied in six Yucatan minipigs. Unanesthetized animals, with previously placed indwelling venous catheters, were tested while resting comfortably in slings. The same animals were then retested during isoflurane anesthesia. Serum glucose and insulin concentrations were measured at predetermined times in response to an intravenous bolus of dextrose. The glucose disappearance rate (k), baseline plasma insulin concentration, the area under the insulin response curve, and the insulinogenic index were significantly lower in the anesthetized animals than in controls. The results of this study indicate that anesthesia with isoflurane significantly alters the glucose/insulin response to an intravenous glucose tolerance test and, therefore, is unsuitable for studies when glucose tolerance is to be assessed.  相似文献   

Intravenous glucose infusion was performed in six dogs with and without truncal vagotomy, and plasma pancreatic polypeptide (PP) responses were compared before and after truncal vagotomy. Following truncal vagotomy, basal PP levels decreased significantly from 286 ± 64 pg/ml (mean ± S.E.) to 94 ± 14 pg/ml (P < 0.05). Basal plasma insulin and blood glucose levels also tended to be lower, but not significantly. During the influsion of glucose, blood glucose concentrations rose rapidly in both groups and after 15 min reached peak values which were not significantly different from each other. In the vagotomized group the plasma insulin response to intravenous glucose infusion was significantly lower than in the control group. Following intravenous glucose loading, plasma PP concentrations decreased rapidly in both groups, but the PP level in the vagotomized group was suppressed only to 77 ± 4% of the basal level whereas in the control group it decreased to 45 ± 8%, significantly lower than in the vagotomized group (P < 0.01).These results suggest that basal PP is regulated by vagal tonus and that vagus controls, at least in part, suppression by intravenous glucose administration.  相似文献   

Intravenous glucose tolerance (IVGTT), basal insulin and insulin response to glucose infusion (GIT), insulin sensitivity, and lipoprotein patterns were determined in non-obese post-coronary subjects, 3-6 months after myocardial infarction. Twelve had decreased and 31 normal IVGTT. The control group comprised 31 subjects with normal IVGTT, who did not display any signs of coronary disease. The post-coronary patients were not taking any drugs except for furosamide, which was shown not to influence insulin response to GIT or glucose tolerance. Decreased IVGTT in the post-coronary patients could be ascribed to decreased insulin response and insulin resistance. These two derangements are considered as hereditary markers in glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes. Accordingly, our findings suggest that glucose intolerance in subjects with myocardial infarcts has the same background. The post-coronary patients demonstrated elevated triglycerides (TG) and cholesterol in total serum and in very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), the lipoprotein patterns being almost identical in post-coronary patients with or without decreased IVGTT. No relationship was found in the control and post-coronary groups between IVGTT, basal insulin, stimulated insulin (KI, IP), and insulin sensitivity (KG), on the one hand, and total or VLDL TG or any other lipoprotein particle, on the other. Thus, the derangements in glucose, insulin, and serum triglyceride metabolism were independent abnormalities (risk factors) in these non-obese post-coronary patients.  相似文献   

Twenty-two hypertensive diabetic patients were admitted to a double-blind, within-patient study, and treated with propranolol 80 mg and metoprolol 100 mg twice daily for 4 weeks according to a cross-over design. Dosages of the two drugs such as to induce comparable cardiovascular effects, did not induce relevant changes of fasting blood glucose levels in patients receiving the oral hypoglycaemic agent glibenclamide (group 1), insulin (group 2) or diet alone (group 3). Glucose tolerance, assessed with a 75 g oral load, was however decreased by propranolol, and not by metoprolol in the glibenclamide-treated group. Glucose-induced insulin secretion was reduced by propranolol and not by metoprolol both in the group treated by diet alone and in the glibenclamide-treated group. It is concluded that cardioselective metoprolol seems to be more suitable than the non-selective propranolol in the treatment of arterial hypertension in diabetic subjects, particularly when sulfonylureas are being used as hypoglycaemic agents.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the possible interaction between endogenous opioids and glucose homeostasis in obesity we studied Beta-Endorphin (B-Ep), ACTH, cortisol and insulin plasma levels in response to an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in 8 females suffering from uncomplicated obesity and in 6 healthy volunteers of normal weight. Results were evaluated in terms of secretion areas subtracted from basal value. Basal glucose, insulin and B-Ep levels were significantly higher in the obese patients compared to controls, cortisol levels and ACTH were not statistically different between obese and normal subjects. During OGTT total areas of insulin secretion were significantly higher in the obese patients; cortisol, ACTH, B-Ep plasma levels did not change in controls, whereas obese patients showed a response to B-Ep which reached a peak at 60 minutes. The area of B-Ep response to OGTT in obese patients was significantly higher than in controls. On the basis of these results we may suggest that the opioid system belongs to the chain of neuroendocrine and metabolic events responsible for the origin and the growth of overweight. But the possibility exists that obesity itself can enhance the B-Ep secretion above all through overeating. In this regard it is to stress that glucose ingestion induces in obese patients, differently from normal subjects, insulin hypersecretion and the B-Ep secretion, possibly from gastro-enteric tract and/or pancreatic isles.  相似文献   

The behaviour of gastrin (G) cells and somatostatin (D) cells in endoscopic antral biopsies and that of intraluminal gastrin (ILG) and somatostatin (ILS) release in the gastric juice were investigated in three groups of patients: control subjects, duodenal ulcer (DU) patients and DU patients treated by a superselective vagotomy (SSV). G and D cell densities were correlated in the three groups of subjects. The G/D cell ratio was significantly increased in SSV patients (P less than 0.001) as compared to control and DU patients. No correlation was found between gastrin or somatostatin cell densities and basal intraluminal levels of the two peptides. ILG output was significantly higher in DU patients than in control or SSV patients (P less than 0.001). ILS output was also higher in DU patients than in controls (P less than 0.001) and in SSV patients (P less than 0.05). It was also significantly augmented in SSV (P less than 0.001) as compared to control patients. ILG and ILS concentrations were only correlated in controls. Within each of the three groups of subjects, ILG and ILS release varied in function of the gastric juice pH. Our results emphasize the necessity to consider the intragastric pH as well as the physiological or pathological state to study intraluminal peptides in man.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Coffee has several metabolic effects that could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Our objective was to examine the effects of coffee consumption on glucose tolerance, glucose and insulin levels. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A subsample of subjects aged 45 to 64 years in 1987 and in 1992 from the population-based FINRISK study (12,287 individuals) was invited to receive the standard oral glucose tolerance test at baseline. Plasma samples were taken after an overnight fast, and a two-hour oral glucose tolerance test was administered. Fasting and two-hour plasma glucose and insulin were measured in 2434 subjects with data on coffee use and potential confounders. RESULTS: After adjustment for potential confounding factors (age, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, occupational, commuting and leisure time physical activity, alcohol and tea drinking, smoking), coffee consumption was significantly and inversely associated with fasting glucose, two-hour plasma glucose, and fasting insulin in both men and women. Coffee consumption was significantly and inversely associated with impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose regulation, and hyperinsulinemia among both men and women and with isolated impaired glucose tolerance among women. CONCLUSIONS: In this cross-sectional analysis, coffee showed positive effects on several glycemia markers.  相似文献   

Bioptates of the stomach mucous membrane (SMM) have been investigated in 169 patients suffering from duodenal ulcer (DU). According to the nocturnal gastric secretion test among them there are "hypersecretors" and persons with moderate elevation of acid formation. In conformity with the efficiency of the operative treatment among the patients examined, groups are defined: those with recurrent disease and those recovered after vagotomy. The DU endocrine apparatus undergoes both qualitative and quantitative alterations after vagotomy. When recovery after vagotomy takes place, the number of endocrine cells only slightly exceeds these parameters in the patients with a moderately manifested acid production. These alterations are adaptive. The recurrence of DU in patients with moderately manifested acid production before the operation can be explained by hyperplasia of G-cells. A high degree of hyperplasia of all elements of the endocrine apparatus in the "hypersecretors" can be one of the causes of the DU recurrence. The data about the state of G-, Ec- and EcL-cells before and after vagotomy can be used at prognostication the results of surgical treatment of patients with DU.  相似文献   

1. Body weight loss in 48 hr fasted rats decreased with age. 2. Blood glucose and plasma RIA-insulin levels correlated negatively and positively respectively with body weight in fed rats. Fasting produced a greater fall in blood glucose and a smaller decrease in RIA-insulin in young than in old rats. 3. Blood ketone bodies correlated negatively with body weight after 48 hr fasting. 4. In oral glucose tolerance tests, blood glucose rose more in adult and old rats than in prepuberals when both fed and fasted. RIA-insulin levels rose more in prepuberals than in older rats when fed but not when fasted. 5. Changes in body composition and reduced insulin sensitivity with age are discussed.  相似文献   

Rats with decreased insulin response and with normal glucose tolerance were concentrated by repeated selective breeding of normal Wistar rats with low insulinogenic index. In general, the mean insulinogenic index of the inbred offsprings showed a tendency to decrease more than their parents generation. Thus mean insulinogenic indices in second (F2), third (F3) and fourth (F4) generations were significantly reduced more than the normal rats without glucose intolerance. Pancreatic islets from the F3 and F4 rats lost partially their ability to release insulin at 20 mM glucose in vitro. It is suggested that a defect responsible for the decreased insulin response in the F2, F3 and F4 rats resulted from a loss of the ability to secrete insulin in each islet, and that this defect was concentrated by repeated selective breeding of normal Wistar rats.  相似文献   

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