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A total of 134 bird species were recorded at Jianfengling, Hainan Island, in China from May 2000 to September 2004, of which 44 participated in one or more of 134 mixed‐species flocks. These flocks averaged 3.8 ± 0.2 species and 20.3 ± 1.2 individuals. Flocking propensity in a given species ranged from 1.5 to 100%. For flocking species, frequency of flocking and number of individuals in flocks was positively correlated with frequency and number in point counts. Among all species pairs with flocking frequency above 5%, cluster and correlation analysis indicated there were two principal groups of flocking birds – canopy species and understorey species: associations were positive within a group, but negative between groups. Canopy birds had a higher flocking propensity than understorey birds. They also made significantly less use of inner branches and trunks and greater use of middle branches, and foraged at a significantly greater height when in mixed‐species flocks than when solitary. For understorey bird species, there were no significant differences in foraging locations between solitary and mixed‐species flocks. Higher flocking frequency occurred in the wet season for canopy birds, but in the dry season for understorey birds. Overall patterns were consistent with the explanation that flocking enables an expansion of foraging niche by reducing the risk of predation.  相似文献   

Communal roosting in birds may function to enhance foraging efficiency as explained by the information centre hypothesis, which predicts that successful foragers return from the roost to the rewarding food patch and that birds ignorant of this food follow knowledgeable roost-mates. We tested these predictions by exposing 34 radio-tagged, free-ranging, flock-living hooded crows (Corvus corone cornix) to a novel experimental set-up mimicking a superfluous food patch with maximum temporal and spatial unpredictability Each replicate lasted two days and was located on a new site. Data were collected during ten replicates over three years. First, a crow was more likely to visit the experimental food patch on the second day when it had been there on the first day. Second, when a crow had not been at this food patch on the first day, it was more likely to visit it on the second day if it had roosted together with a crow that had been there on the first day, but only if this knowledgeable roost-mate returned to the food patch on the second day. Our results support the information centre hypothesis and suggest that communal roosting might function to enhance foraging efficiency in hooded crows.  相似文献   

According to both the predation avoidance and foraging efficiency hypotheses, birds within mixed flocks increase their foraging efficiency and/or can spend more time feeding and less time looking out for predators. These hypotheses predict that birds in mixed flocks obtain benefits. Thus, mixed flock formation could serve as a strategy to cope with difficult conditions imposed on birds such as climatic conditions that ultimately result in a change in predation pressure or food resources. We evaluate the hypotheses that forming part of a flock confers benefits to its members and the associated prediction that birds will take advantage of these benefits and flock more often under cold and dry weather conditions between and within seasons to cope with such conditions. We surveyed the presence of mixed flocks, flocking propensity, number of species and individuals in mixed flocks in the Subtropical Yungas foothill of Argentina, to examine seasonality, flocking behavior of birds and their responses to two climatic variables: temperature and humidity. Bird species presented a higher flocking propensity and mixed flocks occurred more frequently during the dry and cold seasons than during the more benign seasons, and lower values of temperature within seasons triggered the flocking behavior. Although effects between seasons were expected, birds also showed a short‐term response to small changes in temperature within seasons. These results strengthen the ideas proposed by the foraging hypothesis. Although benefits derived from flocking have yet to be determined, whatever they are should be understood in the context of seasonal variation in life‐history traits.  相似文献   

Adaptive hypotheses for the evolution of flocking in birds have usually focused on predation avoidance or foraging enhancement. It still remains unclear to what extent each factor has contributed to the evolution of flocking. If predation avoidance were the sole factor involved, flocking should not be prevalent when predation is relaxed. I examined flocking tendencies along with mean and maximum flock size in species living on islands where predation risk is either absent or negligible and then compared these results with matched counterparts on the mainland. The dataset consisted of 46 pairs of species from 22 different islands across the world. The tendency to flock was retained on islands in most species, but in pairs with dissimilar flocking tendencies, island species were less likely to flock. Mean and maximum flock size were smaller on islands than on the mainland. Potential confounding factors such as population density, nest predation, habitat type, food type and body mass failed to account for the results. The results suggest that predation is a significant factor in the evolution of flocking in birds. Nevertheless, predation and other factors, such as foraging enhancement, probably act together to maintain the trait in most species.  相似文献   

Summary We tested two general models of flocking behaviour, namely the antipredation model and foraging efficiency model on mixed-species tit flocks (Parus spp.). After food addition the size of mixed-species flocks was significantly less than in the control samples. In the presence of extra food significantly more birds were observed either in monospecific flocks or solitary, than during the control observations. In the presence of a living predator the birds foraged in larger mixed-specifies flocks than during the control observations. In addition, the social behaviour of Great Spotted Woodpecker, Middle Spotted Woodpecker and Nuthatch shifted to mixed-specific flocking. The size of monospecific flocks was independent of both treatments. The density of birds increased significantly after food addition, while in the predator presence the birds tended to leave the forest. These results support the view that both the antipredation model and foraging efficiency model seem to be valid for mixed-species flocking. However, in the case of monospecific flocks, the territory maintenance could be the most important factor.  相似文献   

L. Gurr 《Ibis》1968,110(3):332-337
The Australasian Harrier Circus upproximans habitually roosts communally in New Zealand but not in Australia. As many as 100 birds can occupy a roost in a small area of swamp. They start to assemble about one hour before dark and communal aerial displays in the vicinity of the roost are an integral part of the roosting behaviour. Roosts may be occupied all the year round, non-breeding birds continuing to roost communally throughout the summer. In New Zealand the habit is neither connected with migration nor is it an anti-predator device. It is considered that the abundance of food caused by the spread of introduced mammals and the large increase of habitat created by European settlement has built the harrier population up to such a size that the number required to elicit the response of communal roosting occurs at all times of year in most districts. Numbers within individual roosts fluctuate throughout the year and it is suggested that communal displays before roosting may provide the necessary feed-back for the initiation of population adjustments.  相似文献   

Predators use diverse hunting strategies to maximize hunting success, while preys adopt anti‐predator strategies to maximize escape chances, among which flocking, communal roosting, and the related collective responses are a common pattern in gregarious species. Prey‐predator interactions involving a single predator and flocks, a common situation in birds, have received little attention. We studied predation behaviour and success of peregrine falcons Falco peregrinus on starlings Sturnus vulgaris, a highly gregarious species, in proximity of two winter roosts. A total of 328 hunting sequences, with an overall success of 23.1% were recorded. They usually consisted of several attacks, predation success being higher when hunting sequences lasted less than 1.5 min, included less than 3 attacks and no other falcons were hunting simultaneously. Predation success was higher when hunts were directed on singletons than on flocks. However, most hunting sequences were directed towards flocks. Nine hunting strategies on flocks were identified. The most frequent was the ‘surprise attack’, which was also the most successful. We suggest that this strategy minimizes the amount of anti‐predator display elicited by flocks and economizes energy spent in hunting. The constant predation pressure did not seem to affect the use of roosts by starlings, consistent with the ‘dilution’ hypothesis, while falcons captured at least one prey item every evening. Communal roosting may benefit predator and prey, as both sides could have reached a mutual local equilibrium.  相似文献   

The evolutionary pathway to obligate scavenging in Gyps vultures remains unclear. We propose that communal roosting plays a central role in setting up the information transfer network critical for obligate scavengers in ephemeral environments and that the formation of a flotilla-like foraging group is a likely strategy for foraging Gyps vultures. Using a spatial, individual-based, optimisation model we find that the communal roost is critical for establishing the information network that enables information transfer owing to the spatial-concentration of foragers close to the roost. There is also strong selection pressure for grouping behaviour owing to the importance of maintaining network integrity and hence information transfer during foraging. We present a simple mechanism for grouping, common in many animal species, which has the added implication that it negates the requirement for roost-centric information transfer. The formation of a flotilla-like foraging group also improves foraging efficiency through the reduction of overlapping search paths. Finally, we highlight the importance of consideration of information transfer mechanisms in order to maximise the success of vulture reintroduction programmes.  相似文献   

Aerial vertebrate foragers, e.g. insectivorous bats, martins and swallows, often show gregarious behavior such as colonial breeding, communal roosting and aggregating behavior during foraging. Studies of gregariousness in aerial foragers have mostly focused on colonial breeding or communal roosting, and only a few intensive studies have dealt with gregariousness during foraging. Here, we report on large and stable aggregations of barn swallows, Hirundo rustica, observed during daytime after the breeding season in Japan. Relatively large aggregations of 20 or more birds were located around poultry, pig and cattle farms and mounds of manure. The aggregations were stable in size both within-days and between-days. Their activities consisted only of repeated cycles of foraging and resting around the farms where their prey, the large black soldier fly Hermetia illuceus (>10 mm) and other medium (5–10 mm) flies, was dense. Distributions of swallows around the farms overlapped with the distributions of prey, and the size of the aggregations significantly correlated with the abundance of prey.  相似文献   

I conducted feeding experiments to determine the effect of variations in food availability on individual flocking behaviour and foraging efficiency in a social corvid, the alpine chough Pyrrhocorax graculus, which lives in large flocks all year round. In 37 trials I varied both food quantity and the number of food patches. A decrease in the amount of available food reduced the mean flock size, the proportion of birds that had access to food, and their mean pecking rate. A decrease in the number of patches, on the other hand, reduced only the proportion of birds that had access to food. The number of choughs foraging was not influenced by food competition but depended only on the number visiting the site. Females competed less well than males: when food was made scarce, they frequented the site in the same proportion as did males, but had less access to food. I suggest that in this social corvid, long-term advantages to flocking related to social bonds, such as the maintenance of pair bonds, may compensate for short-term costs such as a reduction in foraging efficiency. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

We studied communal roosting in the Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis) in the light of the recruitment centre hypothesis and predation at the roost. The number and sizes of flocks departing from and arriving at focal roosts were recorded over a two year period. We also recorded the sizes and behaviour of foraging flocks. We found that flock sizes of birds departing from roosts at sunrise were larger than those at the feeding site, suggesting that there was no recruitment from the roosts. Flocks entering the roosts during sunset were larger on average than those leaving the following sunrise, suggesting no consolidation of flocks in the morning. Flocks entering the roosts at sunset were also larger on average than those that had left that sunrise, although there was no recruitment at the feeding site. There was no effect of group size on the proportion of time spent feeding. Contrary to expectation, single birds showed lower apparent vigilance than birds that foraged in pairs or groups, possibly due to scrounging tactics being used in the presence of feeding companions. Thus, the recruitment centre hypothesis did not hold in our study population of mynas. Predation at dawn and dusk were also not important to communal roosting: predators near the roosts did not result in larger flocks, and resulted in larger durations of arrival/departure contrary to expectation. Since flock sizes were smallest at the feeding site and larger in the evening than in the morning, but did not coincide with predator activity, information transfer unrelated to food (such as breeding opportunities) may possibly give rise to the evening aggregations.  相似文献   

Flocking behaviour in birds reflects the outcome of a momentary trade-off between increased foraging efficiency and improved predator avoidance. However, these changing patterns remain poorly known at any spatial or temporal scale. The aim of the present study was first to investigate seasonal fluctuations of flocking behaviour throughout the entire distribution range of a species and secondly to explore behavioural responses to daily temperature variations. From 2000 to 2010, sightings of Peruvian Thick-knees (Burhinus superciliaris) were collected throughout Ecuador, Peru and Chile. There were strong differences in flocking behaviour between Chilean and Peruvian populations. While Thick-knees occurred into few large year-round flocks in Chile, flock occurrence was highly seasonal in Peru, where group size grew gradually from loose flocks at the end of the breeding season to a few large ones by the middle of the year. Time of day seemed not to affect the species detectability but was negatively related to flock size. Variations in the flocking behaviour of Peruvian Thick-knees throughout its distribution range suggest that aggregation patterns might indicate individuals responding to seasonally fluctuating ecological pressures, such as those derived from predation, foraging or climate.  相似文献   

Extreme temperatures impose energy costs on endotherms through thermoregulation and different adaptations help individuals to cope with these conditions. In social species, communal roosting and huddling are thought to decrease the energetic requirement of thermoregulation under low temperatures. This is likely to represent an important mechanism by which individuals save energy during the coldest parts of the year and hence to represent a non‐breeding benefit of sociality. Here, we investigate the potential thermoregulatory benefits of group living in roosting groups of sociable weavers Philetairus socius, a colonial cooperatively breeding passerine that builds communally a massive nest structure with several independent chambers wherein individuals breed and roost throughout the year. To investigate the benefits of sociality during the non‐breeding season, we studied the thermal environment during roosting in relation to group size. In addition, to understand the link between non‐breeding and breeding sociality in this species we studied group size stability between the pre‐breeding and breeding periods. As expected, we found that the nest chamber's night‐time temperature is strongly related to the number of birds roosting together, especially during cold nights. Specifically, birds in larger groups spent less time below the critical thermal minimum temperature (i.e. the temperature below which energy expenditure increases substantially). They were less exposed to external temperature variations. We also found a positive relationship between the number of birds roosting during winter and the breeding group size, indicating breeding group size predictability. In cooperative breeders such as the sociable weaver, the costs and benefits of sociality are usually studied during the breeding period. This study shows that a better understanding of non‐breeding benefits of group membership and group dynamics between the non‐breeding and breeding periods are necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of sociality.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of three Costa Rican finches occurring in mixed flocks, Tiaris olivacea, Sporophila aurita corvina and Sporophila torquella , was investigated by measuring both behavioural and ecological variables. Observations on foraging height, rate of hopping and pecking rate, as well as the identity, proximity and number of nearest neighbours were recorded. In addition the duration of all feeding and perching episodes were timed. Comparisons were also made between the abundances of food items (grass seeds) consumed and those potentially available for consumption.
The analysis of variance of the feeding behaviour revealed that the presence or absence of neighbouring birds, whether of the same or different species, influenced the duration of feeding bouts more significantly than did either differences in habitat or species-characteristic behaviour. In addition the dietary comparisons revealed overlap in both species and size of seed consumed. Such similarities suggest that these species are not partitioning fields in the classical sense.
We propose that the increase in the duration of the feeding bout associated with the presence of mixed species aggregations leads to increased feeding efficiency and is the result of intra- and inter-specific social learning. Certainly flocking is often advantageous, since searching in a group facilitates finding clumped resources; mixed species flocking, by increasing exposure to a diversity of foraging places and patterns, can further augment feeding efficiency.  相似文献   

Communal roosting – the grouping of more than two individuals resting together – is common among animals, notably birds. The main functions of this complicated social behaviour are thought to be reduced costs of predation and thermoregulation, and increased foraging efficiency. One specific hypothesis is the information centre hypothesis (ICH) which states that roosts act as information centres where individuals actively advertise and share foraging information such as the location of patchily distributed foods. Empirical studies in corvids have demonstrated behaviours consistent with the predictions of the ICH, but some of the assumptions in its original formulation have made its wide acceptance problematic. Here we propose to generalise the ICH in two ways: (1) dropping the assumption that information transfer must be active, and (2) adding the possibilities of information exchange on, for example, predation risk, travel companions and potential mates. A conceptual model, inspired by shorebirds arriving at roosts after foraging on cryptic prey, is proposed to illustrate how testable predictions can be generated. The conceptual model illustrates how roost arrival timing may convey inadvertent information on intake rate, prey density, forager state (i.e. digestive processing capacity) and food quality. Such information could be used by naïve or unsuccessful foragers to select with whom to leave the roost at the subsequent foraging opportunity and thus increase foraging success. We suggest that inadvertent information transfer, rather than active information exchange, predominates in communal roosts.  相似文献   

A. Rolando    P. Laiolo    M. Formica 《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(2):299-308
We studied the flocking and foraging behaviour of the chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and the Alpine chough P. gruculus coexisting in the south-western Italian Alps in order to evaluate the costs and benefits of foraging in single- and mixed-species flocks.
In the single-species context, flock size significantly affected the foraging behaviour of the Alpine chough; in larger flocks, the birds stayed for a shorter time in a patch and fed more quickly than in smaller flocks. Flock size did not significantly affect the foraging behaviour of the chough, probably because of the small number of individuals per flock.
The propensity for mixed-species flocking was rather low. The observed frequencies of single-species flocks of choughs and Alpine choughs were significantly higher than those expected on the basis of random flocking, whereas the observed frequencies of mixed-species flocks of the two species were lower than those expected. The stay times became significantly shorter for the chough in the presence of the Alpine chough. Moreover, feeding rates of the Alpine chough were significantly lower in the presence of the dominant chough.
The present study does not confirm the hypothetical foraging advantages of flocking. In single-species flocks, the benefits for the Alpine chough (higher feeding rates in larger flocks) were roughly compensated by the costs (shorter stay times in larger flocks), whereas the chough apparently neither gained benefits nor endured costs.
In mixed-species flocks, the Alpine chough sustained costs due to a reduction of feeding rates and the chough suffered costs due to a reduction of stay times. Hence, on average, single-species flocking gives no evident foraging advantages to either the chough or the Alpine chough, whereas mixed-species flocking provides some disadvantages for both species.  相似文献   

DOUGLASS H. MORSE 《Ibis》1978,120(3):298-312
Blue Tits were the commonest and most frequent members of mixed-species insectivorous flocks during the winter at Wytham Wood, Oxford. Six common flocking species (Blue Tit, Longtailed Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Marsh Tit and Golderest) made up nearly two-thirds of the birds in the study area. A tentative interspecific social dominance hierarehy was constructed: Great Tit > Blue Tit > Marsh Tit > Coal Tit > Long-tailed Tit and Goldcrest. Blue Tits permitted conspecifics to approach them more closely than did other flock members. Blue Tits most frequently led the flocks, but no more than would be predicted by their abundance. Great Tits, and Marsh Tits and Coal Tits to a lesser extent, defended territories during the winter. Two of the six common species frequented the inner parts of branches (Great Tit, Coal Tit), two the outer parts of branches (Blue Tit, Marsh Tit), and two the twigs (Long-tailed Tit, Goldcrest). Members of each of these species-pairs showed marked differences in height of foraging and/or species of tree frequented. Because of their abundance, the impact of Blue Tits outside of their most highly frequented foraging zones may exceed that of species concentrating in these other zones (e. g., twigs high in trees). The Coal Tit foraged most diversely, the Great Tit least diversely. Species that foraged diversely in one of the three foraging categories (species of tree, substrate, height) usually foraged less diversely than most other species in the other dimensions. Species usually overlapped least in the zones exploited (inner parts of branches, etc.). Great Tits overlapped with other species less than did any other common flock member, and Coal Tits were the next lowest in this regard.  相似文献   

We analyze environmental determinants of roost site selection by tree gleaning passerines wintering in a Mediterranean montane oakwood at a craggy area of high variation in altitude and hill-shading pattern. We hypothesize that in temperate latitudes of cold winter climate, birds should spend the night in areas of low altitudes, higher temperatures, and higher solar radiation in order to minimize thermoregulation costs during resting time and to improve foraging conditions just before and after roosting. We study night occupation of woodland locations by the presence of feces in 159 wooden nest boxes (i.e., under identical controlled roosting situations). We employ GIS methods to quantify solar radiation at each location surrounding the nest boxes and data loggers to measure air temperature in the field. Birds prefer to roost in forest patches with higher solar radiation, where the period of light available for foraging is extended and thermoregulation costs during daytime are minimized. They also selected woodland patches with taller trees, a pattern consistent with their foraging preferences for trunks and branches. Other environmental variables played a negligible role in determining the selection of roost sites. Here, we show, for the first time, the importance of sun radiation determining where to spend the night in wintering birds and call attention on considering the thermal space in forest management. Forest management should preserve woodland patches with taller trees more exposed to solar radiation to enhance winter habitat suitability for birds in these Mediterranean oakwoods.  相似文献   

Adaptations for foraging in the complex airspaces of forest interiors may make bat species in the Asian tropics particularly susceptible to forest loss. However, ecomorphological analysis of Vietnamese bat assemblages challenges the hypothesis that, due to their greater vagility, cave‐roosting bats are less vulnerable to habitat fragmentation than foliage‐roosting species. Of the 13 most highly adapted forest‐interior species in our study, eight were cave‐roosting members of the Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae and had wing morphologies closely resembling five foliage‐roosting members of the Murininae and Kerivoulinae—species typically thought to have low vagility. Overall, both cave‐roosting and foliage‐roosting bats exhibited a wide range of flight indices and species' wing designs corresponded with preferred foraging habitats, suggesting that foraging strategy may outweigh roost preference as a determinant of bat wing morphology and flight performance. Consequently, where such variation occurs, cave‐roosting bat ensembles are likely to include species with low vagility and similar sensitivity to habitat fragmentation. This could have important conservation implications as Asian karst formations support high cave densities and important bat diversity yet increasingly represent forest refugia in anthropogenic landscapes. We, therefore, advocate greater consideration of species vagility in determining conservation priorities for the region's bat fauna.  相似文献   

Randomly encountered foraging birds were recorded in a primary rain forest of French Guiana (13,550 records of 216 species), together with their size, diet and habitat use, to assess the relative frequencies of different types of flocking behaviour and some of their ecological correlates. Overall, 42% of birds foraged singly, primarily carnivores (raptors), nectarivores (hummingbirds) and lek-mating frugivores (manakins, some cotingas). For-aging in pairs (26.6%) was widespread, notably among insectivores in the 17–32-g size class. The remaining 31.4% of records were birds in groups of different composition and function, including, in order of decreasing frequency, (1) multispecies upper canopy flocks (83 member species identified)—the largest and most mobile associations of small insectivores, nectarivores and frugivores, mostly tanagers; (2) understorey mixed species flocks of small insectivores, at midlevels of closed forest interior, with 12 core, obligate members and 74 occasional species, mostly active foliage or bark gleaners and probers sharing a unique set of ecological characteristics; (3) monospecific groups (29 species), either gregarious foragers but solitary breeders (large frugivores in canopy) or also breeding colonially or several permanently group living cooperative breeders; (4) opportunistic gatherings of frugivores at fruiting trees (at least 40 species); (5) army ant followers near ground of closed understorey (29 species of mid- to large-sized insectivores); (6) followers of Red-throated Caracaras Daptrius americanus (23 species, usually canopy frugivores entering understorey with caracaras); (7) two raptors following monkeys. Attributes of vulnerability to predators defined by habitat structure (vegetation density or openness) and foraging behaviour (conspicuousness, speed, degree of vigilance) were important determinants of flocking propensity, at least in flocks that were not attracted by a particular food source. The results suggest that the permanent mixed-species flocks in the mature forest under-storey may be an antipredator defence to compensate for the conspicuousness and reduced vigilance resulting from active foraging behaviour in semi-open vegetation, where early detection of predators is difficult.  相似文献   

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