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Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for growth and fatness traits have previously been identified on chromosomes 4 and 7 in several experimental pig populations. The segregation of these QTL in commercial pigs was studied in a sample of 2713 animals from five different populations. Variance component analysis (VCA) using a marker-based identity by descent (IBD) matrix was applied. The IBD coefficient was estimated with simple deterministic (SMD) and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Data for two growth traits, average daily gain on test and whole life daily gain, and back fat thickness were analysed. With both methods, seven out of 26 combinations of population, chromosome and trait, were significant. Additionally, QTL genotypic and allelic effects were estimated when the QTL effect was significant. The range of QTL genotypic effects in a population varied from 4.8% to 10.9% of the phenotypic mean for growth traits and 7.9% to 19.5% for back fat trait. Heritabilities of the QTL genotypic values ranged from 8.6% to 18.2% for growth traits, and 14.5% to 19.2% for back fat. Very similar results were obtained with both SMD and MCMC. However, the MCMC method required a large number of iterations, and hence computation time, especially when the QTL test position was close to the marker.  相似文献   

A simulation study illustrates the effects of the inclusion of half-sib pairs as well as the effects of selective genotyping on the power of detection and the parameter estimates in a sib pair analysis of data from an outbred population. The power of QTL detection obtained from samples of sib pairs selected according to their within family variance or according to the mean within family variance within half sib family was compared and contrasted with the power obtained when only full sib pair analysis was used. There was an increase in power (4–16%) and decrease in the bias of parameter estimates with the use of half-sib information. These improvements in power and parameter estimates depended on the number of the half sib pairs (half sib family size). Almost the same power as that obtained using all the available sib pairs could be achieved by selecting only 50–60% the animals. The most effective method was to select both full and half sib pairs on the basis of high within full sib family variance for the trait in question. The QTL position estimates were in general slightly biased towards the center of the chromosome and the QTL variance estimates were biased upwards, there being quite large differences in bias depending on the selection method.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, multiparental populations have become a mainstay of genetics research in diploid species. Our goal was to extend this paradigm to autotetraploids by developing software for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping in connected F1 populations derived from a set of shared parents. For QTL discovery, phenotypes are regressed on the dosage of parental haplotypes to estimate additive effects. Statistical properties of the model were explored by simulating half-diallel diploid and tetraploid populations with different population sizes and numbers of parents. Across scenarios, the number of progeny per parental haplotype (pph) largely determined the statistical power for QTL detection and accuracy of the estimated haplotype effects. Multiallelic QTL with heritability 0.2 were detected with 90% probability at 25 pph and genome-wide significance level 0.05, and the additive haplotype effects were estimated with over 90% accuracy. Following QTL discovery, the software enables a comparison of models with multiple QTL and nonadditive effects. To illustrate, we analyzed potato tuber shape in a half-diallel population with three tetraploid parents. A well-known QTL on chromosome 10 was detected, for which the inclusion of digenic dominance lowered the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) by 17 points compared to the additive model. The final model also contained a minor QTL on chromosome 1, but higher-order dominance and epistatic effects were excluded based on the DIC. In terms of practical impacts, the software is already being used to select offspring based on the effect and dosage of particular haplotypes in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Martinez VA  Hill WG  Knott SA 《Heredity》2002,88(6):423-431
The power to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) using the double haploid (DH), full-sib (FS) and hierarchical (HI) designs implemented in outbred fish populations was assessed for interval mapping using deterministic methods. The predictions were tested using simulation. The DH design was most efficient for the range of designs and parameters considered and was most beneficial when the FS design was not very powerful. The difference between the design was largest for a low amount of residual genetic variation. Accounting for an increase of the environmental variance due to the genetic constitution of the double haploid progeny changed the magnitude of the power, but the ranking of the designs remained the same. As large full sib family sizes can be obtained in fish, the practical value of HI designs as a strategy for increasing the power of QTL mapping experiments is limited when compared with the FS design. Overall, the results suggested that the DH design could be a very useful tool for QTL mapping in fish, and of particular importance when the effect of the QTL is low and the residual genetic variation from other chromosomes can be controlled by using multiple markers.  相似文献   

Data from an F 2 cross between breeds of livestock are typically analysed by least squares line-cross or half-sib models to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) that differ between or segregate within breeds. These models can also be combined to increase power to detect QTL, while maintaining the computational efficiency of least squares. Tests between models allow QTL to be characterized into those that are fixed (LC QTL), or segregating at similar (HS QTL) or different (CB QTL) frequencies in parental breeds. To evaluate power of the combined model, data wih various differences in QTL allele frequencies (FD) between parental breeds were simulated. Use of all models increased power to detect QTL. The line-cross model was the most powerful model to detect QTL for FD>0.6. The combined and half-sib models had similar power for FD<0.4. The proportion of detected QTL declared as LC QTL decreased with FD. The opposite was observed for HS QTL. The proportion of CB QTL decreased as FD deviated from 0.5. Accuracy of map position tended to be greatest for CB QTL. Models were applied to a cross of Berkshire and Yorkshire pig breeds and revealed 160 (40) QTL at the 5% chromosome (genome)-wise level for the 39 growth, carcass composition and quality traits, of which 72, 54, and 34 were declared as LC, HS and CB QTL. Fourteen CB QTL were detected only by the combined model. Thus, the combined model can increase power to detect QTL and mapping accuracy and enable characterization of QTL that segregate within breeds.  相似文献   

An offspring genome can be viewed as a mosaic of chromosomal segments or haplotypes contributed by multiple founders in any quantitative trait locus (QTL) detection study but tracing these is especially complex to achieve for outbred pedigrees. QTL haplotypes can be traced from offspring back to individual founders in outbred pedigrees by combining founder-origin probabilities with fully informative flanking markers. This haplotypic method was illustrated for QTL detection using a three-generation pedigree for a woody perennial plant, Pinus taeda L. Growth rate was estimated using height measurements from ages 2 to 10 years. Using simulated and actual datasets, power of the experimental design was shown to be efficient for detecting QTLs of large effect. Using interval mapping and fully informative markers, a large QTL accounting for 11.3% of the phenotypic variance in the growth rate was detected. This same QTL was expressed at all ages for height, accounting for 7.9-12.2% of the phenotypic variance. A mixed-model inheritance was more appropriate for describing genetic architecture of growth curves in P. taeda than a strictly polygenic model. The positive QTL haplotype was traced from the offspring to its contributing founder, GP3, then the haplotypic phase for GP3 was determined by assaying haploid megagametophytes. The positive QTL haplotype was a recombinant haplotype contributed by GP3. This study illustrates the combined power of fully informative flanking markers and founder origin probabilities for (1) estimating QTL haplotype magnitude, (2) tracing founder origin and (3) determining haplotypic transmission frequency.  相似文献   

A marker-assisted introgression (MAI) experiment was conducted to use genetic markers to transfer each of the three trypanotolerance QTL from a donor mouse strain, C57BL/6, into a recipient mouse strain, A/J. We used a backcross strategy that consisted of selecting two lines, each carrying two of the donor QTL alleles through the backcross (BC) phase. At the fourth BC generation, single-carrier animals were selected for the production of homozygous animal in the intercross phase. The QTL regions (QTLR) were located on chromosomes MMU1, MMU5, and MMU17. Groups of mice with different genotypes and the parental lines were subjected to a challenge with Trypanosoma congolense. The results show that trypanotolerance QTL was successfully moved into the recipient background genotype, yielding a longer survival time. The mean estimated survival time was 57.9, 49.5, and 46.8 days for groups of mice carrying the donor QTL on MMU1, MMU5, and MMU17 on A/J background. The mean estimated survival time was 29.7 days for the susceptible A/J line and 68.8 days for the resistant C57BL/6 line. The estimated QTLR effects are close to 30% smaller than those in the original mapping population which was likely caused by the difference in the background on which the effects of QTLR are tested. This is the first report of successful marker-assisted introgression of QTL in animals. It is experimental proof of the use of genetic markers for marker-assisted introgression in animal breeding.Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin, 01 BP 884 COTONOU, République du Bénin  相似文献   

Klasen JR  Piepho HP  Stich B 《Heredity》2012,108(6):626-632
A major goal of today's biology is to understand the genetic basis of quantitative traits. This can be achieved by statistical methods that evaluate the association between molecular marker variation and phenotypic variation in different types of mapping populations. The objective of this work was to evaluate the statistical power of quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection of various multi-parental mating designs, as well as to assess the reasons for the observed differences. Our study was based on an empirical data of 20 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, which have been selected to capture the maximum genetic diversity. The examined mating designs differed strongly with respect to the statistical power to detect QTL. We observed the highest power to detect QTL for the diallel cross with random mating design. The results of our study suggested that performing sibling mating within subpopulations of joint-linkage mapping populations has the potential to considerably increase the power for QTL detection. Our results, however, revealed that using designs in which more than two parental alleles segregate in each subpopulation increases the power even more.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of markers developed in eight genes, located in a previously detected meat quality QTL region on SSC17, on growth, fat and meat quality traits collected in commercial pig populations of different genetic backgrounds. The genes had been previously mapped to SSC17 as part of a fine-mapping effort. Association analyses were conducted between each marker and the available phenotypic traits. Results showed that three genes ( CTSZ , CSTF1 and C20orf43 ) were significantly associated with the growth traits. In addition, CTSZ also impacted on meat colour, with the less favourable genotype for growth being associated with darker meat. The differences observed between genotypes were substantial and may be of economic importance to pig producers. These markers may be useful for selecting for faster growth or improved meat quality.  相似文献   

The multitrait detections of QTL applied to a mixture of full- and half-sib families require specific strategies. Indeed, the number of parameters estimated by the multivariate methods is excessive compared with the size of the population. Thus, only multitrait methods based on a univariate analysis of a linear combination (LC) of the traits can be extensively performed. We compared three strategies to obtain the LC of the traits. Two linear transformations were performed on the overall population. The last one was performed within each half-sib family. Their powers were compared on simulated data depending on the frequency of the two QTL alleles in each of the grand parental populations of an intercross design. The transformations from the whole population did not lead to a large loss of power even though the frequency of the QTL alleles was similar in the two grand parental populations. In these cases, applying the within-sire family transformation improved the detection when the number of progeny per sire was greater than 100.  相似文献   

Founder-origin probability methods are used to trace specific chromosomal segments in individual offspring. A haplotypic method was developed for calculating founder-origin probabilities in three-generation outbred pedigrees suited to quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis. Estimators for expected founder-origin proportions were derived for a linkage group segment, an entire linkage group and a complete haplotype. If the founders are truly outbred, the haplotypic method gives a close approximation when compared with the Haley et al. (1994) method that simultaneously uses all marker information for QTL analysis, and it is less computationally demanding. The chief limitation of the haplotypic method is that some information in two-allele intercross marker-type configurations is ignored. Informativeness of marker arrays is discussed in the framework of founder-origin probabilities and proportions. The haplotypic method can be extended to more complex pedigrees with additional generations.  相似文献   

Fang M  Liu J  Sun D  Zhang Y  Zhang Q  Zhang Y  Zhang S 《Heredity》2011,107(3):265-276
In this article, we propose a model selection method, the Bayesian composite model space approach, to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) in a half-sib population for continuous and binary traits. In our method, the identity-by-descent-based variance component model is used. To demonstrate the performance of this model, the method was applied to map QTL underlying production traits on BTA6 in a Chinese half-sib dairy cattle population. A total of four QTLs were detected, whereas only one QTL was identified using the traditional least square (LS) method. We also conducted two simulation experiments to validate the efficiency of our method. The results suggest that the proposed method based on a multiple-QTL model is efficient in mapping multiple QTL for an outbred half-sib population and is more powerful than the LS method based on a single-QTL model.  相似文献   



Linkage mapping is used to identify genomic regions affecting the expression of complex traits. However, when experimental crosses such as F2 populations or backcrosses are used to map regions containing a Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL), the size of the regions identified remains quite large, i.e. 10 or more Mb. Thus, other experimental strategies are needed to refine the QTL locations. Advanced Intercross Lines (AIL) are produced by repeated intercrossing of F2 animals and successive generations, which decrease linkage disequilibrium in a controlled manner. Although this approach is seen as promising, both to replicate QTL analyses and fine-map QTL, only a few AIL datasets, all originating from inbred founders, have been reported in the literature.


We have produced a nine-generation AIL pedigree (n = 1529) from two outbred chicken lines divergently selected for body weight at eight weeks of age. All animals were weighed at eight weeks of age and genotyped for SNP located in nine genomic regions where significant or suggestive QTL had previously been detected in the F2 population. In parallel, we have developed a novel strategy to analyse the data that uses both genotype and pedigree information of all AIL individuals to replicate the detection of and fine-map QTL affecting juvenile body weight.


Five of the nine QTL detected with the original F2 population were confirmed and fine-mapped with the AIL, while for the remaining four, only suggestive evidence of their existence was obtained. All original QTL were confirmed as a single locus, except for one, which split into two linked QTL.


Our results indicate that many of the QTL, which are genome-wide significant or suggestive in the analyses of large intercross populations, are true effects that can be replicated and fine-mapped using AIL. Key factors for success are the use of large populations and powerful statistical tools. Moreover, we believe that the statistical methods we have developed to efficiently study outbred AIL populations will increase the number of organisms for which in-depth complex traits can be analyzed.  相似文献   

To optimize designs to implement marker-assisted introgression programs aiming to introgress three unlinked quantitative trait loci (QTL), the present paper studies different alternatives versus a traditional backcross or intercross phase. Four alternative backcross strategies appear to be more advantageous by having 50% less genotyping load than a traditional backcross strategy tracking all three QTL at a time through a single line. A multiplication phase following the selection of homozygous animals at the three QTL as an intercross alternative allows doubling of the number of homozygous animals in a mouse model compared with the first intercross generation. Within the same model, a second intercross alternative with individuals carrying all three QTL at the first intercross results in a 12-fold increase in the number of homozygous animals obtained in the first intercross generation. The same ranges of decrease are observed in the number of animals to be genotyped and the number of genotypings when targeting a fixed number of homozygous animals. An option, with two lines each carrying two QTL through the backcross phase and coupled with the second intercross alternative, appears to be the best introgression alternative. This option requires 76% fewer genotypings, 68% fewer animals to be genotyped, and costs 75% less than an option in which all three QTL are introgressed through a single line. Received: 9 August 1999 / Accepted: 25 October 1999  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic studies in model organisms, particularly in mice, have been extremely successful in identifying chromosomal regions that are associated with a wide variety of behavioral and other traits. However, it is now widely understood that identification of the underlying genes will be far more challenging. In the last few years, a variety of populations have been utilized in an effort to more finely map these chromosomal regions with the goal of identifying specific genes. The common property of these newer populations is that linkage disequilibrium spans relatively short distances, which permits fine-scale mapping resolution. This review focuses on advanced intercross lines (AILs) which are the simplest such population. As originally proposed in 1995 by Darvasi and Soller, an AIL is the product of intercrossing two inbred strains beyond the F2 generation. Unlike recombinant inbred strains, AILs are maintained as outbred populations; brother–sister matings are specifically avoided. Each generation of intercrossing beyond the F2 further degrades linkage disequilibrium between adjacent makers, which allows for fine-scale mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Advances in genotyping technology and techniques for the statistical analysis of AILs have permitted rapid advances in the application of AILs. We review some of the analytical issues and available software, including QTLRel, EMMA, EMMAX, GEMMA, TASSEL, GRAMMAR, WOMBAT, Mendel, and others.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of a QTL in different genetic backgrounds. A QTL affecting body mass on chromosome 6 was identified in an F2 cross between two lines of mice that have been divergently selected for this trait. The effect of the QTL on mass increased between 6 and 10 weeks of age and was not sex-specific. Body composition analysis showed effects on fat-free dry body mass and fat mass. To examine the effect of this QTL in different genetic backgrounds, the high body mass sixth chromosome was introgressed into the low body mass genetic background and vice versa by repeated marker-assisted backcrossing. After three generations of backcrossing, new F2 populations were established within each of the introgression lines by crossing individuals that were heterozygous across the sixth chromosome. The estimated additive effect of the QTL on 10-week body mass was similar in both genetic backgrounds and in the original F2 population (i.e., ~0.4 phenotypic standard deviations); no evidence of epistatic interaction with the genetic background was found. The 95% confidence interval for the location of the QTL was refined to a region of approximately 7 cM between D6Mit268 and D6Mit123.  相似文献   

In silico study of transcriptome genetic variation in outbred populations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pérez-Enciso M 《Genetics》2004,166(1):547-554
Dissecting the genetic architecture of regulatory elements on a genome-wide basis is now technically feasible. The potential medical and genetical implications of this kind of experiment being very large, it is paramount to assess the reliability and repeatability of the results. This is especially relevant in outbred populations, such as humans, where the genetic architecture is necessarily more complex than in crosses between inbred lines. Here we simulated a chromosome-wide SNP association study using real human microarray data. Our model predicted, as observed, a highly significant clustering of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for gene expression. Importantly, the estimates of QTL positions were often unstable, and a decrease in the number of individuals of 16% resulted in a loss of power of approximately 30% and a large shift in the position estimate in approximately 30-40% of the remaining significant QTL. We also found that the analysis of two repeated measures of the same mRNA can also result in two QTL that are located far apart. The intrinsic difficulties of analyzing outbred populations should not be underestimated. We anticipate that (many) conflicting results may be collected in the future if whole-genome association studies for mRNA levels are carried out in outbred populations.  相似文献   

Both yield and quality traits for stover portion were important for forage and biofuel production utility in maize. A high-oil maize inbred GY220 was crossed with two normal-oil dent maize inbred lines 8984 and 8622 to generate two connected F2:3 populations with 284 and 265 F2:3 families. Seven yield and quality traits were evaluated under two environments. The variance components of genotype (σg2), environment (σe2) and genotype × environment interactions (σge2) were all significant for most traits in both populations. Different levels of correlations were observed for all traits. QTL mapping was conducted using composite interval mapping (CIM) for data under each environment and in combined analysis in both populations. Totally, 45 and 42 QTL were detected in the two populations. Only five common QTL across the two populations, and one and three common QTL across the two environments in the two populations were detected, reflecting substantial influence of genetic backgrounds and environments on the results of QTL detection for stover traits. Combined analysis across two environments failed to detect most QTL mapped using individual environmental data in both populations. Few of the detected QTL displayed digenic epistatic interactions. Common QTL among all traits were consistent with their correlations. Some QTL herein have been detected in previous researches, and linked with candidate genes for enzymes postulated to have direct and indirect roles in cell wall components biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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