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We investigated the mechanism and efficiency of digestion of two types of pollen, maize, Zea mays, and sunflower, Helianthus annuus, by the spotted maize beetle, Astylus atromaculatus (Melyridae). We found similar and high extraction efficiencies, but different mechanisms of digestion. Osmotic shock was apparently involved in digestion of the large and thin-walled maize pollen grains. In the anterior midgut most maize pollen grains were already ruptured, in contrast with the intact exines of sunflower pollen, which suggests another mechanism of digestion for the latter, such as enzymatic action. We investigated the effect of osmotic shock on maize pollen in vitro by looking at the behavior of pollen grains in varying osmotic concentrations. Maize pollen grains burst in both distilled water and sugar solutions of various concentrations, and the amount of rupturing decreased with an increase in sugar concentration. Digestion of maize pollen was much slower in honeybees than in spotted maize beetles. Maize pollen bursts early in the midgut of maize beetles, but remains intact in honeybees: this suggests that osmotic shock may not be as important for honeybees as previously suggested.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. is an obligate hemiparasiticangiosperm which can cause severe losses of yield in cerealcrops in the semi-arid tropics. The effects of this parasiteon the growth and stomatal conductance of three varieties ofmaize (Zea mays L.) during the first 6 weeks of the associationhave been studied. From 24 d after planting (DAP), infectedplants were significantly shorter than uninfected controls.When the plants were harvested 45 DAP, infected plants had fewerfully expanded leaves, less leaf biomass and less pseudo-stembiomass than uninfected controls. However, the parasitized plantshad more root biomass and hence a higher root:shoot ratio thanuninfected controls. The stomatal conductance of infected hostswas severely inhibited by comparison with that in uninfectedplants. The possibility that abscisic acid (ABA) may be involved inthe regulation of the parasitic association was investigated.ABA concentrations in leaf tissue of maize (cv. Cargimontana)and S. hermonthica were determined by radioimmunoassay. Whilethere was a difference between cultivars in the extent of theresponse, the concentrations of ABA were significantly higherin infected maize plants than in the uninfected controls. InS. hermonthica, leaf tissue ABA concentration was found to bean order of magnitude higher than in the host leaf tissue. Detachedleaves of S. hermonthica which were dehydrated at room temperatureuntil they had lost 10–20% of their fresh weight containedthree times the ABA concentration of control leaves. This suggeststhat leaves of S. hermonthica can synthesize or re-mobilizeABA in response to water deficit. It is not yet known whetherthis contributes to the higher concentration in infected hosts,but the results suggest that ABA has a role in this parasiticassociation. Key words: Striga hermonthica, abscisic acid, growth, parasitic angiosperm, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

Dap (Defective aleurone pigmentation) is the designation for mutations in maize that give rise to a characteristic dappled endosperm phenotype, consisting of patches of purple tissue, of variable size and shape, on a yellow background. Features shared by all Dap mutants are: dominant expression when they are maternally derived, lack of expression or transmission when they originate from pollen, failure to recover homozygous Dap genotypes, reduced frequency of Dap seeds in the progeny of outcrosses of Dap/+ females, association of the dappled phenotype with reduction in seed size. The mutants so far tested, six in all, can be grouped into two classes, one including male-transmissible (MT) isolates not expressed in the endosperm if their contribution is paternal, and a second class of isolates (NMT) that are permanently lost following paternal transmission. We suggest that the NMT mutations are on a chromosome that carries an intercalary deletion. Assuming linkage between the mutant and the deletion, selection against the deficient chromosome during male gametogenesis would account for the failure to recover Dap seeds in the progeny of Dap/+ male parents. We have obtained genetic evidence supporting this hypothesis. This interpretation, however, does not apply to MT alleles. For these, other mechanisms, such as imprinting and/or dosage effects may be proposed. The mutable pattern in the endosperm to which all Dap mutants give rise is an intriguing phenotype which remains to be clarified. An unexpected finding is that aleuronic and subaleuronic cells corresponding to the colourless areas are abnormal in shape and anthocyanin biosynthesis is blocked in these cells. This finding calls for further investigation in light of a possible connection between flavonoid precursors and cell shape.  相似文献   

A very large repetitive element (StarkB, 22.8 kb) is present in the maize B chromosome, presumably not organized as tandem arrays. Results of the current study are contrary to this notion. Out of eighteen StarkB-carrying sequences, nine were the expected internal fragment of StarkB, and nine others were fragments spanning two StarkB elements. One of the two StarkB components, GrandeB, was flanked in all clones with identical target sequences, as opposed to other Grandes that are associated with different target sequences. Also observed was a prominent Southern signal associated with a fragment representing the junction of two adjacent StarkB units. A clone possessing a structure inverse to that of the second component of StarkB is proposed to be the initial element into which a GrandeB inserted to derive StarkB. Most, if not all, isolated StarkB arrays were not the original form, being disrupted by the invasion of various mobile elements intertwined with various stages of amplification. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the GenBank database under the accession numbers EF468500 to EF468511, EU528676, and FJ386410 to FJ386429.  相似文献   

GM crops have become a test case for the conflicting slogans of 'the precautionary principle' versus 'sound science.' The issues can be illustrated by developments in regulatory science for Bt maize in the European Union. As this case study suggests, risk assessment is always framed by some account of the relevant uncertainties. These in turn depend upon how the environment is valued and how scientific questions are posed about cause-effect pathways of potential harm. The slogan of 'sound science' hides such judgements, by representing ignorance or value-judgements as 'science.' By contrast, precaution can challenge such judgements, identify new unknowns, generate different criteria for evidence, open up new scientific questions, and make these judgements more transparent. It is doubtful whether these complexities have been fully acknowledged by specialists, and thus whether the continued risk debate is due solely to a public misunderstanding of science.  相似文献   

Boris Janistyn 《Planta》1983,159(4):382-385
Gas chromatographic-mass spectroscopic evidence is presented for the presence of guanosine-3′: 5′-monophosphate (cGMP) in maize seedlings. The amount of cGMP (35–72 pmol g-1 fresh weight) was quantified as a tetra-silyl derivative using gas-chromatographic detection with reference to a silylated standard of authentic cGMP. Gas-chromatographic separation of tri-silyl adenosine-3′: 5′-monophosphate and tetra-silyl cGMP is demonstrated.  相似文献   

β-1,3-glucanases are found in organisms as diverse as plants, animals, bacteria and fungi. In plants, such enzymes are not only associated with defense mechanisms against pathogens, but also play critical roles in physiological and developmental processes. Here we identified a new β-1,3-glucanase in maize seeds, and named it ZmGlucA. Sequence analysis revealed that ZmGlucA belongs to the class A of β-1,3-glucanase, a class related to defense and physiological processes in plants. mRNA and protein assays showed that zmGlucA is expressed exclusively in seeds, and it is differentially regulated during seed development. Additionally, zmGlucA expression is strongly induced in seeds of the mutant dek 827Kpro1, which is defective for embryo and endosperm development. Our data support the idea that ZmGlucA protein is relevant to seed development.  相似文献   

Beta-expansins accumulate to high levels in grass pollen, a feature apparently unique to grasses. These proteins, which are major human allergens, facilitate pollen tube penetration of the maize stigma and style (the silk). Here we report that treatment of maize silk cell walls with purified β-expansin from maize pollen led to solubilization of wall matrix polysaccharides, dominated by feruloyated highly substituted glucuronoarabinoxylan (60%) and homogalacturonan (35%). Such action was selective for cell walls of grasses, and indicated a target preferentially found in grass cell walls, probably the highly substituted glucuronoarabinoxylan. Several tests for lytic activities by β-expansin were negative and polysaccharide solubilization had weak temperature dependence, which indicated a non-enzymatic process. Concomitant with matrix solubilization, β-expansin treatment induced creep, reduced the breaking force and increased the plastic compliance of wall specimens. From comparisons of the pH dependencies of these processes, we conclude that matrix solubilization was linked closely to changes in wall plasticity and breaking force, but not so closely coupled to cell wall creep. Because matrix solubilization and increased wall plasticity have not been found with other expansins, we infer that these novel activities are linked to the specialized role of grass pollen β-expansins in promotion of penetration of the pollen tube through the stigma and style, most likely by weakening the middle lamella.  相似文献   

地球上的生物已有大约40亿年的进化史,而人类的起源和进化大约只经历了400万年,约占整个生物进化史的1‰。人类是地球上最晚出现的一种智慧生物,人类起源于生物界,而又离不开生物界。在人类进化历史的绝大部分时期内,人类几乎完全依赖野生生物为生(靠狩猎和采集野生植物),只是在1万多年以前,当农业和畜牧业产生以后,人类才逐渐减少了对野生生物的依赖性(目前仍有许多国  相似文献   

人类生态学(八):野生动物管理(2)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栖息地遭受破坏和污染随着人类人口的增长和对自然资源需求的增加,人类一直在不断地砍伐森林、扩大耕地、建立城市、修筑道路、开采矿山、竖立井架、建设发电站等。热带雨林是保护生物遗传多样性最理想的地方,但地球上热带雨林的面积正在急剧缩小,顶极植被的破坏是对野生动物生存的最大威胁。每一种动物对于周围环境都有自己特定的忍受限度,栖息地的改变和破坏将使很多动物失去生存场所和必需的资源,造成这些动物的生存危机。虽然很多野生动  相似文献   

The effects of intermating on recombination and the development of linkage maps were assessed in maize. Progeny derived from a common population (B73 × Mo17) before and after five generations of intermating were genotyped at the same set of 190 RFLP loci. Intermating resulted in nearly a four-fold increase in the genetic map distance and increased the potential for improved genetic resolution in 91% of the intervals evaluated. This mapping population and related information should connect research involving dense genetic maps, physical mapping, gene isolation, comparative genomics, analysis of quantitative trait loci and investigations of heterosis.  相似文献   

栖息地选择的遗传与获得据目前研究所知,动物对栖息地的选择具有一定的遗传性和后天获得性(即可借助于早期生活经验和学习而改进)。如果把两种动物饲养在同一环境中,发现它们对栖息地的选择有所不同,那么这种差异大都是由遗传所决定的。例如:把从未在自然植被中生活过的蓝山雀和煤山雀关在同一个鸟舍中,鸟舍内放有栎树枝和松树枝,观察记录表明,煤山雀大部分时间都停栖在松树枝上,而蓝山雀则主要停栖在栎树枝上。这种不同的选择同这两种山雀在自然状态下对栖息地的不同偏爱是一致的(蓝山雀偏爱阔叶林,而煤山雀偏爱针叶林)。  相似文献   

行为生态学(十六):栖息地选择(1)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
栖息地选择是指动物对生活地点类型的选择或偏爱,显然,所有的动物都只能生活在环境中的一定空间范围之内。但是,每一种动物的现实分布状况是通过怎样的过程而完成的,目前生态学家还了解得很少,现在只知道同动物对栖息地的选择有关。栖息地选择常常可以产生深远影响。动物对一个特定栖息地的选择可使动物只生活在某一特定环境之中,这有利于动物的表现型的定向改造。因此,同一种动物对栖息地的不同选择往往会引起它们之间基因频率的差异,而不同种动物对栖息地的不同选择又往往能增加种  相似文献   

The discovery of staminodes within the female inflorescences, or “ears,” of some Mexican maize races, and of feminized male inflorescences in annual Mexican teosinte, provides additional support for the theory that the ears of maize evolved from the male primary lateral branch tassels of teosinte by sexual transmutation, and that teosinte is the wild ancestor of maize.  相似文献   

Hybrid (oat×maize) zygotes developed into euhaploid plants with complete oat chromosome complements without maize chromosomes and into aneuhaploid plants with complete oat chromosome complements and different numbers of retained individual maize chromosomes. The elimination of maize chromosomes in the hybrid embryo is caused by uniparental genome loss during early steps of embryogenesis. Some of these haploid plants set seed in up to 50% of their self-pollinated spikelets. The high fertility was found to be mainly caused by formation of numerically unreduced female and male gametes (nunreduced=3x+0…3=21…24 chromosomes). Gamete formation involves meiotic nuclear restitution. The restitution process is caused by an alternative type of meiosis. It follows the model of levigatum-type semi-heterotypic divisions, but with a formation of the nuclear membrane at the transition from telophase I to interkinesis, which resembles the model of pygaera-type pseudo-homotypic divisions. We propose the name haploid meiotic restitution for this particular process combination. We discuss the use and implications of the specific process of gamete formation in F1 (oat×maize) plants.  相似文献   

gaMS-2 is a gametophytic male-sterile mutant of maize, with sterile pollen grains developmentally blocked at the binucleate stage. To characterise differentially expressed proteins in gaMS-2 pollen, we compared protein profiles of anthers and mature pollen from heterozygous GaMS-2/gaMS-2 plants and wild type (wt) plants by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). A basic protein present at a greatly reduced level in GaMS-2/gaMS-2 anthers was subsequently identified by tandem mass spectrometry as Zea m 1 (a glycoprotein of 31 kDa), the major group-1 allergen of maize pollen and a member of the -expansin 1 family. Moreover, we show that Zea m 1 can be deglycosylated by peptide N-glycosidase F. After deglycosylation, four major isoforms—Zea m 1a (more acetic), Zea m 1b, Zea m1c and Zea m 1d (more basic)—can be discriminated in wt anther in 2-DE immunoblots probed with a monoclonal antibody against the group-1 pollen allergen, whereas all the isoforms, especially Zea m 1a, exist at reduced levels in GaMS-2/gaMS-2 anthers. Furthermore, the reduced Zea m 1 accumulation in the mutant appears to occur in immature pollen but not in anther sporophytic tissues. Finally, we separated sterile pollen grains (at the mononucleate stage) from fertile ones using 42% Percoll solution, and found that Zea m 1 is barely detectable in sterile pollen grains. Together, our results indicate that a reduced Zea m 1 level is associated with the sterile phenotype of gaMS-2.W. Wang and M. Scali contributed equally to this study  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to evaluate six indigenous plant extracts for their ability to protect maize from infestation by maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais (M). The plant extracts were tested for its toxicity by fumigation and grain surface coating methods. Further, the effects of botanical treatments on F1 progeny, seed emergence and antifungal activities were studied. The results indicated that the extracts of Eicchornia crassipes controlled the test insect in grain surface coating method (100%, P = 0.05). Further, the same plant extract had significantly reduced the development of F1 progeny (97 ± 0.7%). In germination experiments, T + UEx samples showed normal seed germination of maize. However, in T + Ex samples, the seed germination depended on the grain protectant efficacy of the tested botanical extracts. Always higher percantage seed germination was recorded in those treatments where there was less infestation. Extracts of Carica papaya had significantly reduced the incidence of seed-borne fungus Aspergillus flavus (4 ± 2.4%) and did not affect the seed germination when compared to other treatments and untreated control.  相似文献   

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