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Lan G  Sun SX 《Biophysical journal》2005,88(6):4107-4117
Skeletal muscle contraction is a canonical example of motor-driven force generation. Despite the long history of research in this topic, a mechanistic explanation of the collective myosin force generation is lacking. We present a theoretical model of muscle contraction based on the conformational movements of individual myosins and experimentally measured chemical rate constants. Detailed mechanics of the myosin motor and the geometry of the sarcomere are taken into account. Two possible scenarios of force generation are examined. We find only one of the scenarios can give rise to a plausible contraction mechanism. We propose that the synchrony in muscle contraction is due to a force-dependent ADP release step. Computational results of a half sarcomere with 150 myosin heads can explain the experimentally measured force-velocity relationship and efficiency data. We predict that the number of working myosin motors increases as the load force is increased, thus showing synchrony among myosin motors during muscle contraction. We also find that titin molecules anchoring the thick filament are passive force generators in assisting muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Before using electromyographic (EMG) variables such as muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) and the mean or median frequency (MDF) of an EMG power spectrum as indicators of muscular fatigue during dynamic exercises, it is necessary to determine the influence of a joint angle, contraction force and contraction speed on the EMG variables. If these factors affect the EMG variables, their influence must be removed or compensated for before discussing fatigue. The vastus lateralis of eight normal healthy male adults was studied. EMG signals during non-fatiguing dynamic knee extension exercises were detected with a three-bar active surface electrode array. EMG variables were calculated from the detected signals and compared with the angle of the knee joint, the extension torque and the extension speed. The extension torque was set at four levels with 10% intervals between 40 and 70% of the maximum voluntary contraction. The extension speed was set at five levels with 60 degrees /s intervals between 0 and 240 degrees /s. Because the joint angle unsystematically affected the MFCV, EMG variables at a given joint angle were extracted for comparison. The influence of the extension torque and speed on the extracted EMG variables was clarified with an ANOVA and a regression analysis. The statistical analyses showed that MFCV increased with the extension torque but did not depend on the extension speed. In contrast, MDF was independent of the extension torque but was dependent on the extension speed. MDF thus showed a behavior different from that of MFCV. It became clear that if MFCV is used as an indicator of muscular fatigue during dynamic exercises, it is at least necessary to extract MFCV at a predetermined joint angle and then remove the influence of extension torque on MFCV.  相似文献   

Action potential–driven Ca2+ currents from the transverse tubules (t-tubules) trigger synchronous Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiomyocytes. Loss of t-tubules has been reported in cardiac diseases, including heart failure, but the effect of uncoupling t-tubules from the sarcolemma on cardiac muscle mechanics remains largely unknown. We dissected intact rat right ventricular trabeculae and compared force, sarcomere length, and intracellular Ca2+ in control trabeculae with trabeculae in which the t-tubules were uncoupled from the plasma membrane by formamide-induced osmotic shock (detubulation). We verified disconnection of a consistent fraction of t-tubules from the sarcolemma by two-photon fluorescence imaging of FM4-64–labeled membranes and by the absence of tubular action potential, which was recorded by random access multiphoton microscopy in combination with a voltage-sensitive dye (Di-4-AN(F)EPPTEA). Detubulation reduced the amplitude and prolonged the duration of Ca2+ transients, leading to slower kinetics of force generation and relaxation and reduced twitch tension (1 Hz, 30°C, 1.5 mM [Ca2+]o). No mechanical changes were observed in rat left atrial trabeculae after formamide shock, consistent with the lack of t-tubules in rodent atrial myocytes. Detubulation diminished the rate-dependent increase of Ca2+-transient amplitude and twitch force. However, maximal twitch tension at high [Ca2+]o or in post-rest potentiated beats was unaffected, although contraction kinetics were slower. The ryanodine receptor (RyR)2 Ca-sensitizing agent caffeine (200 µM), which increases the velocity of transverse Ca2+ release propagation in detubulated cardiomyocytes, rescued the depressed contractile force and the slower twitch kinetics of detubulated trabeculae, with negligible effects in controls. We conclude that partial loss of t-tubules leads to myocardial contractile abnormalities that can be rescued by enhancing and accelerating the propagation of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release to orphan RyR2 clusters.  相似文献   

Titin is a filamentous protein spanning the half-sarcomere, with spring-like properties in the I-band region. Various structural, signaling, and mechanical functions have been associated with titin, but not all of these are fully elucidated and accepted in the scientific community. Here, I discuss the primary mechanical functions of titin, including its accepted role in passive force production, stabilization of half-sarcomeres and sarcomeres, and its controversial contribution to residual force enhancement, passive force enhancement, energetics, and work production in shortening muscle. Finally, I provide evidence that titin is a molecular spring whose stiffness changes with muscle activation and actin–myosin-based force production, suggesting a novel model of force production that, aside from actin and myosin, includes titin as a “third contractile” filament. Using this three-filament model of sarcomeres, the stability of (half-) sarcomeres, passive force enhancement, residual force enhancement, and the decrease in metabolic energy during and following eccentric contractions can be explained readily.  相似文献   

Average muscle fibre conduction velocity (CV) measured with multichannel surface electrodes decreases with time during sustained isometric contraction. Based on this property, CV is considered a candidate for an objective index to localized muscular fatigue. CV, however, also depends on many other factors that include muscle temperature and voluntary contraction force. In this paper, the effect of contraction force on CV was studied by defining not only the target force level but also the whole force trajectory. The contraction was isometric and lasted 14 s. The target force was set at four levels from 30% to 90% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Three typical muscles were studied in seven healthy male subjects. In the vastus lateralis, CV increased with contraction force in many cases. In the biceps brachii, CV decreased rapidly with time before the contraction force reached the target levels of 70% or 90% MVC. At these force levels, CV was smaller than that at 50% MVC. CV in the biceps consequently showed no apparent dependence on the contraction force. The tibialis anterior showed intermediate change in CV between the vastus lateralis and the biceps brachii. These results indicate that CV basically increases with contraction force, but this relationship becomes unclear when CV decreases rapidly with time.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a force estimation model to compute the handgrip force from SEMG signal during fatiguing muscle contraction tasks. The appropriate frequency range was analyzed using various combinations of a wavelet scale, and the highest accuracy was achieved at a range from 242 to 365 Hz. After that, eight healthy individuals performed a series of static (70%, 50%, 30%, and 20% MVC) and dynamic (0–50% MVC) muscle contraction tasks to evaluate the performance of this technique in comparison with that of former method using the Root Mean Square of the SEMG signal. Both methods had comparable results at the beginning of the experiments, before the onset of muscle fatigue. However, differences were clearly observed as the degree of muscle fatigue began to increase toward the endurance time. Under this condition, the estimated handgrip force using the proposed method improved from 17% to 134% for static contraction tasks and 40% for dynamic contraction tasks. This study overcomes the limitation of the former method during fatiguing muscle contraction tasks and, therefore, unlocks the potential of utilizing the SEMG signal as an indirect force estimation method for various applications.  相似文献   

For each molecule of ATP hydrolyzed by the ATPase at the subfragment 1 of the heavy meromyosin, one H+ is produced and remains associated with the myosin heads until a contact with the G-actins of the I-filaments is established. This contact is brought about by the calcium ions released in the sarcomeres by the sarcoplasmic reticulum at the arrival of nerve impulses. A rapid flux of protons along the I-filaments towards the Z-membrane down the concentration gradient leads to the buildup of a diffusion potential which in turn causes a charge-compensating movement of the diffused cationic layer around the I-filaments in the opposite direction. The latter movement exerts a viscous drag on the actins and tends to move the I-filaments deeper into the inter-A-filament spaces towards the M-line. A consistent and straightforward theory of muscular contraction is developed on these lines. The value of the isometric tension in striated muscle fiber of frog at slack length calculated on the basis of this theory agrees well with the measured value.  相似文献   

In architecturally complex muscles with large attachment areas, it can be expected that during movement different muscle regions undergo different amounts of length excursions. As a consequence, the amount of passive force produced by the regions will differ. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that during movement the vector of the passive force of such a muscle, which defines the magnitude, position and orientation of the resultant force of the various regions, has no fixed position, between the muscle's center of origin and insertion. As a model for an architecturally complex muscle we used the masseter muscle. It was expected that during jaw opening anterior muscle regions are more stretched than posterior regions, leading to an anterior shift of the passive force vector. A three-component force transducer was used to measure both the position and magnitude of passive force in the masseter muscle of 9 rabbits. Forces were recorded during repeated cycles of stepwise opening and closure of the jaw. The muscle exhibited a clear hysteresis: passive force measured during jaw opening was larger than that during jaw closing. With an increase of the jaw gape there was an approximately exponential increase of the magnitude of the passive muscle force, while simultaneously the passive force vector shifted anteriorly. Moment arm length of passive force increased by about 100%. This anterior shift contributed substantially to the increase of the passive muscle moment generated during jaw opening. It can be concluded that in architecturally complex muscles the increase of the passive resistance moment which is associated with muscle lengthening might not only be due to an increase of the magnitude of passive muscle force but also to an increase of the moment arm of this force.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown an association of visual demands during near work and increased activity of the trapezius muscle. Those studies were conducted under stationary postural conditions with fixed gaze and artificial visual load. The present study investigated the relationship between ciliary muscle contraction force and trapezius muscle activity across individuals during performance of a natural dynamic motor task under free gaze conditions. Participants (N = 11) tracked a moving visual target with a digital pen on a computer screen. Tracking performance, eye refraction and trapezius muscle activity were continuously measured. Ciliary muscle contraction force was computed from eye accommodative response. There was a significant Pearson correlation between ciliary muscle contraction force and trapezius muscle activity on the tracking side (0.78, p < 0.01) and passive side (0.64, p < 0.05). The study supports the hypothesis that high visual demands, leading to an increased ciliary muscle contraction during continuous eye–hand coordination, may increase trapezius muscle tension and thus contribute to the development of musculoskeletal complaints in the neck–shoulder area. Further experimental studies are required to clarify whether the relationship is valid within each individual or may represent a general personal trait, when individuals with higher eye accommodative response tend to have higher trapezius muscle activity.  相似文献   

It is shown that the shape of mechanical relaxation time spectrum of single glycerinated rabbit fibre m. psoas changed with calcium concentration. When increasing Ca++ of the rate constant of delayed tension development increases several times in the absence of inorganic phosphate. Addition of 10 mM of inorganic phosphate increases this rate constant and sharply decreases its calcium dependence. These data are discussed in terms of possible connection between cross-bridges by means of ATPase reaction product-inorganic phosphate.  相似文献   

The newly discovered extensibility of actin and myosin filaments challenges the foundation of the theory of muscle mechanics. We have reformulated A. F. Huxley's sliding filament theory to explicitly take into account filament extensibility. During isometric force development, growing cross-bridge tractions transfer loads locally between filaments, causing them to extend and, therefore, to slide locally relative to one another. Even slight filament extensibility implies that 1) relative displacement between the two must be nonuniform along the region of filament overlap, 2) cross-bridge strain must vary systematically along the overlap region, and importantly, 3) the local shortening velocities, even at constant overall sarcomere length, reduce force below the level that would have developed if the filaments had been inextensible. The analysis shows that an extensible filament system with only two states (attached and detached) displays three important characteristics: 1) muscle stiffness leads force during force development; 2) cross-bridge stiffness is significantly higher than previously assessed by inextensible filament models; and 3) stiffness is prominently dissociated from the number of attached cross-bridges during force development. The analysis also implies that the local behavior of one myosin head must depend on the state of neighboring attachment sites. This coupling occurs exclusively through local sliding velocities, which can be significant, even during isometric force development. The resulting mechanical cooperativity is grounded in fiber mechanics and follows inevitably from filament extensibility.  相似文献   

Chemistry of muscle contraction   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

According to the cross-bridge theory, the steady-state isometric force of a muscle is given by the amount of actin-myosin filament overlap. However, it has been known for more than half a century that steady-state forces depend crucially on contractile history. Here, we examine history-dependent steady-state force production in view of the cross-bridge theory, available experimental evidence, and existing explanations for this phenomenon. This is done on various structural levels, ranging from the intact muscle to the myofibrillar and isolated contractile protein level, so that advantages and limitations of the various preparations can be fully exploited and overcome. Based on experimental evidence, we conclude that steady-state force following active muscle stretching is enhanced, and this enhancement has a passive and an active component. The active component is associated with the cross-bridge kinetics, and the passive component is associated with a calcium-dependent increase in titin stiffness.  相似文献   

Animals decerebrated at the precollicular-premammillary body level exhibit spontaneous locomotion without any artificial stimulation. Our laboratory reported that the cardiovascular and autonomic responses at the onset of spontaneous locomotor events are evoked by central command, generated from the caudal diencephalon and the brain stem (Matsukawa K, Murata J, and Wada T. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 275: H1115-H1121, 1998). In this study, we examined whether central command and/or a reflex resulting from muscle afferents modulates arterial baroreflex function using a decerebrate cat model. The baroreflex was evoked by stimulating the aortic depressor nerve (ADN) at the onset of spontaneous muscle contraction (to test the possible influence of central command) and during electrically evoked contraction or passive stretch (to test the possible influence of the muscle reflex). When the ADN was stimulated at rest, heart rate and arterial blood pressure decreased by 40 +/- 2 beats/min and 11 +/- 1 mmHg, respectively. The baroreflex bradycardia was attenuated to 55 +/- 4% at the onset of spontaneous contraction. The attenuating effect on the baroreflex bradycardia was not observed at the onset and middle of electrically evoked contraction or passive stretch. The depressor response to ADN stimulation was identical among resting and any muscle interventions. The inhibition of the baroreflex bradycardia during spontaneous contraction was seen after beta-adrenergic blockade but abolished by muscarinic blockade, suggesting that the bradycardia is mainly evoked through cardiac vagal outflow. We conclude that central command, produced within the caudal diencephalon and the brain stem, selectively inhibits the cardiac component, but not the vasomotor component, of the aortic baroreflex at the onset of spontaneous exercise.  相似文献   

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