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Muscles actuate movement by generating forces. The forces generated by muscles are highly dependent on their fibre lengths, yet it is difficult to measure the lengths over which muscle fibres operate during movement. We combined experimental measurements of joint angles and muscle activation patterns during walking with a musculoskeletal model that captures the relationships between muscle fibre lengths, joint angles and muscle activations for muscles of the lower limb. We used this musculoskeletal model to produce a simulation of muscle-tendon dynamics during walking and calculated fibre operating lengths (i.e. the length of muscle fibres relative to their optimal fibre length) for 17 lower limb muscles. Our results indicate that when musculotendon compliance is low, the muscle fibre operating length is determined predominantly by the joint angles and muscle moment arms. If musculotendon compliance is high, muscle fibre operating length is more dependent on activation level and force-length-velocity effects. We found that muscles operate on multiple limbs of the force-length curve (i.e. ascending, plateau and descending limbs) during the gait cycle, but are active within a smaller portion of their total operating range.  相似文献   

There are evidences to suggest that wearing footwear constrains the natural barefoot motion during locomotion. Unlike prior studies that deduced foot motions from shoe sole displacement parameters, the aim of this study was to examine the effect of footwear motion on forefoot to rearfoot relative motion during walking and running. The use of a multi-segment foot model allowed accurate both shoe sole and foot motions (barefoot and shod) to be quantified. Two pairs of identical sandals with different midsole hardness were used. Ten healthy male subjects walked and ran in each of the shod condition.The results showed that for barefoot locomotion there was more eversion of the forefoot and it occurred faster than for shod locomotion. In this later condition, the range of eversion was reduced by 20% and the rate of eversion in late stance by 60% in comparison to the barefoot condition. The sole constrained both the torsional (eversion/inversion) and adduction range of motion of the foot. Interestingly, during the push-off phase of barefoot locomotion the rate and direction of forefoot torsion varied between individuals. However, most subjects displayed a forefoot inversion direction of motion while shod. Therefore, this experiment showed that the shoes not only restricted the natural motion of the barefoot but also appeared to impose a specific foot motion pattern on individuals during the push-off phase. These findings have implications for the matching of footwear design characteristics to individual natural foot function.  相似文献   

One of the purposes of footwear is to assist locomotion, but some footwear types seem to restrict natural foot motion, which may affect the contribution of ankle plantar flexor muscles to propulsion. This study examined the effects of different footwear conditions on the activity of ankle plantar flexors during walking. Ten healthy habitually shod individuals walked overground in shoes, barefoot and in flip-flops while fine-wire electromyography (EMG) activity was recorded from flexor hallucis longus (FHL), soleus (SOL), and medial and lateral gastrocnemius (MG and LG) muscles. EMG signals were peak-normalised and analysed in the stance phase using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM). We found highly individual EMG patterns. Although walking with shoes required higher muscle activity for propulsion than walking barefoot or with flip-flops in most participants, this did not result in statistically significant differences in EMG amplitude between footwear conditions in any muscle (p > 0.05). Time to peak activity showed the lowest coefficient of variation in shod walking (3.5, 7.0, 8.0 and 3.4 for FHL, SOL, MG and LG, respectively). Future studies should clarify the sources and consequences of individual EMG responses to different footwear.  相似文献   

The EMG activity of upper limb muscles during human gait has rarely been studied previously. It was examined in 20 normal volunteers in four conditions: walking on a treadmill (1) with unrestrained natural arm swing (Normal), (2) while volitionally holding the arms still (Held), (3) with the arms immobilized (Bound), and (4) with the arms swinging in phase with the ipsilateral legs, i.e. opposite-to-normal phasing (Anti-Normal). Normal arm swing involved weak rhythmical lengthening and shortening contractions of arm and shoulder muscles. Phasic muscle activity was needed to keep the unrestricted arms still during walking (Held), indicating a passive component of arm swing. An active component, possibly programmed centrally, existed as well, because some EMG signals persisted when the arms were immobilized during walking (Bound). Anti-Normal gait involved stronger EMG activity than Normal walking and was uneconomical. The present results indicate that normal arm swing has both passive and active components.  相似文献   

Quantification of lower limb muscle function during gait or other common activities may be achieved using an induced acceleration analysis, which determines the contributions of individual muscles to the accelerations of the body's centre of mass. However, this analysis is reliant on a mathematical optimisation for the distribution of net joint moments among muscles. One approach that overcomes this limitation is the calculation of a muscle's potential to accelerate the centre of mass based on either a unit-force or maximum-activation assumption. Unit-force muscle potential accelerations are determined by calculating the accelerations induced by a 1 N muscle force, whereas maximum-activation muscle potential accelerations are determined by calculating the accelerations induced by a maximally activated muscle. The aim of this study was to describe the acceleration potentials of major lower limb muscles during normal walking obtained from these two techniques, and to evaluate the results relative to absolute (optimisation-based) muscle-induced accelerations. Dynamic simulations of walking were generated for 10 able-bodied children using musculoskeletal models, and potential- and absolute induced accelerations were calculated using a perturbation method. While the potential accelerations often correctly identified the major contributors to centre-of-mass acceleration, they were noticeably different in magnitude and timing from the absolute induced accelerations. Potential induced accelerations predicted by the maximum-activation technique, which accounts for the force-generating properties of muscle, were no more consistent with absolute induced accelerations than unit-force potential accelerations. The techniques described may assist treatment decisions through quantitative analyses of common gait abnormalities and/or clinical interventions.  相似文献   

During sporting events, injured athletes often return to competition after icing because of the reduction in pain. Although some controversy exists, several studies suggest that cryotherapy causes a decrease in muscle activity, which may lead to a higher risk of injury upon return to play. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a 20-min knee joint cryotherapy application on the electromyographic activity of leg muscles during a single-leg drop jump in twenty healthy subjects, randomly assigned to an experimental and a control group. After the pre-tests, a crushed-ice bag was applied to the knee joint of the experimental group subjects for 20 min, while the control group subjects rested for 20 min. All subjects were retested immediately after this period and retested again after another 20 min of rest. Average electromyographic activity and ground contact time were calculated for the pre- and post-test sessions. Decreases in electromyographic activity of the lower extremity musculature were found in pre-activation, eccentric (braking), and concentric (push-off) phases immediately after the icing, and after 20 min of rest. The results lend support to the suggestion that cryotherapy during sporting events may place the individuals in a vulnerable position.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of age on upper erector spinae (UES), lower erector spinae (LES) and lower body (gluteus maximus; biceps femoris; and vastus lateralis) muscle activity during a repetitive lifting task. Twenty-four participants were assigned to two age groups: ‘younger’ (n = 12; mean age ± SD = 24.6 ± 3.6 yrs) and ‘older’ (n = 12; mean age = 46.5 ± 3.0 yrs). Participants lifted and lowered a box (13 kg) repetitively at a frequency of 10 lifts per minute for a maximum of 20 min. EMG signals were collected every minute and normalised to a maximum voluntary isometric contraction. A submaximal endurance test of UES and LES was used to assess fatigue. Older participants showed higher levels of UES and LES muscle activity (approximately 12–13%) throughout the task, but less fatigue compared to the younger group post-task completion. When lifting, lower-limb muscle activity was generally higher in older adults, although temporal changes were similar. While increased paraspinal muscle activity may increase the risk of back injury in older workers when repetitive lifting, younger workers may be more susceptible to fatigue-related effects. Education and training in manual materials handling should consider age-related differences when developing training programmes.  相似文献   

Altering footwear worn during performance of the barbell back squat has been shown to change motion patterns, but it is not completely understood how this affects biomechanical loading demands. The primary objective was to compare lower back and extremity net joint moments in 24 experienced weightlifters (12M, 12F) who performed 80% one-repetition maximum back squats under three different footwear conditions (barefoot, running shoes, weightlifting shoes). Results showed that there was a significant main effect of footwear condition on the knee extension moment (p = 0.001), where the running and weightlifting shoes produced significantly larger moments than the barefoot condition. There was also a main effect of footwear condition on knee external rotation moments (p = 0.002), where the weightlifting shoe produced significantly larger moments than both other conditions. At the hip, there was also a main effect of footwear condition on the extension moment (p = 0.004), where the barefoot condition produced significantly larger moments than either the running shoe or weightlifting shoe condition. Lastly, there was also a significant main effect of footwear condition on both hip external (p = 0.005) and internal (p = 0.003) rotation moments, where the barefoot condition produced greater internal rotation and less external rotation moments than either shod condition. This study indicates that altering footwear conditions while performing the barbell back squat may redistribute the internal biomechanical loading patterns amongst the lower extremity joints and perhaps alter the musculoskeletal adaptations elicited.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate whether there was a difference in the electromyographic (EMG) activity of human shoulder muscles between the dominant and nondominant side during movement and to explore whether a possible side-difference depends on the specific task. We compared the EMG activity with surface and intramuscular electrodes in eight muscles of both shoulders in 20 healthy subjects whose hand preference was evaluated using a standard questionnaire. EMG signals were recorded during abduction and external rotation. During abduction, the normalized EMG activity was significantly smaller on the dominant side compared to the nondominant side for all the muscles except for infraspinatus and lower trapezius (P 相似文献   

BackgroundVariability in joint kinematics is necessary for adaptability and response to everyday perturbations; however, intrinsic neuromotor changes secondary to stroke often cause abnormal movement patterns. How these abnormal movement patterns relate to joint kinematic variability and its influence on post-stroke walking impairments is not well understood.ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the movement variability at the individual joint level in the paretic and non-paretic limbs of individuals post-stroke.MethodsSeven individuals with hemiparesis post-stroke walked on a treadmill for two minutes at their self-selected speed and the average speed of the six-minute walk test while kinematics were recorded using motion-capture. Variability in hip, knee, and ankle flexion/extension angles during walking were quantified with the Lyapunov exponent (LyE). Interlimb differences were evaluated.ResultsThe paretic side LyE was higher than the non-paretic side at both self-selected speed (Hip: 50%; Knee: 74%), and the average speed of the 6-min walk test (Hip: 15%; Knee: 93%).ConclusionDifferences in joint kinematic variability between limbs of persons post-stroke supports further study of the source of non-paretic limb deviations as well as the clinical implications of joint kinematic variability in persons post-stroke. The development of bilaterally-targeted post-stroke gait interventions to address variability in both limbs may promote improved outcomes.  相似文献   

A cytochemical study of acetylcholinesterase was done in the lower limb of the prenatal rat and in the gastrocnemius muscle of the postnatal rat. Between 15 and 17 days of gestation, mesenchymal cells constituting the muscle primordia are characterized by the presence of enzyme activity in their rough endoplasmic cisterns and nuclear envelopes, while those involved in the formation of the neocapillary and cartilage do not show enzyme activity. This suggests that mesenchymal cells destined to myogenic cells actively produce acetylcholinesterase in a limited period, which may play a role in cellular aggregation and fusion during the muscular morphogenesis. Cytochemical findings as to extensive networks of secondary synaptic folds of the neuromuscular junctions and invaginations of the sarcolemma in the extrasynaptic regions are also illustrated in the differentiating gastrocnemius muscles.  相似文献   

Reflex responses in the lower limbs were investigated using electromyographic and kinematic techniques in man walking on a treadmill. A momentary resistance was applied to one leg at three selected points in the step cycle. The responses to such stimuli, as well as the locomotor activity, were picked up electromyographically and displayed on a four channel oscilloscope. Four superficial muscles viz: gluteus medius, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris and tibialis anterior were studied in both ipsilateral and contralateral legs. In general it was found that the ipsilateral leg muscles produced a response throughout the step cycle regardless of whether the muscle was active or silent at the time the reflex occurred. In contrast, contralateral leg muscles showed a different pattern of response which depended on where the resistance was applied in the step cycle. The long reflex latency, of the order of 80 ms, was a consistent feature of the responses and suggests the possible involvement of supra-spinal pathways. The latencies for a particular muscle were identical on the ipsi- and contralateral sides. The durations of the swing and stance phases of the step cycle were also recorded but showed no change due to application of the resistance. In general, the results indicate that the body has the inherent ability to reinforce the ongoing locomotor muscle activity in response to external stimuli in order to maintain upright balanced walking.  相似文献   

To evaluate the characteristics of stereo-typed movement of the lower limb during treadmill walking, the step length and duration of 200 steps were monitored consecutively and calculated by means of a computerized system, consisting of a position sensor, shoes with foot switches and a minicomputer. Eleven male and 10 female subjects walked at various constant speeds ranging from 60-130 m.min-1. Mean, standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV) of the time-distance component at each speed were utilized for the assessment of stereotyped movement. When compared with males, females had a tendency to increase their speed by increasing their cadence. The difference of the walking pattern was specifically related to their height. The SD and CV of the time-distance component at a given speed were significantly greater in females than in males. Regression analyses revealed that in the relationship between the walking speeds and the SDs or CVs of the time-distance component, the significant quadratic equations could be fitted. The speed, at which the SD of step length was minimum, was estimated to be about 90 m.min-1 in both males and females. This was regarded as the free walking speed or as the walking speed resulting from a mechanically efficient step length which suited the subject's body size.  相似文献   

Assessment of intra-session repeatability of muscle activation pattern is of considerable relevance for research settings, especially when used to determine changes over time. However, the repeatability of lower limb muscles activation pattern during pedaling is not fully established. Thus, we tested the intra-session repeatability of the activation pattern of 10 lower limb muscles during a sub-maximal cycling exercise.Eleven triathletes participated to this study. The experimental session consisted in a reference sub-maximal cycling exercise (i.e. 150 W) performed before and after a 53-min simulated training session (mean power output = 200 ± 12 W). Repeatability of EMG patterns was assessed in terms of muscle activity level (i.e. RMS of the mean pedaling cycle and burst) and muscle activation timing (i.e. onset and offset of the EMG burst) for the 10 following lower limb muscles: gluteus maximus (GMax), semimembranosus (SM), Biceps femoris (BF), vastus medialis (VM), rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), gastrocnemius medianus (GM) and lateralis (GL), soleus (SOL) and tibialis anterior (TA).No significant differences concerning the muscle activation level were found between test and retest for all the muscles investigated. Only VM, SOL and TA showed significant differences in muscle activation timing parameters. Whereas ICC and SEM values confirmed this weak repeatability, cross-correlation coefficients suggest a good repeatability of the activation timing parameters for all the studied muscles.Overall, the main finding of this work is the good repeatability of the EMG pattern during pedaling both in term of muscle activity level and muscle activation timing.  相似文献   

There are minimal data describing the between-day repeatability of EMG measurements during running. Furthermore, there are no data characterising the repeatability of surface EMG measurement from the adductor muscles, during running or walking. The purpose of this study was to report on the consistency of EMG measurement for both running and walking across a comprehensive set of lower limb muscles, including adductor magnus, longus and gracilis. Data were collected from 12 lower limb muscles during overground running and walking on two separate days. The coefficient of multiple correlation (CMC) was used to quantify waveform similarity across the two sessions for signals normalised to either maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) or mean/peak signal magnitude. For running, the data showed good or excellent repeatability (CMC = 0.87–0.96) for all muscles apart from gracilis and biceps femoris using the MVIC method. Similar levels of repeatability were observed for walking. Importantly, using the peak/mean method as an alternative to the MVIC method, resulted in only marginal improvements in repeatability. The proposed protocol facilitated the collection of repeatable EMG data during running and walking and therefore could be used in future studies investigating muscle patterns during gait.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of position and pauses on muscle activity and fatigue during the task of ironing. Ten female participants performed the task of ironing in two different positions (standing and sitting) for 10?min each with a 1-min pause at the end of each task. Muscle activity and fatigue from the upper trapezium, anterior deltoid, and pectoralis major were analyzed using surface electromyography. The results showed that the positions had no significant influence on muscle activity; nevertheless, they had significant influence on muscular fatigue. In addition, the pauses were possibly beneficial in decreasing the muscle fatigue, but the results were not conclusive.  相似文献   

AimTo evaluate the activity of knee stabilizing muscles while using custom-made biomechanical footwear (BF) and to compare it when walking barefoot and with a knee brace (Unloader®).MethodsSeventeen healthy working-aged (mean age: 29 years; standard deviation: 8 years) individuals participated. The knee brace was worn on the right knee and BF in both legs. Surface electromyography (sEMG) data was recorded bilaterally from vastus medialis (VM), semitendinosus (ST), tibialis anterior (TA) and lateral gastrocnemius (LG) muscles during walking, and repeated-measures ANOVA with a post-hoc t-test was used to determine differences between the different walking modalities (barefoot, brace and BF).ResultsAveraged sEMG was significantly higher when walking with BF than barefoot or knee brace in the ST muscles, in the right LG, and left TA muscle. It was significantly lower when walking with the brace compared to barefoot in the right ST and LG muscles, and left TA muscle. Analysis of the ensemble-averaged sEMG profiles showed earlier activation of TA muscles when walking with BF compared to other walking modalities.ConclusionBF produced greater activation in evaluated lower leg muscles compared to barefoot walking. Thus BF may have an exercise effect in rehabilitation and further studies about its effectiveness are warranted.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate EMG signal features during fatigue and recovery at three locations of the vastus medialis and lateralis muscles. Surface EMG signals were detected from 10 healthy male subjects with six 8-electrode arrays located at 10%, 20%, and 30% of the distance from the medial (for vastus medialis) and lateral (vastus lateralis) border of the patella to the anterior superior spine of the pelvic. Subjects performed contractions at 40% and 80% of the maximal force (MVC) until failure to maintain the target force, followed by 20 2-s contractions at the same force levels every minute for 20 min (recovery). Average rectified value, mean power spectral frequency, and muscle fiber conduction velocity were estimated from the EMG signals in 10 epochs from the beginning of the contraction to task failure (time to task failure, mean ± SD, 70.7 ± 25.8 s for 40% MVC; 27.4 ± 16.8 s for 80% MVC) and from the 20 2 s time intervals during recovery. During the fatiguing contraction, the trend over time of EMG average rectified value depended on location for both muscles (P < 0.05). After 20-min recovery, mean frequency and conduction velocity of both muscles were larger than in the beginning of the fatigue task (P < 0.05) (supernormal values). Moreover, the trend over time of mean frequency during recovery was affected by location and conduction velocity values depended on location for both muscles (P < 0.05). The results indicate spatial dependency of EMG variables during fatigue and recovery and thus the necessity of EMG spatial sampling for global muscle assessment.  相似文献   

Background: There is growing evidence that stroke survivors can adapt and improve step length symmetry in the context of split-belt treadmill (SBT) walking. However, less knowledge exists about the strategies involved for such adaptations. This study analyzed lower limb muscle activity in individuals post-stroke related to SBT-induced changes in step length. Methods: Step length and surface EMG activity of six lower limb muscles were evaluated in individuals post-stroke (n = 16) during (adaptation) and after (after-effects) walking at unequal belt speeds. Results: During adaptation, significant increases in EMG activity were mainly found in proximal muscles (p  0.023), whereas after-effects were observed particularly in the distal muscles. The plantarflexor EMG increased after walking on the slow belt (p  0.023) and the dorsiflexors predominantly after walking on the fast belt (p  0.017) for both, non-paretic and paretic-fast conditions. Correlation analysis revealed that after-effects in step length were mainly associated with changes in distal paretic muscle activity (0.522  r  0.663) but not with functional deficits. Based on our results, SBT walking could be relevant for training individuals post-stroke who present shorter paretic step length combined with dorsiflexor weakness, or individuals with shorter nonparetic step length and plantarflexor weakness.  相似文献   

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