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The mid‐season crash in aphid populations: why and how does it occur?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract. 1. Aphid populations on agricultural crops in temperature regions collapse over a few days from peak numbers to local extinction soon after mid‐summer (e.g. mid‐July in the U.K.). The populations recover 6–8 weeks later. There is anecdotal or incidental evidence of an equivalent mid‐season population crash of aphids on grasses and forbs in natural vegetation. 2. The ecological factors causing the mid‐season population crash of aphids include a decline in plant nutritional quality and increased natural enemy pressure as the season progresses. Extreme weather events, e.g. severe rainstorms, can precipitate the crash but weather conditions are not a consistent contributory factor. 3. The population processes underlying the crash comprise enhanced emigration, especially by alate (winged) aphids, depressed performance resulting in reduced birth rates, and elevated mortality caused by natural enemies. 4. Mathematical models, previously applied to aphid populations on agricultural crops, have great potential for studies of aphid dynamics in natural vegetation. In particular, they can help identify the contribution of various ecological factors to the timing of the population crash and offer explanations for how slow changes in population processes can result in a rapid collapse of aphid populations.  相似文献   

Host recognition and use in female parasitoids strongly relies on host fidelity, a plastic behavior which can significantly restrict the host preferences of parasitoids, thus reducing the gene flow between parasitoid populations attacking different insect hosts. However, the effect of migrant males on the genetic differentiation of populations has been frequently ignored in parasitoids, despite its known impact on gene flow between populations. Hence, we studied the extent of gene flow mediated by female and male parasitoids by assessing sibship relationships among parasitoids within and between populations, and its impact on geographic and host‐associated differentiation in the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi. We report evidences of a high gene flow among parasitoid populations on different aphid hosts and geographic locations. The high gene flow among parasitoid populations was found to be largely male mediated, suggested by significant differences in the distribution of full‐sib and paternal half‐sib dyads of parasitoid populations.  相似文献   

King KC  Lively CM 《Heredity》2012,109(4):199-203
It is a commonly held view that genetically homogenous host populations are more vulnerable to infection than genetically diverse populations. The underlying idea, known as the 'monoculture effect,' is well documented in agricultural studies. Low genetic diversity in the wild can result from bottlenecks (that is, founder effects), biparental inbreeding or self-fertilization, any of which might increase the risk of epidemics. Host genetic diversity could buffer populations against epidemics in nature, but it is not clear how much diversity is required to prevent disease spread. Recent theoretical and empirical studies, particularly in Daphnia populations, have helped to establish that genetic diversity can reduce parasite transmission. Here, we review the present theoretical work and empirical evidence, and we suggest a new focus on finding 'diversity thresholds.'  相似文献   

Band  H. T.  Band  R. N.  Ives  P. T. 《Biochemical genetics》1984,22(5-6):551-566
LSP-1S is present in Michigan and Massachusetts Drosophila melanogaster natural populations. Its frequency, 10%, is significantly higher in an East Jordan, Mich. (latitude, 45.10° N), population than in East Lansing, Mich. (latitude 42.44° N), or Hadley, Mass. (latitude, 42.21° N), populations, where it averages 3% at each location. The average frequency of LSP-2S is more comparable, 6, 5, and 7% at East Jordan, East Lansing, and Hadley, respectively. LSP-1F variants are also present. A total of 342 single third-instar larvae was scored for LSP-1 autosomal variants, and 323 for LSP-2 variants. Each larva represented a newly established isofemale line from collections at East Jordan in 1981 and 1983, East Lansing in 1982, and Hadley in 1981, 1982, and 1983. Within localities, frequencies of hemolymph protein variants did not differ significantly between years. Proteins 9, 10, 11, and 15 correspond to the LSP-1, , and triplet and LSP-2 polypeptide in D. melanogaster. Our results together with those of Singh and Coulthart [(1982). Genetics 102:437] indicate that D. melanogaster populations in north temperate climates maintain considerable genetic heterogeneity for the larval hemolymph proteins.  相似文献   

The polymorphism of genes and enzymes involved in the last two steps of monolignol synthesis is examined in the light of recent data coming from genomic studies and mutant/transformant analyses. The two catalytic activities considered--cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR) and cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD)--are encoded by small multigene families. While some degree of diversification can be noted at the sequence level, it is often difficult to use this information to assign substrate specificities to each member of a gene family. Expression profiles, however, suggest for both CAD and CCR the existence of two sub-families: one devoted to developmental lignification, and the other involved in the synthesis of defence-related compounds.  相似文献   


The eastern part of the Black Sea and its tributaries are suitable habitats for several sturgeon species, among which Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, A. stellatus, A. nudiventris, A. persicus, A. sturio, and H. huso are well documented. However, different threats have led these species to a dramatic decline, all of them are currently listed as Critically Endangered, and some Locally Extinct, in that area. We tested 94 wild sturgeon samples from the Black Sea and Rioni River by analyzing the mitochondrial Control Region and nuclear markers for hybrid identification. The data analyses (1) assessed mitochondrial diversity among samples, (2) identified their species, as well as (3) indicated instances of hybridization. The data collected, besides confirming a sharp decrease of catches of Beluga and Stellate sturgeon in recent years, also revealed four juvenile hybrids between Russian and Stellate sturgeon, providing the first evidence of natural interspecific hybridization in the Rioni. The present communication raises concerns about the status of sturgeon species in this area and underlines the urgent need for conservation programs to restore self-sustaining populations.


We have examined the interconversion of cortisone (E) and cortisol (F) in rat lung homogenate and microsomal fraction and in the isolated rat lung perfused with Krebs bicarbonate solution containing 4.5% albumin. In the perfused lung the apparent Km was 5.1 μM E and the Vmax was 9nmol·g−1 · min−1. The ability of the lung to reduce E to F was enhanced both by 7 days prior exposure of the rat to an ambient temperature of 2°C and by starvation of the rat for 3 days. The activity was inhibited by adrenalectomy and castration of 7 days duration. Whereas little steroid oxidation occurred in the perfused lung, preparations of lung homogenatcs and microsomal fraction readily reduced or oxidised the 11-position of the corticoid molecule depending on the preponderance of either NADPH or NADP, respectively. We conclude, that the predominance of the reductive reaction in the whole rat lung under physiological conditions reflects the very active pentose-phosphate shunt in the lung, which produces NADPH. We suggest that this ability of the lung to activate E to F may exert a fine control over the arterial concentrtion of unbound, physiologically active, 11-hydroxylated steroid.  相似文献   

The typical life cycle of aphids includes several parthenogenetic generations and a single sexual generation (cyclical parthenogenesis), but some species or populations are totally asexual (obligate parthenogenesis). Genetic variability is generally low in these asexually reproducing populations, that is, few genotypes are spread over large geographic areas. Both genetic drift and natural selection are often invoked to account for this low genetic variability. The peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae, which encompasses both cyclical and obligate parthenogens, has developed several insecticide resistance mechanisms as a consequence of intense insecticide use since the 1950s. We collected asexually reproducing M. persicae from oilseed rape and examined genetic variability at eight microsatellite loci and three insecticide resistance genes to determine whether their genetic structure was driven by drift and/or selection. We identified only 16 multilocus microsatellite genotypes among 255 individuals. One clone, which combined two insecticide resistance mechanisms, was frequently detected in all populations whatever their location over a large geographical area (the northern half of France). These unexpected findings suggest that drift is not the unique cause of this low variability. Instead, the intensification of both insecticide treatments and oilseed rape cultivation may have favored a few genotypes. Thus, we propose that selective pressures resulting from human activities have considerably modified the genetic structure of M. persicae populations in northern France in a relatively short period of time.  相似文献   

Since the gene encoding the malarial circumsporozoite surface protein was characterized a decade ago, the corresponding protein has been considered an important vaccine candidate. Victoria Mann, Michael Good and Allan Saul here discuss molecular variation in the circumsporozoite surface protein of Plasmodium vivax in this context. There is still doubt about the degree and importance of polymorphisms in non-repetitive regions of the molecule. The degree of polymorphisms and data on naturally occurring protective responses suggests there has been minimal immunological pressure; the authors contend that antigenic diversity is unlikely to be a major factor in the use of this antigen as a vaccine for P. vivax.  相似文献   

Whether a stimulus is perceived is suggested to depend on the amount or strength of the sensory signal. This idea has received support from a recent study which found that, when neural activation in the frontal eye fields was boosted by magnetic stimulation, the observers' detection performance on a visual task improved.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that time plasticity (parameterd from 3-D modeling) is influenced by tableting speed. Tablets were produced at different maximum relative densities (ϱrel,max) on an instrumented eccentric tableting machine and on a linear rotary tableting machine replicator. Some 3-D data plots were prepared using pressure, normalized time, and porosity according to Heckel. After fitting of a twisted plane, the resulting parameters were analyzed in a 3-D parameter plot. The materials used were dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD), spray-dried lactose, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), κ-carrageenan (CAR), and theophylline monohydrate (TheoM). The results show that tableting speed especially influences the parameterd (time plasticity) of the 3-D model for plastically and viscoelastically deforming materials such as MCC, HPMC, CAR, and TheoM. For more plastically deforming materials such as MCC, HPMC, and TheoM, a subtle influence on ω is also visible. The stages of higher densification are affected more than the stages of lower densification. Brittle materials such as DCPD exhibit no influence of tableting speed. The influence of speed on spray-dried lactose is minor. The results are valid for data obtained from an eccentric tableting machine and also for data from a linear rotary tableting machine replicator. Thus, the empirically derived parameter time plasticityd really represents the influence of time.  相似文献   

Initiation of insect outbreaks is poorly understood, and may involve sporadic events that temporarily release insect populations from predation or parasitism. While studying a declining outbreak of the western tussock moth (Orgyia vetusta) on bush lupine (Lupinus arboreus), we witnessed the onset of a new tussock moth outbreak, separated by 1,000 m in space and 2 months in phenological timing from the original population. This new population underwent explosive growth for 2 years and then collapsed because of a massive die-off of lupines. We tested whether during its growth phase, this new outbreak benefited by escaping in either space or time from the natural enemies attacking the original population. In experimental populations on single bushes, we compared predation and parasitism at the sites of the new and the old outbreak. At the site of the old outbreak, we compared predation and parasitism early and late in the season. Parasitism was significantly lower and population growth significantly higher at the new outbreak site than the old one. Neither seasonal timing, predator exclusion, nor their interaction significantly affected survival at either site. Thus the new outbreak appeared to escape in space from parasitism. These results corroborate our previous experimental findings, which suggest that as predicted by theory, the interaction between the tussock moth and its parasitoids can produce large-scale spatial patterning in population densities.  相似文献   

Even though it is well known that electromyography (EMG) characteristics are influenced by electrode placement it is common to use a single pair of sensors per muscle for EMG. This study was designed to determine if the ability to distinguish between contraction conditions was influenced by sensor location. Subjects (n = 10; 27+/-5.3 years; 82+/-13.4 kg; 178+/-7.1 cm) completed six elbow flexor conditions: three isometric contraction intensities (100% maximum effort, 80%, 50%) and three isotonic contraction intensities (heavy weight, 80% and 50% of the weight). Three pairs of electrodes were placed centrally, medially and laterally on the biceps brachii belly in line with the muscle fibers. Isometric contractions were held for 5s, with the middle 3 s analyzed. Isotonic exercises included five repetitions of elbow flexion-extension, with the middle three repetitions analyzed. Average EMG (EMG(AVG)), root mean square EMG (EMG(RMS)) and mean power frequency (MPF) were calculated for each extracted data set. Dependent variables were analyzed using 2 (contraction type) x 3 (intensity) repeated measures ANOVAs per sensor. EMG(AVG) was influenced by the interaction between contraction type and intensity for all sensors (p < 0.05). EMG(RMS) as well as MPF were influenced by the interaction between contraction type and intensity for the lateral and central leads (p < 0.05) but not the medial leads (p > 0.05). Different conclusions could have been reached from the same experiment due to different sensor locations. These differences were primarily related to comparing contraction types (i.e., isotonic vs. isometric).  相似文献   

New?Zealand has a long-standing statutory policy goal to preserve the natural character of the coastal environment and various freshwater environments and their margins. In the absence of an authoritative definition, it has not been possible to develop a method to measure natural character and its change, nor the outcomes of the long-standing national policy goal. Here we develop a definition of natural character that is relevant and useful in the New?Zealand environmental, cultural and legal/policy context. Literature-derived interpretations of natural character and equivalent concepts are evaluated as to their potential suitability for developing a biophysical definition of natural character. Using a set of carefully designed criteria a subset of interpretations are condensed into a definition of natural character. The application of this definition is qualified following consideration of the literature addressing human perception and experiences of natural character. Appropriate reference conditions and baselines for evaluating natural character in different contexts are discussed.  相似文献   

W. C. McGrew 《Human Evolution》1998,13(3-4):209-220
Behavioral differences exist among populations of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes, Hominoidea) across Africa. Deciding if these are cross-cultural differences demands careful interpretation and rigorous scrutiny. Even standard patterns like social grooming may show variation in detail between neighboring populations. Some patterns of tool use, such as using hammers to crack nuts, also vary across far western Africa. At least 37 populations of free-ranging chimpanzees show tool use, and 14 show at least one habitual pattern of tool use. Regional differences exist among the three subspecies or geographical races of chimpanzees. Convincing empirical demonstration of social customs and traditions in non-human species is problematical, and even something so simple in principle as innovation is hard to show in practice. However, culture need not depend on imitation, teaching, or language, either in humans or in other species.  相似文献   

The temporal mismatch hypothesis suggests that fitness is related to the degree of temporal synchrony between the energetic needs of the offspring and their food supply. The hypothesis has been a basis in studying the influence of climate warming on nature. This study enhances the knowledge on prevalence of temporal mismatches and their consequences in boreal populations, and questions the role of the temporal mismatch hypothesis as the principal explanation for the evolution of timing of breeding. To test this, we examined if synchrony with caterpillar prey or timing of breeding per se better explains reproductive output in North European parid populations. We compared responses of temperate-origin species, the great tit (Parus major) and the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus), and a boreal species, the willow tit (Poecile montanus). We found that phenologies of caterpillars and great tits, but not of blue tits, have advanced during the past decades. Phenologies correlated with spring temperatures that may function as cues about the timing of the food peak for great and blue tits. The breeding of great and blue tits and their caterpillar food remained synchronous. Synchrony explained breeding success better than timing of breeding alone. However, the synchrony effect arose only in certain conditions, such as with high caterpillar abundances or high breeding densities. Breeding before good synchrony seems advantageous at high latitudes, especially in the willow tit. Thus, the temporal mismatch hypothesis appears insufficient in explaining the evolution of timing of breeding.  相似文献   

Small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering, dynamic light scattering, X-ray diffraction coupled with differential scanning calorimetry, and Raman spectroscopy were applied to investigate unilamellar (ULVs) and multilamellar (MLVs) dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) vesicles in aqueous sucrose solutions with sucrose concentrations from 0 to 60% w/w. In case of ULVs, the addition of sucrose decreases the polydispersity of vesicle population. A minimum value of polydispersity was found at 20% sucrose. For sucrose concentration from 0 to 35% oligolamellar vesicles in the ULV population have a minimum presence. Vesicles with 5-10% sucrose exhibit the best stability in time. For the case of MLVs, sucrose influences the temperature of the phase transitions, but the internal membrane structure remains unchanged.  相似文献   

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