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Pdr5 is the founding member of a large subfamily of evolutionarily distinct, clinically important fungal ABC transporters containing a characteristic, deviant ATP-binding site with altered Walker A, Walker B, Signature (C-loop), and Q-loop residues. In contrast to these motifs, the D-loops of the two ATP-binding sites have similar sequences, including a completely conserved aspartate residue. Alanine substitution mutants in the deviant Walker A and Signature motifs retain significant, albeit reduced, ATPase activity and drug resistance. The D-loop residue mutants D340A and D1042A showed a striking reduction in plasma membrane transporter levels. The D1042N mutation localized properly had nearly WT ATPase activity but was defective in transport and was profoundly hypersensitive to Pdr5 substrates. Therefore, there was a strong uncoupling of ATPase activity and drug efflux. Taken together, the properties of the mutants suggest an additional, critical intradomain signaling role for deviant ATP-binding sites.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (P-gp, ABCB1) is an ATP-binding cassette drug pump that protects us from toxic compounds and confers multidrug resistance. Each homologous half contains a transmembrane domain with six transmembrane segments followed by a nucleotide-binding domain (NBD). The drug- and ATP-binding sites reside at the interface between the transmembrane domain and NBDs, respectively. Drug binding activates ATPase activity by an unknown mechanism. There is no high resolution structure of human P-gp, but homology models based on the crystal structures of bacterial, mouse, and Caenorhabditis elegans ATP-binding cassette drug pumps yield both open (NBDs apart) and closed (NBDs together) conformations. Molecular dynamics simulations predict that the NBDs can be separated over a range of distances (over 20 Å). To determine the distance that show high or low ATPase activity, we cross-linked reporter cysteines L175C (N-half) and N820C (C-half) with cross-linkers of various lengths that separated the halves between 6 and 30 Å (α-carbons). We observed that ATPase activity increased over 10-fold when the cysteines were cross-linked at distances between 6 and 19 Å, although cross-linking at distances greater than 20 Å yielded basal levels of activity. The results suggest that the ATPase activation switch appears to be turned on or off when L175C/N820 are clamped at distances less than or greater than 20 Å, respectively. We predict that the high/low ATPase activity switch may occur at a distance where the NBDs are predicted in molecular dynamic simulations to undergo pronounced twisting as they approach each other (Wise, J. G. (2012) Biochemistry 51, 5125–5141).  相似文献   

Polar auxin movement is a primary regulator of programmed and plastic plant development. Auxin transport is highly regulated at the cellular level and is mediated by coordinated transport activity of plasma membrane-localized PIN, ABCB, and AUX1/LAX transporters. The activity of these transporters has been extensively analyzed using a combination of pharmacological inhibitors, synthetic auxins, and knock-out mutants in Arabidopsis. However, efforts to analyze auxin-dependent growth in other species that are less tractable to genetic manipulation require more selective inhibitors than are currently available. In this report, we characterize the inhibitory activity of 5-alkoxy derivatives of indole 3-acetic acid and 7-alkoxy derivatives of naphthalene 1-acetic acid, finding that the hexyloxy and benzyloxy derivatives act as potent inhibitors of auxin action in plants. These alkoxy-auxin analogs inhibit polar auxin transport and tropic responses associated with asymmetric auxin distribution in Arabidopsis and maize. The alkoxy-auxin analogs inhibit auxin transport mediated by AUX1, PIN, and ABCB proteins expressed in yeast. However, these analogs did not inhibit or activate SCF(TIR1) auxin signaling and had no effect on the subcellular trafficking of PIN proteins. Together these results indicate that alkoxy-auxins are inactive auxin analogs for auxin signaling, but are recognized by PIN, ABCB, and AUX1 auxin transport proteins. Alkoxy-auxins are powerful new tools for analyses of auxin-dependent development.  相似文献   

The human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, P-glycoprotein (P-gp; ABCB1), mediates the ATP-dependent efflux of a variety of drugs. As a result, P-gp plays a critical role in tumor cell drug resistance and the pharmacokinetic properties of most drugs. P-gp exhibits extraordinary substrate and inhibitor promiscuity, resulting in a wide range of possible drug-drug interactions. Inhibitory antibodies have long been considered as a possible strategy to modulate P-gp-dependent cancer cell drug resistance, and it is widely suggested that the antibodies MRK16 and UIC2 inhibit P-gp by capturing a single isoform and preventing flux through the catalytic cycle. Although the crystal structures of many bacterial whole transporters, as well as isolated nucleotide-binding domains, have been solved, high resolution structural data for mammalian ABC transporters are currently lacking. It has been extremely difficult to determine the detailed mechanism of transport of P-gp, in part because it is difficult to obtain purified protein in well defined lipid systems. Here we exploit surface plasmon resonance (SPR) to probe conformational changes associated with these intermediate states for P-gp in lipid bilayer nanodiscs. The results indicate that P-gp in nanodiscs undergoes functionally relevant ligand-dependent conformational changes and that previously described inhibitory antibodies bind to multiple nucleotide-bound states but not the ADP-VO(4)-trapped state, which mimics the post-hydrolysis state. The results also suggest that the substrate drug vinblastine is released at stages that precede or follow the post-hydrolysis ADP-PO(4)·P-gp complex.  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) transport is vital for maintenance of intracellular and extracellular redox balance. Only a few human proteins have been identified as transporters of GSH, glutathione disulfide (GSSG) and/or GSH conjugates (GS-X). Human epithelial MDA1586, A549, H1975, H460, HN4, and H157 cell lines were exposed to 2′,5′-dihydroxychalcone, which induces a GSH efflux response. A real-time gene superarray for 84 proteins found in families that have a known role in GSH, GSSG, and/or GS-X transport was employed to help identify potential GSH transporters. ABCG2 was identified as the only gene in the array that closely corresponded with the magnitude of 2′,5′-dihydroxychalcone (2′,5′-DHC)-induced GSH efflux. The role of human ABCG2 as a novel GSH transporter was verified in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae galactose-inducible gene expression system. Yeast expressing human ABCG2 had 2.5-fold more extracellular GSH compared with those not expressing ABCG2. GSH efflux in ABCG2-expressing yeast was abolished by the ABCG2 substrate methotrexate (10 μm), indicating competitive inhibition. In contrast, 2′,5′-DHC treatment of ABCG2-expressing yeast increased extracellular GSH levels in a dose-dependent manner with a maximum 3.5-fold increase in GSH after 24 h. In addition, suppression of ABCG2 with short hairpin RNA or ABCG2 overexpression in human epithelial cells decreased or increased extracellular GSH levels, respectively. Our data indicate that ABCG2 is a novel GSH transporter.  相似文献   

The P-glycoprotein (P-gp, ABCB1) drug pump protects us from toxic compounds and confers multidrug resistance. Each of the homologous halves of P-gp is composed of a transmembrane domain (TMD) with 6 TM segments followed by a nucleotide-binding domain (NBD). The predicted drug- and ATP-binding sites reside at the interface between the TMDs and NBDs, respectively. Crystal structures and EM projection images suggest that the two halves of P-gp are separated by a central cavity that closes upon binding of nucleotide. Binding of drug substrates may induce further structural rearrangements because they stimulate ATPase activity. Here, we used disulfide cross-linking with short (8 Å) or long (22 Å) cross-linkers to identify domain-domain interactions that activate ATPase activity. It was found that cross-linking of cysteines that lie close to the LSGGQ (P517C) and Walker A (I1050C) sites of NBD1 and NBD2, respectively, as well as the cytoplasmic extensions of TM segments 3 (D177C or L175C) and 9 (N820C) with a short cross-linker activated ATPase activity over 10-fold. A pyrylium compound that inhibits ATPase activity blocked cross-linking at these sites. Cross-linking between the NBDs was not inhibited by tariquidar, a drug transport inhibitor that stimulates P-gp ATPase activity but is not transported. Cross-linking between extracellular cysteines (T333C/L975C) predicted to lock P-gp into a conformation that prevents close NBD association inhibited ATPase activity. The results suggest that trapping P-gp in a conformation in which the NBDs are closely associated likely mimics the structural rearrangements caused by binding of drug substrates that stimulate ATPase activity.  相似文献   

The polytopic 5-domain multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1) extrudes a variety of drugs and organic anions across the plasma membrane. Four charged residues in the fifth cytoplasmic loop (CL5) connecting transmembrane helix 9 (TM9) to TM10 are critical for stable expression of MRP1 at the plasma membrane. Thus Ala substitution of Lys(513), Lys(516), Glu(521), and Glu(535) all cause misfolding of MRP1 and target the protein for proteasome-mediated degradation. Of four chemical chaperones tested, 4-phenylbutyric acid (4-PBA) was the most effective at restoring expression of MRP1 mutants K513A, K516A, E521A, and E535A. However, although 4-PBA treatment of K513A resulted in wild-type protein levels (and activity), the same treatment had little or no effect on the expression of K516A. On the other hand, 4-PBA treatment allowed both E521A and E535A to exit the endoplasmic reticulum and be stably expressed at the plasma membrane. However, the 4-PBA-rescued E535A mutant exhibited decreased transport activity associated with reduced substrate affinity and conformational changes in both halves of the transporter. By contrast, E521A exhibited reduced transport activity associated with alterations in the mutant interactions with ATP as well as a distinct conformational change in the COOH-proximal half of MRP1. These findings illustrate the critical and complex role of CL5 for stable expression of MRP1 at the plasma membrane and more specifically show the differential importance of Glu(521) and Glu(535) in interdomain interactions required for proper folding and assembly of MRP1 into a fully transport competent native structure.  相似文献   

Two novel regulatory motifs, LDEVFL and C-terminal regulatory Glu (E)-rich motif (CREEM), are identified in the extreme C terminus of the ABC protein DrrA, which is involved in direct interaction with the N-terminal cytoplasmic tail of the membrane protein DrrB and in homodimerization of DrrA. Disulfide cross-linking analysis showed that the CREEM and the region immediately upstream of CREEM participate directly in forming an interaction interface with the N terminus of DrrB. A series of mutations created in the LDEVFL and CREEM motifs drastically affected overall function of the DrrAB transporter. Mutations in the LDEVFL motif also significantly impaired interaction between the C terminus of DrrA and the N terminus of DrrB as well as the ability of DrrA and DrrB to co-purify, therefore suggesting that the LDEVFL motif regulates CREEM-mediated interaction between DrrA and DrrB and plays a key role in biogenesis of the DrrAB complex. Modeling analysis indicated that the LDEVFL motif is critical for conformational integrity of the C-terminal domain of DrrA and confirmed that the C terminus of DrrA forms an independent domain. This is the first report which describes the presence of an assembly domain in an ABC protein and uncovers a novel mechanism whereby the ABC component facilitates the assembly of the membrane component. Homology sequence comparisons showed the presence of the LDEVFL and CREEM motifs in close prokaryotic and eukaryotic homologs of DrrA, suggesting that these motifs may play a similar role in other homologous drug and lipid export systems.  相似文献   

Secretion of the Escherichia coli toxin hemolysin A (HlyA) is catalyzed by the membrane protein complex HlyB-HlyD-TolC and requires a secretion sequence located within the last 60 amino acids of HlyA. The Hly translocator complex exports a variety of passenger proteins when fused N-terminal to this secretion sequence. However, not all fusions are secreted efficiently. Here, we demonstrate that the maltose binding protein (MalE) lacking its natural export signal and fused to the HlyA secretion signal is poorly secreted by the Hly system. We anticipated that folding kinetics might be limiting secretion, and we therefore introduced the "folding" mutation Y283D. Indeed this mutant fusion protein was secreted at a much higher level. This level was further enhanced by the introduction of a second MalE folding mutation (V8G or A276G). Secretion did not require the molecular chaperone SecB. Folding analysis revealed that all mutations reduced the refolding rate of the substrate, whereas the unfolding rate was unaffected. Thus, the efficiency of secretion by the Hly system is dictated by the folding rate of the substrate. Moreover, we demonstrate that fusion proteins defective in export can be engineered for secretion while still retaining function.  相似文献   

The P-glycoprotein (P-gp) drug pump (ABCB1) has two transmembrane domains and two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs). Coupling of the drug-binding sites in the transmembrane domains to the NBDs occurs through interaction of the intracellular helices (IHs) with residues in the NBDs (IH1/IH4/NBD1 and IH2/IH3/NBD2). We showed previously that cross-linking of cysteines in IH3 and IH1 with a short cross-linker mimicked drug binding as it activated P-gp ATPase activity. Here we show that residue A259C(IH2) could be directly cross-linked to W803C(IH3). Cross-linking was inhibited by the presence of ATP and adenosine 5′-(β,γ-imino)triphosphate but not by ADP. Cross-linking of mutant A259C/W803C inhibited its verapamil-stimulated ATPase activity mutant, but activity was restored after addition of dithiothreitol. Because these residues are close to the ball-and-socket joint A266C(IH2)/Phe1086(NBD2), we mutated the adjacent Tyr1087(NBD2) close to IH3. Mutants Y1087A and Y1087L, but not Y1087F, were misprocessed, and all inhibited ATPase activity. Mutation of hydrophobic residues (F793A, L797A, L814A, and L818A) flanking IH3 also inhibited maturation. The results suggest that these residues, together with Trp803 and Phe804, form a large hydrophobic pocket. The results show that there is an important hydrophobic network at the IH2/IH3/NBD2 transmission interface that is critical for folding and activity of P-gp.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter ABCB6 is a mitochondrial porphyrin transporter that activates porphyrin biosynthesis. ABCB6 lacks a canonical mitochondrial targeting sequence but reportedly traffics to other cellular compartments such as the plasma membrane. How ABCB6 reaches these destinations is unknown. In this study, we show that endogenous ABCB6 is glycosylated in multiple cell types, indicating trafficking through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and has only one atypical site for glycosylation (NXC) in its amino terminus. ABCB6 remained glycosylated when the highly conserved cysteine (Cys-8) was substituted with serine to make a consensus site, NXS. However, this substitution blocked ER exit and produced ABCB6 degradation, which was mostly reversed by the proteasomal inhibitor MG132. The amino terminus of ABCB6 has an additional highly conserved ER luminal cysteine (Cys-26). When Cys-26 was mutated alone or in combination with Cys-8, it also resulted in instability and ER retention. Further analysis revealed that these two cysteines form a disulfide bond. We discovered that other ABC transporters with an amino terminus in the ER had similarly configured conserved cysteines. This analysis led to the discovery of a disease-causing mutation in the sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1)/ABCC8 from a patient with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia. The mutant allele only contains a mutation in a conserved amino-terminal cysteine, producing SUR1 that fails to reach the cell surface. These results suggest that for ABC transporters the propensity to form a disulfide bond in the ER defines a unique checkpoint that determines whether a protein is ER-retained.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial ATP binding cassette transporter ABCB6 has been associated with a broad range of physiological functions, including growth and development, therapy-related drug resistance, and the new blood group system Langereis. ABCB6 has been proposed to regulate heme synthesis by shuttling coproporphyrinogen III from the cytoplasm into the mitochondria. However, direct functional information of the transport complex is not known. To understand the role of ABCB6 in mitochondrial transport, we developed an in vitro system with pure and active protein. ABCB6 overexpressed in HEK293 cells was solubilized from mitochondrial membranes and purified to homogeneity. Purified ABCB6 showed a high binding affinity for MgATP (Kd = 0.18 μm) and an ATPase activity with a Km of 0.99 mm. Reconstitution of ABCB6 into liposomes allowed biochemical characterization of the ATPase including (i) substrate-stimulated ATPase activity, (ii) transport kinetics of its proposed endogenous substrate coproporphyrinogen III, and (iii) transport kinetics of substrates identified using a high throughput screening assay. Mutagenesis of the conserved lysine to alanine (K629A) in the Walker A motif abolished ATP hydrolysis and substrate transport. These results suggest a direct interaction between mitochondrial ABCB6 and its transport substrates that is critical for the activity of the transporter. Furthermore, the simple immunoaffinity purification of ABCB6 to near homogeneity and efficient reconstitution of ABCB6 into liposomes might provide the basis for future studies on the structure/function of ABCB6.  相似文献   

The fungal ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter Cdr1 protein (Cdr1p), responsible for clinically significant drug resistance, is composed of two transmembrane domains (TMDs) and two nucleotide binding domains (NBDs). We have probed the nature of the drug binding pocket by performing systematic mutagenesis of the primary sequences of the 12 transmembrane segments (TMSs) found in the TMDs. All mutated proteins were expressed equally well and localized properly at the plasma membrane in the heterologous host Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but some variants differed significantly in efflux activity, substrate specificity, and coupled ATPase activity. Replacement of the majority of the amino acid residues with alanine or glycine yielded neutral mutations, but about 42% of the variants lost resistance to drug efflux substrates completely or selectively. A predicted three-dimensional homology model shows that all the TMSs, apart from TMS4 and TMS10, interact directly with the drug-binding cavity in both the open and closed Cdr1p conformations. However, TMS4 and TMS10 mutations can also induce total or selective drug susceptibility. Functional data and homology modeling assisted identification of critical amino acids within a drug-binding cavity that, upon mutation, abolished resistance to all drugs tested singly or in combinations. The open and closed Cdr1p models enabled the identification of amino acid residues that bordered a drug-binding cavity dominated by hydrophobic residues. The disposition of TMD residues with differential effects on drug binding and transport are consistent with a large polyspecific drug binding pocket in this yeast multidrug transporter.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (Pgp), a member of the ABC transporter family, functions as an ATP hydrolysis-driven efflux pump to rid the cell of toxic organic compounds, including a variety of drugs used in anti-cancer chemotherapy. We have recently obtained EM projection images of lipid-bound Pgp without nucleotide and transport substrate that showed the two halves of the transporter separated by a central cavity (Lee, J. Y., Urbatsch, I. L., Senior, A. E., and Wilkens, S. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 40125-40131). Addition of nucleotide and/or substrate lead to a close association of the two halves of the transporter, thereby closing the central cavity (Lee, J. Y., Urbatsch, I. L., Senior, A. E., and Wilkens, S. (2008) J. Biol. Chem. 283, 5769-5779). Here, we used cysteine-mediated disulfide cross-linking to further delineate the structural rearrangements of the two nucleotide binding domains (NBD1 and NBD2) that take place during catalysis. Cysteines introduced at or near the C-terminal ends of NBD1 and NBD2 allowed for spontaneous disulfide cross-linking under nonreducing conditions. For mutant A627C/S1276C, disulfide formation was with high efficiency and cross-linked Pgp retained 30-68% drug-stimulated ATPase activity compared with reduced or cysteine-less Pgp. Two other cysteine pairs (K615C/S1276C and A627C/K1260C) also formed a disulfide but to a lesser extent, and the cross-linked form of these two mutants had lower drug-stimulated ATPase activity. The data suggest that the C-terminal ends of the two NBDs of Pgp are not required to undergo significant motion with respect to one another during the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is an ATP binding cassette transporter that effluxes a variety of structurally diverse compounds including anticancer drugs. Computational models of human P-gp in the apo- and nucleotide-bound conformation show that the adenine group of ATP forms hydrogen bonds with the conserved Asp-164 and Asp-805 in intracellular loops 1 and 3, respectively, which are located at the interface between the nucleotide binding domains and transmembrane domains. We investigated the role of Asp-164 and Asp-805 residues by substituting them with cysteine in a cysteine-less background. It was observed that the D164C/D805C mutant, when expressed in HeLa cells, led to misprocessing of P-gp, which thus failed to transport the drug substrates. The misfolded protein could be rescued to the cell surface by growing the cells at a lower temperature (27 °C) or by treatment with substrates (cyclosporine A, FK506), modulators (tariquidar), or small corrector molecules. We also show that short term (4–6 h) treatment with 15 μm cyclosporine A or FK506 rescues the pre-formed immature protein trapped in the endoplasmic reticulum in an immunophilin-independent pathway. The intracellularly trapped misprocessed protein associates more with chaperone Hsp70, and the treatment with cyclosporine A reduces the association of mutant P-gp, thus allowing it to be trafficked to the cell surface. The function of rescued cell surface mutant P-gp is similar to that of wild-type protein. These data demonstrate that the Asp-164 and Asp-805 residues are not important for ATP binding, as proposed earlier, but are critical for proper folding and maturation of a functional transporter.  相似文献   

In bacteria, ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are vital for the uptake of nutrients and cofactors. Based on differences in structure and activity, ABC importers are divided into two types. Type I transporters have been well studied and employ a tightly regulated alternating access mechanism. Less is known about Type II importers, but much of what we do know has been observed in studies of the vitamin B12 importer BtuC2D2. MolB2C2 (formally known as HI1470/71) is also a Type II importer, but its substrate, molybdate, is ∼10-fold smaller than vitamin B12. To understand mechanistic differences among Type II importers, we focused our studies on MolBC, for which alternative conformations may be required to transport its relatively small substrate. To investigate the mechanism of MolBC, we employed disulfide cross-linking and EPR spectroscopy. From these studies, we found that nucleotide binding is coupled to a conformational shift at the periplasmic gate. Unlike the larger conformational changes in BtuCD-F, this shift in MolBC-A is akin to unlocking a swinging door: allowing just enough space for molybdate to slip into the cell. The lower cytoplasmic gate, identified in BtuCD-F as “gate I,” remains open throughout the MolBC-A mechanism, and cytoplasmic gate II closes in the presence of nucleotide. Combining our results, we propose a peristaltic mechanism for MolBC-A, which gives new insight in the transport of small substrates by a Type II importer.  相似文献   

Abstract: Gravitropism of the protonemata of the moss Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. was studied after treatment with auxin transport inhibitors and auxin-related substances. The phytotropins NPA (naphthylphthalamic acid) and PBA (pyrenoylbenzoic acid), known to block auxin efflux in higher plants, strongly inhibited gravitropic curvature of the apical protonemal cell. At 3 μM NPA or PBA, approximately 60 % inhibition of curvature was observed; growth rates were less affected. Tyrphostin A47, a known antagonist of NPA effects in higher plants, released the inhibition of moss protonemal gravitropism and restored the full curvature response. Exogenous IAA, even at high concentrations (40 μM), did not interfere with protonemal gravitropism. To account for the results, modified hypotheses for auxin transport and action are discussed.  相似文献   

Vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) transports monoamines into storage vesicles in a process that involves exchange of the charged monoamine with two protons. VMAT2 is a member of the DHA12 family of multidrug transporters that belongs to the major facilitator superfamily of secondary transporters. Tetrabenazine (TBZ) is a non-competitive inhibitor of VMAT2 that is used in the treatment of hyperkinetic disorders associated with Huntington disease and Tourette syndrome. Previous biochemical studies suggested that the recognition site for TBZ and monoamines is different. However, the precise mechanism of TBZ interaction with VMAT2 remains unknown. Here we used a random mutagenesis approach and selected TBZ-resistant mutants. The mutations clustered around the lumenal opening of the transporter and mapped to either conserved proline or glycine, or to residues immediately adjacent to conserved proline and glycine. Directed mutagenesis provides further support for the essential role of the latter residues. Our data strongly suggest that the conserved α-helix breaking residues identified in this work play an important role in conformational rearrangements required for TBZ binding and substrate transport. Our results provide a novel insight into the mechanism of transport and TBZ binding by VMAT2.  相似文献   

Many bacteria exist in a state of feast or famine where high nutrient availability leads to periods of growth followed by nutrient scarcity and growth stagnation. To adapt to the constantly changing nutrient flux, metabolite acquisition systems must be able to function over a broad range. This, however, creates difficulties as nutrient concentrations vary over many orders of magnitude, requiring metabolite acquisition systems to simultaneously balance ligand specificity and the dynamic range in which a response to a metabolite is elicited. Here we present how a gene duplication of a periplasmic binding protein in a mannose ATP-binding cassette transport system potentially resolves this dilemma through gene functionalization. Determination of ligand binding affinities and specificities of the gene duplicates with fluorescence and circular dichroism demonstrates that although the binding specificity is maintained the Kd values for the same ligand differ over three orders of magnitude. These results suggest that this metabolite acquisition system can transport ligand at both low and high environmental concentrations while preventing saturation with related and less preferentially metabolized compounds. The x-ray crystal structures of the β-mannose-bound proteins help clarify the structural basis of gene functionalization and reveal that affinity and specificity are potentially encoded in different regions of the binding site. These studies suggest a possible functional role and adaptive advantage for the presence of two periplasmic-binding proteins in ATP-binding cassette transport systems and a way bacteria can adapt to varying nutrient flux through functionalization of gene duplicates.  相似文献   

Double electron-electron resonance is used here to investigate intermediates of the transport cycle of the Escherichia coli vitamin B12 ATP-binding cassette importer BtuCD-F. Previously, we showed the ATP-induced opening of the cytoplasmic gate I in TM5 helices, later confirmed by the AMP-PNP-bound BtuCD-F crystal structure. Here, other key residues are analyzed in TM10 helices (positions 307 and 322) and in the cytoplasmic gate II, i.e. the loop between TM2 and TM3 (positions 82 and 85). Without BtuF, binding of ATP induces detectable changes at positions 307 and 85 in BtuCD in liposomes. Together with BtuF, ATP triggers the closure of the cytoplasmic gate II in liposomes (reported by both positions 82 and 85). This forms a sealed cavity in the translocation channel in agreement with the AMP-PNP·BtuCD-F x-ray structure. When vitamin B12 and AMP-PNP are simultaneously present, the extent of complex formation is reduced, but the short 82–82 interspin distance detected indicates that the substrate does not affect the closed conformation of this gate. The existence of the BtuCD-F complex under these conditions is verified with spectroscopically orthogonal nitroxide and Gd(III)-based labels. The cytoplasmic gate II remains closed also in the vanadate-trapped state, but it reopens in the ADP-bound state of the complex. Therefore, we suggest that the substrate likely trapped in ATP·BtuCD-F can be released after ATP hydrolysis but before the occluded ADP-bound conformation is reached.  相似文献   

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